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Module 3, Summative Assignment: Mongoid and Rails Scaffold

This assignment will evaluate your ability to implement a data tier using Mongoid and integrate that into a Rails controller and view.

The overall goal of the assignment is to:

  • Implement a model and custom type classes mapped to an existing set of document schemas
  • Implement relationships of differing cardinality, realization, and direction
  • Implement constraints and validations for the data tier
  • Implement queries
  • Implement Web access to the database tier using a MVC thru Rails scaffold

The functional goal of the assignment is to:

  • Implement a data tier for triathlon race results
  • Implement a web tier to register for races and view race results.

This assignment requires you to build a functional application with Mongoid and, in doing so, may require some features used that were not officially part of the class lectures and earlier formative assignments. When that occurs, specific URL references into the online documentation, extra hints, and descriptions are added as supplemental guidance for the assignment step.

The length of the assignment is partially due to the many examples shown throughout each section and the desire to put together a complete and interesting problem. The core of the assignment is within the data tier and how to make the web tier easier to implement. Once you reach the web tier, much of the code will be provided so that you will have a chance to visualize your data and observe how the web tier interacts with your data model. The following two images are of races and race results, respectively, and depicts the data that our application must manage.


Race Results

Functional Requirements

  1. Ingest a set of documents.

    • db/races.json - contains Race documents that represent a specific race to occur.
    • db/racers.json - contains Racer documents that represent a specific racer that participates in zero (0) or more races.
    • db/results.json - contains Entrant documents that represent a specific racer's registration in a race and their results.

    Data Model Data Model

  2. Implement a data tier to process the existing data and manage new information. The data tier consists of the following custom and document types:

    • Implement three (3) custom types that represent data without any specific identity.

      • Point - a geographic point for an address
      • Address - descriptive information for where something is located
      • Placing - a ranked order someone finishes in a race within a category
    • Implement nine (9) model classes plus a base class that represent specific information in a triathlon race.

      • Racer - represents a single individual and reference to all race entries.
      • RacerInfo - represents the racer identity required by races he/she enters. The master copy is embedded within Racer. A copy of this is embedded within his/her Entrant, which represents the entry within a race.
      • Entrant - represents a single racer's registration in a race and their results, broken down by leg -- to include swim, bike, and run events in addition to the two transitions between the three events.
      • LegResult - is a base class representing the event results within a race for a specific racer. A leg can represent a transition or actual sport events. Sub-classes are supplied to track unique information per event. All instances of this class and sub-types are contained within an embedded collection within Entrant. Instances of this class will also embed copies of the Event they are a result for.
      • SwimResult - is a sub-class of LegResult that reports results specific to a swimming event.
      • BikeResult - is a sub-class of LegResult that reports results specific to a bike event.
      • RunResult - is a sub-class of LegResult that reports results specific to a running event.
      • Race - represents the overall race with its events and entrant information.
      • RaceRef - represents race-identifying information that is copied into each Entrant. This is built from Entrant attributes.
      • Event - represents a specific event within a race. It has a name (e.g., "Swim", "Bike", or "Run") and a distance.
  3. Implement an interface facade for the data tier to make access to information easier and safer for clients like the web tier. This will include:

    • building a flat view of nested document attributes without changing our nested document structure
    • implementing cross-model service methods to avoid complex code from being written in the controller and view classes
  4. Implement web page access to Race and Racer information and the nested resource Entrant that holds the registration and results associated with them.

    • Racers
      • an index page of all Racers
      • a show page of finishes in each Race (via Entrant)
    • Races
      • an index page of all Race`s
      • a show page of results for each Racer (via Entrant)
  5. Implement web page access to register for future races.

    • Racers
      • an edit page where Racers can register for upcoming Races that have not yet registered for (i.e., create an Entrant)

Getting Started

  1. Start your MongoDB server using mongod.

  2. Create a new Rails application called triresults.

    $ rails new triresults
    $ cd triresults
  3. Setup your application for Mongoid.

    • Add the mongoid gem to your Gemfile and run bundle.

       gem 'mongoid', '~> 5.0.0'
    • Generate a mongoid.yml configuration file.

       $ rails g mongoid:config		# Rails command to generate mongoid config
       	create config/mongoid.yml	# Output response to the above command
    • Add the generated mongoid.yml file to config/application.rb

       module Triresults
         class Application < Rails::Application
           # bootstraps mongoid within applications -- like rails console
  4. Use the rails console during your development to invoke your solutions for the data tier. Adding the optional test after the rails console command will open the console using the test database instead of your development database.
    Remember to reload after making changes to your source code.

    $ rails c 
    > ...
    > reload!
    > ...
  5. Download and extract the starter set of boostrap files for this assignment.

    |-- Gemfile
    |-- db
    |   |-- races.json
    |   |-- racers.json
    |   `-- results.json
    |-- lib
    |   `-- tasks
    |       `-- assignment.rake
    |-- .rspec (an important hidden file)
    `-- spec
        |-- ..._spec.rb
        |-- ..._spec.rb
        `-- data
        	  |-- races.json
        	  |-- racers.json
        	  `-- results.json
    • Overwrite your existing Gemfile with the Gemfile from the bootstrap fileset. They should be nearly identical, but this is done to make sure the gems and versions you use in your solution can be processed by the automated Grader when you submit. Any submission should be tested with this version of the file.

      NOTE the Gemfile includes a section added for testing.

      group :test do
          gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 3.0'
          gem 'mongoid-rspec', '3.0.0'
          gem 'capybara'

      as well as a new definition for the following items:

      • tzinfo-data gem conditionally included on Windows platforms
      • mongoid gem
      # Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem
      gem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]
      gem 'mongoid', '~> 5.0.0'
    • Add the provided json data files to your db/ directory.

    • Add the provided rake assignment task to the lib/tasks directory in your triresults application. This file contains the rake task used by the tests to initialize the database prior to running the tests that determine if you have completed the assignment.

    • Add the spec/*.rb files provided with the bootstrap fileset to a corresponding spec/ directory within your triresults application. These files contain tests that will help determine whether you have completed the assignment. Furthermore, copy the spec/data/*.json files over to a corresponding spec/data/ directory within triresults as well. These are internal data files that rspec will use to execute its tests. Lastly, be sure to also copy the hidden .rspecfile in the root directory.

  6. Run the bundle command to make sure all gems are available.

    $ bundle
  7. Ingest the sample data. This data will assist you as you build and test your solution. The data is time-sensitive, so repeat as necessary to continue to have upcoming races in the future.

    $ rake assignment:setup_data
    importing data...
    races=144, racers=1000, results=2880
    updating database: triresults_development
    updating race dates to current by (N) years
    updating birth years to current by (N) years
    updating creation and update times to (today)

    Note that the data ingested into the development database is not used for grading. The tests will generate new data in the test database. You can refresh your development database by repeating the above commands if you delete or insert data you wish to remove.

  8. Run the rspec test(s) to receive feedback. rspec must be run from the root directory of your application. There are several test files provided for this assignment. Many of those files are designed to test your code at specific points as you proceed through the technical requirements of this assignment. Initially, majority of tests will (obviously) fail until you complete the requirements necessary for them to pass.

    $ rspec 
    (N) examples, (N) failures, (N) pending

    To focus test feedback on a specific step of the requirements, add the specific file (path included) with the tests along with "-e rq##" to the rspec command line to only evaluate a specific requirement. Pad all step numbers to two digits.

    $ rspec spec/railscheck_spec.rb -e rq00
    (N) examples, (N) failures, (N) pending
  9. Implement your solution to the technical requirements and use the rspec tests to help verify your completed solution.

  10. Submit your Rails app solution for grading.

Technical Requirements

Implement Custom Types

In this section you must implement three custom types; Point, Address, and Placing.

Custom Types

Custom Types

Custom types are groupings of fields that occur within a document that do not have on ID. There are no rails g templates for creating custom classes but store them in the apps/models directory in separate files that follow the snake_case.rb file naming conventions. For each of these custom types, you must:

  • implement an instance method called mongoize that accepts no arguments and marshals the state of the instance into MongoDB format as a Ruby hash. Hint:

    def mongoize
      return { ... }
  • implement a class method called mongoize that accepts a single argument of at least three (3) forms -- nil, class instance, and database hash -- and returns the state marshalled into MongoDB format as a Ruby hash (if appropriate). Hint:

    def self.mongoize object
      case object
      when nil then ...
      when Hash then ...
      when (ModelClass) then ...
  • implement a class method called demongoize that accepts a single argument of at least three (3) forms -- nil, class instance, and database hash form -- and returns an instance of the class (if appropriate). Hint:

    def self.demongoize object
      case object
      when nil then ...
      when Hash then ...
      when (ModelClass) then ...
  • implement a class method called evolve that functionally behaves the same as the mongoize class method.

  1. Implement a custom type called Point to handle processing the GeoJSON Point format within the ingested JSON data. This class must:

    • provide read/write access to a longitude field

    • provide read/write access to a latitude field

    • produce a MongoDB format consistent with the following:

      {:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[(longitude), (latitude)]}
    • gracefully handle nil inputs, initializing internals to nil or returning nil where appropriate

    You can demonstrate your custom type using the rails console. The following demonstrates demarshalling the MongoDB hash format into an object instance that can report longitude and latitude values.

    > point=Point.demongoize(:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27,37.80])
     => #<Point:0x00000005696540 @longitude=-122.27, @latitude=37.8> 
    > point.longitude
     => -122.27 
    > point.latitude
     => 37.8 

    The following demonstrates marshalling the object instance and hash back out as a MongoDB hash -- ready for storage.

    > point.mongoize
     => {:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8]} 
    > Point.mongoize(point)
     => {:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8]} 
    > Point.mongoize(:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27,37.80])
     => {:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8]}

    The following is an example of being called with nil data. A nil is returned, but could have been an empty point. We will not be entering this information at the UI, so we do not need any automatic build behavior.

    > Point.demongoize(nil)
     => nil 
    $ rspec spec/custom_types_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Implement a custom type called Address to handle processing the address format within the ingested JSON data. This class must:

    • provide read/write access to a city field of type String mapped to the document key of city

    • provide read/write access to a state field of type String mapped to the document key of state

    • provide read/write access to a location field of type Point mapped to the document key of loc

    • produce a MongoDB format consistent with the following:

      {:city=>"(city)", :state=>"(state)", :loc=>(point)}
    • gracefully handle nil inputs, initializing internals to nil or returning nil where appropriate

    Note that this custom class is embedding a second custom class. Each of its mongoize and demongoize calls must delegate the commands to the embedded class to complete that area of the document.

    You can demonstrate your custom type using the rails console. The following demonstrates demarshalling the MongoDB hash format into an object instance that can report all document fields as attributes.

    > address=Address.demongoize(:city=>"Oakland", :state=>"CA", 
         :loc=>{:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8]})
     => #<Address:0x00000004be7c48 @city="Oakland", @state="CA", 
         @location=#<Point:0x00000004be97a0 @longitude=-122.27, @latitude=37.8>> 
     => "Oakland" 
    > address.state
     => "CA" 
    > address.location.longitude
     => -122.27 
    > address.location.latitude
     => 37.8 

    The following demonstrates marshalling the object instance and hash back out as a MongoDB hash -- ready for storage.

    > address.mongoize
     => {:city=>"Oakland", :state=>"CA", :loc=>{:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8]}} 
    > Address.mongoize(address)
     => {:city=>"Oakland", :state=>"CA", :loc=>{:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8]}} 
    > Address.mongoize(:city=>"Oakland", :state=>"CA", 
          :loc=>{:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8]})
     => {:city=>"Oakland", :state=>"CA", :loc=>{:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8]}} 

    The following is an example of being called with nil data. A nil is returned.

    > Address.demongoize(nil)
     => nil
    $ rspec spec/custom_types_spec.rb -e rq02
  3. Implement a custom type called Placing to handle processing the placing format within the ingested JSON data. This class must:

    • provide read/write access to a name field of type String mapped to the document key of name

    • provide read/write access to a place field of type Integer mapped to the document key of place

    • produce a MongoDB format consistent with the following format:

      {:name=>"(category name)" :place=>"(ordinal placing)"}
    • gracefully handle nil inputs, initializing internals to nil or returning nil where appropriate

    You can demonstrate your custom type using the rails console. The following demonstrates demarshalling the MongoDB hash format into an object instance that can report all document fields as attributes.

    > group_placing=Placing.demongoize(:name=>"masters", :place=>3)
     => #<Placing:0x00000004e02910 @name="masters", @place=3> 
     => "masters" 
     => 3 

    The following demonstrates marshalling the object instance and hash back out as a MongoDB hash -- ready for storage.

    > group_placing.mongoize
     => {:name=>"masters", :place=>3} 
    > Placing.mongoize(group_placing)
     => {:name=>"masters", :place=>3} 
    > Placing.mongoize(:name=>"masters", :place=>3)
     => {:name=>"masters", :place=>3} 

    The following is an example of being called with nil data. A nil is returned.

    > Placing.demongoize nil
     => nil 
    $ rspec spec/custom_types_spec.rb -e rq03

Implement racers Collection

This section concentrates on implementing the core of the racers collection, which consists of two model classes: Racer and RacerInfo.

Racer Collection

Racer Collection

RacerInfo holds the core Racer information used to register for races. Racer embeds the RacerInfo and will hold relationships and information that may not be appropriate to store in an entrant registration.

RacerInfo makes use of the Address and Point custom types. (Recall that Address uses a location attribute of type Point) RacerInfo must be implemented as an embedded class in such a way that it can be stored within Racer (the "master" copy) and Entrant (for each race). Relationships involving not yet implemented classes (e.g., Entrant) will be added later.

  1. Implement a Mongoid model class called RacerInfo (Hint: rails g model) to act as the core information to identify the racer and to register for races.

    • have a field called first_name of type String and mapped to the document key of fn

    • have a field called last_name of type String and mapped to the document key of ln

    • have a field called gender of type String and mapped to the document key of g

    • have a field called birth_year of type Integer and mapped to the document key of yr

    • have a field called residence of custom type Address and mapped to the document key res

    • declare its _id field to be mapped to the document key racer_id and have its default value set to the value of racer_id. Declare the field as untyped so that whatever _id type is in the Racer can be stored in this field. The intent here is to have the id field stored in the document as racer_id and not have a duplicate _id. We may succeed. We may fail, but give it a try. Hint: One mechanism to do this is the following:

        field :racer_id, as: :_id
        field :_id, default:->{ racer_id }

    You can demonstrate your model class using the rails console. The following example shows a RacerInfo being built (but not saved) with all attributes being set, including a nested set of custom type classes for Address and Point. Note that the instance supports both model attribute names and document keys. The document produced uses the document key values when saving.

    > point=Point.demongoize(:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8])
    > address=Address.demongoize(:city=>"Oakland", :state=>"CA", :loc=>point.mongoize)
    >"000", fn:"cat", ln:"inhat", g:"M", yr:1940, res:address)
    Overwriting existing field _id in class RacerInfo.
     => #<RacerInfo _id: 000, racer_id(_id): "000", 
       fn(first_name): "cat", ln(last_name): "inhat", g(gender): "M", yr(birth_year): 1940, 
       res(residence): {:city=>"Oakland", :state=>"CA", 
                        :loc=>{:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8]}}> 
    $ rspec spec/racers_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Implement a Mongoid model class called Racer (Hint: rails g model) to act as the root-level document in the racers collection ingested in the initial section. This class must:

    • (have no fields at this point)

    You can demonstrate your new model class using the rails console. The following just shows the hollow class we have at this point.

     => {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('568061efe301d07bcf000001')}
    $ rspec spec/racers_spec.rb -e rq02
  3. Implement the polymorphic, 1:1 embedded relationship between Racer and RacerInfo. This is made to be polymorphic so that clones of RacerInfo can be can be embedded in both the Racer and Entrant model classes. In the RacerInfo class, you must:

    • name the embedded_in relationship parent
    • define the embedded_in relationship as polymorphic

    In the Racer class, you must:

    • name the embeds_one relationship info (Hint: You will need to define a class_name mapping since info and RacerInfo are not consistent with one another)
    • define the embeds_one relationship as autobuild: true to automatically create the object when the relationship is navigated.
    • define the embeds_one relationship polymorphic type as parent
    • implement a before_create callback to assign the local id primary key to the property. Hint:
    before_create do |racer| =

    You can demonstrate your new embedded relationship using the rails console. The following example shows the hollow Racer and RacerInfo being created and the _id of the Racer stored as racer_id in the RacerInfo. The RacerInfo object was created using the autobuild option during the before_create callback when the assignment was made.

    > r=Racer.create
     => #<Racer _id: 56806b4de301d07bcf00000c, > 
    > Racer.collection.find(:_id=>
     => {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56806b4de301d07bcf00000c'), 

    The following demonstrates building an in-memory compound document for the Racer with RacerInfo, Address, and geolocation Point and then saving. The collection-level database query shows the embedded document and the assignment of Racer._id to RacerInfo.racer_id.

    > point=Point.demongoize(:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8])
    > address=Address.demongoize(:city=>"Oakland", :state=>"CA", :loc=>point.mongoize)
    > racer.build_info(fn:"cat", ln:"inhat", g:"M", yr:1940, res:address)
    Overwriting existing field _id in class RacerInfo.
    > pp Racer.collection.find(:_id=>
         "loc"=>{"type"=>"Point", "coordinates"=>[-122.27, 37.8]}},
    $ rspec spec/racers_spec.rb -e rq03
  4. Implement field validation for the RacerInfo that:

    • validates first_name is present
    • validates last_name is present
    • validates gender_name is present and has values M or F
    • validates birth_year is present and has value in the past

    Hint: :inclusion and :numericality

    You can demonstrate your validations using the rails console. In this first example, we have provided no values for any of the fields. Note that our example shows some custom error text for gender having the wrong value and birth_year not being in the past. You are not required to provide any specific custom text in your validations.

    > info.validate
     => false 
    > pp info.errors.messages
    {:first_name=>["can't be blank"],
     :last_name=>["can't be blank"],
     :gender=>["can't be blank", "must be M or F"],
     :birth_year=>["can't be blank", "must in past"]}

    In the next example, we supply invalid values for gender and birth_year. Notice we do not get errors for gender and birth_year not being supplied, but we do get errors for the invalid values they contain.

    >"X", yr:2100)
    > info.validate
     => false 
    > pp info.errors.messages
    {:first_name=>["can't be blank"],
     :last_name=>["can't be blank"],
     :gender=>["must be M or F"],
     :birth_year=>["must in past"]}

    In the next example, we show how a Racer with no RacerInfo is valid but a Racer with an empty RacerInfo is not valid.

     => #<Racer _id: 56807554e301d07bcf000017, > 
    > racer.validate
     => true 
     => #<RacerInfo _id: , racer_id(_id): nil, fn(first_name): nil, ln(last_name): nil, 
        g(gender): nil, yr(birth_year): nil, res(residence): nil> 
    > racer.validate
     => false 
    > racer.errors.messages
     => {:info=>["is invalid"]} 

    In the last example, we supply valid values for all fields.

    >"cat", ln:"inhat", g:"M", yr:1940)
    > info.validate
     => true 
    > pp info.errors.messages
    $ rspec spec/racers_spec.rb -e rq04

Implement races Collection

This section concentrates on implementing the core of the races collection, which consists of Race and an embedded class Event.

Races Collection

Races Collection

Relationships involving not yet implemented classes (e.g., Entrant) will be added later.

  1. Implement a Mongoid model class called Race (Hint: rails g model) to act as the root-level document in the races collection ingested in the initial section. This class must:

    • be defined to track timestamps using the created_at and updated_at document keys
    • have a field called name of type String and mapped to the document key of n
    • have a field called date of type Date and mapped to the document key of date
    • have a field called location of type Address and mapped to the document key of loc

    You can demonstrate your new model class using the rails console. In this example we first build a transient instance and then save to the database. After that we use the create() option to automatically save the document to the database. Notice the created_at and updated_at timestamps in the database. These were automatically generated when the model was saved.

    > point=Point.demongoize(:type=>"Point", :coordinates=>[-122.27, 37.8])
    > address=Address.demongoize(:city=>"Oakland", :state=>"CA", :loc=>point.mongoize)
    >"Oakland 10K", date:Date.current, location:address)
    > race=Race.create(n:"Oakland 10K", date:Date.current, loc:address)
    > pp Race.find(
     "n"=>"Oakland 10K",
     "date"=>2015-12-21 00:00:00 UTC,
       "loc"=>{"type"=>"Point", "coordinates"=>[-122.27, 37.8]}},
     "updated_at"=>2015-12-21 07:06:46 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2015-12-21 07:06:46 UTC}
    $ rspec spec/races_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Implement a Mongoid model class called Event (Hint: rails g model) to be embedded within Race and LegResult model classes using a polymorhic embedded_in relationship. This class must

    • have a field called order of type Integer and mapped to the document key of o
    • have a field called name of type String and mapped to the document key of n
    • have a field called distance of type float and mapped to the document key of d
    • have a field called units of type String and mapped to the document key of u
    • have an instance method called meters that will return the length of the course in meters
    • have an instance method called miles that will return the length of the course in miles

    Hint: There are

    • 1 meter = 0.000621371 miles
    • 1 kilometer = 0.621371 miles
    • 1 yard = 0.000568182 miles
    • 1 yard = 0.9144 meters
    • 1 mile = 1609.344 meters
    • 1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers

    You can demonstrate the new model class using the rails console. In this example we are creating a default instance of the class and the built-in debug for a class instance shows the field names we have and their mappings to the document.

     => #<Event _id: 5677a72ce301d0e5e2000019, 
       o(order): nil, n(name): nil, d(distance): nil, u(units): nil>

    In the next example, we demonstrate the conversion from miles to meters, meters to meters, and error cases that return nil when there is missing information.

    >*10, u:"miles").meters
      => 9.99999690624
    >, u:"meters").meters
     => 10.0 
     => nil 
     => nil 

    In the following we are demonstrating the conversion from meters to miles.

     >, u:"meters").miles
      => 0.9999996906240001
    $ rspec spec/races_spec.rb -e rq02
  3. Implement the polymorphic, M:1 embedded relationship between Event and Race. In the Event class, you must:

    • name the embedded_in relationship parent
    • define the embedded_in relationship as polymorphic
    • define the embedded_in relationship such that the parent's timestamp is updated whenever the child document is changed. Hint:
    touch: true

    In the Race class, you must:

    • name the embeds_many relationship events
    • define the embeds_many relationship polymorphic type as parent
    • define the embeds_many with a default ASCENDING sort order based on the order field. Hint: This is not covered in the online documentation, but can be accomplished by adding the following array property to the relationship.
    order: [:order.asc]

    You can demonstrate your embedded relationship using the rails console. In this example we build the five (5) stages of a triathlon to include the two transition segments. The events are saved within an array within the Racer instance.

    > race=Race.find_by(n:"Oakland 10K")
    >, n:"swim", d:1, u:"miles") 
    >, n:"t1")                   
    >, n:"bike", d:25, u:"miles") 
    >, n:"t2")
    >, n:"run", d:10, u:"kilometers") 
    > pp Race.find(
     "n"=>"Oakland 10K",
     "date"=>2015-12-21 00:00:00 UTC,
       "loc"=>{"type"=>"Point", "coordinates"=>[-122.27, 37.8]}},
     "updated_at"=>2015-12-21 07:41:00 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2015-12-21 07:06:46 UTC,
       {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('5677acb5e301d0e5e2000026'), "o"=>1, "n"=>"t1"},
       {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('5677acdfe301d0e5e2000028'), "o"=>3, "n"=>"t2"},

    In the next example, we change the sort order with a runtime expression.

    > {|r| p r}; nil
    #<Event _id: 5677acdfe301d0e5e2000028, o(order): 3, n(name): "t2", d(distance): nil, u(units): nil>
    #<Event _id: 5677accee301d0e5e2000027, o(order): 2, n(name): "bike", d(distance): 25.0, u(units): "miles">
    #<Event _id: 5677acb5e301d0e5e2000026, o(order): 1, n(name): "t1", d(distance): nil, u(units): nil>

    In the next part of the example, we can test the navigation from the embedded class to the containing parent class thru the polymorphic parent reference in the embedded class.

     => "Oakland 10K"
    $ rspec spec/races_spec.rb -e rq03
  4. Implement field validation for the Event that:

    • validates order is present
    • validates name is present

    You can demonstrate your new validation using the rails console. In the following example, we show that an empty Event is not valid and reports specific error messages about the valid fields.

    > event.validate
     => false 
    > event.errors.messages
     => {:order=>["can't be blank"], :name=>["can't be blank"]}

    In the following example, we show that the Race is considered invalid if it has an invalid Event.

    > race.validate
     => false 
    > race.errors.messages
     => {:events=>["is invalid"]} 

    Notice that Mongoid refuses to save the Race in the invalid state.

     => false 

    If we start by creating the Race in the database in a valid state, Mongoid refuses to change it to an invalid state by inserting an empty `Event.

    > race=Race.create
    > Race.where(:id=>
     => {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56872a7fe301d0bcf8000016'), 
      "updated_at"=>2016-01-02 01:40:15 UTC, 
      "created_at"=>2016-01-02 01:40:15 UTC} 

    If we instead insert a valid Event, the update is made to the Race. One unrelated but interesting thing to note is that Mongoid does not update the parent's updated_at timestamp by default, when modifying embedded children. The child relationship must define touch: true for that to occur.

    > pp Race.where(:id=>
     "updated_at"=>2016-01-02 01:40:15 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2016-01-02 01:40:15 UTC,
      [{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56872c5ee301d0bcf8000018'), "o"=>0, "n"=>"swim"}]}
    $ rspec spec/races_spec.rb -e rq04
  5. Implement a named scope in the Race class called by upcoming and past that returns a chainable criteria for races that have not completed and have occured in the past. These scopes must:

    • return a chainable Mongoid query criteria set to return matching Races based on the :date property
      • upcoming races have dates greater than or equal to today's date
      • past races have dates less than today's date

    You can use the Rails console to demonstrate you new named scopes. In the example, below, we create three (3) races in the past, present, and future.

    > Race.create(:name=>"Yesterday's Challenge",:date=>Date.yesterday)
    > Race.create(:name=>"Today's Challenge",:date=>Date.current)
    > Race.create(:name=>"Tomorrow's Challenge",:date=>Date.tomorrow)

    When we request the past scope, we get only the races that have occured prior to today. In the example, we have also showed criteria chaining where we combine a criteria about the name of the race with the criteria returned from the scope.

    > pp Race.past.where(:name=>{:$regex=>"Challenge"}).first.attributes
    D | {"find"=>"races", "filter"=>{"date"=>{"$lt"=>2016-01-27 00:00:00 UTC},
    "n"=>{"$regex"=>"Challenge"}}, "limit"=>-1}
     "n"=>"Yesterday's Challenge",
     "date"=>2016-01-14 00:00:00 UTC,
     "updated_at"=>2016-01-15 14:09:10 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2016-01-15 14:09:10 UTC}

    In the example using upcoming, we add pluck to the chain so that we request only the attributes we need from the database and Mongoid adds a projection to the MongoDB query.

    > pp Race.upcoming.where(:name=>{:$regex=>"Challenge"}).pluck(:name, :date)
    D | {"find"=>"races", "filter"=>{"date"=>{"$gte"=>2016-01-15 00:00:00 UTC}, 
         "n"=>{:$regex=>"Challenge"}}, "projection"=>{"n"=>1, "date"=>1}}
    [["Today's Challenge", 2016-01-15 00:00:00 UTC],
    ["Tomorrow's Challenge", 2016-01-16 00:00:00 UTC]]
    $ rspec spec/races_spec.rb -e rq05

Implement results Collection

This section concentrates on implementing the core of the results collection, which consists of Entrant, the embedded class LegResult and its sub-classes ...

Results Collection

Results Collection

... as well as the embedded classes (RacerInfo and Event) from the other two collections. We will complete the relationships with the other collections in a follow-on section.

  1. Implement a Mongoid model class called Entrant (Hint: rails g model) to act as the root-level document in the results collection ingested in the initial section. This class must:

    • be defined to be stored in the results collection
    • be defined to track timestamps using the created_at and updated_at document keys
    • have a field called bib of type Integer and mapped to the document key of bib
    • have a field called secs of type Float and mapped to the document key of secs
    • have a field called overall of type Placing and mapped to the document key of o
    • have a field called gender of type Placing and mapped to the document key of gender
    • have a field called group of type Placing and mapped to the document key of group

    You can demonstrate your new model class using the rails console. Note that because the collection and model class do no share a common base name, we must manually map the class to the results collection.

     => "results"

    In the example below we create an instance of the Entrant, filling in extra details with custom type Placing for overall, gender, and group. You can use whatever initializer to create Placing. We are only showing the use of the demongoize method since the initializer is not an assignment requirement but demongoize is a requirement.

    > entrant.overall=Placing.demongoize(:place=>10)
    > entrant.gender=Placing.demongoize(:name=>"M", :place=>8)
    >>"masters", :place=>5)
    > pp Entrant.find(
     "gender"=>{"name"=>"M", "place"=>8},
     "group"=>{"name"=>"masters", "place"=>5},
     "updated_at"=>2015-12-22 04:18:40 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2015-12-22 04:18:40 UTC}

    You can verify the Placings can be demarshaled into an instance by reading out specific properties of each.

    > Entrant.find(
     => "masters"
    > Entrant.find(
     => 8 
    $ rspec spec/results_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Implement a Mongoid model class called LegResult (Hint: rails g model) to act as the base class for individual event leg results and the implementation class for the two transition results in between the three events. This class must:

    • have a field called secs of type Float and mapped to the document key of secs
    • have an empty callback method called calc_ave. This will be used by sub-classes to update their event-specific average(s) based on the details of the event and the time to complete in secs
    • have an after_initialize callback method defined to invoke calc_ave
    • override the secs= method such that it calls calc_ave to refresh average(s) calculated after it has manually updated self[:secs] with the provided value.


    def calc_ave
      #subclasses will calc event-specific ave
    after_initialize do |doc|
    def secs= value

    You can demonstrate your new model class using the rails console. In the following example we are creating a default instance.

     => #<LegResult _id: 569da237e301d0fa6b00001d, secs: nil> 
     => #<LegResult _id: 569da2a5e301d0fa6b00001f, secs: 60.0> 
    > result.secs=120
    > result
     => #<LegResult _id: 569da2a5e301d0fa6b00001f, secs: 120.0> 
    $ rspec spec/results_spec.rb -e rq02
  3. Implement the concrete, M:1 embedded relationship between LegResult and Entrant. In the LegResult class, you must:

    • name the embedded_in relationship entrant

    In the Entrant class, you must:

    • name the embeds_many relationship results
    • map the embeds_many relationship to the base class LegResult (Hint: because of the difference in names, you must map the class_name for the collection to the proper classname stored in the collection)

    You can demonstrate your new relationship using the rails console. In the following example, we create a new, in-memory, anonymous Entrant and associate one LegResult. The object tree is not yet saved because we need to add some additional properties in a follow-on step to make LegResult complete.

     => #<LegResult _id: 569dcc5fe301d00846000013, secs: 60.13> 
     => #<LegResult _id: 569dcc66e301d00846000014, secs: 1600.0> 
    > entrant.results.count
     => 0 
    > entrant.results.to_a.count
     => 2 
    > entrant.results[0]
     => #<LegResult _id: 569dcc5fe301d00846000013, secs: 60.13>
    > pp entrant.results
    [#<LegResult _id: 569dcc5fe301d00846000013, secs: 60.13>, 
     #<LegResult _id: 569dcc66e301d00846000014, secs: 1600.0>]
    $ rspec spec/results_spec.rb -e rq03
  4. Implement the polymorphic, 1:1 relationship between LegResult and Event. In the LegResult class, you must:

    • name the embeds_one relationship event
    • define the embeds_one relationship polymorphic type as parent
    • add validation to require event to be supplied. We need this because the event will supply a sort order required by Entrant in the next bullet.

    In the Entrant class, you must:

    • declare a default order based on the event.o value now required to exist. Hint:
    order: [:"event.o".asc]

    You can demonstrate your new embedded relationship using the rails console. In the following example, we verify our validation of event is in place by building an Entrant with a LegResult and just timing information. The entrant and result are invalid and refuse to be saved.

     => false 
    > entrant.errors.messages
     => {:results=>["is invalid"]} 
    > result.errors.messages
     => {:event=>["can't be blank"]} 

    We locate an upcoming Race that has events defined and obtained the t1 transition event. The attributes of this event are cloned into the LegResult.event, the LegResult and Entrant become valid and are successfully saved. Note in the evaluation of the LegResult it has an order and name.

    > result.build_event(event.attributes)
     => #<Event _id: 569a58b8e301d083c300000e, o(order): 1, n(name): "t1", d(distance): nil, u(units): nil> 
    > entrant.validate
     => true 
     => true 

    We repeat the process for a second result and show the resulting compound document that is stored in the database.

    > entrant.results.create(:event=>event, :secs=>45)
    > pp Entrant.find(
     "updated_at"=>2016-01-19 06:28:58 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2016-01-19 06:22:26 UTC,
         {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('569a58b8e301d083c300000e'), "n"=>"t1", "o"=>1}},
         {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('569a58b8e301d083c3000010'), "n"=>"t2", "o"=>3}}]}

    Note that because we placed a default sort order on the embedded collection, the results come out in event order. We can change that order by supplying an order_by clause when we access the collection. Note the ascending and descending changes we are making in the output.

     > entrant.results.pluck(:"event.o")
     => [1, 3] 
    > entrant.results.order_by(:"event.o".desc).pluck(:"event.o")
     => [3, 1] 
    > entrant.results.order_by(:"event.o".asc).pluck(:"event.o")
     => [1, 3] 
    $ rspec spec/results_spec.rb -e rq04
  5. Implement the three (3) Mongoid model sub-classes of LegResult, called SwimResult, BikeResult, and RunResult. (Hint: Mongoid Inheritance) These classes must:

    • define LegResult as a base class
    • implement an instance method called calc_ave in each sub-class. Have it set the event-specific average(s) for each sub-class but have that be a dummy floating point number for now.
    • SwimResult must have a field called pace_100 of type Float and mapped to the document key of pace_100. This field represents the pace the swimmer would complete 100 meters, given the distance and time they take to complete the course.
      • assign this field a value within calc_ave instance method
    • BikeResult must have a field called mph of type Float and mapped to the document key of mph. This field represents the average speed the biker traveled over the course given the length of the course and the time they take to complete the course.
      • assign this field a value within calc_ave instance method
    • RunResult must have a field called minute_mile of type Float and mapped to the document key of mmile. This field represents the average time required to complete one (1) mile given the length and time to complete the course.
      • assign this field a value within calc_ave instance method

    Hint: calc_ave is being called by the base class after initialization and whenever the setter for secs is called. Each sub-class is responsible for updating their event-specific average(s). The example below shows that wiring with a bogus hard coded value for the conversion result (i.e., 12.1 stands for a real algorithm computed value)

      field my_ave, ...
      def calc_ave
        if event && secs
          meters = event.meters
          self.my_ave=meters.nil? ? nil : 12.1

    You can demonstrate your new sub-classes (with dummy calc methods) using the rails console.

     => #<SwimResult _id: 5687471fe301d0fd0300000f, secs: 10.0, _type: "SwimResult", 
        pace_100: 12.1> 
     => #<BikeResult _id: 568747a3e301d0fd03000013, secs: 3600.0, _type: "BikeResult", 
        mph: 12.1>
     => #<RunResult _id: 568747ede301d0fd03000014, secs: 3600.0, _type: "RunResult", 
        mmile(minute_mile): 12.1>
    $ rspec spec/results_spec.rb -e rq05
  6. Implement event-specific timing results in the calc_ave methods introduced in the previous step. Each Event will carry a distance and units. Units are either in yards, meters, kilometers, or miles. We have consolidated some conversion methods in Event as well -- which can report its distance in miles and meters. Each LegResult will have the time completed in seconds in the secs field. The calc_ave method in SwimResult must:

    • calculate the secs it will take swimmer to travel 100 meters given the distance of the event and the time it took to complete. (Hint: secs/(meters/100))

    The calc_ave method in the BikeResult must:

    • calculate the average miles per hour given the distance of the event and the time it took to complete. (Hint: miles*3600/secs)

    The calc_ave method in the RunResult must:

    • calculate the time it would take the runner to travel 1 mile given the distance of the event and the time it took to complete. (Hint: (secs/60)/miles)

    Hint: There are

    • 1 minute = 60 secs
    • 1 hour = 3600 secs

    You can test drive your new calculations using the rails console. The first example shows a 100 meter swim being finished in 10 secs for a 100 meter average of 10 secs. The second example shows a 1 mile swim being finished in 160.934 secs also for a 100 meter average of 10 secs.

    >>,units:"meters"), :secs=>10)
     => #<SwimResult _id: 5680bc02e301d07bcf00003f, secs: 10.0, _type: "SwimResult", pace_100: 10.0> 
    >>,units:"miles"), :secs=>160.934)
     => #<SwimResult _id: 5680bcb3e301d07bcf000041, secs: 160.934, _type: "SwimResult", pace_100: 10.0> 

    The first example below shows a 10 mile bike being finished in 1 hour for a 10 mph average. The second example shows a 100K bike finished in 1 hour for a 62.137 mph average.

    >>,units:"miles"), :secs=>3600)
     => #<BikeResult _id: 5680be47e301d07bcf000046, secs: 3600.0, _type: "BikeResult", mph: 10.0> 
    >>,units:"kilometers"), :secs=>3600)
     => #<BikeResult _id: 5680bef4e301d07bcf000049, secs: 3600.0, _type: "BikeResult", mph: 62.13710000000001>

    The first example below shows a 1 mile run finished in 4 minutes for a 4 min/mile average. The second example shows a 10K run finished in 100min for a 16.09 min/mile average.

    >>,units:"miles"), :secs=>240)
     => #<RunResult _id: 5680c0dbe301d07bcf00004f, secs: 240.0, _type: "RunResult", 
        mmile(minute_mile): 4.0>
    >>,units:"kilometers"), :secs=>6000)
     => #<RunResult _id: 5680c14de301d07bcf000052, secs: 6000.0, _type: "RunResult", 
        mmile(minute_mile): 16.093444978925636> 

    The following demonstrates updating the event-specific value of secs.

     => #<SwimResult _id: 5688b95ee301d009f00000e7, secs: nil, _type: "SwimResult", pace_100: nil> 
     > s.secs=1000
     > s
     => #<SwimResult _id: 5688b95ee301d009f00000e7, secs: 1000.0, _type: "SwimResult", pace_100: 1000.0>
    $ rspec spec/results_spec.rb -e rq06
  7. Implement a relationship callback in Entrant that will: (Hint: Relation Callbacks)

    • set the value of Entrant.secs based on the sum of event.secs.

    Hint: It is recommended that you ignore the modified result passed in the callback and simply re-calculate the sum of all result.secs known to the entrant during the callback. That will leave you less vulnerable to having to keep track of state and types of changes. It also accounts for changes in the result versus adding/removing a result.

    def update_total(result)

    You can demonstrate your callback logic using the rails console. In the following example, the Entrant is initially created with no events and has a secs value of nil. The created_at and updated_at are the same value and the state has not changed with what is in the database.

    > entrant=Entrant.create                        
    > entrant.secs
     => nil 
    > entrant.created_at
     => Sat, 23 Jan 2016 20:13:16 UTC +00:00 
    > entrant.updated_at
     => Sat, 23 Jan 2016 20:13:16 UTC +00:00 
    > entrant.changed?
     => false 

    If we add a new event, we see that Mongoid immediately stores the embedded document as an update to the parent document and our callback has "changed" the parent document by calling the setter on secs with a new value. However, the parent document state has not yet beed saved to the database so the updated_at is still unchanged.

    > entrant.results <<
          :event=>,n:"swim",distance:1,units:"miles"), :secs=>3600)
    D | {"update"=>"results", "updates"=>[{"q"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56a3dedce301d0a8d300000a')}, 
                      "_type"=>"SwimResult", "secs"=>3600.0, "pace_100"=>223.69418519393045, "event"=...
    > entrant.changed?
     => true 
    > entrant.secs                   
     => 3600.0 
    > entrant.updated_at
     => Sat, 23 Jan 2016 20:13:16 UTC +00:00 

    Once we call save, the update to secs and updated_at are written to the database. The instance will report it is no longer "changed" from the state in the database.

    D | {"update"=>"results", "updates"=>[{"q"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56a3dedce301d0a8d300000a')}, 
                      "u"=>{"$set"=>{"secs"=>3600.0, "updated_at"=>2016-01-23 20:15:06 UTC}},...
    > entrant.changed?  
     => false 
    > entrant.updated_at
     => Sat, 23 Jan 2016 20:15:06 UTC +00:00 

    We can add additional events and have the secs recalculated with each change.

    > entrant.results <<
          :event=>,n:"bike",distance:100,units:"kilometers"), :secs=>3600)             
    > entrant.secs
     => 7200.0 
    > entrant.results <<
          :event=>,n:"run",distance:10,units:"kilometers"), :secs=>6000)
    > entrant.secs
     => 13200.0 

    With all changes made to the Entrant we can now save the resultant time and get an updated_at change as well.

    > entrant.changed?
     => true 
    > entrant.updated_at
     => Sat, 23 Jan 2016 20:15:06 UTC +00:00 
    > entrant.updated_at
     => Sat, 23 Jan 2016 20:16:40 UTC +00:00 

    Out final compound document is as follows:

    > pp Entrant.find(
     "updated_at"=>2016-01-23 20:16:40 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2016-01-23 20:13:16 UTC,
    $ rspec spec/results_spec.rb -e rq07

Implement races/results Cross-Collection Relationships

In the previous sections you implemented aspects of model classes that were local to a specific collection. In this section you will implement model class aspects that cross the boundary between the races and results collections.

Races-Results Cross Collection

Races-Results Cross Collection

  1. Implement a Mongoid embedded model class called RaceRef (Hint: rails g model) to hold information about the Race that queries of an Entrant will need to immediately know about. This class must:

    • have a field called name of type String and mapped to the document key of n
    • have a field called date of type Date and mapped to the document key of date

    You can demonstrate your new model class using the rails console. In the following example, we locate a Race and then initialize the RaceRef using the Race attributes that are trimmed down to just the elements that RaceRef uses. Notice the few example fields in Race (e.g., created_at) that were not involved in the initialization of RacerRef. The symbolize_keys function is being used to make sure that what we execute slice on uses symbols and not strings for keys.

    > race=Race.where(:name=>"Oakland 10K").first
     => #<Race _id: 5677a506e301d0e5e2000018, 
       created_at: 2015-12-21 07:06:46 UTC, updated_at: 2015-12-21 07:41:00 UTC, 
       n(name): "Oakland 10K", date: 2015-12-21 00:00:00 UTC, 
       loc(location): {"city"=>"Oakland", "state"=>"CA", ...
     => #<RaceRef _id: 5677a506e301d0e5e2000018, 
        n(name): "Oakland 10K", date: 2015-12-21 00:00:00 UTC>
    $ rspec spec/race_results_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Implement the 1:1 embedded relationship between Entrant and RaceRef.

    The RaceRef model class must:

    • name the embedded_in relationship entrant

    The Entrant model class must:

    • name the embeds_one relationship race
    • maps the embeds_one relationship to the RaceRef model class (otherwise it would incorrectly map to the Race model class)

    You can demonstrate your new relationship using the rails console. In the example below we instantiate a new Entrant and then within the block, build the RaceRef and save to the database. Notice how we now have the _id of the race as well as key information de-normalized into the Entrant compound document.

    > {|r| \
        r.build_race(race.attributes.symbolize_keys.slice(:_id,:n,:date)); }
     => #<Entrant _id: 56834b6ce301d07bcf0000b6, ...
    > pp entrant.attributes
     "updated_at"=>2015-12-30 03:11:40 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2015-12-30 03:11:40 UTC,
       "n"=>"Oakland 10K",
       "date"=>2015-12-21 00:00:00 UTC}}
    $ rspec spec/race_results_spec.rb -e rq02
  3. Implement the M:1 relationship between Entrant/RaceRef and Race. The foreign key will be in the RaceRef class embedded within Entrant. We will use that as part of a belongs_to definition for the M:1 relationship from Entrant/RaceRef. Race will leverage the embedded foreign key to implement the inverse side using a belongs_to. The RaceRef embedded model class must:

    • name the belongs_to relationship race
    • map the belongs_to relationship to the _id document foreign key field. (Hint: foreign_key: "_id")

    The Entrant class must:

    • define a custom getter called the_race that returns the result of race.race -- where the first race references the embedded RaceRef and the second race references the Race document in the other collection.

    The Race class must:

    • name the has_many relationship entrants
    • map the has_many relationship to the foreign key race._id which references the _id document field property within the embedded RaceRef stored using the race field. (Hint: foreign_key: "race._id")
    • define a dependent constraint on the relationship to delete child Entrants when the Race is deleted.
    • define a default sort order using the secs ASCENDING and bib number ASCENDING. This will order the entrants by bib# until times are reported. (Hint: order: [:secs.asc, :bib.asc])

    You can demonstrate your new relationship using the rails console. In the following example we create a new Race and two (2) Entrants -- filling in the attributes of the RaceRef using the Race instance. Each Entrant was also assigned a unique bib number and a value for secs that we can search for and help identify the entrant.

    > race2=Race.create(:name=>"Oakland 2K", :date=>Date.current, :loc=>race.loc)               
    >>1, :secs=>1100.23) {|r| \
        r.build_race(race2.attributes.symbolize_keys.slice(:_id,:n,:date)); }                 
    >>2, :secs=>1200.23) {|r| \
        r.build_race(race2.attributes.symbolize_keys.slice(:_id,:n,:date)); }                               

    If we invoke the method, we are requesting information from the local collection embedded within Entrant.RaceRef. If we invoke the method, we are accessing a document from the parent collection.

     => "Oakland 2K" 
     => "Oakland" 

    We can issue queries from the parent collection to locate all child Entrants or Entrants matching a criteria. Note that query results for all Entrants is ordered by the default order defined in the parent model class.

    > race2.entrants.pluck(:bib)
    D | {"find"=>"results", "filter"=>{"race._id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56836dffe301d07bcf0000c7')},
         "projection"=>{"bib"=>1}, "sort"=>{"bib"=>1}}
     => [1, 2] 
    > race2.entrants.where(:bib=>1).first.secs
    D | {"find"=>"results", "filter"=>{"race._id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56836dffe301d07bcf0000c7'), 
         "bib"=>1}, "sort"=>{"bib"=>1}}
     => 1100.23 

    If we delete the parent Race, all child Entrant documents are also deleted.

    > race2.delete
    D | {"count"=>"results", "query"=>{"race._id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56836dffe301d07bcf0000c7')}}
    D | {"delete"=>"results", "deletes"=>[{"q"=>{"race._id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56836dffe301d07bcf0000c7')},...
    D | {"delete"=>"races", "deletes"=>[{"q"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56836dffe301d07bcf0000c7')},...
     => true 
    D, | {"find"=>"results", "filter"=>{"_id"=>{
          "$in"=>[BSON::ObjectId('56836e17e301d07bcf0000c8'), BSON::ObjectId('56a660f1e301d0f1ed000037')]}}, 
          "projection"=>{"_id"=>1}, "limit"=>1}
     => false 
    $ rspec spec/race_results_spec.rb -e rq03

Implement racers/results Cross-Collection Relationships

In this section you will implement model class aspects that cross the boundary between the racers and results collections.

Racers-Results Cross Collection

Racers-Results Cross Collection

  1. Implement the bi-directional 1:1 embedded polymorphic relationship between Entrant and RacerInfo. Racer also holds a copy of this information and will be considered the master copy. Entrant will store a copy for the purpose of accessing during race result processing. The RacerInfo class was fully implemented during an earlier requirement. In the Entrant class, you must:

    • name the embeds_one relationship racer
    • define the embeds_one relationship polymorphic type as parent
    • map the racer relationship to the RacerInfo class. Otherwise Mongoid will attempt to embed the root level Racer class by default.

    You can demonstrate your new relationship using the rails console. In the following example, we locate a Racer and Entrant created earlier (you can create new ones if required) and clone the RacerInfo from the Racer into the Entrant. The result is a compound document containing race-specific and racer-specific information.

    > racer=Racer.where(:"info.fn"=>"cat", :"info.ln"=>"inhat").first
    > entrant=Entrant.find_by(:bib=>1)
    > entrant.create_racer(
    Overwriting existing field _id in class RacerInfo.
    > pp Entrant.find(
     "gender"=>{"name"=>"M", "place"=>8},
     "group"=>{"name"=>"masters", "place"=>5},
     "updated_at"=>2015-12-22 04:18:40 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2015-12-22 04:18:40 UTC,
         "loc"=>{"type"=>"Point", "coordinates"=>[-122.27, 37.8]}},

    Your focus above should have been on the fact that a copy of the RacerInfo is now embedded within the Entrant. If we inspect both the and, we see the same state is represented. It is also verify important that your database document for entrant.racer have the racer_id property. This was a field we custom mapped to represent _id and represents our foreign key to the Racer.

     => #<RacerInfo _id: 56a5aedce301d09b38000003, racer_id(id): nil, fn(first_name): "cat", 
        ln(last_name): "inhat", g(gender): "M", yr(birth_year): 1940, res(residence):
        {"city"=>"Oakland", "state"=>"CA", "loc"=>{"type"=>"Point", "coordinates"=>[-122.27, 37.8]}}> 
    > entrant.racer
     => #<RacerInfo _id: 56a5aedce301d09b38000003, racer_id(id): nil, fn(first_name): "cat", 
        ln(last_name): "inhat", g(gender): "M", yr(birth_year): 1940, res(residence):
        {"city"=>"Oakland", "state"=>"CA", "loc"=>{"type"=>"Point", "coordinates"=>[-122.27, 37.8]}}> 

    RacerInfo already has validation defined. In this example, we show that Entrant will be invalid if RacerInfo is invalid.

    > racer=entrant.build_racer    
    > entrant.validate             
     => false 
    > entrant.errors.messages      
     => {:racer=>["is invalid"]} 
    > pp racer.errors.messages
    {:first_name=>["can't be blank"],
     :last_name=>["can't be blank"],
     :gender=>["can't be blank", "must be M or F"],
     :birth_year=>["can't be blank", "must in past"]}
    $ rspec spec/racer_results_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Implement the 1:M relationship between Racer and Entrant. The foreign key will be stored in the Entrant.RacerInfo embedded class. The Racer class must:

    • name the has_many relationship races
    • map the has_many relationship to the Entrant model class
    • map the has_many relationship foreign key to the racer.racer_id document key
    • define has_many relationship with a dependent constraint of :nullify
    • define has_many relationship with a default sort order of, DESCENDING. (Hint: order: :"".desc. The rspec test will not pass if you use an array notation here)

    You can demonstrate your new method with the query application logic using the rails console. In the following example an existing Racer with an extisting Entrant is retrieved and queried for races. The result is a collection of Entrants (with just the only one (1)).

    > racer=Racer.where(:"info.fn"=>"cat", :"info.ln"=>"inhat").first
    > racer.races.to_a
    => [#<Entrant _id: 5678cec8e301d0e5e2000031, 
         created_at: 2015-12-22 04:18:40 UTC, updated_at: 2015-12-22 04:18:40 UTC, bib: 1, 
         secs: 1100.123, entr
         o(overall): {"place"=>10}, 
         gender: {"name"=>"M", "place"=>8}, 
         group: {"name"=>"masters", "place"=>5}, race_id: nil>] 

    Hint: If your Racer does not show any entrants in the collection it could be because we are specifying the foreign key as race.racer_id and your RacerInfo is not successfully mapping _id to racer_id.

    $ rspec spec/racer_results_spec.rb -e rq02

Implement Attribute Delegation

Before we build the web interface there are a few data tier interface issues we need to address and simplify to be able to work with the default views that Rails scaffold will generate for us.

  • nested data
  • custom type properties

The generated views work much better out-of-the-box when we hide the fact that we have used embedded classes. For example, the generate view just wants to access the Entrant.race_date or the and not have to know to access the or the In addition, the view would get undesirably complicated with nil checks as they navigated the nested document tree. Since our focus is on the data tier and a quick/easy visualization of the data tier, we are going to solve the access facade here.

To solve the nesting issue in the data tier, you may use brute-force to implement setters and getters for nested data or make use of of Active Model's delegate feature, which allows us to define getter/setter methods in the parent class and delegate them to the nested objects holding the information. Everything appears to be at the parent level from the external view.

To complicate matters, Mongoid manages the custom types differently. Every access to the custom type appears to invoke a call to demongoize from a database hash form. You cannot get the instance, set a property of the instance, and have that have any affect without replacing the entire instance with the values you want in place. We can also hide this complexity with brute force using custom setters and getters. However, those extra checks can get tedious when repeated for each property in the custom type. To simplify this issue we will show Ruby's metaprogramming features, which allows us to dynamically add methods to parent classes using an abstract definition.

Lets make interface simplifications to the Racer, Race, and Entrant classes. Since this was not specifically covered within class, much of the code will be provided for you.

  1. Implement a flattened view of properties in the Racer such that the following already implemented properties are available to the view.

    • expose info.first_name as first_name
    • expose info.last_name as last_name
    • expose info.gender as gender
    • expose info.birth_year as birth_year
    • expose as city
    • expose info.residence.state as state

    Hint: In the Racer class, add delegation specifications for the following properties.

    class Racer
      delegate :first_name, :first_name=, to: :info
      delegate :last_name, :last_name=, to: :info
      delegate :gender, :gender=, to: :info
      delegate :birth_year, :birth_year=, to: :info
      delegate :city, :city=, to: :info
      delegate :state, :state=, to: :info

    With the delegation in place, you can demonstrate some functionality for the properties maintained directly within RacerInfo but not yet for city and state. In the example below, we start with a mass assignment of the RacerInfo properties passed to Racer and having them delegated to their proper locations. We can call the getter/setters at each level and arrive at the same value. The stored document shows the information embedded within the info property.

    Hint: If you get Mongoid::Errors::UnknownAttribute:

    • re-check your mappings
    • verify you have saved your editor with the mappings
    • verify you have executed reload! within the rails console to pick up the new mappings
     => "two" 
    > racer.last_name
     => "two" 
    > racer.last_name="three"
     => "three" 
    > racer.validate
     => true 
    > pp Racer.find(

    Hint(s): To compensate for the getter/setter versus bulk replacement issue for custom types, we could consider adding the following logic to the RacerInfo class. This would work. The getter handles the case where the residence is nil and the setter makes sure to do a bulk assignment using an instance initialized with the current values.

    class RacerInfo
      def city
        self.residence ? : nil
      def city= name
        object=self.residence ||=

    However, the above brute force solution repeated for each property becomes tedious by unnecessarily having to repeat the same block of code for each property in the custom type and you may want to use the next approach. Consider instead leveraging metaprogramming and dynamically create a getter/setter of the above design for each property we care about.

    • define_method declares a block of code that defines a particular method and that method can optionally take parameters (e.g., do |action|)

    • object.send("m",123) invokes a method ("m") on the object and can optionally pass parameters to that method (e.g., 123)

      • just as name and name=(param) are getter and setters for name -- object.send("name") and object.send("name=", value) are also getter and setter methods that can dynamically access object methods without knowing the type ahead of time.

    The following code block demonstrates creating a getter and setter method for each of our Address properties within the RacerInfo class -- making sure to apply the single field change to an entire instance of Account that was created from the current state and re-assigned as a whole object.

    • city and state are defined in an array that is passed in as the action to perform
    • two methods are created; (action) and (action)= to act as the getter and setter for that property
    • both perform nil checks on the residence
    • the getter pulls the desired field from the embedded custom type
    • the setter applies the value to the desired field and re-assigns the state for the the entire custom type
    class RacerInfo
      ["city", "state"].each do |action|
        define_method("#{action}") do 
          self.residence ? self.residence.send("#{action}") : nil
        define_method("#{action}=") do |name|
          object=self.residence ||=
          object.send("#{action}=", name)

    Hint: The call to relies on the fact that there is an Address.initialize()` that will accept no arguments. Make adjustments to your implementation as necessary to create a default instance.

    You can now demonstrate the rest of your flattened embedded fields using the rails console. The following shows the city and state being accessed thru the dynamically added setters and getters and these methods performing the logic required to make sure out RacerInfo gets updated properly with Address information.

    > racer=Racer.find(
     => nil 
     => "Oakland" 
    > racer.state="CA"
     => #<Address:0x000000053b6258 @city="Oakland", @state="CA", @location=nil> 
    > pp Racer.find(
       "res"=>{"city"=>"Oakland", "state"=>"CA"}}}
    $ rspec spec/flatten_attributes_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Implement a flattened and default configuration for Race. The class must:

    • have properties called swim_order, swim_distance, and swim_units that default to 0, 1, and "miles"
    • have a property called t1_order that defaults to 1
    • have properties called bike_order, bike_distance, and bike_units that default to 2, 25, and "miles"
    • have a property called t2_order that defaults to 3
    • have properties called run_order, run_distance, and run_units that default to 4, 10, and "kilometers"
    • have the ability to get and set each of the above event properties
    • have a class method called default that returns a default instance of Race with the above properties
    • expose as city
    • expose location.state as state

    Hint: It would likely help to start with a data hash that defines the default properties.

    DEFAULT_EVENTS = {"swim"=>{:order=>0, :name=>"swim", :distance=>1.0, :units=>"miles"},
                      "t1"=>  {:order=>1, :name=>"t1"},
                      "bike"=>{:order=>2, :name=>"bike", :distance=>25.0, :units=>"miles"},
                      "t2"=>  {:order=>3, :name=>"t2"},
                      "run"=> {:order=>4, :name=>"run", :distance=>10.0, :units=>"kilometers"}}

    Hint: Your solution might use explicit methods written using brute force for each event and property.

    def swim {|event| "swim"}.first
    def swim_order
    def swim_distance
    def swim_units

    However, you will likely find the following metadataprogramming definition helpful. The outer loop is driven by the keys of the DEFAULT_EVENT hash shown above and defines the implementation for getting and/or creating the event. The inner loop conditionally creates and getter/setter for the lower-level property if a value exists in the hash.

    DEFAULT_EVENTS.keys.each do |name|
      define_method("#{name}") do {|event|}.first
      ["order","distance","units"].each do |prop|
        if DEFAULT_EVENTS["#{name}"][prop.to_sym]
          define_method("#{name}_#{prop}") do 
          define_method("#{name}_#{prop}=") do |value|
            event=self.send("#{name}").send("#{prop}=", value)

    You can demonstrate your flattened Race class with default properties using the rails console. In the following example a new Race is created. A default swim is added once accessed. A default bike is added once the bike_distance is accessed. A default run is added once the run_distance= is accessed to set the event to 222 miles.

     > race.swim
     => #<Event _id: 56889d46e301d009f00000c6, o(order): 0, n(name): "swim", d(distance): 1.0, u(units): "miles"> 
     > race.bike_distance
     => 25.0 
     > race.run_distance=222
     => 222 
    > pp
    [#<Event _id: 56889d46e301d009f00000c6, o(order): 0, n(name): "swim", d(distance): 1.0, u(units): "miles">,
     #<Event _id: 56889d7ae301d009f00000c7, o(order): 2, n(name): "bike", d(distance): 25.0, u(units): "miles">,
     #<Event _id: 56889d7ae301d009f00000c8, o(order): 4, n(name): "run", d(distance): 222.0, u(units): "kilometers">]

    Hint: Given a source of event keys (e.g., DEFAULT_EVENTS.keys), it would be easy to implement a default instance of the Race in the following manner.

    def self.default do |race|
        DEFAULT_EVENTS.keys.each {|leg|race.send("#{leg}")}
    > race=Race.default
    > pp Race.find(
     "updated_at"=>2016-01-15 20:06:01 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2016-01-15 20:06:01 UTC,
       {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56995129e301d0330000005f'), "o"=>1, "n"=>"t1"},
       {"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56995129e301d03300000061'), "o"=>3, "n"=>"t2"},

    We can use the technique we used in the RacerInfo class to provided flattened access to city and state within Race.location

    class Race
      ["city", "state"].each do |action|
        define_method("#{action}") do 
          self.location ? self.location.send("#{action}") : nil
        define_method("#{action}=") do |name|
          object=self.location ||=
          object.send("#{action}=", name)

    You can now demonstrate your completed Race class with flattened properties for all events and location information. The following example shows a Race being created and passed into a block where a set of methods are invoked against the Race. The output is displayed on the following lines.

    >"LA",state:"CA").tap {|race|
          ["swim_order","t1","bike_distance","t2","run_units","city","state"].map {|event|
            pp race.send(event)
    #<Event _id: 5688a11ae301d009f00000d5, o(order): 1, n(name): "t1", d(distance): nil, u(units): nil>
    #<Event _id: 5688a11ae301d009f00000d6, o(order): 3, n(name): "t2", d(distance): nil, u(units): nil>
    $ rspec spec/flatten_attributes_spec.rb -e rq02
  3. Add flattened property support to your Entrant class relative to Race and Racer. This class must:

    • expose racer.first_name as first_name

    • expose racer.last_name as last_name

    • expose racer.gender as racer_gender (Hint: note the prefix)

    • expose racer.birth_year as birth_year

    • expose as city

    • expose racer.residence.state as state

    • expose as race_name

    • expose as race_date

    • expose as group_name and returning nil if group does not exist

    • expose as group_place and returning nil if group does not exist

    • expose as overall_place and returning nil if overall does not exist

    • expose as gender_place and returning nil if gender does not exist

    • add autobuild to the race and racer embeds_one relation so that we can guarantee that the embeded instances will be in place to hold properties when accessed and updated.

    Hint: The RacerInfo properties can be handled the same as we did with Race with the use of delegate but a different property name. To get racer_ prefix added to the gender property, add a prefix specification to the definition.

    delegate :first_name, :first_name=, to: :racer
    delegate :last_name, :last_name=, to: :racer
    delegate :gender, :gender=, to: :racer, prefix: "racer"
    delegate :birth_year, :birth_year=, to: :racer
    delegate :city, :city=, to: :racer
    delegate :state, :state=, to: :racer

    Hint: The RaceRef properties require a race_ prefix added to the property and can also be handled by delegate with a prefix specified.

    delegate :name, :name=, to: :race, prefix: "race"
    delegate :date, :date=, to: :race, prefix: "race"

    Hint: The nil check delegation to the custom classes would be easiest implemented through a set of custom accessor methods.

    def overall_place if overall
    def gender_place if gender
    def group_name if group
    def group_place if group

    Hint: Don't forget to add autobuild to the two embeds_one relationships so the embedded objects will be created when needed.

    embeds_one :race, class_name: "RaceRef", autobuild: true
    embeds_one :racer, class_name: "RacerInfo", as: :parent, autobuild: true

    With the delegates in place, you can demonstrate your flat access to Entrant properties using the rails console. The following example shows a root-level property and two embedded properties set in the Entrant and then accessed using reflection.

    > ["bib","first_name","race_name"].map {|prop| \
     => [0, "thing", "123"] 

    We now should have an Entrant interface that the views can safely and simply access without nesting and nil checks.

    $ rspec spec/flatten_attributes_spec.rb -e rq03
  4. Add flattened property support to your Entrant class relative to LegResult. The Entrant class must:

    • have properties called swim, t1, bike, t2, run that map to events within the events collection found by and are of type SwimResult, LegResult, BikeResult, LegResult, and RunResult respectively.
    • have properties called swim_secs and swim_pace_100 that map to swim.secs and swim.pace_100
    • have a property called t1_secs that maps to t1.secs
    • have properties called bike_secs and bike_mph that maps to bike.secs and bike.mph
    • have a property called t2_secs that maps to t2.secs
    • have properties called run_secs and run_mmile that maps to run.secs and run.mmile
    • have the ability to get and set each of the above event properties within the events found by

    Hint: The above can be written out one-by-one and fully function. However, you may want to try metaprogramming to reduce much of the redundancy of code. We can start with a mapping of event names to result class implementations.

    RESULTS = {"swim"=>SwimResult, 

    We then can begin with an outer loop targeted at each event name.

    RESULTS.keys.each do |name|
      #create_or_find result
      #assign event details to result
      #expose setter/getter for each property of each result 

    Within the outer loop we can define our getter method for the event that will either find the event within the events collection or create a new one that has been inserted into the collection.

      #create_or_find result
      define_method("#{name}") do {|result| if result.event}.first
        if !result
          results << result

    The next block defines a method that will assign event details to a result. The previous getter method is used to locate or create the result and this will embed the details of the event in that result.

      #assign event details to result
      define_method("#{name}=") do |event|

    Next we expose a getter/setter for each attribute in the result classes. This should end up adding a _secs and an event-specific property to the Entrant class. The setter method manually calls the collection callback to re-calculate the total secs since we are not changing the collection at this time -- only changing the result within the collection.

      #expose setter/getter for each property of each result
      RESULTS["#{name}"].attribute_names.reject {|r|/^_/===r}.each do |prop|
        define_method("#{name}_#{prop}") do
        define_method("#{name}_#{prop}=") do |value|
          update_total nil  if /secs/===prop

    With the wrapper methods in place, you can demonstrate your flattened Entrant class result properties using the rails console. In the following example we create a small race with just two legs; swim and t1. We then create an Entrant and assign the event details from the Race to the Entrant.results. Type-specific methods are beging called to create the correct sub-class of LegResult.

    > {|race| ["swim","t1"].each {|event|race.send(event)}}
    > entrant.swim=race.swim
     => #<Event _id: 5688d838e301d009f000016c, o(order): 0, n(name): "swim", d(distance): 1.0, u(units): "miles"> 
    > entrant.t1=race.t1
     => #<Event _id: 5688d846e301d009f000016e, o(order): 1, n(name): "t1", d(distance): nil, u(units): nil> 

    At this point we can assign times using swim_secs and t1_secs methods. This updates the overall time and stores the result with event-specific averages calculated.

     > entrant.swim_secs=1000
     => 1000 
     > entrant.t1_secs=100
     => 100 
     > entrant.secs
     => 1100.0 
     > pp entrant.results.to_a
    [#<SwimResult _id: 5688d74ae301d009f0000168, secs: 1000.0, _type: "SwimResult", pace_100: 62.13727366498068>,
     #<LegResult _id: 5688d74ae301d009f0000169, secs: 100.0, _type: "LegResult">]

    We can gain access to the specific properties using the flattened accessor methods.

    > entrant.swim_pace_100
     => 62.13727366498068 
    > entrant.swim_secs
     => 1000.0 
    $ rspec spec/flatten_attributes_spec.rb -e rq04

Implement Cross-Collection Service Requests

In this section we will implement logic that must leverage multiple collections to complete the use case. This is helper code for the web application to easily access with the model. We could have broken this out into separate service logic, but have wrapped it in the specific model classes in a small attempt to simplify the implementation and assignment.

  1. Update the Race model class to support a centralized registry for bib numbers within a Race. We can tolerate gaps, but cannot have duplicates. The class must:

    • add a new next_bib field as type Integer, mapped to the document key next_bib, and with a default value of 0. (Hint: assign a default value at document creation time and not instance creation time)
    • override the getter for this field so that the implementation will perform an atomic increment of the next_bib value in the database and return the result of next_bib. (Hint: use [:key] to access the current value of the attribute to avoid an infinite loop within next_bib.)

    You can demonstrate your new field and how to increment it using the rails console. The following demonstrates how the getter performs an atomic update on the next_bib field in the database and returns that value. This assures us that there will be only one use of a bib number as long as the state of that database field is not overwritten. For efficiency, no other state is involved in the database update. We control the amount of the increment, so bulk operations involving multiple Entrants could be efficiently implemented as well.

    > race=Race.create
    > race.next_bib
    D {"update"=>"races", "updates"=>[{"q"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56880945e301d009f0000042')}, 
       "u"=>{"$inc"=>{"next_bib"=>1}}, "multi"=>false, "upsert"=>false}]...
     => 1 
    > race.next_bib
    D {"update"=>"races", "updates"=>[{"q"=>{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56880945e301d009f0000042')}, 
       "u"=>{"$inc"=>{"next_bib"=>1}}, "multi"=>false, "upsert"=>false}]...
     => 2 

    The following shows accessing the current value of next_bib without calling the custom getter and changing the value.

    > race[:next_bib]
     => 2 
    > race[:next_bib]
     => 2 
    $ rspec spec/service_facade_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Implement a get_group instance method within the Race class that will return a Placing instance with its name set to the name of the age group the racer will be competing in. The method must:

    • determine the age of the racer on January 01, of the year of the race
    • place the racer in a group that is rounded down to the nearest 10s and rounded up to the nearest 9s. Example: 26 would be 20 to 29.
    • the cut-off for masters is 60 (e.g., 59 is 50..59 and 60 is masters)
    • groups have the following text formats
    "#{min_age} to #{max_age} (#{gender})"
    "masters #{gender}"

    Hint: Consider using the following. It is written to use demongoize so that it does not mandate a specific initialize method.

    def get_group racer
      if racer && racer.birth_year && racer.gender
        name=min_age >= 60 ? "masters #{gender}" : "#{min_age} to #{max_age} (#{gender})"

    You can demonstrate your instance method using the rails console. The following calculates a group for a race in 2010 and racer birth years incremented by 10.

    > pp (1943..2003).step(10).map {|yr| \>>"M", :birth_year=>yr)).name}
    ["masters M",
     "50 to 59 (M)",
     "40 to 49 (M)",
     "30 to 39 (M)",
     "20 to 29 (M)",
     "10 to 19 (M)",
     "0 to 9 (M)"]
    $ rspec spec/service_facade_spec.rb -e rq02
  3. Implement create_entrant instance method in the Race class that will create a new Entrant for the Race for a supplied Racer. This method will update two collections; races and results. races will have the next_bib number of a Race document updated and results will have a new Entrant document inserted with information cloned from both Race and Racer.
    This method must:

    • build a new Entrant (Hint:
    • clone the relevant Race information within Entrant.race (Hint: race.attributes.symbolize_keys.slice(:_id, :n, :date))
    • clone the RacerInfo attributes within Entrant.racer (Hint:
    • determine the group for the racer and assign it to the entrant (Hint: get_group(racer))
    • create an Entrant result for every Race event (Hint: entrant.send("#{}=", event))
    • validate the Entrant (Hint: entrant.validate)
    • if valid, assign a new unique bib number from the database using an atomic increment and save to the database. (Hint: next_bib)
    • return the Entrant

    If the Entrant was valid, it will be successfully stored in the database and the next_bib will be incremented for the Race. If the Entrant is invalid, the Entrant will not be stored, the next_bib will not be modified, and the returned object will have the validation information informing the caller of the errors.

    You can demonstrate your new method for creating Entrants using the rails console. The following is an example of an invalid registration. An empty Racer is provided, the entrant is invalid, and not saved to the database. In addition to not being saved, the next_bib for the Race has not been modified and the returned object(s) have the associated validation error information.

    > race[:next_bib]
     => 0 
    > entrant=race.create_entrant
    > entrant.valid?
     => false 
    > entrant.persisted?
     => false 
    > race[:next_bib]
     => 0 
    > entrant.errors.messages
     => {:racer=>["is invalid"]} 
    > pp entrant.racer.errors.messages
    {:first_name=>["can't be blank"],
     :last_name=>["can't be blank"],
     :gender=>["can't be blank", "must be M or F"],
     :birth_year=>["can't be blank", "must in past"]}

    The following is an example of a successful registration. We start off creating a default Race and locating a Race from the database we know was valid (you can create new ones if required). To start fresh, the existing Racer is cleared of any previous Entrant state and re-queried for. The re-query is needed because we have a non-standard relationship defined to a foreign key in an embedded class (Entrant.racer). Mongoid is not able to full clear the in-memory representation following the delete without getting a new copy from the database.

    > race=Race.default;"A Race";;
    > racer=Racer.where(:"info.fn"=>"cat", :"info.ln"=>"inhat").first
    > racer.races.each {|r| r.delete }
    > racer=Racer.find(

    We have no relationships at this point and the next_bib is set to 0.

    > racer.races.count
     => 0
    > race.entrants.count
     => 0 
    > race[:next_bib]
     => 0 

    When we create the valid entrant, an atomic update is issued to the database to increment the next_bib of the Race and the Entrant is inserted. Note that the relevant information from the Race and Racer are cloned and embedded within the Entrant for efficient access to this associated information when accessing the Entrant.

    > entrant=race.create_entrant racer
    Overwriting existing field _id in class RacerInfo.
    D | {"insert"=>"results", "documents"=>[{"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56a6be93e301d019a000003d'), 
         "secs"=>0.0, "group"=>{:name=>"masters M"}, "bib"=>1, 
         "updated_at"=>2016-01-26 00:32:19 UTC, "created_at"=>2016-01-26 00:32:19 UTC, 
    > entrant.persisted?
     => true 
    > entrant.valid?
     => true 
    > entrant.bib
     => 1 
    > race[:next_bib]
     => 1 
    > entrant.results.pluck(:"event.n")
     => ["swim", "t1", "bike", "t2", "run"] 
    > entrant.race_name
     => "A Race" 
    > entrant.last_name
     => "inhat" 
     => "Oakland" 
    > entrant.swim.event.distance
     => 1.0 

    If we refresh the state of our parent collections (because of the embedded foreign keys) and list their contents, they will show the relevant Entrant information.

    > race=Race.find(
    > race.entrants.each {|r| p "#{r.bib}, #{r.racer.first_name}, #{r.racer.last_name}"}
    "1, cat, inhat"
    > racer=Racer.find(
    > racer.races.each {|r| p "#{}, #{}, #{r.bib}"}
    "A Race, 2016-01-26, 1"
    $ rspec spec/service_facade_spec.rb -e rq03
  4. Implement a named scope in the Entrant class called by upcoming and past that returns a chainable criteria for Entrants that have not completed and have occured in the past. These scopes must:

    • return a chainable Mongoid query criteria set to return matching Entrant documents based on the property

      • upcoming races have dates greater than or equal to today's date
      • past races have dates less than today's date

    You can use the Rails console to demonstrate your new named scopes. In the example below we create three (3) races (in the past, present, and future) and use the method we just implemented to create an entrant in each of them.

    > race1=Race.create(:name=>"Yesterday's Entrant",:date=>Date.yesterday) 
    > race2=Race.create(:name=>"Today's Entrant",:date=>              
    > race3=Race.create(:name=>"Tomorrow's Entrant",:date=>Date.tomorrow)    
    > racer=Racer.create(:first_name=>"thing",:last_name=>"two",:gender=>"M",:birth_year=>1960)              
    > race1.create_entrant(racer)
    > race2.create_entrant(racer)
    > race3.create_entrant(racer)

    When we use the past scope we get a criteria looking for Entrant documents in the past. When we add a where() clause to that, the two are combined. One interesting thing to note is that the criteria for the embedded document is being passed raw to the MongoDB driver -- so we must use the physical key names in the database and not the logical attribute names in the embedded model class.

    > pp Entrant.past.where(:"race.n"=>{:$regex=>"Entrant"}).first.attributes                               
    D | {"find"=>"results", "filter"=>{""=>{"$lt"=>2016-01-15 00:00:00 UTC}, "race.n"=>{:$regex=>"Entrant"}}}
     "updated_at"=>2016-01-15 14:58:27 UTC,
     "created_at"=>2016-01-15 14:58:27 UTC,
       "n"=>"Yesterday's Entrant",
       "date"=>2016-01-14 00:00:00 UTC},

    Notice we can use the scope on relationships. In the following example, we can locate upcoming races the racer is registered for and add pluck to get the information we need. In practice, it was found best to avoid getting too agressive with fine-grain plucks into sub-documents.

    > pp racer.races.upcoming.pluck(:race)
    D | {"find"=>"results", "filter"=>{"racer.racer_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('56990905e301d03300000018'), 
                                       ""=>{"$gte"=>2016-01-15 00:00:00 UTC}}, 
                                       "projection"=>{"race"=>1}, "sort"=>{""=>-1}}
      "n"=>"Tomorrow's Entrant",
      "date"=>2016-01-16 00:00:00 UTC},
      "n"=>"Today's Entrant",
      "date"=>2016-01-15 00:00:00 UTC}]
    $ rspec spec/service_facade_spec.rb -e rq04
  5. Implement upcoming_available_to class method in the Race class that will return a criteria result representing all the upcoming Races that the Racer has not yet registered for. This method must:

    • be a class method in Race called upcoming_available_to
    • accept a Racer as an input parameter
    • return a criteria result which the caller can add additional query, page, and pluck commands to.

    Hint: The following query will return an array of upcoming race_ids for the racer. The query returns a MongoDB hash and the map extracts the _id value from the hash. The result is an array of race_ids.

    > upcoming_race_ids=racer.races.upcoming.pluck(:race).map {|r| r[:_id]}
     => [BSON::ObjectId('56991aa3e301d0330000002b')]

    Hint: The following query (on the second line) will return race information for races that match a set of IDs. NOTE Prior to invoking this block of code, please see the example further ahead, where the following races are created:

    • "Missed it A2"
    • "Going There A2"
    • "Thinking About It A2"

    These races first need to be populated in the database to demonstrate this block of code.

    > race_ids=Race.where(:name=>{:$regex=>"A2$"}).map {|r|}
    > pp>race_ids).pluck(:name, :date)
    [["Missed it A2", 2016-01-14 00:00:00 UTC],
     ["Going There A2", 2016-01-16 00:00:00 UTC],
     ["Thinking About It A2", 2016-02-15 00:00:00 UTC]]

    Hint: The following scope will return races on or after today no matter who is registered for them.

    > Race.upcoming.where(:name=>{:$regex=>"A2"}).pluck(:name,:date)
     [["Going There A2", 2016-01-16 00:00:00 UTC],
      ["Thinking About It A2", 2016-02-15 00:00:00 UTC]]

    Hint: This method must return complete Race instances being held on or after today that are not in a list of race_ids for the racer.

    You can demonstrate your new method using the rails console. In the following example we create three (3) races:

    • one in the past that we did not sign up for
    • one in the future that we have signed up for
    • one in the future that we have not yet signed up for

    Notice that when we create (Entrant) registrations in the database the in-memory Racer instance must be refreshed. Mongoid will continue to use what it may have last queried for.

    > race1=Race.create(:name=>"Missed it A2",:date=>Date.yesterday)
    > race2=Race.create(:name=>"Going There A2",:date=>Date.tomorrow)
    > race2.create_entrant racer
    > race3=Race.create(:name=>"Thinking About It A2",:date=>Date.current+1.month)
    > Racer.find("race.n")
     => [{"n"=>"Going There A2"}] 

    Given two races that the racer has not registered for and only one of them in the future, the method should return only the one future race.

    > Date.current
     => Fri, 15 Jan 2016
    > Race.upcoming_available_to(racer).where(:name=>{:$regex=>"A2"}).pluck(:name,:date)
     => [["Thinking About It A2", 2016-02-15 00:00:00 UTC]]

    Given the same set of races and registrations and your method, you can optionally find out which races the racer did not register for.

    > Date.current
     => Fri, 15 Jan 2016
    > Race.not.upcoming_available_to(racer).where(:name=>{:$regex=>"A2"}).pluck(:name,:date)
     => [["Missed it A2", 2016-01-14 00:00:00 UTC]]
    $ rspec spec/service_facade_spec.rb -e rq05

Web Race/Racer Resource Access

This section concentrates on providing web access to root-level Racer and Race resources and implementing some navigation between them. At the end of this section you will be able to visualize the ingested data within the database and be able to create, edit, and delete some new and existing Racer and Race resources using web pages.

Although the web tier is not officially part of this module, the primary reason for building the data tier and building it with Mongoid is to provide users access to the data. By going through the implementation of a web tier, you will gain additional insight into why certain features exist within Mongoid and where they can be used. To keep this manageable, much of the web tier is provided to you in complete or near-complete hints with only portions of the data tier access removed for you to fill in.

If your database is riddled with half-baked documents from the previous sections -- now would be a good time to clean it up before accessing from the view. Some short-cuts where taken with validation checks during earlier sections to try to get to this point incrementally but as quickly as possible. Race events like "foo" and "bar123" won't make the end-to-end application all too happy.

  1. Implement rails scaffold for Racer. Use the index to show a list of racers and allow navigation to pages to create new, and delete or edit existing racers. The user should be able to supply:

    • first_name : String
    • last_name : String
    • gender ("M" or "F") : String
    • birth_year : Integer
    • (residence) city : String
    • (residence) state : String

    Hint: Use rails g scaffold_controller to generate the controller and view pages.

    $ rails g scaffold_controller Racer first_name last_name gender birth_year:Integer city state

    Remember to update the config/routes.rb

    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      resources :racers

    You can demonstrate your Racer registration and CRUD using the http://localhost:3000/racers URL after you have started your Rails server. With the test data loaded (see "Getting Started"), you should see a full set of Racers on this page.

    $ rails s

    Verify the web commands are working with your data model

    • show - view details of specific Racer
    • edit - edit details of specific Racer
    • delete - remove a specific Racer
    • new - (all the way at the bottom) - create a new Racer

    It would also be useful to inspect the code within the view classes and controller to see how they integrated with your Racer model. For example, the code snippet from a views page shows the results of the attribute flattening being used. Without that work, we would have had to edit this file to access and have to account for nils along the way (yuk!).

    # app/views/racers/index.html.erb
    <% @racers.each do |racer| %>
        <td><%= racer.first_name %></td>
        <td><%= racer.last_name %></td>
        <td><%= racer.gender %></td>
        <td><%= racer.birth_year %></td>
        <td><%= %></td>
        <td><%= racer.state %></td>

    List Racers

    List Racers

    $ rspec spec/web_resources_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Implement rails scaffold for Races. Use the index page to show a list of all races in descending date order. Use the remaining controls within the scaffold to be able to create new and delete or edit existing races.

    • name : String
    • date : Date
    • city : String
    • state : String
    • swim_distance : Float
    • swim_units : String
    • bike_distance : Float
    • bike_units : String
    • run_distance : Float
    • run_units : String

    Hint: Use rails g scaffold_controller to generate the controller and view pages.

    rails g scaffold_controller Race name date:Date city state swim_distance:Float swim_units \
        bike_distance:Float bike_units: run_distance:Float run_units

    Hint: Remember to update the config/routes.rb

    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      resources :races

    Hint: Remember to adjust the query in the controller (app/controllers/races_controller.rb#index) to provide the required sort order.

    def index
      @races = Race.all.order_by(...

    You should have the following URIs, actions, and helper methods in your application at this point. We can add the suffix _path to the listed helper method prefix as a short-cut to expressing the URI and method to reach the controller#action and resulting view. As there is a key helper method we will reference later from the racers#show and racers#edit pages.

    • race_path(@race) - used to navigate to individual race results
    $ rake routes | grep races
            races GET    /races(.:format)                    races#index
                  POST   /races(.:format)                    races#create
         new_race GET    /races/new(.:format)                races#new
        edit_race GET    /races/:id/edit(.:format)           races#edit
             race GET    /races/:id(.:format)                races#show
                  PATCH  /races/:id(.:format)                races#update
                  PUT    /races/:id(.:format)                races#update
                  DELETE /races/:id(.:format)                races#destroy

    You can demonstrate your Race registration and CRUD using the http://localhost:3000/races URL. (fyi...that would equate to the races_path helper method shown above)

    It would be helpful to inspect the controller and view files to see how the scaffold was layered onto your data mode. For example, the following snippet shows a look at a partial and how it leverages the convenience methods to access the swim properties of a race. This would have been much tougher to implement had the data tier not built a facade for ease of data access.

    # app/views/races/_form.html.erb
    <div class="field">
      <%= f.label :swim_distance %><br>
      <%= f.text_field :swim_distance %>
    <div class="field">
      <%= f.label :swim_units %><br>
      <%= f.text_field :swim_units %>

    List Races

    List Races

    $ rspec spec/web_resources_spec.rb -e rq02
  3. Update the races#show controller and view to display a table of entrants and their results ordered by overall time (ASCENDING), last name (ASCENDING), and first name (ASCENDING). That way the results start out in alphabetical order and switch to time order once results are added. Your races#show controller action must:

    • define an instance variable called @entrants that list all Entrants for the specific Race
    • order the collection of Entrants to be by overall time (ascending), last name (ascending), and first name (ascending).

    Your races#show page must have a table with columns that match those indicated in the order given below:

    • column with Place - entrant.overall_place
    • column with Time - entrant.secs formatted as H:MM:SS
    • column with Name - entrant.last_name, entrant.first_name
    • column with Bib# - entrant.bib
    • column with City -
    • column with State - entrant.state
    • column with Gender - entrant.racer_gender
    • column with Gender Place - entrant.gender_place
    • column with Group - entrant.group_name
    • column with Group Place - entrant.group_place
    • column with Swim - entrant.swim_secs formated as H:MM:SS
    • column with Pace 100 - entrant.swim_pace_100 formatted as MM:SS
    • column with T1 - entrant.t1_secs formatted as MM:SS
    • column with Bike - entrant.bike_secs formated as H:MM:SS
    • column with MPH - entrant.bike_mph format rounded to one (1) decimal place
    • column with T2 - entrant.t2_secs formatted as MM:SS
    • column with Run - entrant.run_secs formated as H:MM:SS
    • column with Min Mile - entrant.run_mmile formatted as MM:SS
    • link to the associated Racer - - around the Name element if they have not been deleted

    Hint: Make your data access edits to the controller's show method. The Race will already have been located and assigned to the @race attribute by the set_race before_action. You must assign the collection of Entrants to the @entrants attribute. By assigning to an instance attribute -- you are making these properties available to the view. By forming and ordering the collection in the controller -- you are allowing the view to focus on the job of data display and not data access. In this specific case we need to query the results collection directly due to a limitation trying to sort a Mongoid collection that already has a default sort order defined for Race.entrants.

    # app/controllers/races_controller.rb
    def show
    def set_race
      @race = Race.find(params[:id])

    Hint: For the view, you can define a helper method to format secs in to an H:MM:SS and MM:SS as well as round down the mph decimal places when displaying the data.

    # triresults/app/helpers/application_helper.rb
    module ApplicationHelper
      def format_hours secs"%k:%M:%S") if secs
      def format_minutes secs"%M:%S") if secs
      def format_mph mph
        mph.round(1) if mph

    Hint: You can start with the racers#index view and make the necessary changes from there.

    • the link to the racer#show pages can be obtained using the racer_path helper method and passing in the of the entrant.

    • remember that the relationship from Racer to Entrant.race is set to :nullify if the racer is deleted from the database so can be nil.

    has_many :races, ... dependent: :nullify
    # triresults/app/views/races/show.html.erb
    <%= link_to 'Back', races_path %>
          <th>Min Mile</th>
          <th colspan="3"></th>
        <% @entrants.each do |entrant| %>
            <td><%= entrant.overall_place %></td>
            <td><%= format_hours entrant.secs %></td>
            <% if %>
              <td><%= link_to "#{entrant.last_name}, #{entrant.first_name}", racer_path( %></td>
            <% else %>
              <td><%= "#{entrant.last_name}, #{entrant.first_name}" %></td>
            <% end %>
            <td><%= format_hours entrant.run_secs %></td>
            <td><%= format_minutes entrant.run_mmile %></td>
        <% end %>

    You should now be able to see a list of entrants for a race and be able to navigate to the show page for each entrant to see their more detailed results. If you navigate to a historical race, the results will be in ascending time order. If you navigate to an upcoming race without finish times -- the page will be ordered by last/first name ascending. You should be able to navigate from the result to the show page for the specific Racer using the link on name.

    Show Race Entrants

    Show Race Entrants

    $ rspec spec/web_resources_spec.rb -e rq03
  4. Update the racers#show view to display a table of all races the racer has registered for in descending time order. Your racers#show controller action must:

    • define an instance variable called @races that list all Entrants for the specific Racer
    • order the collection of Entrants to be by race date (descending) (Hint: this is the default sort order for the racer.races collection)

    Your racers#show page should have a table with:

    • column with Name - entry.race_name
    • column with Date - entry.race_date
    • column with Overall -
    • column with Gender -
    • column with Group -
    • link to Results - race_path(race)

    Hint: You can use the controller show method to define the collection of Entrants for Races to display. This collection is ordered, by default, in descending time order.

      def show

    Hint: You can start with a copy of the table from the races#show view (app/views/races/index.html.erb) and make changes from there.

    # app/views/racers/show.html.erb
    <%= link_to 'Back', racers_path %>
          <th>Overall Place</th>
          <th>Gender Place</th>
          <th>Group Place</th>
          <th colspan="3"></th>
        <% @racer.races.each do |entry| %>
            <td><%= entry.race_name %></td>
            <td><%= entry.race_date %></td>
            <td><%= entry.overall_place %></td>
            <td><%= entry.gender_place %></td>
            <td><%= entry.group_place %></td>
            <td><%= link_to 'Results', race_path(entry.race) %></td>
        <% end %>

    At this point, you should be able to see the races that the specific racer has registered for, ordered in date descending order with race results. Historical results will have placings. Upcoming races will not. You should be able to navigate from the result to the show page for the specific Race using the Results link.

    Racer Race Results

    Racer Race Results

    $ rspec spec/web_resources_spec.rb -e rq04
  5. Update the racers#edit action and resulting view (a partial) to display a table of available upcoming races the racer has not already registered for. The controller action for racers#edit must:

    • obtain a collection to the upcoming races the Racer has not registered for
    • order the collection in time order, descending

    The view for racers#edit must display a table with the following data in the following following order when the Racer is persisted and the partial is being used for edit mode:

    • column with Name -
    • column with Date -
    • column with City -
    • column with State - race.state
    • column with Swim - race.swim_distance
    • column with units - race.swim_units
    • column with Bike - race.bike_distance
    • column with units - race.bike_units
    • column with Run - race.run_distance
    • column with units - race.run_units

    Hint: Remember you can get a criteria of upcoming_available_to races that can be extended with and order_by to have to soonest races ordered to the top of the page.

    # app/controllers/racers_controller.rb 
    def edit

    Hint: The view is in triresults/app/views/racers/_form.html.erb and a test of whether we are in edit or create mode can be accomplished using @racer.persisted?.

    # triresults/app/views/racers/_form.html.erb
    <% if @racer.persisted? %>
            <th colspan="3"></th>
          <% @races.each do |race| %>
              <td><%= %></td>
              <td><%= %></td>
              <td><%= %></td>
              <td><%= race.run_distance %></td>
              <td><%= race.run_units %></td>
          <% end %>
    <% end %>

    At this point you should be able to see available races when attempting to edit a racer. The Register link shown in the diagram will be added in the next section.

    Available Races

    Available Races

    $ rspec spec/web_resources_spec.rb -e rq05

Web Racer/Race Registration

In this section you will implement the ability to register a Racer for a Race from the racers#edit page. This will involve the creation of a nested Entrant resource that can perform the work and a link from the page to trigger the work. Registration will be a single click and we will not implement the cancellation of registrations as part of this assignment.

  1. Add a nested entries resource below the racers resource within config/routes.rb. Restrict functionality at this point to a POST and map it to a create_entry action method within racers controller.


    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      resources :racers do
        post "entries" => "racers#create_entry"

    This should produce the following route within your application and we will use the action to create a new entry for the racer.

    $ rake routes | grep entries
    racer_entries POST   /racers/:racer_id/entries(.:format) racers#create_entry
    • racer_entry is the helper method prefix for racer_entry_path, which we can use to reference this URI when calling it
    • :racer_id is the _id of the racer we are referencing
    $ rspec spec/web_registration_spec.rb -e rq01
  2. Add a method to the racers controller called create_entry that:

    • finds the Racer based on a params[:racer_id]
    • finds the Race based on params[:race_id]
    • uses the Racer.create_entrant class method to create an Entrant
    • re-directs the racer#show page with a status of the registration passed in the flash notice


    # triresults/app/controllers/racers_controller.rb
      # POST /racers/1/entries?race_id=1
      def create_entry
        @entrant=@race.create_entrant @racer
        respond_to do |format|
          if @entrant.valid?
            format.html { redirect_to @racer, notice: 'Race entry was successfully created.' }
            format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @racer }
            format.html { redirect_to @racer, notice: "Invalid registration #{@entrant.errors.messages}" }
            format.json { render json: @entrant.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
    $ rspec spec/web_registration_spec.rb -e rq02
  3. Add a Register link from the table of upcoming and available races on the racers#edit view page. This link must

    • issue a POST to the racer_entries_path
    • pass the racer_id and race_id parameters to the controller

    Hint: You are just adding a link within your existing table rows and having it navigate to the new controller action to complete the registration.

    # app/views/racers/_form.html.erb
    <%= form_for(@racer) do |f| %>
        <% @races.each do |race| %>
            <td><%= race.run_distance %></td>
            <td><%= race.run_units %></td>
            <td><%= link_to 'Register', racer_entries_path(@racer, :race_id=>, method: :post %></td>
        <% end %>

    At this point one should be able to register any valid Racer with a Race. You can see the newly created race Entry added to the Races table on the racers#show page. You can see the newly created race Entry added to the Results table on the on the races#show page.

    Register Racer

    Register Racer

    $ rspec spec/web_registration_spec.rb -e rq03

(Optional/Not Graded) Deploy to Heroku

After completing the assignment and submitting for grading, optionally deploy your application to Heroku using the base name of triresults followed by a unique five (5) digit number that you chose.

(Optional/Not Graded) Extensions

After completing the assignment and submitting for grading, optionally

  • change the ordering of races so that they are ordered from closest to farthest from the racer's residence.
  • locate the racer who has come the farthest to participate

All the required data is in place in the sample data. You just need to add a geolocation index to the racer's residence and race's location coordinates.

Self Grading/Feedback

Some unit tests have been provided in the bootstrap files and provide examples of tests the grader will be evaluating for when you submit your solution. They must be run from the project root directory.

$ rspec (file)
(N) examples, 0 failures

You can run as many specific tests you wish be adding -e rq## -e rq##

$ rspec (file) -e rq01 -e rq02


Submit an .zip archive (other archive forms not currently supported) with your solution root directory as the top-level (e.g., your Gemfile and sibling files must be in the root of the archive and not in a sub-folder. The grader will replace the spec files with fresh copies and will perform a test with different query terms.

|-- app
|   |-- assets
|   |-- controllers
|   |-- helpers
|   |-- mailers
|   |-- models
|   `-- views
|-- bin
|-- config
|-- db
|-- Gemfile
|-- Gemfile.lock
|-- lib
|-- log
|-- public
|-- Rakefile
|-- README.rdoc
|-- test
`-- vendor

Last Updated: 2016-05-29

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Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    ๐Ÿ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.