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yymodel's Issues


我们这后台 如果返回的是一条数据的时候 返回的就是字典,如果有好几条的话 就是个数组,这样你使用NSArray *modelAr'r = [NSArray yy_modelArrayWithClass:[HometestM class ] json:nsarr]; 会有问题 。 当容器类属性不确定,+ (nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)modelContainerPropertyGenericClass

return @{@"pageAreaXmls" : [HomeTopM class],




How to support nested NSArray model in YYModel?

Consider a situation like this:

NSDictionary *dict = @{@"name":@"Harry Potter",
Book *book = [Book yy_modelWithDictionary:dict];

I have a book with 2 authors, and I expect it will give me 2 Author models by YYModel, however it will keep authors as original NSDictionay array, even if I declare author as NSArray<Author *> *author, could you give some advice?


HI ibireme~
YYClassPropertyInfo 的 initWithProperty:方法中
即YYClassInfo.m 的第 172行的代码
if (type & YYEncodingTypeObject)
这段的判断我的理解是 type是否为 YYEncodingTypeObject (可能是我理解错了?)
但是type的枚举是 0 ~ 22
那么YYEncodingTypeObject 为 14 即 0000 1110
和它进行 & 运算 的话 只要有 8 4 2组成的类型(如:YYEncodingTypeUInt64 = 10,YYEncodingTypePointer = 18)都会进入if的分支,但这又违背了这一行if的初衷

Warn users when they're trying to use ambiguous property names

When I first start to use YYModel, I made a model like this to match the corresponding JSON:

@interface WeatherDetail : NSObject

@property (nonatomic) NSNumber *id;
@property (nonatomic) NSString *main;
@property (nonatomic) NSString *description;

Apparently the name id and description are ambiguous and may cause confusion.

After some research I found out that I could use custom mapping to avoid this:

+ (NSDictionary *)modelCustomPropertyMapper {
    return @{@"weatherId": @"id",
             @"weatherDescription": @"description"

Considering that YYModel add extension directly to NSObject, it may be better if YYModel could warn users when they're trying to use reserved words and ivars.


最近在做一个项目,要在UI层做配置,希望支持json配置。由于UI层的属性会有UIColor等YYModel原生未支持的属性转换,现在需要在 modelCustomTransformFromDictionary 中自个儿定义,如果能在这个方法中获得属性的类型,那就一个for循环就可以把所有UIColor类型属性自动转换掉,不需要去按照属性名判断。

另外还涉及到从NSNumber转换到 NSDate,自定义NSBlock。如果这里能获得属性的 YYClassPropertyInfo 就很好处理了。

yy_modelWithJSON nil

I have updated YYModel to latest version, when using yy_modelWithJSON the result is nil !


有时项目中接口的情况可能会比较复杂。比方说一个项目中,在A接口中用户id叫userid,B接口中叫uid,C接口中叫id ......


如果能支持泛型就不需要这个方法了 + modelContainerPropertyGenericClass

@interface Attributes
@property NSString *name;
@property NSArray<Shadow *> *shadows;
@property NSSet<Border *> *borders;
@property NSMutableDictionary<NSString *, Attachment *> *attachments;

处理容器类属性的成员自定义类的方法modelContainerPropertyGenericClass 没有包括父类中的值





@interface RecommendCellLayout : NSObject <NSCoding>
@property (nonatomic, strong) Topic *topic;
@property (nonatomic, strong) AD *ad;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL isGif;
@property (nonatomic, assign) int imgHeight; //这个也出现过
@property (nonatomic, assign) int height; //出现问题最多的就是这个,正确的值一般为194


- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aCoder { [self modelEncodeWithCoder:aCoder]; }
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder { return [self modelInitWithCoder:aDecoder]; }

我会直接将这个model所在的数组存储到本地,用过Yapdatabase,也用过YYDiskCache,最后读取出来的height值都为正或者负的2147483648(数字可能有变化);然而我打断点看到同一个对象中setter方法中传进来的就是194,getter方法中获取的_height却为-2147483648。。百思不得其解,后来我导入了MJExtension,将encodeWithCoder和initWithCoder这两个方法注释,换成了MJCodingImplementation这个宏,再次编译程序,decode出来的int height就都是正确的值了。。。希望YY神解决后可以大致告知下。

测试情况: 4s的8.4和9.2有这个问题 5s的8.4和9.2没问题
将height的名字改成cellHeight 5s的8.4和9.2有这个问题 4s的8.4和9.2没问题


@class YYMessageInfo;
@interface YYMessage : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, assign) uint64_t messageId;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *content;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *time;
@property (nonatomic, strong) YYMessageInfo *info;

@interface YYMessageInfo : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *date;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *name;


@implementation YYMessage
 +(NSDictionary *)modelCustomPropertyMapper {
    return @{@"messageId":@"i",
- (void)modelCustomTransformFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dic {
    uint64_t timestamp = [dic unsignedLongLongValueForKey:@"t" default:0];
    self.time = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:timestamp / 1000.0];
- (void)modelCustomTransformToDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *)dic {
    dic[@"t"] = @([self.time timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000).description;

static void CustomMapperExample() {
    YYMessage *message = [YYMessage modelWithJSON:@"{\"i\":\"2000000001\",\"c\":\"Hello\",\"t\":\"1437237598000\",\"date\":\"now\",\"name\":\"QingDou\"}"];
    NSString *messageJSON = [message modelToJSONString];
    NSLog(@"%s -- Book: %@",__func__, messageJSON);



NSMutableArray <LVProducts *>_productsArray =
我知道如果在定义一层 LVProductsListModel 包含NSMutableArray <LVProducts *>_productsArray 属性可以。但是这样很多余。所以问问有没很直接的方法

how to use mapped name by using modelToJasonObject

@implementation ItemValue
+ (NSDictionary *)modelCustomPropertyMapper {
    return @{@"district_id" : @"districtId",
             @"bizcircle_id" : @"bizcircleId",
             @"subway_line_id" : @"subwayLineId",
             @"subway_station_id" : @"subwayStationId"};
NSDictionary *dictionary = [item.value yy_modelToJSONObject];

使用了 mapper怎样才能让返回的字典 @{@"distric_id": sh1xxxxxx} 而不是@{@"districId": sh1xxxxxx}


对象有一个nsaary 容器里面是自定义对象(该自定义对象里面还有一个容器)json解析都没问题,yy_modelCopy的时候容器copy 不成功。


第一种情况如果一个模型包含另一个模型,另一个模型里包含数组 解析后如何访问?

"items": [
          "title": "首页",
          "key": "tab_home",
          "subitems": [
                       "type": "tab",
                       "title": "首页",
                       "image": "[email protected]",
                       "image_hl": "[email protected]"
          "title": "直播",
          "key": "tab_live",
          "subitems": [
                       "type": "tab",
                       "title": "直播",
                       "image": "[email protected]",
                       "image_hl": "[email protected]"


"items": [
          "title": "首页",
          "key": "tab_home",
          "subitems": {
                       "type": "tab",
                       "title": "首页",
                       "image": "[email protected]",
                       "image_hl": "[email protected]"

          "title": "直播",
          "key": "tab_live",
                       "type": "tab",
                       "title": "直播",
                       "image": "[email protected]",
                       "image_hl": "[email protected]"




字典包数组包字典 中最下级的字典中key修改不成功.

  • (NSDictionary *)modelCustomPropertyMapper {
    return @{@"itemName" : @""};
    原key为name 上级是data(这个是数组) 单使用@"name"也不好用 ,
    当给方法的时候 原key值name会crash 应该是被改了

Special characters (é,è,à,...) in json

First of all I'd like to thank you for this awesome library.
Secondly, I would like to mention that the library does not currently support special characters.
For example, if I have é or è or à or any special (french) character in the json, I have a null NSString property.
Can you please verify it, it's a very important feature.
Thank you very much.

关于增加 yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss 格式的日期转换的支持

现在在不支持 yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss 格式的日期的情况下,会使用yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss进行转换,但是转换出的结果,是不正确的日期。
对于不支持的日期格式,应该不转化比较好。 转换出一个错误的日期,容易让人误解。
上面使用的数据:"createDate":"2015/11/25 16:05:29" ,默认 好像会转成 2014 年12月30日00:00:00

NSDictionary 的 description 返回格式为什么不是{} 而是[]啊

如题,对应的代码如下,dic.count 为0 时是正确的

case YYEncodingTypeNSDictionary: 
case YYEncodingTypeNSMutableDictionary: {
            NSDictionary *dic = (id)model;
            NSMutableString *desc = [NSMutableString new];
            if (dic.count == 0) {
                return [desc stringByAppendingString:@"{}"];
            } else {
                NSArray *keys = dic.allKeys;

                [desc appendFormat:@"[\n"];
                for (NSUInteger i = 0, max = keys.count; i < max; i++) {
                    NSString *key = keys[i];
                    NSObject *value = dic[key];
                    [desc appendString:@"    "];
                    [desc appendFormat:@"%@ = %@",key, ModelDescriptionAddIndent(ModelDescription(value).mutableCopy, 1)];
                    [desc appendString:(i + 1 == max) ? @"\n" : @";\n"];
                [desc appendString:@"]"];
            return desc;


从jsonmodel转来,使用yymodel的对象通过NSLog打印的话 并不能明确看到其各项属性的内容.继承于jsonmodel对象可以打印(因为description).还是我没有用对yymodel方法??有时候 NSLog对于我来说很有必要,不必通过转换字典来打印.


如果服务器给的json有的字段是NULL或者没有这个字段的时候,如果是字符串的话就返回@“”,数字的话就0 或者1 ,一个默认的值多好,因为客户端拿到这个值以后还的去判断是否为空。


@property id data;

这种未标明类型的属性是否可以不转换,直接把值赋给data。 现在的处理方式是直接把值忽略了。

Issues when work with Swift

I'm using YYModel with Swift, then I encountered an issue that I cannot match model property to different JSON key. Method modelCustomPropertyMapper seems does not work.

my model object:

class User: NSObject {

    var name = ""
    var createDate = NSDate()
    var aBool = true
    var aDouble = 0.0
    var anInt = 1
    var stringArray = [String]()
    var aSubModel = SubModel()

    func modelCustomPropertyMapper() -> NSDictionary {
        return ["anInt": "exactlyInt"]

And, the date property converted from ISO8601 date string such as 2015-11-10T00:00:00.000Z in JSON cannot be accessed. It raised an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.

Date string formatted in Wed Sep 16 12:20:09 +0800 2015 style looks worked fine.


Please add change log so that everybody would know what the version update really means.

Custom initialization method

Currently YYModel use +new method to init instance, but in some cases, user may need their custom initialization method, especially use YYModel with other local database model.

YYModel 可以拷贝和对比嵌套的模型吗?

当使用 YY_copy 拷贝模型的时候,可以拷贝自己,但是对该模型中的子模型没有生成新拷贝,只是将子模型的地址进行赋值。

有没有提供方法或者可以调用的位置让模型递归的拷贝子模型? (本来想在 copyWithZone 里面对子模型进行拷贝的,但在运行过程中程序不会跑到这里来)

YY_isEqual 方法是否也支持多级的模型对比呢?


YYClassInfo 类中, superCls 属性为什么要声明为strong呢?

default value



class SWCity:NSObject{
var ID:String? = ""
var name:String? = ""
class SWProvince:NSObject{
var ID:String? = ""
var name:String? = ""
var cities:[SWCity] = []
class SWCountry:NSObject{
var provinces:[SWProvince] = []
fatal error: NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type
if let country:SWCountry = SWCountry.yy_modelWithJSON(dic)
for province in country.provinces



+ (NSDictionary *)modelCustomPropertyMapper;
+ (NSDictionary *)modelContainerPropertyGenericClass;
- (BOOL)modelCustomTransformFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary;

建议在 NSObject+YYModel 里加入相关方法的声明和缺省实现:

+ (NSDictionary *)yy_modelCustomPropertyMapper;
+ (NSDictionary *)yy_modelContainerPropertyGenericClass;
- (BOOL)yy_modelCustomTransformFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary;


code = 0;
user = {

    avatar = "<null>";
    description = "<null>";

    "wechat_id" = "<null>";
    "weibo_id" = "<null>";



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