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AutoHook - Final Fantasy XIV Fishing Plugin


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autohook's Issues

[Bug] Hook Legendary (!!!) toggle for Default Mooch always uses Powerful Hookset

I've observed this behavior a number of times, but it's naturally difficult to replicate. Regardless of what option is chosen for Hook Legendary (!!!) on the Default Mooch tab listed under General, AutoHook appears to always use Powerful Hookset when under Patience I/II.


I made sure no other sub-options or pre-defined bait configurations were interfering. This was very noticeable on legendary fish with weak bites that required a mooch, where I observed a very skewed amount of misses. The character animation also clearly shows it attempted using powerful (both hands pulling the rod), not precision.

DH/TH Suggestions

Would it be possible to expand the current hook settings to use DH/TH on legendary hooks? For ocean fishing purposes since Patience isn't used it would be nice to have a setting to auto triple hook any !!! tugs.

Edit: Would be useful in Diadem too for mooched !!! tugs during weather windows.

It would also be nice to have an option to use whichever hook is currently available GP-wise instead of solely one or the other.

Suggestion: Toggle on and off command / release option

/ahon and /ahoff are great if you want to specifically make sure that you have it on and off, but lets say I want to throw back any fish. I have to make sure it is off, bring up the release list, then turn it on. It would be easier to make a macro to would switch between the two instead of two separate macros.

Also a built in release fish option would make this awesome so that I don't have to manually do it at each hole. The option I would hope to have with it is to keep say rare fish and throw back the ones that are not rare. (Or keep new fish throwing back fish you already gathered in the past).

Suggestions: Cordial usage GP threshold

Hi, want to thank you for this addon again and being so responsive to tickets.

Currently, cordials would be used as long as the immediate usage does not result in overcap. However during fish, with thaliak's favor and patient generating stacks readily, using cordial immediately below threshold (e.g. right after patience II use) would almost always result in overcap in subsequent auto-regen of GP.

Would be great if there could be an option to only use cordials when below a certain amount of GP. "Use when GP below X" or "Use when GP is X below max" both works.


Add Chum to auto casts

Would you be willing to add auto Chum to the list of Auto Cast options?

Given that it needs to be used every time pre-cast, the auto cast is not currently compatible with the use of chum.

General On/Off Toggle

Really comfy Plogon, would love to have a command/GUI Option to turn the functionality on or off. If this exists already, I haven't found it.

Greater Area/Bait conditionals

Love this addon! Thanks for all your hard work. It would be great to have greater conditionals and reactions and also areas for bait use

An example of this would be:

IF in Eastern La Noscea (I don't know if it could go down to say, Rhotano Sea (Privateer Sterncastle)
AND using Northern Krill 
X Rules apply
IF "Little Thalaos" is caught THEN identical Cast. IF Identical Cast is up THEN Double/Triple Hook
IF Intuition THEN use CHUM (Can't currently select chum to be used at specific times)

Another great addition would be if chum is used then reduce the given min/max by 30% (or a toggle option for this)

Mooch 2 Check before Prize Catch or P1/2

Having an option under Prize Catch in the Auto Casts tab that was something like Only use when Mooch 2 is unavailable would be a good way to make sure the 100 GP skill was used before the 200 GP one when going for mooches.

It could be useful on the patience options as well if only a single mooch is required.

[Suggestion] Spearfishing keeps missing on higher ping

Please add some kind of slider to the config menu to adjust how early it fires the gig, I tried it on a fast fish, it gets them in the bottom 2 layers, the 3rd one it misses sometimes and the top layer it misses every single time

auto patience forfeits mooch opportunities

situation: both auto patience and auto mooch are enabled, and the patience buff runs out the moment a mooch opportunity arises

desired behaviour: mooch should be used

actual behaviour: patience is cast, forfeiting the mooch opportunity

so far only tested with global auto patience + fish specific auto mooch, but global auto mooch and maybe even global auto makeshift bait might be affected as well

Suggestion for spearfishing

Please consider adding an option to use Nature's Bounty only if the targeted fish appear on the fishing window, currently it waste a lot of GP.

Thank you for the great plugin.

Config window opens when anyone writes "ah" in chat

As title says, anyone writing the word ah in chat in any channel seems to cause the auto hook config window to open.

Now.. it doesn't happen every time and I haven't figured out what exactly it is listening to,
but I had conversations where it popped up 5 times.. rather annoying.

Auto accept of collectibles

When collectibles are caught, it brings up a popped that asked if you want to keep the collectible or not. Is there a way to have asetting that will auto say yes if enabled.

I did learn that pressing the num0 key twice when it appears will accept it so maybe that will help.

Also thank you for that update with the toggle ... it has really been a big help!

Suggestion: Profiles

A profile feature would be nice where different scenarios, can have different bait/mooch configurations.

ez example:
Ocean fishing:
Different objectives but potentially using same bait. Basically being able to save/switch these "profiles" or configurations of the bait/mooch settings would be nice.
Also means can just configure different "profiles" for each route/map/weathercondition/etc, makes for a quick and dirty way of getting around having those variables available in the settings.

I imagine the profiles would be something along the lines of a collection of the existing Current bait/mooch: configurations name, description and potential ability to export/import if cbb.

Opening AutoHook config window changes ItemSpacing style globally

Hi! Opening the config window for AutoHook sets the ItemSpacing style for all Dalamud plugin windows to a value of 10 horizontally and 8 vertically. This overrides what a user has set for their theme, weather it be the default Dalamud Standard or Dalamud Classic theme or a custom theme.

Below is the line of code that adjusts this style setting. Would it be possible to remove this style setting from AutoHook or reset the values back to the original of the current theme after the config window is closed?

ImGui.PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar.ItemSpacing, ImGuiHelpers.ScaledVector2(10, 8));


Prevent AFK status while autocast

If you leave autocast on and don't touch your keyboard (or alt tabbed out), your character would eventually go into afk status, but autocast still continues. It would seem a very obvious 3rd party tool usage and might get you reported.

Suggestion: Wariness Threshold for Nature's Bounty (AutoGig)

For the "Use Nature's Bounty" when doing AutoGig: to include an optional threshold to stop using it after a certain % of the wariness bar is filled, like 50%, 75% full, etc. Sometimes a fish will come late enough to use up the buff, but not leave enough time to have another reasonable use.

[Help]Can't work on China server, what can I do to help you fix it


12:34:05.677 | ERR [LOCALPLUGIN] Error while loading Auto Hook
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
---> System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
at Parser.FishingParser.Regexes.FromLanguage(ClientLanguage lang)
at Parser.FishingParser..ctor()
at AutoHook.FishTimer.HookingManager..ctor()
at AutoHook.AutoHook..ctor(DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor, Boolean wrapExceptions)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters)
at Dalamud.IoC.Internal.ServiceContainer.CreateAsync(Type objectType, Object[] scopedObjects) in D:\a\Dalamud\Dalamud\Dalamud\IoC\Internal\ServiceContainer.cs:line 104
at Dalamud.Plugin.Internal.Types.LocalPlugin.LoadAsync(PluginLoadReason reason, Boolean reloading) in D:\a\Dalamud\Dalamud\Dalamud\Plugin\Internal\Types\LocalPlugin.cs:line 414

12:34:05.678 | INF [PLUGINM] Regular plugin failed to load, adding anyways: AutoHook.dll
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
---> System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
at Parser.FishingParser.Regexes.FromLanguage(ClientLanguage lang)
at Parser.FishingParser..ctor()
at AutoHook.FishTimer.HookingManager..ctor()
at AutoHook.AutoHook..ctor(DalamudPluginInterface pluginInterface)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor, Boolean wrapExceptions)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj, Object[] parameters)
at Dalamud.IoC.Internal.ServiceContainer.CreateAsync(Type objectType, Object[] scopedObjects) in D:\a\Dalamud\Dalamud\Dalamud\IoC\Internal\ServiceContainer.cs:line 104
at Dalamud.Plugin.Internal.Types.LocalPlugin.LoadAsync(PluginLoadReason reason, Boolean reloading) in D:\a\Dalamud\Dalamud\Dalamud\Plugin\Internal\Types\LocalPlugin.cs:line 414
at Dalamud.Plugin.Internal.PluginManager.LoadPluginAsync(FileInfo dllFile, LocalPluginManifest manifest, PluginLoadReason reason, Boolean isDev, Boolean isBoot, Boolean doNotLoad) in D:\a\Dalamud\Dalamud\Dalamud\Plugin\Internal\PluginManager.cs:line 771

Feature Request for Identical Cast

Any way you would consider using the logic from mooch/double/triplehook to use identical cast?

The optimal setup would be to be able to Identical Cast/Favor/TripleHook, but that might be asking a lot and a simple spender would be hopefully more easy to implement.

Suggestion: Enabling both Double and Triple Hook

It would be amazing if you could turn on the "Use Double Hook" and the "Use Triple Hook" options both at once. So that if the hook triggers it would use either Hook, Double Hook, or Tripple Hook depending on how much GP you have.

Add AutoCast

first time trying this today, its pretty neat. would definitely be nicer with auto cast!

Feature Idea - Chum per-bait

I was thinking there's a use case for chum-per-bait. If you're aiming for fish like Diamond-eye, you often want to use chum for the first catch and then mooch the Rock Saltfish. There's a few other examples along these lines. Would it be possible to set chum on the bait options, so that we can make it use chum for the first cast but then mooch after that?

Random delays to prevent detection

I don't know if it's possible for the server to detect this plugin based on timing. If so, it might be prudent to add random delays before catch actions and before recast actions.

[Suggestion] About "StopAfterCaughtLimit"

Thanks for your great plugin.
I noticed that it can stop after N times of catching, but I wonder if it can be set by "Quantity of fish in inventory "or "after n fishes to be caught", since I might use "double hook" or "triple hook", that the quantities and times don't match.
"Quantity of fish in inventory " will be useful for "Skysteel fishing rod", and "after n fishes to be caught" will be useful for "Fisher's Intuition".
It would be helpful.

Only hook on specific tug

Hey, I love this addon. I know you said to expect bugs. But I have yet to encounter one. Do you mind suggestions for the addon? At the moment I am trying to catch some rare fish that have a heavy tug, i.e. fish that show !!! above your head when they bite. Currently, your addon is a hooking all fish, but could it be added that it only autohooks fish when you get the !!! heavy tug and just ignore the other fish, i.e. when you get ! or !!? I usually don't want to bother with other fish, if I know the one I am looking for is not the one biting.

Conversely, sometimes I might be looking only for fish with the light tug (!) maybe for mooching. If you cannot see the tug of the fish that's biting, another way to help here would be if I could specify a maximum and minimum time in which the plugin should autohook everything. For example, if I know (from the fishing wikis) that the fish I am looking for only bites after 20 seconds, I might want autohook to ignore all fish that bite before 20 seconds. Just some thoughts I had how you could maybe have the plugin customizable. Thank You again for this plugin!

Using Identical Cast based on prior fish opposed to bait/mooch

I know I had suggested something similar before, but I think it got either lost or it's not possible - so i figured I'd check again.

Would it be possible to detect what fish was previously caught in order to determine if you want to use Identical Cast? Currently it will only use it based on Bait/Mooch, which would fire on every fish in the pool rather than the one you're targeting.

It might not be possible, if not would it be possible to add a global delay akin to the min/max wait to use hook? A delay to use cast? Would allow you to use skills during the small window you set to target particulars.

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