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hawkular-client-ruby's Introduction

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A Ruby Hawkular Client.



See CHANGELOG for a list of changes and API-Breaking-Changes for a list of api-breaking changes.


Ruby Hawkular Client provides a Ruby API to communicate with the following Hawkular subprojects:


You must initialize the Hawkular Client with the server url, your username, password and tenant.

require 'hawkular/hawkular_client'
client =
  entrypoint: 'http://localhost:8080',
  credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' },
  options: { tenant: 'hawkular' }

Each subproject API is packed in its own class, which you can access through the client object.

client.alerts # Alerts API
client.inventory # Inventory API
client.metrics # Metrics API
client.operations # Operations API

Metrics API is also subdivided to: Mixed, Availability, Counters, Gauges and Tenants.

client.metrics # Mixed API
client.metrics.avail # Availability
client.metrics.counters # Counters
client.metrics.gauges # Gauges
client.metrics.tenants # Tenants

The Mixed API is capable of handling multiple types of metrics, like the push_data method, which pushes data for multiple metrics of all supported data.

You can also access each subproject’s API individually, if you would like to use only the metrics API you could do

require 'hawkular/metrics/metrics_client'
metrics_client =
  entrypoint: 'http://localhost:8080/hawkular/metrics',
  credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' },
  options: { tenant: 'hawkular' }

HTTP and HTTPS options

Will all client classes, the :options hash can contain extra parameters passed through to RestClient gem. It can include a :headers sub-hash to add custom headers:

require 'hawkular/hawkular_client'
client =
  entrypoint: 'http://localhost:8080',
  credentials: { username: 'jdoe', password: 'password' },
  options: { tenant: 'hawkular', proxy: '', ssl_ca_file: 'ca.pem',
             headers: {'Max-Forwards': 5} }


Suppose you will monitor the availability of two networks to later determine which one is the best. Every certain time, you would get the availability of each network and push them to Hawkular Metrics.

# ... Initialize client ...
is_network01_available = true
is_network02_available = false
client.metrics.push_data(availabilities: [
  { id: 'network-01', data: [{ value: is_network01_available ?  'up' : 'down' }] },
  { id: 'network-02', data: [{ value: is_network02_available ?  'up' : 'down' }] }

At some other point you might want to access that data to analyze it

# ... Initialize client ...
# Fetches the 5 last availabilities reported in the last 8 hours.
network01_avail = client.metrics.avail.get_data('network-01', limit: 5, order: 'DESC')
network02_avail = client.metrics.avail.get_data('network-02', limit: 5, order: 'DESC')
# ... Do something with the availabilities ...

Each network01_avail will be an array like:

  { "timestamp" => 1467312571473, "value" => "up" },
  { "timestamp" => 1467312492650, "value" => "up" },
  # ...

You can get more info on the other parameters by checking the metrics API get_data

More info

Check each resource API for a detailed description of what methods are available.

Contributing to hawkular-client-ruby

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet

  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it

  • Fork the project

  • Start a feature/bugfix branch

  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution

  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so it won’t break in a future version unintentionally.

  • Run your code through RuboCop (which is default when running rake) and fix complaints.

  • When you open a pull request, watch out for failures on Travis.

  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so we can cherry-pick around it.

Running the tests

Integration tests are recorded and played against cassettes recorded with VCR (

  • From command line run

    rake spec
  • To run the tests against a live server, set VCR_OFF to 1 as in

    VCR_OFF=1 rake spec
  • To update the VCR tapes that supports it (metrics and inventory), set VCR_UPDATE to 1 as in

    VCR_UPDATE=1 rake spec
  • Currently, we support two posible metrics contexts: hawkular-metrics 0.8.0.Final and hawkular-services that contain metrics. If you want to run/re-record the tests only for services, you can skip the other context by SKIP_V8_METRICS=1, or similarly SKIP_SERVICES_METRICS=1. So for instance updating the VCR templates only for hawkular-services would require command:

    VCR_UPDATE=1 SKIP_V8_METRICS=1 rspec ./spec/integration/metric_spec.rb

For more details consult the spec readme.


If you want to see API requests and responses, use the following environment variables:


Generate documentation

Client documentation can be generated using


hawkular-client-ruby's People


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hawkular-client-ruby's Issues

Incompatible with rest-client 2.1.0.rc1 ?

Heads up, tests fail with upcoming rest-client 2.1.0.rc1.,

  • strange error (the strange char is 0x1F "UNIT SEPARATOR").

    HawkularClient and Metrics client Should both return the version
    Failure/Error: res.empty? ? {} : JSON.parse(res)
      784: unexpected token at '�'
    # ./lib/hawkular/base_client.rb:39:in `http_get'
    # ./lib/hawkular/metrics/metric_api.rb:38:in `fetch_version_and_status'
    # ./spec/integration/hawkular_client_spec.rb:214:in `block (4 levels) in <module:RSpec>'

    (I also saw this with in manageiq-providers-kubernetes tests, some hawkular-client related tests gave this.)

  • lots of VCR::Errors::UnhandledHTTPRequestError

Metric ID not escaped in MetricClient.update_tags

The metric:

get "http://localhost:8080/hawkular/metrics/gauges/MI~R~%5b70c798a0-6985-4f8a-a525-012d8d28e8a3%2fLocal~~%5d~MT~WildFly%20Aggregated%20Web%20Metrics~Aggregated%20Active%20Web%20Sessions", "Accept"=>"application/json", "Accept-Encoding"=>"gzip, deflate", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Hawkular-tenant"=>"hawkular"
# => 200 OK | application/json 238 bytes
{"id":"MI~R~[70c798a0-6985-4f8a-a525-012d8d28e8a3/Local~~]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Active Web Sessions"

Exception when calling MetricClient.update_tags
bad URI(is not URI?): http://localhost:8080/hawkular/metrics/gauges/MI~R~[70c798a0-6985-4f8a-a525-012d8d28e8a3/Local~~]~MT~WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics~Aggregated Active Web Sessions/tags
( see spaces and [ and / characters )

also potentially applies to other methods.

when mapping inventory-metric ID to hawkular-metric ID, check if metrid-id property exists

There is a use-case to give users some freedom and flexibility to choose what their hawkular-metric IDs look like, rather than force them to adopt the rule "inventory metric ID is always the same as hawkular metric ID".

The hawkular wildfly agent is introducing an optional "metric-id" property found on the inventory metric instance definition. When this property exists, the hawkular-metric ID is the value of that property (it is not the value of that inventory metric instance ID).

The current behavior will remain the same and will become the default - inventory metric instance ID is the same as the hawkular-metric ID - they will only be different if someone adds that "metric-id" property in inventory.

See the HWKAGENT JIRA issue and associated PR where the agent creates this metric-id when appropriate:

Operations: using an invalid host has a very long timeout

Suppose I somehow supply a bad host to the WS-client

client = '',

then the connect will hang for around a minute.

I am not sure though if it is possible to specify a shorter timeout for the connection setup.

Rewrite the inventory client to use the canonical path whenever it's possible

A lot of methods takes the feed_id as argument, this can be obtained from the path.

here is the list:

list_resources_for_type(feed_id, type, fetch_properties = false)
list_resources_for_type(type_path, fetch_properties = false, filter = {})

get_config_data_for_resource(feed_id, res_ids)

def list_child_resources(Resource parent_resource, recursive = false)
def list_child_resources(parent_resource_path, recursive = false)

list_relationships(Resource resource, named = nil)
list_relationships(path, named = nil)

list_relationships_for_feed(feed_id, named = nil)
list_relationships_for_feed(path, named = nil)

list_metrics_for_metric_type(feed_id, type)

list_metrics_for_resource_type(feed, type)

list_metrics_for_resource(Resource resource, filter = {})
list_metrics_for_resource(resource_path, filter = {})

create_resource(feed_id, type_path, resource_id, resource_name = nil, properties = {})
create_resource(type_path, resource_id, resource_name = nil, properties = {})

create_resource_under_resource(feed_id, type_path, parent_resource_ids, resource_id, resource_name = nil,
                                  properties = {})
create_resource_under_resource(type_path, parent_resource_path, resource_id, resource_name = nil,
                                  properties = {})

get_resource(feed_id, res_ids, fetch_resource_config = true)
get_resource(res_path, fetch_resource_config = true)

create_metric_for_resource(feed_id, metric_id, type_path, res_ids, metric_name = nil)
create_metric_for_resource(metric_type_path, resource_path, metric_id, metric_name = nil)

list_child_resources(parent_resource, recursive = false)
create_feed(feed_id, feed_name = nil)
create_resource_type(feed_id, type_id, type_name)
create_metric_type(feed_id, metric_type_id, type = 'GAUGE', unit = 'NONE', collection_interval = 60)
events(type = 'resource', action = 'created')

Modify Gem to either use new inventory or different context of old one

Hawkular-inventory has a new api
and has moved with 0.17 the endpoint of the old api to /deprecated

We need to either support the /deprecated endpoint for a while
or directly the new one

There is /status to get the version of inventory. If it is 0.17+ it is the /deprecated one

get operation parameters via the official inventory way

Inventory has an "official" way of storing operation parameters within operation types - a child of the operation type which is a data entity whose structural data is named "parameterTypes"

The Ruby client needs to get operation parameters using this mechanism, rather than the ad-hoc way we were doing it (via general properties).

The WildFly agent is creating both (the "official" way and the general props way) for backward compatibility, but storing these in general props is deprecated and will go away, see JIRA HWKAGENT-130

The new way will have inventory show you the params like this:

URL (notice "/d;parameterTypes"):;feed_id/rt;WildFly%20Server/ot;Shutdown/d;parameterTypes

  "path": "/t;hawkular/f;feed_id/rt;WildFly%20Server/ot;Shutdown/d;parameterTypes",
  "name": "parameterTypes",
  "identityHash": "1ad5d5963d6978975e958de5abcb49f778695f",
  "contentHash": "5ff8951bc6a6ab6483f69ec0ab139d5a76e22c",
  "syncHash": "27163827304a2c50e31b9ce2ee74e5e32f396d58",
  "value": {
    "timeout": {
      "type": "int",
      "description": "Timeout in seconds to allow active connections to drain",
      "defaultValue": "0",
      "required": false
    "restart": {
      "type": "bool",
      "description": "Should the server be restarted after shutdown?",
      "defaultValue": "false",
      "required": false

Tenant handing in h-metrics 0.20 has changed

"rspec ./spec/integration/metric_spec.rb:100 # metrics_0_16_0 NonSecure Tenants Should create and return tenant" failure

"The first endpoint to be protected by this mechanism is /tenants since its functionality is cross tenant"

cc @yaacov - this will be a change in h-metrics for ose 3.4

Make metrics aware of HWKMETRICS-24

HWKMETRICS-24 makes (incompatible) changes to some metrics endpoints.
The old endpoints still exist for a while, but will go away.

We may check if h-metrics has a working version endpoint and
then decide which endpoint to call according to the version.

Update Changelog for 1.0.0

We need to update the Changelog file with the changes.
Especially api-changes need to be made explicit

Catch html auth failures and return sensible values to the caller

If you run

    it 'Should err on bad credentials' do
      @creds = {
          username: '-XX-X-jdoe-X',
          password: 'password'
      @client = Hawkular::Inventory::InventoryClient.create(credentials: @creds)



Then you will see that the exception on console is some html crap from WF, that does not honor the supplied accept header.

We need to catch that and return something that makes sense.
Similar if we run in a connection exception (wrong port, host unreachable, ... )

See ManageIQ/manageiq#8239

Operations: callback not always called

Suppose I pass in an incorrect parameter hash for invoke_generic_operation, the callback is not called, but the method bails out with a 'fail':

RuntimeError: Hash property resourcePath must be specified
./lib/hawkular/operations/operations_api.rb:216:in `block in check_pre_conditions'
./lib/hawkular/operations/operations_api.rb:215:in `each'
./lib/hawkular/operations/operations_api.rb:215:in `check_pre_conditions'
./lib/hawkular/operations/operations_api.rb:105:in `invoke_generic_operation'
./spec/integration/operations_spec.rb:78:in `block (2 levels) in <module:RSpec>'

I think the user would only expect this if no callback is defined at all.

Support string metrics

H-Metrics also provides metrics of type string (e.g. for log entries).
The client needs to subscribe this.

There is some work already done, but this needs tests

Consider replacing the websocket-client-simple gem with the same gem that is being used in the MiQ

When we added this dependency, the MiQ didn't have the support for websocket communication, they add it with migration to rails 5 (iirc). Since the websocket-client-simple is no longer maintained and it has other issues like failing non-deterministically on segfaults ( Also there is currently no way to process incoming binary websocket frames (also failing with segfaults), so that we can't implement the JDR reports in the middleware provider.

Unify the clients

Currently we have inventoryclient, metricsclient, alertclient and so on, where the user needs to instantiate each client separately.

We need to have one hawkular-client that the gets the base path of hawkular and/or the metrics server and which then internally creates those client objects so that the user can do something like

client =, base_path:..., options:...) 
inv_client = client.inventory
alert_client = client.alerts

and so on.

@inv_client.create_resource does not return path when resource already exists

This goes

def create_resource_under_resource
      rescue HawkularException => error
        # 409 We already exist -> that is ok
        raise unless error.status_code == 409

In case of the 409, we still return a Resource, but constructed from the input, which does not contain the path.

The path needs to be obtained by clients like this:

resource = @inv_client.create_resource  type_path, data['r'], data['r']
  if resource.path.nil?
    resources = @inv_client.list_resources_for_type type_path, true
    resource = resources.first

We should perhaps internalise getting the path into create_resource to have a consistent behaviour in both cases.

Support for multi-tenant operations

There are going to be cross tenant apis for alerting e.g get alerts for all tenants.
We would need to have some support for those in clients, currently created with one tenant in mind.

Remove Token API

The Token API (tokens_api) seems to be gone. We should remove it from the client.

josejulio: Does secret-store/v1/tokens endpoint still exists?
pilhuhn: don't think so
pilhuhn: the whole token thing went away when we moved to hawkular-services with the deployment

// cc @pilhuhn

Use only one websocket for all 'clients'

We now have websocket support in several places.
They should all be set up from the credentials passed to the unified client.

Only a single websocket should be setup between Hawkular server and the client gem and should
be (re)used by all the communication.

ackBy no longer exists on alerts

[16:16:47] that seems a change on the API and the ruby-client has detected it
[16:17:04] ys, we no longer have ackBy on the Alert
[16:17:15] (at least the alerts one, the metrics one no idea)
[16:17:21] it has been replaced with the lifecycle list

cc @jshaughn @lucasponce

Rewrite get_data

As discussed in #36 the current impl's set of parameters is overloaded and we should rewrite to pass all optional params in a hash.

Consider dropping support for v0.8 metrics

Hawkular Metrics is in both OpenShift and H-Services way beyond version 0.8
I expect that there are no more installations of H-Metrics 0.8 out there.
We should remove support for it completely from the gem

CC @simon3z

List operations sometimes fails

@jmazzitelli and I saw this fly by:

Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (NoMethodError) undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
    at RUBY.initialize(/Users/hrupp/.rvm/gems/jruby-
    at RUBY.block in list_operation_definitions(/Users/hrupp/.rvm/gems/jruby-
    at org.jruby.RubyArray.each(org/jruby/
    at RUBY.list_operation_definitions(/Users/hrupp/.rvm/gems/jruby-
    at RUBY.list_operation_definitions_for_resource(/Users/hrupp/.rvm/gems/jruby-
    at RUBY.add_operations(/Users/hrupp/src/hawkfx/lib/on_click_cell_factory.rb:130)
    at RUBY.block in initialize(/Users/hrupp/src/hawkfx/lib/on_click_cell_factory.rb:51)

Looking at the code shows param_list = op_hash['properties']['params'],
so it looks like the received entity sometimes has no properties (or worse: H-inventory sends us some empty hashes).

Allow to list tags in hawkular-metrics

curl -i -u jdoe:password -Hhawkular-tenant:hawkular http://localhost:8080/hawkular/metrics/gauges/tags/

See (but that needs a type filter). There are type-specific queries as shown above

We need to first find out what the query format is though.

key:* works to find all tags with a certain key. : seems not to work though

See also and

Remove all defaulting to localhost / port 8080

We have several places in the code where we default to localhost:8080 if no input value is given.


      args[:host] ||= 'localhost:8080'

Now if the calling code does not supply the :host, we use the default, which means that the caller does not get an indication that it did something wrong. Later in production (or Demos :-) the code silently fails with obscure error messages.

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