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fluttertencentimplugin's Issues

打包 apk后 得到的会话实体<SessionEntity>,好像是有问题,我不太能确定是否是我的问题!

  1. 我得到的会话实体中 的id,和type 是null

  2. `I/flutter ( 2892): null <>
  3. I/flutter ( 2892): null <SessionEntity.type>`
  4. `IM初始化成功
  5. I/flutter ( 2892): onRefresh
  6. I/flutter ( 2892): res:0
  7. I/flutter ( 2892): home页面listener被触发
  8. I/flutter ( 2892): null
  9. I/flutter ( 2892): ListenerTypeEnum.Connected
  10. I/flutter ( 2892): im登录成功
  11. I/flutter ( 2892): home页面listener被触发
  12. I/flutter ( 2892): null
  13. I/flutter ( 2892): ListenerTypeEnum.Refresh
  14. I/flutter ( 2892): home页面listener被触发
  15. I/flutter ( 2892): [Instance of 'SessionEntity']
  16. I/flutter ( 2892): ListenerTypeEnum.RefreshConversation
  17. I/flutter ( 2892): Instance of 'SessionEntity'
  18. I/flutter ( 2892): null <>
  19. I/flutter ( 2892): null <SessionEntity.type>
  20. E/flutter ( 2892): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(Missing parameter, Cannot find parameter sessionId or sessionId is null!, 5)
  21. E/flutter ( 2892): #0 StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope (package:flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart:569)
  22. E/flutter ( 2892): #1 MethodChannel.invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:321)
  23. E/flutter ( 2892):
  24. E/flutter ( 2892): #2 TencentImPlugin.getLocalMessages (package:tencent_im_plugin/tencent_im_plugin.dart:186)
  25. E/flutter ( 2892): #3 _ChatDetailState._init. (package:chatpear/modules/home/chat_detail.dart:71)
  26. E/flutter ( 2892): #4 SchedulerBinding._invokeFrameCallback (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:1102)
  27. E/flutter ( 2892): #5 SchedulerBinding.handleDrawFrame (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:1049)
  28. E/flutter ( 2892): #6 SchedulerBinding._handleDrawFrame (package:flutter/src/scheduler/binding.dart:957)
  29. E/flutter ( 2892): #7 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1126)
  30. E/flutter ( 2892): #8 (dart:async/zone.dart:1023)
  31. E/flutter ( 2892): #9 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:925)
  32. E/flutter ( 2892): #10 _invoke (dart:ui/hooks.dart:259)
  33. E/flutter ( 2892): #11 _drawFrame (dart:ui/hooks.dart:217)
  34. E/flutter ( 2892):
  35. E/flutter ( 2892): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(Missing parameter, Cannot find parameter sessionId or sessionId is null!, 5)
  36. E/flutter ( 2892): #0 StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope (package:flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart:569)
  37. E/flutter ( 2892): #1 MethodChannel.invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:321)
  38. E/flutter ( 2892):
  39. E/flutter ( 2892): #2 TencentImPlugin.getMessages (package:tencent_im_plugin/tencent_im_plugin.dart:204)
  40. E/flutter ( 2892): #3 _ChatDetailState.onRefresh (package:chatpear/modules/home/chat_detail.dart:149)
  41. E/flutter ( 2892): #4 RefreshIndicatorState._show. (package:flutter/src/material/refresh_indicator.dart:357)
  42. E/flutter ( 2892): #5 _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1134)
  43. E/flutter ( 2892): #6 _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1031)
  44. E/flutter ( 2892): #7 _FutureListener.handleValue (dart:async/future_impl.dart:139)
  45. E/flutter ( 2892): #8 Future._propagateToListeners.handleValueCallback (dart:async/future_impl.dart:680)
  46. E/flutter ( 2892): #9 Future._propagateToListeners (dart:async/future_impl.dart:709)
  47. E/flutter ( 2892): #10 Future._completeWithValue (dart:async/future_impl.dart:524)
  48. E/flutter ( 2892): #11 Future._asyncComplete. (dart:async/future_impl.dart:554)
  49. E/flutter ( 2892): #12 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1126)
  50. E/flutter ( 2892): #13 (dart:async/zone.dart:1023)
  51. E/flutter ( 2892): #14 _CustomZone.runGuarded (dart:async/zone.dart:925)
  52. E/flutter ( 2892): #15 _CustomZone.bindCallbackGuarded. (dart:async/zone.dart:965)
  53. E/flutter ( 2892): #16 _microtaskLoop (dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart:43)
  54. E/flutter ( 2892): #17 _startMicrotaskLoop (dart:async/schedule_microtask.dart:52)
  55. E/flutter ( 2892): `






IM SDK 内部会进行打印日志,如果调用方有自己统一的日志收集方式,可以通过 TIMSdkConfig 中的 setLogListener 接口设置日志事件回调,把日志通过回调返给调用方,但 IM SDK 内部仍然会打印,如果需要禁掉,可以通过设置控制台不打印日志,或者设置日志级别。

已经初始化initStorage, 但在没有网络情况下不能获取本地消息和会话列表

初始化了 TencentImPlugin.initStorage(identifier: useridIm);



getLocalMessage | 从本地数据库中获取历史消息。






  1. login 接口无法知道是否登录回调结果. 返回值是 Future . 很容易造成IM未登录,却继续处理之后的逻辑
  2. 建议封装下 getLoginStatus() 接口 , 若已经是登录状态,再次调取登录会报错 , 但是由于1.的问题无法显式甄别错误
  3. getConversationList 接口建议提供分页封装 , 否则数据量大的情况容易出错
    ... TODO 补充

[优化] 调用原生代码时,确保MethodResult被调用


private void logout(MethodCall methodCall, final Result result) {



1、消息监听器,会重复回调。比如:type为ListenerTypeEnum.RefreshConversation收到一条消息,会回调两次。type为ListenerTypeEnum.NewMessages时则是根据点了多少次Run按钮来的(Android Studio上那个绿色三角形)。比如点了5次,收到新消息就有5次回调。



TencentImPlugin.modifySelfProfile(params: params);
TencentImPlugin.modifyFriend(identifier: null, params: null);


  1. 修改资料的腾讯文档里也只有类的 key,没有列出 value,



求 saveMessage findMessages 这两个接口

亟需saveMessage findMessages 这两个接口
初始创建会话时,向会话里 saveMessage,然后每次读取的时候使用 findMessages 查找对应的消息

使用 flutter 本地缓存来实现的方式,需要会话循环遍历,太影响会话列表性能,

API 描述
saveMessage 向本地消息列表中添加一条消息,但并不将其发送出去。
importMsg 将消息导入本地数据库。
findMessages 根据提供的消息定位符查找相应消息。



FlutterTencentImPlugin-master/ios/Classes/SwiftTencentImPlugin.swift:1712:67: error: use of unresolved identifier 'GroupTipsMessageEntity'
self.invokeListener(type: ListenerType.GroupTips, params: GroupTipsMessageEntity(elem: elem));


ios13.3(模拟器 11) 语音消息无法送达

我使用的ios模拟器(iphone11 13.3) + android 测试

android 发送的所有消息 均可送达至iphone,

iphone 发送至android的。

文本/图片消息 已测试 无问题

以下是ios 的log日志

flutter: 准备调用 TencentImPlugin.sendMessage   ========start=======
flutter: 发送参数为
flutter: sessionId:15545111711
flutter: sessionType:SessionType.C2C
flutter: duration:8
flutter: path:file:///Users/a/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CF137EF9-71A6-434E-AE4E-B096ECDB43D2/data/Containers/Data/Application/8AB655E7-5208-4E71-9034-AB650DA511C2/Library/Caches/4ihvkfhpdomzxikcqtf_sound_.aac
flutter: 开始调用 TencentImPlugin.sendMessage   ========ing=======
flutter: 调用结束 TencentImPlugin.sendMessage   ========end=======
        [C5.1.1 4896F020-C1F2-48B3-9761-DE60AA80F7C0<->]
        Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en1
        Duration: 0.479s, DNS @0.005s took 0.004s, TCP @0.010s took 0.145s, TLS took 0.244s

        bytes in/out: 5031/1337, packets in/out: 6/4, rtt: 0.129s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0

[] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(7006, Execution Error, File check failed)
#0      StandardMethodCodec.decodeEnvelope (package:flutter/src/services/message_codecs.dart:569:7)
#1      MethodChannel.invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:321:33)
<asynchronous suspension>
#2      TencentImPlugin.sendMessage (package:tencent_im_plugin/tencent_im_plugin.dart:73:24)
#3      _ChatBarState._getWindow.<anonymous closure> (package:chatpear/modules/home/widet_chat/chat_bar.dart:168:29)
#4      _WindowVoiceState.stopRecorder (package:chatpear/modules/home/widet_chat/window_voice.dart:192:16)
<asynchronous suspension>
#5<anonymous closure> (package:chatpear/modules/home/widet_chat/window_voice.dart:85:9)
#6      DragGestureRecognizer._checkEnd.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter/src/gestures/monodrag.dart:439:41)
#7      GestureRecognizer.invokeCallback (package:flutter/src/gestures/recognizer.dart:182:24)
#8      Dra<…>
        [C6.1.1 1BA48832-8376-4B7E-99C8-50AA0DBD750E<->]
        Connected Path: satisfied (Path is satisfied), interface: en1
        Duration: 0.303s, DNS @0.005s took 0.004s, TCP @0.010s took 0.048s, TLS took 0.137s
        bytes in/out: 3795/1165, packets in/out: 5/4, rtt: 0.050s, retransmitted packets: 0, out-of-order packets: 0

demo 跑不起来啊 老兄

C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\FlutterTencentImPlugin-master\android\src\main\java\top\huic\tencent_im_plugin\listener\ ����: �Ҳ�������
resultParams.put("params", params == null ? null : JsonUtil.toJSONString(params));
����: ��� JsonUtil
�: �� TencentImListener
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\FlutterTencentImPlugin-master\android\src\main\java\top\huic\tencent_im_plugin\listener\ ����: �Ҳ�������
channel.invokeMethod(LISTENER_FUNC_NAME, JsonUtil.toJSONString(resultParams));
����: ��� JsonUtil
�: �� TencentImListener
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\FlutterTencentImPlugin-master\android\src\main\java\top\huic\tencent_im_plugin\ ����: �Ҳ�������
����: ��� JsonUtil
�: �� ValueCallBack
����, T�����ͱ��:
T�չ������ ValueCallBack��������Object
ע: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\FlutterTencentImPlugin-master\android\src\main\java\top\huic\tencent_im_plugin\TencentImPlugin.javaʹ�û򸲸����ѹ�ʱ�� API��
ע: �й���ϸ��Ϣ, ��ʹ�� -Xlint:deprecation ���±��롣
ע: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\FlutterTencentImPlugin-master\android\src\main\java\top\huic\tencent_im_plugin\TencentImPlugin.javaʹ����δ�����򲻰�ȫ�IJ�����
ע: �й���ϸ��Ϣ, ��ʹ�� -Xlint:unchecked ���±��롣
3 ������

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':tencent_im_plugin:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.

Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

  • Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

  • Get more help at

升级0.2.x 版本以后的疑问

dio的post请求 ,response 200状态的就会导致app闪退。但非200的和get 的response不受影响。

我回顾代码版本 升级0.2.x时,发现确实没有改变任何其他代码。仅仅是把im迁移至0.2.x。
也再次确认过,迁移到0.2.x之前 确实没有此问题




這個initStorage用途是? 另外identifier 是否要跟login 的一樣?
await TencentImPlugin.initStorage(identifier: "dev");

await TencentImPlugin.login(
  identifier: "dev",

我hot reload 時就卡在這句上



flutter 插件代码reason参数



`modifyMemberInfo` dart端和android端参数不一致


/// 修改群成员资料
  static Future<void> modifyMemberInfo({
    @required String name, // 群名称
    @required String identifier, // 成员ID
    String nameCard, // 成员名片
    int silence, // 禁言时间
    int role, // 角色
    ReceiveMessageOptEnum receiveMessageOpt, // 接收消息选项
  }) async {
    return await _channel.invokeMethod('modifyMemberInfo', {
      "name": name,
      "identifier": identifier,
      "nameCard": nameCard,
      "silence": silence,
      "role": role,
      "receiveMessageOpt": receiveMessageOpt == null
          ? null
          : receiveMessageOpt
              .replaceAll("ReceiveMessageOptEnum.", ""),


private void modifyMemberInfo(MethodCall methodCall, final Result result) {
        // 群ID
        String groupId = this.getParam(methodCall, result, "groupId");
        // 群成员ID
        String identifier = this.getParam(methodCall, result, "identifier");
        // 名片
        String nameCard = methodCall.argument("nameCard");
        // 接收消息选项
        String receiveMessageOpt = methodCall.argument("receiveMessageOpt");
        // 禁言时间
        Long silence = methodCall.argument("silence");
        // 角色
        Integer role = methodCall.argument("role");
        // 自定义信息
        String customInfo = methodCall.argument("customInfo");


关于上传到 app store 的问题

app 构建版本上传至app store 时 苹果提示相关推送权限的问题
我想可能是im插件的关系,如果我不打算使用推送,是否可以通过一些简单的修改后 正常上传至 app atore呢
ITMS-90078: Missing Push Notification Entitlement - Your app appears to register with the Apple Push Notification service, but the app signature's entitlements do not include the 'aps-environment' entitlement. If your app uses the Apple Push Notification service, make sure your App ID is enabled for Push Notification in the Provisioning Portal, and resubmit after signing your app with a Distribution provisioning profile that includes the 'aps-environment' entitlement. Xcode does not automatically copy the aps-environment entitlement from provisioning profiles at build time. This behavior is intentional. To use this entitlement, either enable Push Notifications in the project editor's Capabilities pane, or manually add the entitlement to your entitlements file. For more information, see




我注意到缩略图 和视频路径 都是一样的。这块我应该如何使用呢

I/flutter (30266): =============snapshot(缩略图)=================
I/flutter (30266): ***snapshotPath***
I/flutter (30266): /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/****包名不可见***/files/Pictures
I/flutter (30266): ***snapshotInfo.size***
I/flutter (30266): 0
I/flutter (30266): ***snapshotInfo.width***
I/flutter (30266): 640
I/flutter (30266): ***snapshotInfo.height***
I/flutter (30266): 360
I/flutter (30266): =============snapshot(视频)=================
I/flutter (30266): ***videoPath***
I/flutter (30266): /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/****包名不可见***/files/Pictures
I/flutter (30266): ***videoInfo.duaration***
I/flutter (30266): 10
I/flutter (30266): ***videoInfo.size***
I/flutter (30266): 0
I/flutter (30266): ***videoInfo.type***
I/flutter (30266): mp4
I/flutter (30266): ***videoInfo.uuid***
I/flutter (30266):
I/flutter (30266): ***taskId***
I/flutter (30266): 0

在TIM 后台验证通过的 userSig ,调用 login 时报错 userSig expired


[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(6206, Execution Error, userSig expired)

在 TIM 后台验证 userSig 是正确的:


class TIM{

    await TencentImPlugin.init(appid: "14003450xx");

  initStorage(String useridIm)async{
    await TencentImPlugin.initStorage(identifier: useridIm);

  getUserSig(String useridIm)async{

    Map data = {
      "id_im": useridIm

    Map res =await Request().post(data, '/account/tls_sig/');
      return res["data"];

  login(String useridIm, String userSig)async{
    TencentImPlugin.login(identifier: useridIm, userSig: userSig);

  logout() {
    userAccountModel = Provider.of<UserAccountModel>(context);
    String useridIm =  generateImUserId(userAccountModel.useraccount);

    await TIM().init();
    await TIM().initStorage(useridIm);

    String userSig = await TIM().getUserSig(useridIm);

    log("#### tim user id $useridIm ####");
    log("#### tim user sig is $userSig ####");

    TIM().login(useridIm, userSig);


Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):
[✓] Flutter (Channel unknown, v1.12.13+hotfix.5, on Mac OS X 10.14.6 18G87, locale en-US)

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 29.0.2)
[✓] Xcode - develop for iOS and macOS (Xcode 11.3.1)
[✓] Android Studio (version 3.6)
[✓] VS Code (version 1.43.2)
[✓] Connected device (2 available)

• No issues found!


2. 新訊息沒有更新,
this.setState(() {

build android error


I/imsdk (27177): TIM: ====== TIM
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: ====== Ver: 4.6.1
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: ====== Compile: Nov 13 2019 20:19:09
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: ====== Platform: Android
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: ====== PID: 27177
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: ==========================================================================
D/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.138/D/27177-27448 /Network -looper_impl.cpp.195 operator() /looper start work|name:looper_logic
D/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.145/D/27177-27449 /Network -looper_impl.cpp.195 operator() /looper start work|name:looper_db
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.145/I/27177-27177 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.409 Init /session init, sdkAppId: 1400379445, system version: 10, app version: 4.6.1
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.145/I/27177-27177 /Common -imcore_manager.cpp.147 InitSdk /InitSdk, device type: CLT-L29, system version: 10, app version = 4.6.1
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.145/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_session_config.cpp.486 operator() /read config file /data/user/0/com.example.test/files/imsdk_config
W/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.145/W/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_session_config.cpp.488 operator() /cannot create config read stream
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.154/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.154/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.154/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.155/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/chatty (27177): uid=10286(com.example.test) looper_log identical 1 line
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.155/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.156/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.156/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.158/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.925 MakesureConnect /wait_connect_task_id_:0|interval: 0|netId:1:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.159/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.159/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.159/I/27177-27177 /IMSDK -BaseManager.0 /loadFriendshipModule init statt
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.162/I/27177-27177 /FriendShip-friendship_listener_jni.cpp.185 InitIDs /---- Start FriendshipListenerJni InitIDs
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.162/I/27177-27177 /FriendShip-friendship_listener_jni.cpp.212 InitIDs /---- End FriendshipListenerJni InitIDs
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.163/I/27177-27177 /FriendShip-friendship_jni.cpp.22 Java_com_tencent_imsdk_friendship_FriendshipNativeManager_nativeInitFriendshipModule/start init native Friendship Module
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.163/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.163/I/27177-27177 /Msg -elem_processor.cpp.28 RegisterElemHandler /Register Elem Handler
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.164/I/27177-27177 /FriendShip-friendship_jni.cpp.34 Java_com_tencent_imsdk_friendship_FriendshipNativeManager_nativeInitFriendshipModule/end init native Friendship Module
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.165/I/27177-27177 /IMSDK -TIMManager.0 /setUserConfig: userConfig=com.tencent.imsdk.TIMUserConfig@2179e90
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.165/I/27177-27177 /IMSDK -imsdk.ConversationManager.0 /addMessageListener: top.huic.tencent_im_plugin.listener.TencentImListener@9be9389
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.166/I/27177-27177 /IMSDK -NetConnectInfoCenter.0 /network changed, action:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.167/I/27177-27177 /IMSDK -NetConnectInfoCenter.0 /wifi network connected
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.167/I/27177-27177 /IMSDK -NetConnectInfoCenter.0 /current network: [type: WIFI[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: true, roaming: false]
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.167/I/27177-27177 /Common -manager_jni.cpp.273 Java_com_tencent_imsdk_manager_NativeManager_nativeOnNetworkChanged/OnNetworkChanged is connected 1
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.169/I/27177-27177 /IMSDK -NetConnectInfoCenter.0 /network changed, action:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.169/I/27177-27177 /IMSDK -NetConnectInfoCenter.0 /network changed, action:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.170/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_monitor.cpp.136 OnConnecting /previous record|content:date_time=1592921735&sdk_app_id=1400379445&conn_succ=1&conn_time=57&conn_last=207404&sdk_client_ip=&sso_ip=,
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.170/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.962 NotifyNetState /notify network change|status:0
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.170/I/27177-27448 /IMSDK -NativeManager.0 /onNetworkStatusChanged Enter; type:2 code:0 errMsg:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.170/I/27177-27448 /IMSDK -BaseManager.0 /onConnecting
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.170/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.1493 DisableCheckNetwork /check network stop
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.170/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_session_config.cpp.123 GetSsoList /netId:1:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.176/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.783 operator() /OnDeviceNetworkChange|state:1
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.176/I/27177-27448 /IMSDK -NativeManager.0 /onNetworkStatusChanged Enter; type:2 code:0 errMsg:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.176/I/27177-27448 /IMSDK -BaseManager.0 /onConnecting
D/NetworkSecurityConfig(27177): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.226/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_session_config.cpp.166 operator() /response:;|costTime:56
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.226/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.869 operator() /netType:1|netId:1:|ip count: 2|race:true|ssoListip_src:4
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.226/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.874 operator() /Ip list|ip:|port:8080|weight:0
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.226/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.874 operator() /Ip list|ip:|port:8080|weight:0
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.226/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.893 operator() /Connect begin, ip:, port: 8080
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.227/I/27177-27448 /Network -channel.cpp.332 SetError /channel error|id=0|error=0,
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.228/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.81 operator() /connect channelId: 0, status: 0, ec: 0,
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.228/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.96 operator() /Connecting, ip:, port: 8080, channel id: 0
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.229/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.893 operator() /Connect begin, ip:, port: 8080
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.229/I/27177-27448 /Network -channel.cpp.332 SetError /channel error|id=1|error=0,
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.229/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.81 operator() /connect channelId: 1, status: 0, ec: 0,
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.229/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.96 operator() /Connecting, ip:, port: 8080, channel id: 1
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.238/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.81 operator() /connect channelId: 0, status: 1, ec: 0,
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.239/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_monitor.cpp.284 Record /record|content:date_time=1592921839&sdk_app_id=1400379445&conn_succ=1&conn_time=70&conn_last=0&sdk_client_ip=&sso_ip=,
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.239/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.128 operator() /Connected succeed, ip:, port: 8080, channel id: 0, failed ip list:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.239/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.962 NotifyNetState /notify network change|status:1
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.239/I/27177-27448 /IMSDK -NativeManager.0 /onNetworkStatusChanged Enter; type:1 code:0 errMsg:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.239/I/27177-27448 /IMSDK -BaseManager.0 /onConnected
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.240/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.930 SendRemain /send remain|size: 0
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.240/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.952 SendRemain /send cache|size: 0
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.240/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.1493 DisableCheckNetwork /check network stop
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.250/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.1458 EnableCheckNetwork /check network start, current netId: 1:
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.250/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.81 operator() /connect channelId: 1, status: 1, ec: 0,
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.250/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.110 operator() /Connected later, ip:, port: 8080, channel id: 1
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.250/I/27177-27448 /Network -channel.cpp.293 Close /channel closing
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.250/I/27177-27448 /Network -imsession_sso_session.cpp.81 operator() /connect channelId: 1, status: 2, ec: 0,
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.250/I/27177-27448 /Network -channel.cpp.172 OnChannelRecycle /channel recycle|id:1|count:0
I/imsdk (27177): TIM: 2020-06-23 22:17:19.628/I/27177-27446 /IMSDK -SessionWrapper.0 /try to bind service,



Incident Identifier: 0F58AB1A-4B4B-470A-8946-0FF5A3A95D32
Beta Identifier: 10D9E1C0-7E9E-48D2-8A6E-382B263A6EA5
Hardware Model: iPhone11,2
Process: Runner [341]
Path: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/1D04A132-BE41-4875-ADC3-346D1BF5973D/
Identifier: com.fixtime.yuyu
Version: 72 (1.1.6)
AppStoreTools: 11E146
AppVariant: 1:iPhone11,2:13
Beta: YES
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Role: Foreground
Parent Process: launchd [1]
Coalition: com.fixtime.yuyu [479]

Date/Time: 2020-04-14 21:47:55.3593 +0800
Launch Time: 2020-04-14 21:36:10.1589 +0800
OS Version: iPhone OS 13.3.1 (17D50)
Release Type: User
Baseband Version: 2.04.03
Report Version: 104

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x00000001029e666c
Termination Signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x5
Terminating Process: exc handler [341]
Triggered by Thread: 0

Thread 0 name:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 tencent_im_plugin 0x00000001029e666c specialized SwiftTencentImPlugin.onConnFailed(:err:) + 472
1 tencent_im_plugin 0x00000001029e6530 specialized SwiftTencentImPlugin.onConnFailed(
:err:) + 156
2 tencent_im_plugin 0x00000001029c3978 @objc SwiftTencentImPlugin.onConnFailed(_:err:) + 96
3 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000019253cb7c _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32 (init.c:1408)
4 libdispatch.dylib 0x000000019253dfd8 _dispatch_client_callout + 20 (object.m:495)
5 libdispatch.dylib 0x0000000192549cc8 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 968 (inline_internal.h:2484)
6 CoreFoundation 0x0000000192813cc8 CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE + 16 (CFRunLoop.c:1749)
7 CoreFoundation 0x000000019280ea24 __CFRunLoopRun + 1980 (CFRunLoop.c:3069)
8 CoreFoundation 0x000000019280df40 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 480 (CFRunLoop.c:3192)
9 GraphicsServices 0x000000019ca9e534 GSEventRunModal + 108 (GSEvent.c:2246)
10 UIKitCore 0x0000000196999580 UIApplicationMain + 1940 (UIApplication.m:4773)
11 Runner 0x0000000100efecf4 main + 96 (AppDelegate.swift:5)
12 libdyld.dylib 0x000000019268ce18 start + 4


关于 ios端 引入 插件跑不起来,提示CocoaPods 过时(已经是1.91)


bogon:demo a$ flutter run
Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 11 Pro Max in debug mode...
Running pod install...                                              0.8s
CocoaPods' output:

    Analyzing dependencies

    Inspecting targets to integrate
      Using `ARCHS` setting to build architectures of target `Pods-Runner`: (``)

    Finding Podfile changes
      A tencent_im_plugin
      - Flutter
      - amap_core_fluttify
      - amap_location_fluttify
      - city_pickers
      - flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle
      - flutter_sound
      - flutter_splash_screen
      - fluttertoast
      - foundation_fluttify
      - image_crop
      - image_picker
      - path_provider
      - path_provider_macos
      - permission_handler
      - shared_preferences
      - shared_preferences_macos
      - shared_preferences_web
      - webview_flutter

    Fetching external sources
    -> Fetching podspec for `Flutter` from `Flutter`
    -> Fetching podspec for `amap_core_fluttify` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `amap_location_fluttify` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `city_pickers` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `flutter_sound` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `flutter_splash_screen` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `fluttertoast` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `foundation_fluttify` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `image_crop` from `.symlinks/plugins/image_crop/ios`
    -> Fetching podspec for `image_picker` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `path_provider` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `path_provider_macos` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `permission_handler` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `shared_preferences` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `shared_preferences_macos` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `shared_preferences_web` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `tencent_im_plugin` from
    -> Fetching podspec for `webview_flutter` from

    Resolving dependencies of `Podfile`
      CDN: trunk Relative path: CocoaPods-version.yml exists! Returning local
      because checking is only perfomed in repo update
      CDN: trunk Relative path: all_pods_versions_8_f_f.txt exists! Returning
      local because checking is only perfomed in repo update
      CDN: trunk Relative path:
      Specs/8/f/f/AMapFoundation/1.6.2/AMapFoundation.podspec.json exists!
      Returning local because checking is only perfomed in repo update
      CDN: trunk Relative path: all_pods_versions_0_3_9.txt exists! Returning
      local because checking is only perfomed in repo update
      CDN: trunk Relative path:
      Specs/0/3/9/AMapLocation/2.6.4/AMapLocation.podspec.json exists! Returning
      local because checking is only perfomed in repo update
      CDN: trunk Relative path: all_pods_versions_6_1_0.txt exists! Returning
      local because checking is only perfomed in repo update
      CDN: trunk Relative path:
      Specs/6/1/0/TXIMSDK_iOS/4.6.102/TXIMSDK_iOS.podspec.json exists! Returning
      local because checking is only perfomed in repo update
      CDN: trunk Relative path: all_pods_versions_8_d_3.txt exists! Returning
      local because checking is only perfomed in repo update
    [!] Unable to find a specification for `HandyJSON` depended upon by

    You have either:
     * out-of-date source repos which you can update with `pod repo update` or
     with `pod install --repo-update`.
     * mistyped the name or version.
     * not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.

    in `find_cached_set'
    in `specifications_for_dependency'
    in `search_for'
    in `block in sort_dependencies'
    in `each'
    in `sort_by'
    in `sort_dependencies'
    ication_provider.rb:53:in `block in sort_dependencies'
    ication_provider.rb:70:in `with_no_such_dependency_error_handling'
    ication_provider.rb:52:in `sort_dependencies'
    4:in `push_state_for_requirements'
    6:in `require_nested_dependencies_for'
    9:in `activate_new_spec'
    6:in `attempt_to_activate'
    4:in `process_topmost_state'
    2:in `resolve'
    n `resolve'
    n `resolve'
    er.rb:1065:in `block in resolve_dependencies'
    b:64:in `section'
    er.rb:1063:in `resolve_dependencies'
    er.rb:124:in `analyze'
    :in `analyze'
    :in `block in resolve_dependencies'
    b:64:in `section'
    :in `resolve_dependencies'
    :in `install!'
    rb:52:in `run'
    /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/cocoapods-1.9.1/bin/pod:55:in `<top
    /usr/local/bin/pod:22:in `load'
    /usr/local/bin/pod:22:in `<main>'

Error: CocoaPods's specs repository is too out-of-date to satisfy dependencies.
To update the CocoaPods specs, run:
  pod repo update

Error running pod install
Error launching application on iPhone 11 Pro Max.

IM.dart 新對話訊息沒法顯示

if (type == ListenerTypeEnum.NewMessages) {
//看語法理論上SetState 是可以,但是沒法更新,所以我加了這個強逼REFRESH,就顯示到新對話訊息,也能顯示出來,請問有沒有更好的方法?
// 更新消息列表

    data.add(DataEntity(data: params));

   // this.updateData(DataEntity(data: params));
    //data.add(DataEntity(data: params));

  // 设置已读
  TencentImPlugin.setRead(sessionId:, sessionType: widget.type);






TIMFriendshipManager.getInstance().setAllowType(TIMFriendAllowType.TIM_FRIEND_NEED_CONFIRM, new TIMCallBack(){
 public void onError(int code, String desc){
 Log.e(tag, "setAllowType failed: " + code + " desc");


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