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Review Assignment Due Date Open in Visual Studio Code


Installation and Navigation of Visual Studio Code (VS Code) Instructions: Answer the following questions based on your understanding of the installation and navigation of Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Provide detailed explanations and examples where appropriate.


1. Installation of VS Code:

  • Describe the steps to download and install Visual Studio Code on Windows 11 operating system. Include any prerequisites that might be needed.

Check Prerequisites

(1). Operating System:

  • Ensure that you are running Windows 11. VS Code supports Windows 8, 10, and 11.

(2). Administrator Access:

  • Ensure you have administrator access on your system to install software.

(3). Windows Update:

  • Make sure your Windows is up to date with the latest patches and updates.

Download Visual Studio Code

(1). Visit the Visual Studio Code Download Page:

(2). Download the Installer:

  • Click on the Download for Windows button. This will download the user installer for Windows.

Install Visual Studio Code

(1). Run the Installer:

  • Locate the downloaded installer file (VSCodeUserSetup-x64-.exe) in your Downloads folder and double-click to run it.

(2). Setup Wizard:

  • The VS Code setup wizard will open. Click Next to proceed.

(3). License Agreement:

  • Read the license agreement, then click I accept the agreement and Next.

(4). Select Installation Location:

  • Choose the destination folder where you want to install VS Code. The default location is typically fine. Click Next.

(5). Select Additional Tasks:

  • Choose the additional tasks you would like to perform while installing VS Code:
    • Create a desktop icon: Check this if you want a shortcut on your desktop.
    • Add "Open with Code" action to Windows Explorer file context menu: This allows you to right-click on any file or folder in Windows Explorer and open it with VS Code.
    • Add "Open with Code" action to Windows Explorer directory context menu.
    • Register Code as an editor for supported file types.
    • Add to PATH (requires shell restart): This is important as it allows you to open VS Code from the command line by typing code.
  • Check the options you prefer and click Next.

(6). Ready to Install:

  • Review your installation settings. If everything looks correct, click Install.

(7). Installation Process:

  • Wait for the installation to complete. This may take a few minutes.

(8). Completion:

  • Once the installation is complete, you will see a completion screen. Check the Launch Visual Studio Code option and click Finish to start VS Code.

Launch and Configure Visual Studio Code

(1). First Launch:

  • On the first launch, VS Code will open with a welcome screen. You can explore the various introductory guides and tutorials offered.

2. First-time Setup:

  • After installing VS Code, what initial configurations and settings should be adjusted for an optimal coding environment? Mention any important settings or extensions.

Install Extensions:

  • Install essential extensions based on your development needs. To do this, click on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window or press Ctrl+Shift+X.
  • Some popular extensions include:
    • Python (by Microsoft) for Python development.
    • Prettier (by Prettier) for code formatting.
    • GitLens (by GitKraken) for enhanced Git capabilities.
    • Live Server (by Ritwick Dey) for live reloading during web development.

Configure Settings:

  • Customize VS Code to suit your preferences. Go to File > Preferences > Settings or press Ctrl+, to open the settings.

3. User Interface Overview:

Explain the main components of the VS Code user interface. Identify and describe the purpose of the Activity Bar, Side Bar, Editor Group, and Status Bar.

Activity Bar

The Activity Bar is located on the far left side of the VS Code window.

  • Purpose: It provides quick access to different views and primary functions of VS Code.
  • Icons: The Activity Bar includes icons for Explorer, Search, Source Control, Run and Debug, Extensions, and more.
  • Customization: You can add or remove icons from the Activity Bar based on your needs by installing or disabling extensions.
  • Functionality: Clicking on an icon in the Activity Bar will change the content of the Side Bar to show the respective view. For example, clicking the Explorer icon will show the file explorer in the Side Bar.

Side Bar

The Side Bar is located next to the Activity Bar, on the left side of the editor window.

  • Purpose: It displays different panels based on the icon selected in the Activity Bar.
  • Panels:
    • Explorer: Shows the folder structure and files of your current project.
    • Search: Provides a global search feature for the entire project.
    • Source Control: Integrates with Git or other source control providers to show changes, branches, and repositories.
    • Run and Debug: Displays debugging controls, configurations, and the call stack.
    • Extensions: Allows you to browse, install, and manage extensions.
  • Customization: The content of the Side Bar changes depending on the selected Activity Bar icon, allowing you to focus on specific tasks.

Editor Group

The Editor Group is the central area where you write and edit your code.

  • Purpose: It is the main area for editing files and content.
  • Tabs: Each open file is represented by a tab at the top of the editor group. You can switch between tabs to navigate different files.
  • Splitting: You can split the editor into multiple groups (vertical or horizontal) to view and edit multiple files side by side. This can be done by right-clicking a tab and selecting "Split Right" or "Split Down."
  • Features: The editor provides syntax highlighting, code completion, linting, and other language-specific features. It also supports various extensions to enhance editing capabilities.

Status Bar

The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the VS Code window.

  • Purpose: It provides information about the current state of the editor and the active file.
  • Information: It displays various pieces of information such as the current line and column number, file encoding, Git branch, and file type. It can also show notifications and error messages.
  • Interactive Elements: Some elements in the Status Bar are interactive. For example, you can click on the encoding information to change the file encoding or click on the Git branch name to switch branches.
  • Extensions: Many extensions add their status indicators to the Status Bar, providing quick access to specific functionalities.

4. Command Palette:

  • What is the Command Palette in VS Code, and how can it be accessed? Provide examples of common tasks that can be performed using the Command Palette.

Accessing the Command Palette:

To access the Command Palette, you can use the following keyboard shortcut:

  • Windows/Linux: Ctrl+Shift+P
  • macOS: Cmd+Shift+P

Alternatively, you can click on the "View" menu in the top menu bar and select "Command Palette," or use the shortcut icon in the Activity Bar (it looks like a magnifying glass).

Common Tasks Using the Command Palette:

(1). File Operations:

  • File: New File: Create a new file.
  • File: Open File: Open an existing file.
  • File: Save: Save the current file.
  • File: Save As: Save the current file with a different name.

(2). Editor Operations:

  • Editor: Split Editor: Split the editor into multiple panes.
  • Editor: Toggle Word Wrap: Toggle word wrap in the editor.

(3). Navigation:

  • Go to Line: Navigate to a specific line number in the current file.
  • Go to Symbol: Navigate to a specific symbol (function, class, etc.) in the current file.

(4). Git Operations:

  • Git: Clone: Clone a repository from a remote source.
  • Git: Pull: Pull changes from the remote repository.
  • Git: Push: Push changes to the remote repository.

(5). Extensions:

  • Extensions: Install Extensions: Search for and install VS Code extensions from the marketplace.
  • Extensions: Disable All Installed Extensions: Temporarily disable all installed extensions.

(6). Settings:

  • Preferences: Open Settings (JSON): Open the settings.json file for direct editing.
  • Preferences: Configure Language Specific Settings: Configure settings that are specific to the language of the current file.

(7). Tasks and Runners:

  • Tasks: Run Task: Run a task defined in the tasks.json file.
  • Tasks: Configure Task: Configure a task runner for the current project.

(8). Debugging:

  • Debug: Start Debugging: Start debugging the current project.
  • Debug: Stop Debugging: Stop the current debugging session.

(9). Search and Replace:

  • Find: Open the Find widget to search for text in the current file.
  • Replace: Open the Replace widget to search and replace text in the current file.

(10). Terminal Operations: - Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal: Open a new terminal window within VS Code. - Terminal: Run Selected Text in Active Terminal: Run the selected text in the active terminal.

5. Extensions in VS Code:

  • Discuss the role of extensions in VS Code. How can users find, install, and manage extensions? Provide examples of essential extensions for web development.

Extensions in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) play a crucial role in extending the functionality of the editor to suit different programming languages, frameworks, and workflows. They add features such as language support, debugging tools, code snippets, themes, and much more. Here's an overview of the role of extensions and how users can find, install, and manage them, along with examples of essential extensions for web development.

Role of Extensions:

(1). Enhanced Functionality: Extensions add new features and capabilities to VS Code, making it more powerful and customizable.

(2). Language Support: Extensions provide language support for a wide range of programming languages, including syntax highlighting, code completion, and linting.

(3). Productivity Tools: Extensions offer productivity tools such as Git integration, debugging support, task runners, and code formatting.

(4). Themes and Visual Customization: Extensions allow users to customize the appearance of VS Code with themes, icons, and other visual enhancements.

Finding, Installing, and Managing Extensions:

(1). Marketplace: Users can find extensions in the VS Code Marketplace, accessible through the Extensions view in the Activity Bar or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+X.

(2). Search: Users can search for extensions by name, category, or functionality in the Marketplace.

(3). Installation: Installing an extension is as simple as clicking the "Install" button next to the extension in the Marketplace.

(4). Activation: After installation, the extension is automatically activated and integrated into VS Code.

(5). Managing: Users can manage extensions by enabling, disabling, updating, or uninstalling them through the Extensions view.

Essential Extensions for Web Development:

(1). HTML CSS Support: Provides autocompletion, formatting, and other features for HTML and CSS.

(2). Auto Rename Tag: Automatically renames paired HTML tags when one of them is renamed.

(3). Prettier - Code formatter: Formats code automatically according to predefined rules, ensuring consistent code style.

(4). ESLint: Integrates ESLint, a popular JavaScript linter, for detecting and fixing errors in code.

(5). Debugger for Chrome: Allows debugging JavaScript code in Google Chrome directly from VS Code.

(6). Live Server: Launches a local development server with live reloading capabilities for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

(7). Bracket Pair Colorizer: Colors matching brackets to make it easier to identify code blocks.

(8). Path Intellisense: Provides autocompletion for file paths in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files.

6. Integrated Terminal:

  • Describe how to open and use the integrated terminal in VS Code. What are the advantages of using the integrated terminal compared to an external terminal?

Opening the Integrated Terminal:

(1). Open VS Code: Launch Visual Studio Code on your computer.

(2). Open the Terminal View:

  • You can open the integrated terminal in VS Code using one of the following methods:
    • Press Ctrl+ (backtick) on Windows/Linux or Cmd+ on macOS.
    • Go to the View menu in the top menu bar, select Terminal, and then choose New Terminal.
    • Click on the Terminal icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window.

Using the Integrated Terminal:

Once the integrated terminal is open, you can use it just like any other terminal:

(1). Navigating Directories:

  • Use commands like cd to navigate to different directories.

(2). Running Commands:

  • Run commands directly in the terminal, such as npm install, git status, or python

(3). Tab Completion:

  • VS Code supports tab completion, making it easy to type commands and file paths.

(4). Copy and Paste:

  • You can copy and paste text to and from the terminal using standard keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, etc.).

(5). Multiple Terminals:

  • You can open multiple terminal instances within VS Code, each in its own tab.

(6). Customization:

  • The integrated terminal supports customization options such as changing the font size, color scheme, and shell type.

Advantages of Using the Integrated Terminal:

(1). Seamless Integration:

  • The integrated terminal is tightly integrated into VS Code, allowing for a seamless development experience without switching between different applications.

(2). Contextual Awareness:

  • The integrated terminal automatically opens in the root directory of your project, providing context-awareness for running commands and scripts.

(3). Productivity:

  • With the terminal readily available within the same window as your code editor, you can quickly execute commands, run scripts, and perform other tasks without interrupting your workflow.

(4). Accessibility:

  • You don't need to leave VS Code to use a separate terminal application, which can save time and reduce distractions.

(5). Customization:

  • You can customize the appearance and behavior of the integrated terminal to suit your preferences and workflow.

7. File and Folder Management:

  • Explain how to create, open, and manage files and folders in VS Code. How can users navigate between different files and directories efficiently?

Creating and Opening Files:

(1). Create a New File:

  • To create a new file, you can either:
    • Use the File Explorer in the Side Bar to navigate to the desired directory, right-click, and select New File.
    • Press Ctrl+N (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+N (macOS) to create a new untitled file, then save it with a desired name.

(2). Open an Existing File:

  • To open an existing file, you can:
    • Use the File Explorer to navigate to the file's location, then double-click on the file.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+O (macOS), which opens a file picker dialog to select the file to open.

Managing Files and Folders:

(1). File Explorer:

  • Use the File Explorer in the Side Bar to browse files and folders in your project.
  • Right-click on files or folders to access context menu options like renaming, deleting, copying, and moving.

(2). Rename and Delete:

  • Right-click on a file or folder in the File Explorer and select Rename or Delete to rename or delete it.
  • You can also use keyboard shortcuts for renaming (F2) and deleting (Delete).

(3). Copy and Paste:

  • To copy files or folders, right-click on them and select Copy, then navigate to the destination directory and select Paste.
  • Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+C and Cmd+V (macOS).

Navigating Between Files and Directories:

(1). Switching Between Open Files:

  • Use the tabs at the top of the editor to switch between open files.
  • Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Tab (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Tab (macOS) to cycle through open files.

(2). Navigating Files and Directories:

  • Use the File Explorer in the Side Bar to navigate between files and directories.
  • You can also use the Go to File command by pressing Ctrl+P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+P (macOS) to quickly navigate to a specific file by name.

(3). Quick Open:

  • Press Ctrl+P (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+P (macOS) to open the Quick Open dialog, then start typing the name of the file you want to open.
  • VS Code will dynamically filter and display matching files for quick navigation.

8. Settings and Preferences:

  • Where can users find and customize settings in VS Code? Provide examples of how to change the theme, font size, and keybindings.

Users can find and customize settings in Visual Studio Code (VS Code) through the Settings view. Here's how to access and customize settings, along with examples of how to change the theme, font size, and keybindings:

Open Settings:

  • Press Ctrl+, (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+, (macOS) to open the Settings view.
  • Alternatively, go to the File menu, select Preferences, and then choose Settings.

Customizing Settings:

(1). Search Bar:

  • Use the search bar at the top of the Settings view to search for specific settings.

(2). User Settings vs. Workspace Settings:

  • User settings apply globally to all projects, while workspace settings apply only to the current workspace/project.
  • Click on the User or Workspace tab to switch between user and workspace settings.

(3). JSON View:

  • Click on the {} icon in the top-right corner of the Settings view to switch to JSON view for direct editing of settings.

Examples of Customization:

(1). Changing the Theme:

  • Search for "theme" in the search bar.
  • Click on the dropdown menu next to "Color Theme" and select your desired theme, such as "Dark+ (default dark)" or "Light+ (default light)".

(2). Adjusting Font Size:

  • Search for "font size" in the search bar.
  • Modify the "Editor: Font Size" setting to your preferred font size, such as "14" for a font size of 14 pixels.

(3). Customizing Keybindings:

  • Search for "keybindings" in the search bar.

  • Click on the "Edit in settings.json" link next to "Keyboard Shortcuts" to open the keybindings.json file for direct editing.

  • Add or modify keybindings using JSON syntax. For example, to change the keybinding for opening the Command Palette to Ctrl+Shift+K, add the following JSON:

    { "key": "ctrl+shift+k", "command": "workbench.action.showCommands" }

Saving Changes:

(1). Save Automatically:

  • Changes to settings are saved automatically.

(2). Manual Save:

  • If needed, you can manually save changes by clicking the "Save" button in the top-right corner of the Settings view.

9. Debugging in VS Code:

  • Outline the steps to set up and start debugging a simple program in VS Code. What are some key debugging features available in VS Code?

To set up and start debugging a simple program in Visual Studio Code (VS Code), follow these steps:

(1). Install Required Extensions:

  • If you're debugging a specific programming language or framework, make sure you have the necessary debugging extensions installed from the VS Code Marketplace.

(2). Open Your Project:

  • Open the folder containing your project in VS Code.

(3). Configure Debugging:

  • Click on the Debug icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window, or press Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+D (macOS) to open the Debug view.
  • Click on the gear icon (⚙️) to create a launch.json file for configuring your debugging environment.

(4). Select Debug Configuration:

  • VS Code provides pre-configured debug configurations for various languages and frameworks. Choose the appropriate configuration for your project, or create a custom one if needed.

Starting Debugging:

(1). Set Breakpoints:

  • Navigate to the file containing the code you want to debug.
  • Click in the gutter next to the line number where you want to set a breakpoint. A red dot will appear to indicate the breakpoint.

(2). Start Debugging:

  • Press F5 or click on the green play button ("Start Debugging") in the Debug view.
  • If prompted to select a debug configuration, choose the one you configured earlier.

(3). Debugging Controls:

  • Once the debugger is running, you can use the debugging controls in the Debug toolbar at the top of the window to control the execution of your program. These controls include play, pause, step over, step into, and step out.

(4). Inspect Variables:

  • While debugging, you can inspect the values of variables in your code by hovering over them or viewing them in the Variables view in the Debug sidebar.

(5). Evaluate Expressions:

  • You can also evaluate expressions and execute code snippets in the Debug Console to get more insights into the state of your program.

(6). Watch Variables:

  • Use the Watch view in the Debug sidebar to monitor the values of specific variables during debugging.

Key Debugging Features in VS Code:

(1). Breakpoints:

  • Set breakpoints to pause the execution of your program at specific points to inspect variables and control flow.

(2). Variable Inspection:

  • Inspect the values of variables in your code while debugging to understand their current state.

(3). Watch Expressions:

  • Monitor the values of specific variables or expressions in real-time using the Watch view.

(4). Step Controls:

  • Step through your code line by line using controls like step over, step into, and step out.

(5). Debug Console:

  • Use the Debug Console to execute code snippets and evaluate expressions while debugging.

(6). Call Stack:

  • View the call stack to understand the execution flow of your program and navigate between function calls.

10. Using Source Control:

- How can users integrate Git with VS Code for version control? Describe the process of initializing a repository, making commits, and pushing changes to GitHub.

To integrate Git with Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for version control and manage your code using Git, follow these st

(1). Install Git:

  • If Git is not already installed on your system, download and install it from the official Git website: Git Downloads.

(2). Open Your Project in VS Code:

  • Open the folder containing your project in VS Code.

(3). Install the Git Extension:

  • If you haven't already, install the Git extension for VS Code. You can do this by going to the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X or Cmd+Shift+X), searching for "Git", and clicking on the install button for the Git extension by Microsoft.

Initializing a Repository:

(1). Open the Source Control View:

  • Click on the Source Control icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window, or press Ctrl+Shift+G (Windows/Linux) or Cmd+Shift+G (macOS) to open the Source Control view.

(2). Initialize Git Repository:

  • Click on the "Initialize Repository" button (looks like a folder with a plus sign) in the Source Control view to initialize a Git repository for your project.
  • Alternatively, you can open a terminal in VS Code (Ctrl+ or Cmd+) and run the command git init to initialize a Git repository manually.

Making Commits:

(1). Stage Changes:

  • In the Source Control view, you'll see a list of changed files. Click on the "+" button next to each file to stage it for commit. Alternatively, you can stage all changes at once by clicking on the "+" button at the top of the list.
  • You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Enter to stage changes.

(2). Write Commit Message:

  • Enter a descriptive commit message in the text box at the top of the Source Control view.

(3). Commit Changes:

  • Click on the checkmark button (✓) to commit your changes.
  • You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Enter to commit changes.

Pushing Changes to GitHub:

(1). Link Your Repository to GitHub:

  • If you haven't already, create a repository on GitHub.
  • Copy the URL of your GitHub repository.

(2). Add Remote Repository:

  • Open a terminal in VS Code (Ctrl+ or Cmd+) and run the command git remote add origin to add your GitHub repository as the remote origin.

(3). Push Changes:

  • After committing your changes, click on the ellipsis (...) in the Source Control view and select "Push" from the dropdown menu.
  • Alternatively, you can run the command git push origin master in the terminal to push your changes to GitHub.

Key Git Integration Features in VS Code:

(1). Source Control View:

  • View and manage changes to your files, stage changes for commit, and commit changes with descriptive messages.

(2). Commit History:

  • View the commit history of your repository, including commit messages, authors, and timestamps.

(3). Branch Management:

  • Create, switch, merge, and delete branches directly from VS Code.

(4). Conflict Resolution:

  • Resolve merge conflicts using the built-in merge conflict resolution tool in VS Code.


  1. Visual Studio Code Documentation - Version Control:

  2. GitHub Guides - Understanding the GitHub Flow:

  3. Atlassian Git Tutorial:

  4. Git Handbook - Version Control with Git:

Submission Guidelines:

  • Your answers should be well-structured, concise, and to the point.
  • Provide screenshots or step-by-step instructions where applicable.
  • Cite any references or sources you use in your answers.
  • Submit your completed assignment by 1st July

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