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rando-php's Issues

Test: add test case to RandomSequenceTest.php

In order to test the Character Sequence random generation, in the file tests/RandomSequenceTest.php add tests for :

  • test alpha() method;
  • test numeric() method;
  • test alphanumeric() method.

Useful things:

  • In order to understand how to call Randomize::sequence()->chars() take a look to examples/RandomSequenceChar.php

examples: create an example for src/Models/LatLong.php

In examples directory create a new php file, named : RandomLatLong.php

In this file, I would like to:

  • include autoload
  • use the class needed (HiFolks\RandoPhp\Randomize)
  • write the call to generate() method from Randomize class with latlong().

I would like to show how to use:

  • Generate coordinates in array format. Something like: Randomize::latlong()->asArray()->generate();
  • Generate coordinates in object format. Something like: Randomize::latlong()->asObject()->generate();
  • Generate latitude in float format. Something like: Randomize::latlong()->asLatitude()->generate();
  • Generate longitude in float format. Something like: Randomize::latlong()->asLongitude()->generate();

My suggestion is to take a look from: examples/RandomFloat.php file, just to see the structure of the file

examples: create an example for Random Sequence Char

In examples directory create a new php file, named : RandomSequenceChar.php

In this file, I would like to:

  • include autoload
  • use the class needed (HiFolks\RandoPhp\Randomize)
  • write the call to generate() method from Randomize class with ::sequence()

My suggestion is to take a look from: examples/basic.php file where Randomize::sequence() is used , and in Readme file where Randomize::sequence()->chars() is used, for example:

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->numeric()->count(10)->generate();

WE would need 3 examples:

  • numeric chars sequence;
  • alphabetical chars sequence;
  • alphanumeric chars sequence

Add snap() method to return 1 item with Extract from Array

In Draw class, extract method returns a sub array.
In order to retrieve just 1 value from original array add snap() method.
In order to retrieve just 1 key from original array add snapKey() method.

Example usage:

use HiFolks\RandoPhp\Draw;

$randomLanguage = Draw::sample(["PHP", "Python", "Golang", "Javascript"])->snap();

create src/Models/Float.php

Create new Model class for float number (with decimals).
Start from src/Models/Integer.php as "template"

  • file: src/Models/Float.php
  • class: Float
  • namespace: HiFolks\RandoPhp\Models
  • attribtues: min (default 0 )and max (default 1), for lowest char and highest char
  • attributes: decimals , default (2 decimal)
  • generate: genrate a float number considering min, max, decimals attributes;


$float = Randomize::float()->decimal(5)->min(0)->max(100)->generate();

It generates something like this: 12.42213

Test: create RandomCharTest

In order to test the Character random generation, create a test :

class RandomCharTest extends TestCase

in tests/RandomCharTest.php.

Things to test:

  • generate a random numeric char.
  • generate a random alphabetic char.
  • generate a random alphanumeric char.

Useful things:

  • In order to understand how to call Randomize::char() take a look to examples/RandomChar.php
  • If you want to start quickly i suggest you to take a look to tests/RandomIntegerTest.php . I think it is useful to create the structure of the test class.

examples: create an example for Random Integer

In examples directory create a new php file, named : RandomInteger.php

In this file, I would like to:

  • include autoload
  • use the class needed (HiFolks\RandoPhp\Randomize)
  • write the call to generate() method from Randomize class with integer

I would like to show how to use:

  • Generate integer with min and max ( something like: Randomize::integer()->min(1)->max(6)->generate() );
  • Generate integer with range ( something like: Randomize::integer()->range(1,6)->generate() );
  • Generate integere using the default ( something like Randomize::integer()->generate() ) explaining that the default are 0 and 100;

My suggestion is to take a look from: examples/basic.php file

Add Char in Sequence

Some infos on the context:

Sequence model rely on basic model (liike integer) in order to create a sequence of items.
For example


it generates a sequence of integer (because integer is the default type):

  • count(): number of items
  • min(): the min value of the integers
  • max(): the max value of the integers
  • noDuplicates() the generated items in the sequence must be no duplicated (2,4,1,2 is not valid because the 2 ; instead 5,3,7,6 are valid because unique values)

Implementation needed:

Add type "Char" in. Sequence, in order to generate a sequence of chars


Char Models: manage lower and upper case

Now setAlpha sets just lower case char, ascii codes: range(97, 122).
We need to change in src/Models/Char.php:

  • change method alpha() : needs to include lower range(97, 122) _AND upper(69,90)
  • implement new method alphaLower() : needs to include just lower range(97, 122)
  • implement new method alphaUpper() : needs to include just upper range(69,90)

examples: create an example for Random Boolean

In examples directory create a new php file, named : RandomBoolean.php

In this file, I would like to:

  • include autoload
  • use the class needed (HiFolks\RandoPhp\Randomize)
  • write the call to generate() method from Randomize class with boolean

My suggestion is to take a look from: examples/basic.php file

Makefile for unit test, phpstan and phpcs

Create a Make file with some tasks for:

  • launching unit tests:
vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
  • executing phpstan with configuration from phpstan.neon
phpstan analyse
  • executing phpcs for PSR12 standard
phpcs --standard=PSR12 src

examples: create an example for Random Sequence Integer

In examples directory create a new php file, named : RandomSequenceInteger.php

In this file, I would like to:

  • include autoload
  • use the class needed (HiFolks\RandoPhp\Randomize)
  • write the call to generate() method from Randomize class with ::integer()

My suggestion is to take a look from: examples/basic.php file where Randomize::sequence() is used , and in Readme file where Randomize::sequence() is used, for example:

$randomTombola = Randomize::sequence()->min(1)->max(90)->count(90)->noDuplicates()->generate();

We would need 2 examples:

  • noDuplicates() usage;
  • implode() usage;

Array union operator "+" overwrites ranges

Array "+" operator doesn't yield the desired result when using numerical keys.

From PHP docs:

The + operator returns the right-hand array appended to the left-hand array; for keys that exist in both arrays, the elements from the left-hand array will be used, and the matching elements from the right-hand array will be ignored.

$this->ascii_codes = range(48, 57) + range(97, 122);

$this->ascii_codes = range(48, 57) + range(97, 122);

In both cases if you print_r the "ascii_codes" the result would be:
[0] => 0
[1] => 1
[2] => 2
[3] => 3
[4] => 4
[5] => 5
[6] => 6
[7] => 7
[8] => 8
[9] => 9
[10] => k
[11] => l
[12] => m
[13] => n
[14] => o
[15] => p
[16] => q
[17] => r
[18] => s
[19] => t
[20] => u
[21] => v
[22] => w
[23] => x
[24] => y
[25] => z

You might want to use array_merge instead

Fix standard=PSR12

Fix waring / error following indications provided by:

phpcs --standard=PSR12 src

create src/Models/Char.php

Create new Model class for characters.
Start from src/Models/Integer.php as "template"

  • file: src/Models/Char.php
  • class: Char
  • namespace: HiFolks\RandoPhp\Models
  • attribtues: min and mix, for lowest char and highest char
  • generate: use random_int to extract elements from an array created (for example) with: $ascii_codes = range(48, 57) + range(97, 122);

Better solutions and/or implementations are welcome :)

add asString() method to SEquence

In Sequence when you call generate() you obtain and array of values (char or integer).
If you use implode() , when you call generate() you obtain a string with values separated by ;
Add asString() method , that: when you call generate you obtain a string with values concatenated without any separator.
For example calling:

$randomChars = Randomize::sequence()->chars()->alphanumeric()->count(10)->asString()->generate();

You could obtain something like this:


examples: create an example for src/Models/FloatModel.php

In examples directory create a new php file, named : RandomInteger.php

In this file, I would like to:

  • include autoload
  • use the class needed (HiFolks\RandoPhp\Randomize)
  • write the call to generate() method from Randomize class with integer

I would like to show how to use:

  • Generate float with min and max ( something like: Randomize::float()->min(0)->max(90)->generate() );
  • Generate float with range ( something like: Randomize::float()->range(0.5,1.5)->generate() );
  • Generate float using the default ( something like Randomize::float()->generate() ) explaining that the default are 0.0 and 1.0;

My suggestion is to take a look from: examples/RandomInteger.php file

[Feature request] Random expression parser

Let's say I have a user provided string which contains some placeholder expressions which the library has to parse and generate random expressions based on user input.

Let's say the user provides this input:

Lorem __rand_range(1, 4) dolor sit amet, __rand_int(10) adipiscing elit. Ut nisi libero, luctus id iaculis vel, __rand_str(20) non eros. Morbi porttitor velit id leo __rand_date() vestibulum. Quisque egestas __rand_chr(3) nibh. Proin maximus eros ut magna pellentesque __rand_float(). Vivamus rhoncus nulla id tellus __rand_byte(3) pharetra. Cras scelerisque libero a maximus egestas. Duis at sapien sed augue gravida pellentesque. Cras interdum volutpat porttitor. Vivamus a auctor erat.

The parser should be able to read the input and swap the placeholder expressions with the appropriate random value then return the parsed string.

To use it:

Add special characters preset to Char Model

In the Char model we hav some preset (for mapping int ascii code to char)for:

  • low case letter,
  • up case letter,
  • digit.

Add preset for special characters:

  • 33-47 : !"#$%&'()*+,-./
  • 58-64 : :;<=>?@
  • 91-96 : []^_`
  • 123-126 : {|}~

Cannot call method max() on int

Resolving conflict name Integer in Randomize.php
If you run phpstan with level 2 you have this kind of Issue:

 ------ ----------------------------------
  Line   Models/Sequence.php
 ------ ----------------------------------
  105    Cannot call method max() on int.
 ------ ----------------------------------

This is because in Randomize even you you are specifing the name space (
HiFolks\RandoPhp\Models\Integer ) some tools like phpstan and / or PhpStorm raises a warning because they are using Integer as \Interger and not HiFolks\RandoPhp\Models\Integer.

So the first solution that i have, is to use and alias when we refer to Integer class, for example:

use HiFolks\RandoPhp\Models\Integer as ModelInt;

and in public static function integer , return a ModelInt instead of Integer.

Probably someone has a better solution... Better solutions are welcome!

Create Latitude Longitude model

Create new Model class for generating radom Latitude / Longitude coordinates (with decimals).
Start from src/Models/Float.php as "template"

  • file: src/Models/LatLong.php
  • class: LatLong
  • method array() : you want to generate an array with lat and long like: [41.890242, 12.492326];
  • method object() : you want to generate an object like { latitude: 41.890242, longitude: 12.492326];
  • method justLatitude() : you want to generate only latitude value like 41.890242;
  • method justLongitude() : you want to generate only longitude value like 12.492326;
  • namespace: HiFolks\RandoPhp\Models
  • generate: genrate a Latitude/Longitude array number;


$latlong = Randomize::latlong()->generate();

It generates something like this: [41.890242, 12.492326]


  • use Float model to generate random float;
  • considering that latitude is -90 to 90
  • considering that longitude is -180 to 180

Documentation: in readme file add random Datetime usage example

Add a section in readme file in order to explain Datetime usage.
You can start from example files:

Explain 3 scenarios:

  • Generate random datetime with dafault (min: first day of the current year, max: last day of the current year):
  • Generate random datetime with specific range:
  • Generate randon datetime with a specific format:

Documentation: in readme file add range() example

IN the readme file, in the "Generate an Integer" section after this example:

$randomNumber = Randomize::integer()->min(1)->max(6)->generate();

add an example with usage with range(1,6) instead of min() and max().
Add also a description line for range() method usage.
From phpdoc:

     * Set the range (min and max)
     * Calling range(1,10), it is equivalent of ->min(1)->max(10)


Create static method chars() for Randomize class that:

  • Create the sequence : Randomize::sequence()->chars()
  • has a optional parameter for counts ( for implicit ->counts() )
  • has implicit : asString()

So, for example:


could be:




Could be:


Model: create DateTime Model

Create a new model src/Models/DateTime.php in order to generate a random datetime.
Implement fluent interface (see src/Models/Integer.php) with:

  • min : minimum date (date from);
  • max : max date (date to).

The goal is to implement a functionality like this:


DateTime Model, max / min default

In DateTime model set default for min and max. Now it the min and max is hardcoded in attribute declaration.
File: src/Models/DateTime.php

  • min the first day of the current year
  • max the last day of the current year


  • see mktime for creating timestamps in int format.

Fix phpdoc in Sequence class, generate() method

In generate() method we have a phpdoc that says the return value is only array.
There is one scenario (implode) that the method could return a string.

Fix the phpdoc in order to return array|string and not only array

The exact issue is:

Method HiFolks\RandoPhp\Models\Sequence::generate() should return array but returns string.

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