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brand's Introduction

Backend for Real-time Asynchronous Neural Decoding (BRAND)


BRAND is built using a graph architecture with small, individual nodes that can be flexibly interconnected. Each node is a separate process, so as to allow for parallelization and re-prioritization of each node. Interprocess communication and data storage is all built around the Redis in-memory database and caching system.

The layout of each graph is defined in its associated .yaml configuration file. Graph configuration files are organized by experimental site within modules to allow easy sharing of graphs between experimental sites while allowing per-site customization. BRAND is set up to make creation of new graphs and development of new nodes easy and consistent.



Environment setup and Make is provided to automate the environment setup. It installs debian pkg dependencies using apt-get and creates the real-time conda environment (rt), which is defined by environment.yaml. hiredis and redis have been included as submodules, which also get initialized by After running bootstrap you simply need to run make at the project root. This will build all the project binaries including submodule dependencies. Be sure to activate the conda env before running make for Makefiles dependent on cython.

conda activate rt

Of note: if any of the source code is updated (for example, when developing a new node), make needs to be re-run for those changes to be reflected in the binaries that are run by BRAND.

Directory structure

BRAND follows the following directory structure (where brand corresponds to the main folder for this repository):


where <module-name> is the name of an external code module that extends the core BRAND code through its own nodes, graphs, and derivatives (details on this below).


The derivatives folder contains any derivative scripts. Derivatives are code that are run offline using data stored in an .rdb file. Consider derivatives to be analysis code. Derivatives are a new feature to BRAND, so check back in the future for more documentation and functionality.


The graphs folder contains the YAML configuration files for the graphs. This directory's organization is:



The lib folder contains libraries and helper functions required for the system to work. This includes BRAND specific C or Python libraries (c and python folders) and external packages (e.g. redis and hiredis). This directory's organization is:



The nodes folder contains the code for different nodes that implement specific modular functions, each separated into its own subdirectory. Within each node subdirectory, there should be the node's source code (can be optionally organized within a src directory), a gnu-compatible Makefile for compiling the source code and generating the node's binary executable, and a README. Running make from the main BRAND directory goes thorugh all of the node subdirectories and runs the respective Makefile, which should generate the compiled executable within the same directory and have a .bin extension. Ensure that you follow the below directory structure for each node:

        |---<node_name>.bin (built after running make)


This folder contains the code for the supervisor process, which is a core process in BRAND serving the following functions:

  1. Start a Redis server
  2. Load a graph and start nodes (upon receiving a "start" command)
  3. Maintain an internal model with the state of the graph
    • List of nodes running and their PIDs
    • Most recent published status of each node
  4. Stop graph and nodes (upon receiving a "stop" command)


The core BRAND directory can be extended to run additional graphs and nodes from external modules. From the core BRAND directory, external modules must be installed to a <module-name> folder at the following path relative to the main BRAND directory:


Within each module, the directory structure is the following:


where derivatives/, nodes/, and graphs/ follow the same guidelines as the core BRAND directory. Of note: running make within the core directory will also go through the node Makefiles and rebuild the binary executables within all external module directories.

Graph YAML files

The configuration for a graph, that is, which nodes to run and using which parameters, is specified thorugh a graph YAML file. At a minimum, a graph YAML file should include a list of all nodes to run with their names, (unique) nicknames, relative path from core BRAND directory to module directory, and parameter list. Optionally, the graph YAML can also include the run priority for nodes and ID of the machine on which to run the node.

  - name:         <node1_name>
    nickname:     <unique_nickname>
    module:       <path_to_module>
    run_priority: <run_priority>            # optional
    machine:      <machine_id>              # optional
      <parameter1_name>: <parameter1_value>
      <parameter2_name>: <parameter2_value>
  - name:         <node2_name>
    nickname:     <unique_nickname>
    module:       <path_to_module>
    run_priority: <run_priority>            # optional
    machine:      <machine_id>              # optional
      <parameter1_name>: <parameter1_value>
      <parameter2_name>: <parameter2_value>

Session workflow

After having installed and compiled the node executables, the following commands must be run to start the BRAND system:

supervisor [args]
  • is a script that defines a series of helper functions that make the workflow easier. It also sets the conda environment.
  • supervisor is the core process controlling the BRAND system.

Optionally, you can include arguments when running the supervisor to override its defaults. Below are the extra arguments that can be used:

usage: [-h] [-g GRAPH] [-i HOST] [-p PORT] [-s SOCKET] [-c CFG] [-m MACHINE] [-r REDIS_PRIORITY] [-a REDIS_AFFINITY] [-l LOG_LEVEL] [-d DATA_DIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -g GRAPH, --graph GRAPH
                        path to graph file
  -i HOST, --host HOST  ip address to bind redis server to
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port to bind redis server to
  -s SOCKET, --socket SOCKET
                        unix socket to bind redis server to
  -c CFG, --cfg CFG     cfg file for redis server
  -m MACHINE, --machine MACHINE
                        machine on which this supervisor is running
  -r REDIS_PRIORITY, --redis-priority REDIS_PRIORITY
                        priority to use for the redis server
  -a REDIS_AFFINITY, --redis-affinity REDIS_AFFINITY
                        cpu affinity to use for the redis server
  -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        supervisor logging level
  -d DATA_DIR, --data-dir DATA_DIR
                        root data directory for supervisor's save path

Using the supervisor

  1. Start the supervisor process by running the following command:

    supervisor [args]

    Example usage:

    supervisor -i --port 6379

    Only one supervisor instance can run with a given redis-server instance. For multi-machine graphs, use booter instances to interface with the supervisor's redis-server instance.

  2. Once the supervisor is running, it must receive a startGraph command through Redis to its supervisor_ipstream to start a graph. An example way to do this (which we suggest for testing) is to use redis-cli. You would have to open a separate terminal and first run the following command to open redis-cli (-h and -p flags are optional if you're running on default host/IP and port):

    redis-cli -h <host> -p <port>

    And you can then send the startGraph, providing the path to the graph YAML file to run:

    XADD supervisor_ipstream * commands startGraph file <path_to_the_graph_yaml_file>

    The supervisor will log a series of outputs following this command as it goes thorugh the graph YAML file, checks for node executable binaries, and starts the nodes. All nodes from the graph YAML will be running after this.

  3. To stop the graph, use the following Redis command (using redis-cli or other Redis interface):

    XADD supervisor_ipstream * commands stopGraph

    Alternatively to stop the graph and save NWB export files, use the following Redis command (using redis-cli or other Redis interface). Note that this will require having your graph and nodes set up to support the NWB Export Guidelines.

    XADD supervisor_ipstream * commands stopGraphAndSaveNWB 

At this time, supervisor can only execute one graph at a time. Check back in a future version of BRAND that will support running multiple graphs simultaneously.

Supported supervisor commands

Commands can be sent to the supervisor through Redis using the following syntax: XADD supervisor_ipstream * commands <command_name> [<arg_key> <arg_value>]. The following commands are currently implemented:

  • startGraph [file <path_to_file>] [graph <graph_json>]: Start graph from YAML file path or from JSON string. If file nor graph are provided, it runs the previously loaded graph.
  • loadGraph [file <path_to_file>] [graph <graph_json>]: Load graph from YAML file path or from JSON string.
  • updateParameters [<nickname> '{"<parameter_name>":"<parameter_value>", ...}' ...]: Updates the supergraph with specified parameter values for specified nodes. This can be executed anytime after having loaded a graph.
  • stopGraph: Stop graph, by stopping the processes for each running node.
  • stopGraphAndSaveNWB: Stop graph, save .rdb file, generate NWB file, and flush the Redis database. Requires following the NWB Export Guidelines. stopGraphAndSaveNWB is suggested for running independent session blocks.
  • saveRdb: Dumps the database to disk as a .rdb file.
  • saveNwb: Converts the present database streams to an NWB file, if configured as described in stopGraphAndSaveNWB. There must not be a running graph to execute the saveNwb command.
  • flushDb: USE WITH CAUTION Flushes the database.
  • setDataDir [path <path_to_data_directory>]: Sets the root directory for storing data (i.e. from saveRdb and saveNwb commands).
  • make: Makes all binaries on the supervisor and booter machines. There must not be a running graph to execute the make command.

Redis streams used with the supervisor

  • supervisor_ipstream: This stream is used to publish commands for the supervisor.
  • graph_status: This stream is used to publish the status of the current graph.
  • supergraph_stream: This stream is used to publish the metadata of the graph. Each entry should contain the key data and the value is a JSON string representing the supergraph.
  • supervisor_status: This stream is used by the supervisor to publish its status outside of graph functionality. Any caught exceptions that are not BRAND exceptions are logged here.
  • booter_status: This stream is used by all booter nodes to publish their general statuses. Each entry should contain machine and status keys.
  • <node_nickname>_state: This set of streams are used to publish the status of nodes.
  • <data_stream>: These are arbitrary data streams through which nodes publish their data to Redis. There are currently no naming conventions for these streams nor any rules as to how many data streams a node can publish.

The above streams can be checked using Redis stream commands (e.g. XREVRANGE, XREAD). For example, to check the current graph published in the form of a master dictionary, you can use the following Redis command (using redis-cli or other Redis interface):

XREVRANGE supergraph_stream + - COUNT 1

Supergraph Structure

After loading a graph with a startGraph command to supervisor, supervisor publishes a supergraph to the supergraph_stream stream. The supergraph contains all node information and the parameters set for each node. Each entry to the supergraph_stream contains a supergraph of the following form in a JSON string:

    "redis_host": <redis host>,
    "redis_port": <redis port>,
    "brand_hash": <Git commit hash for the core BRAND repository>,
    "graph_name": <graph name>,
    "graph_loaded_ts": <timestamp upon startGraph in nanoseconds>,
    "nodes": {
        "<node 1 nickname>": {
            "name": <node 1 name>,
            "nickname": <node 1 nickname>,
            "module": <node 1's source module as a relative path to the BRAND root directory>,
            "binary": <full path to node 1's binary>,
            "git_hash": <Git commit hash for node 1>,
            "run_priority": <optional, node 1's realtime priority>,
            "cpu_affinity": <optional, node 1's CPU affinity>,
            "parameters": {
                "<parameter 1 name>": <parameter 1 value>,
                "<parameter 2 name>": <parameter 2 value>,
        "<node 2 nickname>": {
            "name": <node 2 name>,
            "nickname": <node 2 nickname>,
            "module": <node 2's source module as a relative path to the BRAND root directory>,
            "binary": <full path to node 2's binary>,
            "git_hash": <Git commit hash for node 2>,
            "run_priority": <optional, node 2's realtime priority>,
            "cpu_affinity": <optional, node 2's CPU affinity>,
            "parameters": {
                "<parameter 1 name>": <parameter 1 value>,
                "<parameter 2 name>": <parameter 2 value>,
    "derivatives": {
        "<derivative 1 name>": {
            <unstructured derivative information>
        "<derivative 2 name>": {
            <unstructured derivative information>

make will write a git_hash.o file to each node and derivative, which supervisor will write into the supergraph to easily track the exact code version used. When the startGraph command is sent, booter machines (see Multi-machine graphs below) will generate a GraphError exception if the BRAND repository hashes do not match. Both supervisor and booter machines will generate a NodeError exception if the value in the local git_hash.o does not match the supergraph's Git hash for a node when startGraph is called. A warning will be printed in supervisor or booter's console if the supergraph's Git hash for a node or derivative does not match the repository's hash. If a node is not located in a Git repository and does not have a git_hash.o file, then its Git hash in the supergraph will be an empty string.

Note the presence of derivatives in the graph YAML file and the supergraph is optional. The structure of a derivative's information should be defined in the derivative's documentation. Derivatives are a new feature to BRAND, so check back in the future for more documentation and functionality.

Checking a graph's status

The following are the status codes that are published on the graph_status stream:

  • initialized: Graph is initialized.
  • parsing: Graph is being parsed for nodes and parameters.
  • graph failed: Graph failed to initialize due to some error.
  • running: Graph is parsed and running.
  • published: Graph is published on supergraph_stream as a master dictionary.
  • stopped/not initialized: Graph is stopped or not initialized.

You can check the status of the graph using the following Redis command (using redis-cli or other Redis interface):

XREVRANGE graph_status + - COUNT 1

More details about the graph failed status:

In the event of a graph failed status, the stream entry will also contain message and traceback keys. The message key contains the error message printed to the supervisor console log. The traceback key contains the exception's full traceback, including the traceback from an exception that occurred on a booter machine (see Multi-machine graphs section below). See more about the types of BRAND exceptions in the BRAND Exceptions section below.

Multi-machine graphs

BRAND is capable of running nodes on several machines using the same graph. To run multi-machine graphs, you must start a supervisor process on the host machine that will contain your redis-server and a booter process on every client machine that will be involved in node execution.

booter is similar to supervisor except it does not start its own redis-server. Here are its command-line arguments:

usage: booter [-h] -m MACHINE [-i HOST] [-p PORT] [-l LOG_LEVEL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MACHINE, --machine MACHINE
                        machine on which this booter is running
  -i HOST, --host HOST  ip address of the redis server (default:
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port of the redis server (default: 6379)
  -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Configure the logging level

To support multi-machine graphs, use the --machine (or -m) flag to assign a name for each machine when starting supervisor or booter. When --machine is given, supervisor only runs the nodes that specify the same machine in the graph YAML. For compatibility with single-machine graphs, supervisor also runs all nodes that do not provide a machine name in the graph YAML.

Here's an example YAML entry for a node that will run on a machine named "brand":

  - name:         func_generator
    nickname:     func_generator
    module:       ../brand-modules/brand-test
    run_priority: 99
    machine:      brand  # this node will run on the machine named 'brand'
      sample_rate:        1000
      n_features:         96
      n_targets:          2
      log:                INFO 

How to run a multi-machine graph (e.g. testBooter.yaml):

  1. Load the new supervisor and booter aliases.
  2. Start supervisor. In this example, the host machine's local IP address is
    supervisor -m brand -i
  3. Then, log into each client machine, and start a booter process, using a unique name for each machine. We will use one client machine called "gpc":
    booter -m gpc -i  # name this machine 'gpc'
  4. Enter the redis-cli:
    redis-cli -h
  5. Start a graph (in the redis-cli):
    XADD supervisor_ipstream * commands startGraph file graphs/testGraph/testBooter.yaml
  6. Stop the graph (in the redis-cli):
    XADD supervisor_ipstream * commands stopGraph

If everything is working correctly, you should see that the func_generator node ran on the "brand" machine, and the decoder node ran on the "gpc" machine.

BRAND exceptions

supervisor and booter are designed to run continuously, so they will catch almost any exception, log a hopefully helpful message to the console, and log the same message to a Redis stream along with a traceback. There are four BRAND-specific exceptions that supervisor and booter handle in controlled ways.


GraphErrors are thrown if there are issues finding a graph, parsing its structure, or failing to begin parsing the graph for other reasons. GraphError exceptions are caught by:

  1. Adding a graph failed entry to the graph_status stream (see graph failed section above)
  2. Rewriting the graph_status to what it was before the exception if another graph was already running or writing a stopped/not initialized status if not
  3. Logging the error in the console


NodeErrors are thrown if there are issues finding a node's executable, the node's instantiation is incomplete, there are repeated nicknames, or the node fails to initialize. NodeError exceptions are caught by:

  1. Adding a graph failed entry to the graph_status stream (see graph failed section above)
  2. Killing all nodes by sending a stopGraph command to supervisor_ipstream
  3. Logging the error in the console


BooterErrors are thrown by supervisor if a booter throws any BRAND exception and are caught the same way as a NodeError.


DerivativeErrors are thrown by supervisor if a derivative fails to exit gracefully. The error messages are printed and logged to the graph_status stream, but no other action is taken. Currently, this is only implemented for the exportNWB derivative, so check back later for more derivative features!


RedisErrors are thrown if supervisor is unable to create a redis-server instance. RedisError exceptions are caught by:

  1. Logging the error in the console
  2. Cleanly exiting

Redis as a mechanism for IPC

The primary mode of inter-process communication with BRAND is using Redis, focusing on Redis streams. Briefly, Redis is an in-memory cache key-based database entry. It solves the problem of having to rapidly create, manipulate, and distribute data in memory very quickly and efficiently.

A stream within redis has the following organization:

stream_key ID key value key value ...

The ID defaults to the millisecond timestamp of when the piece of information was collected. It has the form MMMMMMMMM-N, where N is a number >= 0. The idea is that if there are two entries at the same millisecond timestep, they can be uniquely identified with the N value. N begins at 0 and increments for every simultaneously created entry within the same millisecond.

When a node wants to share data with others, it does so using a stream. There are several advantages to using a stream:

  1. Data is automatically timestamped
  2. Adding new data to the stream is cheap, since it's stored internally as a linked-list.
  3. It makes it easy to have a pub/sub approach to IPC, since nodes can simply call the xread command
  4. It makes it easy to query previously collected data using the xrange or xrevrange command. Reading new data from either the head or the tail of the stream is computationally cheap.

Creating a new node

Nodes can be written in any language. Nodes are launched and stopped by the supervisor. Conceptually, a node should do one thing and do it well. Nodes are designed to be chained together in sequence. It should not be surprising if an experimental session applying real-time decoding to neural data would have on the order of 6-12 nodes running.

At a minimum, a node must:

  1. Have a binary executable.

  2. Parse the following command-line flags from the supervisor:

    • -s: Redis socket to bind node to.
    • -n: Nickname of the node.
    • -i: Redis server host name or IP address to bind node to.
    • -p: Redis server port to bind node to.

    A node will prioritize the socket flag over the host/port flags. Execution of a node should fail if neither i/p nor s flags are provided. If the node cannot connect to a Redis instance, then it should fail.

  3. Load its parameters by reading from the supergraph_stream that contains a master JSON of the graph.

  4. Have a concept of "state", which is communicated through the <node_nickname>_state stream in Redis. States are published to the status key with one of the following values.

    Nodes are required to support the following states:

    • NODE_STARTED: the node has been initialized.
    • NODE_READY: the node is in a ready state for publishing data.
    • NODE_SHUTDOWN: the node has shutdown.
    • NODE_FATAL_ERROR: the node has shutdown due to any fatal error.

    Nodes can optionally support the following states:

    • NODE_WARNING: the node has encountered a warning that may not cause shutdown, but could potentially produce errors during node execution or publishing data.
    • NODE_INFO: the node has information to share.
  5. Catch SIGINT to publish a NODE_SHUTDOWN status to the <node_nickname>_state stream, then close gracefully.

If developing a node in Python, we suggest to implement it as a class that inherits from the BRANDNode class within the installed brand library, since it already implements the above.

Updating Node Parameters in Python

The BRANDNode Python class within the brand library includes a helper function for updating node parameters from a new supergraph (published after calling the supervisor's updateParameters command). The BRANDNode.getParametersFromSupergraph function returns a list whose length is the number of supergraphs that have been published since the node last checked for new supergraphs. Each element of the list returned by BRANDNode.getParametersFromSupergraph is a dictionary whose keys are the node's parameter names to be updated and values are the values for those parameters. The order of the listed supergraphs corresponds to the order of the supergraph's entries into supergraph_stream (i.e. the supergraph at index 0 was written before the supergraph at index 1). The BRANDNode.getParametersFromSupergraph function can also return the complete supergraph as a JSON string by passing True to the function's optional complete_supergraph argument. If there are no new supergraphs, the function returns None.

Performance Optimization

CPUs will scale their operating frequency according to load, which makes it difficult to get predictable timing. To get around this, we'll use cpufrequtils:

sudo apt install cpufrequtils
sudo systemctl disable ondemand
sudo systemctl enable cpufrequtils

Setting the CPU at its maximum allowable frequency (which will still be reduced if the CPU gets too hot):

sudo cpufreq-set -g performance

Renabling CPU scaling to save power:

sudo cpufreq-set -g powersave

This was tested on Intel CPUs. The commands may be difference for CPUs from other manufacturers.


Saving data in Redis with minimal latency

By default, Redis is configured to periodically save. Given that BRAND can be processing a great deal of information quickly, the background save procedures will result in significant latencies in real-time decoding.

One option is to simply remove the save configuration parameters in the .conf file. However, if Redis is terminated using SIGTERM or SIGINT, then the default behavior of writing to disk does not occur. To get around this, write something like save NNN 1 in the configuration file, where NNN is a number much bigger than how long you ever expect to run your session. This way, Redis will gracefully exit and save your data to disk.

hiredis library

hiredis is a C library for interacting with Redis. It is excellent, but it has undocumented behavior when working with streams. Calling xrange or xrevrange will result in a REDIS_REPLY_ARRAY, regardless of whether the stream exists or not. Moreover, reply->len will always be 0, despite possibly having many returned entries. The way around this is to first call the redis command exists.

Alarms and reading from file

If a process is reading from a file descriptor and an alarm goes off, there can be unforunate consequence. For instance, if SIGALRM goes off while python is reading a file, reading will be interrupted and downstream processes can crash. If a process is setting an alarm, be sure to start it right before entering its main loop (and after the handlers have been installed), after all of the relevant configuration has been set.

Running a script with sudo privileges within the current conda environment

sudo -E env "PATH=$PATH" ./myscript

Removing headers from UDP packet capture

Dependencies: tshark, bittwist

If you have .pcapng files, convert them to .pcap:

tshark -F pcap -r mypackets.pcapng -w mypackets.pcap

Use Wireshark to check the size of the header. In our case, the header is the first 42 bytes in each packet, so we run:

bittwiste -I mypackets.pcap -O mypackets_no_headers.pcap -D 1-42

Now mypackets_no_headers.pcap is a copy of our mypackets.pcap file with headers removed.

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