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osmapir's Issues

pkgcheck results - main

Checks for osmapiR (v0.0.0.40)

git hash: ddd95e2a

  • ✔️ Package name is available
  • ✔️ has a 'codemeta.json' file.
  • ✔️ has a 'contributing' file.
  • ✔️ uses 'roxygen2'.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a URL field.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a BugReports field.
  • ✔️ Package has at least one HTML vignette
  • ✔️ All functions have examples.
  • ✔️ Package has continuous integration checks.
  • ✔️ Package coverage is 93.1%.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no errors.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no warnings.

Package License: GPL (>= 3)

Pagination and calls in batches to suppress limits

Deal with pagination:

  • osm_get_points_gps(bbox, page_number = 0, format = c("R", "gpx")) #29
  • osm_query_changesets((bbox, user, time, time_2, open, closed, changeset_ids, order = c("newest", "oldest"), limit = 100, format = c("R", "xml", "json"), tags_in_columns = FALSE)) #23
  • osm_search_notes <- function(q, user, bbox, from, to, closed = 7, sort = c("updated_at", "created_at"), order = c("newest", "oldest"), limit = 100, format = c("R", "xml", "rss", "json", "gpx"))

`osm_full_object(..., format = "R")` miss object compared to xml and json


# Compare xml, json & R
id_df <- full_df$id
id_xml <- sapply(xml2::xml_children(full_xml), xml2::xml_attr, attr = "id")
id_json <- as.character(sapply(full_json$elements, function(x) x$id))
setequal(id_df, id_xml)
setequal(id_df, id_xml[-131]) # TODO: last object lost in df
setequal(id_xml, id_json)
all.equal(id_df, id_xml)
setdiff(id_df, id_xml[-131])
setdiff(id_xml, id_df)
which(id_xml == setdiff(id_xml, id_df))
# expect_identical(nrow(full_df), xml2::xml_length(full_xml)) ## TODO
# expect_identical(nrow(full_df), length(full_json$elements))

pkgcheck results - pkcheck

Checks for osmapiR (v0.0.0.22)

git hash: b3aa78ee

  • ✔️ Package name is available
  • ✔️ has a 'codemeta.json' file.
  • ✔️ has a 'contributing' file.
  • ✖️ The following functions have no documented return values: [osm_delete_note, osm_hide_comment_changeset_discussion, osm_redaction_object]
  • ✔️ uses 'roxygen2'.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a URL field.
  • ✔️ 'DESCRIPTION' has a BugReports field.
  • ✔️ Package has at least one HTML vignette
  • ✖️ These functions do not have examples: [osm_create_gpx, osm_delete_gpx, osm_delete_note, osm_hide_comment_changeset_discussion, osm_redaction_object, osm_update_gpx].
  • ✔️ Package has continuous integration checks.
  • ✔️ Package coverage is 84.7%.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no errors.
  • ✔️ R CMD check found no warnings.

Important: All failing checks above must be addressed prior to proceeding

Package License: GPL (>= 3)

Error in osm_get_objects()->osm_fetch_objects() with many osm_ids

#> Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.

# osm_ids <- unique(sort(toponimsCat::municipis$id))
# seq_ids <- list(osm_ids[1])
# k <- 1
# for (i in seq_len(length(osm_ids))[-1]) {
#   if (osm_ids[i] - osm_ids[i - 1] > 1) {
#     k <- k + 1
#     seq_ids[[k]] <- osm_ids[i]
#   } else if (osm_ids[i + 1] - osm_ids[i] > 1) {
#     seq_ids[[k]] <- c(seq_ids[[k]], osm_ids[i])
#   }
# }
# cmd <- paste0("osm_ids <- c(", paste(sapply(seq_ids, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ":")), collapse = ", "), ")")
# all.equal(osm_ids, eval(parse(text = cmd)))
# cat(cmd)

osm_ids <- c( ## Municipis PPCC
  18000, 18311, 18316, 18318, 18326, 18328, 18349:18352, 18354, 18362:18363, 18375, 18391, 18409, 18416:18417, 18419,
  18428, 18475:18479, 18482, 18484, 18496, 20224, 20339, 22531, 22588, 23234, 23237, 23266, 23303, 23308, 23315,
  23324, 23340, 23759, 23763, 23790, 23795, 23804, 23814, 23823, 23895, 24457:24459, 24858, 24940, 25873, 27529,
  34167, 40581, 51547, 53365, 54461, 54467, 54469, 54471, 74277, 74281, 74284, 74308:74310, 74988, 74993, 80067,
  81599, 123160, 269776, 270405, 271192, 271356, 271429, 271495, 271536, 271664, 271713, 272157, 273497:273498,
  274180, 339488:339490, 339492:339493, 339495, 339498:339503, 339506:339511, 339513:339515, 339534, 339536:339537,
  339568, 339572:339574, 339577, 339584, 339613:339622, 339664, 339809:339811, 339815:339821, 339823:339824, 339847,
  339849:339852, 339854:339855, 339858, 339862, 339873:339880, 339887, 339928, 339930, 339963:339972, 340014, 340016,
  340030, 340174:340179, 340193:340204, 340206:340211, 340216:340217, 340257, 340259, 340261, 340307, 340319,
  340328:340331, 340341:340351, 340373:340375, 340377, 340379:340382, 340390, 340413, 340438:340439, 340441:340442,
  340445:340448, 340454, 340476, 340485, 340487:340488, 340492, 340498, 340500:340502, 340506:340507, 340518,
  340526:340528, 340530:340553, 340555, 340561:340562, 340661, 340689, 340694, 340696:340697, 340700, 340791, 340826,
  340828, 340843, 340848:340856, 340858:340859, 340865:340872, 340908, 340920, 340928, 340930:340933, 340935, 340975,
  341046:341047, 341049:341051, 341053, 341056, 341135, 341140:341142, 341144:341148, 341193, 341195, 341224,
  341230:341236, 341240:341241, 341308:341311, 341314:341315, 341318:341321, 341323, 341330, 341355, 341395:341397,
  341410, 341413, 341416:341418, 341444:341450, 341473, 341476, 341484:341486, 341497, 341530, 341537, 341540, 341559,
  341695:341702, 341709, 341711, 341730, 341733, 341745, 341762, 341774:341775, 341787, 341789, 341791, 341802:341809,
  341814:341815, 341826:341829, 341831:341834, 341837, 341841, 341843, 341845:341846, 341848, 341850:341852,
  341894:341901, 341903:341904, 341981, 341996:341999, 342001:342007, 342064:342073, 342133:342134, 342136:342143,
  342152:342153, 342164, 342166:342171, 342210, 342212, 342214:342217, 342250:342258, 342333:342345, 342347:342349,
  342355:342364, 342416, 342418:342419, 342422:342423, 342427, 342447, 342454, 342456, 342470, 342477:342478,
  342491:342499, 342502, 342505:342507, 342517:342526, 342544, 342552, 342590, 342597:342603, 342605, 342670:342671,
  342673:342675, 342677:342678, 342680:342681, 342688:342696, 342698, 342712, 342726:342734, 342737, 342742, 342784,
  342788:342789, 342792, 342826, 342829:342830, 342833:342839, 342890:342891, 342903, 342910, 342912, 342914:342922,
  342934, 342939, 342959:342961, 342985:342993, 343010:343014, 343017:343018, 343020:343023, 343059, 343063, 343117,
  343119, 343121, 343123:343126, 343185:343190, 343215:343222, 343235:343236, 343242, 343305:343320, 343322:343324,
  343328:343329, 343332, 343334:343335, 343347:343352, 343396:343398, 343400:343401, 343406:343410, 343436, 343441,
  343444:343445, 343447:343449, 343470:343471, 343500, 343505:343506, 343511, 343534:343542, 343586, 343589,
  343629:343640, 343642, 343644:343645, 343647:343648, 343659, 343668:343672, 343710:343719, 343729, 343818,
  343834:343842, 343893:343894, 343936:343937, 343939:343945, 343953:343962, 343964:343967, 343970:343971,
  344060:344069, 344117:344118, 344126:344135, 344174, 344198:344206, 344255, 344257:344262, 344264, 344266:344273,
  344294:344301, 344372:344381, 344392, 344394, 344403:344406, 344419, 344437, 344515:344523, 344537, 344563, 344581,
  344583, 344585, 344591, 344610:344617, 344624:344634, 344648, 344674, 344730:344731, 344742, 344744:344745, 344825,
  344856, 344858, 344861:344862, 344864, 344867, 344873, 344885, 344887, 344919:344925, 344927:344929, 344932:344935,
  344940:344948, 344950, 344953, 344956, 344964, 344966, 345011, 345022, 345031, 345033:345041, 345064, 345154,
  345165, 345172:345173, 345185, 345204:345208, 345210:345214, 345216:345217, 345219:345225, 345244:345246, 345248,
  345267:345269, 345272, 345282, 345284:345292, 345327, 345329, 345361, 345368, 345396:345398, 345400:345402,
  345405:345406, 345415, 345423, 345430, 345448, 345466:345467, 345484:345486, 345489:345498, 345513:345515,
  345517:345519, 345521:345522, 345526, 345549, 345553:345554, 345583, 345587, 345594:345595, 345598:345599,
  345601:345603, 345694:345696, 345698:345699, 345701:345702, 345704, 345708:345709, 345761, 345764, 345773,
  345806:345807, 345816, 345823, 345855, 345920:345923, 345937, 345941:345946, 345952, 345972, 345996:345997,
  345999:346000, 346003:346005, 346025:346028, 346030:346032, 346037, 346042, 346046, 346050, 346070:346076, 346099,
  346101, 346110:346113, 346131, 346228:346237, 346241, 346254, 346265, 346321, 346327:346328, 346333:346334,
  346336:346337, 346345:346349, 346361, 346363:346365, 346367, 346371:346374, 346383, 346387, 346389, 346437:346446,
  346485, 346487:346488, 346540:346541, 346543:346552, 346555:346558, 346560:346561, 346608:346617, 346643,
  346680:346688, 346690, 346698, 346710:346711, 346717, 346719, 346721:346731, 346734, 346746, 346758:346759, 346793,
  346802:346803, 346844:346845, 346847:346852, 346854:346871, 346883, 346900:346901, 346941:346944, 346981:346983,
  346985:346989, 346992:346993, 346995:347001, 347018, 347020, 347180, 347188, 347244, 347246:347251, 347253,
  347348:347357, 347361:347362, 347364, 347416, 347418:347424, 347468:347470, 347477:347480, 347510:347518, 347535,
  347537:347538, 347540:347541, 347543:347553, 347608:347611, 347614, 347616:347625, 347634:347645, 347656:347657,
  347678:347679, 347682, 347684:347686, 347764:347773, 347785, 347791, 347826, 347836, 347860:347862, 347864:347867,
  347869:347880, 347882, 347884:347885, 347889:347896, 347898, 347911, 347946, 347949:347958, 348026, 348044:348046,
  348048:348051, 348053:348059, 348103, 348113, 348131:348150, 348154, 348158, 348160, 348399, 348402, 348405, 348409,
  348412, 348822:348833, 348882, 348886:348895, 348910, 348943:348952, 348970:348971, 348973, 356747, 392022, 392027,
  392033, 392223, 392304, 392308, 401880, 409332, 409377, 409749, 1069580, 1209766, 1235861, 1382208, 1430537,
  1664392:1664395, 1664419:1664420, 1798944:1798945, 1809101:1809102, 1809104, 1809108, 1809111, 1809113, 1809115,
  1809117, 1809121, 1820709, 1821272, 1918699, 1918726, 1918771, 1918812, 1918955, 1919150, 1919385, 1919494, 1920120,
  1920644, 1920758, 1952519, 1966208, 2084436, 2181768, 2548784, 2593113, 2621923, 2768132:2768134, 2804753:2804759,
  2814309, 2814313, 2814562, 2814982, 2815058, 2815362, 2815369, 2816871, 2817026, 2820388, 2820610, 2820751, 2820851,
  2827098, 2827311, 2828302, 2828560, 2829664, 2853657, 2853759, 2853831, 2853900, 2854010, 2854137, 2858704, 2858743,
  2858774, 2862615, 2862650, 2862710, 2862762, 2863980, 2864868, 2865282, 2868083, 2875269, 2875472, 2897486, 2897517,
  2897645, 2912280, 2912304, 2912344, 2912375, 2912388, 2913416, 2913446, 2913461, 2913485, 2913659, 2913745, 2913805,
  2913808, 2913877, 2918640, 2918769, 2918951, 2918996, 2919019, 2919091, 2919179, 2924113, 2924251, 2924277, 2924304,
  2924446, 2926262:2926263, 5245866, 11755232
osm_ids <- as.character(osm_ids)
municipis <- osm_get_objects(osm_type = "relation", osm_id = osm_ids)
#> Error in `httr2::req_perform()`:
#> ! HTTP 414 URI Too Long.
#> • Please, open an issue at `` and report the output of `httr2::last_response()`.

Created on 2024-05-17 with reprex v2.1.0

Remove explicit doc links to osmdata pkg

Hi @jmaspons, congratulations on submitting this package to rOpenSci! It'll be a great addition to the OSM ecosystem there. I was trying to debug why checks for this package didn't appear, and discovered that the following lines refer to functions from osmdata, yet that package is neither imported nor suggested here:

#' @note
#' For downloading data for purposes other than editing or exploring the history of the objects, perhaps is better to
#' use the Overpass API. A similar function to download OSM objects by `type` and `id` using Overpass, is implemented in
#' [osmdata::opq_osm_id()].


Lines 679 to 682 in 6589fc3

#' @note
#' For downloading data for purposes other than editing or exploring the history of the objects, perhaps is better to
#' use the Overpass API. A similar function to download OSM objects by `type` and `id` using Overpass, is implemented in
#' [osmdata::opq_osm_id()].


Lines 906 to 909 in 6589fc3

#' @note
#' For downloading data for purposes other than editing or exploring the history of the objects, perhaps is better to
#' use the Overpass API. A similar function to download OSM objects by `type` and `id` using Overpass, is implemented in
#' [osmdata::opq_osm_id()].

#' @note
#' For downloading data for purposes other than editing or exploring the history of the objects, perhaps is better to
#' use the Overpass API. A similar function to download OSM objects using Overpass, is implemented in [osmdata::opq()].

These become errors because the rOpenSci systems runs roxygen2::roxygenise() or the equivalent devtools::document(), while those are not called in standard rcmdcheck, which is why those checks all pass. roxygen2 has to then parse the function name from the package, which requires the package to be installed. My preferred way around this is to replace, for example,

The function [osmdata::opq()]


The \pkg{osmdata} function opq()

The \pkg{...} tag is resolved by roxygen simply by examining available.packages(), regardless of whether or not they are installed, and so does not error. The function name is then just plain code that requires no interpretation. When you've fixed those, feel free to ping the bot to run checks again.

Release osmapiR 0.1.0

First release:

Prepare for release:

Submit to CRAN:

  • usethis::use_version('minor')
  • devtools::submit_cran()
  • Approve email

Wait for CRAN...

Check input for scalar values or vectorize functions

Vectorize (no better API alternative):

  • osm_get_gpx_metadata(gpx_id, format = c("R", "xml")) call osm_get_metadata_gpx() 47e5cb7
  • osm_get_changesets(changeset_id, include_discussion = FALSE, format = c("R", "xml", "json"), tags_in_columns = FALSE) call osm_read_changeset() 21e185f
  • osm_get_notes(note_id, format = c("R", "xml", "rss", "json", "gpx")) call osm_read_note() 3df9362
  • osm_get_objects(osm_type, osm_id, version, full_objects = FALSE, format = c("R", "xml", "json"), tags_in_columns = FALSE) call osm_full_object() / osm_version_object() / osm_read_object() / osm_fetch_objects() #8
  • osm_get_user_details(user_id, format = c("R", "xml", "json")) call osm_details_user() / osm_details_users() #8
  • osm_delete_gpx(gpx_id) dbb3a3f
  • osm_close_note(note_id) ed056f2
  • osm_reopen_note(note_id) ed056f2
  • osm_get_notes(note_id, format = c("R", "xml", "rss", "json", "gpx")) 3df9362
  • osm_delete_note(note_id, text) 8401ef1
  • ... review other functions

Warning for length(input) > 1 pointing to osmchange_* + osm_diff_upload_changeset() as a recommended API use:

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