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github 下载后 安装 pip install evo --upgrade --no-binary evo 开始测试 evo_traj euroc data.csv --plot 报错:evo_traj 没有这个命令 此时,需要更新: pip3 install evo --upgrade


evo_traj euroc data.csv --plot

[ERROR] EuRoC MAV state ground truth must have 17 entries per row and no trailing delimiter at the end of the rows (comma) 原因是data.csv列数不对,需要17列 继续测试: [ERROR] Unhandled error in evo.main_traj Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.5/tkinter/", line 36, in import _tkinter ImportError: No module named '_tkinter 解决:sudo apt-get install python3-tk 继续测试 ok 显示: name: data infos: 36382 poses, 80.626m path length, 181.905s duration /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image1.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image2.png


evo_traj euroc data.csv --save_as_tum

name: data

infos: 36382 poses, 80.626m path length, 181.905s duration

Trajectory saved to: data.tum /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/evo/data.tum


evo_traj euroc data.csv --save_as_bag 报错:ImportError: No module named 'rospkg' 解决sudo apt-get install python-rospkg,没有用还是报上面的错误 继续解决: sudo apt-get install python3-rospkg 测试报新的错误:ImportError: No module named 'rosbag' 去你大爷的,安装rospkg后把我的ros搞坏了,想想测试3页没有用,不搞测试3了,妈也


evo_ape euroc data.csv no_SaveTrajectory.txt -va --plot 报错:[ERROR] found no matching timestamps between data.csv and SaveTrajectory.txt with max. time diff 0.01 (s) and time offset 0.0 (s) 因为我用的SaveTrajectory.txt格式如下 1403636582313555456.000000 -0.002683 0.004363 -0.010236 0.999985 -0.004876 -0.002524 -0.000469 1403636582413555456.000000 -0.004578 0.013875 -0.033980 0.999985 0.003896 -0.003846 0.000437 1403636582463555584.000000 -0.013607 0.045442 -0.134066 0.999989 0.002634 -0.003093 0.002397 换成格式如下:yes_SaveTrajectory.txt,运行ok. 1403636581.013556 -0.000091891 -0.002907546 -0.008895828 0.007203280 0.000294416 -0.001041192 0.999973476 1403636581.063555 -0.000032670 -0.005313850 -0.017090926 0.013974291 -0.000294735 -0.000776108 0.999902010 1403636581.113555 -0.000375517 -0.009852243 -0.033186555 0.018218270 0.000033754 0.000549461 0.999833882 主要是时间戳的问题。


Loaded 36382 stamps and poses from: data.csv Loaded 3642 stamps and poses from: SaveTrajectory.txt Synchronizing trajectories... Found 3620 of max. 36382 possible matching timestamps between... data.csv and: SaveTrajectory.txt

..with max. time diff.: 0.01 (s) and time offset: 0.0 (s).

Aligning using Umeyama's method... Rotation of alignment: [[-0.36148164 -0.86059522 0.35875743] [-0.93224672 0.34009048 -0.12350917] [-0.01571858 -0.37909674 -0.92522354]] Translation of alignment: [ 4.73088632 -1.87812632 0.89983517]

Scale correction: 1.0

Compared 3620 absolute pose pairs.

Calculating APE for translation part pose relation...

APE w.r.t. translation part (m) (with SE(3) Umeyama alignment)

   max	0.228561
  mean	0.083928
median	0.093531
   min	0.006836
  rmse	0.094039
   sse	32.013099
   std	0.042420

Plotting results... /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image3.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image4.png


evo_rpe euroc data.csv yes_SaveTrajectory.txt -va --plot


Loaded 36382 stamps and poses from: data.csv Loaded 3642 stamps and poses from: SaveTrajectory.txt Synchronizing trajectories... Found 3620 of max. 36382 possible matching timestamps between... data.csv and: SaveTrajectory.txt

..with max. time diff.: 0.01 (s) and time offset: 0.0 (s).

Aligning using Umeyama's method... Rotation of alignment: [[-0.36148164 -0.86059522 0.35875743] [-0.93224672 0.34009048 -0.12350917] [-0.01571858 -0.37909674 -0.92522354]] Translation of alignment: [ 4.73088632 -1.87812632 0.89983517]

Scale correction: 1.0

Found 3619 pairs with delta 1 (frames) among 3620 poses using consecutive pairs. Compared 3619 relative pose pairs, delta = 1 (frames) with consecutive pairs.

Calculating RPE for translation part pose relation...

RPE w.r.t. translation part (m) for delta = 1 (frames) using consecutive pairs (with SE(3) Umeyama alignment)

   max	0.208138
  mean	0.032291
median	0.029176
   min	0.000003
  rmse	0.042154
   sse	6.430810
   std	0.027097

Plotting results... /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image5.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image6.png


evo_traj euroc ORB_SaveTrajectory.txt VINS_SaveTrajectory.txt --ref=data.csv -p --plot_mode=xz 报错:[ERROR] EuRoC MAV state ground truth must have 17 entries per row and no trailing delimiter at the end of the rows (comma) //未解决 去**的,用下面代替即可,官网也说了,EUROC需要转成tum在evo_traj上方可使用,见下面连接 浪费我的时间找错,不过这个过程中用python写了data.txt中的,全部转成空格,存在new.txt中, 程序放在了,以后很有用!!!!!!!!!! In euroc mode, evo's metrics require you to give the reference in the EuRoC format and the estimated trajectory in the TUM format.

但是我用测试2中转换的data.tum格式可以运行成功 evo_traj tum ORB_SaveTrajectory.txt VINS_SaveTrajectory.txt --ref=data.tum -p --plot_mode=xz


name: ORB_SaveTrajectory

infos: 3642 poses, 83.078m path length, 182.800s duration

name: VINS_SaveTrajectory

infos: 3642 poses, 83.078m path length, 182.800s duration

name: data infos: 36382 poses, 80.626m path length, 181.905s duration /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image10.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image11.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image12.png


给的例子: evo_traj kitti KITTI_00_ORB.txt KITTI_00_SPTAM.txt --ref=KITTI_00_gt.txt -p --plot_mode=xz


name: KITTI_00_ORB

infos: 4541 poses, 3705.098m In euroc mode, evo's metrics require you to give the reference in the EuRoC format and the estimated trajectory in the TUM format.path length

name: KITTI_00_SPTAM

infos: 4541 poses, 3718.501m path length

name: KITTI_00_gt infos: 4541 poses, 3724.187m path length /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image7.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image8.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image9.png





evo_ape euroc data.csv vins_result_loop.txt -va --plot 报错:[ERROR] TUM trajectory files must have 8 entries per row and no trailing delimiter at the end of the rows (space) 报错格式1: 1403636580413555456,-0.01632,0.00815,-0.21970,-0.04041,0.83359,0.02732,0.55023,-0.04845,0.01219,-0.28032, 1403636580463555584,-0.01847,0.00887,-0.23163,-0.04029,0.83807,0.02782,0.54336,-0.04074,0.01526,-0.19377, 1403636580513555456,-0.02006,0.00961,-0.23880,-0.03989,0.84238,0.02801,0.53668,-0.02621,0.01464,-0.06092, 格式2: 1403636580 -0.01632 0.00815 -0.21970 -0.04041 0.83359 0.02732 0.55023 1403636580 -0.01847 0.00887 -0.23163 -0.04029 0.83807 0.02782 0.54336 1403636581 -0.02006 0.00961 -0.23880 -0.03989 0.84238 0.02801 0.53668 格式3: 1403636580963555584,-0.01127,0.01323,-0.01032,0.82282,0.02867,0.56731,-0.01741, 1403636581013555456,-0.01072,0.01428,0.02579,0.81861,0.02953,0.57334,-0.01685, 1403636581113555456,-0.01052,0.01519,0.09127,0.81059,0.02827,0.58463,-0.01883,


​ if (SAVE_LOOP_PATH) ​ { ​ ofstream loop_path_file(VINS_RESULT_PATH, ios::app); ​ loop_path_file.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); ​ loop_path_file.precision(6);//时间戳精度 ​ //loop_path_file << (*it)->time_stamp * 1e9 << ","; ​ loop_path_file << (*it)->time_stamp << " "; ​ loop_path_file.precision(9);//位姿态精度 ​ loop_path_file << P.x() << " " ​ <<P.y() << " " ​ << P.z() << " " ​ << Q.w() << " " ​ << Q.x() << " " ​ << Q.y() << " " ​ << Q.z() ​ << endl; ​ loop_path_file.close(); ​ }

但是不知道为啥保存的结果后面几行格式变了 还是报错如上: 格式变得如下: 1403636761.5636 -0.6331 0.4081 -0.1077 -0.1100 0.8032 0.1583 0.5637 1403636761.7136 -0.6284 0.4365 -0.1046 -0.1203 0.7994 0.1497 0.5692 1403636761.8136 -0.6263 0.4532 -0.1006 -0.1293 0.8001 0.1427 0.5681 1403636761.9136 -0.6248 0.4655 -0.0947 -0.1304 0.8008 0.1414 0.5672 1403636762.0636 -0.6222 0.4749 -0.0828 -0.1112 0.7985 0.1536 0.5713 1403636762,-0.62555,0.48968,-0.06594,0.80410,0.16742,0.56342,-0.08916, 1403636762,-0.62700,0.49627,-0.06463,0.80898,0.16618,0.55657,-0.09037,


Loaded 36382 stamps and poses from: data.csv Loaded 1366 stamps and poses from: vins_result_loop.txt Synchronizing trajectories... Found 1366 of max. 36382 possible matching timestamps between... data.csv and: vins_result_loop.txt

..with max. time diff.: 0.01 (s) and time offset: 0.0 (s).

Aligning using Umeyama's method... Rotation of alignment: [[-0.9048993 -0.42554641 0.00821641] [ 0.42548915 -0.90492936 -0.00786311] [ 0.01078139 -0.00361933 0.99993533]] Translation of alignment: [ 4.52514999 -1.4887612 0.85545997]

Scale correction: 1.0

Compared 1366 absolute pose pairs.

Calculating APE for translation part pose relation...

APE w.r.t. translation part (m) (with SE(3) Umeyama alignment)

   max	0.443170
  mean	0.211338
median	0.196105
   min	0.043851
  rmse	0.235135
   sse	75.523902
   std	0.103075

Plotting results... /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image13.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image14.png



ORB和VINS对比 evo_traj tum ORB_SaveTrajectory.txt yes_vins_result_loop.txt --ref=data.tum -p --plot_mode=xz


name: yes_vins_result_loop

infos: 1366 poses, 80.369m path length, 181.100s duration

name: ORB_SaveTrajectory

infos: 3642 poses, 83.078m path length, 182.800s duration

name: data infos: 36382 poses, 80.626m path length, 181.905s duration /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image15.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image16.png /home/lyy/catkin_Evaluate/Evo/image17.png



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