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mbtiles-php's Issues

Add info for setup with nginx

I got mbtiles-php running with nginx. You might want to mention somewhere (readme or wiki) that the rewrite rule in the .htacess file has to be set in the nginx config.

For example, if you put the files (.htaccess, tileserver.php and mbtiles) in /mbtiles-php/ of your document root, then the following lines have to be added to the nginx configuration file:

location /mbtiles-php/ {
    try_files $uri /mbtiles-php/tileserver.php$is_args$args;

you might want to mention as well that sqlite has to be enabled in the php.ini


Getting Sample To Work

I created an mbtiles files with TileMill (Version 0.10.1 (v0.10.1), napa1.mbtiles.

I cloned your project and placed therein the napa1.mbtiles.

I then created a file /var/www/localhost/htdocs/test.html with the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset='UTF-8'/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    <script src=""></script> -->
     body { margin:0; padding:0; }
     #map { position:absolute; top:0; bottom:0; width:100%; }
<div id='map' ></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    // set up the map
    var map = new L.Map('map');

    // url to the tile server
    var url = 'http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';

    //tms:true is required for the TileMill databases
    var layer = new L.TileLayer(url, {minZoom:15, maxZoom:19, tms:true });

    // set the viewport
    map.setView({lat: 38.297619, lng: -122.296316}, 15);

    //add layer to the map

The output is only a gray screen showing the zoom widget. Firebug has this output:

[07:04:03.305] GET http://themis/test.html [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 2ms]
[07:04:03.400] GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 25ms]
[07:04:03.401] GET [HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified 33ms]
[07:04:03.470] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5252/20163.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 1ms]
[07:04:03.470] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5252/20162.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 1ms]
[07:04:03.471] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5251/20163.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 2ms]
[07:04:03.472] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5253/20163.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 2ms]
[07:04:03.472] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5251/20162.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 2ms]
[07:04:03.473] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5253/20162.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 2ms]
[07:04:03.474] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5252/20164.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 2ms]
[07:04:03.475] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5252/20161.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 3ms]
[07:04:03.475] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5251/20164.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 3ms]
[07:04:03.476] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5253/20164.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 3ms]
[07:04:03.476] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5251/20161.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 3ms]
[07:04:03.477] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5253/20161.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 4ms]
[07:04:03.477] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5250/20163.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 4ms]
[07:04:03.478] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5254/20163.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 4ms]
[07:04:03.479] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5250/20162.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 5ms]
[07:04:03.479] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5254/20162.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 5ms]
[07:04:03.480] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5250/20164.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 4ms]
[07:04:03.480] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5254/20164.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 5ms]
[07:04:03.481] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5250/20161.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 6ms]
[07:04:03.481] GET http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1.mbtiles/15/5254/20161.png [HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found 6ms]

Here's the log of my install:

themis htdocs # pwd
themis htdocs # git clone
Cloning into 'mbtiles-php'...
remote: Counting objects: 85, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (45/45), done.
remote: Total 85 (delta 42), reused 79 (delta 39)
Unpacking objects: 100% (85/85), done.
themis htdocs # cp /home/jlpoole/napa1.mbtiles mbtiles-php
themis htdocs # chown -R apache:apache mbtiles-php
themis htdocs # ls -la mbtiles-php
total 52024
drwxr-xr-x 3 apache apache     4096 Sep 29 07:12 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root   root       4096 Sep 29 07:11 ..
drwxr-xr-x 7 apache apache     4096 Sep 29 07:11 .git
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache       23 Sep 29 07:11 .gitignore
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache      190 Sep 29 07:11 .htaccess
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 53159936 Sep 29 07:12 napa1.mbtiles
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache      899 Sep 29 07:11 README
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache     1106 Sep 29 07:11
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache    21092 Sep 29 07:11 tileserver.php
themis htdocs #

I've also tried ommitting the ".mbtiles" suffix, and no change

var url = 'http://themis/mbtiles-php/napa1/{z}/{x}/{y}.png';

I have spent hours trying various things which I'm not going to pollute this posting with and cannot get the tiles to appear. Could you provide a sample file, e.g. test.html, that is proven to work and/or further instructions?

I can make the napa1.mbtiles available if you'd like to test using what I have. Alternatively, can you make available a known mbtiles file that works?

Thank you.

403 access error

I put the .php file and the .htaccess file in the same directory as my mbtiles file (, but now when going to that folder in my webbrowser, I get a 403 permission error. Any idea where I should look for?

Mobile devices (@2x image) problem

first of al thank you for this piece of software. It works wonderfully. I noticed today that the server does not support @2x images. I created a map and it worked perfectly on desktop, but when I tried to load it in tablets and smartphones no tiles were visible. Remore debugging showed a list of 404 errors about missing *@2x.png tiles.
Any help would be much appreciated

preg_match(): Compilation failed

I get the following error:

2014/07/16 15:54:08 [error] 148#0: *323 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message:    PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 16 in [path to mbtiles-php]/example/server/tileserver.php on line 737
PHP message: PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 16 in [path to mbtiles-php]/example/server/tileserver.php on line 737
PHP message: PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 16 in [path to mbtiles-php]/example/server/tileserver.php on line 737
PHP message: PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 16 in [path to mbtiles-php]/example/server/tileserver.php on line 737
PHP message: PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 10 in [path to mbtiles-php]/example/server/tileserver.php on line 737
PHP message: PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 10 in [path to mbtiles-php]/example/server/tileserver.php on line 737
PHP message: PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 10 in [path to mbtiles-php]/example/server/tileserver.php on line 737
PHP message: PHP Warning:  preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 10 in [path to mbtiles-php]/example/server/tileserver.php on line 737

This warning reffers to the following line in tileserver.php.

if (preg_match('@^' . $url_regex . '$@', $request, $p_values)) {

I googled the warning and found this on stackoverflow. After a small change in tileserver.php, everything was working.

$_identifier = '[\w\d\s-_]+';
#$_identifier = '[\w\d_-\s]+';
$_number = '\d+';

I have read that PHP 5.5 requires the hyphen to be escaped or moved to the end of the list if you want it to match a literal hyphen. I don't know a lot about php and this might not be the proper way to solve the problem... (I just know how to read code and how to use google ๐Ÿ˜)

Go Daddy Hosting

First, thank you for both the wonderful code and the great examples. I'm not much of a javascript programmer, but I was able to start with your examples and, with a little reference on MapBox, get the maps behaving EXACTLY the way I wanted them to. On Localhost.

When I moved my code up to my GoDaddy, it didn't work. I can access the page, and a WMS basemap works fine. But nothing that depends on mbtiles. I've checked, and both pdo_sqlite and GD extensions are installed. Any other thoughts? Is there a minimum php release? My account was running php 5.3.24, I believe. It's definitely running Apache.

500 internal error

I have copied the the project and put it under a Apache server. Trying to run the example file but its returning the following error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Apache/2.4.9 (Win64) PHP/5.5.12 Server at localhost Port 80

Serving geojson

Hi, I would like to use some of the features available in mapbox.js dealing with geojson files. Is there any possibility for mbtiles-php to serve the geojson just like the tilejson from and .mbtiles file?

Thank you very much!

Can we run this on 1and1??

we are trying to publish some maps in a 1and1 server
but we have several problems
htaccess works fine (i think)
but i don't know if there's any missing or depreceated php module
perhaps it helps

1and1 is a very unconfortable hosting service with infinite limited capabilities (but cheap).
Perhaps could be interesting recommend a hosting service working fine with this code.

Caching spec violations

First off, I've not actually run the PHP script, I've just been converting it to python (at aidanhs/mbtiles-py). I noticed two caching issues:

header("Expires: " . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$expires))

Per I think this needs the GMT part on it.

    protected function etag($type) {                                            
        return sha1(sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", $this->tileset, $this->x, $this->y, $this->z, $type, filemtime($this->getMBTilesName())));

ETag values should be surrounded by double quotes.

Merge with TileServer-PHP


Recently we have made a complete rewrite of the project:

Some of the code is inspired by your clean PHP code. Can you please make a short review of our source codes and give us some feedback regarding the project in general?

Maybe it is a time to merge the two PHP projects... I am keen to hear from you.


Areas of no data are rendered black

Iโ€™m not sure if this is caused by tilemill, leaflet or mbtiles-php, but I get black tiles in areas where there is no tile data. It seems this should rather be transparent areas.

Symlinks issue

Hello I'm having issues using mbtiles-php inside a symlinked folder.
The main issue is related to line 607:
$here = str_replace("\\", "/", realpath(rtrim(dirname(__FILE__), '/')) . "/");

FILE resolves symlinks and so does realpath. This prevent the route to be resolved...

I actually solved changing this line to:

$here = str_replace("\\", "/", rtrim(dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]), '/') . "/");

ie. replacing __FILE__ with $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] and removing any reference to realpath().

Of course this dirty workaround fixes the issue on paths containing symlink, but breaks the program on "normal" paths...

Cannot deploy in the domain root


I've been trying to deploy the php tileserver in my domain root and it wouldn't work. However if I put it in a separate folder, the serving works just fine.

Interestingly when the server is running from the root, the tilejson is served with tile addresses as such:{z}/{x}/{y}.png notice the double // after the domain root.

Am I doing something wrong in the configuration perhaps?

Best regards,

Tiles not found

I've been trying to load tiles from a .mbtiles file using mbtiles-php without much success.

I followed the instructions and installed a foo.mbtiles file on the same folder as .htaccess and tileserver.php. I have GD and PDO enabled on my server. Here's the code:

$(window).load(function() {
var map ='map').setView([74.2343, -54.43534], 14);
L.tileLayer('./tiles/foo.mbtiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
maxZoom: 19

I'm getting several of these on my console:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

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