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.Kraken.Net Kraken.Net

.NET License

Kraken.Net is a strongly typed client library for accessing the Kraken REST and Websocket API.


  • Response data is mapped to descriptive models
  • Input parameters and response values are mapped to discriptive enum values where possible
  • Automatic websocket (re)connection management
  • Client side rate limiting
  • Cient side order book implementation
  • Extensive logging
  • Support for different environments
  • Easy integration with other exchange client based on the CryptoExchange.Net base library

Supported Frameworks

The library is targeting both .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Standard 2.1 for optimal compatibility

.NET implementation Version Support
.NET Core 2.0 and higher
.NET Framework 4.6.1 and higher
Mono 5.4 and higher
Xamarin.iOS 10.14 and higher
Xamarin.Android 8.0 and higher
UWP 10.0.16299 and higher
Unity 2018.1 and higher

Install the library


NuGet version Nuget downloads

dotnet add package KrakenExchange.Net

GitHub packages

Kraken.Net is available on GitHub packages. You'll need to add as a NuGet package source.

Download release

GitHub Release

The NuGet package files are added along side the source with the latest GitHub release which can found here.

How to use

REST Endpoints

// Get the ETH/USD ticker via rest request
var restClient = new KrakenRestClient();
var tickerResult = await restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetTickerAsync("ETHUSD");
var lastPrice = tickerResult.Data.First().Value.LastTrade.Price;

Websocket streams

// Subscribe to ETH/USD ticker updates via the websocket API
var socketClient = new KrakenSocketClient();
var tickerSubscriptionResult = socketClient.SpotApi.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync("ETH/USD", (update) =>
	var lastPrice = update.Data.LastTrade.Price;

For information on the clients, dependency injection, response processing and more see the Kraken.Net documentation, CryptoExchange.Net documentation, or have a look at the examples here or here.


Kraken.Net is based on the CryptoExchange.Net base library. Other exchange API implementations based on the CryptoExchange.Net base library are available and follow the same logic.

CryptoExchange.Net also allows for easy access to different exchange API's.

Exchange Repository Nuget
Binance JKorf/Binance.Net Nuget version
BingX JKorf/BingX.Net Nuget version
Kraken JKorf/Kraken.Net Nuget version
Bitget JKorf/Bitget.Net Nuget version
Bybit JKorf/Bybit.Net Nuget version
CoinEx JKorf/CoinEx.Net Nuget version
CoinGecko JKorf/CoinGecko.Net Nuget version JKorf/GateIo.Net Nuget version
Huobi JKorf/Huobi.Net Nuget version
Kucoin JKorf/Kucoin.Net Nuget version
Mexc JKorf/Mexc.Net Nuget version
OKX JKorf/OKX.Net Nuget version


Nuget version
A Discord server is available here. Feel free to join for discussion and/or questions around the CryptoExchange.Net and implementation libraries.

Supported functionality

Spot Api

API Supported Location
Spot Market Data restClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData
Nft Market Data X
Account Data restClient.SpotApi.Account / restClient.SpotApi.Trading
Spot Trading restClient.SpotApi.Trading
NFT Trading X
Funding restClient.SpotApi.Account
Subaccounts X
Earn restClient.SpotApi.Earn
Websocket Public Messages socketClient.SpotApi
Websocket Private Messages socketClient.SpotApi

Futures Api

API Supported Location
Account Information restClient.FuturesApi.Account
Assignment Program X
Fee Schedules restClient.FuturesApi.ExchangeData
General restClient.FuturesApi.ExchangeData
Historical data restClient.FuturesApi.Trading
Historical Funding Rates restClient.FuturesApi.ExchangeData
Instrument Details restClient.FuturesApi.ExchangeData
Market Data restClient.FuturesApi.ExchangeData
Multi-Collateral restClient.FuturesApi.Account / restClient.FuturesApi.Trading
Order Management restClient.FuturesApi.Trading
Subaccounts X
Trading settings X
Transfers restClient.FuturesApi.Account
Account History restClient.FuturesApi.Account / restClient.FuturesApi.Trading
Market History restClient.FuturesApi.ExchangeData
Analytics X
Candles restClient.FuturesApi.ExchangeData
Websocket Public Feeds socketClient.FuturesApi
Websocket Private Feeds socketClient.FuturesApi

Support the project

I develop and maintain this package on my own for free in my spare time, any support is greatly appreciated.


Make a one time donation in a crypto currency of your choice. If you prefer to donate a currency not listed here please contact me.

Btc: bc1q277a5n54s2l2mzlu778ef7lpkwhjhyvghuv8qf
Eth: 0xcb1b63aCF9fef2755eBf4a0506250074496Ad5b7


Alternatively, sponsor me on Github using Github Sponsors.

Release notes

  • Version 4.10.0 - 27 Jul 2024

  • Version 4.9.0 - 16 Jul 2024

  • Version 4.8.1 - 02 Jul 2024

  • Version 4.8.0 - 23 Jun 2024

  • Version 4.7.0 - 11 Jun 2024

  • Version 4.6.6 - 02 Jun 2024

    • Added margin parameter to websocket SpotApi.PlaceOrderAsync
    • Added countryCode parameter to SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetSymbolsAsync
  • Version 4.6.5 - 07 May 2024

  • Version 4.6.4 - 03 May 2024

    • Updated various models
    • Fixed deserialization issue in SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetSymbolsAsync endpoint
  • Version 4.6.3 - 01 May 2024

  • Version 4.6.2 - 28 Apr 2024

  • Version 4.6.1 - 23 Apr 2024

  • Version 4.6.0 - 18 Apr 2024

  • Version 4.5.0 - 01 Apr 2024

    • Added Kraken Earn endpoints
    • Added missing LedgerEntryType enum values
    • Removed deprecated Staking endpoints
  • Version 4.4.3 - 25 Mar 2024

    • Fixed parameter serialization for socket client SpotApi.PlaceOrderAsync
  • Version 4.4.2 - 24 Mar 2024

    • Fixed websocket deserialization int overflow issue
  • Version 4.4.1 - 24 Mar 2024

  • Version 4.4.0 - 16 Mar 2024

  • Version 4.3.0 - 25 Feb 2024

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net and implemented reworked websocket message handling. For release notes for the CryptoExchange.Net base library see:
    • Fixed issue in DI registration causing http client to not be correctly injected
    • Added single symbol overloads to Futures websocket subscriptions
    • Removed redundant KrakenRestClient constructor overload
    • Updated some namespaces
  • Version 4.2.2 - 04 Jan 2024

    • Fixed issue deserializing DateTime value in user order updates when running .net framework
  • Version 4.2.1 - 03 Jan 2024

    • Added SpotApi.Account.GetWithdrawAddressesAsync
    • Added SpotApi.Account.GetWithdrawMethodsAsync
    • Added missing otp parameter SpotApi.Trading.EditOrderAsync
    • Fixed SpotApi.Trading.EditOrderAsync response deserialization
  • Version 4.2.0 - 02 Dec 2023

    • Added SpotApi.Trading.AddMultipleOrdersAsync
    • Added SpotApi.Trading.EditOrderAsync
    • Added FuturesApi.Account.GetInitialMarginRequirementsAsync
    • Added FuturesApi.Account.GetMaxOrderQuantityAsync
    • Changed futures quantity parameter from int to decimal
  • Version 4.1.5 - 24 Oct 2023

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 4.1.4 - 09 Oct 2023

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net version
    • Added ISpotClient to DI injection
  • Version 4.1.3 - 25 Aug 2023

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 4.1.2 - 23 Jul 2023

    • Fix for missing Symbol property on futures order book stream update
  • Version 4.1.1 - 11 Jul 2023

    • Added amount parameter to GetDepositAddresses endpoint
    • Added limit parameter to SpotApi GetTradeHistory endpoint
    • Added address parameter to Withdraw endpoint
    • Added missing stop order properties on futures OpenOrders model
    • Fixed duplice parameter issue on SpotApi PlaceOrder
    • Fixed TickSize property parsing on SpotApi GetSymbols endpoint
  • Version 4.1.0 - 05 Jul 2023

    • Added support for Kraken Futures
  • Version 4.0.0 - 25 Jun 2023

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net to version 6.0.0
    • Renamed KrakenClient to KrakenRestClient
    • Renamed **Streams to **Api on the KrakenSocketClient
    • Updated endpoints to consistently use a base url without any path as basis to make switching environments/base urls clearer
    • Added IKrakenOrderBookFactory and implementation for creating order books
    • Updated dependency injection register method (AddKraken)
  • Version 3.1.10 - 19 Jun 2023

    • Fixed close ordertype parameter being sent even when not provided
  • Version 3.1.9 - 14 May 2023

    • Added close parameters to rest PlaceOrder endpoint
  • Version 3.1.8 - 15 Apr 2023

    • Added GetWithdrawalStatusAsync endpoint
    • Added CancelWithdrawalAsync endpoint
    • Added TransferAsync endpoint
    • Updated various response models and endpoint parameters
  • Version 3.1.7 - 18 Mar 2023

    • Added reduceOnly and selfTradePreventionType parameters to place order endpoints
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.1.6 - 14 Feb 2023

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
    • Added retry on nonce error
  • Version 3.1.5 - 05 Feb 2023

    • Added CancelAllOrdersAsync endpoint
  • Version 3.1.4 - 13 Jan 2023

    • Added support for Trade In Force
  • Version 3.1.3 - 03 Jan 2023

    • Fixed stackoverflow on SubscribeToTradeUpdatesAsync
  • Version 3.1.2 - 29 Dec 2022

    • Added multi-symbol overloads for socket client subscribe methods
  • Version 3.1.1 - 21 Nov 2022

    • Fixed reconnect url
  • Version 3.1.0 - 17 Nov 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
    • Fixed authenticated socket subscription not being able to reconnect
  • Version 3.0.15 - 17 Aug 2022

    • Added support for viqc oflags
  • Version 3.0.14 - 18 Jul 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.13 - 16 Jul 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.12 - 10 Jul 2022

    • Fixed exception when trying to access result from PlaceOrderAsync when validateOnly is set to true
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.11 - 12 Jun 2022

    • Added staking endpoints
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.10 - 24 May 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.9 - 22 May 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.8 - 08 May 2022

    • Fixed symbol validation not allowing T/EUR
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.7 - 01 May 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net which fixed an timing related issue in the websocket reconnection logic
    • Added seconds representation to KlineInterval enum
    • Added flags parameter to socket PlaceOrderAsync
  • Version 3.0.6 - 14 Apr 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.5 - 10 Mar 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.4 - 08 Mar 2022

    • Fixed startTime/endTime parameters in socket PlaceOrderAsync
    • Fixed socket CancelOrderAsync not returning error on if failed
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.3 - 01 Mar 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net improving the websocket reconnection robustness
  • Version 3.0.2 - 27 Feb 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net to fix timestamping issue when request is ratelimiter
  • Version 3.0.1 - 24 Feb 2022

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 3.0.0 - 18 Feb 2022

    • Added page for documentation:

    • Added unit tests for parsing the returned JSON for each endpoint and subscription

    • Added AddKraken extension method on IServiceCollection for easy dependency injection

    • Added URL reference to API endpoint documentation for each endpoint

    • Added default rate limiter

    • Refactored client structure to be consistent across exchange implementations

    • Renamed various properties to be consistent across exchange implementations

    • Cleaned up project structure

    • Fixed various models

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net, see

    • See for additional notes for updating from V2 to V3

  • Version 2.2.3 - 08 Oct 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net to fix some socket issues
  • Version 2.2.2 - 06 Oct 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net, fixing socket issue when calling from .Net Framework
  • Version 2.2.1 - 05 Oct 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 2.2.0 - 29 Sep 2021

    • Renamed SubscribeToDepthUpdatesAsync to SubscribeToOrderBookUpdatesAsync
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 2.1.3 - 22 Sep 2021

    • Fixed nonce provider when running multiple program instances
  • Version 2.1.2 - 22 Sep 2021

    • Added trace output for nonce
  • Version 2.1.1 - 21 Sep 2021

    • Fix for nonce provider not working correctly in combination with other exchanges
  • Version 2.1.0 - 20 Sep 2021

    • Fix for not recognizing DOGE/BTC because Kraken renames them to XDG/XBT in update messages
    • Added custom nonce provider support
    • Added missing SetApiCredentials method
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 2.0.11 - 15 Sep 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 2.0.10 - 09 Sep 2021

    • Removed invalid check GetOrdersAsync
  • Version 2.0.8 - 02 Sep 2021

    • Fix for disposing order book closing socket even if there are other connections
  • Version 2.0.7 - 02 Sep 2021

    • Fixed secondaryPrice parameter serialization in PlaceOrderAsync
    • Added snapshot parameter to SubscribeToOwnTradeUpdatesAsync
  • Version 2.0.6 - 01 Sep 2021

    • Fix for user trades subscription topic
  • Version 2.0.5 - 26 Aug 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 2.0.4 - 26 Aug 2021

    • Added SequenceNumber to order/trade socket updates
    • Changed all clientOrderId parameters to uint
  • Version 2.0.3 - 24 Aug 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net, improving websocket and SymbolOrderBook performance
    • Fix for order book subscription
  • Version 2.0.2 - 18 Aug 2021

    • Added GetSystemStatusAsync endpoint
    • Added SubscribeToSystemStatusUpdatesAsync subscription
    • Added Place/Cancel order requests on socket client
    • Fixed multiple symbols ticker subscriptions
  • Version 2.0.1 - 13 Aug 2021

    • Fix for OperationCancelledException being thrown when closing a socket from a .net framework project
    • Fixed deserialization issue in KrakenTradeVolume
  • Version 2.0.0 - 12 Aug 2021

  • Version 2.0.0-beta3 - 09 Aug 2021

    • Fixed deserialization error in GetTradeVolumeAsync
    • Fixed error message invalid symbol
    • Now uses IEnumerable instead of params T in various methods
    • Renamed GetRecentTradesAsync to GetTradeHistoryAsync
    • Renamed GetTradeHistoryAsync to GetUserTradesAsync
    • Renamed GetTradesAsync to GetUserTradeDetailsAsync
    • Renamed WithdrawFundsAsync to WithdrawAsync
  • Version 2.0.0-beta2 - 26 Jul 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 2.0.0-beta1 - 09 Jul 2021

    • Fixed unsubscribing user streams
    • Added Async postfix for async methods
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.4.3 - 04 mei 2021

    • Added GetAvailableBalances endpoint
  • Version 1.4.2 - 28 apr 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.4.1 - 19 apr 2021

    • Fixed ICommonSymbol.CommonName implementation on KrakenSymbol
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.4.0 - 12 apr 2021

    • Added GetWithdrawInfo endpoint
    • Added authenticated SubscribeToOrderUpdates and SubscribeToOwnTradeUpdates subscriptions on socket client
  • Version 1.3.2 - 30 mrt 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.3.1 - 01 mrt 2021

    • Added Nuget SymbolPackage
  • Version 1.3.0 - 01 mrt 2021

    • Added config for deterministic build
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.2.3 - 22 jan 2021

    • Updated for ICommonKline
  • Version 1.2.2 - 14 jan 2021

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.2.1 - 22 dec 2020

    • Added missing SetDefaultOptions for socket client
    • Fixed symbol name check for ETH2.S/ETH
  • Version 1.2.0 - 21 dec 2020

    • Update CryptoExchange.Net
    • Updated to latest IExchangeClient
  • Version 1.1.9 - 11 dec 2020

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
    • Implemented IExchangeClient
  • Version 1.1.8 - 19 nov 2020

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.1.7 - 09 nov 2020

    • Fix string values for order book checksum
  • Version 1.1.6 - 09 nov 2020

    • Fixed symbol validation
    • Added string value properties to orderbook for checksum validation
  • Version 1.1.5 - 08 Oct 2020

    • Fixed withdraw endpoint
  • Version 1.1.4 - 08 Oct 2020

    • Added withdraw method
    • Fix close timestamp orders
    • Added OrderMin property on pair
    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.1.3 - 28 Aug 2020

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.1.2 - 12 Aug 2020

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.1.1 - 21 Jul 2020

    • Added checksum validation for KrakenSymbolOrderBook
  • Version 1.1.0 - 20 Jul 2020

    • Added two-factor authentication support
  • Version 1.0.8 - 21 Jun 2020

    • Updated CryptoExchange
  • Version 1.0.7 - 16 Jun 2020

    • Fix for KrakenSymbolOrderBook
  • Version 1.0.6 - 07 Jun 2020

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net to fix order book desync
  • Version 1.0.5 - 03 Mar 2020

    • Fixed since parameter in GetRecentTrades endpoint
  • Version 1.0.4 - 27 Jan 2020

    • Updated CryptoExchange.Net
  • Version 1.0.3 - 12 Nov 2019

    • Added TradingAgreement parameter for placing orders for German accounts
  • Version 1.0.2 - 24 Oct 2019

    • Fixed order deserialization
  • Version 1.0.1 - 23 Oct 2019

    • Fixed validation length symbols
  • Version 1.0.0 - 23 Oct 2019

    • See CryptoExchange.Net 3.0 release notes
    • Added input validation
    • Added CancellationToken support to all requests
    • Now using IEnumerable<> for collections
    • Renamed Market -> Symbol
    • Renamed GetAccountBalance -> GetBalances
  • Version 0.0.4 - 15 Oct 2019

    • Fixed placing orders
    • Fixed possible missmatch in stream subscriptions
  • Version 0.0.3 - 24 Sep 2019

    • Added missing order type, added missing ledger transfer types
  • Version 0.0.2 - 10 Sep 2019

    • Added missing SetDefaultOptions and SetApiCredentials methods
  • Version 0.0.1 - 29 Aug 2019

    • Initial release's People


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 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar's Issues

update to v3 api?

I see you use the old api v0. Do you update it to v3? or is this not necessary?

Invalid Arguments when placing an order

When i'm placing an order using this function:

       static void CreateOrder_SellBTC(decimal sellprice, decimal btc_sellamount)
            KrakenClientOptions APIoptions = new KrakenClientOptions();
            APIoptions.ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(ticker_timer.krakenKey, ticker_timer.krakenSecret);
            KrakenClient ApiClient = new KrakenClient(APIoptions);

            string market = "XXBTZEUR";
            var sell = Kraken.Net.Objects.OrderSide.Sell;
            var ordertype = Kraken.Net.Objects.OrderType.Limit;
            uint? orderID = null;
            decimal? secondary_price = null;
            decimal? leverage = null;
            DateTime? start_time = null;
            DateTime? expire_time = null;
            bool? validate_only = null; 

            var placeorder = ApiClient.PlaceOrder(market, sell, ordertype, btc_sellamount, orderID, sellprice, secondary_price, leverage, start_time, expire_time, validate_only);

I'm getting

{3: Server error: EGeneral:Invalid arguments:type}

as an error.

I'm not sure what to change, i'm not sure if it's a bug or i'm in the wrong.

Thanks in advance, and loving your API wrapper.

KrakenSocketClient, SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync doesn't work expected.

SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync take only one message.
SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync send only one data at all and stoped without any exception.

        KrakenSocketClient.SetDefaultOptions(new KrakenSocketClientOptions()
            ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("KEY", "SECRET"),
            LogLevel = LogLevel.Debug,
            LogWriters = new List<ILogger> { new ConsoleLogger() }

        var socketClient = new KrakenSocketClient();

        decimal lastBid = 0m;
        decimal lastAsk = 0m;

        socketClient.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync("XRP/USDT", data =>
            bool print = false;
            if (lastBid != data.Data.BestBids.Price)

                lastBid = data.Data.BestBids.Price;
                print = true;
            if (lastAsk != data.Data.BestAsks.Price)
                lastAsk = data.Data.BestAsks.Price;
                print = true;
            if (print)
                Console.WriteLine($"Ask {lastAsk:N4} - Bid {lastBid:N4}");



AggregateException for valid T/EUR symbol


I'm getting this exception:

System.AggregateException: 'One or more errors occurred. (T/EUR is not a valid Kraken websocket symbol. Should be [BaseAsset]/[QuoteAsset] in ISO 4217-A3 standardized names, e.g. ETH/XBTWebsocket names for pairs are returned in the GetSymbols method in the WebsocketName property.)'

when calling

and using the list of symbols retrieved using

T/EUR is the record returned, a BaseAsset of T and a QuoteAsset of ZEUR. I'm guessing that this is a new pair recently added to the Kraken service, so maybe some work is required in the validator?

Many Thanks.

missing enum/Ledger type

Describe the bug
Some ledger type are missing in the converter and ledgerentrytype enum, creating the code to crash :
"spend" "receive" "settled"

To Reproduce
Retrieve ledger of any type below. with method : GetLedgerInfoAsync

Expected behavior
handle those new/changed ledger type

Debug logging

=>update following enum with new Ledger Type and the converter as well.
namespace Kraken.Net.Objects
public enum LedgerEntryType

Kraken Quote and Base Asset is reversed in ICommonSymbol

I think the CommonName should be reversed for kraken, or am I wrong?

    string ICommonSymbol.CommonName => QuoteAsset + BaseAsset;

If we take a look at the api:
"ETHUSDT":{"altname":"ETHUSDT","wsname":"ETH\/USDT","aclass_base":"currency","base":"XETH","aclass_quote":"currency","quote":"USDT", ... }

the quote is the second part of the pair.

SecondaryPrice in PlaceOrderAsync should use CultureInfo.InvariantCulture in ToString conversion

Describe the bug
SecondaryPrice conversion to string is also dependant on regional settings, so we should pass CultureInfo.InvariantCulture for the ToString function parameter

To Reproduce
Code review and every call to PlaceOrderAsync using the secondary price parameter will fail for all country where decimal limiter is not a '.'

Expected behavior
Should not fail and order should be placed.

Futures API support

Hi there,

I want to ask if you planning to add support for the futures API?

If not, I would do it then and propose a PR. My Idea would be to make this in a separate client class to have a clear separation.

'since' parameter in GetRecentTradesAsync not working properly

When trying to use the GetRecentTradesAsync() endpoint with a given 'since' parameter, the result from the API doesn't seem to respect this value. I think this is because the parameter is sent to Kraken as a normal Unix timestamp, while according to this article it should be a 'Unix timestamp with nanosecond resolution'

Thanks in advance



It looks like Kraken offers a way to get price history data via the following OHLC endpoint:

Just wondering, is this data also available via this package?

I setup a simple test program with a client. Looking at the available methods on the client object, it wasn't clear to me which of these may be for the OHLC data:



Invalid Nonce

Ive just started implemting an interface to kraken api using your library.
The public calls to api, ive tried are working. But when I try to call private api functions, ill get invalid Nonce error.

"EAPI:Invalid nonce"

The provided keys are valid, i have also installed Net Time to ensure time synchronisation.

Is it possible to configure the receive window paramater?
Thanks a lot , your help is much appreciated.
Best Marko

Missing enum in Kraken.Net.Objects.LedgerEntryType

Found three missing Ledger "type": transfer, adjustment, and rollover.

I have modified LedgerEntryTypeConverter locally to confirm all 3 types. I have a feeling they do not maintain the documentation very well.


var history = await client.GetLedgerInfoAsync(resultOffset: offset);

Error #1
Cannot map enum. Type: Kraken.Net.Objects.LedgerEntryType, Value: adjustment

"refid": "LAYP6WA-ECW7A-S3MWLS",
"time": 1549990358.3277,
"type": "adjustment",
"aclass": "currency",
"asset": "XETH",
"amount": "0.0000000054",
"fee": "0.0000000000",
"balance": "0.0000000054"

Error #2
Cannot map enum. Type: Kraken.Net.Objects.LedgerEntryType, Value: transfer

"L3NFOL-7ZM44-EUC6HM": {
"refid": "LAAYEYA-ZXI7T-Y6C7TQ",
"time": 1542583842.8385,
"type": "transfer",
"aclass": "currency",
"asset": "BSV",
"amount": "0.0007546220",
"fee": "0.0000000000",
"balance": "0.0007546220"

Error #3
Cannot map enum. Type: Kraken.Net.Objects.LedgerEntryType, Value: rollover

"refid": "TX64AJ-X2FFM-22FEQG",
"time": 1484082682.0106,
"type": "rollover",
"aclass": "currency",
"asset": "ZUSD",
"amount": "0.0000",
"fee": "0.4580",
"balance": "657.2565"

Multithreading Support

Describe the bug
When using Kraken.Net with multiple threads the System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Unknown error (0xc1000008)) error is generated during hashing.

To Reproduce
This can be reproduced by making REST calls to file orders or get order status using the same instance from multiple threads.

Expected behavior
I would have expected these calls to work on independent threads because each thread isn't making calls about the same order.

Debug logging
Narrowed the code to reproduce down to here and found the same use in Kraken.Net: dotnet/runtime#61417 (comment)

Error: EGeneral:Invalid arguments:volume

I'm trying to test placing an order by calling the following code:
var order = kc.PlaceOrder("DOGEUSD", Objects.OrderSide.Buy, Objects.OrderType.Market, quantity: 10);

When I run the above, I get the error: Error: EGeneral:Invalid arguments:volume.

Can anyone help?

Thank you.

WebSocket API will implement real time notification of deposits to Kraken account


Chad from Kraken support wrote me this :

In addition, our WebSocket API will shortly be upgraded to include an account balance feed, which could be used to receive a real time notification of deposits to your Kraken account, so perhaps this would be a suitable alternative to a web hook or call back. We expect the account balance feed to be released within the next few weeks.

Do you intend to implement this new feature ?


Subscribing to a List of Pairs in the socket does not work.

Describe the bug
Subscribing to a List of Pairs in the socket does not work. It strangely gets one callback from the socket then stops to work

To Reproduce

var krakenSymbols = new List<string> { "BTC/USDT", "ETH/USDT", "LTC/USDT", "XRP/USDT" };
_krakenSocketClient.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync(krakenSymbols.ToArray(), onMessage);

Expected behavior
The socket keeps open retrieven the prices updates

Work around
Open as many single sockets for each assets as necessary

Unsubscribing Trade and Order updates doesn't work


The close method on the subscription object returned from the above methods results in a channel not found error. The channel always seems to be 0 as well. Calling close on the price updates subscription works fine (the channel is not 0 on those subscriptions)

SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync doesn't get new data on best bid / best ask changes

Describe the bug
Using SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync, I'm subscribing to "BTC/USD" ticker updates while following the best bid / best ask updates for the same symbol on
It seems that the action provided on SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync doesn't get called when best bid / best ask are updates, only when last trade is updated.

To Reproduce

	var cr = await client.SpotStreams.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync("BTC/USD", d =>
		d.Timestamp.Dump($"BestAsk:{d.Data.BestAsks.Price} BestBid:{d.Data.BestBids.Price}");



Expected behavior
Expecting updates also on BestAsk/BestBid changes.

KrakenOrder traders


Little mistake KrakenOrder.cs l.105 :
public IEnumerable < long > TradeIds { get; set; } = new List < long >();
public IEnumerable < string > TradeIds { get; set; } = new List < string > ();

Regards, Thanks !

WebSocket API "PlaceOrder" : StartTime/ExpireTime parameters are not working

When using WebSocket API "PlaceOrder" with StartTime/ExpireTime parameters, the server returns an error because he is waiting for a string, not a DateTime.
The same parameters with REST API are working well.

Suggestion for correction (maybe there is something more elegant)

In KrakenSocketPlaceOrderRequest, change 2 properties like this :

        public string? StartTime { get; set; }
        public string? ExpireTime { get; set; }

In KrakenSocketClientSpotStreams.cs, in PlaceOrderAsync method, change the assignation for theses properties :

                StartTime = startTime.HasValue ? ((uint)startTime.Value.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds).ToString() : null,
                ExpireTime = expireTime.HasValue ? ((uint)expireTime.Value.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds).ToString() : null,

Trading agreement required on german accounts

There seems to be a strange policy on Kraken where on accounts in Germany,
an additional parameter is needed when calling the AddOrder endpoint.

I think the only thing necessary to fix this would be to add a static trading_agreement = 'agree'
parameter to the PlaceOrderAsync method since i don't think that this would interfere with non-german accounts.

Error 'EAPI: Invalid Signature' when making private API calls

When trying to do private calls (in this case, get my trade balance), the following error always occurs:

2019-12-15 12:28:42:697 | Debug | Creating request for
2019-12-15 12:28:42:709 | Debug | Sending POST signed request to
Server error: EAPI:Invalid signature

I've checked and my private & public keys are set. I'm creating my client with these default options:

 KrakenClient.SetDefaultOptions(new KrakenClientOptions()
     ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials(ApiKey, SecretKey),

Then try to get my trade balance:

WebCallResult<KrakenTradeBalance> accountInfo = client.GetTradeBalance(coin);

accountInfo then has the described error and with Success = false.
Maybe it's because I need to send an OTP or master password with it, but I can't see where to implement those. Public API calls work without problems. Not sure if this is a bug, or my clumsy programming.

Thanks in advance. Love the APIs!

GetTradeVolume throws a JsonSerialization exception

Bug description

GetTradeVolume fails to execute, on the Kraken REST client, throwing a JsonSerialization exception :
Deserialize JsonSerializationException: Cannot deserialize the current JSON object (e.g. {"name":"value"}) into type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[Kraken.Net.Objects.KrakenFeeStruct]' because the type requires a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) to deserialize correctly.
To fix this error either change the JSON to a JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3]) or change the deserialized type so that it is a normal .NET type (e.g. not a primitive type like integer, not a collection type like an array or List) that can be deserialized from a JSON object. JsonObjectAttribute can also be added to the type to force it to deserialize from a JSON object.

To Reproduce

KrakenClient KrakenRestClient = new KrakenClient(clientOptions);
var tradeVolumeResult = KrakenRestClient.GetTradeVolume(null, default, "XXBTZEUR");
if (!tradeVolumeResult.Success)

Expected behavior

The Fees and MakerFees properties of class KrakenTradeVolume should be serialized in a Dictionary instead of a IEnumerable. That's because a KrakenTradeVolume is returned for each provided pair (string).

public class KrakenTradeVolume
    public Dictionary<string, KrakenFeeStruct> Fees { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, KrakenFeeStruct>();
    public Dictionary<string, KrakenFeeStruct> MakerFees { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, KrakenFeeStruct>();

I can contribute and fix the issue. Just let me know if you want my help :)

Make all public methods of client and socketclient virtual

Feature request
Make all public/protected methods of client and socketclient virtual. I would like to override some methods to customize the clients. I can make a new client, but for small changes the inheritance would be preferable.

Can't subscribe to OrderBook (socket client)

Describe the bug
Hello, following the issue I have with Bitfinex, I tried to perform the same kind of logic with the Kraken implementation.
Unfortunately I can't subscribe to any order book, and two exceptions are thrown Exception thrown: 'System.ArgumentException' in System.Private.CoreLib.dll (same exception for both).

To Reproduce
Reuse the same code logic as what I did in my Bitfinex issue, i.e. create a KrakenClient (tested with or without api keys/secret), a KrakenSocketClient and a KrakenOrderBookOptions.
Create a KrakenSymbolOrderBook and subscribe to a Symbol (i.e. for instance BTCEUR).
The code is exactly the same as what I provided in the Bitfinex issue, just replacing all the Bitfinex classes by their Kraken equivalent

Expected behavior
The order book should be subscribed

Debug logging
Setting the Verbosity to Trace or Debug provides the same results:

2021/08/20 11:08:49:275 | Information | Kraken | Kraken order book BTCEUR status changed: Disconnected => Connecting
Exception thrown: 'System.ArgumentException' in System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Exception thrown: 'System.ArgumentException' in System.Private.CoreLib.dll

ClientOrderId type inconsistency

Describe the bug
Kraken REST client GetOrderAsync(...) uses clientOrderId as "string?" while PlaceOrderAsync(...) uses clientOrderId as "uint". The KrakenOrder class has ClientOrderId property of yet another type "string" - but in this case it is probably intended as these are received data. But maybe the first two cases (and maybe there are other methods, I haven't check them all) could be unified.

Cannot create Take Profit Limit order

Describe the bug
Take Profit Limit order claims not enough available balance

To Reproduce

var ticker = await api.GetTickersAsync(BTCEUR)();
            var btcAskPrice = ticker.Data[BTCEUR].BestAsks.Price;

            var balances = await api.GetAvailableBalancesAsync()();
            var euros = GetBalance(balances.Data, EURO);
            var volume = euros / btcAskPrice;

            var percent = 1.5M;

            var sellPrice = Math.Round(btcAskPrice * (1 + (percent / 100)), 1);

           var order = await api.PlaceOrderAsync(
                BTCEUR, OrderSide.Buy,
                price: btcAskPrice,
                secondaryPrice: sellPrice,
                validateOnly: dryRun

        private static decimal GetBalance(Dictionary<string, KrakenBalanceAvailable> balances, string currency)
            if (balances.TryGetValue(currency, out var balance))
                return balance.Available;

            return 0;

Expected behavior
Order should be placed. When using a TakeProfit order with the same code, it is successful.

Checksum causes often reconnects

While using Kraken.Net to receive depth book, we've observed often reconnects, what can also cause delays on data updates.
But another issue caused by these reconnects is blocking thread with no reason...
So, the question: is there any way to avoid the reconnecting on wrong checksum?

Edge case: Checksum when Order book update array has 5 elements

When the book feed message includes both asks and bid updates (when the array has 5 elements), it also includes the checksum (within the second object, apparently):


So it should be handled here:

Why Kraken's stream service implementation has this weird edge case with 5 elements, instead of merging asks and bids within a single { a?, b?, c } object, remains a mistery to me...

Implementation of the new BalanceEx REST request


is there a plan to implement the new Kraken BalanceEx REST request ?

i.e. (calling via the cmd line tool)

$ ./krakenapi BalanceEx


CancelOrder WebSocket doesn't return error message

Actually "CancelOrder" in WebSocket API doesn't return error message, just a boolean (success or not). It could be useful to get the message especially for catching the "Unknown order" error message, and it would be more consistent with REST API.

I suggest the following modification in KrakenSocketClientSpotStreams.cs :

public Task<CallResult<KrakenSocketResponseBase>> CancelOrderAsync(string websocketToken, string orderId)
            => CancelOrdersAsync(websocketToken, new[] { orderId });

public async Task<CallResult<KrakenSocketResponseBase>> CancelOrdersAsync(string websocketToken, IEnumerable<string> orderIds)
            var request = new KrakenSocketCancelOrdersRequest
                Event = "cancelOrder",
                OrderIds = orderIds,
                Token = websocketToken,
                RequestId = _baseClient.NextIdInternal()
            return await _baseClient.QueryInternalAsync<KrakenSocketResponseBase>(this, _authBaseAddress, request, false).ConfigureAwait(false);

PlaceOrder Websocket method does not have the orderFlags parameter

The PlaceOrderAsync method in websocket does not have the orderFlags parameter, even though it is available in the Kraken websocket API.

The PlaceOrderAsync method in REST have the orderFlags parameter correctly implemented though. I use it as a workaround now, but using websocket would be faster.

Missing OrderType in OrderTypeConverter

An order type from Kraken JSON data shows "ordertype": "stop market", which looks to be missing from the converter.

Cannot map enum. Type: Kraken.Net.Objects.OrderType, Value: stop market
Exception thrown: 'System.NullReferenceException' in Newtonsoft.Json.dll

var history = await client.GetTradeHistoryAsync(resultOffset: offset);

"TDSUTH-DO3XV-V67G37": {
"ordertxid": "ODBUJA-CTRWB-YJSTLF",
"postxid": "T5XXXZ-KAHYB-W6RQKR",
"pair": "XXBTZUSD",
"time": 1483734622.6224,
"type": "sell",
"ordertype": "stop market",
"price": "877.55000",
"cost": "1652.37592",
"fee": "4.29618",
"vol": "1.88294218",
"margin": "550.79197",
"misc": "closing"

I can send full JSON if needed.

Receiving messages in wrong handler

When subscribed to a marketdepth update for "ETH/USD", "BTC/USD", "ETC/ETH").
You can receive an update for some market in the wrong handler. (BTC/USD in ETC/ETH handler).
I created a small demo project to reproduce this behavior:

My Thought: Value ChanelId for updating BTC/USD depth [is 0] that is equal to a default of int value.

Error : WaitingForActivation

Since KrakenExchange.Net upgrade to V3.05

when using this Dot.Net VB syntax :

    Dim KrakenClientObj = New KrakenClient(New Objects.KrakenClientOptions)
    KrakenClientObj.ClientOptions.ApiCredentials = ReadKrakenAPIcredentials()

    Dim AssetSymbolList As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)

    Dim AssetsInfo = KrakenClientObj.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetAssetsAsync(AssetSymbolList)

I get Status = WaitingForActivation and nothing in
instead of expected result

This syntax was working with previous V3 version
Obviously ReadKrakenAPIcredentials function is returning valid Kraken API Credentials in ApiCredentials

.NET Framework does not work even with Version 2.2.3

Describe the bug
I created a empty .NET console project (.NET Core 2.2) in VS, installed Kraken.Net ("Install-Package KrakenExchange.Net"). The sample code works find.
I created a empty .NET Windows Forms project (.NET Framework 4.6.1, also tried 4.7), installed also Kraken.Net. On running I get the error message "PlatformNotSupportedException: Das WebSocket-Protokoll wird für diese Plattform nicht unterstützt." (PlatformNotSupportedException: the WebSocket-protocol is not supported for this plattform.)

This happened after "var subscribeResult=krakenSocketClient.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync("BTC/USD", data => {});" when then accessing "subscribeResult.Result.Success".

To Reproduce
KrakenClient.SetDefaultOptions(new KrakenClientOptions() {
ApiCredentials=new ApiCredentials(krakenApiKey, krakenSecretKey),
KrakenClient krakenClient=new KrakenClient();

var client = new KrakenSocketClient(new KrakenSocketClientOptions()
ApiCredentials =new ApiCredentials(krakenApiKey, krakenSecretKey),
var subscribeResult =krakenSocketClient.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync("BTC/USD", data => {
Console.WriteLine("BTC/USD: "+data.Data.LastTrade.Price);

if (!subscribeResult.Result.Success) {
// Subscription failed, check callResult.Error for more info
Console.WriteLine("startWebsocketStream: ERROR: SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync failed (Error:"+subscribeResult.Result.Error+")!");
else {
Console.WriteLine("startWebsocketStream: SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync successful.");

Expected behavior
It should work on both .NET Core and .NET Framework but it seems it does not. Anyway I use Binance.NET extensively and have no issues at all and pretty happy, now wanted to use the librabry for Kraken.NET but I do not get it to run. It seems a fundamental issue.
Help how to solve that would be great since I need to port a .NET Form App and therefore need .NET Framework!

Debug logging
As shown above.

Socket Message not handled error


Describe the bug
I have a process that harvests Kline data from the Kraken exchange, and it works perfectly unless i try to use the XDG/USD ticker.
For that symbol, and thats symbol only I get the following error for all data returned.

2021/08/25 16:59:13:964 | Warning | Kraken | Socket 4 Message not handled: [

To Reproduce
I'm using the default endpoint, no authentication is required for SubscribeToKlineUpdatesAsync

Expected behavior
I would expect the data to be returned correctly, exactly as it is for all other pairs. I can only assume there is something about the data that is different to the other pairs. I am subscribing to 8 timeframes on 25 pairs. There are no errors returned during the subscription to XDG/USD.


GetKLines/GetKLinesAsync doesn't interpret Since parameter

Describe the bug
When I call GetKLines with the current date I get an array of values as expected. If I call GetKLines for the time of an order that has completed I still get an array of values based on the time I made the call, not the date/time passed.

To Reproduce
To reproduce, compare the results of these two calls:

Dim SourceMarketKlinesNow As WebCallResult(Of Converters.KrakenKlinesResult) = pClient.GetKlines("XXBTZUSC", KlineInterval.OneMinute, Now.ToUniversalTime)
Dim SourceMarketKlinesPast As WebCallResult(Of Converters.KrakenKlinesResult) = pClient.GetKlines("XXBTZUSC", KlineInterval.OneMinute, New DateTime(2021, 25, 7, 12, 33, 41))

The results will be the same.

Expected behavior
I expect the call with the Since parameter specified with date/time in the past to return at least one array item for that minute.

SymbolOrderBook does not Synchronize

I am using SymbolOrderBook on Bittrex and Binance but when using the same implementation with Kraken the OrderBook only transitions from Disconnected to Connecting. The trading pair call was successful so connectivity via client is ok (although socketClient used by SymbolOrderBook not proven). Is this a known issue/work in progress?

KrakenClientObj.GetDepositMethods(AssetDepotSymbol) fails with "EFunding:Unknown withdraw key"

KrakenClientObj.GetDepositMethods(AssetDepotSymbol) ' Fails with "EFunding:Unknown withdraw key"
and returns DepositMethodsInfo.Data with empty value

The message "Unknown withdraw key" have nothing to do GetDepositMethods function called with Asset = "EUR"

Kraken Doc for this function is here :

Please note that this function doc says :
Authorizations: API-Key AND API-Sign

Do you confirm V1.4.3 implement API signature for KrakenClientObj.GetDepositMethods as described here :

Add support for snapshot parameter to SubscribeToOwnTradeUpdatesAsync

Describe the bug
ownTrades socket subscription support a "snapshot" parameter to decide whether a snapshot should be sent on subscription.
Today this parameter is not supported by SubscribeToOwnTradeUpdatesAsync

To Reproduce
Code review

Expected behavior
Ability to decide to receive or not a snapshot on ownTrades subscription

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