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googler's Introduction


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googler is a power tool to Google (web, news, videos and site search) from the command-line. It shows the title, URL and abstract for each result, which can be directly opened in a browser from the terminal. Results are fetched in pages (with page navigation). Supports sequential searches in a single googler instance.

googler was initially written to cater to headless servers without X. You can integrate it with a text-based browser. However, it has grown into a very handy and flexible utility that delivers much more. For example, fetch any number of results or start anywhere, limit search by any duration, define aliases to google search any number of websites, switch domains easily... all of this in a very clean interface without ads or stray URLs. The shell completion scripts make sure you don't need to remember any options.

googler isn't affiliated to Google in any way.

Here are some usage examples:

  1. Google hello world:

     $ googler hello world
  2. Fetch 15 results updated within the last 14 months, starting from the 3rd result for the keywords jungle book in site

     $ googler -n 15 -s 3 -t m14 -w jungle book

    Or instead of the last 14 months, look for results specifically between Apr 4, 2016 and Dec 31, 2016:

     $ googler -n 15 -s 3 --from 04/04/2016 --to 12/31/2016 -w jungle book
  3. Read recent news on gadgets:

     $ googler -N gadgets
  4. Fetch results on IPL cricket from Google India server in English:

     $ googler -c in -l en IPL cricket
  5. Search for videos on PyCon 2020:

     $ googler -V PyCon 2020
  6. Search quoted text:

     $ googler it\'s a \"beautiful world\" in spring
  7. Search for a specific file type:

     $ googler instrumental filetype:mp3
  8. Disable automatic spelling correction, e.g. fetch results for googler instead of google:

     $ googler -x googler
  9. I'm feeling lucky search:

     $ googler -j leather jackets
  10. Website specific search:

    $ googler -w -w digital camera

    Site specific search continues at omniprompt.

  11. Positional arguments are joined (with delimiting whitespace) to form the final query, so you can be creative with your aliases. For instance, always exclude from search results:

    $ alias googler='googler ""'
    $ googler '<hugely popular keyword filled with SEO garbage>'
  12. Alias to find definitions of words:

    alias define='googler -n 2 define'
  13. Look up n, p, o, O, q, g keywords or a result index at the omniprompt: as the omniprompt recognizes these keys or index strings as commands, you need to prefix them with g, e.g.,

    g n
    g g keywords
    g 1
  14. Input and output redirection:

    $ googler -C hello world < input > output

    Note that -C is required to avoid printing control characters (for colored output).

  15. Pipe output:

    $ googler -C hello world | tee output
  16. Use a custom color scheme, e.g., a warm color scheme designed for Solarized Dark (screenshot):

    $ googler --colors bjdxxy google
    $ GOOGLER_COLORS=bjdxxy googler google
  17. Tunnel traffic through an HTTPS proxy, e.g., a local Privoxy instance listening on port 8118:

    $ googler --proxy localhost:8118 google

    By default the environment variable https_proxy is used, if defined.

  18. Quote multiple search keywords to auto-complete (using completion script):

    $ googler 'hello w<TAB>
  19. More help:

    $ googler -h
    $ man googler

More fun stuff you can try with googler:

Table of contents


  • Google Search, Google Site Search, Google News, Google Videos
  • Fast and clean (no ads, stray URLs or clutter), custom color
  • Navigate result pages from omniprompt, open URLs in browser
  • Effortless keyword-based site search with googler @t add-on
  • Search and option completion scripts for Bash, Zsh and Fish
  • Fetch n results in a go, start at the nth result
  • Disable automatic spelling correction and search exact keywords
  • Specify duration, country/domain (default: worldwide/.com), language
  • Google keywords (e.g. filetype:mime, support
  • Open the first result directly in browser (as in I'm Feeling Lucky)
  • Non-stop searches: fire new searches at omniprompt without exiting
  • HTTPS proxy, User Agent, TLS 1.2 (default) support
  • Comprehensive documentation, man page with handy usage examples
  • Minimal dependencies



googler requires Python 3.6 or later. Only the latest patch release of each minor version is supported.

To copy url to clipboard at the omniprompt, googler looks for xsel or xclip or termux-clipboard-set (in the same order) on Linux, pbcopy (default installed) on macOS and clip (default installed) on Windows. It also supports GNU Screen and tmux copy-paste buffers in the absence of X11.

From a package manager

Install googler from your package manager. If the version available is dated try an alternative installation method.

Packaging status (expand)

Packaging status

Unlisted packagers:

Snap Store (snap install googler)

Tips for packagers

googler v2.7 and later ships with an in-place self-upgrade mechanism which you may want to disable. To do this, run

$ make disable-self-upgrade

before installation.

Release packages

Packages for Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE and Ubuntu are available with the latest stable release.

From source

If you have git installed, clone this repository. Otherwise download the latest stable release or development version.

To install to the default location (/usr/local):

$ sudo make install

To remove googler and associated docs, run

$ sudo make uninstall

PREFIX is supported, in case you want to install to a different location.

Running standalone

googler is a standalone executable (and can run even on environments like Termux). From the containing directory:

$ ./googler

Downloading a single file

googler is a single standalone script, so you could download just a single file if you'd like to.

To install the latest stable version, run

$ sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/googler && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/googler

You could then let googler upgrade itself by running

$ sudo googler -u

Similarly, if you want to install from git master (risky), run

$ sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/googler && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/googler

and upgrade by running

$ sudo googler -u --include-git

Shell completion

Search keyword and option completion scripts for Bash, Fish and Zsh can be found in respective subdirectories of auto-completion/. Please refer to your shell's manual for installation instructions.


Cmdline options

usage: googler [-h] [-s N] [-n N] [-N] [-V] [-c TLD] [-l LANG] [-g CC] [-x]
               [--colorize [{auto,always,never}]] [-C] [--colors COLORS] [-j] [-t dN] [--from FROM]
               [--to TO] [-w SITE] [-e SITE] [--unfilter] [-p PROXY] [--notweak] [--json]
               [--url-handler UTIL] [--show-browser-logs] [--np] [-4] [-6] [-u] [--include-git] [-v] [-d]
               [KEYWORD [KEYWORD ...]]

Google from the command-line.

positional arguments:
  KEYWORD               search keywords

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s N, --start N       start at the Nth result
  -n N, --count N       show N results (default 10)
  -N, --news            show results from news section
  -V, --videos          show results from videos section
  -c TLD, --tld TLD     country-specific search with top-level domain .TLD, e.g., 'in' for India
  -l LANG, --lang LANG  display in language LANG
  -g CC, --geoloc CC    country-specific geolocation search with country code CC, e.g. 'in' for India.
                        Country codes are the same as top-level domains
  -x, --exact           disable automatic spelling correction
  --colorize [{auto,always,never}]
                        whether to colorize output; defaults to 'auto', which enables color when stdout
                        is a tty device; using --colorize without an argument is equivalent to
  -C, --nocolor         equivalent to --colorize=never
  --colors COLORS       set output colors (see man page for details)
  -j, --first, --lucky  open the first result in web browser and exit
  -t dN, --time dN      time limit search [h5 (5 hrs), d5 (5 days), w5 (5 weeks), m5 (5 months), y5 (5
  --from FROM           starting date/month/year of date range; must use American date format with
                        slashes, e.g., 2/24/2020, 2/2020, 2020; can be used in conjunction with --to,
                        and overrides -t, --time
  --to TO               ending date/month/year of date range; see --from
  -w SITE, --site SITE  search a site using Google
  -e SITE, --exclude SITE
                        exclude site from results
  --unfilter            do not omit similar results
  -p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        tunnel traffic through an HTTP proxy; PROXY is of the form
  --notweak             disable TCP optimizations and forced TLS 1.2
  --json                output in JSON format; implies --noprompt
  --url-handler UTIL    custom script or cli utility to open results
  --show-browser-logs   do not suppress browser output (stdout and stderr)
  --np, --noprompt      search and exit, do not prompt
  -4, --ipv4            only connect over IPv4 (by default, IPv4 is preferred but IPv6 is used as a
  -6, --ipv6            only connect over IPv6
  -u, --upgrade         perform in-place self-upgrade
  --include-git         when used with --upgrade, get latest git master
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -d, --debug           enable debugging

omniprompt keys:
  n, p                  fetch the next or previous set of search results
  index                 open the result corresponding to index in browser
  f                     jump to the first page
  o [index|range|a ...] open space-separated result indices, numeric ranges
                        (sitelinks unsupported in ranges), or all, in browser
                        open the current search in browser, if no arguments
  O [index|range|a ...] like key 'o', but try to open in a GUI browser
  g keywords            new Google search for 'keywords' with original options
                        should be used to search omniprompt keys and indices
  c index               copy url to clipboard
  u                     toggle url expansion
  q, ^D, double Enter   exit googler
  ?                     show omniprompt help
  *                     other inputs issue a new search with original options

Configuration file

googler doesn't have any! This is to retain the speed of the utility and avoid OS-specific differences. Users can enjoy the advantages of config files using aliases (with the exception of the color scheme, which can be additionally customized through an environment variable; see Colors). There's no need to memorize options.

For example, the following alias for bash/zsh/ksh/etc.

alias g='googler -n 7 -c ru -l ru'

fetches 7 results from the Google Russia server, with preference towards results in Russian.

The alias serves both the purposes of using config files:

  • Persistent settings: when the user invokes g, it expands to the preferred settings.
  • Override settings: thanks to the way Python argparse works, googler is written so that the settings in alias are completely overridden by any options passed from cli. So when the same user runs g -l de -c de -n 12 hello world, 12 results are returned from the Google Germany server, with preference towards results in German.

googler @t

googler @t is a convenient add-on to Google Site Search with unique keywords. While googler has an integrated option to search a site, we simplified it further with aliases. The file googler_at contains a list of website search aliases. To source it, run:

$ source googler_at


$ . googler_at

With googler @t, here's how you search Wikipedia for hexspeak:

$ @w hexspeak

Oh yes! You can combine other googler options too! To make life easier, you can also configure your shell to source the file when it starts.

All the aliases start with the @ symbol (hence the name googler @t) and there is minimum chance they will conflict with any shell commands. Feel free to add your own aliases to the file and contribute back the interesting ones.

Text-based browser integration

googler works out of the box with several text-based browsers if the BROWSER environment variable is set. For instance,

$ export BROWSER=w3m

or for one-time use,

$ BROWSER=w3m googler query

Due to certain graphical browsers spewing messages to the console, googler suppresses browser output by default unless BROWSER is set to one of the known text-based browsers: currently elinks, links, lynx, w3m or www-browser. If you use a different text-based browser, you will need to explicitly enable browser output with the --show-browser-logs option. If you believe your browser is popular enough, please submit an issue or pull request and we will consider whitelisting it. See the man page for more details on --show-browser-logs.

If you need to use a GUI browser with BROWSER set, use the omniprompt key O. googler will try to ignore text-based browsers and invoke a GUI browser. Browser logs are always suppressed with O.


googler allows you to customize the color scheme via a six-letter string, reminiscent of BSD LSCOLORS. The six letters represent the colors of

  • indices
  • titles
  • URLs
  • metadata/publishing info (Google News only)
  • abstracts
  • prompts

respectively. The six-letter string is passed in either as the argument to the --colors option, or as the value of the environment variable GOOGLER_COLORS.

We offer the following colors/styles:

Letter Color/Style
a black
b red
c green
d yellow
e blue
f magenta
g cyan
h white
i bright black
j bright red
k bright green
l bright yellow
m bright blue
n bright magenta
o bright cyan
p bright white
A-H bold version of the lowercase-letter color
I-P bold version of the lowercase-letter bright color
x normal
X bold
y reverse video
Y bold reverse video

The default colors string is GKlgxy, which stands for

  • bold bright cyan indices
  • bold bright green titles
  • bright yellow URLs
  • cyan metadata/publishing info
  • normal abstracts
  • reverse video prompts

Note that

  • Bright colors (implemented as \x1b[90m\x1b[97m) may not be available in all color-capable terminal emulators;
  • Some terminal emulators draw bold text in bright colors instead;
  • Some terminal emulators only distinguish between bold and bright colors via a default-off switch.

Please consult the manual of your terminal emulator as well as the Wikipedia article on ANSI escape sequences.

Domain-only URL

To show the domain names in search results instead of the expanded URL (and use lesser space), set the environment variable DISABLE_URL_EXPANSION.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

On WSL, GUI browsers on the Windows side cannot be detected by default. You need to explicitly set the BROWSER environment variable to the path of a Windows executable. For instance, you can put the following in your shell's rc:

$ export BROWSER='/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe'


  1. In some instances googler may show fewer number of results than you expect, e.g., if you fetch a single result (-n 1) it may not show any results. The reason is Google shows some Google service (e.g. Youtube) results, map locations etc. depending on your geographical data, which googler tries to omit. In some cases Google (the web-service) doesn't show exactly 10 results (default) on a search. We chose to omit these results as far as possible. While this can be fixed, it would need more processing (and more time). You can just navigate forward to fetch the next set of results.

  2. By default googler applies some TCP optimizations and forces TLS 1.2 (on Python 3.4 and above). If you are facing connection issues, try disabling both using the --notweak switch.

  3. Google News service is not available if the language is dk (Denmark), fi (Finland) or is (Iceland). Use -l en. Please refer to #187 for more information.

  4. Some users have reported problems with a colored omniprompt (refer to issue #203) with iTerm2 on macOS. To force a plain omniprompt:



  1. Initially I raised a pull request but I could see that the last change was made 7 years earlier. In addition, there is no GitHub activity from the original author Henri Hakkinen in past year. I have created this independent repo for the project with the name googler. I retained the original copyright information (though googler is organically different now).

  2. Google provides a search API which returns the results in JSON format. However, as per my understanding from the official docs, the API issues the queries against an existing instance of a custom search engine and is limited by 100 search queries per day for free. In addition, I have reservations in paying if they ever change their plan or restrict the API in other ways. So I refrained from coupling with Google plans & policies or exposing my trackable personal custom search API key and identifier for the public. I retained the browser-way of doing it by fetching html, which is a open and free specification.

  3. You can find a rofi script for googler here. Written by an anonymous user, untested and we don't maintain it.

  4. The Albert Launcher python plugins repo (awesome-albert-plugins) includes suggestions-enabled search plugins for a variety of websites using googler. Refer to the latter for demos and usage instructions.


Pull requests are welcome. Please visit #209 for a list of TODOs.

gitter chat


  1. Copyright © 2008 Henri Hakkinen
  2. Copyright © 2015-2021 Arun Prakash Jana
  3. Zhiming Wang
  4. Johnathan Jenkins
  5. SZ Lin

Special thanks to jeremija and Narrat for their contributions.


Logo copyright © 2017 Zhiming Wang.

You may freely redistribute it alongside the code, or use it when describing or linking to this project. You should NOT create modified versions of it, make it the logo or icon of your project (except personal forks and/or forks with the goal of upstreaming), or otherwise use it without written permission.

googler's People


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googler's Issues

colorized output fails for some input when output is non EN

> googler -n 8 -c en -l ru LRU
produces the following error:

 1  Алгоритмы кэширования — Википедия Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/SumProxy/Applications/bin/googler", line 393, in <module>
    results = fetch_results()
  File "/Users/SumProxy/Applications/bin/googler", line 386, in fetch_results
  File "/Users/SumProxy/Applications/bin/googler", line 159, in print_entry
    "\x1B[0m\n\x1B[93m%s\x1B[39m" % url)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 40-57: ordinal not in range(128)

No result with Google's experimental layout

As we all know, Google experiments with stuff all the time. Here's a layout that they've been experimenting lately which I've seen a few times:

screen shot 2016-06-04 at 11 00 11 am

Sample response:

Our parser can't parse any result from this because the result wrapper here is <div class="g card-section">, and we've been limiting ourselves to precisely <div class="g"> in order to get rid of the occasional top card.

I'll see what I can do when I have time. (The basic idea is to open up the class restriction, and somehow still filter out the top card? I thought about enforcing nonempty abstracts, but that's not a good criterion because if you google google for instance, the second result is Google's Twitter account and there's no abstract for that. If we can't discern the top card from everything else, I guess we'll have to include it after all.)

Return non-zero exit code when no hits are returned

I am automating searches and would like to detect failures without parsing the stdout. The grep command line tool allows for this by returning a non-zero exit code when it matches nothing. I would like this feature in googler.

Thank you!

(I love this software!)

googler with proxychains cannot open link with number of search result

Bug reports

I tried to use googler -d to watch what happened but nothing show on screen

  • Output of googler -d
[proxychains] config file found: /etc/proxychains.conf
[proxychains] preloading /usr/lib/
[proxychains] DLL init: proxychains-ng 4.11
[proxychains] DLL init: proxychains-ng 4.11
[DEBUG] Base URL [/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&]
[DEBUG] Search URL [ : /search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&q=mutt+tutorial]
[proxychains] Dynamic chain  ...  ...  ...  OK
[DEBUG] Response body written to '/tmp/googler-response-lmyvnq9j'.
  • Response body, something like /tmp/googler-response-xxxxxx
    There is a lot of things in googler-response-xxxxxx
  • Details of operating system, Python version used, terminal emulator and shell
    My Python version: 3.5.1
    OS: Arch linux x86_64 4.4.5-1-ARCH
    Terminal: Urxvt v9.22
    Shell: zsh
    local: zh_CN.urf8.

Also I tested with tsocks with googler, that's ok, I can use number of search result to open page at my chromium.

How to run in China?

As known, google cannot use in China. But when hosts was changed, it may work well.
I can google in firefox, but it pops error when in googler.

$ googler firefox
[ERROR] Got HTTP 302: Found

Self upgrade for those who just want to download the frigging executable

I suggest adding another completely BS-free installation method:

$ sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/googler && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/googler

The version number should of course be updated with each release.

To accompany this, I propose that we take a page from the book of youtube-dl and friends by adding a -U, --update, --upgrade option to do self-upgrade for the free souls that are not bound by package managers. (Truth be told, I'm not one of these free souls, but I decided to free myself after realizing just now that googler from Linuxbrew is still stuck on v2.3 which doesn't support --colors...). An --include-git option (or something like that if anyone could come up with a better name) could also be supplied to include non-release versions from git master.

The implementation should be rather trivial through querying GitHub's API. I can take care of the implementation if this is a good idea. Cheers.

2.5 broken on OS X: module 'socket' has no attribute 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT'

OS X 10.11.5, Python 3.5.1, googler 2.5:

> /usr/local/Cellar/googler/2.5/bin/googler --debug --noprompt Homebrew
[DEBUG] Connecting to new host
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/googler/2.5/bin/googler", line 579, in new_connection
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/googler/2.5/bin/googler", line 122, in connect
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT, 1)
AttributeError: module 'socket' has no attribute 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/googler/2.5/bin/googler", line 1908, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/googler/2.5/bin/googler", line 1882, in main
    repl = GooglerCmd(opts)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/googler/2.5/bin/googler", line 1471, in __init__
    self._conn = GoogleConnection(self._google_url.hostname, proxy=proxy)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/googler/2.5/bin/googler", line 530, in __init__
    self.new_connection(host, port=port, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/Cellar/googler/2.5/bin/googler", line 582, in new_connection
    raise GoogleConnectionError(msg)
__main__.GoogleConnectionError: Failed to connect to module 'socket' has no attribute 'TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT'.

Redirection and piping doesn't work

Currently redirection and piping doesn't work.


$ googler hello > out.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 309, in 
    winsz = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, "1234")
IOError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device

$ googler hello | tee out.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 309, in 
    winsz = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, "1234")
IOError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device

$ googler hello | tail
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 309, in 
    winsz = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, "1234")
IOError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device

readline functionality doesn't work with Python 2.7 since v2.3

As said in the title, readline functionality doesn't work with Python 2.7 since v2.3. The most obvious symptom is that arrow keys don't work as expected and are instead recorded into input strings.

I first reported this problem in 7b8497e#commitcomment-17570360.


Broken in c2df4a0:

    # Set the encoding of standard streams to UTF-8 (unnecessary for Python 3)
    import codecs
    sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout)
    sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stderr)

readline needs to access low level streams and doesn't play well with codecs.StreamWriter. Similar issue can be reproduced in a much more dramatic way by executing the code above in an interactive interpreter, e.g., python/ipython, then try to use interactive features such as tab completion.

Possible solutions

I proposed the following solutions:

  1. Restore the original sys.stdout in show_omniprompt, or even do it at a lower level, i.e., restore it in raw_input. Such a stupid hack.

  2. Write our own unicode printing function, and replace print everywhere. Again, a nightmare.

  3. Go back to PYTHONIOENCODING. That's a bad solution, because not every program works with PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8. If we have two files with a shell script invoking the python script then we can easily set this, but we only have one file, so there's it.

  4. In Makefile, we can add a target python2 that writes a shell script

    PYTHONIOENCODING=utf-8 python2 -c "
    escaped code

    Of course I don't recommend it, but that's still a solution.

  5. Phase out Python 2, which you brought up once. I'm in favor of phasing out Python 2 now. To follow this path, I think we should add a deprecation notice in README and CHANGELOG (as well as release notes), and explain the readline bug that we won't fix. We can then switch to !/usr/bin/env python3 in the next release, while possibly maintaining rough Python 2 compatibility (people who want to use Python 2 need to explicitly edit the shebang), or not. We can eventually remove Python 2 stuff altogether after a transitional period.

We decided to go with 5 (phasing out Python 2 support) in the end, and not fix this.

Error encountered: 'ascii' codec can't encode character: ordinal not in range(128)

The error

Whenever I try to run the program with a query, the program terminates while displaying the search result. These are some of the error messages and the query that caused it.

$ googler a
[ERROR] 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xa0' in position 154: ordinal not in range(128)
$ googler b
[ERROR] 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u2122' in position 40: ordinal not in range(128)
$ googler wit
[ERROR] 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xb7' in position 6: ordinal not in range(128)


I cloned the repository on September 17th at 17:50 PDT, and ran the googler executable file from the repo on linux trusty distribution, running on a chromebook through crouton, using Python 3.4.3.

Example with the whole output

$ googler t

1 T : Summary for AT&T Inc. - Yahoo Finance
View the basic T stock chart on Yahoo Finance. Change the date range, chart type and compare AT&T Inc. against other companies.

2 T-Mobile: Cell Phones | 4G Phones | iPhone and Android Phones
[ERROR] 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xa0' in position 143: ordinal not in range(128)

Possible Cause

It seems like the output included some character which should be encoded using UTF-8, but UTF-8 was not set as the default encoding in python in my system.
In fact when I change the default encoding to UTF-8 the output gets successfully printed without error.

Possible solution

It seems like to encode all output using the most appropriate encoding, depending on particular search results, might fix this.

2.5 release reminders

Reminders for the 2.5 release.

  • Make sure shell completion scripts are up-to-date (we'll most likely make some changes to options, e.g., -h, --help).

Formatting on Mac OS X in emacs eshell

Here's how the output looks

googler ruby DateTime
 1  Class: DateTime (Ruby 1.9.3) -


 2  Date  Time in Ruby - TutorialsPoint


 3  DateTime - Ruby on Rails API


 4  Convert to/from DateTime and Time in Ruby - Stack Overflow


 5  How to convert a unix timestamp (seconds since epoch) to Ruby ...


 6  strftime (DateTime) - APIdock


 7  strptime (DateTime) - APIdock


 8  Format DateTime in Ruby - HackHands


 9  For a Good Strftime - Easy Skeezy Ruby Date/Time Formatting


 10  ISO8601 Dates in Ruby | Virtuous Code


Enter 'n', 'p', 'g keywords' or number to continue: 10

Any suggestions how this could be fixed?

Encoding issue


it seems you don't decode/encode every I/O :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 455, in <module>
    results = fetch_results()
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 435, in fetch_results
    parser.feed(gzip.GzipFile(fileobj = StringIO.StringIO(
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 117, in feed
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 161, in goahead
    k = self.parse_starttag(i)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 308, in parse_starttag
    attrvalue = self.unescape(attrvalue)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 475, in unescape
    return re.sub(r"&(#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w{1,8}));", replaceEntities, s)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 155, in sub
    return _compile(pattern, flags).sub(repl, string, count)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 1: ordinal not in range(128)

At your disposal :)

TODO list

Rolling TODO list thread No. 3. Previous thread is #83.

Possible improvements we'd like to see:

Suggestions and PRs welcome!

Discussion: Switch from http.client to urllib.request

I've been improving upon existing code without thinking too much, but it just occurred to me: why are we using http.client instead of urllib.request and handling all that connection and redirection stuff manually? I have the alternative implemented in the http-to-urllib branch (based on oo-refresh in #99). In particular, quoting zmwangx@0e4e938:

urllib.request is higher level than http.client and does almost
everything we need automatically (redirection, for instance). It even
recognizes users' proxy settings in the https_proxy env var (when we
don't set a proxy explicitly). Most importantly, it saves a hell lot of
code and maintenance.

The only downside is that `Connection:close' is hardcoded in each
request* so we can't keep the connection alive. I doubt that will cause
any noticeable delay on any reasonable network in a country or region
where Google is usable.

Note that I'm building an URL opener just to be forward-looking. We
could also have used urllib.request.urlopen for the moment.

* See

  > urllib.request module uses HTTP/1.1 and includes Connection:close
  > header in its HTTP requests.

Most importantly, it saves a hell lot of code and maintenance.

The diff stat says it all:

1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 204 deletions(-)

And the logic is cleaner: we no longer have the awkwardness of not 200 after the first redirection, and stuff like that.

In general, I think programmer time is more valuable then a few milliseconds of user time.

Behind Proxy

Will be great if it works behind a proxy too.

Unable to integrate with text-based browsers

Due to redirecting stdin and stderr unconditionally to /dev/nullin


Lines 93 to 109 in dfc988f

def open_url(url):
"""Open an URL in the user's default web browser."""
logger.debug('Opening %s', url)
_stderr = os.dup(2)
_stdout = os.dup(1)
fd =, os.O_RDWR)
os.dup2(fd, 2)
os.dup2(fd, 1)
import webbrowser
os.dup2(_stderr, 2)
os.dup2(_stdout, 1)
(which IIRC is there to suppress logging of graphical browsers), currently googler can't integrate with text-based browsers like w3m:

BROWSER=w3m googler -n 3 -d google
[DEBUG] Version 2.6
[DEBUG] Connecting to new host
[DEBUG] Fetching URL /search?ie=UTF-8&num=3&oe=UTF-8&q=google&start=0
[DEBUG] Cookie: NID=85=0ZPk4CbfrgeZk1YH8HkP5ETEVlEPA8Iah5wr63Nb2LJKRDITbPjbH14B1RksRJDiUOvil3RjWUDEOySNarkAKuVQqMY3kop27vLgHbpAdjrY6IIhZZvsq4m5tjbQW_MUx6wmQE2v0O8B1g
[DEBUG] Response body written to '/tmp/googler-response-nb04dlxs'.

1 Google
Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help
you find exactly what you're looking ...

2 Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.

3 Google (@google) | Twitter

googler (? for help) 1
[DEBUG] Opening
googler (? for help) q

(Nothing else appears after [DEBUG] Opening

Proposed solution

Add a --disable-browser-output option to only redirect browser stdin and stdout to /dev/null when the option is on; or add a --enable-browser-output option, which is the other way round.

Temporary workaround

Until this is resolved, if you want to integrate with a text-based browser, you can apply this patch (assuming your googler is up-to-date with the master branch): (

$ cd /directory/where/googler/lives
$ curl -sSL | patch -p1

By the way, the easiest way to be up-to-date with the master branch, assuming you're using a recent enough version with self-upgrade support, is

$ googler -U --include-git

Error doing a Hello World

When I'm trying to do some examples,it returns me an error:

$ googler hello world                               
[ERROR] Failed to connect to module 'ssl' has no attribute 'PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2'.

I don't know what is it. I have Python 3, running in ZSH and OS x.


2.3 release reminders

I'm not pressuring you to cut a release; just trying to collect some reminders. @jarun Feel free to directly edit the top post.

  • Remove Troubleshooting 1 from (it should no longer be possible, and if it happens either the user is using an outdated version — in which case the issue template asks the user to try the latest version — or it's a new bug and/or an incomplete fix);
  • Install shell completion scripts in the Homebrew formula (this branch);
  • Update image with new omniprompt;
  • Remind @shaggytwodope on AUR packaging.

"Connection blocked due to unusual activity" on Travis

This is getting annoying. Either Google hardened their rate limiting, or something. We used to be able to go through six jobs within the matrix, each issuing 100 queries; now we can't even get through three. Basically all Travis builds that actually test googler now fail.

Of course there is the dream of unit testing, but in the mean time, we probably need to reduce the number of queries, or something.

More navigation issues

unfilter should set start to 0

This should work as per google behaviour. When omitted results are included, results are shown from the first page.

next should not increment start if the last set of results were NIL

Currently n key at omniprompt increments start every time. So user needs to press p as many times to return to the last set of results.

site search broken?

$ googler -d -c in -n 4 -w mr robot
[DEBUG] Version 2.4
[DEBUG] Base URL [/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&num=4&]
[DEBUG] Search URL [ : /search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&num=4&]
[DEBUG] Response body written to '/tmp/googler-response-b40uq9sd'.

 1 Mr. Robot (TV Series 2015– ) - IMDb
... who suffers from social anxiety disorder and forms connections through hacking. He's recruited by a mysterious anarchist, who calls himself Mr. Robot.

 2 Elliot played by Rami Malek | Characters & Crew | Mr

 3 USA Network's Mr. Robot is Filming Again in C

 4 Mr. Robot (TV Series 2015– ) - IMDb

 5 Mr. Robot (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 6 Mr. Robot (TV Series 2015– ) - Episodes - IMDb
GET DISCOVERED. Enhance your IMDb Page. Go to IMDbPro ». |; Help · Login · Register · Login · Mr. Robot (TV Series 2015– ) Poster · Mr. Robot (2015– ) ...

 7 Mr. Robot (TV Series 2015– ) - Episodes - IMDb
Elliot attempts to hack Vera out of jail in order to save someone he cares about; Tyrell's "game" gets crazy; and Angela digs deeper into her mother's death.

 8 Mr. Robot (TV Series 2015– ) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb
Mr. Robot (TV Series 2015– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

Enter n, p, o, result index or new keywords (? for help) o
[DEBUG] Next URL [/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&num=4&]

Enter n, p, o, result index or new keywords (? for help)

Looks like card results (People who ask) are also showing up.


Are we showing these deliberately? I would expect the card results to be shown as indented or not to show at all. Even if we don't show in case of site-specific search, I guess it's OK.

Update screenshot after prompt refresh

Just a reminder: we should update the screenshot once we solidify the prompt refresh.

The screenshot could be optimized with optipng (or better yet, zopflipng) to reduce the size of the repo.

TODO list

Rolling TODO list thread No. 1. This thread has been archived. Continue discussion in #83.

Possible improvements we'd like to see:

And moonshots:

  • Support DDG (possibly in a separate project?)

PRs welcome!


Use /usr/bin/env python instead of /usr/bin/python?

Maybe it's better to use /usr/bin/env python instead of /usr/bin/python to allow more flexibility for users stuck on older systems? I'm not sure about whether the following is true, but I heard that OS X Snow Leopard is still stuck on Python 2.6 by default, which might or might not be compatible with this code (I didn't test, but README says 2.7.x is required). And I suppose this could also be a problem for older releases of slow-moving Linux distros, although I'm not sure if anyone's going to use googler on systems that old.

Navigation issues

Issue 1: googler exits if p is pressed at first page
Expected: It shouldn't exit and we shouldn't point it as an ERROR. Just Already at the first page. should do.

And why are we raising an exception for this? Just printing the message and maintaining start at 0 should do.

$ googler -d bohoomil infinality deb package 16.04 ubuntu -t m3
[DEBUG] Connecting to new host
[DEBUG] Fetching URL /search?ie=UTF-8&num=10&oe=UTF-8&q=bohoomil+infinality+deb+package+16.04+ubuntu&start=0&tbs=qdr:m3
[DEBUG] Redirecting to URL
[DEBUG] Connecting to new host
[DEBUG] Fetching URL /search?ie=UTF-8&num=10&oe=UTF-8&q=bohoomil+infinality+deb+package+16.04+ubuntu&start=0&tbs=qdr:m3&gws_rd=cr&ei=htlYV7T0PIP_vgTampT4AQ
[DEBUG] Response body written to '/tmp/googler-response-tpi1kded'.

1 Ubuntu 16.04 support · Issue #25 · achaphiv/ppa-fonts · GitHub
Apr 21, 2016 - Please build both freetype and fontconfig-infinality for ubuntu 16.04. thanks. ... It looks like
bohoomil's patch for freetype 2.6.1 is no longer applying. Might be simpler ... Thank you for your work despite
hating debian packaging :). @greatquux.

2 Install fonts and improve font rendering quality in Arch Linux
May 6, 2016 - infinality. For the past two years, I have been using Ubuntu as my primary OS, but now it's Arch
Linux with Deepin Desktop ... [infinality-bundle] Server =$arch ... The package name
will be given in the left side for each language set. ... Install Nginx, MariaDB, PHP (LEMP Stack) in Ubuntu
16.04 LTS.

3 Shell Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/06 - Main
May 6, 2016 - Nyr/openvpn-install 1677 OpenVPN road warrior installer for Debian, Ubuntu and ..... for the
terminal. bohoomil/fontconfig-ultimate 330 freetype2-infinality run-time ... IPsec/L2TP VPN server on Ubuntu
16.04/14.04/12.04, Debian 8 and CentOS ...

4 Después de instalar openSUSE Leap 42.1 KDE | La sombra del ...
May 11, 2016 - ... que asegura incorporar los parches del famoso usuario Bohoomil de Arch Linux. ... Infinality
openSUSE ... Si no están instaladas, como las fuentes de Ubuntu, por ejemplo, las encontraréis en la web de
software de openSUSE. ..... Synchronizing package databases… .... Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus: un futuro

googler (? for help) p
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 1859, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 1848, in main
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 1643, in cmdloop
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 1378, in enforced_method
    method(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 1392, in enforced_method
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 1608, in do_previous
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 347, in prev_page
    raise ValueError('Already at the first page.')
ValueError: Already at the first page.

Issue 2: Redundant newline and WARNING message when no more results

Expected: No warning in an informative message please. Just No results. should do. And we need to remove the extra newline above the message.

$ googler -d bohoomil infinality deb package 16.04 ubuntu -t m3
[DEBUG] Connecting to new host
[DEBUG] Fetching URL /search?ie=UTF-8&num=10&oe=UTF-8&q=bohoomil+infinality+deb+package+16.04+ubuntu&start=0&tbs=qdr:m3
[DEBUG] Redirecting to URL
[DEBUG] Connecting to new host
[DEBUG] Fetching URL /search?ie=UTF-8&num=10&oe=UTF-8&q=bohoomil+infinality+deb+package+16.04+ubuntu&start=0&tbs=qdr:m3&gws_rd=cr&ei=jdpYV6yYO8nqvAT4y4-YDg
[DEBUG] Response body written to '/tmp/googler-response-l5dsr7is'.

1 Ubuntu 16.04 support · Issue #25 · achaphiv/ppa-fonts · GitHub
Apr 21, 2016 - Please build both freetype and fontconfig-infinality for ubuntu 16.04. thanks. ... It looks like
bohoomil's patch for freetype 2.6.1 is no longer applying. Might be simpler ... Thank you for your work despite
hating debian packaging :). @greatquux.

2 Install fonts and improve font rendering quality in Arch Linux
May 6, 2016 - infinality. For the past two years, I have been using Ubuntu as my primary OS, but now it's Arch
Linux with Deepin Desktop ... [infinality-bundle] Server =$arch ... The package name
will be given in the left side for each language set. ... Install Nginx, MariaDB, PHP (LEMP Stack) in Ubuntu
16.04 LTS.

3 Shell Github Star Ranking at 2016/05/06 - Main
May 6, 2016 - Nyr/openvpn-install 1677 OpenVPN road warrior installer for Debian, Ubuntu and ..... for the
terminal. bohoomil/fontconfig-ultimate 330 freetype2-infinality run-time ... IPsec/L2TP VPN server on Ubuntu
16.04/14.04/12.04, Debian 8 and CentOS ...

4 Después de instalar openSUSE Leap 42.1 KDE | La sombra del ...
May 11, 2016 - ... que asegura incorporar los parches del famoso usuario Bohoomil de Arch Linux. ... Infinality
openSUSE ... Si no están instaladas, como las fuentes de Ubuntu, por ejemplo, las encontraréis en la web de
software de openSUSE. ..... Synchronizing package databases… .... Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus: un futuro

googler (? for help) n
[DEBUG] Fetching URL /search?ie=UTF-8&num=10&oe=UTF-8&q=bohoomil+infinality+deb+package+16.04+ubuntu&start=10&tbs=qdr:m3
[DEBUG] Response body written to '/tmp/googler-response-7j__n2jy'.

[WARNING] No results.
googler (? for help)

googler -n sometimes show a wrong number of results

I have noticed that googler -n sometimes suffer from a wrong number of results:

  • Example 1. More:

    > echo | googler -d -n 1 Homebrew
    [DEBUG] Base URL [/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&num=1&]
    [DEBUG] Search URL [ : /search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&num=1&q=Homebrew]
    [DEBUG] Response body written to '/Volumes/ramdisk/googler-response-MAhHbi'.
    1  Homebrew — The missing package manager for OS X
    Package Manager. Allows to install, remove and updated applications and packages.
    2  Local business results for Homebrew,-122.2105483&sspn=0.4166045,0.7033855&q=Homebrew
    Enter 'n', 'p', 'g keywords' or result number to continue:


  • Example 2. Fewer:

    > echo | googler -d -n 3 hello
    [DEBUG] Base URL [/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&num=3&]
    [DEBUG] Search URL [ : /search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&start=0&num=3&q=hello]
    [DEBUG] Response body written to '/Volumes/ramdisk/googler-response-_ZLbpd'.
    1  ADELE - HELLO - Directlyrics
    View the Adele Hello lyrics and music video. Adeles Hello is the first single from her album 25. Hello was released
    on October 23rd, 2015 and quickly...
    1 ad skipped.
    Enter 'n', 'p', 'g keywords' or result number to continue:


Platform: OS X 10.11.3, tested with Python 2.7.11 or 3.5.1, Zsh 5.2 in iTerm 2.

Haven't investigated yet.

Add country-specific search support

Instead of using as the base server, add suport for more countries (e.g. based on options. Note that currently the search is redirected to the country of origin (determined from IP address) when is used. However, that is not the case for country-specific search.

zsh shell exits with error

After search results are shown , zsh terminal closes with following error code.
[ERROR] 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\xa3' in position 125: ordinal not in range(128)

Issues with results if user-agent is removed

  1. Google News doesn't work
  2. File mime type doesn't show
  3. A regular hello search results:
$ ./googler hello

1 HELLO! Online: celebrity & royal news, magazine, babies, weddings ...
HELLO! Online brings you the latest celebrity & royal news from the UK & around  the world, magazine exclusives,
celeb babies, weddings, pregnancies and ...

2 hello network
hello connects you with people and content around your passions. Show the  world who you are, express what you
love, and create meaningful connections.

3 Hello (Adele song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Hello" is a song by English singer Adele. It was released on 23 October 2015 by  XL Recordings as the lead
single from her third studio album, 25 (2015). Adele ...

4 Hello - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hello is a salutation or greeting in the English language. It is first attested in  writing from 1833. Contents.
[hide]. 1 First use; 2 Etymology. 2.1 Telephone; 2.2 ...

5 Images for hello

6 HELLO! - Facebook
HELLO! 1794375 likes · 54963 talking about this. The official Facebook page for  HELLO! magazine & FOLLOW US @...

7 ADELE LYRICS - Hello - A-Z Lyrics
Hello, it's me. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet. To go  over everything. They say
that time's supposed to heal ya. But I ain't done much ...

8 Hello
Sense by Hello wakes you up feeling great, improves your sleep, and helps you  learn how the environment of your
bedroom affects your rest.

9 Hello — Caller ID & Blocking - Android Apps on Google Play
Make your phone smarter with Hello. Built by Messenger just for Android, Hello  combines info from Facebook with
the contact info on your phone so it's easy to ...

a. URLs are malformed
b. multiple spaces in results: Show the world, around the world, To go over
c. Images for hello show in results

Support "Google Now" type commands


What about adding an option (say --now for instance) to fetch only the Google Now answers to some questions.

For instance,

$ googler --now "20 + 30 * 1/2"
20 + ((30 * 1) / 2) = 35

Same thing with capital, weather, people, etc.


Change bug report info in help.

The info returned from simply running google gives

Copyright (C) 2008 Henri Hakkinen.
Report bugs to [email protected].

While the copyright is entirely fine, I think the report bugs bit should point the github here, or another email address. Since the project is basicly a fork at this point. And he should not be responsable for bugs.

UnicodeEncodeError in print() with KDE Konsole on KaOS

The following error is thrown on KaOS when googler is invoked from KDE Konsole, (bash shell):

Our first program will print the classic Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 454, in 
    results = fetch_results()
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 438, in fetch_results
  File "/usr/local/bin/googler", line 203, in print_entry
    print(w, end=' ')
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character '\u201c' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

Fish shell works fine though.

Discussion: Changing the license to something more permissive

To be honest, I wanted to bring this up ever since my first commit here, but I've always been hesitant. Nevertheless, now that I've had quite substantial contributions, I would like to at least bring this discussion onto the table, which shouldn't hurt. (No hard feelings even if it is immediately rejected.)

Full disclosure

I'm not a fan of GPLv3 (and GPL in general). I'm not a hater, but GPLv3 in particular has done more harm than good in my life.

Current state of affairs

First, whatever the outcome is, the current license is no good. brands our license as GPLv3, but if you read LICENSE or the license boilerplate in googler, it is actually licensed under GPLv3+:

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

And that's ridiculous. To paraphrase Linus, GPLv2+ was basically a scam, because FSF tricked people into licensing under GPLv2 and some future licenses that they had no idea about, and they could sneak in intolerable stuff at any point, and they did. The exact same thing could be said about GPLv3+.

So the first thing to do, even if we do stick with GPLv3, is to eliminate that "+".

Alternative licenses

More importantly, I'd love to see a more permissive license. It's not like anyone's ever going to incorporate our code (definitely not in closed-source products as far as I could imagine), but IMO placing artificial usage barriers is not nice in any case, and doesn't benefit anyone, especially for a project of our size.

In the Python community, the most common licenses are MIT and BSD. According to PyPI:

BSD License (13536)
GNU General Public License (GPL) (4531)
GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2) (853)
GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+) (271)
GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3) (1946)
GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+) (1227)
MIT License (17545)

So MIT and BSD vastly outnumber any sort of GPL. Here I assume BSD to be BSD 3-Clause. I personally always choose MIT over BSD because I don't care a bit about BSD's third clause (and I license my tiny and/or more playful projects/code snippets under WTFPL). It is also worth noting that some big name projects choose public domain, the most notable one that I know of being rg3/youtube-dl.

In summary, I would relicense the project to MIT. BSD is also a reasonable choice. Licenses like Apache could be more hairy.

The path to enlightenment

If we do decide on relicensing, we'll need to ask our contributors. Fortunately we only have seven in total, five excluding @jarun and me. Four out of the five are active on GitHub. Henri — the original author — isn't, but he does have an email address on his profile, [email protected], so we could give it a shot. Even if we can't reach him, we have already organically rewritten almost everything (i.e., we didn't rewrite for the sake of rewriting):

> git checkout master
> git blame googler | grep Henri | grep -v -e ') #' -e ') $'
^3f6e257 google  (Henri             2008-10-13 13:17:55 +0300  366)     def __init__(self):
^3f6e257 google  (Henri             2008-10-13 13:17:55 +0300  392)     def main_start(self, tag, attrs):
^3f6e257 google  (Henri             2008-10-13 13:17:55 +0300  419)         pass
^3f6e257 google  (Henri             2008-10-13 13:17:55 +0300 1044) keywords = None
110566f5 googler (Arun Prakash Jana 2016-05-02 00:30:10 +0530 1071)         Copyright (C) 2008 Henri Hakkinen
693b2cfb google  (Henri             2008-10-15 09:39:32 +0300 1156) if len(sys.argv) < 2:
^3f6e257 google  (Henri             2008-10-13 13:17:55 +0300 1158)     sys.exit(1)
> git checkout oo-refresh
> git blame googler | grep Henri | grep -v -e ') #' -e ') $'
^3f6e257 google  (Henri             2008-10-13 13:17:55 +0300  959)     def main_start(self, tag, attrs):
^3f6e257 google  (Henri             2008-10-13 13:17:55 +0300  986)         pass
57105a35 googler (Zhiming Wang      2016-05-29 16:55:12 -0700 1658)         Copyright (C) 2008 Henri Hakkinen

so I would say (IANAL) it's okay to argue that this is no longer a derivative work. (The main_start thing is nothing but an accidental name clash; I can even rename the scope to root or global which would make more sense.) Worst case scenario is Henri later finds out and gets angry, and we'll relicense under GPLv3, and we don't need to ask anyone for permission to do that because MIT/BSD is GPL compatible.

Shell completion scripts for googler

Update (2016-04-10 10:18:11 PM PDT): See #56 (comment) for the bash version.

I just wrote a tiny Zsh completion script for googler: In case you don't use Zsh, below is a brief screencast for demonstration.

If you think this is something worth having, we can add it to contrib/zsh, and briefly mention it in README. I'll also make sure the Homebrew formula automatically installs it to /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions starting from the next release.


Suppress Omniprompt

I am automating a bunch of searches and redirecting the results to text files. I would like the option to suppress the Omniprompt text from the results.

By this I mean I do not want the text "Enter n, p, result number or new keywords (? for help):" to appear at the end of the file.

Also, it seems to wait for user input even when output is redirected. I'd like the option to suppress the omniprompt entirely.

Thank you.

Why changing the project name if upstream is dead?


Edit2: My mistake. Please disregard most of it. Just the question remains, why changing the project name?
Upstream is clearly not available and the fork doesn't harm it in that way. Or could problems arise?
Asking out of curiosity as I forked the repo of henux and kept the name

Best regards

Edit3: After thinking about it, I suppose a different name helps to distinguish from the other forks, that kept the name.

Edit: I hope I didn't jump to conclusions with my assumption AUR maintainer == project owner

I noticed today your fork and that you added it to the AUR.
Why not retaining the name and instead contacting the cli-google AUR-package maintainer (Ok, that would be me). Back then I forked it too, but just made it just working again (plus port to python3) more or less.
If you stepped up and improve it, why not doing it under the original name?
In my opinion this could be done, as upstream is clearly unavailable.

Why am I writing this?
One package offering the functionality is imo enough for the AUR. So , if you want the stay with your fork name I would create a merge request for the cli-google PKGBUILD I maintain.
If you decide to go back to the original name I would drop the maintainer post and you could adopt it changing it to your maintained fork.

Contributor concensus: moving from GPLv3+ to MIT

The current discussion relates to all contributors to googler.

We had been using the GPLv3+ license model for googler so far. At this point, we feel a more permissive license would do it justice. The proposal was raised by @zmwangx at #100. As the maintainer and active contributor to googler I am completely aligned to him given the scope and application of googler as a utility.

I request the following contributors for their opinion and note of (dis)agreement so that we can bring this activity to a logical closure.


We have contacted @henux over email as he doesn't seem to be active on GitHub anymore.

We'll wait for a period of 1 week from now for the responses from the contributors. In case there is none from certain contributors, we'll conclude with what we have on the plate.

Add configuration file support

Use a configuration file to store options so that user doesn't have to remember and key-in those repeatedly. Leave the defaults as they are. Available config file options should override defaults.

google-cli stopped working?

Seems like googler has stopped working recently. Note sure if Google changed something in its search result format.

To debug, enable internal logs using the -d option.

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