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Hedgehog will eat all your bugs.

Hedgehog is a modern property-based testing system, in the spirit of QuickCheck (and ScalaCheck). Hedgehog uses integrated shrinking, so shrinks obey the invariants of generated values by construction.

scala-hedgehog's People


charleso avatar dependabot[bot] avatar dwestheide avatar dwijnand avatar gliptak avatar hugo-vrijswijk avatar huwcampbell avatar jackcviers avatar kevin-lee avatar marcinaman avatar mpilquist avatar philippus avatar rossabaker avatar steinybot avatar tonymorris avatar


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scala-hedgehog's Issues

someOf/pick utilities

I developed these in order to port some ScalaCheck code. I think they would be handy to have:

  def someOf[A](xs: List[A]): Gen[List[A]] = for {
    n <-, xs.length))
    xs <- pick(n, xs)
  } yield xs

  def pick[A](n: Int, xs: List[A]): Gen[List[A]] = n match {
    case 0 => Gen.constant(Nil)
    case _ => for {
      a <- Gen.elementUnsafe(xs)
      (lhs, rhs) = xs.span(_ != a)
      ys <- pick(n - 1, lhs ::: rhs.drop(1))
    } yield a :: ys

Update documentation

  • Might be good to work belongs here vs in a more general place.
  • A visible example would be nice.
  • Some guidelines around scala coding
  • How this is a copy of the haskell one, and where/why the difference are

Support properties that return Future[Result]

This would include a Property.check(...): Future[Report] function. Scalacheck doesn't support this but ScalaTest 3.2's built-in property testing support does. It's really useful when writing effectful tests that run on Scala.js, where you can't await futures inside the properties.

Support Scala 3.0.0-M2

Support Scala 3.0.0-M2

It looks like this problem is solved in Scala 3.0.0-M2. Because of this, there was no doc file generated for 0.6.0 and 0.6.0 could not be published to the Maven Central since Maven Central doesn't accept any artifacts without the doc file.

So now Hedgehog supporting Dotty (Scala 3) can be published. It will be done once the new minitest supporting Scala 3.0.0-M2 is released (monix/minitest#72).

Shinking results not lazy

Unfortunately when #63 was applied to "fix" the memory issues, I stupidly made all the result of evaluations strict, including all the shrink results at a given level. So once shrinking begun, for every shrink attempt all of the sibling shrink tests (potentially 10s to 100s) were run as well. For quick tests you wouldn't necessarily even notice, but for anything involving IO or that was slow this would result in shrinking that would never complete, making it pretty useless.

A test that captures this behaviour:

Compilation fails in Java 9 (JDK 9) or higher



Compilation fails in Java 9 or higher version due to deprecation of Class.newInstance().

How to Reproduce

Just change to JDK 9 or higher and sbt compile then it shows the following error messages.

[error] /location/to/scala-hedgehog/sbt-test/src/main/scala/hedgehog/sbt/Framework.scala:69:11: method newInstance in class Class is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information.
[error]         c.newInstance
[error]           ^
[error] one error found
[error] (sbt-test / Compile / compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 11 s, completed 8 Oct. 2018, 10:07:31 pm

I used Java 11 (OpenJDK 11) but the Class.newInstance has been deprecated since Java 9 so it should result in the same issue using Java 9.


Use Class.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance() instead.

I've fixed and tested it already. The solution works. I'll create a PR soon. The fix works in both Java 8 and 11 so it should work in 9 and 10 as well although both 9 and 10 have been expired.

Support analysis of failed tests via deterministic seed

It would be great if we could see the seed that has been used during a test run, and if we could set the seed to a specific value read from an environment variable. This makes it a lot easier to analyse and reproduce failed tests.

Usage question: Gen[Double] => Double

I'm currently trying to figure out if it's possible to pull a value from Gen? I looked at the tutorials, but it seems like it's not possible to get something else than Gen/Property - I think the value can only be accessed within a test?

I am benchmarking property-based test libraries, and one of the cases I want to cover is to see how fast scala-hedgehog can generate e.g. a Double.

Thanks for the effort put into this project by the way! :)

Apology from maintainer

I'm afraid to say that due to a few life developments I am unable to do any real maintenance or support for Scala Hedgehog for the foreseeable future. :(

While the details probably aren't all that interesting, I might just mention them briefly here. Firstly, and most importantly, my wife and I have just recently had our first child, and I'm committed to spending as much quality time with him as I can. Secondly, we have moved to Brisbane and I have started a new job, which is also a little more demanding than my previous one. I'm also restricting my work hours so that I can get home to be my son, so I don't feel comfortable squeezing in any time on Hedgehog at work.

My apologies to those who depends/relies on this library and who are inconvenienced by this change (I don't believe there are many, but it's hard to be sure). I will certainly be around to answer questions, but that's about all I have time for I'm afraid.

Make `interleave` logarithmtic rather than linear

The Scala version might have the same problem:


Integrate Hedgehog into Scalatest


I have used Scalacheck a lot in the past, and have gravitated over to the Scalatest flavour of it, using GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks and native Scalatest assertions as opposed to Scalacheck properties.

This is all very nice, but I have the usual gripes about writing complex generators and finding that shrinkage doesn't preserve the test data invariants, so I end up disabling shrinkage and having to debug test failures with some quite complex failing test cases, or having to hand-roll shrinkers that I hope maintain the same invariants as the original generators.


Having heard of Hedgehog and ZIO Test, I've given both a spin, seen that they do indeed offer shrinkage that maintains test case invariants, and have plumped for Hedgehog after writing a nasty inefficient test case generator to stress both frameworks.


What I'd like is to have Hedgehog integrated into Scalatest for the one-stop shopping experience that I'm used to with Scalacheck & Scalatest. It doesn't have to be a verbatim translation of the original tests, but should only require a straightforward translation - maybe a few method name changes, extra arguments, but no big rearrangement of existing test code.


I've produced the following PR to show how a simple integration could work and to give a feel for the 'before and after' look of the tests (slightly complicated by one of the tests being in legacy Scalacheck style rather than in Scalatest style, but there is another that is a direct translation).

See here: sageserpent-open/americium#1. Sorry about the cheesy title, I was in a skittish mood.

If there is interest, I'd be happy to help moving this PR over into this project, or breaking it out on its own.

I'm going to continue working on the spike anyway for now as I wish to use it anyway on some other projects, so I shall be filling out some syntax helpers to provide generators matching the usual Scalacheck generators / arbitraries - think of 'nonEmptyList', arbInt etc.

Please comment in this issue / ping via GitHub if there is interest.

Support Scala 3.0.0

Support Scala 3.0.0

Please don't close this issue until Scala 3.0.0 is released and the version of Hedgehog supporting it is released.

Gen.double with min and max value may generate infinity

Gen.double with Double.MinValue and Double.MaxValue may generate infinity. So far, I've seen only Double.PositiveInfinity. I guess division by zero happens somewhere.

To reproduce it, you can simply run the following test.

object PropertyTest extends Properties {

    def tests: List[Test] =
      List(property("testGenDouble", testGenDouble))

    def testGenDouble: Property = for {
      n <- Gen.double(Range.linearFrac(Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue)).log("n")
    } yield Result.assert(!n.isInfinite)

The result might be like

testGenDouble: Falsified after 50 passed tests
> n: Infinity
Gen.double(Range.linearFracFrom(0D, Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue))

has the same issue.

Bounds of linear range of long do not scale with size correctly

There a loss of precision when calculating the bounds of large ranges of long. In some cases this can actually result in an overflow and a range which actually shrinks as it grows.

For example:

> val positiveLongs = Range.linear(1, Long.MaxValue)
> positiveLongs.bounds(Size(100)) 
(1, 1)

Which should instead be:

(1, 9223372036854775807)

Only exceptions are caught when running Properties test via `Test.apply`

In my local sbt checkout, I have been seeing failures of sbt.ParseKey that don't really provide any user feedback. The framework just reports that there was an error. I assume this is because the Test object catches Exception in its apply method:

I'm wondering if it perhaps it should catch scala.util.control.NonFatal instead.

Investigate better syntax

Currently you need to specify the M for most of the Gen combinators (see the test. It actually works currently without the M, and defaults to Id. The problem then becomes that the performance seems to suffer, and my very rough guess is something to do with trampolining. It might be good to confirm this though.

One suggestion is to have a hard-coded IO module (or whatever has the desired behaviour), but this will mean duplicating the API which is annoying.

Ranges spanning more than 100 do not start at the origin

I don't know if this is a bug but it sure had me baffled for quite a while...

I was wondering why my generators never seemed to be generating their minimum values and it turns out that Range's where x - y >= 100 && (origin == x || origin == y) will never generate values at the origin.

The reason is that the size from hedgehog.core.PropertyTReporting#report will start at 1 (with the default configuration). I had always thought that the size started at 0 since that is the only value which ensures that hedgehog.Range#scaleLinear will return z unscaled.

Here is an example:

hedgehog.Range.scaleLinear(hedgehog.Size(0), 0, 100) == 0
hedgehog.Range.scaleLinear(hedgehog.Size(1), 0, 100) == 1
hedgehog.Range.scaleLinear(hedgehog.Size(100), 0, 100) == 100

I think this should be a bug. If the size only goes from 1 - 100 then the range only goes from 1 - 100 rather than 0 - 100.

Support Dotty (Scala 3.0.0-M1)

Since Scala 3.0.0-M1 (Dotty) has been released, I think it's time to support Dotty.
I'm currently working on it but having an issue with macro used in Minitest.
Fortunately, there is an open PR to support Dotty on the Minitest repo so I'll finish it once that PR is merged and released.

Gen.integral methods with a large range generate (too small min or too big max) too many duplicate numbers

Issue Summary

The Gen methods using Gen.integral with a large range (more precisely too small min or too big max) generate too many duplicate numbers (99 same / only 1 different).

Most Gen.integral methods namely short, int, long and double have this issue, yet Gen.char seems fine.
I think it might have something to do with bit overflow.

  • OS version: macOS 10.14.1
  • JDK version: Oracle JDK 1.8.0_181
  • Scala version: 2.12.6
  • SBT version: 1.2.6
  • Hedgehog version: 3db897f

How to Reproduce

Just run the following test

import hedgehog._
import hedgehog.Property._
import hedgehog.runner._

object MySpec extends Properties {
  def tests: List[Test] = List(
      property("testInt", testInt)

  def testInt: Property = for {
    x <-, Int.MaxValue)).log("x")
  } yield {



As you can see, there are ninety-nine -2147483648 and one -367669218.

Tests with all the other integral methods having the issues

import hedgehog._
import hedgehog.Property._
import hedgehog.runner._

object MySpec extends Properties {
  def tests: List[Test] = List(
      property("testShort", testShort)
    , property("testInt", testInt)
    , property("testLong", testLong)
    , property("testDouble", testDouble)

  def testShort: Property = for {
    x <- Gen.short(Range.linear(Short.MinValue, Short.MaxValue)).log("x")
  } yield {

  def testInt: Property = for {
    x <-, Int.MaxValue)).log("x")
  } yield {

  def testLong: Property = for {
    x <- Gen.long(Range.linear(Long.MinValue, Long.MaxValue)).log("x")
  } yield {

  def testDouble: Property = for {
    x <- Gen.double(Range.linearFrac(Double.MinValue, Double.MaxValue)).log("x")
  } yield {



// ninety-nine -32768s


// ninety-nine -2147483648


// ninety-nine -9223372036854775808


// ninety-nine Infinity

Semantic versioning releases

I only want to do this if it's automated though. The easiest way would be to do another build/publish when a Git tag is added. That said, it would be great if we could add a PR process for adding a versioning so we can run mima.

Make logs available for Success

I'm not sure exactly how this would work but it would be nice if the logs were available for a Success result and not just for a Failure.

The first case where I wanted them was when trying to integrate with ScalaMock. ScalaMock has a pretty awkward trait that has to be used to verify expectations. The only way to use this is to run the Hedgehog test to get the Report and then ScalaMock verifies the expectations. If an expectation fails we fail the test but there is no way to show what the generated values were as the report does not contain them.

The second time I wanted them was when trying to write a helper method that would negate an arbitrary Result. While that on its own is possible it won't be very good because the values are unknown. Even if they were it would be hard to write a very good log message but it would be possible to do something at least.

Flip Gen Option to outside Tree

Currently the haskell version has:

newtype Gen m a =
  Gen (Size -> Seed -> Tree (MaybeT m) a)

From a conversation with the author of the haskell implementation:

having 'MaybeT (Tree a)' means that you still get a list of children, even though the Nothing is supposed to mean "cut the tree off from this point"
which means you can't accidentally keep trying to shrink, you have no option but to discard

One option is to bake the Option into the tree.

case class Tree[M[_], A](run: M[Option[Node[M, A]]])

This will then require the use of runDiscardEffect :: Monad m => Tree (MaybeT m) a -> Tree m (Maybe a) in

State based test failure debugging

Currently when a state based test fails (without shrinking), it will show all the commands that were going to run. It would be good if this list was trimmed to the point at which it failed so its clear what command to look at.

Publish to Maven Central

Any objections to publishing to Maven Central and following semver? Git hash versioning and bintray make it more difficult to publish integration projects -- e.g., an munit + hedgehog bridge project.

Environment reset when command execution failed.

On a state based properties, when a command execution fail, the environment value is reset but the global state is kept. It leads to unexpected Environment error.

Here an example to reproduce :

import hedgehog.state.CommandIO
import hedgehog.state.Command
import hedgehog.core.GenT
import hedgehog.state.Environment
import hedgehog.state.Var
import hedgehog.core.Result
import hedgehog.state.Environment
import hedgehog.Gen
import hedgehog._
import hedgehog.runner._
import hedgehog.state._

object BugSpec extends Properties {
 case class Token()
 case class State(token: Option[Var[Token]])

 def tests: List[Test] = {
     property("sequential", testSequential)

 def testSequential: Property = {
     Range.linear(1, 100),
     () => ()

 def commands: List[CommandIO[State]] =

 val commandCreateToken: CommandIO[State] = {
   new Command[State, Unit, Token] {
     def gen(s: State): Option[GenT[Unit]] =
       s.token match {
         case Some(_) => None
         case None    => Some(Gen.constant(()))

     def execute(env: Environment, s: Unit): Either[String, Token] = {
       println(s"create token with env $env")

     def update(s: State, i: Unit, o: Var[Token]): State = {
       State(token = Some(o))

     def ensure(
         env: Environment,
         before: State,
         after: State,
         i: Unit,
         o: Token
     ): Result = {


 val commandUseToken: CommandIO[State] = {
   new Command[State, Var[Token], Unit] {
     def gen(s: State): Option[GenT[Var[Token]]] =
       for {
         token <- s.token
       } yield Gen.constant(token)

     def execute(
         env: Environment,
         token: Var[Token]
     ): Either[String, Unit] = {
       println(s"use token with env $env")
       Left("OH NO")

     def update(state: State, i: Var[Token], o: Var[Unit]): State = state

     def ensure(
         env: Environment,
         before: State,
         after: State,
         i: Input,
         o: Unit
     ): Result = Result.success

Execution trace :

create token with env Environment(Map())
create token with env Environment(Map())
create token with env Environment(Map())
use token with env Environment(Map(Name(0) -> Token()))
use token with env Environment(Map())
[info] Using random seed: 33902690650767
[info] - BugSpec.sequential: Falsified after 2 passed tests
[info] > Var(Name(1)) = Var(Name(0))
[info] > Environment value not found for Var(0)

Gen.integral(Range.linear) with bigger than Int.MaxValue may generate value out of range

Issue Summary

Gen.integral(Range.linear) with Long range values which are greater than Int.MaxValue can generate Long values out of the range.

OS version: macOS High Sierra 10.13.6
JDK version: Oracle JDK 1.8.0_181
Scala version: 2.12.6
SBT version: 1.2.3
Hedgehog version:

  • d53add6001242fe005db51bdb3b1045cb358a54e
  • 9fa11be968b5bce80cfdc7e46ef2c98ac06f81d2

How to Reproduce

e.g.) running the following test

import hedgehog._
import hedgehog.Property._
import hedgehog.runner._

object MySpec extends Properties {
  def tests: List[Prop] = List(
    Prop("test", test)
  def test: Property[Unit] = for {
    // FYI, without using automatic number promotion, e.g. (Int.MaxValue).toLong + 1L, doesn't make any difference.
    x <- Gen.integral(Range.linear(Int.MaxValue + 1L, Long.MaxValue)).forAll
    _ = println(s"x: $x / ${x.getClass}")
    _ <- assert(true)
  } yield ()

may generate Long values like

x: -2147483648 / long
x: 939963596 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1558271342 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -609689728 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -453439177 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -156076065 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1439518195 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 657353906 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -1808564068 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1922335041 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -939539731 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -277748096 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1594427233 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1887521431 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 591692191 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 346225587 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -283745960 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -919999642 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1531066437 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -417881513 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1953755084 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1680720586 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -167979916 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -1194480696 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -1049515392 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 796188397 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1711529311 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -1407235644 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -182512082 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -1405392926 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -280871432 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 521919314 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -1200708761 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 670834926 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -1327842761 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 283618817 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 703023701 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 105118359 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1675730596 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -1862619281 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -715241250 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 683112162 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -1686113508 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 114941926 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -674340250 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -512874169 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1725665914 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 1002672834 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -769926961 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: -321988811 / long
x: -2147483648 / long
x: 2026678231 / long

Any Long value less than Int.MaxValue shouldn't be there, yet as you can see, there are even negative Long values there.

Or test like this

  def test: Property[Unit] = for {
    x <- Gen.integral(Range.linear(Long.MaxValue >> 1, Long.MaxValue)).forAll
    _ = println(s"x: $x / ${x.getClass}")
    _ <- assert(true)
  } yield ()

can generate values like

x: -1 / long
x: -1591335140 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 571504971 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 1242519450 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 1723595504 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 1842561537 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 324575280 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1070011865 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 1669180956 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -2062390908 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 175779212 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 1774467528 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 2014097179 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 147899542 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1403977827 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -767724508 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 1464276871 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 1577008302 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1287778900 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -2112858956 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 761675178 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -371500038 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 1628998371 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -570559703 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1371590216 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long
x: 1876489010 / long
x: -1 / long
x: -1 / long

Integration with minitest

I'd like to see an integration between minitest and Hedgehog. They already have an integration module for ScalaCheck. I am not sure whether a Hedgehog integration should best be a module of minitest or of scala-hedgehog. Given that scala-hedgehog doesn't have proper releases yet, I think that having it in the scala-hedgehog project would work better.

I already implemented the integration. Given minitest's nature, the integration is minimal and requires only a single file with 30-40 lines of code. If there is interest in having this integration in a scala-hedgehog sbt sub project, I will open a PR.

Shrunk fraction values can be outside of range

The following can generate 0.0 when shrunk

for {
  d <- Gen.double(Range.linearFrac(Double.MinPositiveValue, 1)).forAll
  _ = println(d == 0.0)
} yield Result.failure

def towardsFloat[A](destination: Double, x: Double): List[Double] =

x - diff can outside of the range, which is missed by y != x. We shouldn't just change that predicate though as the rest of the values after that can be fine.

This should be easy enough to fix though.

Test report does not have any message from test failure


The test report XML file (JUnit test report format) generated by Hedgehog does not have any message from test failure when there's any test failure.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<testsuite hostname="my.local" name="io.kevinlee.property_based_testing.MyAppSpecWithHedgehog" tests="1" errors="0" failures="1" skipped="0" time="0.033" timestamp="2019-07-13T16:01:42">
    <!-- omitted -->
  <testcase classname="io.kevinlee.property_based_testing.MyAppSpecWithHedgehog" name="add(a, b) should return a + b" time="0.033">
    <failure message="No Exception or message provided"/>

As it shows, <failure message="No Exception or message provided"/> has no message from the test failure.


As @charleso pointed out already in a conversation with me, it might be caused by this line of code always passing None for Option[Throwable] argument which might be used for the failure message.

Switch to SplitMix

The Haskell and F# version both use SplitMix, which is a clever way of doing PRNG.

Currently we have to use a more State-based PRNG.

The current choice was pure laziness in picking the first functional PRNG I could find on the JVM.

  • EDIT: Looking back now this seems stupid because looking at the SplitMix paper it appears that their original implementation was done in Scala
  • EDIT2: Even more stupid that it's part of the JVM although unfortunately isn't immutable and the stupid constructor is private so we can't make/treat it as immutable we'll have to re-implement it :(

I'm not convinced that we need switch, but it would certainly make the code simpler not having to deal with the extra Seed return value and re-implementing State. That said, my vague understanding is that using SplitMix gives rise to an implementation of Monad[GenT] that break the monad laws, but may well be true of the current version as well (if someone knows please comment).

If we do switch we should be very careful to avoid weak gamma values.


Size is not capped to min and max

There is nothing preventing Size from having a value over the max of 100 and therefore percentage returning a value higher than 1.

Similarly the size can be negative which I don't think is valid (or is it?).

One confusing implication for this is when it comes to Range's which scale with the size. I would expected Range.linear(1, 1000) to never produce bounds outside of these limits but it can if given a bad size. This leads to a generator producing unexpected values and the whole thing becomes a bit of a nightmare to try and track down. Of course the original bug is probably a bad resize or something but finding where that is is really tough since the error occurs when the generator is run not when it is constructed.

Is it intended for the Size to only ever be between 0 and 100? If so should we cap it?

Port of QuickCheck's labelledExamples?

It doesn't look like haskell-hedgehog even has this! I would love to debug my generators and labelling with it.

I'm actually so keen that I might give a shot at implementing it, but I wouldn't how to do it and I can't even steal from haskell-hedgehog here... Any advice/tips/mentoring?

OutOfMemoryError with multiple list/string generators

def testMemory: Property =
  Gen.string(Range.linear(100, 100))
    .list(Range.linear(100, 100))
    .map(_ => Result.success)

With -Xmx1g crashes with OOME. Identity and Tree are dominating. Hacking around with list to be more strict improves things, but at the cost of shrinking correctness.

screen shot 2019-02-14 at 3 54 37 pm

Yeah this is pretty embarrassing. :(

SBT script included in the repo doesn't work

Might be holding this tool wrong but when I run ./sbt build I get an error:

Downloading sbt launcher for 1.1.6:
    To  /Users/tim.mcgilchrist/.sbt/launchers/1.1.6/sbt-launch.jar
[info] Loading settings from plugins.sbt ...
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/tim.mcgilchrist/code/scala/scala-hedgehog/project
[info] Loading settings from build.sbt ...
[info] Loading settings from build.sbt ...
[info] Set current project to hedgehog (in build file:/Users/tim.mcgilchrist/code/scala/scala-hedgehog/)
[error] Not a valid command: build
[error] Not a valid project ID: build
[error] Expected ':'
[error] Not a valid key: build (similar: loadedBuild)
[error] build
[error]      ^```

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