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knowledge_graph_based_intent_network's Introduction

Learning Intents behind Interactions with Knowledge Graph for Recommendation

This is our PyTorch implementation for the paper:

Xiang Wang, Tinglin Huang, Dingxian Wang, Yancheng Yuan, Zhenguang Liu, Xiangnan He and Tat-Seng Chua (2021). Learning Intents behind Interactions with Knowledge Graph for Recommendation. Paper in arXiv. In WWW'2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 19-23, 2021.


Knowledge Graph-based Intent Network (KGIN) is a recommendation framework, which consists of three components: (1)user Intent modeling, (2)relational path-aware aggregation, (3)indepedence modeling.


If you want to use our codes and datasets in your research, please cite:

  author    = {Xiang Wang and
              Tinglin Huang and 
              Dingxian Wang and
              Yancheng Yuan and
              Zhenguang Liu and
              Xiangnan He and
              Tat{-}Seng Chua},
  title     = {Learning Intents behind Interactions with Knowledge Graph for Recommendation},
  booktitle = {{WWW}},
  pages     = {878-887},
  year      = {2021}

Environment Requirement

The code has been tested running under Python 3.6.5. The required packages are as follows:

  • pytorch == 1.5.0
  • numpy == 1.15.4
  • scipy == 1.1.0
  • sklearn == 0.20.0
  • torch_scatter == 2.0.5
  • networkx == 2.5

Reproducibility & Example to Run the Codes

To demonstrate the reproducibility of the best performance reported in our paper and faciliate researchers to track whether the model status is consistent with ours, we provide the best parameter settings (might be different for the custormized datasets) in the scripts, and provide the log for our trainings.

The instruction of commands has been clearly stated in the codes (see the parser function in utils/

  • Last-fm dataset
python --dataset last-fm --dim 64 --lr 0.0001 --sim_regularity 0.0001 --batch_size 1024 --node_dropout True --node_dropout_rate 0.5 --mess_dropout True --mess_dropout_rate 0.1 --gpu_id 0 --context_hops 3
  • Amazon-book dataset
python --dataset amazon-book --dim 64 --lr 0.0001 --sim_regularity 0.00001 --batch_size 1024 --node_dropout True --node_dropout_rate 0.5 --mess_dropout True --mess_dropout_rate 0.1 --gpu_id 0 --context_hops 3
  • Alibaba-iFashion dataset
python --dataset alibaba-fashion --dim 64 --lr 0.0001 --sim_regularity 0.0001 --batch_size 1024 --node_dropout True --node_dropout_rate 0.5 --mess_dropout True --mess_dropout_rate 0.1 --gpu_id 0 --context_hops 3

Important argument:

  • sim_regularity
    • It indicates the weight to control the independence loss.
    • 1e-4(by default), which uses 0.0001 to control the strengths of correlation.


We provide three processed datasets: Amazon-book, Last-FM, and Alibaba-iFashion.

  • You can find the full version of recommendation datasets via Amazon-book, Last-FM, and Alibaba-iFashion.
  • We follow KB4Rec to preprocess Amazon-book and Last-FM datasets, mapping items into Freebase entities via title matching if there is a mapping available.
Amazon-book Last-FM Alibaba-ifashion
User-Item Interaction #Users 70,679 23,566 114,737
#Items 24,915 48,123 30,040
#Interactions 847,733 3,034,796 1,781,093
Knowledge Graph #Entities 88,572 58,266 59,156
#Relations 39 9 51
#Triplets 2,557,746 464,567 279,155
  • train.txt
    • Train file.
    • Each line is a user with her/his positive interactions with items: (userID and a list of itemID).
  • test.txt
    • Test file (positive instances).
    • Each line is a user with her/his positive interactions with items: (userID and a list of itemID).
    • Note that here we treat all unobserved interactions as the negative instances when reporting performance.
  • user_list.txt
    • User file.
    • Each line is a triplet (org_id, remap_id) for one user, where org_id and remap_id represent the ID of such user in the original and our datasets, respectively.
  • item_list.txt
    • Item file.
    • Each line is a triplet (org_id, remap_id, freebase_id) for one item, where org_id, remap_id, and freebase_id represent the ID of such item in the original, our datasets, and freebase, respectively.
  • entity_list.txt
    • Entity file.
    • Each line is a triplet (freebase_id, remap_id) for one entity in knowledge graph, where freebase_id and remap_id represent the ID of such entity in freebase and our datasets, respectively.
  • relation_list.txt
    • Relation file.
    • Each line is a triplet (freebase_id, remap_id) for one relation in knowledge graph, where freebase_id and remap_id represent the ID of such relation in freebase and our datasets, respectively.


Any scientific publications that use our datasets should cite the following paper as the reference:

  author    = {Xiang Wang and
              Tinglin Huang and 
              Dingxian Wang and
              Yancheng Yuan and
              Zhenguang Liu and
              Xiangnan He and
              Tat{-}Seng Chua},
  title     = {Learning Intents behind Interactions with Knowledge Graph for Recommendation},
  booktitle = {{WWW}},
  pages     = {878-887},
  year      = {2021}

Nobody guarantees the correctness of the data, its suitability for any particular purpose, or the validity of results based on the use of the data set. The data set may be used for any research purposes under the following conditions:

  • The user must acknowledge the use of the data set in publications resulting from the use of the data set.
  • The user may not redistribute the data without separate permission.
  • The user may not try to deanonymise the data.
  • The user may not use this information for any commercial or revenue-bearing purposes without first obtaining permission from us.

knowledge_graph_based_intent_network's People


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knowledge_graph_based_intent_network's Issues


请问针对utils/,第69行的注释# including items + users是否应该改为# including items?因为变量n_entities不应该包括users,只包括items和其他entities。

    n_entities = max(max(triplets[:, 0]), max(triplets[:, 2])) + 1  # including items + users
    n_nodes = n_entities + n_users


    n_entities = max(max(triplets[:, 0]), max(triplets[:, 2])) + 1  # including items
    n_nodes = n_entities + n_users


您好!非常感谢您分享的代码 我注意到您的代码中有save的相关代码
"""save weight"""
if ret['recall'][0] == cur_best_pre_0 and, args.out_dir + 'model_' + args.dataset + '.ckpt')

Two questions about sparse relational graph construction and IG aggregation

adj = sp.coo_matrix((vals, (np_mat[:, 0], np_mat[:, 1])), shape=(n_nodes, n_nodes))中,
np_mat[:, 0]np_mat[:, 1]是否也应当如处理cf图那样,需要加上n_users。users并未被remap到entities中去,稀疏矩阵的前n_users行与n_users列应当为users预留。
K, K_inv = _np_mat2sp_adj(np.array(self.relation_dict[r_id]), row_pre=self.n_users, col_pre=self.n_users)


user_agg = user_agg * (disen_weight * score).sum(dim=1) + user_agg # [n_users, channel]中,
以及最后+ user_agg是什么用意。
entity_res_emb = torch.add(entity_res_emb, entity_emb) user_res_emb = torch.add(user_res_emb, user_emb) 中实现了。






how to fig?

May I ask you about the drawing the figure 4? How to create a similar Painting style.
Thanks a lot in advance if you could provide the script!?

negative cor

i run your code several times and always get negative cor num
start training ... using time 496.1616, training loss at epoch 0: 298.6853, cor: -103918.234375
start training ...
using time 636.8174, training loss at epoch 0: 299.3976, cor: -103918.351562
| Epoch | training time | tesing time | Loss | recall | ndcg | precision | hit_ratio |
| 1 | 636.8162143230438 | 137.00747871398926 | 194.09571838378906 | [0.07513288 0.09760893 0.11306548 0.12481185 0.13517161] | [0.06848064 0.07576022 0.08097082 0.08491058 0.08831252] | [0.02926674 0.02149495 0.01776641 0.01546985 0.01389799] | [0.26474582 0.34498854 0.39756429 0.43486379 0.46601035] |

using time 636.9025, training loss at epoch 2: 170.9751, cor: -113220.000000
using time 636.6866, training loss at epoch 3: 157.5762, cor: -113220.000000
using time 637.4699, training loss at epoch 4: 149.2337, cor: -113220.000000

it seems something has error?

A question about equation7

我想询问一下公式7中1/Nu这个式子在代码何处体现出来user_agg = user_agg * (disen_weight * score).sum(dim=1) + user_agg # [n_users, channel],是我找的地方不对吗?烦请老师解答一下。




user_agg =, entity_agg)
user_agg = user_agg * (disen_weight * score).sum(dim=1) + user_agg


① 在论文中的ep,即意图的嵌入,应该是由关系嵌入计算得出的,但是在代码中是直接定义了一个latent_emb并直接使用,好像与文中不符(或者意图向量不是latent_emb?)。
② 在计算意图独立性时,论文中是用已经得到的ep进行计算,但是代码里用来计算的是参数是disen_weight_att,我理解这个参数是wrp,即关系r到意图p的一个可训练参数,这里也和原文中有些不同。





How to realize the equation (12) in your paper?

Hi, Huang.
The process of Relational Path-aware Aggregation realized on line 25-50 in your code (, and then sum representations of user and item up as the final representations(equtation(13) in your paper) on line 202-203 in your code ( But I can't find the process of Capturing Relational Paths(the quation(12) in your paper). Where is this process implemented in your code?

Thank you very much for reading my questions. Your paper is very helpful to me. I look forward to your reply.



想问一下作者,为什么实验的数据集是一样的,结果会如此不同,请问作者知道是什么原因吗?Knowledge graph convolutional networks for recommender systems,19年的文章,通常采取所有的items去除训练集的方式,实验的结果不在同一个量纲范围内。



Can you tell me about kgfinal.txt

Can you tell me about kgfinal.txt, in kgfinal.txt the head entity and tail entity id are independent or not. My understanding is that userid and itemid are independent in trian.txt, where itemid is kept the same as itemid in kgfinal.txt, and the two columns are not independent in knowledge graph.

训练过程报错“name 'test_user_set' is not defined”

您好,最近在学习该工作的代码,通过调用给出的命令行参数,训练过程中evaluate.py文件的test_one_user(x)函数,在“user_pos_test = test_user_set[u]”处报错“name 'test_user_set' is not defined”。调试了一段时间没有找到出错的原因,想请问一下您是否知道原因?






About user representation aggregation

In the paper, user representation get from the Intenet Graph. Is IG just compose by user,intent,item (without entity about item)?

And how to calculate high-order representation of user, like e_u^(3) ?
First calculate high-order representation of item e_i_(_2), Then got e_u^(3) by equation (6)(7)(8) in paper?

Thx reply .

Questions for raw data to data

Thank you for adding the knowledge map to the original data, but I wonder if all the sequences of the test set and training set are sorted by timestamp?
Can you provide code to process raw data or a timestamp for each interaction?

Questions about the latent_emb.

What is the latent_emb used for? It is the user intent embedding? But shouldn't the user intent embedding be the disen_weight according to the defination in the paper? Look forward to your answer. Thank you!

About the dataset Alibaba-iFashion

I wonder how do you extract entities of the knowledge graph. Also, I cannot find the org_id of item_list.txt in the original dataset.
Can you introduce how to process this dataset? Or code?

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