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taskmanager's Introduction


polling-based cooperative multi-task manager for Arduino


TaskManager is polling-based flexible task scheduler which can execute two kinds of tasks in several ways. Two kinds of tasks are:

  • task callbacks
  • task classes (the collection of begin() enter() update() exit() idle() reset())

and they can be handled like:

  • execute repeted task with framerate (optionally with N-times limit)
  • execute repeted task with interval (optionally with N-times limit)
  • execute task once after some seconds
  • control timing and behavior of tasks by name and index
  • task callbacks and task classes can be handled in the same way
  • subtask support with two kinds of mode
    • SubTaskMode::SYNC : all subtasks runs at the same time with the parent
    • SubTaskMode::SEQUENCE : subtask runs one by one in order if the current subtask stops

Task Callbacks

#include <TaskManager.h>

void setup() {
    Tasks.add([] {
        Serial.println("Hello, World");
    })->startFps(1);                // call this function in 1[fps]
    // })->startFpsFor(1, 10);      // call this function in 1[fps] 10 times only
    // })->startInterval(1);        // call this function in 1[sec]
    // })->startIntervalFor(1, 10); // call this function in 1[sec] 10 times only
    // })->startOnceAfter(1);       // call this function once after 1[sec]

void loop() {
    Tasks.update(); // automatically execute tasks

Timing Control with Task Name or Index

You can control how to execute tasks by using several methods. Please see APIs section for details.

#include <TaskManager.h>

void setup() {
    // just add the task in setup()
    Tasks.add("MyTask", [] {
        Serial.println("Hello, World");

void loop() {
    Tasks.update(); // automatically execute tasks

    // if "MyTask" is not running after 5000[ms],
    if (millis() > 5000 && !Tasks.isRunning("MyTask")) {
        // start task 1[fps]
        Tasks.startFps("MyTask", 1);
        // or you can do it by index without the name
        // Tasks.startFps(0, 1);

Task Class

By using task class, you can manage more comlex task in flexible way. To use it, you need to define your own class using Task::Base class.

#include <TaskManager.h>

// Your Blink class
class Blink : public Task::Base {
    bool b;
    Blink(const String& name) : Task::Base(name) , b(false) {
        pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
    virtual ~Blink() {}

    virtual void update() override {
        digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, b);
        b = !b;

void setup() {
    Tasks.add<Blink>("Blink")->startFps(1); // constructor and begin() will be called
    Tasks.startFps("Blink", 1);             // of course you can start task by name or index

void loop() {
    Tasks.update(); // Blink::enter() will be called if Tasks.udpate() is called for the first time,
                    // and Blink::update() will be automatically called every Tasks.update()
                    // if you erase the task, Blink::exit() will be called after last Blink::update()

All methods you can define in your own task class is:

class MyTask : public Task::Base
    MyTask(const String& name) : Task::Base(name, fps) {}
    virtual ~MyTask() {}

    virtual void begin() override {}  // optional: called once when task has created
    virtual void enter() override {}  // optional: called once when task has started
    virtual void update() override {} // must be implemented: called every Tasks.update()
    virtual void exit() override {}   // optional: called once after task has stopped
    virtual void idle() override {}   // optional: called when task isn't running (every loop)
    virtual void reset() override {}  // optional

Task Class with Parameters

I recommend to use builder-pattern like method to set parameters to your task class.

#include <TaskManager.h>

class Speak : public Task::Base {
    int num {0};

    Speak(const String& name)
    : Base(name) {

    virtual ~Speak() {}

    // You can set paramters like builder pattern
    Speak* number(const int n) {
        num = n;
        return this;

    virtual void update() override {
        Serial.print("Task ");

void setup() {
        ->number(123)  // you can set required parameter like this

void loop() {

SubTasks (SubTaskMode::PARALLEL)

The default behavior of subtasks: SubTaskMode::PARALLEL runs subtasks as same as the general tasks. The only difference is the tasks are organized under the parent task. This mode is useful if you want to organize tasks for several main and sub tasks. Please use subtask() method to use PARALLEL mode.

#include <TaskManager.h>
#include "Speak.h"

void setup() {

        // Just iadd subtasks by subtask() method
        // This is completely same as usual tasks other than
        // it can be controlled only while parent task is running
        ->subtask<Speak>("Sub1", [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {
            task->number(1);  // configure subtasks by lambda
        ->subtask<Speak>("Sub2", [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {
        ->subtask<Speak>("Sub3", [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {


void loop() {

SubTasks (SubTaskMode::SYNC)

SubTaskMode::SYNC runs subtasks synchronously with parent task. If parent task starts, subtasks also start. If parent task stops, subtasks also stop. Please use sync() method and lambda function to add/configure subtasks.

#include <TaskManager.h>

// ...
// Use Speak class defined above
// ...

void setup() {
        ->sync<Speak>("Sub1", [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {
            task->number(1);  // configure subtasks by lambda
        ->sync<Speak>("Sub2", [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {
        ->sync<Speak>("Sub3", [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {

    // Running task Main also runs all subtasks at the same time

void loop() {
    Tasks.update();  // Runs Main, Sub1, Sub2, and Sub3 at the same time

SubTasks (SubTaskMode::SEQUENCE)

On the other hand, SubTaskMode::SEQUENCE runs subtasks one by one if the current subtask stops. There are two way to control it. One is "Auto Run" and the other is "Manual Run". Please use then() method for both way.

Automatically run subtasks one by one

  • All subtask should have duration
  • Parent task should have longer duration than the sum of subtasks' duration
  • If the current task has finished the duration, next subtask starts running automatically
#include <TaskManager.h>

// ...
// Use Speak class defined above
// ...

void setup() {
        // Add subtasks
        ->then<Speak>("Sub1", 3, [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {
        ->then<Speak>("Sub2", 3, [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {
        ->then<Speak>("Sub3", 3, [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {

    // You can also choose whether to loop
    bool b_loop = true;
    // Running task Main also runs first subtask
    Tasks["Main"]->startFpsForSec(1., 12, b_loop);

void loop() {
    Tasks.update();  // Runs Sub1 -> Sub2 -> Sub3 in order if each subtask stops

Manually run next subtasks

  • At least one subtask should NOT have duration (the timings of subtasks should not be fixed)
  • nextSubTask() method will stop current subtask and run next subtask
#include <TaskManager.h>

// ...
// Use Speak class defined above
// ...

void setup() {
        // Add subtasks
        ->then<Speak>("Sub1", [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {
        ->then<Speak>("Sub2", [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {
        ->then<Speak>("Sub3", [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {

    // Running task Main also runs first subtask

void loop() {

    while (Serial.available()) {
        char c =;
        if (c == 'n') {
            // nextSubTask can run next subtask anytime if the conditions above are satisfied
            bool success = Tasks["Main"]->nextSubTask();

            if (success) {
                Serial.println("Let's run next subtask");
            } else {
                Serial.println("No next task -> restart Main task");

Limitation for subtasks (only for NO-STL boards)

For AVR boards (e.g. Uno, Leonard, Mega, etc.), the number of subtasks is limited to 4 by default. Please define TASKMANAGER_MAX_SUBTASKS as follows to change the number of subtasks.

#define TASKMANAGER_MAX_SUBTASKS 8  // define this before including TaskManager
#include <TaskManager.h>

Other Options

Enable Error Info

Error information report is disabled by default. You can enable it by defining this macro.


Also you can change debug info stream by calling this macro (default: Serial).


See DebugLog for details.



Ref<TaskEmpty> add(const Func& task);
Ref<TaskEmpty> add(const String& name, const Func& task);
Ref<TaskEmpty> add(const FuncWithTaskPtr& task);
Ref<TaskEmpty> add(const String& name, const FuncWithTaskPtr& task);
template <typename TaskType> Ref<TaskType> add();
template <typename TaskType> Ref<TaskType> add(const String& name);

void update();
void update(const String& name);
void update(const size_t idx);
void reset();
bool reset(const String& name);
bool reset(const size_t idx);
bool erase(const String& name);
bool erase(const size_t idx);
void clear();
bool empty() const;
size_t size() const;
bool exists(const String& name) const;

size_t getActiveTaskSize() const;
void setAutoErase(const bool b);
template <typename TaskType = Base> Ref<TaskType> getTaskByName(const String& name) const;
template <typename TaskType = Base> Ref<TaskType> getTaskByIndex(const size_t i) const;
template <typename TaskType = Base> Ref<TaskType> operator[](const String& name) const;
template <typename TaskType = Base> Ref<TaskType> operator[](const size_t i) const;

// ========== Task method wrappers ==========

void start();
void stop();
void play();
void pause();
void restart();

void startFromSec(const double from_sec);
void startFromMsec(const double from_ms);
void startFromUsec(const double from_us);

void startForSec(const double for_sec, const bool loop = false);
void startForMsec(const double for_ms, const bool loop = false);
void startForUsec(const double for_us, const bool loop = false);

void startFromForSec(const double from_sec, const double for_sec, const bool loop = false);
void startFromForMsec(const double from_ms, const double for_ms, const bool loop = false);
void startFromForUsec(const double from_us, const double for_us, const bool loop = false);
void startFromForUsec64(const int64_t from_us, const int64_t for_us, const bool loop = false);

void startFromCount(const double from_count);
void startForCount(const double for_count, const bool loop = false);
void startFromForCount(const double from_count, const double for_count, const bool loop = false);

void startIntervalSec(const double interval_sec);
void startIntervalMsec(const double interval_ms);
void startIntervalUsec(const double interval_us);

void startIntervalFromSec(const double interval_sec, const double from_sec);
void startIntervalFromMsec(const double interval_ms, const double from_ms);
void startIntervalFromUsec(const double interval_us, const double from_us);
void startIntervalSecFromCount(const double interval_sec, const double from_count);
void startIntervalMsecFromCount(const double interval_ms, const double from_count);
void startIntervalUsecFromCount(const double interval_us, const double from_count);

void startIntervalForSec(const double interval_sec, const double for_sec, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalForMsec(const double interval_ms, const double for_ms, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalForUsec(const double interval_us, const double for_us, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalSecForCount(const double interval_sec, const double for_count, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalMsecForCount(const double interval_ms, const double for_count, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalUsecForCount(const double interval_us, const double for_count, const bool loop = false);

void startIntervalFromForSec(const double interval_sec, const double from_sec, const double for_sec, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalFromForMsec(const double interval_ms, const double from_ms, const double for_ms, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalFromForUsec(const double interval_us, const double from_us, const double for_us, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalSecFromForCount(const double interval_sec, const double from_count, const double for_count, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalMsecFromForCount(const double interval_ms, const double from_count, const double for_count, const bool loop = false);
void startIntervalUsecFromForCount(const double interval_us, const double from_count, const double for_count, const bool loop = false);

void startFromFrame(const double from_frame);
void startForFrame(const double for_frame, const bool loop = false);
void startFromForFrame(const double from_frame, const double for_frame, const bool loop = false);

void startFps(const double fps);

void startFpsFromSec(const double fps, const double from_sec);
void startFpsFromMsec(const double fps, const double from_ms);
void startFpsFromUsec(const double fps, const double from_us);
void startFpsFromFrame(const double fps, const double from_frame);

void startFpsForSec(const double fps, const double for_sec, const bool loop = false);
void startFpsForMsec(const double fps, const double for_ms, const bool loop = false);
void startFpsForUsec(const double fps, const double for_us, const bool loop = false);
void startFpsForFrame(const double fps, const double for_frame, const bool loop = false);

void startFpsFromForSec(const double fps, const double from_sec, const double for_sec, const bool loop = false);
void startFpsFromForMsec(const double fps, const double from_ms, const double for_ms, const bool loop = false);
void startFpsFromForUsec(const double fps, const double from_us, const double for_us, const bool loop = false);
void startFpsFromForFrame(const double fps, const double from_frame, const double for_frame, const bool loop = false);

void startOnce();
void startOnceAfterSec(const double after_sec);
void startOnceAfterMsec(const double after_ms);
void startOnceAfterUsec(const double after_us);

void setOffsetSec(const double sec);
void setOffsetMsec(const double ms);
void setOffsetUsec(const double us);
void setOffsetUsec64(const int64_t us);

void addOffsetSec(const double sec);
void addOffsetMsec(const double ms);
void addOffsetUsec(const double us);
void addOffsetUsec64(const int64_t us);

void setDurationSec(const double sec);
void setDurationMsec(const double ms);
void setDurationUsec(const double us);
void setDurationUsec64(const int64_t us);

void setTimeSec(const double sec);
void setTimeMsec(const double ms);
void setTimeUsec(const double us);
void setTimeUsec64(const int64_t us);

void setIntervalSec(const double sec);
void setIntervalMsec(const double ms);
void setIntervalUsec(const double us);
void setIntervalUsec64(const int64_t us);

void setLoop(const bool b);
void setOffsetCount(const double count);
void setOffsetFrame(const double frame);
void setFrameRate(const float fps);


This class inherits FrameRateCounter. Please refer the link for available inherited methods.

bool hasEnter() const {
bool hasExit() const {
Base* setAutoErase(const bool b) {
bool isAutoErase() const {
const String& getName() const {

// =========== SubTask Creation ==========

template <typename TaskType> Base* subtask(const std::function<void(Ref<TaskType>)>& setup);
template <typename TaskType> Base* subtask(const String& name, const std::function<void(Ref<TaskType>)>& setup);

template <typename TaskType> Base* sync(const std::function<void(Ref<TaskType>)>& setup);
template <typename TaskType> Base* sync(const String& name, const std::function<void(Ref<TaskType>)>& setup);

template <typename TaskType> Base* then(const std::function<void(Ref<TaskType>)>& setup);
template <typename TaskType> Base* then(const String& name, const std::function<void(Ref<TaskType>)>& setup);
template <typename TaskType> Base* then(const double sec, const std::function<void(Ref<TaskType>)>& setup);
template <typename TaskType> Base* then(const String& name, const double sec, const std::function<void(Ref<TaskType>)>& setup);

Base* hold(const double sec);

// =========== SubTask Utility ==========

Vec<Ref<Base>>& getSubTasks();
const Vec<Ref<Base>>& getSubTasks() const;
Base* setSubTaskIndex(const size_t i);
size_t getSubTaskIndex() const;
Base* setSubTaskMode(const SubTaskMode m);
SubTaskMode getSubTaskMode() const;
bool hasSubTasks() const;
size_t numSubTasks() const;
bool existsSubTask(const String& name) const;

template <typename TaskType = Base> Ref<TaskType> getSubTaskByName(const String& name) const;
template <typename TaskType = Base> Ref<TaskType> getSubTaskByIndex(const size_t i) const;
template <typename TaskType = Base> Ref<TaskType> operator[](const String& name) const;
template <typename TaskType = Base> Ref<TaskType> operator[](const size_t i) const;

// ========== only for SubTaskMode::SEQUENCE ==========

bool nextSubTask();


enum class SubTaskMode : uint8_t {

Dependent Libraries

Embedded Libraries



taskmanager's People


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taskmanager's Issues

Can TM bricked my Arduino Lenonardo

I've added a simple snipped into Setup, my goal was to have variable subtasks.

	auto taskRef = Tasks.add<Speak>("Main");
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		char buffer[100];
		sprintf(buffer, "Subtask %d", i);
		taskRef->then<Speak>(buffer, 3, [&](TaskRef<Speak> task) {});

I used the "Speak" class from the docs, added debug messages for "enter", "begin" and "exit"

Running this on an Wemos D1 Mini worked fine, all 10 subtasks plus the main tasks are running.

Then I did it on a Leonardo. With 10 subtasks it stopped working, only showing 4 or 5 "begin" messages., no "enter" or "update" messages.
With up to 4 subtasks it did work, at 5 all subtasks did "update", but the debug messages printed have omitted characters.
I print out

Serial.print("Task ");

but for subtast 3 and 4 the name was not shown.
I assumed, the "begin" for all the tasks took too long.

That's why I rearranged my code to first only declare the task and subtasks (7).
Unfortunatly I couldn't test this anymore, it seems the bootloader of the Leonardo is corrupt. The USB is no more recognized.
Pressing the reset button, the USB bootloader is shown for 2sec in the device manager, but vanishes. Others having same problem, meant a corrupted boot loader.

Is it possible that the test with the 5 tasks and the silly debug output could write into the boot loader?

Tasks.erase(id) crashes arduino

for(int i = 0; i < Tasks.size(); i++) {

The above example crashes the Arduino Mega.

I add the tasks like this:

Tasks.add([new_instruction, instruction_type, instruction_type_number]
          { tools_array[instruction_type][instruction_type_number]->run(); })

The function also crashes when I try to create the task with a string name, and erasing using that string name.

Using latest version on regular Arduino mega 2560 R3.

Taskmanager 0.3.1 crashes

After installing TaskManager version 0.3.1 and testing the examples, the arduino crashes and restarts. After downgrading to version 0.3.0 no crashes occur and everything runs smooth.

Tested on the Arduino Mega 2560

about delay() in libs

dear sir,
I hope multitask in arduino, I read a lot of articles which mentioned "forget delay() in multi task".
but I see lots of libs using delay(), should I rewrite these libs?

Installing error with 'windows_amd64'

I got an error in installing library for PlatformIO(VSCode). Its error message is the following.

Library Manager: Installing hideakitai/TaskManager @ ^0.4.8
UnknownPackageError: Could not find the package with 'hideakitai/TaskManager @ ^0.4.8' requirements for your system 'windows_amd64'

When I changed the version in platformio.ini, i succeed in installing and building.

lib_deps_external = 

Unfortunately, I do not understand what is problem but I left this note for someone having the same error.

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