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shine's Introduction


Application to understand android platform specifics

#Roadmap of discovery

  1. HttpUrlConnection

  2. Offloading data intensive computations to an AsyncTask

  3. AsyncTask doInBackground and postExecute and preExecute methods

  4. URI Builder to add params and values to a base url

  5. JulianDays

  6. Making use of Custom Fragment Layouts

  7. Activating ability to add options to menu of a Fragment

  8. Logging - verbose for debugging and error logging

  9. Intents and putExtra to send messages to recipent class , recieving intents and extracting messages

  10. Making a settings page by extending PrefernceActivity and how to implement onPreferenceChangeListener

  11. Making preference items via preferences xml file and using root element PreferenceScreen - and further child elements like EditTextPreference , ListPreference , all of them have a key and a default value

  12. Making array elements as resources - string-array which can be accessed by @array attribute

  13. How to add the preference via the addPrefernceFromResource(xml file id) , finding preference by findPreference(by key string)

  14. getting the preference values via PreferenceManager.getDefaultPrefernces(context) and then using prefs.getString(key,value)

  15. Debugging app and breakpointing

  16. Doing explicit intents like maps intent - ie by building a data uri (geo:0,0 in maps case) amd then setData(uri) to Intent of type intent.ACTION_VIEW and then running the intent via startActivity(intent) only when the intent resolvesActivity(getPackageManager) is not null , ie some installed application can acutally handle that action_view intent

  17. Making a share buttong , the strings are added for the share action label and then the menu resource file is made with the namespace as app if the older devices are to be supported and the item tag should have an attribute called actionProviderClass which directs to the android support library ShareActionProvider class , then the custom shareAction Intent is made which instantiates an ACTION_SEND intent and then adds the flag by intent.addFlags(intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET) to notify that the new share intent activity launched is a part of the root activity from where the share intent is started from . the intent is also defined its setType for the data type being sent and also any custom data to be sent is bundle by the putEXTRA method . Then in the onCreateOptionsMEnu , the inflater inflates the menu resource and then the menu item for the share action is found and stored in MenuItem , and finally the shareActionProvider helps us to set the share intent to be the new intent method we created

  18. To notify the android system that the app can reieve an intent it has to register a receiver by either the manifest or dynamicaly ,the custom receiver has to extend the BroadCastReceiver class and override the onReceive method and handle the received method and for registering edit the manifest to include a receiver tag and the intent filter it can handle , with specification for the intent action it can handle like custom action or common intents , or it can also register the receiver dynamically -though this only listens till the app is alive , eg of an action specified by system - ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED

  19. Activity life cycle - OnCreate - onStart -OnREsume- OnPause-OnSTop- ONdestroy

  20.                 - OnCreate - onStart -OneResume- OnPause-OnStop-OnDestroy-OnCreate-OnStart-On-Resume (if activity configuration changes that is )
  21. Android provides a callback to rebuild the app statue -- its onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreinstanceState

  22. So generally speaking the classes you neeed in your app to handle databases ,- is a Contract class with subclasses pointing to the various tables you have in the database ,it should have the couloumn names in it as a static string , its just an agreement between views and data model , then you need a DBHelper class which extends SqliteOpenHelper which helps in creation of DB and initializing of database and also the versioning of the database

  23. the dbhelper class whll take the context in the constructor - WeatherDBHelper(context context) { super(contenxt, database_name,null,database_Version),and it will also need an onCreate method which has the SqliteDatabase as an argument , which will create the table - the craete table string will be store in a final static string and the sqlitedatabase.execsql will be called with the statement , then there is also the onUpgrade method which takes the databse and also the verion int , new and old , so that its called when a new version code is established for the database , basically you should drop the old tables and create new ones

  24. For making test cases , extend android testcase and you can additionally overrride the setup method and tearDown method , for running all the testcases you can make a full test suite calss extend the TestSuite class and just in the constructor call TestSuiteBuilder(customfulltestsuiteclass.class).includeAllPackagesUnderHere().build)_

  25. In an example testDB class that will test the databse , in the setup() method , delete the databse and do this by the presenet mContext variable - mcontext.deletedatabse(databsename)

  26. for testing the creation fo the database and the tables , you would add lets say a testCreateDb method in the testdb class and in that you would make a hashset of strings with the table names added to it , then you would get a new writeable databse from the weatherdbhelper - weatherDBHelper(this.mcontext).getWriteableDatabse(), the check that this databse isOpen in an assertEquals(true,db.isOpen()) and now to check that the tables are crteated in this particular databse or not- for this check 27

  27. Curosr c= db.rawQuery(Select name from sqlite_master where type='table' ,null) the cursor is basially a resultset from a query and then to check if this returns something valid or not - doa assertTrue("This means the tables are not crated",c.moveToFirst()); and then verify the tables do(tablename hashset.remove(c.getString(0))while(c.moveToNext) - this 0th column gives the name of the table from the result retured from the rawQuery

  28. now for checking if the coloums are made correctly - do a curosr c = db.rawQuery(PRAGMA table_info(tablename),null) and again check validity of even working properly using c.moveToFirst in an assertTrue, and then make a hashset of the coloumn names and then using the column value of a coulumn called name in the table returend from that pragma command keep removing from the hashset the same columns

  29. closing the db and curosr is immportant - c.close, db.close

  30. Now if you want to test whether let say weather table values - you do the following , you get the contentvalues and then make a dbhelper object and get a writeable databse and then you insert values and then check if the returned row id is not equal to -1 , and then make a cursor point to the result set returned from a query which selects the projection to be returned from the table (After insertionof values ) and then assertTrue that it is a valid result returned by cursor.moveToFirst and then validate current record by your own validate record function which would basically take the curosr and the expected value content values object and then it will take a Set of map entries of a string - column name and the value of that coloumn and it will store the valuesset returned from the expectedvalues - expectedvalues.valueset and the for every map entry from the value set it will take the key value - that is coloumn name, find out the index of that particular coloumn using curosr.getcoloumnindex(coloumnname) and then assertEquals that expectedvalue.getvalue and the curosr.getString(coloumnIndex)

  31. Content Providers can be used to effectively update data to the ui , while being connected to a data source , the advantage of using the content provider is that we can leverage the functionality of other android classes like SyncAdapter and cursorAdapters or loaders whihc all use a content provider , also it opens up the data of our app to other apps

  32. To first of all read a content provider , standard content providers , you have to add the permission that it uses the data eg ANDROID.permission.READ_USER_DICTIONARY

  33. Then a content Resolver is used as a middlemena to get a cursoor and that and that curosor is an iterarotr of a a query function on the database , , we do a resolver.query(content ui,selection, selection args,group by , having , sort order) this to get a cursor

  34. The content uro is like content://user-dictionary/words where content://is just a protocl and the user-dictionary is a content authority , generally the best practice is to use package name as an autority name.

  35. A curosr adapter hooks with a curosr and can be used to upadte views like a listview , for this you need two arrays , one string array of the columns to bind with , where the values will come from the curosr and the layout fields to fill the data with , so a simple cursor adapter can be initialized with simpleCursorAdapter(this,layout of textview per list item, curosr , string[] from , int[] to), and then listview.setadapter(---)

  36. Going on to building a content provider , we will need to determine the uris the app will support , update the contract to include the uris and fill out the uri matcher to support the new uris and also implement the various functions a content provider has like query , insert , update , delete , bulkinsert

  37. So we update the contract to include the content authroity , and then have the base uri as the content:// and content authority passed to Uri.parse("content://"+content_authority

  38. To build the uri for the content uri you can use the base content uri and then builUpon().appendPath(path).build

  39. android returns dir item type for curosrs which return more than one rows and itemtype for curosr which return one record

  40. So we need to make a string called contenttype which we can get from the ContentResolver.CURSOR_DIR_TYPE+"/"+Content_authrity+pathlocation,

  41. You can also have standard static methods in the contract entity class which builds the uris for you , takes a paramter , then either use ContentUris.withAppendedId(Content_uri,id), or uses Contenturi.buildUpon().appendPath(path).build or contenturi.buildUpon().appendQueryParamter(query,value).build(); or use return Uri.getPathSegments().get(1)

  42. In our contentProvider we also need a uri matcher , so a buildUriMatcher static method can be implemented which can the UriMatcher instantiated and then we add the matcher uri patters by matcher.addURI(authority,path+"/*", returncode when match)

  43. To make joins in tables you can use SQLiteQueryBuilder to instatitae a new SQliteQueryBuilder object adnd then do a setTables(Tablename +"INNER JOIN"+Tablename+"ON"+Condition)

  44. To build a content provider , you need to implement , on create , getType, query , insert, delete, update , shutdown

  45. In the oncreate method of the contentprovider , you can instantiate , the dbHelper Object

  46. In the GetType(Uri uri) method , get a int match code for a urimatcher.match(uri), then pass the matchcode in a switch case, do the cooresponding task for each return code return the appropiate return code

  47. In the query method whcih returns curosr - curosr query(uri, string[] orojection,string selection, string selection args,sortorder), then call match function of the uri matcher in a swtich function and the according to the return codes, just call the query method of the dbhelper object .getReadableDatabase or the SqliteQueryBuilder Object query method with the given arguments ,

  48. In the insert method, call the insert command of the dbhelper and then get the reutrned row id of the insert row and then also getContext.getContentResolver.notfiyChange(Uri,null) to notify the sending uri that the data has been changed

  49. For the delete method , just overrride the bulkInsert metehod that takes a uri , and content values array , and then just keep inserting the rows based on the match return coe and for this , it has to be done between the db.beginTransaction and the db.setTransactionSuccesful() method

  50. To test if the manifest file contains the said provider info , get the packagemanager from the mcontext and then the compnonentName - compnonentName = New ComponentName(mcontext.getPackacgName,weatherProvider.class.getName), thena in a try block do a providerInfo = pm.getProviderInfo(componentname,0) amd then assertEquals(providerInfo.authority,WeatherContract.AUTHORITY)

  51. To test if a notifcation uri ahs been set or not , we do an assertEquals(locationCursor.getNotificationUri,ContentURI), available after api level 19 , so put this in an if (BuildVersion.SDK_INT>19)

  52. DatabaseUtils.cursorRowToContentValues(cur,contentValues) moves all the data at the curor current record to content values object in order

  53. To clean up tests so that other tests can use the content proiver - getContext().getContentProviderClient(ContentURI).getLocaLcontentProvider().shutdown();

  54. A ContentObserver class can be made that basically has a HandlerThread and a boolean for mContentHasChanged , this class can be used to check if the update method actually notifies the uri if the data has been updated or not , this class will have a static method to get the TestContentObserver and in that you will create a new HandlerThread and start it and return a TestContentObserver(handlerThraed object) which as a constructor takes the handlerThread object and calls the super(ht.getLooper) and assigns the private member HandlerThread object to this passed HandlerThread, the testContentObserver class also has to ovverride the onChange(boolean selfChange,Uri uri) method where it will set the boolean contentHasChanged to true on the dataset being changed when it is associated to a cursor, it can also have a waitfornotificationorFail method which will use the PollingCheck to further check for contentChange till a given amount of time , lets say 5 seconds

  55. the curosr will reguster tge contentObserver and then update or delete the records and then waitfornotificationorfail is called with the contentObserver and the unregister the content observer and close the curosr

  56. Loaders are a best practice method of loading data asynchronsously , asynctaskLoader is a loader that uses the asynctask behind the scenes to do its work , and the CursorLoader is an implementation of that specifically designed to work with content providers and return cursors

  57. Loaders have a loader id that they register with a loadermanager and the lifecycle of a loader is - oneCreate - InitLoader, oneCreaeteLoader, LoadinBackground, onLoadFinished

  58. the custom cursor adapter needs a bindview function that takes the view returned from the new mthod and the context and the curosr received , the curosr adapter new view method basically takes the view to duplicate when adding entries to the associated listview

  59. On to creating the loading id , one activity can use multiple loaders designated by diffeernt ids , , we will need to implement the LoaderCallbacks class to use loader in any activity

  60. Also it would require ovverrding onCreateLoader(int i , bundle bundle) to return a new CursorLoader(Context,uri, projection,selection,selection args, sortOrder) - this will in turn use the content provider to run a query

  61. Also overriding the onLoadfinished which takes the Loader and the cursor , perform the updates to the UI and then cursorAdapter.swapCursor(cursor) - ie the newly upadted cursor values

  62. On LoaderReset takes the loader and the cursoradapter.swapCursor(null) - destory all references ot our curosr loader

  63. To initialize the loader , get the loaderManager .initLoader(loader id, bundle)

  64. Fragment tags are used to tag a fragment auwithin the fragmentManager so we can easily find the fragment

  65. to MAKE THE CONTENT PROVIDER Accessible to the other apps , just add the exported true attribute of the provdier and the permision needed if requireed

  66. using xliff:g tags to format a string in the strings.xml file and then calling context.getString(format,args) to display or set it toa view ,

  67. To set the adapter to handle more than one view types , just add the current number of view types to handle in the overriden getViewTypeCount fucntion , and then ovverride the getItemViewType function that takes the position as arg and then returns the correct integer as per the view type , then in the new view method of the cursor adapter , just return the correct view

  68. To avoid unnecceasay findviewby ids , just load the views earlier itself either in a seperate ViewHolder class or in the onCreate method , the viewHolder object can be attached to the view that lets say the newview method returns using the view.setTag(viewholder object) method and then later the viewholder can be retrieved using the view.getTag method and then that viewholder object can be used to set text or resources on to the views stored inside the viewholder obkect (member variables)

  69. Scrollviews can be used to keep scrolling items when the items dont fit on the screen

  70. use the weight attribute to specify distribution of layout and keep the width as 0dp

  71. Always keep UI tree shallow and wide. not more than 10 nested views and not more than 80 in total . use the hierrarchy viewer and also run lint inspection

  72. REsource folder qualifiers like sw600dp like values-sw600dp ,

  73. Why its not advisable to create one single activity with many fragmetns as it increases the complexit . intent handling difficult and risk of tight coupling

  74. Fragment lifecycle - onCreate - OnCreateView- OnActivityCreated - OnStart - On Resume - OnPause - OnStop - OnDestroy View- On Destroy - Onattach - On Create

  75. You should clean up resources in the OnDestroyView callback

  76. To replace a fragment in the container in the activyt , use getSupportFragmentManager.beginTransaction.replace(,new Fragment(),Tag).commit - the tag is used to find the same instantiated fragment later

  77. Fragments can also retain UI , in the onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) - do a setRetainState(True) this will retain data on device configuration changes amd if you want this to be a nonUI fragment , make the onCreateView return null

  78. When making a two pane layout , we give the loaders in the detailed view fragment the ability to handle null uris as when the app is loaded at first , there is no uri given , ie the is null

  79. Its not good to assume that a particular activity is the handling activity for that fragment , its always advisable to use the callback method to intimate parent activty of anything

  80. its not advised to create parameterised constructors of fragments to pass data to form the fragment obnject programmatically , as on device configration change when the fragment restarts the android system wont know what arguments to pass , so its rather advisable to setargs to a bundle(key value paris) in the method onSaveInstanceState , remember the bundle savedInstanceState that is by default present can be populated dusring runtime but the other bundles

  81. How to make an activity listen to fragment clicks - make a public intrface callback in the fragment with the onItemClick signature as the member function ot that interface and then make the activity implement the callback and then describe the onItemclick function there , , one example being , put the Uri passed from the fragment on the click and then bundle it and then pass it to the detailed view fragment , and ask the fragment manager to replace the container with this detail fragment .In the itemclick listener of the fragment (callback)getActivty.onItemSelected(pass the uri or something )

  82. You can retreieve the bundled arguments using Bundle arguments - getArguments m and the parse the uri as arguments.getParceable(the string key)

  83. If the detail activity should save its instance when settings is launched and the back button is preseed , we add this to the setting activity - works with target api > 16 (jellybean) Override - intent getParentActivityIntent ( return super.getParentAcitvitIntent().addFlags(INTENT_FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP) this flag will check if the parent activity is alreading running in the task and it willuse that over than craeting a new one

  84. For shwoing different states in a listview item on being either pressed, activated or long pressed , we define the selector states in an XML file in the drawable folder - lets say for api 21 - we can have a selector with the items in the android :state_pressed:true as a rippple witha specified color , tht other states are - state_activated:true , finally add the selector drawable in the android:background to the layout root which has that listItem for which states are defined

  85. for making the list have a single choice selection only , make the listview use a style whihch has the item singlechoice

  86. to save the scroll position on device change /rotation, make a key string , then in item click of the listview in the fragment onCreateView , if the savedInstance is not null and contains that key string , just store the position of the item click in a member variable , also in the onSaveInstanceState method , put the member position varibale in the bundle , and now when loader has finished loading the data ,that is on the onLoadFinished , do a listview.smoothscrolltoposition(mposition)

  87. You can also do a layout alisasing , bu making a refs.xml file inn lets say teh values-land folder and then making a resource with an item of type layout and name as the same id as made in the original layout you wanted to reference for this landscape orientation also , eg @layout_fragment_detail_wide

  88. In the lollipop items in style.xml , you can a item="colorPrimary. and item - colorPrimaryDark for the action bar and staus bar color , also you can further customize action bar by making the actionBarStyle property of the style tag of yor theme , refer to a custom action bar style tag whihc has a parent of @style/Widget.appCompat.light.actionBar.solid.Inverse and then in the action bar tag use things like item name - displayOptions - useLogo|showHome and then also , use item name - logo refer a to a drawable

  89. for making the action bar not cast a shadwo , use the getSupportActionBar().setElevation(0f)

  90. for values-v14 for the action bar - make the style parent refer to @android/Style/Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar and thne in the actionBarstyle refer to a another tag which refers . widget.Holo.Light.actionBar.solid.Inverse and the baground property in the item in the tag to be a color and height of the actionbar ,

  91. use ?android:attr:textApperanceLarge where a large text is needed= 22sp amd the textAppearanceSmall where the 14 sp size is needed

  92. Some other properties are textSize, textColor , layout-gravity and minWidth and font-family

  93. For accesibilty checlist - always add contentDescription iof uimages /iconsViews

94.An Async Task is linked to an activity , so when the ondestroy of the activity is called , a new thread of the asyntask is instantiated , so its not a best pattern for background data fetching , as the constatn new thread creation on OnDestroy beingf called for the activity eats up processing power and keeps it alive

  1. Service lifecycle - Myservice extends Service -m it will onveride onCreate, onDestroy and a special method onStartCommand - this takes the intent , the flags and the startId and does the task and then returns an int - SERVICE _START_NOT_STICKy , , it also will ovverrid Ibinder onBind (intent)- the onStartCommand signals the android runtime that the app containing the service should be given higher app priority

  2. To tell that service should be running in the foreground , doa startForeground(notification) in the onstartCommand method

  3. Service runs on the main thread , so avoid long operations on that , rather use Background threads to do that ,for taht purpose m, we have the IntentService classs , which has the method onHandleIntent(Intent)

  4. Also the service components need to added in the manifest , do start the service form a method , do this intent = new Intent (service class) , then do a getActivty().startService(intent)

  5. Alarms are used to wake up the application after a certain period of time and then do some processing

  6. So essentially the component we wake in the app by alarms is a braodcast reiever ,

  7. Alarms take advantage of a new Intent called pending Intent , the pending intent gives permision to send data with the same ppplication id as the one sending the intent , and it does this in a asnychornous way m the pending intent talks to the broadcast reciever with the help of alarm manager

  8. So for this , make a custom AlarmReciever which extends Broadcast reciever which has the oneRecieve method overridenen where it recieves the content and intent which raised this alarm , and then we take the intent and then maybe raise another intent which actually starts the service

  9. Now to actually set the alamr, do a an intent - new intent (Broadcast reiever class ) and then as per need putExtra in the intent and then make a pending intent by pending intent= Pendingintent.getBraodcast(context,reciever code, alarmIntent, flag to specify if alarm goes on shot or many times eg PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT), then make the alarmmananger which is does by getActivty().getSystemSErvice(Contenxt.ALARm_SERVICE) , now doa set method , alarm.set(Alarmmaner.RTC_WAKEUP - this tells when to wake up the alarm ie the type of alarm it is ie when the screen turns on ,time to set off the alarm - system.currentTimeInmillis+5000milliseconds , pendingn intent operation to perform )

  10. The best approach for data transfer is to weigh the difference between payload vs download times in chunks

  11. to make efficient data transfers , minimze state transitions , prefecct 2- 5 mins of data , batch non - time critical transfers , bundle time sensitive /time insensitive transfers

  12. Sync Manger framework allows for best practices in the data transfers domain.

  13. SyncAdapters manage all data transfers and also the syncManger batches and timeshifts data transfres ,queues the data transfrs , they also tie up with the accountmanager to help sync the data

  14. for implementing a sync adapter we need all this - authenticator calss , authenticator service class,synadapter class , syncservice class

  15. The authenticator class extends the AbstractAccountAuthenticator - it will override the editproperties , add account , constructor methods

  16. Authenticator service extends the service class and it needs to override the onCreate , and onBind methods , the on Bind (intent) method is used for usstem to bind this service to the activity or resource making the RPC ,

  17. The syncAdapter extends the AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter and the methods to ovverride is onPerformSunc which tells what happends on sync - ie the data fetching , and even if you dont have an account for the sync service , yuou need to create a duymmy account as well ,

  18. The syncadapter class can have one method to immediately sync data - which will create a bundle , put tje arguments for Bundle.putBoolean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_EXPITED, true) and bundle.putBollean(ContentResolver.SYNC_EXTRAS_MANUAL,true), then contentResolver.requestSync(context,authroity,bundle) this will make the syncimmediately happen - this can be called from the main activity on launch

  19. You can also have one method in the syncAdapter class to get the syncAccount , where you get the AccountManager = (AccountManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACCOUNT_SERVICE) , and then make a new Account by Account account - new Account(account name ,account type) , to check if an account has already been created do a check (null==accountManager.getpassword(account)) - if this true then this is a new account , the to actually add the account accountManager.addAccountExplicity(account,passwordm,userData)

  20. SyncService which extends Service class provides framework access to the adapter , this will a private static final Object syncAdapterLock = new Object() , also a member variable of the SyncAdapter , now in the overriden OnCreate method do a thread safe operation ie in a synchronized(object) block ie if the syncadapter has not been initialized ie the syncadapter == null , then make a new SyncAdapter ) , in the overriden IBinder onBind (intent) , retunr the syncadaptetr.getSyncAdapterBinder()

  21. for the sink to happen , you need to have these xmls in the xml foolder in the res - authenticator.xml , syncadapter.xml

  22. The authenticator xml provides meta data to the syncadapter -<account-authenticator accountType =name of package, icon, label, smallIcon)

  23. The syncadapter xml defines the settings assoicaated with the syncadapter , <sync-adapter contentauthority,accounttyep,SupportsUploading,userVisible,allowParallelSyncs,isAlwaysSyncable=true)

  24. To perform syncs especially to use the SyncRequest Builder -you need the sync permisions , <uses-permision name = android.persmisison.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS , and <uses-ermisson name- WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS and also AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS,

  25. For making the content provider attach to the sycn adaptes , the provider needs to have android:exported= false, and android:syncable=true

  26. The authenticator service and sync servuce needs to added the manifest and the authenticate service will have an intent filter to listen to android.AccountAuthentticatorin the action tag of intent filter , and service will also have the meta data tag with the items name = andoir.accountAuthenticator and the resource to be used is @xml/authenticator

  27. the sync serrvice will need the service tag with the name as sync.Service name where sync is our package in the directory and also the exported :true needs to be set for this service as this sync service is open to the sycn manager of android , also this iwll also have a meta-data tag with the name as android.content.Syncadapter and the resource as @xml/syncadapter and also an intent filter with the action of name = android.content.syncadapter

  28. To immediately sync use ContentResolver.requestSync(authroity, bundle of extras that should have the EXTRAS_SYNC_EXPEDIED and EXTRAS_SYNC_MANUAL set to True

  29. for scheduled synchroniszation , set some time interval constants a- syncInterval and flexiTime as one third of syncInterval , now create a method configurePeriodicSync that takes the context and the syncInerval and the flexiTime. In this method getSyncACcount(contenxt) and the authroity , and now one way of making periodic syncs is basied on build version codes , if the device is greater than kitkat then make a syncrequest with the ability of the flexi time - like this - SyncRequest requesst = new SyncRequest.Builder.setExtras(new Bundle()).syncPeriod(syncinterval,flexitime).setSyncadapter(account, autority, bundle).build(), then doa a contenResolver.requestSync(request) else for lower end phones make it sumply Contentresolver.PeriodicSync(account,authority,new Bundle(),syncinterval)

  30. When the first Time an account is created , lets say tat the its created first time in getSyncAccount() then onAccountCreated do a Yoursycnadapter.configurePeriodicSync(context,account,syninterval) // your own method which is careted - check 123 point , and the ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically(new Account,content authroity, true) and just once syncImmediately

  31. for making notifications , add a notification string format if you want in the string xml

  32. if the data you are showing on the notification is to be pulled from a adatabase then you have to aslo add a projection string array for the queries to run , so createa a string array of the projection with the entires being the coloums you want from the table , these will be stored generally in the contract enttry classes for each table . You would also want to stroe the respect column indices also

  33. you also need to provide a notfication id while creating the notification ot the notification manager

  34. So generally a helper method can be created to create the notification , it will basically check if the notifcation is already shown , this could be done by storeing the last sync time into the sharedprefernces and then later getting the lastnotification sync time from the shared prefs and then check the duration passed since then , if its more than a specified time , lets say a day , then yes show the notificaatoin again

  35. So to query the data base you would need the uri and then geta curosr from the contentresolver and use the query function with the projection added.

  36. To actually build the notification , use the NotificationCompat.Builder which will be initilize to new NotificationCompat.Builder(getContext()).setSmallIcon.setContentTitle.SetContentTE

  37. To to aritifically develop a backstack for an anction , lets say the notification being cliked to go to the main activity and then reutrnning back to the home screen , for this first the NotificationCompat.Buuilder mBuilder = make the notifcation builder from point 130, create the intent which opens the acitivty intent resultIntent = new Intent(cintext, MainAcitivyt.class), TaskStackBuilder stackbuilder = TaskBuilder.create(context) , stackbuilder.addNextIntent(resultIntent) , create a wrapping pending intent around this - Pendingintent pendingintent = stackbuilder.getPendingIntent(Int requestCode, pendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURREN - this flag updates the existing pending intent and writes over it ) , then mBuilder.setContentIntent(pendingintent) , then NotificationManager nm - getContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) and the use nm.notify(notificationid,,

  38. Notification Manager runs in its own thread , doesnt affect UI Thread

  39. Toggling notification , first add some strings in the xml that will store some preference terms - perf-notiication-enabled key, pref-notfication-enabled - label , pref-notification -enabled value on , and valye off - ie true and false , and the pref-notification-default value

  40. then add a checkbox prefenrce to pref-general.xml with the title , key, summaryOn summaryOFf , default value , now in the mnotify method , fetch the valye from defaultSharedPreferences , if the boolean parsed is true ie notification should be enabled then only show the notificatin ,

  41. How to load images = Resources resource = context.getResources(), Bitmap image= Bitmap.decodeResource(resource,id of the image )

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