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lendingclub's Issues


Hi Jeremy
Do you have a .py file that will do the assign_to_portfolio.
I am not understanding all of your code and all I need to do is

  1. login to LC and 2) assign a note to portfolio.

Please help

Projected charge off rate

Jeremy, this is pretty neat. I'm giving a try to the API as well as the CLI scripts. I was wondering if you had considered adding support for projected returns after expected the expected charge off rate and service charge?

order execute exit with no exception

version: 0.1.7

Seems it always happens when the code was processing E grade loans. I added catch exception but nothing was thrown. The process just stopped. Does LC not want people to do auto trade for E- grade loans?

Repo Out-of-Date

It appears Lending Club has updated their API since this repos development. Are there plans to update it? If not, I would be interested in contributing to its development.

Additional Note Detail

I would love to get additional detail about a note so that I could algorithmically decide whether or not to invest. For example, monthly payment, gross income, debt to income ratio, credit history information, etc. Right now there only seems to be information about the note itself.

Lending Club end points must by updated.

Lending Club end points are changing! See below e-mail by Lending Club:

Attention API Users,

Lending Club is transitioning the API to a new endpoint on May 29th, 2014. If you have not already done so, please ensure that you have updated the endpoint you are calling at your earliest convenience and before this transition is complete.

The new endpoint URL is, "api" has been substituted for the "www" in the previous endpoint.

Beginning May 29th, the API will no longer be accessible via the endpoint at and will be exclusively available via The API will continue to be available via both endpoints through May 28th.

Thank you,

Lending Club Investor Services

Foliofn loan data download issue (got only header, no loan data)

After using the API perform authentication, I try to download current Foliofn available loans through following code. But it only gets the header/column_name of the csv. There is no loan data. Does LC put limitation on downloading foliofn data, or my usage is wrong?

response = lc.session.request('GET','/foliofn/notesRawData.action')
with open('output.csv', 'wb') as handle:
if not response.ok:
print 'Something went wrong'
for block in response.iter_content(1024):
if not block:

I am not sure this question is still in the scope of this forum or not. I would be sorry if it's not the right place to put this question.

Thanks, Paul

Authentication Error

First of all, thank you very much for taking the time to write this api. It looks amazing, and I can't wait to start using it. My question may be outside the scope of your work here, but wanted to ask it anyway.

I installed all the dependencies and setup the lendingclub class. I can initialize it fine as per your example in git here. but when i try to authenticate i get the following:

Network Error: 'POST failed to:' (from SSLError(SSLError(SSLError(1, '_ssl.c:503: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed'),),))

I didn't see the ability to set verify to False anywhere. I tried changing the base URL from https to http, but this seems like a poor solution. Thanks again for building this, and thank you for any guidance you might have on this error.


order.execute() error


i have been encountering an issue in order.execute() recently. when i run order.execute(), an error is raised. specifically the message is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\", line 1038, in execute
token = self.get_strut_token()
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\lendingclub__init
.py", line 1154, in __get_strut_token
raise LendingClubError('Could not get struts token. Error message: {0}'.format(str(e)))
lendingclub.LendingClubError: "Could not get struts token. Error message: 'No struts token'"

any help in debugging the error would be greatly appreciated!

Cannot install LendingClub API

I am new to Python I am struggling to install the LendingClub API on Python. I am using Windows and have Anaconda. My question is very basic. How do I install the LendingClub API?

  • I tried "pip install lendingclub" from the Anaconda Prompt but I got the message
    Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in C:\Users\Nick\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-bfe6rte9\pybars\
  • I tried "sudo pip install lendingclub" from the Anaconda Prompt but it did not work (looks like it is for Linux)

Errors on install in tests on MacOSX10.8/Python33

Hi there - thanks for creating this, I'm just now getting set up, and I think I've got a working installation but I did see errors when doing the install - they appear to be in the test area only, but I thought it would be worth mentioning?

Here's a complete log of my installation attempt after doing a git clone at around 6am GMT August 13.

Happy to help debug if you're interested, and the errors are pretty much all in the last 20 lines or so

~/UWW/LendingClub % python install --user
/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.3/lib/python3.3/distutils/ UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'
running install
running build
running build_py
running install_lib
creating /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub
copying build/lib/lendingclub/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub
copying build/lib/lendingclub/filter.handlebars -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub
copying build/lib/lendingclub/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub
copying build/lib/lendingclub/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub
creating /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
creating /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/browseNotesAj_1.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/browseNotesAj_2.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/browseNotesAj_3.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/cashBalanceAj.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/filter_validate_1.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/filter_validate_2.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/filter_validate_3.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/getSavedFilterAj_1.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/getSavedFilterAj_2.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/getSavedFiltersAj.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/lendingMatchOptionsV2.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/lendingMatchOptionsV2_filter.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/login_fail.html -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/noPortfolios.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/orderConfirmed.html -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/placeOrder.html -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/portfolio_addToPortfolio.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/portfolio_addToPortfolioNew.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/portfolio_getPortfolio.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/portfolioManagement_addToLCPortfolio.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/portfolioManagement_createLCPortfolio.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/portfolioManagement_getLCPortfolios.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/assets/updateLSRAj.json -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/assets
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
copying build/lib/lendingclub/tests/ -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests
copying build/lib/lendingclub/VERSION -> /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub
byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/ to init.cpython-33.pyc
byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/ to filters.cpython-33.pyc
byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/ to session.cpython-33.pyc
byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/ to init.cpython-33.pyc
byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/ to filter_test.cpython-33.pyc
File "/Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/", line 328
print e.criteria
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/ to lendingclub_test.cpython-33.pyc
byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/ to live_session_test.cpython-33.pyc
File "/Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/", line 32
print '\n\nEnter a valid LendingClub account information...'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/ to live_tests.cpython-33.pyc
File "/Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/", line 151
print """
!!!WARNING !!!
This is a live test of the module communicating with with your account!!!
Your account must have at least $25 to continue. Tests will attempt to get full API test
coverage coming just short of investing money from your account.

However, this is not guaranteed if something in the tests are broken. Please continue at your own risk.

SyntaxError: invalid syntax

byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/ to logger.cpython-33.pyc
File "/Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/", line 57
print '\nLOG ERROR: {0}'.format(msg)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/ to order_test.cpython-33.pyc
byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/ to server.cpython-33.pyc
File "/Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/", line 67
print '{0}\n'.format(msg)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

byte-compiling /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub/tests/ to session_test.cpython-33.pyc
running install_egg_info
Writing /Users/mike/Library/Python/3.3/lib/python/site-packages/lendingclub-0.1.2-py3.3.egg-info
~/UWW/LendingClub %

Installing LendingClub in Python 3.8

I am unable to install the LendingClub module. I was on an older version of Python on Windows 10. I upgraded to Python 3.8. I upgraded pip. I still get this error by using

pip install lendingclub or pip3 install lendingclub

ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python egg_info Check the logs for full command

I'm new to coding and Python and muddling my way through :)

Using LendingClub with custom filters

FIrst of all thanks for creating this great script - and it works as designed

What I'm trying to do is to run my own set of criteria - to buy notes on the LC website. My criteria resides on its own python code that returns the id of the notes I am interested in

When I pass the ids to add to the order and execute it - the script is throwing an error. I suspect this has to do with the fact that I cant figure out how to stage the loans once I know the ids

Can you pls advise how I would use the script to add to the order and execute it - if I have a list of ids. Apologies but my knowledge of python is very basic


Authentication failure

Starting today, my authentication no longer works. When I called Lending Club, they said that I need to start using an API key rather than my username + password to authenticate. Is that why this library has stopped working for me?

Python3 is not supported

While looking for a way to programmatically interface with LendingClub, I noticed this library, but it does not support Python 3.x.

I've already run py2to3 on all the files and am working to make sure that Python2.6 and 2.7 still work with the updates. See this branch. I had to update pybars to pybars3, but it appears that pybars3 is backwards compatible with python 2.x.

session.authenticate() broken ?

Hello. First thanks for all this previous work. I use ideas in this API to list notes on Folio. Recently authentication fails -- it no longer returns an attempt to redirect. Does it still work for the author? Has LendingClub changed the way it does authentication on it's web site?

Error: 'Could not get struts token' on order.execute()

FIrst thanks so much for supplying this API. I have been using it successfully since October with a cron job to automatically re-invest monthly proceeds.

However, I am now getting error messages for 'Could not get struts token' and 'No struts token' on the order.execute() command.

I was futzing with my Python script when I started getting the error. But even when I manually run through some of the examples provided, I get the same error on the order.execute() command.

I picked up enough Python to write a script to use the API and run via cron job. But all the API code is way beyond me.

I am a complete newbie here, so I hope I am not out of line to ask for some guidance on how to debug this issue. I wonder if something changed on the LendingClub side to cause this error.


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