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haxel-eventbrite's Introduction

Hi there πŸ‘‹

I'm Richard, a graduate student at Yale Univeristy.

My interests are in Large Language Model, Computer Vision, Gen AI using machine learning.

I have worked on projects at Conversation classification, Movie Recommodation, Speech Recognization.


I am a graduate student from Yale Graduate School of Art and Science currently majored in Biostatistics Data Science track. I was an undergraduate student from Duke Kunshan University and a research assistant @SMIIP Lab advised by my research mentor Prof. Ming Li. My research of Deep Learning focuses on Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

For 2023 summer, I am glad to work for Prof. Simon Danner at Drexel University as graduate research assistant with the research focus on the Biological model for the spinal cord and brainstem.


Python PyTorch Java Linux C++ SQL Git

haxel-eventbrite's People


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haxel-eventbrite's Issues

[API] Return JSON file of specific event

When I visit your API for a specific event at /api/events/1
❌ - it exists
I get a HTTP 200 OK response.
❌ - it is valid JSON format
I try to parse your response assuming it is valid JSON. Errors make
the test fail. This test was not run because one of the prior tests
❌ - it has the right event information
I should find that it has the right title information. This test was
not run because one of the prior tests failed.

[About] Add group Nickname

When I visit the about page at /about ❌ - it contains your team nickname The nickname is the team nickname you find in the dashboard on the class website. This test was not run because one of the prior tests failed.

βœ… - it contains your team nickname
The nickname is the team nickname you find in the dashboard on the
class website. You indicated that your team nickname is "dark-forest"
and I expect to see that text somewhere on your about page.

[Main] Display number of attendees for each event on the main page

As a user, I want to see the number of people that are going to each event to understand their popularity so I can get interested from the main page

Acceptance criteria:

  1. Visibility of Attendee Count: When a user views the list of events on the main page, the number of people attending each event should be clearly visible.
  2. Immediate Updates: The attendee count displayed should be updated immediately to reflect the current number of RSVPs.
  3. Accuracy: The number must accurately reflect the number of unique attendees who have confirmed their attendance.
  4. Design & Usability: The attendee count should be presented in a way that is visually clear and does not clutter the event information.
  5. Accessibility: Ensure that the attendee count is accessible, so that all users, including those with disabilities, can view this information.
  6. Performance: Loading the attendee count should not significantly impact the page load time.

[Layout] Display team logo on the website

As a user, I want to see the logo of the website when I enter so that I can quickly identify the website and understand its purpose.

//edited by handlanda458

  1. I can easily identify the website and its branding without relying on other elements on the page.
  2. It complements the overall design and layout, but I'm open to its specific placement as long as it's clearly visible and consistent with the site's style.
  3. It helps establish brand recognition and provides a visual cue that I am on the correct website, enhancing the user experience.
  4. I estimate that it should take no more than one hour of development time to implement and ensure it's displayed correctly
  5. It can be achieved by adding a simple HTML image element with the website's logo source file to the header section of the homepage
  6. The implementation can be tested by ensuring that the logo displays correctly on various web browsers and devices, confirming that it is visible and aligns with the site's design.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. As a user, when I access the website's homepage, I should see the website logo displayed prominently.
  2. The website logo should be placed in a clearly visible location, typically in the top-left corner of the website's header for standard web design conventions.
  3. The logo should be appropriately sized and of high quality, ensuring it doesn't appear pixelated or distorted.
  4. The logo should match the website's branding guidelines, using the correct colors, fonts, and design elements.
  5. (optional) Clicking on the website logo should navigate the user back to the homepage, providing an intuitive way to return to the main page.
  6. The logo should maintain consistent placement and functionality across different pages of the website, ensuring a unified user experience.

it has a logo I'm testing for an tag with id="logo" inside a

element on your page.

We can change the logo at "template/layout.gohtml", please talk with Huangrui if you don't know how to change that.

[API] As as third party app, I can contact the service over an API.

As as third party app, I can contact the service over an API.

The following should be true of the /api/events URL:

❌ - it is valid JSON format
I try to parse your response assuming it is valid JSON. Errors make
the test fail.

❌ - it has all the default events
Your JSON should be formatted such that either 1) it has a key
"events" that stores an array of events; or, 2) it just displays an
array of events. E.g. it should looks something like one of the
formats here I'm checking for events with ids
1, and 3. .

We should be able to test that by look at /api/events manually.

  • You can paste the output into .... to see if it's valid JSON
  • ....

[Event] Placeholder text for RSVP box to say "enter your Yale email-id here"

As a user, I should be able to see text box suggestion in RSVP box to say "enter your Yale email-id here" to make it clear what is expect of me to RSVP

Acceptance criteria:

  1. Clear Placeholder Text: When the RSVP box is empty, it should display the placeholder text "Enter your Yale email-id here."
  2. Visibility of Text: The placeholder text should be clearly visible in terms of font size, color, and contrast against the background of the text box.
  3. Disappearance on Focus: The placeholder text should disappear as soon as the user clicks into or starts typing in the text box.
  4. Accessibility Compliance: The text box with the placeholder should be accessible, meaning it should be properly labeled for screen readers.
  5. Validation Message: If the user attempts to RSVP without entering an email, a validation message should appear, reminding them to enter their email.
  6. Consistency Across Platforms: This feature should work consistently across different browsers and devices (mobile, tablet, desktop).

[Event] List of attendees should have a heading saying "People who are going"

As a user, I should be able to see the heading of the list of the attendees to know that RSVP list is of the attendees

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Visibility of Heading: When a user views the RSVP list, the heading "Attendees List" (or a similar, clearly descriptive title) should be prominently displayed at the top of the list.
  2. Clarity and Relevance: The heading should be clear and easily understood, indicating that the list below is of event attendees.
  3. Consistent Placement: The heading should consistently appear in the same location on the page across different events and user sessions.
  4. Responsive Design: The heading should be clearly visible on devices of different sizes, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

[Event] Add attendee count on the event page

As a user, I should be able to see the total number of attendees going to the event on top of the event page

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Visibility of Attendee Count: The total number of attendees for an event should be displayed prominently at the top of the event page.
  2. Accuracy: The displayed number of attendees should accurately reflect the current total of people who have registered or indicated they are going to the event.
  3. Immediate Update: The attendee count should update in near real-time as new attendees register or confirm their attendance.

[Event] Setup RSVP Form

Feature from #2

For the RSVP Form:

It should deal with string data like email

For the testable, as developer, I propose to check it "allow to RSVP" and "not allow to RSVP"
To make it more detailed:

  • if the user input email and submit the form. After the form is submitted, the page should show that email address and
    confirmation code.
  • I fill out the email input and submit the form. After the form is submitted I check the page for the presence of the email address among those attending. It should not be there. Note that I am turning off client-side form validation so that you'll have to handle validation on the server! I also check for an element with class="errors". This should be there and it should show the user a message like "only Yalies!", though, the particular message doesn't matter. This test was not run because one of the prior tests failed.

[Main] Update main.css

Criteria from hanslanda458
As a user, I should have an aesthetic experience on the website

Acceptance Criteria:

The homepage should have a visually appealing color scheme that aligns with the website's branding.
There should be an easy-to-read, legible font choice for all text elements on the homepage.
Images and graphics used on the homepage should be high-quality and relevant to the website's purpose.
The layout should be well-organized with clear sections for featured events, RSVPs, search options, and navigation.
The homepage should have a responsive design to ensure it looks clean and elegant on various devices and screen sizes.

[Event] Show RSVP list to the user

As a user, I should be able to RSVP and also see all the RSVPs to my event to help me plan my events

File to modify: template/event.gohtml

As mentioned in #2, this issue is designed as part of Event template focused on RSVP section.

As a developer, I think it is important to show the people who have RSVP'd for the event.
(e.t.c The page should show these email addresses of those attending. )

also related with

  • it should allow to RSVP
  • it should not allow to RSVP

[EVENT] List all events and link to create an event


As a user of the website, I should be able to see the links to all events and to create a new event

Acceptance criteria:

  1. The exact placement and design of the link can be discussed but I prefer it on the main page
  2. As a user, I want easy access to a page where I can explore all the events available on the website
  3. Add a clearly visible link in the website's navigation menu labeled "Create Event"
  4. Clicking on the "Create Event" link should take me to a dedicated page or form for event creation.
  5. The event creation form should include fields for title, location, Image URL, date etc.
  6. If the user enters any invalid inputs then show the form again with Bad location! or Bad URL! or Bad Date!
  7. Submission of all valid inputs should take the user to the main page and list the event

Should build an event layout template


Dear team, as the developer of this website, I find a template which is nice for us to refer.

I think the following elements might be nice if we could include:

  • our logo
  • footer
  • event title
  • a link to donate to the event
  • shows the people who have RSVP'd for the event
  • a form for RSVP'ing to the event
  • an RSVP form has an input for the user's email address
  • a submit button
    I know there is a lot to cover, so maybe we should break this issue down to several part. Each part focus on one feature.

Please give me some advice on whether the features I proposed are valuable.

[Event] Add Footer part

❌ - it has a link to your about page in the footer
I'm testing for an element with "/about" in its href attribute
inside of a

element on your page.

❌ - it has a link to your home page in the footer
I'm testing for an element with "/" alone in its href attribute
inside of a

element on your page.

[Main] Improve the display of the events on the main page

As a user, I want to see the events in a better visual way with the event image-icon displayed next to the event

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Event Image-Icon Display: Each event listed on the main page must display an image-icon representative of the event next to the event's title.
  2. Consistent Sizing: The image-icons should be of a standard size for uniformity, ensuring a clean and organized appearance.
  3. Image Quality: The image-icons must be of high resolution to prevent pixelation when viewed on standard displays.
  4. Responsive Design: The image-icons must align correctly and maintain aspect ratio across different devices and screen sizes.
  5. Load Performance: Image-icons should load quickly to ensure the page load time is not adversely affected, aiming for a load time that does not exceed the current average page load time by more than 10%.
  6. Accessibility: Image-icons should have alt text that accurately describes the image for screen readers and meets accessibility standards.
  7. Fallback Mechanism: In the event that an image-icon fails to load, a default placeholder image should be displayed.

[Main] Sort - earliest events first/on top

As a user, I should see first the events which are happening first

Acceptance criteria:

  1. When a user visits the event listings page, the events should be listed in ascending order of their start date and time, with the earliest event displayed at the top.
  2. If two or more events have the same start date and time, they can be further ordered by the date they were created, with the earliest created event listed first.
  3. Events that have already occurred should not be displayed in the upcoming events list.
  4. Users should be able to clearly see the date and time for each event without further interaction.
  5. The sorting order should be consistent across different user sessions and devices.
  6. The ordering should be preserved even if the user navigates away from the page and returns.

[Event] New Event Bad Date and Tell Customer why their date is Bad

❌ - it does not allow creating an event with bad date
Dates must be be in the format "2006-01-02T15:04" and also be in the
future. If the date is invalid, you should return the user to the form
(at the same URL) and show them their error. The bad I'm checking for
elements with one of the following classes- error, errors, form-error,
form-errors. The invalid date I submitted was "2026-03-17T74:11".

[About Us] Nicknames should have an image or a gif

As a user, I should be able to see some image or a gif for nicknames for a better aesthetic of the website

Acceptance criteria:

  1. Display Functionality: When a user views a nickname on the website, an associated image or GIF should be displayed alongside or near the nickname.
  2. Aesthetic Consistency: The images or GIFs displayed should be consistent with the website's overall aesthetic and design theme.
  3. Relevance and Appropriateness: Each image or GIF should be relevant to the nickname it represents and must be appropriate for all audiences.
  4. Loading Performance: The loading time for the webpage should not be significantly impacted by the addition of images or GIFs.
  5. Responsive Design: The display of images or GIFs should be responsive and render correctly on different devices and screen sizes.

[Event] Initial with non-Error and then State change with Error

❌ - it does not have an errors shown on the page by default
When a user creates an event with invalid data, an error message
should be shown to them. There should be no error message on the page
otherwise. I'm checking for elements with one of the following
classes- error, errors, form-error, form-errors.


βœ… - it does not have an errors shown on the page by default
When a user creates an event with invalid data, an error message
should be shown to them. There should be no error message on the page
otherwise. I'm checking for elements with one of the following
classes- error, errors, form-error, form-errors.

[Layout] Footer link to homepage

it has a link to your home page in the footer I'm testing for an element with "/" alone in its href attribute inside of a

element on your page.

[Layout] About section in the footer


As a website user, I'd like to know about the team from a link in the footer

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. As a user, I should see a link in the website's footer labeled "About Us"
  2. Clicking on the "About" link should take me to a dedicated page providing information about the team behind the website.
  3. The "Team" page should include the following details about the team members: Headline saying "About my team", Names of all team member, Their respective roles or positions within the organization, (optional) brief descriptions and contact info
  4. The team information should be presented in a clear and user-friendly format, such as a list, grid, or individual profiles.
  5. The "About us" page may include relevant images or avatars of team members.

As the developer of the website, I think the user might be interested in our teams.

We should have a link to our about page in the footer that introduce our team including our roles and our company's mission.

Dear teammembers, please give me some advice.

[About] Add group member nicknames

βœ… - it contains the nicknames of each of your team members
You can find your nickname in the dashboard of the class website. Each
of your team members will have a different nickname and each should be
listed on your about page somewhere. I believe your team members
nicknames are as follows: .

[Event] New Event Bad Image and Tell Customer why their image is Bad

As a developer, I think it is important to not allow user to create an event with bad image.

Define a good image as Images should be a valid URL and be one of the following file types-
".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", or ".gifv".

A bad image will not the event attractive and therefore does not satisfy the user's intention.

Thus, we should return the user to the form (at the same URL) and show them their error.

This issue can be devide into three parts:

  • judge whether the url is valid
  • judge whether the image is valid
  • return the error

[Event] Donate Event

As the developer, I think there should be a link to donate to the event.

Our user might need the fund for holding the event.

Currently, I plan to use my Zelle Code as the way to receive money. Sponsors can make the memo with the event id to specific the event they plan to sponsor.

I think we should modify the template event.gohtml

[Main] "Up" the website

As a use, I would want to access the website url through a browser

We should render out website for the user to check and also for ourselves to get some feedback.

[Event] New Event Bad Location and Tell Customer why their location is Bad

❌ - it does not allow creating an event with bad location
Location must be more than 5 and fewer than 50 unicode characters. If
the location is invalid, you should return the user to the form (at
the same URL) and show them their error. I'm checking for elements
with one of the following classes- error, errors, form-error,
form-errors. The invalid location I submitted was "Os omocec mozho
fupan rinokte ma akilo obazorgi ce kectu funlojav ekokuz mu ja tat
oriejmu vugus ledaufu ugwikge te lehuvo sesigi bo ihouf laolvun
etjener pelafve tavopvi pasfap ebofak tah ibe.".

[Event] Event heating up: how many sign-ups in the last 24 hours

As a user, I should be able to see how many sign-ups happened for an event in the last 24 hours to understand demand and excitement for an event

Acceptance critera:

  1. Visibility of Sign-ups: When a user views an event, there should be a visible section or indicator showing the number of sign-ups in the last 24 hours.
  2. Accuracy: The count of sign-ups should accurately reflect the number of users who have registered for the event in the specified 24-hour period.
  3. Timeliness: The information should be updated in real-time or at frequent intervals to ensure accuracy.
  4. Date and Time Specification: The system should clearly define the 24-hour period for which the sign-ups are being counted (e.g., from 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM of the previous day).
  5. User Interface Clarity: The display of sign-up numbers should be easily understandable and prominently placed on the event page.
  6. Performance Impact: The feature should not significantly impact the loading time or performance of the event page.
  7. Security and Privacy: Ensure that displaying this information does not violate any user privacy agreements or security protocols.
  8. Responsiveness: The feature should work correctly across different devices and screen sizes.

[Main] Grid arrangement of events on the main page

As a user, I should see all events in a grid arrangement instead of a list to feel the website more interactive and appealing

Acceptance Criteria for the user story:

Grid Layout Display:

  • When the user navigates to the events page, they should be presented with events displayed in a grid format.
  • Each event card in the grid must contain the event image, title, date, and location at a minimum.

Consistency Across Devices:

  • The grid layout should be responsive and maintain its structure across different device screens (desktops, tablets, and mobiles).
  • Interactivity:
  • Event cards should be interactive, allowing users to click on them to get more details about the event.

Aesthetic Appeal:

  • The grid should have a balanced amount of space between the event cards to avoid clutter.
  • The design should be visually appealing, using consistent fonts and color schemes that align with the website's theme.


  • The page load time should not significantly increase due to the change from a list to a grid layout.
  • Images should be optimized for web viewing without compromising the quality.

User Preference:

  • Provide users with the option to switch between grid and list views according to their preference.


  • Ensure that all functionalities available in the list view (like sorting, filtering) are also available and functional in the grid view.


  • In cases where the event does not have an image, a default placeholder image should be displayed.

[Event] New Event Bad title and Tell Customer why their Title is Bad

❌ - it does not allow creating an event with bad title
Titles must be more than 5 and fewer than 50 unicode characters. If
the title is invalid, you should return the user to the form (at the
same URL) and show them their error. I'm checking for elements with
one of the following classes- error, errors, form-error, form-errors.
The invalid title I submitted was "Ifupemal upifupab hebaj da od oke
vemo ribe wo ci pi baw izusit ragupiv zoj giefu bulatoke paljaf zomzi
pokazi jenivzil josuvzot cosostu sa pewedo guhow.".

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