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jointswp's Issues

Fatal error when trying to preview or activate theme

I just downloaded the Sass version from and when I try to preview or activate the theme, I get the following Fatal Error message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_get_theme() in /var/www/html/wp-content/themes/jointswp/library/joints.php on line 111

Any ideas? Also, is there a minimum version of WordPress I need to use? I'm stuck with using WordPress 3.2.1 with no option to upgrade.

@font-face usage

hope things are going well. I appreciate any help in advance.

I'm attempting to use a webfont kit on my site using @font-face. I got the kit from font-squirrel and includes .eot, .woff, .ttf, and .svg. I'm using the Zurb Foundation 5 scss version. I placed the included @font-face kit code into style.css in library/css.


@font-face {
font-family: 'latolight';
src: url('library/fonts/lato-lig-webfont.eot');
src: url('library/fonts/lato-lig-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('library/fonts/lato-lig-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('library/fonts/lato-lig-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('library/fonts/lato-lig-webfont.svg#latolight') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;

font-family: 'latolight';

What comes out on the screen is something similar to Times New Roman. All of my other css styles on style.css are registering, but Lato Light does not want to work. My folder structure for my theme is as follows. I perhaps may be using the urls within the @font-face incorrectly?

(style.css )
lato-lig-webfont.ttf ,
lato-lig-webfont.woff, )

Any help is appreciated. I know that Foundation 5 comes built in with Open Sans, could their be mixin preventing other fonts from being utilized? My goal is to use Lato throughout the site in various weights and styles.

scss not compiling all code?

I enabled the latest version of jointswp on a fresh wp 4.0 install. The prerendered css looks great. However when I render the scss by going into the library/scss folder and entering "compass compile" into the terminal, the overwritten style.css seems to be missing all the foundation core scss. Haven't modified any of the code in the jointswp folder.

I'm new to Sass but it seems like this should just work?

The original CSS before and the compass output after

Change active link color in menu

Has anyone had luck changing the text color in the main nav menu for the active link? Meaning, if on Sample Page, then the Sample Page link in the menu should be a different color from the other menu items.

Topbar .sticky and .sticky Post


First, Big Thanks Jeremy for putting this great starter theme.

I ran across a problem with my current project that requires the use of the WordPress sticky post function which is a problem when using the sticky function for topbar.

I changed the sticky class name in _settings.scss
// Sticky Class
$topbar-sticky-class: ".sticky-bar";

Also tried a few things like adding "data-options" and in the foundation.topbar.js changing the sticky_class : 'sticky-bar',

I looked at the documentation and researched the issue and I still have a problem. Any thoughts or ideas?

Clarify License Terms

As JointsWP is intended as base for new themes (including commercial ones), it would be nice to have clear license terms to refer to. says

Feel free to chop up, slice up, murder or improve any part of it you want. This theme is yours, literally.

Therefore, MIT License or The Unlicense would probably match best. Please take this only as a suggestion based on how I understood your intents. The GitHub team made a very nice overview of Open Source licenses.

Syntax Error when compiling scss

Hi Jeremy,

first of all, awesome work. I love this theme and it's the basis for most of the sites I create. Thank you so much for putting it together! I just downloaded it again for a site I'm starting and was really happy to see the new version. I can already see a lot of cool stuff to work with.

I have a little issue though. I'm getting the following error when compiling scss.

error style.scss (Line 13 of _functions.scss: Invalid CSS after "...ules: $modules ": expected "}", was "!global;") Sass::SyntaxError on line 13 of /Volumes/CLIENTS/Emcare/2015/Website/Emcare Pro/Emcare Pro

It goes on, but I think you get the gist. Any idea what's going on, maybe you can help me get it fixed?

Thanks again, really.


Slow Off-Canvas

Opening/Closing Off-Canvas sidebar taking 2s, this is too long/slow.

Using Grunt + Libsass in JointsWP?


JointsWP has been working great for my projects.

I have been trying out the Grunt + Libsass workflow for faster sass compiling based on the instructions from and I am wondering what's the best method to get that going for JointsWP? The CLI update function for Foundation is real nice too. Can that work within JointsWP, as well?


Loop archive grid


can you check the page pagination when using Loop Archive Grid to show posts?

I get a Fake pagination, the numbers of the pages at the bottom page navigation don't adjust after changing the settings posts_per_page on:

9, 'paged' => $paged, ); $posts = get_posts( $args ); ?>

Warning message JointsWP search

Installed a fresh installation of JointsWP today on php 5.3.6

Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'joints_wpsearch' not found or invalid function name in /Users/flerekunder/wpsites/webcode2/wwwroot/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 213

Add Compass components?

I find the CSS3 part of Compass to be quite handy when building sites. In fact, I already added it to a local site I'm working on right now. Is there any interest in adding this library to the JointsWP project? After all, users can simply remove it if they don't want to use it.

Where did the sass files go?!

Hey Jeremy,

Looks like there was a major update to JointsWP. It's great to see how this theme keeps improving!

One little thing (especially for a newbie like me). Where did the sass files go?! I used to do all my customisations in small.scss, all the way up to xxlarge.scss. I'm a little lost as to where I go from here. Is it just a case of me adding them back to style.scss, or do you have a smarter/better solution to my dilemma.

Please let me know,




I have screen.scss in my projects scss folder, containing the following:

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports

@import "base";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------/
Layout */

.container {
@include container;
@include susy-grid-background;

When I try and compile I get errors on importing base. If I comment out base I get an error on the container mixin.

I don't see screen.scss in the current version of joints, nor do I see mention of it being removed. I think I'm having some dependency issues that I've been trying to solve with Bundler but so far not so good. Very confused, please advise.

CSS source maps

Gulp is great but it is not updating the css map files under the folder "maps".
It looks like it's missing some configuration in the gulpfile.js and also gulp-sourcemaps is not found!

It would be great fixing it because working without css map files is painful :(

Also, please bring back the header image function (every website needs a logo, not just text)


Wrong Reference to jquery on CSS version

You are referencing the wrong file location in the css version of the theme

// loads jQuery 2.1.0
    wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery', get_template_directory_uri() . '/bower_components/foundation/js/vendor/jquery.js', array(), '2.1.0', false );

need to take out the "/bower_components"

Add documentation for Bower or branch

Since adding Bower support and moving dependencies, certain things don't seem to work out of the box anymore, _normalize.scss for example can't be found by style.scss

There should either be included documentation on how to specifically set up JointsWP for Bower, or branch the Bower version, so that new users who don't wish to use it don't have to manually relocate files and can download a version without Bower.

german translation only working partly


I have some issues with the german translation, it's only working like 70%.
I've checked the translation files and they are correct. so why is it some words and phrases are translated and some are not?
the comments.php is causing the biggest trouble, for eg. the following code doesn't get translated at all.
All words are properly translated in the language files though ...

<h3 id="comments" class="h2"><?php comments_number(__('<span>No</span> Responses', 'jointstheme'), __('<span>One</span> Response', 'jointstheme'), _n('<span>%</span> Response', '<span>%</span> Responses', get_comments_number(),'jointstheme') );?> to &#8220;<?php the_title(); ?>&#8221;</h3>

I'd be glad if you could help me. I really don't want to hardcode german language in your brilliant theme ;)

extra db hit in nav_menu_item_parent_classing()

Currently, nav_menu_item_parent_classing() performs a SELECT database call for each menu item to determine if there are any children for the menu item and then adds the Foundation class .has-dropdown in cases where there are children.

WordPress by default already adds a class called .menu-item-has-children, which uses the same logic as nav_menu_item_parent_classing(). Instead of the additional database call for each nav item, we can check for the presence of the WordPress class .menu-item-has-children and use that to decide whether or not we apply the Foundation class .has-dropdown.

Addressed in PR #48

archive-grid on archive

I've noticed that the post query on the "archive-grid" does not behave as expected. I have set my archive.php style to "archive-grid" but it displays all posts rather than filtering the expected category, tag etc.

I have also set to the same on my index.php but didn't notice a problem as I was expecting to see all posts.

joints_remove_wp_ver_css_js() prevents cache busting

I'd recommend removing the joints_remove_wp_ver_css_js() filter. In addition to the default ver parameter of the WordPress version, this version number can be defined as a parameter in the wp_enqueue_style which is really helpful when trying to force a CSS file to replace the cached version.

IE9 not hiding the off canvas menu

There is an issue with IE not hiding the off canvas menu.

I fixed this by changing the header from:



class="no-js lt-ie10">

NextGen breaks Foundation

Once NextGen gallery is installed and activated, the foundation call in the footer fails. This causes the small version of topbar not to respond to clicks on the small menu icon. Looking at the console in FF with Firebug I see this:

TypeError: $(...).foundation is not a function

I tested with a fresh WP 3.7.1 install and NextGen 2.0.33 and 2.0.40

Any ideas why this is happening?

Block Grid Spacing

Hello again,

I came across this and thought I should let you know.

In the settings.scss file, the column gutter is set to // $column-gutter: rem-calc(30);, while the block grid default spacing is set to // $block-grid-default-spacing: rem-calc(20);.

I'm not sure if this was done on purpose or not, but I was stuck for a while trying to figure out why things weren't aligning properly.

Anyway, thought i should let you know.



Updating with Bower - "extraneous" libraries?

What is the correct way to run bower to update the packages; is it set up to do so? From the theme folder I did a bower list, then a bower update, and now there are "extraneous" versions of the libraries. When I tried a bower prune afterwards it just deleted (uninstalled) everything in the bower_components folder. Excuse me if I'm a little new to using Bower. I'm noticing a major display issue with Foundation's top-bar that I'm hoping an update will fix.

Should there be a bower.json in the theme's root?

>bower list
bower check-new     Checking for new versions of the project dependencies...
MYTHEME C:\wamp\www2\wp-content\themes\MYTHEME
└─┬ foundation#5.2.1 extraneous (5.2.2 available)
  ├── fastclick#0.6.12 (latest is 1.0.1)
  ├── jquery#2.1.0 (2.1.1-beta1 available)
  ├── jquery-placeholder#2.0.7 (2.0.8 available)
  ├─┬ jquery.cookie#1.4.0
  │ └── jquery#2.1.0 (2.1.1-beta1 available)
  └── modernizr#2.7.2

>bower update

>bower list
bower check-new     Checking for new versions of the project dependencies...
MYTHEME C:\wamp\www2\wp-content\themes\MYTHEME
├── fastclick#1.0.1 extraneous
├─┬ foundation#5.2.2 extraneous
│ ├── fastclick#1.0.1 extraneous
│ ├── jquery#2.1.0 (2.1.1-beta1 available)
│ ├── jquery-placeholder#2.0.8 extraneous
│ ├─┬ jquery.cookie#1.4.0 extraneous
│ │ └── jquery#2.1.0 (2.1.1-beta1 available)
│ └── modernizr#2.7.2 extraneous
├── jquery-placeholder#2.0.8 extraneous
├─┬ jquery.cookie#1.4.0 extraneous
│ └── jquery#2.1.0
└── modernizr#2.7.2 extraneous

>bower prune
bower uninstall     fastclick
bower uninstall     foundation
bower uninstall     jquery-placeholder
bower uninstall     jquery.cookie
bower uninstall     modernizr
bower uninstall     jquery

JointsWP 2.0

Seems to me that the _settings.scss is not working correctly. I changed the settings in here to adjust the color of the links. They don't take unless you use !important.

Small off-canvas bug

Just installed and starting to tweak JointsWP. Love it.

In the base install there is a small nav visibilty bug though:
The function joints_main_nav_fallback() is used for the (left-side) off-canvas nav.
It defines: 'menu_class' => 'top-bar top-bar-section', but I guess the CSS clashes with the visibility of the menu elements. The menu items show up when: 'menu_class' => ''.

HTH, regards,

Wonky responsive navigation

These may be issues with Foundation, rather than the Joints theme.

  1. In a small viewport, when the menu is scrolled beyond the top of the page, the menu isn't accessible. Therefore, the user most scroll to the top of the page to see the menu items.
  2. When the browser window is resized from a small viewport to large, the side menu container stays open.

See my video to better illustrate my points.

Tested in Chrome 31.0.1650.63, Firefox 25.0.1

Compiling SASS with CodeKit removes formatting

I'm not sure what's happening, but after I re-complie the style.scss file using CodeKit I lose all the default Foundation formatting. This is on a clean download of the latest JointsWp code.

Detached admin bar on mobile resolutions

I previewed the blank theme in a mobile resolution (320 x 480) and noticed that admin bar is fixed, but not fixed to the very top of the screen.

Detached admin bar

Applying the following CSS will fix the issue, but I am unsure if this affects anything else:

#wpadminbar {
   position: fixed

Nav off canvas not working on IOS

Hi Jeremy.

I tweeted you a little earlier to let you know the nav-offcanvas wasn't working when updating through codekit to the latest version of Foundation (5.4.7). The button simply wasn't activating the slide out panel at the side.

I'm not sure if it's site specific to the site i'm working on but i've managed to fix it and I thought I would share it with you just in case anybody else runs into the same problem I have.

The original code is this




  • Navigation


The updated code I have is:




  • Navigation


If this helps anyone or if you would like to put it in your pull requests that would be great.


cleanup of translation.php

In Branch JointsWP-3 In the file assets/translation/translation.php:

What is the purpose of the lines

$locale = get_locale();
$locale_file = get_template_directory() ."/assets/translation/$locale.php";
if ( is_readable($locale_file) ) require_once($locale_file);

Why not remove that part and simply rely on the .po/.mo translation files?

Also I think the whole thing should be hooked to after_setup_theme, see patch #79

Setting $text-direction to 'rtl' messes up navigation

I'm not sure if it is considered to be a JointsWP issue, but as a long time Foundation user I'm quite sure it's not a problem with Foundation.

When setting $text-direction: rtl; in _settings.scss, the "off-canvas" navigation gets messed up on small width displays (i.e mobile). it appears all the time (without even clicking the menu button, the one with the 3 lines), flying over the whole page and hiding parts of it, and if you click the menu button the page just slides to the right but there's nothing there.

I'll try to dig further into it.

Where the custom Javascript can be inserted?

Hi Jeremy,

Well done to the latest version of JointsWP, it's awesome!

One little thing, I'm a little lost as to where I go from here. Where can I insert my custom javascripts? Before I used to input these in Scripts.js in the section (// add all your scripts here). Now in the new version I tried to insert them in the scripts.js but it does not work. Since I'm a newbie, do you have a solution to my dilemma please?

Please let me know,

Thanks a lot,

Foundation Global Styles overwrite Custom Styles of _settings.scss

I want to change the body-background color (as an example), but "_global.scss" overrites the custom changes in "_settings.scss" (with the default value of foundation). Since Global Styles should be left untouched (to update "/bower_components/" later), and the only way to get the color through was to write it as CSS into "style.scss", I had to figure out something more Sass-like.

"_global.scss" is imported at the top of "_settings.scss", and overwrites my changes. So I did copy the full content of "settings.scss" into a new file called "_customSettings.scss". I imported that into style.scss. the position there is just before "settings.scss", like this:


// import normalize
@import "../../bower_components/foundation/scss/normalize";

// import mixins
@import "mixins";

// Our Custom Settings for import foundation overrides (disabled _global.scss)
@import "customSettings";

// import foundation overrides
@import "settings";

// foundation.scss
@import "../../bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation";

// joints.scss
@import "joints";

then I deleted the import of "_global.scss" in the "customSettings", so it's not overwriting my changes there. "_global.scss" is still imported with the "settings" file, it seems to me that nothing gets broken - does anyone see a problem with that or can suggest a better fix?

When wrapping divs with an anchor, my html gets altered

I love your theme, I've used it many times and the new version is amazing. Yay gulp! However, when I started to build a section where I need to wrap anchors around some divs, the anchor doesn't stay wrapped around them once I put it through wordpress's editor. It also was adding a different class to a nested anchor in one of those divs. I tried it with span tag and that seemed to help, however, the anchor wouldn't stayed wrapped around another anchor.

This is my html:

And this is what wordpress spits out:

Please let me know if you have any ideas why this is happening.

Thanks for the amazing theme!

off-canvas-menu not working after update to 5.3

Hi there,

downloaded the zip and installed the updated theme. I don't know why, but the small off canvas navigation isn't working anymore. the top-bar works fine, but the small menu doesn't do anything when clicking the menu icon. also it's not working on my iphone anymore.

I noticed the bug last week when I updated the bower components manually to 5.3.
After updating the tab-bar off-canvas-menu didn't work.

has something changed in foundation 5.3? maybe the class name has changed or something like that.

Sass issues when using Codekit 2


Thanks for such an excellent starter theme.

I'm finding an issues when using Codekit 2 to compile Sass:

After saving a change in a scss file codekit prompts:

"style.scss" and "_foundation.scss" import each other. You must fix this before compiling can continue. (Note that the loop may be indirect. For example: A imports B imports C imports A.)

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