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#100DaysOfCode Log - Round 1 - Jessie

The log of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. Started on January 1, 2021.



Started the Regular Expressions section of JavaScript certification on, completed challenges 1-22 of 33. Really need to learn how to use Git/Github!


Completed remainder of Regular Expressions section (challenges 23-33). Some of it is still baffling, but that's ok. With practice it will start to make sense. I hope! :) Tomorrow I'll learn how to use GitHub, then maybe start Debugging section!


Completed GitHub tutorial, created hello-world repository, readme-edits branch, committed changes to branch, created pull request, merged branches. Completed Debugging section (challenges 1-12).


It's my first workday of the challenge. Got up early to get my time in before work! Started Basic Data Structures section, completed challenges 1-10 of 20. Some of it seemed familiar (eg push/unshift), some was new.


Coding before work again, this may be the new normal. Continued Basic Data Structures section, completed challenges 11-17 of 20. I had a lot of trouble with 11, and had to check the hints, but I was really close!


New normal = false. I am not feeling well today, but did get my hour in. I did a little reading, then finished the Basic Data Structures section. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow and can dive into algorithms.


Started Basic Algorithm Scripting, completed challenges 1-3 of 16. I did fairly well with it, but my brain hurts now. I'm taking a break from coding tomorrow. Will put my notes into Excel for easier reference.


Started transcribing my notes, and I think that process is going to help a lot. Just the review by itself is good, and keyword search will be even better. Hoping to get one challenge done today to keep my fCC streak.


Continued transcribing my notes, and completed algorithm challenge 5/16. Only doing one challenge per day until my notes are all transcribed. Maybe a couple more days of that. Hope my head stops hurting soon. Ugh. Also, I'm frustrated that so many of these algorithm solutions could (according to the hint comments and solutions in the guide) use .split() when I haven't learned that yet!


Completed algorithm challenge 6/16. Made some good progress on the note transcriptions. If I can get up early tomorrow, I might be able to finish the last few pages before I go to work. We'll see.


Completed algorithm challenge 7/16...without needing hints!! First one I've solved on my own. So satisfying.


Finished transcribing notes, and completed algorithm challenge 8/16. Looking forward to a full hour of algorithms tomorrow.


Completed algorithm challenges 9&10 of 16. It's been a day, and I'm not feeling well.


Completed algorithm challenges 11&12 of 16. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


Completed algorithm challenges 13&14 of 16. Might come back later and finish the last two. Friday FTW!


Finished Basic Algorithm Scripting, started Object Oriented Programming, through challenge 19/26. Some review, some new concepts. Why is it so hard to read and type "prototype"?!


Finished Object Oriented Programming, started Functional Programming, completed challenges 1-2 of 24. After this section, I only have 21 algorithms between me and the final projects. Whoa


Completed Functional Programming challenges 3-8 of 24. Finally learning map, but I don't understand how it works yet. Also need to review arrow functions.


Completed challenges 9-14 of 24 in Functional Programming. Learned about filter and reduce. Filter makes sense to me, but reduce absolutely does not. Any tips y'all can impart? So lost...


Completed challenges 15-16 of 24 in Functional Programming. Spent most of the time learning to research on Google, and have a better grasp on reduce now. (Thanks for your help @Murphs_K!)


Finished Functional Programming, will start Intermediate Algorithm Scripting tomorrow. Or I might attempt the first one today. Feeling extra energized.


Completed Intermediate Algorithm 1/21. I'm pretty sure there's a better solution, but I'm very proud of myself for figuring out something that works without needing a hint or help from Google.


Solved Intermediate Algorithm 2/21, started working on #3. Not feeling as confident today, I'm struggling with several key concepts. But it's ok, every step is important. Still learning.


Completed Intermediate Algorithms 3-4 of 21. Needed a lot of hints. Keep on sloggin. Considering starting the final projects before I finish this section, in part to maintain my streak.


Solved Intermediate Algorithms 5 & 6 of 21. Took much longer than my alloted hour, but I wanted to finish two. Holy heck do I hate RegEx and .replace() right now! Better days are coming...


Holy mostaccioli, Batman. This one took a chunk out of me. Completed Intermediate Algorithm 7 of 21, was way over-complicating it. Started a very basic data analysis project (spreadsheet) at work.


Much better and less taxing progress today, completed Intermediate Algorithms 8-11 of 21 (caveat: took more than an hour). Half done!


This morning before work, I started planning a solution for Intermediate Algorithm 12/21. Broke my streak to attend Ruby on Ales, virtual meetup hosted by WPEngine (formerly Flywheel). Lots to learn!


Learned that plain recursion is NOT the way to generate the Fibonacci sequence. Still trying to get it into an array that I can then filter. No help from Google yet. Will keep trying tomorrow.


Fibonacci algorithm progress, I believe I have successfully created the sequence in an array. Now working on summing only the odd values. Getting closer! Back to it later today.


I finally solved the Fibonacci algorithm! Next up: summing primes. Spent most of today's time researching JS methods for The Sieve of Eratosthenes.

R1 pause day physical difficulties


Solved Intermediate Algorithm #12/21: Sum Primes. Started working on #13: Smallest Common Multiple.


Solved Intermediate Algorithm #14/21, started working on #15, which involves a function contained within the arguments object. Wish me luck! Happy Wednesday!


Solved Intermediate Algorithm 15-18/21. Feeling better about my ability to find helpful snippets w/ Google Search. And understanding how things work! Three algorithms left, then on to final projects!


Monster headache today, so I didn't get very far. Tried a switch, but couldn't get it to manipulate the object the way I needed to. Try again tomorrow, with fresh eyes. Maybe they won't hurt then.


Solved (with hints) Intermediate Algorithms 19 & 20/21. I'm pretty intimidated by the final algorithm, which involves an orbital period formula. In the end, it's just math. I can handle it...tomorrow.


I was able to generate the correct answer for the orbital period equation, learned Math_PI, Math_round, Math_sqrt. Still working on iterating through subsequent objects and returning new array.


I spent today's time updating my resume, and distilling ways to express what I want in my next job. Realizing too late that it would have been smart to commit my updates to GitHub every day.


Solved Algorithm 21/21, finished coursework. On to the final projects!...which appear to be five more difficult algorithms. Started planning for the first, which is a palindrome checker.


Solved Final Project Algorithm 1 of 5 - Palindrome checker. Learned about .reverse() in the process. Will tackle the next one (Roman Numeral Converter) tomorrow.


Some progress on the Roman Numeral Converter, hoping that fresh eyes tomorrow will help me find the solution. Did some networking today. Need to work on GitHub, planned extra time for that tomorrow.


ANSWER DAY. Solved Algorithm Project #2: Roman Numeral Converter. Gave up on using splice, found my own way. Feeling pretty good about that. Didn't get to GitHub, try again tomorrow. SL&TfAtF


Solved Algorithm Project #3: Ceasar's Cipher, did not take me very long at all, I was happy about that. Started working on #4, Telephone Number Validator. Hello RegEx.


Solved Algorithm Project #4 Telephone Number Validator. I was really close, but RegEx makes it hard to KISS. Finally got it with a hint. Last one is Cash Register. May work on it later today.


Spent a good portion of my holiday trying to solve the last algorithm project, cannot get it to work. Even tried looking at other people's solutions. Really hate not finishing this today.

R1 pause day technical difficulties

R1 pause day 2 technical & physical difficulties


I know I was working on the Cash Register and GitHub, but I apparently didn't post my update.

R1 pause day

R1 pause day 2


After two day break, worked on Cash Register again, but hit a major wall. Try again tomorrow.

R1D48 and


Continued working on Cash Register. Made a tiny bit of progress, but still very stuck. Keepin on keepin on.


YESSSSSS! Holy buckets, it's been a rough week with the Cash Register algorithm. FINALLY broke through some confusing bits today. Certification complete. Next stop: Sample projects! And GitHub...


Spent today's time reviewing tweets I've bookmarked, creating browser bookmarks for some of them, reviewing project ideas, and staring blankly at GitHub.


oday I realized that I donโ€™t have to use Codepen to build my next project. Considering a VS Code install. Introduced myself to Codewars, and I think I joined the #100devs clan. Maybe. TTFN


Spent some time this morning looking at VS Code. Corrected my clan name on Codewars this evening, now I'm really in the #100Devs clan. Yay! Worn out, long day.

R1 pause day


Skipped a day, back at it today. Completed a few kata on Codewars. Hopefully I get the hang of the interface soon, it's so different than fCC. Also re-reviewed possible projects, need something easy-ish to boost my confidence.


Chose a simple project to build, started a new Pen...froze. I can't remember what to do. So watching class 1 of @leonnoel's awesome bootcamp. #100Devs "We do not apply" I have a few ideas now for my project. Here I go!


Leveled up to 7kyu on codewars, and was pleased with my ability to solve some of the easy ones without looking at notes. That's about it, today was a day.


Feeling a little run down today, so no coding. Watched more of the first class in the #100Devs bootcamp. Nice refresher about the-internet-as-a-wire, and requests to the server. Will likely finish it tomorrow.


Finished class 1 of #100Devs, looking forward to the next, and adding 30 HTML tags in my newly-installed Anki deck. Also installed VS Code. Need to research how to call a JS function with a button press. It's a beautiful day!

R1 pause day


Watched the first hour of #100Devs class 2. Added more tags and rules to my Anki decks. Really not feeling so great today, so I'm pleased with what I accomplished. TGIF


Worked on my project, and applied one of the concepts I've learned in the first few hours of the #100Devs bootcamp: separation of concerns.


Finally started moving my notes into GitHub. Glad I could just direct upload my notepad files, that made it quicker. Still have a lot to do, and organization methods to consider. Well begun is half done. Happy Sunday!

R1D62 (International Womens Day)

Oh the irony of having a hormone migraine, today of all days. Did a few codewars kata, and improved a few of my notes in the process. Mostly a lot of hiding from sunlight and gentle self care.

R1 pause day x2 migraine


Watched another hour of #100Devs class 2, HTML lab. Good review. Loving the keyboard shortcuts.

R1 pause day x3 migraine


Got spooked by some of the conversations on Twitter, making me think there's no way I'll get a job in tech as a 40+ female. Need to refocus and keep pushing. Waiting for the #100Devs front end review to upload on YT.


Made it in for two hours of #100Devs class tonight. Tough for me to keep up in twitch, but it was interesting. Learned about Node.js and refresher on promises. (So lost about fetch...)


Watched the hour I missed of last night's #100Devs class. The 6.5 hour review is going to have to wait a bit. Huge thank you to @leonnoel for the time you're putting into this project. Wish I'd jumped in earlier. Oh well!


Watched 2.5 hours of live #100Devs class tonight. Learned more about Node, and engines vs compilers. Lots of homework to do. Movin ahead!


Learned what PREP is with #100Devs this evening, thanks to Leon and my Remo table mates! Planning to tackle the review video this weekend. And GitHub...and homework...Happy Spring, Northern Hemisphere-ites!


Watched 2.5 hours of #100Devs front end review, 4 hours to go. Really need to figure out how to arrange weekend learning time, self-care, and relaxing time. I'm exhausted, and I didn't do that much. Back at it tomorrow.


Skimmed through the second half of Modern JS for Dinosaurs article, bookmarked to review later. Copied all of my #100DaysOfCode tweets into the GitHub log I should have been using from the start. Better late than not at all, I guess.


Watched 2 hours of live #100Devs class. Really need to find the time to finish the review class and probably the full APIs and networking classes also. Not to mention homework. Can't stay awake any longer today.


Did a couple Codewars kata. Looked at #100Devs checklist, but didn't work on any of the items. So tired, and determined to find the right balance of grinding and self-care. That's it for today. Gnite!


Watched 2.5 hours of #100Devs front end review, about 1 hour left. Learned a couple things I hadn't seen in the fCC JS course: alert, event Listeners. Good stuff.


Finished #100Devs review class, and watched 45 mins of class with API intro. Read flaviocopes article about semicolons. I'll probably keep including them, unless I'm told not to. Long day, and I'm not feeling well. Again.


I made a thing...and IT ACTUALLY WORKS. Not ready for y'all to see it until I've done a little design touch-up. This would not have been possible without #100Devs, and I am so grateful.


Ok, enough pretending to be a designer. No more ado. Tada! What do y'all use for #a11y testing? I tried and it didn't catch a contrast issue. Black text + blue background != Thumbs up


Watched most of @theDabolical's Twitch stream and got a little more clarity on JS objects. Drifted in and out of #100Devs stream. Looking forward to the backend review on Sunday, maybe I will feel less desperately lost then.


Really having an off day, didn't make much progress. Started looking at as a possible booster/catch-up method for #100Devs. Sick & tired of feeling sick & tired. Bah humbug.


Eased back into it with a couple of codewars kata today, completed one. Array filter method continues to evade me.


Did some strategic planning today instead of coding. Thought about how to proceed in a way that is healthy. Going to use a lot of kindness and gentleness with myself for the next week. And I will conquer filter.


Watched 2 hours of #100Devs ToDo app review. Still hopelessly lost, still too many unfamiliar concepts, but I'll get it. Planning to watch a few of the past streams.


Watched short #100Devs stream, then worked on homework. So many comments... Will continue tomorrow.


Spent two hours adding comments in #100Devs homework...but I used Github comments not //. Since my fork is identical to the main, I can't start a pull request. Walking away for tonight.


Thank God for copy/paste. Added inline comments for #100Devs homework. Took about 90 min, but at least I didn't have to start over. Since I was able to get up early today, I'm done before work! Have a great day all!


Attended #100Devs class in Remo, very grateful for the networking tips specific to my neck of the woods. Hoping to have a lot of coding time this weekend. Still have to revisit the filter method.


Semi-lazy day, had non-tech responsibilities that needed attention. Watched one of the videos assigned for #100Devs homework (what is MVC). Solved a codewars kata using filter. Still working on Git.


Jumped into #100Devs office hours at exactly the right time, info I needed was on the current slide. Successfully pushed a local file to GitHub using Bash commands.


Did a couple of codewars. Not feeling well, and it's Monday, so that's it for today.


Did one codewars (thanks @theDabolical) and watched #100Devs class (thanks @Microsoft @Azure). Learned about passport and authentication. Cool stuff.

R1 pause day

Mental health pause day. Back soon.


Attended #100Devs class. Didn't win anything, but got closer to understanding the backend processes.


Reviewed part of last class to improve comprehension. Started todo-list with auth project, got stuck.


Feeling very drained today, so I took a lot of downtime. Solved one codewars kata. Really hoping I can dive back into the todo-list project tomorrow. Need to make a plan for day 101 forward.


REALLY bad migraine yesterday. Did a whole lot of nothing. Better enough to work today, but not enough to push myself tonight. Did one codewars kata. Praying it's better tomorrow, because I need to be in #100Devs class!


Attended #100Devs class but no review. Got real.


Started working on my checklist


Attended #100Devs class and met my project group. Team ToastStack assemble!


More comments in Repl and Azure/Mongo issues.


Feeling down and drained. Reviewed part of the code with another member of my group (Leonardo G - Brazil), who graciously helped me decipher a lot of it. Entered some more comments.


Learned about local auth during #100Devs office hours. Pretty cool. Got Heroku installed but haven't used it yet.

R1 pause day

Yes, I took what could have been the last day of the challenge off. Gotta do what you gotta do. It's Monday and full moon and yep.


Worked with #100Devs project group. Glad to have good support for our foray into web app building. Can't believe how far I've come since 1/1. So much left to do. Thanks for the push @ka11away Stay tuned for R2, date TBD.

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