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redins enables reading zone data from redis database.



dns listening server configuration

"server": {
  "ip": "",
  "port": 1053,
  "protocol": "udp"
  • ip : ip address to bind, default:
  • port : port number to bind, default: 1053
  • protocol : protocol; can be tcp or udp, default: udp


dns query handler configuration

"handler": {
    "max_ttl": 300,
    "cache_timeout": 60,
    "zone_reload": 600,
    "log_source_location": false,
    "upstream_fallback": false,
    "redis": {
        "ip": "",
        "port": 6379,
        "password": "",
        "db": 0,
        "prefix": "test_",
        "suffix": "_test",
        "connect_timeout": 0,
        "read_timeout": 0
    "log": {
    "enable": true,
    "level": "info",
    "target": "file",
    "format": "json",
    "path": "/tmp/redins.log"
    "healthcheck": {
        "enable": true,
        "max_requests": 10,
        "update_interval": 600,
        "check_interval": 600,
        "redis": {
            "ip": "",
            "port": 6379,
            "db": 0,
            "password": "",
            "prefix": "healthcheck_",
            "suffix": "_healthcheck",
            "connect_timeout": 0,
            "read_timeout": 0
        "log": {
            "enable": true,
            "level": "info",
            "target": "file",
            "format": "json",
            "path": "/tmp/healthcheck.log"
    "geoip": {
        "enable": true,
        "country_db": "geoCity.mmdb",
        "asn_db": "geoIsp.mmdb"
    "upstream": [{
        "ip": "",
        "port": 53,
        "protocol": "udp",
        "timeout": 400
  • max_ttl : max ttl in seconds, default: 3600
  • cache_timeout : time in seconds before cached responses expire
  • zone_reload : time in seconds before zone data is reloaded from redis
  • log_source_location : enable logging source location of every request
  • upstream_fallback : enable using upstream for querying non-authoritative requests
  • redis : redis configuration to use for handler
  • log : log configuration to use for handler


healthcheck configuration

  "healthcheck": {
    "enable": true,
    "max_requests": 10,
    "max_pending_requests": 100,
    "update_interval": 600,
    "check_interval": 600,
    "redis": {
      "ip": "",
      "port": 6379,
      "db": 0,
      "password": "",
      "prefix": "healthcheck_",
      "suffix": "_healthcheck",
      "connect_timeout": 0,
      "read_timeout": 0
    "log": {
      "enable": true,
      "level": "info",
      "target": "file",
      "format": "json",
      "path": "/tmp/healthcheck.log"
  • enable : enable/disable healthcheck, default: disable
  • max_requests : maximum number of simultanous healthcheck requests, deafult: 10
  • max_pending_requests : maximum number of requests to queue, default: 100
  • update_interval : time between checking for updated data from redis in seconds, default: 300
  • check_interval : time between two healthcheck requests in seconds, default: 600
  • redis : redis configuration to use for healthcheck stats
  • log : log configuration to use for healthcheck logs


geoip configuration

  "geoip": {
    "enable": true,
    "country_db": "geoCity.mmdb",
    "asn_db": "geoIsp.mmdb"
  • enable : enable/disable geoip calculations, default: disable
  • country_db : maxminddb file for country codes to use, default: geoCity.mmdb
  • asn_db : maxminddb file for autonomous system numbers to use, default: geoIsp.mmdb


"upstream": [{
    "ip": "",
    "port": 53,
    "protocol": "udp",
    "timeout": 400
  • ip : upstream ip address, default:
  • port : upstream port number, deafult: 53
  • protocol : upstream protocol, default : udp
  • timeout : request timeout in milliseconds, default: 400


log configuration for error, debug, ... messages

"log": {
  "enable": true,
  "level": "info",
  "target": "file",
  "format": "json",
  "path": "/tmp/redins.log"


redis configurations

"redis": {
  "ip": "",
  "port": 6379,
  "db": 0,
  "password": "",
  "prefix": "test_",
  "suffix": "_test",
  "connect_timeout": 0,
  "read_timeout": 0
  • ip : redis server ip, default:
  • port : redis server port, deafult: 6379
  • db : redis database, default: 0
  • password : redis password, deafult: ""
  • prefix : limit redis keys to those prefixed with this string
  • suffix : limit redis keys to those suffixed with this string
  • connect_timeout : time to wait for connecting to redis server in milliseconds, deafult: 0
  • read_timeout : time to wait for redis query results in milliseconds, default: 0


log configuration

"log": {
  "enable": true,
  "level": "info",
  "target": "file",
  "format": "json",
  "time_format": "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999-07:00",
  "path": "/tmp/redins.log",
  "sentry": {
    "enable": false,
    "dsn": ""
  "syslog": {
    "enable": false,
    "protocol": "udp",
    "address": "localhost:514"
  "kafka": {
    "enable": false,
    "brokers": [""],
    "topic": "redins"
  • enable : enable/disable this log resource, default: disable
  • level : log level, can be debug, info, warning, error, default: info
  • target : log target, can be stdout, stderr, file, default: stdout
  • format : log format, can be text, json, default: text
  • time_format : timestamp format using example-based layout, reference time is Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 MST 2006
  • path : log output file path
  • sentry : sentry hook configurations
  • syslog : syslog hook configurations
  • kafka : kafka hook configurations

rate limit

rate limit connfiguration

  "ratelimit": {
    "enable": true,
    "rate": 60,
    "burst": 10,
    "blacklist": [""],
    "whitelist": [""]
  • enable : enable/disable rate limit
  • rate : maximum allowed request per minute
  • burst : number of burst requests
  • blacklist : list of ips to refuse all request
  • whitelist : list of ips to bypass rate limit


sample config:

  "server": {
      "ip": "",
      "port": 1053,
      "protocol": "udp"
  "handler": {
    "max_ttl": 300,
    "cache_timeout": 60,
    "zone_reload": 600,
    "log_source_location": false,
    "upstream_fallback": false,
    "redis": {
      "ip": "",
      "port": 6379,
      "password": "",
      "prefix": "test_",
      "suffix": "_test",
      "connect_timeout": 0,
      "read_timeout": 0
    "log": {
      "enable": true,
      "level": "info",
      "target": "file",
      "format": "json",
      "path": "/tmp/redins.log"
    "upstream": {
      "ip": "",
      "port": 53,
      "protocol": "udp"
    "geoip": {
      "enable": true,
      "country_db": "geoCity.mmdb",
      "asn_db": "geoIsp.mmdb"
    "healthcheck": {
      "enable": true,
      "max_requests": 10,
      "max_pending_requests": 100,
      "update_interval": 600,
      "check_interval": 600,
      "redis": {
        "ip": "",
        "port": 6379,
        "password": "",
        "prefix": "healthcheck_",
        "suffix": "_healthcheck",
        "connect_timeout": 0,
        "read_timeout": 0
      "log": {
        "enable": true,
        "level": "info",
        "target": "file",
        "format": "json",
        "path": "/tmp/healthcheck.log"
  "error_log": {
      "enable": true,
      "level": "info",
      "target": "stdout",
      "format": "json",
      "path": "/tmp/healthcheck.log"

zone format in redis db


  • redins:zones is a set containing all active zones
redis-cli>SMEMBERS redins:zones
1) ""
2) ""
  • redins:zones:XXXX.XXX. is a hash map containing dns RRs, @ is used for TLD records.
1) "@"
2) "www"
3) "ns"
4) "subdomain.www"

@ is a special case used for root data

  • redins:zones:XXXX.XXX.:config is a string containing zone specific configurations
"{\"soa\":{\"ttl\":300, \"minttl\":100, \"mbox\":\"\",\"ns\":\"\",\"refresh\":44,\"retry\":55,\"expire\":66, \"serial\":23232}}"
  • redins:zones:XXXX.XXX.:pub and redins:zones:XXXX.XXX.:priv contains keypair for dnssec
redis-cli>GET redins:zones:XXXX.XXX.:pub
" IN DNSKEY 256 3 5 AwEAAaKsF5vxBfKuqeUa4+ugW37ftFZOyo+k7r2aeJzZdIbYk//P/dpC HK4uYG8Z1dr/qeo12ECNVcf76j+XAdJD841ELiRVaZteH8TqfPQ+jdHz 10e8Sfkh7OZ4oBwSCXWj+Q=="


dns RRs

dns RRs are stored in redis as json strings inside a hash map using address as field key. there are two special labels: @config for zone specific configuration and @ for TLD records.

1) "@"
2) "@config"
3) "www"


        "ttl" : 360,
            "ip" : "",
            "country" : "US",
            "asn": 444,
            "weight" : 10
            "ip" : "",
            "country" : "US",
            "asn": 444,
            "weight" : 10
        "filter": {
          "order": "rr",
          "uri": "/hc/test.html",
          "port": 8080,
          "protocol": "https",


        "ttl" : 360,
            "ip" : "",
            "country" : "US",
            "asn": 444,
            "weight" : 10
            "ip" : "",
            "country" : "US",
            "asn": 444,
            "weight" : 10
        "filter": {
          "order": "rr",
          "uri": "/hc/test.html",
          "port": 8080,
          "protocol": "https",

filter : filtering mode:

  • count : return single or multiple results. values : "multi", "single"
  • order : order of result. values : "none" - saved order, "weighted" - weighted shuffle, "rr" - uniform shuffle
  • geo_filter : geo filter. values : "country" - same country, "location" - nearest destination, "asn" - same isp, "asn+country" same isp then same country, "none"

health_check : health check configuration

  • enable : enable/disable healthcheck for this host:ip
  • uri : uri to use in healthcheck request
  • port : port to use in healthcheck request
  • protocol : protocol to use in healthcheck request, can be http or https
  • up_count : number of successful healthcheck requests to consider an ip valid
  • down_count : number of unsuccessful healthcheck requests to consider an ip invalid
  • timeout time : to wait for a healthcheck response


        "location": ""


        "host" : "",
        "ttl" : 360


      "ttl" : 360,
        {"text" : "this is a text"},
        {"text" : "this is another text"}


        "ttl" : 360,
          {"host" : ""},
          {"host" : ""}


        "ttl" : 360,
              "host" : "",
              "preference" : 10
              "host" : "",
              "preference" : 20


      "ttl" : 360,
          "target" : "",
          "port" : 555,
          "priority" : 10,
          "weight" : 100


    "ttl": 360,
        "tag": "issuewild;",
        "value": "",
        "flag": 0


    "ttl": 300,
    "domain": ""


    "ttl": 300,
        "usage": 1,
        "selector": 1,
        "matching_type": 1,
        "certificate": "1CFC98A706BCF3683015"


        "ttl" : 100,
        "mbox" : "",
        "ns" : "",
        "refresh" : 44,
        "retry" : 55,
        "expire" : 66,
        "serial" : 25245235
    "cname_flattening": true,
    "dnssec": true,
    "domain_id": "123456789"

cname_flattening: enable/disable cname flattening, default: false dnssec: enable/disable dnssec, default: false domain_id: unique domain id for logging, optional

zone example

$ORIGIN                 300 IN  SOA   <SOA RDATA>                 300     NS                 300     NS
 *               300     TXT   "this is a wildcard"
 *               300     MX    10
 sub.*           300     TXT   "this is not a wildcard"           300     A  300     SRV   <SRV RDATA>  300     SRV   <SRV RDATA>          300     NS          300     NS

above zone data should be stored at redis as follow:

redis-cli> smembers redins:zones
 1) ""
redis-cli> hgetall
 1) "_ssh._tcp.host1"
 2) "{\"srv\":{\"ttl\":300, \"records\":[{\"target\":\"\",\"port\":123,\"priority\":10,\"weight\":100}]}}"
 3) "*"
 4) "{\"txt\":{\"ttl\":300, \"records\":[{\"text\":\"this is a wildcard\"}]},\"mx\":{\"ttl\":300, \"records\":[{\"host\":\"\",\"preference\": 10}]}}"
 5) "host1"
 6) "{\"a\":{\"ttl\":300, \"records\":[{\"ip\":\"\"}]}}"
 7) "sub.*"
 8) "{\"txt\":{\"ttl\":300, \"records\":[{\"text\":\"this is not a wildcard\"}]}}"
 9) "_ssh._tcp.host2"
10) "{\"srv\":{\"ttl\":300, \"records\":[{\"target\":\"\",\"port\":123,\"priority\":10,\"weight\":100}]}}"
11) "subdel"
12) "{\"ns\":{\"ttl\":300, \"records\":[{\"host\":\"\"},{\"host\":\"\"}]}"

redis-cli> get
"{\"soa\":{\"ttl\":300, \"minttl\":100, \"mbox\":\"\",\"ns\":\"\",\"refresh\":44,\"retry\":55,\"expire\":66, \"serial\":32343},\"ns\":[{\"ttl\":300, \"host\":\"\"},{\"ttl\":300, \"host\":\"\"}]}"

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