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vue-compiler's Issues

Wrong output when script contains TS generics

For the example below with TS generics:

<script setup lang="ts">
import { shallowRef } from 'vue'
import { NCard } from 'naive-ui'

const root = shallowRef<InstanceType<typeof NCard>>()

It compiles:

const _Vue = Vue
const {
  createVNode: _createVNode, createElementVNode: _createElementVNode, createTextVNode: _createTextVNode, 
} = Vue
const _hoisted_0 = {
  setup: "",
  lang: "ts",

return function render(_ctx, _cache) {
  with (_ctx) {
    const {
      createVNode: _createVNode, createElementVNode: _createElementVNode, createTextVNode: _createTextVNode, resolveComponent: _resolveComponent, withCtx: _withCtx, 
    } = _Vue
    const _component_InstanceType60typeof = _resolveComponent(InstanceType [
          _: 1 /*Stable*/,

which looks wrong.

run cargo install will be an error

warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root:
package: /Users/wuls/Desktop/rust/vue-compiler/crates/wasm/Cargo.toml
workspace: /Users/wuls/Desktop/rust/vue-compiler/Cargo.toml
warning: profiles for the non root package will be ignored, specify profiles at the workspace root:
package: /Users/wuls/Desktop/rust/vue-compiler/napi/Cargo.toml
workspace: /Users/wuls/Desktop/rust/vue-compiler/Cargo.toml
error: found a virtual manifest at /Users/wuls/Desktop/rust/vue-compiler/Cargo.toml instead of a package manifest

I follow this doc,
it will be an error

can it remove the nightly features ?

hi there,
currently I am trying the file parsing part by directly importing the crate vue-compiler-core.
Is it possible to remove once_cell feature? or any advice for the replacement of once_cell?

sorry for my dumb asking, but I think it is not a good idea to build with the nightly feature

SWC or Rslint ?

TLDR: Rslitn is still better than swc.

The code changes are in swc branch and rslint branch.

swc contains a lot of dependencies regardless if they are relevant to core parsing. Such bloated dependencies place huge burden to compiling, slowing rust-analyzer to almost freezing.
swc's docs and examples re scarce. The only working example is
Looking to the code is also hard. The abstraction and module organization is, well, hazy at least to the uneducated. Peeking the definition is hard, if possible, given the massive usage of macros. Alas, the macro is also the perpetrator of the sluggish compilation. :/
Using swc is not a nice journey, actually. Looking at the example above, it immediately requires several crates other than the parse. common, ast, atom, visit and blahblah. And the core impl Visitor has 200+ macro generated methods to implement without one single line of documentation. The usability is poor... And the output is large, merely importing swc pushes the binary size to 33MB.

Rslint at least has more comments and documentation than swc. It's underlying crate, rowan, also has docs. So it might be a better choice. Rslint's dependencies are also more lightweight. Rslint's source code is also simple and clear, compared to swc.
Understanding Green/Red tree does require some learning. But it is fine.
The binary size is 10MB after importing Rslint, one third of swc.

Should RE used in the crate?

Hard to migrate but possible

  • compiler-core/src/transforms/vFor.ts|304 col 15| const forAliasRE = /([\s\S]*?)\s+(?:in|of)\s+([\s\S]*)/
  • compiler-core/src/transforms/vFor.ts|307 col 18| const forIteratorRE = /,([^,\}\]]*)(?:,([^,\}\]]*))?$/
  • compiler-core/src/transforms/vOn.ts|19 col 12| const fnExpRE = /^\s*([\w$_]+|\([^)]*?\))\s*=>|^\s*function(?:\s+[\w$]+)?\s*\(/
  • compiler-core/src/utils.ts|79 col 17| const whitespaceRE = /\s+[.[]\s*|\s*[.[]\s+/g
  • shared/src/normalizeProp.ts|30 col 20| const listDelimiterRE = /;(?![^(]*\))/g // ; followed by no single )

Easy to migrate

compiler-core/src/parse.ts|60 col 13| const decodeRE = /&(gt|lt|amp|apos|quot);/g
compiler-core/src/transforms/vFor.ts|308 col 18| const stripParensRE = /^\(|\)$/g
compiler-core/src/utils.ts|66 col 20| const nonIdentifierRE = /^\d|[^\$\w]/
compiler-core/src/utils.ts|77 col 26| const validFirstIdentCharRE = /[A-Za-z_$\xA0-\uFFFF]/
compiler-core/src/utils.ts|78 col 21| const validIdentCharRE = /[\.\?\w$\xA0-\uFFFF]/
shared/src/normalizeProp.ts|31 col 24| const propertyDelimiterRE = /:(.+)/
shared/src/escapeHtml.ts|1 col 13| const escapeRE = /["'&<>]/
compiler-dom/src/transforms/stringifyStatic.ts|142 col 15| const dataAriaRE = /^(data|aria)-/

use RE in SFC crates

compiler-sfc/src/parse.ts|333 col 12| const splitRE = /\r?\n/g
compiler-sfc/src/parse.ts|334 col 12| const emptyRE = /^(?:\/\/)?\s*$/
compiler-sfc/src/parse.ts|335 col 14| const replaceRE = /./g
compiler-sfc/src/rewriteDefault.ts|4 col 20| const defaultExportRE = /((?:^|\n|;)\s*)export(\s*)default/
compiler-sfc/src/rewriteDefault.ts|5 col 25| const namedDefaultExportRE = /((?:^|\n|;)\s*)export(.+)as(\s*)default/s
compiler-sfc/src/rewriteDefault.ts|6 col 25| const exportDefaultClassRE =
compiler-sfc/src/stylePluginScoped.ts|5 col 20| const animationNameRE = /^(-\w+-)?animation-name$/
compiler-sfc/src/stylePluginScoped.ts|6 col 16| const animationRE = /^(-\w+-)?animation$/
compiler-sfc/src/cssVars.ts|15 col 20| export const cssVarRE = /\bv-bind\(\s*(?:'([^']+)'|"([^"]+)"|([^'"][^)]*))\s*\)/g
ref-transform/src/refTransform.ts|28 col 21| const transformCheckRE = /[^\w]\$(?:\$|ref|computed|shallowRef)?\s*(\(|\<)/

vue-compiler-core problems

Why does the output ast structure have no child nodes when I parse the sfc with vue-compiler-core

use vue_compiler_core::{
    parser::{ParseOption, Parser},
    scanner::{ScanOption, Scanner, TextMode, TokenSource},

pub use vue_compiler_core::parser::AstRoot;
pub struct NoopErrorHandler;
impl ErrorHandler for NoopErrorHandler {}

fn scan_with_opt(s: &str, opt: ScanOption) -> impl TokenSource {
    let scanner = Scanner::new(opt);
    let ctx = NoopErrorHandler;
    scanner.scan(s, ctx)

pub fn base_scan(s: &str) -> impl TokenSource {
    scan_with_opt(s, ScanOption::default())

pub fn base_parse(s: &str) -> AstRoot {
    let tokens = base_scan(s);
    let parser = Parser::new(ParseOption {
    let eh = NoopErrorHandler;
    parser.parse(tokens, eh)

will parse code

<script setup>
  title: 'Nuxt Turbo App',
  link: [
      rel: 'icon', type: 'image/png', href: '/images/nuxt.png',


html, body , #__nuxt{
  height: 100vh;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

html.dark {
  background: #222;
  color: white;

parse result ast


Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm npm-run-all Available


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.

  • fix(deps): update rust crate anyhow to v1.0.86
  • fix(deps): update rust crate mimalloc to v0.1.42
  • fix(deps): update rust crate phf to v0.11.2
  • fix(deps): update rust crate serde to v1.0.203
  • fix(deps): update rust crate serde_yaml to v0.9.34
  • fix(deps): update rust crate wasm-bindgen to v0.2.92
  • chore(deps): update dependency @babel/types to v7.24.7
  • chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20.14.5
  • chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.57.0
  • chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-sonarjs to v0.25.1
  • chore(deps): update dependency typescript to v5.4.5
  • chore(deps): update dependency vite to v5.3.1
  • chore(deps): update rust crate insta to v1.39.0
  • chore(deps): update rust crate napi-build to v2.1.3
  • fix(deps): update dependency glob to v10.4.2
  • fix(deps): update rust crate bitflags to v2.5.0
  • fix(deps): update rust crate clap to v4.5.7
  • fix(deps): update rust crate napi to v2.16.6
  • fix(deps): update rust crate napi-derive to v2.16.5
  • fix(deps): update rust crate smallvec to v1.13.2
  • fix(deps): update rust crate tree-sitter-typescript to 0.21.0
  • chore(deps): update codecov/codecov-action action to v4
  • chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v9
  • chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-sonarjs to v1
  • chore(deps): update dependency vue-tsc to v2
  • chore(deps): update peaceiris/actions-gh-pages action to v4
  • chore(deps): update pnpm/action-setup action to v4
  • chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v7 (major) (@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin, @typescript-eslint/parser)
  • fix(deps): update rust crate rustc-hash to v2
  • 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

  • criterion 0.5
  • glob 0.3.1
  • anyhow 1.0.79
  • clap 4.4.18
  • path-clean 1.0.1
  • codespan-reporting 0.11.1
  • serde_yaml 0.9.30
  • smallvec 1.12.0
  • bitflags 2.4.2
  • rustc-hash 1.1.0
  • serde 1.0
  • rslint_parser 0.3.1
  • phf 0.11
  • lazy_static 1.4.0
  • insta 1.34.0
  • phf 0.11
  • smallvec 1.12.0
  • rustc-hash 1.1.0
  • ast-grep-core 0.5.3
  • tree-sitter-typescript 0.20.3
  • lazy_static 1.4.0
  • wasm-bindgen 0.2.90
  • wee_alloc 0.4.5
  • napi 2.14.2
  • napi-derive 2.14.6
  • napi-build 2
  • mimalloc 0.1
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions/setup-node v4
  • actions/cache v3
  • pnpm/action-setup v2.4.0
  • benchmark-action/github-action-benchmark v1
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • actions/cache v3
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • actions/cache v3
  • actions/checkout v4
  • codecov/codecov-action v3
  • actions/checkout v4
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • jetli/wasm-pack-action v0.4.0
  • actions/cache v3
  • actions/setup-node v4
  • pnpm/action-setup v2.4.0
  • peaceiris/actions-gh-pages v3
  • @types/benchmark ^2.1.1
  • @types/glob ^8.0.0
  • @vue/compiler-core ^3.2.19
  • benchmark ^2.1.4
  • glob ^10.0.0
  • microtime ^3.0.0
  • ts-node 10.9.2
  • typescript 5.3.3
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • node >= 10
  • @node-rs/helper ^1.2.1
  • @napi-rs/cli 2.17.0
  • @types/node 20.11.8
  • ts-node 10.9.2
  • @vue/compiler-core 3.4.13
  • @vue/compiler-sfc 3.4.13
  • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 6.18.1
  • @typescript-eslint/parser 6.18.1
  • ava 6.0.1
  • benny 3.7.1
  • chalk 5.3.0
  • eslint 8.56.0
  • eslint-config-prettier 9.1.0
  • eslint-plugin-import 2.29.1
  • eslint-plugin-prettier 5.1.3
  • eslint-plugin-sonarjs 0.23.0
  • npm-run-all 4.1.5
  • prettier 3.2.4
  • typescript 5.3.3
  • node >= 10
  • vue 3.4.13
  • @babel/types 7.23.9
  • @vitejs/plugin-vue 5.0.3
  • typescript 5.3.3
  • vite 5.0.12
  • vue-tsc 1.8.27

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

Rayon parallelization?

The experimentation shows that rayon has at least 100us overhead for thread pool initialization.
However, most template can be compiled within 100us. The parallelization, at least in practice, does not pay off.

The example is the most complicated SFC in element-plus, el-table.vue. The compilation takes about 100us without thread pool.

But after the thread pool is introduced the compilation time comes to 200us+.

run playground/"npm run build" throw an error


I follow the playground/, use 'wasm-pack build' to build wasm,and then run "npm run build" in playground directory.

it throw an error


Then I use "wasm-build build --target web" to build wasm, run "npm run build" again find it's ok


Parse range error

vue SFC file

<template v-if>
  <div v-for="item in result">test {{item}}</div>
Root 0..78
  Element 0..77
    tag_name `template`
    directive 10..14
      name `if`
    Element 18..65
      tag_name `div`
      directive 23..45
        name `for`
        value 29..45 `item in result`
      Text 51..59 `test `
      Interpolation 51..59 `item`

here text test byte offset is 51..59, which is wrong,
the correct offset should be 46..51

_resolveComponent should include quotes


in playground :

const _component_my_component = _resolveComponent(my-component)

should be :

const _component_my_component = _resolveComponent("my-component")

Separate parser as a dedicated crate

Currently Vue SFC parser is included in the "vue-compiler-core" crate. Would you like you separate and publish the parser as a crate? I hope it can only parser <template> section, while other sections like <script> and <style> are kept as source text, leaving them to user to decide how to process them.

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