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icinga2-powershell-module's Introduction

Deprecation Notice

This module is deprecated with version 1.3.0. Please use the new Icinga for Windows solution for future projects.

Icinga 2 Powershell Module

Welcome to the Icinga 2 PowerShell Module - the most flexible and easy way to configure and install Icinga 2 Agents on Windows. If you are new to this module, you might want to read the installation guide first.

SSL Protocol Workaround

In the current PowerShell Version distributed by Microsoft, it could appear that TLS 1.2 is not activated within your environment by default. This will result in failing connections to the Icinga Director for example. As a workaround, you will have to set the SSL Protocol manually within your PowerShell environment or within your script.


[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "tls12, tls11";

This will enable support for TLS Version 1.1 and 1.2. Once this issue is fixed by Microsoft, this workaround is no longer needed. To test if your system is affected by this, you can try to connect to GitHub via PowerShell over HTTPS


If this call works without SSL errors, you are save to go. In case you run into an SSL error, you will have to use the above workaround within your session. Afterwards the connection will work.


Please take a look on the following content to get to know the possibilities of the module including examples on how to use it.


The Icinga 2 PowerShell module is an Open Source project and lives from your contributions. No matter whether these are feature requests, issues, translations, documentation or code.

  • Please check whether a related issue alredy exists on our Issue Tracker
  • Send a Pull Request
  • The master branche shall never be corrupt!

icinga2-powershell-module's People


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icinga2-powershell-module's Issues

Icinga configuration creation fails on Windows 2008 R2

Creating and validating the Icinga 2 configuration fails on Windows 2008 R2 because of the -Raw parameter at the following line:

if (Test-Path $this.getIcingaConfigFile()) {
      $icingaCurrentConfig = Get-Content $this.getIcingaConfigFile() -Raw;

Function setPropety not handeled properly

By using the function 'setProperty' before calling 'getProperty' it will happen that parameter values beeing initialised on the first run on 'getProperty' are overwritten.

Feature: add support of local MSI package source

It is quite common that the MSI packages (or any other ressources) cannot be downloaded due to some security policies. So, that would be nice to have in this module the possibility to specify a directory where the MSI packages are stored.
I have modified the script for my usage, by disabling the download, changing the installer package. It works, but that would be great to have an option for such a feature.

Service state check does not recognice when services crashes

Right now the service state check returns with a success state, once the service reached state 'Running' but is not aware of a service beeing crashed meanwhile.

Possible solution: Add a small delay and check the state again to ensure it's running properly

Add support for Windows 2016 Nano Server

Right now the module is not able to run properly on Windows 2016 Nano Servers.

Downloads with Invoke-WebRequest are not supported and require to become replaced with either local directories or network device locations.

Add option for providing certificate fingerprint


It would be rather useful if the module could check if the master / ca host really is the one we are talking to. I think the best way to minimize the risk of a man in the middle attack would be to provide the module not only with the hostname of the master but with the fingerprint of it's certificate.


Fetch IP Address of host

Add support to fetch the IP Address of a host and make it's content available over placeholder variable &ipaddress$


Support other URLs than HTTP

If the IE is not allowed to download files, the script fails with a message that it can not install the agent. Also providing a local URL will not fix this. Support for other protocols like FTP/SFTP could be a solution for such environments.

Feature: Add support for auto configuration

Right now each Windows Systems requires plenty of parameters in order to execute the script correctly.
A better solution would be to - in case possible - access the Icinga Director and retreive all required Informations like configuration, Ticket and Icinga 2 version. This will enable the possibilty to partly automate the entire process on plenty of Windows systems.

For the authentication I recommend a token, allowing access to a host objects configuration inside the Director. Access is only possible by the hostname which is send directly by the script to the Director.

Exception calling "fetchArgumentsFromIcingaDirector" when executing script


I just tried to add a Host for testing purposes to my Icinga Director via this script. I'm not sure if I am doing it wrong or if this is a bug.

I added the psd1 and psm1 files as a module to the machine (-> is this mandatory? can it be run without this?)

then, I created a new host template and created a new api token.
Then I configured the selfservice API as follows:


then, I run the following script on my machine:

$icinga = Icinga2AgentModule `
              -DirectorUrl       'http://<my_icinga_host>/icingaweb2/director/' `
              -DirectorAuthToken '<my_api_token>' `

the output of the script is this:

Notice: Started script run...
Notice: Reading host api token <my_api_token> from C:\ProgramData\icinga2\etc\icinga2\icingadirector.token
Notice: Setting internal Agent Name to SRVTEST
Notice: Trying to fetch Host IP-Address for hostname: SRVTEST.test.local
Notice: Transforming Agent Name to srvtest
Notice: Host API-Key validation successfull.
Exception calling "fetchArgumentsFromIcingaDirector" with "1" argument(s): "Exception calling "Substring" with "2" argument(s): "startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.
Parameter name: startIndex""

On my Icinga machine, the host does get added but that's it. Nothing gets installed, but I'd like to solve this error anyways.
Also: the hostname in icinga gets added correctly (only hostname, no fqdn), the displayname gets added as fqdn though.. any chance to change this?

Thanks in advance for the help. Please let me know if you need any more configs or info.

Add information about mandatory options

It's great that you have listed the default values for the basic arguments, but could you please add information about options being mandatory?

I know, the "new way" with Director 1.4 will make this obsolete but I think not every user will use this and some will still stick to the current configuration.

"hasConfigChanged" Exeception with Powershell Version 2


you fixed the error with the NULL-Array. This works now for me.

Now I got a new error:

Exception calling "applyPossibleConfigChanges" with "0" argument(s): "Exception calling "hasConfigChanged" with "0" argument(s): "Exception calling "getHashFromString" with "1" argument(s): "The variable '$result' cannot be retrieved because it has not been set."""

The error appears only with Powershell Version 2 (4 & 5 works). Maybe another bug?

Write an optional logfile

Some users use the Powershell Module via configuration- / software management and can't read the output of the Module. Could you add an optional logfile that keeps all the output when using the module for installation / configuration?

Certificate signing fails on 32bit Windows

Signing certificates for Icinga 2 is failing because the executable is not found.
The installation path detection is not working properly on 32bit Windows Systems in function 'isAgentInstalled'

REST Api returning error

When testing REST Api using the following command.

curl -H 'Accept: application/json' -u 'directoruser:directorpwd' --insecure
Getting the following error.

{ "error": "Failed to load icinga_host \"\"" }

Any ideas what can be causing this and a possible fix?

Fix deadlock on processStart function

Fix a possible deadlock on 'startProcess' function by moving

$stdout = $process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
$stderr = $process.StandardError.ReadToEnd();



Otherwise the script will freeze on some cases, caused by an deadlock.

Config rollback not working

Right now the config rollback in case of an error is printing out possible success messages, is however not rolling back the configuration.

The code part is not active. Need to investigate why and fix this asap.

Change Icinga LogOn User with modifyIcingaServiceUser


maybe you could help me out with the method of the IcingaServiceUser. I want to change the Log On User to the LocalSystem-User.

$icinga = Icinga2AgentModule -IcingaServiceUser 'HOSTNAME\LocalSystem'

I have tried some different versions but I always get this error output, and the Log On User does not change:

Notice: Updating Icinga 2 service user to HOSTNAME\LocalSystem
Error: DESCRIPTION: Modifies a service entry in the registry and Service Database.USAGE: sc config [service name] ...OPTIONS:NOTE: The
option name includes the equal sign. A space is required between the equal sign and the value. type= <own|share|interact|kernel|filesys|rec|adapt> start= <boot|system|aut
o|demand|disabled|delayed-auto> error= <normal|severe|critical|ignore> binPath= group= tag= <yes|no> depend= <Dependencies(separated by / (for
ward slash))> obj= <AccountName|ObjectName> DisplayName= password=

Issue with different powershell versions and case sensitivity


i found an issue with the the attached powershell script to read the local hostname from the powershell.
There is a difference for the results of the command
(Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName
depending on the installed powershell version.
Example hostname "dummy":
V4.0: dummy

We created our monitored devices within Icinga2 completly in lower case.
This causes the script to generate faulty certificates and install a broken Icinga2 Client.
To clean this up, i have to uninstall the client and manualy clean (delete the Icinga2 folder) the "ProgramData" folder - Icinga stores the broken certificates there and uses them for all of the following setup attempts!
Maybe a little bit of cleanup after an error or before each run of the installation script would be nice to have.

For now i resolved this issue, by adding the "toLower()" method to the DNSHostName.

# Ensure we get the hostname or FQDN
# from the PowerShell to make things more
# easier
$installer | Add-Member -membertype ScriptMethod -name 'fetchHostnameOrFQDN' -value {
    if ($this.config('get_agent_fqdn') -And (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain) {
        [string]$hostname = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName + '.' + (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).Domain;
        $this.setProperty('local_hostname', $hostname);
        $'Setting internal Agent Name to ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname'));
    } elseif ($this.config('get_agent_name')) {
        [string]$hostname = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem).DNSHostName;
        $this.setProperty('local_hostname', $hostname);
        $'Setting internal Agent Name to ' + $this.getProperty('local_hostname'));

    if (-Not $this.getProperty('local_hostname')) {
        $this.warn('You have not specified an Agent Name or turned on to auto fetch this information.');

Provide a installViaDirector() shortcut

I want to run:


...instead of:

$icinga = Icinga2AgentModule `
    -DirectorUrl       '' `
    -DirectorAuthToken '5e6444f2200dd72163dc28d68cdc16c4a8632310'


Flush API Directory is not removing directories

The function responsible to flush the API directory from all content is only removing files. Directories are left intact.

This should be fixed to prevent possible conflicts with zone directories.

Use the Icinga 2 standard config paths for config deployment on Windows

Expected Behavior

Use the default paths and configuration files as proposed by the Windows package for Icinga 2.

Current Behavior

Putting everything into the icinga2.conf makes debugging a Windows client harder, as it does not follow the official documentation. I've seen it today in a support case, it costs plenty of time to find out where things are stored.

It also breaks supported CLI commands such as icinga2 feature enable debuglog.

Possible Solution

Please enable users to use the proposed standard paths of the Icinga 2 Windows package:

  • Only include directives inside icinga2.conf (leave it as is, or just remove "conf.d" inclusion - see Icinga/icinga2#5426 and Icinga/icinga2#3246)
  • Populate zone and endpoint details into zones.conf. Keep in mind that Icinga 2 v2.7.0 automatically provides director-global and global-templates by default inside the zones.conf file (see Icinga/icinga2#5106 for details)
  • Enable the default features on an agent (main-log should be sufficient, optional: checker for config sync, not command_endpoint)
  • Include features-enabled in icinga2.conf and allow to use the documented CLI command icinga2 feature <list|enable|disable>
  • Update features-available/api.conf with specified settings, i.e. accept_config and accept_commands
  • Update constants.conf when needed, i.e. setting the NodeName constant

The received certificates are correctly stored in SysconfDir + "/icinga2/pki/" + NodeName ... already. It would be nice to see anything else also put into the default paths as documented everywhere.

Specifically this would need rewrites in generateIcingaConfiguration and remove the config blob.

If it is about config validation and a possible rollback (this seemed to be the main argument months ago):

  • Deploy the configuration into a temporary directory, like %ProgramData%\ICINGA2\tmp
  • Run a config validation with changed paths: `icinga2.exe daemon -C -DSysconfDir= %ProgramData%\ICINGA2\tmp
  • If successful, change the copy target to "production"

This would likely need just one config deployment function, which has a target as parameter (test or prod) and checks against their validation. Then you can do a rollback more easily (i.e. don't copy anything in case of a failure).

If you need cli and config rendering examples, you can look into the icinga2 node wizard or icinga2 node setup CLI code.

Since we've seen that today:

if (!globals.contains("NscpPath")) {
  NscpPath = dirname(msi_get_component_path("{5C45463A-4AE9-4325-96DB-6E239C034F93}"))

is not needed, that is already done inside include <nscp> and will never be evaluated.

getIcingaDirectorVersion Error


at the moment I test the newest version of the powershell module. At lot of changes...

I call it like this:

$icinga = Icinga2AgentModule `
    -FetchAgentFQDN       $TRUE `
    -DirectorUrl          'https://icinga-master/icingaweb2/director/' `
    -DirectorUser         'ticketuser' `
    -DirectorPassword     'password' `
    -ParentZone      'master' `
    -ParentEndpoints 'icinga-master' -EndpointsConfig 'icinga-master;5665'`
    -CAServer        'icinga-master'

exit $icinga.installMonitoringComponents();

And I get this error:

Exception calling "getIcingaDirectorVersion" with "0" argument(s): "Exception calling "createHTTPRequest" with "6" argument(s): "Cannot convert null to type "System.Net.HttpSta
tusCode" due to enumeration values that are not valid. Specify one of the following enumeration values and try again. The possible enumeration values are "Continue, SwitchingPr
otocols, OK, Created, Accepted, NonAuthoritativeInformation, NoContent, ResetContent, PartialContent, MultipleChoices, Ambiguous, MovedPermanently, Moved, Found, Redirect, SeeO
ther, RedirectMethod, NotModified, UseProxy, Unused, TemporaryRedirect, RedirectKeepVerb, BadRequest, Unauthorized, PaymentRequired, Forbidden, NotFound, MethodNotAllowed, NotA
cceptable, ProxyAuthenticationRequired, RequestTimeout, Conflict, Gone, LengthRequired, PreconditionFailed, RequestEntityTooLarge, RequestUriTooLong, UnsupportedMediaType, Requ
estedRangeNotSatisfiable, ExpectationFailed, UpgradeRequired, InternalServerError, NotImplemented, BadGateway, ServiceUnavailable, GatewayTimeout, HttpVersionNotSupported".""

Do you have any idea why this happens?
PsVersion 4 on a Windows 7

Feature: Add support to uninstall Agent

Right now the module is capable of installing, upgrading and downgrading the Agent.

There is however no way to remove the Agent right now which might be required in some cases. Up to that there should be an option with an additional paramter to entirely remove the remaining Icinga Directories (should also be an option while installing the Agent for a full clean install)

Auto-Change x86 installation on x64 systems and migrate data from previous installation source

The installer script is automaticly detecting which Agent it should install based on the operating system architecture.

In case a 32bit Agent is already installed on the system and is upgraded / downgraded by the script, it will install the 64bit Agent by default which is intended.

The problem right now is that the script will keep the last installation directory and installs the Agent there, which is in general correct in case a custom path was defined. In case of the default path however, the script would install the Icinga 2 Agent into 'Program Files (x86)' directory instead of the x64 one.


  • Force x64 'Program Files' directory in case previous install location was 'Program Files (x86)'
  • Migrate content from 'Program Files (x86)\ICINGA2' to 'Program Files\ICINGA2'
  • Add notification output on PowerShell for this

In this way the setup will always be clean and the user is notified about changes, including the possibility to keep custom data

Support remote install

After looking into the readme, it seems not possible to install/setup Icinga2 agent on a remote system.

For Example, I want to install this module and some scripts on 1 central (Windows) server and then start installation/setup for multiple Windows clients. Currently, we need to install/deploy the module on every system and then run it.

Placeholder variables

I'd suggest to add the following ones:





Please add a "LICENSE" file with the correct license in it.

Uninstallation leaves NSClient untouched

Even when using -FullUninstallation the previously installed NSClient++ is not uninstalled during the uninstallation.

Could you add a switch that allows for uninstalling the NSClient?

Icinga2 agent rollout script for Windows Server runs into an exception

Hi LordHepipud,

I have a problem with icinga2 agent rollout on Windows Server. After using your powershell script with admin rights...

PS C:\Windows\Temp> powershell.exe -executionpolicy unrestricted -file ".\Icinga2Agent-WINDOWSSERVER.ps1"

...the following exception comes up:

Exception calling "fetchHostnameOrFQDN" with "0" argument(s): "Exception calling "setProperty" with "2" argument(s): "Exception calling "init" with "0" argument(s): "Exception calling "generateEndpointNodes" with "0" argument(s): "Exception calling "getEndpointConfigurationByArrayIndex" with "1" argument(s): "Cannot index into a null array."""""

I used your newest powershell script (Apr 10, 2017).

My settings inside the powershell script are (for better visualization I removed the ending quotes `):
$icinga = Icinga2AgentModule
-ParentZone 'icinga2-master-zone'
-ParentEndpoints 'icinga2a-master.localdomain', 'icinga2b-master.localdomain'
-CAServer 'icinga2a-master.localdomain'
-DownloadUrl 'https://icinga2a-master.localdomain/icinga2-agent/'
-InstallAgentVersion '2.6.3'
-FetchAgentFQDN $TRUE
-DirectorUrl 'https://icinga2a-master.localdomain'
-DirectorUser 'apiuser'
-DirectorPassword 'test12345'
-AllowUpdates $TRUE

The API-User on the Icinga2-Server has all rights.

object ApiUser "apiuser" {
password = "test12345"
permissions = [ "*" ]

Is this exception a result of a bug? If you need more information I would be glad to assist you.

Best regards and thank you for your amazing sripts

Parameter DirectorHostObject should accept object instead of string

Doing this, the scripts can be created this way:

$DirectorHostObject = @{
    'object_name' = '&hostname_placeholder&'
    'object_type' = 'object'
    'imports'     = ('import1','import2')

$icinga = Icinga2AgentModule -DirectorHostObject $DirectorHostObject

And internally, you could use ConvertTo-Json -Compress to get the actual JSON string to be sent to Director.

Agent does not connect to parent endpoints

Right now the icinga2.conf is missing the required parameters to establish connections to configured endpoints.

Right now by using the script, connections are established from the parent Icinga 2 instance towards the Agent.

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