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class27-react-test's Introduction

React Test

The test is to rebuild the following application:

How to start

  1. Make a fork of this repository to your personal account
  2. Clone the fork to your local machine
  3. Navigate to the folder class27-react-test
  4. Execute npm install in the root of the folder
  5. Get started with building!

The requirements

  • Create and use at least 3 reusable functional components
  • Make use of React hooks: at least useState
  • Every time a user clicks on the button, it should fetch new users
  • Use the following API:
  • Add a loading state when the data is fetching (find a loading spinner by Googling)
  • Add an error message in the UI if something went wrong


This test will last 2 hours.

How to submit your test

  1. Push your code to your forked repository
  2. Deploy your test on Netlify
  3. Make a pull request to the original repository, with a message like: React Test <YOUR_NAME>. Include the link to the deployed application URL


  1. Whatever you do, stay calm!
  2. Split the problem up into smaller pieces
  3. If something is too difficult, move on to the next thing

Good luck!

class27-react-test's People


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