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react-native-cn-richtext-editor's People


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react-native-cn-richtext-editor's Issues

How to change value programmatically

I am using react-native-cn-richtext-editor in my React Native app for Android. I am able to change the value of text input programmatically, but after value is updated on input field the value keeps repeating if i do any changes from UI(means even if i don't press submit button, pressSubmit is executing). I am pretty sure that i haven't done any mistake in calling the pressSubmit function. I also have tried the same using Modal(instead of Dialog), but that too didn't worked. I am sharing my code and versions i am using. Please tell me if my approach is correct or not. If not, then how can i make it work?

RN: 0.58.6
React: 16.6.3

pressSubmit = () => {
console.log('pressSubmit reached');
if(this.state.visible) {
this.editor.textInputs[0].props.items[0].text = this.editor.textInputs[0].props.items[0].text + ' : ' + this.state.modalValue;
} else {
this.editor.textInputs[0].props.items[0].text = this.editor.textInputs[0].props.items[0].text ;
visible : false,

render() {
return (
<Dialog.Container visible={this.state.visible}>
<Dialog.Title>Add Concept</Dialog.Title>
onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({modalValue : text})}>
<Dialog.Button label="CANCEL" onPress={()=>{this.onCancelPress()}}/>
<Dialog.Button label="SUBMIT" onPress={()=>{this.pressSubmit()}}/>

Thanks in advance.

CNRichTextView showing nothing

I'm trying to use <CNRichTextView text={text} /> but it doesn't seem to work.
I set text as simple html (<div><h1><span style="font-weight: bold;">Heading 1</span></h1></div> for example - that is produced by convertToHtmlString() ) but it just shows nothing at all.

If I convertToObject() and set it into CNRichTextEditor it works properly and shows up good.

I'm using a simple rendering without anything else in the screen.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

It would be very useful to have a doc about CNRichTextView, since I discovered it exploring the src directory.

Default Font Size of Editor

I've set the body style inside styleList to { fontSize:12 }.
But when I open the view which contains the editor,
the default fontSize of the input field is much larger than 12.

I checked into the source code, it seems that the initial fontSize of the editor is hardcoded to 20.

Will there be any enhancement on this?

Typescript migration ?

First of all ; thanks so much for this amazing work!

If you're interested in migrating this repo to Typescript, I would be glad to participate.
I was also thinking about using a linter, as the source code is sometimes missing style consistency and a bit difficult to read.

[Question] Suggestions on how to save to db the content with images

I'd like to save to database (mongodb) the content of the text editor with images.
Using the convertToHtmlString method it converts the whole document in html, using file:// for the images.
Do you have any idea on how to save the images in order to retrieve them later and convert it back to Object (using the convertToObject method) and let the user edit the document again?
Should I have to save the images separately, edit the html keeping track of the new images url?

Editor shows text starting from the end rather than the beginning

Thank you for this amazing library, is very useful.
Sometimes I have a long string of text as the initial value of the editor. But when the text surpasses the height of the screen, the editor goes right to the end of the text rather than the start. I would like the editor to initially show the top or start of the text to give the user a clear idea of where he is at. This is an iOS app.
I found a related post in stackoverflow but still doesn't work. Is there a way to do that?

Scroll position not updating well when using line break on iOS

When using line break on iOS I have the following behavior :


Scroll position is not updating except if I type something from keyboard.

I removed ScrollView component in the CNRichTextEditor.js file and I also removed the scrollEnabled TextInput prop in CNTextInput.js file and I have the following behavior :


Do you think the ScrollView component can be removed to keep the default scroll behavior of TextInput ?

Note : on Android everything works fine for both cases

Initial Value for Editor

If I edit the state.value, (changing it from getInitialObject()), the editor will no longer work

react-native-web support

Is it possible to gain compatibility with react-native-web?

At the moment it just renders a textarea with [object Object] as value, the problem seems to be rendering children in textarea. Or do you have a recommendation for a web editor who works nice with the html output?

Thanks for the great work

How to manage videos?

I want to upload videos from this text editor in react native expo, every other thing is working fine, but I am unable to work on how to add/embed videos.
Can anyone help me who has modified this library?

Serious bug when input Chinese or other word in such case(see the pic)

When input Chinese
screen shot 2019-02-19 at 3 00 12 am

When input English
screen shot 2019-02-19 at 3 03 25 am

When you type the word and see the light blue background behind unfinished, and then you will get bug when you press next button from soft keyboard: changing new line and the word just typed will be changed a little bit like from 'Googleed' to 'Googled'

CNRichTextView no Number of Lines

Hello, thank you for this awsome library first of all,

I saw 3 properties of CNRichTextView (Text, style, styleList). I want to make preview in a list like this
Screenshot_2019-08-14-09-58-30-581_host exp exponent

But unfortunately I can't limit the number of lines to make it good. Is it possible to limit the amount of text / container height to make the preview not too big?


Without expo

Does this package works without expo?

P.s. Sorry for second question, I’m really interested in this package, good job 👏

CN toolbar not showing when keyboard is active

First I have to thank you all for the great work.

The example app works just fine. but when I copied the example as is to my app (which is expo tabs app) I only change "app" to "EditorScreen" issues emerged like:
1- The toolbar not showing when keyboard is active
2- Unable to select text

What have I missed?

code and screenshots:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet, Keyboard
, TouchableWithoutFeedback, Text, Dimensions
, KeyboardAvoidingView, Platform } from 'react-native';
import { Permissions, ImagePicker } from 'expo';
import { MaterialCommunityIcons } from '@expo/vector-icons';
import CNRichTextEditor , { CNToolbar, getInitialObject , getDefaultStyles } from "react-native-cn-richtext-editor";

import {
} from 'react-native-popup-menu';

const { SlideInMenu } = renderers;

const IS_IOS = Platform.OS === 'ios';
const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window');
const defaultStyles = getDefaultStyles();

class EditorScreen extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
        selectedTag : 'body',
        selectedColor : 'default',
        selectedHighlight: 'default',
        colors : ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
        highlights:['yellow_hl','pink_hl', 'orange_hl', 'green_hl','purple_hl','blue_hl'],
        selectedStyles : [],
        value: [getInitialObject]

    this.state.value = [getInitialObject()];

    this.editor = null;


onStyleKeyPress = (toolType) => {

    if (toolType == 'image') {
    else {


onSelectedTagChanged = (tag) => {

        selectedTag: tag

onSelectedStyleChanged = (styles) => {
    const colors = this.state.colors;
    const highlights = this.state.highlights;
    let sel = styles.filter(x=> colors.indexOf(x) >= 0);

    let hl = styles.filter(x=> highlights.indexOf(x) >= 0);
        selectedStyles: styles,
        selectedColor : (sel.length > 0) ? sel[sel.length - 1] : 'default',
        selectedHighlight : (hl.length > 0) ? hl[hl.length - 1] : 'default',


onValueChanged = (value) => {
        value: value

insertImage(url) {


askPermissionsAsync = async () => {
    const camera = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA);
    const cameraRoll = await Permissions.askAsync(Permissions.CAMERA_ROLL);

    hasCameraPermission: camera.status === 'granted',
    hasCameraRollPermission: cameraRoll.status === 'granted'

useLibraryHandler = async () => {
    await this.askPermissionsAsync();
    let result = await ImagePicker.launchImageLibraryAsync({
    allowsEditing: true,
    aspect: [4, 4],
    base64: false,


useCameraHandler = async () => {
    await this.askPermissionsAsync();
    let result = await ImagePicker.launchCameraAsync({
    allowsEditing: true,
    aspect: [4, 4],
    base64: false,


onImageSelectorClicked = (value) => {
    if(value == 1) {
    else if(value == 2) {


onColorSelectorClicked = (value) => {

    if(value === 'default') {
    else {


        selectedColor: value

onHighlightSelectorClicked = (value) => {
    if(value === 'default') {
    else {


        selectedHighlight: value

renderImageSelector() {
    return (
        <Menu renderer={SlideInMenu} onSelect={this.onImageSelectorClicked}>
            <MaterialCommunityIcons name="image" size={28} color="#737373" />
            <MenuOption value={1}>
                <Text style={styles.menuOptionText}>
                    Take Photo
            <View style={styles.divider}/>
            <MenuOption value={2} >
                <Text style={styles.menuOptionText}>
                    Photo Library
            <View style={styles.divider}/>
            <MenuOption value={3}>
                <Text style={styles.menuOptionText}>


renderColorMenuOptions = () => {

    let lst = [];

    if(defaultStyles[this.state.selectedColor]) {
         lst = this.state.colors.filter(x => x !== this.state.selectedColor);
    else {
        lst = this.state.colors.filter(x=> true);

    return ( (item) => {
            let color = defaultStyles[item] ? defaultStyles[item].color : 'black';
            return (
                <MenuOption value={item} key={item}>
                    <MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-color-text" color={color}
                    size={28} />


renderHighlightMenuOptions = () => {
    let lst = [];

    if(defaultStyles[this.state.selectedHighlight]) {
         lst = this.state.highlights.filter(x => x !== this.state.selectedHighlight);
    else {
        lst = this.state.highlights.filter(x=> true);

    return ( (item) => {
            let bgColor = defaultStyles[item] ? defaultStyles[item].backgroundColor : 'black';
            return (
                <MenuOption value={item} key={item}>
                    <MaterialCommunityIcons name="marker" color={bgColor}
                    size={26} />


renderColorSelector() {

    let selectedColor = '#737373';
        selectedColor = defaultStyles[this.state.selectedColor].color;

    return (
        <Menu renderer={SlideInMenu} onSelect={this.onColorSelectorClicked}>
            <MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-color-text" color={selectedColor}
                    size={28} style={{
                    }} />
        <MenuOptions customStyles={optionsStyles}>

renderHighlight() {
    let selectedColor = '#737373';
        selectedColor = defaultStyles[this.state.selectedHighlight].backgroundColor;
    return (
        <Menu renderer={SlideInMenu} onSelect={this.onHighlightSelectorClicked}>
            <MaterialCommunityIcons name="marker" color={selectedColor}
                    size={24} style={{
                    }} />
        <MenuOptions customStyles={highlightOptionsStyles}>

render() {
    return (
        keyboardVerticalOffset={IS_IOS ? 0 : 0}
            flex: 1,
            paddingTop: 20,
            flexDirection: 'column',
            justifyContent: 'flex-end',
        <MenuProvider style={{flex: 1}}>
            <TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={Keyboard.dismiss} >
                <View style={styles.main}>
                        ref={input => this.editor = input}
                        style={{ backgroundColor : '#fff'}}

            <View style={{
                minHeight: 35

                    bold={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-bold" />}
                    italic={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-italic" />}
                    underline={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-underline" />}
                    lineThrough={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-strikethrough-variant" />}
                    body={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-text" />}
                    title={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-header-1" />}
                    heading={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-header-3" />}
                    ul={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-list-bulleted" />}
                    ol={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-list-numbers" />}
                    onStyleKeyPress={this.onStyleKeyPress} />


var styles = StyleSheet.create({
main: {
flex: 1,
marginTop: 10,
paddingLeft: 30,
paddingRight: 30,
paddingBottom: 1,
alignItems: 'stretch',
menuOptionText: {
textAlign: 'center',
paddingTop: 5,
paddingBottom: 5
divider: {
marginVertical: 0,
marginHorizontal: 0,
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderColor: '#eee'

const optionsStyles = {
optionsContainer: {
backgroundColor: 'yellow',
padding: 0,
width: 40,
marginLeft: width - 40 - 30,
alignItems: 'flex-end',
optionsWrapper: {
//width: 40,
backgroundColor: 'white',
optionWrapper: {
//backgroundColor: 'yellow',
margin: 2,
optionTouchable: {
underlayColor: 'gold',
activeOpacity: 70,
// optionText: {
// color: 'brown',
// },

const highlightOptionsStyles = {
optionsContainer: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
padding: 0,
width: 40,
marginLeft: width - 40,

alignItems: 'flex-end',

optionsWrapper: {
//width: 40,
backgroundColor: 'white',
optionWrapper: {
//backgroundColor: 'yellow',
margin: 2,
optionTouchable: {
underlayColor: 'gold',
activeOpacity: 70,
// optionText: {
// color: 'brown',
// },

export default EditorScreen;


copy paste does not update value in text

Hello there.

When i copy text to clipboard and paste it in the text editor, the editor records the length of text as 0 and text as nothing. I initially wanted to validate if the text editor is empty and so if you can help me with this on how i can validate it as empty or if i can override the copy paste method to add text to the value

HTML tags input

Is this repo still on going? well I want to know if you handle HTML tags. And I see there's convertToHtmlString and convertToObject i don'at know if this two handle html tags. Could you help me or show me how to use it ?

Custom style not working for Unordered list

I'm using the latest version of the package. The unordered list doesn't have the custom style I applied when I create a new line. however, it works if I add a backspace after creating this line. You can find the interaction below:


Bug: CNRichTextView failed to render normal text

I play around the basic logic that convert editor value to html by convertToHtmlString (assuming to save it in db), and directly convert the result back to object by convertToObject, render the result through CNRichTextView. There is error that stop it from rendering anything.
Here are some snapshots and piece of demo code.
{this.state.back && <CNRichTextView text={this.state.back} />}

  demo = () => {
    const res = convertToHtmlString(this.state.value);
    const back = convertToObject(res);
    this.setState({ back });

screen shot 2019-03-08 at 11 25 27 am

screen shot 2019-03-08 at 11 25 38 am

screen shot 2019-03-08 at 11 25 51 am

Demo code not working

Hi I just copy paste the USAGE

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
	View, StyleSheet, Keyboard
	, TouchableWithoutFeedback
	, KeyboardAvoidingView, Platform
} from 'react-native';
import { MaterialCommunityIcons } from '@expo/vector-icons'
import CNRichTextEditor, { CNToolbar, getInitialObject } from "react-native-cn-richtext-editor";

export default class SendEmail extends Component {

	constructor(props) {

		this.state = {
			selectedTag: 'body',
			selectedStyles: [],
			value: [getInitialObject()]

		this.editor = null;

	onStyleKeyPress = (toolType) => {
		if (toolType !== 'image') {
		else {
			// Handling image ...

	onSelectedTagChanged = (tag) => {
			selectedTag: tag

	onSelectedStyleChanged = (styles) => {
			selectedStyles: styles

	onValueChanged = (value) => {
			value: value

	render() {
		return (
					flex: 1,
					paddingTop: Platform.OS == 'ios' ? 20 : 0,
					backgroundColor: '#eee',
					flexDirection: 'column',
					justifyContent: 'flex-end'
				<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={Keyboard.dismiss} >
					<View style={styles.main}>
							ref={input => this.editor = input}
							style={{ backgroundColor: '#fff', padding: 10 }}

				<View style={{
					minHeight: 35
						bold={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-bold" />}
						italic={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-italic" />}
						underline={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-underline" />}
						lineThrough={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-strikethrough-variant" />}
						body={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-text" />}
						title={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-header-1" />}
						heading={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-header-3" />}
						ul={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-list-bulleted" />}
						ol={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-list-numbers" />}

var styles = StyleSheet.create({
	main: {
		flex: 1,
		paddingTop: 0,
		paddingLeft: 30,
		paddingRight: 30,
		paddingBottom: 1,
		alignItems: 'stretch',


Image -- this is the error

it saying is undefiend bold, when im trying to use it

Issue: How can I center the icons?


<CNToolbar .... style={{ alignItems: "center", flexDirection: "row" }} iconContainerStyle={{ alignItems: "center", flexDirection: "row" }}

Text alignment

Is there a way to play with text alignment (align left, align right, center and justify) in your library ?

Checkbox list

Hello, I'd like to build a todo list with something like this wysiwyg rich text editor.

Could you provide pointers on where to add this? Or if this would even be a welcome PR?

Also when we add support for checkbox lists how might one get an id for this list item? I need to associate task details to this list item as well.

Feature request: add tag & @someone

First of all, this project is awesome and enlighten me with new idea about how to handle rich text editor in react native.
In social app, we may like to add tag( linking to different topic such as #fancy movie, #beauty), or @Someone to notify someone whoever user like to.
The basic logic is:

  1. user click a button(hash btn or @ICON), new page opened where user can choose whatever the tag or user's name they like,
  2. once choose, navigate back to editor page, the tag or @Someone will be automatically attached to the content with highlighted color(like blue), people certainly can press backspace to remove it(one backspace and remove it, not letter by letter)

After all, the key is an API to attach a tag to content, and support to delete it with only one backspace.

Appreciate it!

Place for title?

Is there a component which can serve as a place to put a title?

Initial Styles doesn't work

Hi, I can not make styles work

this.state.value = convertToObject(html)

this not works, editor does not getting styles from html

however, if user edits text than styles are working fine,
but cant make initial styles work

html is like

<div><p><span style="font-weight: bold">This should be a bold text</span></p></div>

and convertToObject(html) not attaching styles to it :(

Alt Text

Keyboard Opens while scrolling through editor

When there is a lot of information in the editor, trying to scroll to the bottom and then place the cursor there brings up the keyboard right away. Is there a way to not trigger the keyboard onScroll, and only on the onPress?

Editor is not checking existence of some optional props

The CNRichTextEditor props onSelectedTagChanged and onSelectedStyleChanged are listed in the README as optional. However, in CNRichTextEditor, it assumes these props exist.


onSelectedStyleChanged = (styles) => {

In CNTextInput, the props are checked:

if (this.props.onSelectedStyleChanged) {

But if the props don't exist, it fails before it gets here, in CNRichTextEditor

Change Color of Icons


                        color="#0120c1" />}
                        color="#ffffff"  />}
                        color="#ffffff"  />
                        color="#ffffff"  />
                    body={<MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-text" />}
                        <MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-header-1" />
                        <MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-header-3" />
                        <MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-list-bulleted" />
                        <MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-list-numbers" />
                        <MaterialCommunityIcons name="format-list-numbers" />

This code should change the color of the first 4 icons (and the size of the first) but they stay the same size and color, regardless of what i make the values

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