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wsock-trace's Introduction

Wsock-trace v. 0.3.7:

Build Status

A drop-in tracing library / DLL for most normal Winsock calls. It sits between your program and the Winsock library (ws2_32.dll). It works best for MSVC since the stack-walking code requires the program's PDB symbol-file to be present. And unfortunately MinGW/CygWin doesn't produce PDB-symbols (GNU-debugger instead relies on the archaic BFD library). So currently, the MinGW and CygWin targets will only show raw addresses for the traced functions.

A MSVC example output from c:\> ahost showing all the addresses of
(ahost is part of the DNS library C-ares):



  • Colourised trace of the Winsock calls with function parameters and return values. The colours are configurable.

  • Runtime caller information: Using Microsoft's dbghelp (or psapi) APIs together with the programs PDB-file, the filename, line-number of the calling function-name is shown. In the above example, WSAStartup() is called from ahost.c, line 68. Which should be 53 bytes into the main() function. This should be here.

  • Precise Timestamps: All trace-lines starts with a precise timestamp obtained from QueryPerformanceCounter().
    The timestamp is controlled by trace_time in the wsock_trace config-file.

  • Extension functions: Winsock has several Microsoft-specific extension functions (like AcceptEx() and ConnectEx()). Wsock-trace is able to trace these too.

  • IP-Country information thanks to the MaxMind Lite databases. Thanks to the Tor-project for a simplified CSV version of these MaxMind GeoIP-databases. (using the CSV files GeoIP.csv and GeoIP6.csv are always enabled).

  • IP-Location information (City and Region) from IP2Location. The above Mountain View/California is Google's well-known location. Many thanks to IP2Location [3] for their data-bases.

  • ASN information (Autonomous System Number) from IPFire.
    The screen-shot above shows Google has ASN 15169 (for their DNS server-address
    More details for that ASN is at DNSlytics and even more details at PeerDB. Many thanks to the IPFire developers [4] for their data-bases.

  • Domain Name System-based Blackhole List (DNSBL) support: with the help of DROP-files from the Spamhaus project, it can detect IPv4 / IPv6-addresses uses by spammers and cyber-criminals. The more potent Spamhaus BGPf / BCL is on the to-do list.

  • Slowdown; For testing too fast programs, all receive, transmit, select() and WSAPoll() calls can be delayed a number of milli-seconds. E.g. slowing down a recv() call is controlled by recv_delay = 0 in wsock_trace config-file.

  • Firewall activity; report activity causing events from the Window Filtering Platform (the Internet Connection Firewall; ICF). See below.

  • LuaJIT script support is very preliminary at the moment. The idea is that .lua scripts could change the behaviour of Wsock-trace at runtime without rebuilding it. Only the absolute minimum of the needed files are in ./LuaJIT. Goto here for the complete LuaJIT.


The following assumes you will install this package in c:\prog\wsock_trace. To clone this repository, do this in an empty c:\prog\wsock_trace directory:

  • c:\prog\wsock_trace> git clone .

To be able to get more precise Geo-IP information for addresses (city and region), Wsock-trace will use a IP2Location LITE database. To make best use of it, do this:

  • Sign-up for an account and download a free IP2Location LITE database. Or in case you have an account, go here.
  • Download and use a file named like IP2LOCATION-LITE-DBx.IPV6.BIN.
    Such a file contains both IPv4 and IPv6 records. A download-ip2loc.bat like this could do it automatically:
    @echo off
    :: Fill in this from the login-page
    curl --output ^
  • Copy IP2LOCATION-LITE-DBx.IPV6.BIN into your %APPDATA% directory and edit the keyword in the [geoip] section to read:
    ip2location_bin_file = %APPDATA%\IP2LOCATION-LITE-DBx.IPV6.BIN

Note: IP2Location-C-Library is no longer used as a submodule (since I've made several local changes to it). It has been merged into src/ip2loc.c and simplified.


Enter the src sub-directory and do the respective make allcommand.
If the all command succeeded, you can do the respective make install command:

Builder make allcommand make install result
CygWin make -f Makefile.CygWin cp wsock_trace_cyg*.dll to /usr/bin and
cp libwsock_trace_cyg*.a to /usr/lib
MinGW32 make -f Makefile.MinGW cp wsock_trace_mw.dll to $(MINGW32)/bin and
cp libwsock_trace_mw*.a to $(MINGW32)/lib
MSVC nmake -f makefile.vc6 copy wsock_trace*.dll to %VCINSTALLDIR%\bin and
copy wsock_trace.lib to %VCINSTALLDIR%\lib


  • For a WIN32 build, the above files will have an -x86 suffix.
  • For a WIN64 build, the above files will have an -x64 suffix.
  • And for a USE_CRT_DEBUG = 1 build, the above files will have an extra _d suffix.
  • So for a MinGW, WIN64 debug-build, the files are named wsock_trace_mw_d-x64.dll and libwsock_trace_mw_d-x64.a.


Link with one of these libraries (instead of the default libws32_2.a or ws2_32.lib):

Builder Platform Library
CygWin x86 libwsock_trace_cyg-x86.a
CygWin x64 libwsock_trace_cyg-x64.a
MinGW x86 libwsock_trace_mw-x86.a
MinGW x64 libwsock_trace_mw-x64.a
MSVC x86 wsock_trace-x86.lib
MSVC x64 wsock_trace-x64.lib

Thus most normal Winsock calls are traced on entry and exit.

Example screen-shot above or details in Running samples below.

MSVC: Remember to compile using -Zi to produce debug-symbols. For MSVC-2015 (or newer) it is recomended to use option -Zo too (which will eases the debug of optimised code. And remember to use -debug when linking your program. See src/Makefile.vc6 for an example. It is not adviced to use option -Oy (enable frame pointer omission) since that will make it difficult for StackWalk64() to figure out the filename and line of the calling function.


The trace-level and other settings are controlled by a config-file wsock_trace. This file is searched along these places until found:

  • The file pointed to by %WSOCK_TRACE.
  • The current directory.
  • Then finally the %APPDATA% directory.

wsock_trace is read in init.c at startup. Read it's contents; the comments therein should be self-explanatory.
If wsock_trace is not found in one of the above directories, the default trace_level is set to 1.

There is currently no install.bat file for Wsock-trace. So you should copy the following files (here at GitHub)
to your %APPDATA% directory:


These environment variables are on the form:

  • <drive>:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\ProgramData. (Win-XP)
  • <drive>:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming. (Win-Vista+)

Running samples

All the below samples uses these %APPDATA%/wsock_trace settings:

  • compact = 1
  • trace_time = none and
  • use_short_path = 1.

Example output from src/ws_tool.exe test (built with MSVC):

  * ws_trace/test.c(45) (main+50):              WSAStartup (2.2) --> No error.
  * ws_trace/test.c(24) (do_wsock_tests+125):   gethostbyaddr (, 4, AF_INET) --> 0x003C8780.
  * ws_trace/test.c(27) (do_wsock_tests+150):   gethostbyaddr (, 4, AF_INET) --> 0x003C8780.
  * ws_trace/test.c(29) (do_wsock_tests+164):   gethostbyaddr (::1, 16, AF_INET6) --> 0x003C8780.
  * ws_trace/test.c(31) (do_wsock_tests+175):   gethostbyname (localhost) --> 0x003C8780.
  * ws_trace/test.c(31) (do_wsock_tests+187):   socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) --> 1724.
  * ws_trace/test.c(33) (do_wsock_tests+196):   WSAGetLastError() --> No error.
  * ws_trace/test.c(36) (do_wsock_tests+343):   select (n=0-1724, rd, NULL, NULL, {tv=1.000001s}) --> No error.
  * ws_trace/test.c(37) (do_wsock_tests+358):   FD_ISSET (1724, fd) --> 0.
  * ws_trace/test.c(47) (main+61):              WSACleanup() --> No error.
    ^                ^   ^                      ^
    |                |   |                      |___ The traced Winsock function and the result.
    |                |   |
    |                |   |____ The calling function with displacement (i.e. offset from
    |                |                                          (nearest public symbol).
    |                |_____ Line number in src-file.
    |____ Source-file relative of the application.

Here is a more realistic and useful example with wsock_trace.lib linked to Nmap [1]:

  c:\> nmap -sT -P0 -p23,80
     * mswin32/ (win_pre_init+68):   WSAStartup (2.2) --> No error.

    Starting Nmap 6.02 ( ) at 2012-07-24 12:48 CET
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * g:/vc_2010/sdk/include/wspiapi.h(1011) (WspiapiGetAddrInfo+79):   WSASetLastError (0).
      * (sendConnectScanProbe+266):   socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6) --> 1780.
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(261) (unblock_socket+65):   ioctlsocket (1780, FIONBIO, 1) --> No error.
      * (init_socket+82):   setsockopt (1780, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, 1, 4) --> No error.
      * libnetutil/ (set_ttl+34):   setsockopt (1780, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ULONG_MAX, 4) --> WSAEINVAL: Invalid arguments (10022).
      * (sendConnectScanProbe+599):   connect (1780, --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(133) (socket_errno+12):   WSAGetLastError() --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * (ConnectScanInfo::watchSD+82):   FD_ISSET (1780, fd) --> 0.
      * (sendConnectScanProbe+266):   socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6) --> 1720.
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(261) (unblock_socket+65):   ioctlsocket (1720, FIONBIO, 1) --> No error.
      * (init_socket+82):   setsockopt (1720, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, 1, 4) --> No error.
      * libnetutil/ (set_ttl+34):   setsockopt (1720, IPPROTO_IP, IP_TTL, ULONG_MAX, 4) --> WSAEINVAL: Invalid arguments (10022).
      * (sendConnectScanProbe+599):   connect (1720, --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(133) (socket_errno+12):   WSAGetLastError() --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * (ConnectScanInfo::watchSD+82):   FD_ISSET (1720, fd) --> 0.
      * (do_one_select_round+473):   select (n=0-1780, rd, wr, ex, {tv=0.985000s}) --> 3.
      * nbase/nbase_misc.c(133) (socket_errno+12):   WSAGetLastError() --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Call would block (10035).
      * (do_one_select_round+1894):   FD_ISSET (1720, fd) --> 0.
      * (do_one_select_round+1917):   FD_ISSET (1720, fd) --> 1.
      * (do_one_select_round+2012):   getsockopt (1720, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, 0, 4) --> No error.
      * (ConnectScanInfo::clearSD+82):   FD_ISSET (1720, fd) --> 1.
      * (ConnectProbe::~ConnectProbe+37):   closesocket (1720) --> No error.
      * (do_one_select_round+1894):   FD_ISSET (1780, fd) --> 1.
      * (do_one_select_round+2012):   getsockopt (1780, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, 0, 4) --> No error.
      * (ConnectScanInfo::clearSD+82):   FD_ISSET (1780, fd) --> 1.
      * (ConnectProbe::~ConnectProbe+37):   closesocket (1780) --> No error.
    Nmap scan report for router (
    Host is up (0.0019s latency).
    23/tcp open  telnet
    80/tcp open  http

    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 7.61 seconds
      * mswin32/ (win_cleanup+12):   WSACleanup() --> No error.


  • Nmap uses wrong arguments to setsockopt(); a TTL of ULONG_MAX.
  • Nmap also calls WSAStartup() before the startup message.
  • Notice how Wsock-trace handles (demangles) C++ symbols just fine thanks to dbghelp.dll and UnDecorateSymbolName(). I.e. the destructor ConnectProbe::~ConnectProbe above is calling closesocket() at offset 37. (you can turn off C++ demangling by cpp_demangle = 0 in the wsock_trace config-file).
  • Even symbols from a Rust library can be demangled. E.g. from rustls-ffi as used in libcurl:
    * 1.807833 sec: f:/MingW32/src/inet/Crypto/Rustls/src/ (rustls_ffi::io::impl$0::read+32)
      WSAGetLastError() --> WSAEWOULDBLOCK (10035).
    This Rust function rustls_ffi::io::impl$0::read should be here.

Another example from C-ares's adig.c with the same settings as above:

    c:\> adig -t PTR
      * adig.c(216) (main+105):   WSAStartup (2.2) --> No error.
      * ares_process.c(1065) (open_udp_socket+248):   socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0) --> 1604.
      * ares_process.c(857) (setsocknonblock+61):   ioctlsocket (1604, FIONBIO, 1) --> No error.
      * ares_process.c(1077) (open_udp_socket+345):   connect (1604, --> No error.
      * ares_process.c(791) (ares__send_query+484):   send (1604, 0x00034BDA, 31, 0) --> 31 bytes tx.
      * adig.c(397) (main+1780):   select (n=0-1604, rd, wr, NULL, {tv=3.109000s}) --> 1.
      * ares_process.c(456) (read_udp_packets+146):   FD_ISSET (1604, fd) --> 1.
      * ares_process.c(485) (read_udp_packets+413):   recvfrom (1604, 0x0013F894, 513, 0, --> 106 bytes rx.
    Domain name not found
    id: 58187
    flags: qr rd ra
    opcode: QUERY
    rcode: NXDOMAIN
    .                PTR
    NS records:
                           .        1413    SOA
                                                    ( 2012072400 1800 900 604800 86400 )
    Additional records:
      * ares__close_sockets.c(63) (ares__close_sockets+408):   closesocket (1604) --> No error.
      * adig.c(411) (main+1894):   WSACleanup() --> No error.

By default, the tracing of htons(),htonl(), ntohs() and ntohl() are excluded from the trace.
You can edit the %APPDATA%/wsock_trace config-file and exclude whatever calls you like. And the 2 traces above is showing the effect of the config-value compact = 1.

A more eleborated example from 2 OpenVPN programs; a client and a server running a simple test (in OpenVPN's root-dir). Started with the vpn.bat snippet:

cd sample
start /pos=200,50,1000,800   ..\openvpn.exe --config sample-config-files/loopback-server
start /pos=800,150,1000,1000 ..\openvpn.exe --config sample-config-files/loopback-client


A Larger version.

Firewall Monitor

The ws_tool.exe firewall program show a screen like: screenshot

Together with [DNSBL], enable = 1 it shows remote addresses in SpamHaus DROP-lists. In this case the address in Ukraine / Donetsk is very active giving a Firewall event approximately every 5 minutes.

A good test of the firewall.c features is to open up your router (create a DMZ) and start a remote port-scan while ws_tool.exe firewall is running. You'll see a lot of DROP-events like:

  layer:   (13) Inbound Transport v4 Discard-layer
  filter:  (277599) Filter to prevent port-scanning
  addr: ->, ports: 21 (ftp) / 52115
  country: United States, Troy/Michigan

Implementation notes

The names of the import libraries and the names of the 32-bit .DLLs are:

  • For MSVC: wsock_trace.lib and wsock_trace-x86.dll .
  • For MinGW: libwsock_trace.a and wsock_trace_mw-x86.dll .
  • For CygWin32: libwsock_trace.a and wsock_trace_cyg-x86.dll.

And the 64-bit equivalents:

  • For MSVC: wsock_trace_x64.lib and wsock_trace-x64.dll .
  • For MinGW: libwsock_trace_x64.a and wsock_trace_mw-x64.dll .
  • For CygWin64: libwsock_trace_x64.a and wsock_trace_cyg-x64.dll.

These DLLs off-course needs to be in current directory or on %PATH. The reason I've chosen to make it a DLL and not a static-lib is that applications using wsock_trace*.lib needs not to be re-linked when I do change the inner workings of the Wsock-trace source code. As long as the ABI is stable (e.g. not adding new functions to the wsock_trace-x86.def file), the application using wsock_trace*.dll should work the same.

Note that some virus scanners may find the behaviour of programs linked to wsock_trace.lib suspicious.

Future plans:

  1. Get the decoding of calling function, file-name and lines in the MinGW/CygWin ports working.

  2. LuaJIT-script integration; use a *.lua file to exclude/include processes and/or functions to trace.

  3. Injecting wsock_trace-*.dll into a remote process. Ref:

  4. Optionally load Wireshark's libwireshark.dll to dissect transport and application protocols.
    Do it for selected processes only.

  5. Deny certain applications to use AF_INET6 protocols (return -1 on socket(AF_INET6,...)).

  6. Make it possible to switch network stacks at run-time: select amongst Winsock2, lwIP, SwsSock and/or
    Cyclone TCP.

  7. Make a GUI trace viewer for it. Ref:

  8. Add a Json type config feature to support the above features. E.g.:

    wireshark_dissect {
      wget.exe : 1    # Wireshark dissection in wget and curl only.
      curl.exe : 1
    exclude_trace {
      select:    [curl.exe, wget.exe]  # Exclude trace of `select()` and `inet_ntoa()` in curl/wget.
      inet_ntoa: [curl.exe, wget.exe]
      htons:     [ * ]    # Exclude trace of `htons` globally.
    deny_ipv6 {
      pycurl.pyd : 1     # Deny AF_INET6 sockets in scripts using the PyCurl module.
      python27.dll : 1   # And in other Python scripts too.
    stack_mux {
      use_lwip: [wget2.exe, curl.exe]  # Force wget2.exe and curl.exe to use lwIP.dll

G. Vanem <[email protected]> 2013 - 2023.


PS. This file is written with the aid of the Atom editor and it's Markdown-Preview. A real time-saver.

wsock-trace's People


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wsock-trace's Issues

About geoip.exe

So it seems that geoip.exe looks for the geoip files in %HOME%.
I think it should rather look in the parent folder (src..) because %HOME% is by default not set and because you can't expect people to have the files in their user folder. The geoip files that come with this repo are also expected to be more up-to-date.

Another thing is that the command geoip.exe -6g geoip-gen6.c outputs this when failing:
'geoip4' file '"C:\Users\Ali\geoip' not found. This is needed for these tests.

Shouldn't it be looking for geoip6? Or is it and this is just a mistake?

Possible stack-based buffer overrun

can you confirm this? The test.exe and all apps linked with wsock-trace die pretty much at the end of program execution.

It could be just me as I am having some troubles with my VS installation.

I really need to learn how to debug these kinds of things. If it helps, stepped through it with my rudimentary debugging skills:

Exception thrown at 0x00007FFF4BEA1BD5 (KernelBase.dll) in test.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.

common.c on line 580

next (after "continuing"):

Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFF1BD4B478 (wsock_trace_x64.dll) in test.exe: Stack cookie instrumentation code detected a stack-based buffer overrun.

in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\crt\src\vcruntime\gs_report.c on line 199

not sure if you have this exact file or not, so I just gonna paste the whole function:
I marked the break point with a ----->

#if defined _CRT_APP || defined _M_ARM || defined _M_ARM64

    #pragma warning(push)
    #pragma warning(disable: 4100) // unreferenced formal parameter
    __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl __report_gsfailure(GSFAILURE_PARAMETER)
    #pragma warning(pop)

#elif defined _M_IX86 || defined _M_X64

    __declspec(noreturn) void __cdecl __report_gsfailure(GSFAILURE_PARAMETER)
        if (IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_FASTFAIL_AVAILABLE))

        volatile UINT_PTR cookie[2];

        // Set up a fake exception, and report it via UnhandledExceptionFilter.
        // We can't raise a true exception because the stack (and therefore
        // exception handling) can't be trusted after a buffer overrun.  The
        // exception should appear as if it originated after the call to
        // __security_check_cookie, so it is attributed to the function where the
        // buffer overrun was detected.

        #if defined _M_IX86
        // On x86, we reserve some extra stack which won't be used.  That is to
        // preserve as much of the call frame as possible when the function with
        // the buffer overrun entered __security_check_cookie with a JMP instead of
        // a CALL, after the calling frame has been released in the epilogue of
        // that function.
        ULONG volatile dw[(sizeof(CONTEXT) + sizeof(EXCEPTION_RECORD)) / sizeof(ULONG)];

        // Save the state in the context record immediately.  Hopefully, since
        // opts are disabled, this will happen without modifying ECX, which has
        // the local cookie which failed the check.
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Eax  ], eax
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Ecx  ], ecx
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Edx  ], edx
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Ebx  ], ebx
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Esi  ], esi
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Edi  ], edi
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegSs], ss
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegCs], cs
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegDs], ds
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegEs], es
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegFs], fs
            mov word ptr  [GS_ContextRecord.SegGs], gs
            pop [GS_ContextRecord.EFlags]

            // Set the context EBP/EIP/ESP to the values which would be found
            // in the caller to __security_check_cookie.
            mov eax, [ebp]
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Ebp], eax
            mov eax, [ebp+4]
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Eip], eax
            lea eax, [ebp+8]
            mov dword ptr [GS_ContextRecord.Esp], eax

            // Make sure the dummy stack space looks referenced.
            mov eax, dword ptr dw

        GS_ContextRecord.ContextFlags       = CONTEXT_CONTROL;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)GS_ContextRecord.Eip;

        #else // ^^^ _M_IX86 ^^^ // vvv _M_X64 vvv //

        GS_ContextRecord.Rip                = (ULONGLONG)_ReturnAddress();
        GS_ContextRecord.Rsp                = (ULONGLONG)_AddressOfReturnAddress()+8;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)GS_ContextRecord.Rip;
        GS_ContextRecord.Rcx                = stack_cookie;

        #endif // _M_X64

        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode           = STATUS_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionFlags          = EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.NumberParameters        = 1;
        GS_ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[0] = FAST_FAIL_STACK_COOKIE_CHECK_FAILURE;

        // Save the global cookie and cookie complement locally - using an array
        // to defeat any potential stack-packing.
        cookie[0] = __security_cookie;
        cookie[1] = __security_cookie_complement;

        // Raise the security failure by passing it to the unhandled exception
        // filter and then terminate the process.


    #error Unsupported architecture


geoip2.exe build error

Trying to build geoip2.exe using the the command nmake -f Makefile.vc6 geoip2.exe exits with the following error (I increased the warning level to 4 [-W4] just in case):

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.00.23918.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

        geoip.exe -g4 > geoip-gen4.c
        geoip.exe -g6 > geoip-gen6.c
        cl -nologo -I. -W4 -Zi -DWIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600 -MD -Ot -Gs -DUSE_DEF_FILE -IC:\Users\Ali\projects\luajit-2.0/src -DUSE_LUA -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -DTEST_GEOIP -DUSE_FWRITE -DUSE_GEOIP_GENERATED geoip.c common.c in_addr.c init.c getopt.c  -Fegeoip2.exe -link -nologo -map -debug -verbose -incremental:no -subsystem:console -machine:x86 ws2_32.lib ole32.lib > link.tmp
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

I'm using the latest LUAjit from the their public git repository. I don't think that's the problem though.

HELP request

mine is a help request
I'm trying to use wsock_trace with vs2013
the WSAStartup call fails because it cannot find the address of WSAStartup !
What am I missing ?

best regards

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