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python-netbox's Issues

function .ipam.get_next_available_ip(prefix=prefix) does not work.


File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/netbox/", line 178, in get_next_available_ip
return self.netbox_con.get(param, limit=1)[0]['address']
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/netbox/", line 96, in get
return resp_data['results']
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

unable to create_interface with form_factor=[1000]

thanks for the tool.

I am trying to use the tool to create an interface: and hitting this error:

netbox.dcim.create_interface(name='test', device_id='rt01', form_factor=[1000])
Traceback (most recent call last):
netbox.exceptions.CreateException: Creation failed with unknown reason

I did see netbox code and it looks like Jeremy has renamed form_factor to type, and form_factor will be removed from v2.7:

however, even using those codes results in the above error. unsure if this is already being worked upon?


Url print behaivor

I've noticed that when we hit an API endpoint the corresponding URL is printed.

For example calling:

will print this to stdout:

For large scripts this can cause a lot of unnecessary output. What are your thoughts on a PR that would would make the default behavior to not print the url unless netbox.dcim.get_manufacturers(url_debug=True)

inventory url missing "-items"


nb.dcim.inventory.all() does not work. According to netbox document, the url is "/api/dcim/inventory-items/"

I think the url generated by pynetbox is missing "-items"

fails to create IP even when its passed as str.


File "", line 44, in
File "/home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/netbox/", line 62, in create_ip_address
return'/ipam/ip-addresses/', required_fields, **kwargs)
File "/home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/netbox/", line 129, in post
raise exceptions.CreateException(resp_data)
File "/home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/netbox/", line 36, in init
self.err = ''.join('{} '.format(val[0]) for key, val in resp_data.items())
File "/home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/netbox/", line 36, in
self.err = ''.join('{} '.format(val[0]) for key, val in resp_data.items())
TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

$ pip install python-netbox
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: python-netbox in /home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (0.0.18)
Requirement already satisfied: ipaddress in /home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from python-netbox) (1.0.23)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from python-netbox) (2.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests->python-netbox) (3.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests->python-netbox) (1.25.9)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests->python-netbox) (2.9)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /home/ec2-admin/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from requests->python-netbox) (2020.4.5.1)

TypeError: quote_from_bytes() expected bytes in 0.0.20

Looks like the 0.0.20 release introduced a bug somewhere, after the update from .19 i get the following error:

from netbox import NetBox

n = NetBox(host='netbox.domain.tld', auth_token='whatever')
x = n.ipam.get_ip_addresses(parent='')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/builds/", line 5, in export_reverse
    address_list = netbox.ipam.get_ip_addresses(parent='')
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/netbox/", line 36, in get_ip_addresses
    return self.netbox_con.get('/ipam/ip-addresses/', **kwargs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/netbox/", line 85, in get
    '&'.join('{}={}'.format(key, urllib.parse.quote(val)) for key, val in kwargs.items()), limit)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/netbox/", line 85, in <genexpr>
    '&'.join('{}={}'.format(key, urllib.parse.quote(val)) for key, val in kwargs.items()), limit)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/urllib/", line 862, in quote
    return quote_from_bytes(string, safe)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/urllib/", line 887, in quote_from_bytes
    raise TypeError("quote_from_bytes() expected bytes")
TypeError: quote_from_bytes() expected bytes

Not catching Invalid token or if a user is missing rights to do something

So did by misstake use our read token and it took me a long time to find that.
That got me thinking and i did a test with a bad token and its not displayed in any way so its super hard to find out.

So in i just added a line to print

print(response_data, response.status_code) return response.ok, response.status_code, response_data

'/home/chrnic/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/netbox/ SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
  if method is not 'GET':
/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made to host ''. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:
{'detail': 'Invalid token'} 403

I dont know where it would be proper to catch and handle bad token or "unauthorized"

get-prefixes (and probably others) ignores next field and therefor only returns first 1000 entries

I noticed that the library does nothing with the provided next field of the api, and therefor stays quiet about the fact that not all values were returned.
Can something be added (an extra key for example) which automatically request the next url (based on the next field) and add it to the to return list.

Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1160,
    "next": "",

Content-Type: application/json
Vary: Accept

    "count": 1160,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",

I now do this as temporary solution

prefixes = []
offset_num = 0
while 1:
    templist = netbox.ipam.get_ip_prefixes(offset=offset_num)
    if templist:
        offset_num += 1000
        templist = []

The loop continues until an empty list is returned, which requires an extra unnecessary api call.

Local Config Context edit

Hello, I know the recent release of netbox allowed for the edit of the local config context via the API. Has this been rolled into the python api yet?

Port is not being used.

Can't get port to work correctly.

netbox = NetBox(
host_info = netbox.dcim.get_devices()

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=********', port=443)

netbox modules doesnot work

Python netbox modules doesnot support for netbox later version i think. for ex: netbox.ipam.create_ip_address- doesnot work anymore

get_ip_prefixes for IP adress provided

Hi looking for a option to search ip prefixe based on ipaddress provided ... or is there something already there ?


and returns me back relevant prefix for this as
prefix =

Please help

IPAM get_next_available_ip issue


I tried to get next available ip from prefix with function netbox.ipam.get_next_available_ip(id=my_id) but i got exception:
`TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_20192/ in
----> 1 netbox.ipam.get_next_available_ip(id=29)

c:\users\gs\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages\netbox\ in get_next_available_ip(self, **kwargs)
175 param = '/ipam/prefixes/{}/available-ips/'.format(prefix_id)
--> 176 return self.netbox_con.get(param, limit=1)[0]['address']
178 def get_vrfs(self, **kwargs):

c:\users\gs\appdata\local\programs\python\python37\lib\site-packages\netbox\ in get(self, param, key, limit, **kwargs)
94 resp_data = self.__request('GET', params=param, key=key, url=url)
---> 96 return resp_data['results']
98 def put(self, params):

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str`

Endpoint /api/ipam/prefixes/my_id/available-ips/ works fine so it seems to be a python-netbox issue, did you have already faced this issue?

get_next_available_ip hard-coded prefix id

Just investigating the usefulness of this library, and I found the ipam.get_next_available_ip. Looked useful, but in its implementation, it calls get_ip_prefixes and always uses the first prefix it finds as the basis. I cannot seem to provide it with filter kwargs that works, since it will always call the underlying netbox_con.get method with `param='/ipam/prefixes/' and no way to change that. Any kwargs would just be appended as GET parameters, but if I interpret the netbox API correctly, I would need to change the param to ''/ipam/prefixes/'.

Am I overlooking something or it this a bug?

update/delete an object by ID

Currently, we have to use "name" as ID to update and delete an object.
Having a lot of objects with names including letters like "+" and "&", we're experiencing issues - like "Unable to find tenant"
Create the same objects with those names are not issues.
Sorry - but considering to search for another libary to overcome such issue...

Will ask for an option to use "ID" as ID for update/delete.

Get device multiple roles

Hi, I find that is possible to .dcim.get_devices(role=role, tag=tag)

How can I query for multiple roles ?

With Netbox UI it's possible via https://URL/dcim/devices/?q=&role=role1&role=role2

Thx in advance :)

Unable to delete role via API

When running following code:

for role in netbox.ipam.get_roles():

I get :

netbox.exceptions.DeleteException: Delete failed with an unknown reason

Netbox logs say

2020-07-10 12:47:28 +0000] [35] [DEBUG] DELETE /api/ipam/role/17 - - [10/Jul/2020:12:47:28 +0000] "DELETE /api/ipam/role/17 HTTP/1.0" 404 20391 "-" "python-requests/2.24.0"

When requested the same deletion via API explorer, the same delete is working:

[2020-07-10 12:59:14 +0000] [34] [DEBUG] DELETE /api/ipam/roles/17/ - - [10/Jul/2020:12:59:14 +0000] "DELETE /api/ipam/roles/17/ HTTP/1.0" 204 0 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0"

And the reason is that the method in

    def delete_role(self, role_name):
        """Delete prefix/vlan role

        :param role_name: prefix/vlan role to delete
        :return: bool True if successful otherwise raise DeleteException
            role_id = self.get_roles(name=role_name)[0]['id']
        except IndexError:
            raise exceptions.NotFoundException('prefix/vlan role: {}'.format(role_name)) from None
        return self.netbox_con.delete('/ipam/role/', role_id)

should contain
delete('/ipam/roles/', role_id)
instead of
delete('/ipam/role/', role_id)

When patched, all is working fine :)

Can you please fix it in?

Not handling plus signs in generated URLs.

Affected functions:

  • dcim.create_device
  • dcim.get_device_types

If the device type contains a plus sign (in my case, the call does not error out but fails to find the data in netbox, looking into it the following URL is generated:
GET /api/dcim/device-types/?model=CCR1016-12S-1S+&limit=0 HTTP/1.1\r\n

Where it should be generating this:
GET /api/dcim/device-types/?model=CCR1016-12S-1S%2B&limit=0

import logging
import urllib.parse
from netbox import NetBox

LOGGING_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(thread)d - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG, format=LOGGING_FORMAT, filename = 'output.txt')

m = 'CCR1016-12S-1S+'
n = NetBox(host='', port=8000, use_ssl=False, auth_token='<auth token>')

unquoted = n.dcim.get_device_types(model=m)
logging.debug("Unquoted: {0}".format(unquoted))

quoted = n.dcim.get_device_types(model=urllib.parse.quote(m))
logging.debug("Unquoted: {0}".format(quoted))

Output file contents:

2021-04-08 03:06:31,712 - urllib3.connectionpool - 139725271254848 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2021-04-08 03:06:33,391 - urllib3.connectionpool - 139725271254848 - DEBUG - "GET /api/dcim/device-types/?model=CCR1016-12S-1S+&limit=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 52
2021-04-08 03:06:33,395 - root - 139725271254848 - DEBUG - Unquoted: []
2021-04-08 03:06:33,398 - urllib3.connectionpool - 139725271254848 - DEBUG - Starting new HTTP connection (1):
2021-04-08 03:06:33,532 - urllib3.connectionpool - 139725271254848 - DEBUG - "GET /api/dcim/device-types/?model=CCR1016-12S-1S%2B&limit=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 576
2021-04-08 03:06:33,535 - root - 139725271254848 - DEBUG - Unquoted: [{'id': 803, 'url': '', 'manufacturer': {'id': 49, 'url': '', 'name': 'MikroTik', 'slug': 'mikrotik'}, 'model': 'CCR1016-12S-1S+', 'slug': 'ccr1016-12s-1splus', 'display_name': 'MikroTik CCR1016-12S-1S+', 'part_number': '', 'u_height': 1, 'is_full_depth': False, 'subdevice_role': None, 'front_image': None, 'rear_image': None, 'comments': '', 'tags': [], 'custom_fields': {}, 'created': '2021-04-07', 'last_updated': '2021-04-07T18:20:59.123550Z', 'device_count': 1}]

Manually quote the appropriate entries.

I believe this may affect many more functions as the create also needs to be pre-quoted to handle the create for a device_type containing a plus sign as the data is in the POST body, my fixed code is as follows:

rez = self._netbox.dcim.create_device(
	name        = dev_facts['hostname'],
	device_role = 'router',
	site_name   = location_code,
	device_type = urllib.parse.quote(dev_type[0]['model']),
	serial      = dev_facts['serial_number'],

I am guessing the best place to handle this would be __request in netbox/ but we at least need to handle if the plus was placed there to replace a space in the URL or if it was part of the data itself.

Unable to connect to Netbox host

I try to connect to Netbox, but it failed! I dont use token or any passwords, becouse i want to GET data only. My script contains this code:
netbox = NetBox(host='', port=8000, use_ssl=False) devices = netbox.dcim.get_devices()
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/vartemenok/PycharmProjects/NETBOX_API_v0.1/", line 6, in <module> devices = netbox.dcim.get_devices() File "C:\Users\vartemenok\PycharmProjects\NETBOX_API_v0.1\venv\lib\site-packages\netbox\", line 95, in get_devices return self.netbox_con.get('/dcim/devices/', **kwargs) File "C:\Users\vartemenok\PycharmProjects\NETBOX_API_v0.1\venv\lib\site-packages\netbox\", line 87, in get resp_ok, resp_status, resp_data = self.__request('GET', params=param, key=key, url=url) File "C:\Users\vartemenok\PycharmProjects\NETBOX_API_v0.1\venv\lib\site-packages\netbox\", line 62, in __request raise ConnectionError(err_msg) ConnectionError: Unable to connect to Netbox host:
When i use POSTMAN there are no problems.

NetboxConnection.get() not properly escaping integer kwargs

If integer kwargs are passed into NetboxConnection.get(), urllib.parse.quote_from_bytes() throws an exception because it doesn't know how to escape the values. This reproduces on python-netbox 0.0.20.

from netbox import NetBox

host = "host"
token = "token"
nb = NetBox(host=host, auth_token=token, ssl_verify=False)
offset = 0
devices = nb.dcim.get_devices(limit=0, offset=offset)


$ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 7, in <module>
    devices = nb.dcim.get_devices(limit=0, offset=offset)
  File "/home/caseyp/git/python-netbox/netbox/", line 255, in get_devices
    return self.netbox_con.get('/dcim/devices/', **kwargs)
  File "/home/caseyp/git/python-netbox/netbox/", line 85, in get
    '&'.join('{}={}'.format(key, urllib.parse.quote(val)) for key, val in kwargs.items()), limit)
  File "/home/caseyp/git/python-netbox/netbox/", line 85, in <genexpr>
    '&'.join('{}={}'.format(key, urllib.parse.quote(val)) for key, val in kwargs.items()), limit)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/urllib/", line 825, in quote
    return quote_from_bytes(string, safe)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/urllib/", line 850, in quote_from_bytes
    raise TypeError("quote_from_bytes() expected bytes")
TypeError: quote_from_bytes() expected bytes

Document supported Netbox versions

Have been using this with Netbox v2.8 to successfully sync and manage a number of resources from AWS and other providers, but looking to upgrade to v2.10 and it seems that support is lacking for certain features.

Would be nice if the README noted which Netbox versions and/or features were supported, and by which version of python-netbox.

In particular v2.10 introduced support for bulk updates/deletes to the Netbox API, and a new implementation of custom fields which seems to be missing from python-netbox:

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