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eleventy-load-js's Introduction


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Bundle and minify JavaScript with webpack using eleventy-load.

Getting Started

Firstly, you'll need to install eleventy-load (if you haven't already) and eleventy-load-js. You'll probably want to use eleventy-load-js in combination with eleventy-load-html and eleventy-load-file, so we'll install those as well. The latter writes the output of eleventy-load-js to a file which will be saved in Eleventy's output directory, which is the behavior you often want for JavaScript.

npm install --save-dev eleventy-load eleventy-load-js eleventy-load-html eleventy-load-file

Then you can set up eleventy-load-js using a rule in your eleventy-load options.

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(require("eleventy-load"), {
    rules: [
        test: /\.html$/,
        loaders: [
            loader: require("eleventy-load-html"),
        test: /\.js$/,
        loaders: [
            loader: require("eleventy-load-js"),
            options: {
              mode: "production",
            loader: require("eleventy-load-file"),


Name Type Default Description
webpack Object See below Options for webpack


Type: Object

Pass options to the webpack configuration. By default, eleventy-load-js is configured to use the project's input directory as the webpack context and uses an in-memory file system for webpack's output.

  context: path.resolve(this.config.inputDir),
  entry: [path.resolve(this.config.inputDir, this.resourcePath)],
  mode: "production",

eleventy-load-js's People


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eleventy-load-js's Issues

Having trouble loading a png from JS


I'm trying to import a png to use as a texture with three.js, but I get an error. I've created a super slim setup to repro.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script defer src="script.js"></script>


import starPNG from './star.png';
import { TextureLoader } from 'three';
const spriteMap = new TextureLoader().load(starPNG);


const load = require('eleventy-load');
const loadHtml = require('eleventy-load-html');
const loadJs = require('eleventy-load-js');
const loadFile = require('eleventy-load-file');

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {

  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(load, {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(html|md)$/,
        loaders: [ { loader: loadHtml, }, ],
        test: /\.js$/,
        loaders: [
          { loader: loadJs, },
            loader: loadFile,
            options: { name: '[name].js', publicPath: '/', },
        test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)$/,
        loaders: [
            loader: loadFile,
            options: { name: '[name].[ext]', publicPath: '/assets/img', },

  return { dir: { input: 'src', }, };

(plus any random star.png in src)

When trying to build, I get the following:

[11ty] Problem writing Eleventy templates: (more in DEBUG output)
[11ty] > Having trouble writing template: _site/index.html

`TemplateWriterWriteError` was thrown
[11ty] > ModuleParseError: Module parse failed: Unexpected character '�' (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
(Source code omitted for this binary file)
Here's the full (but anonymized) debug output, but it doesn't say much:
> set DEBUG=* & eleventy

  Eleventy:cmd command: eleventy { _: [], quiet: null, version: false, watch: false, dryrun: false, help: false, serve: false, passthroughall: false, incremental: false } +0ms
  Eleventy:EventBus Setting up global EventBus. +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Resetting EleventyConfig to initial values. +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'slug' +11ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'slugify' +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'url' +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'log' +1ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'serverlessUrl' +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getCollectionItem' +0ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getPreviousCollectionItem' +1ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal filter 'getNextCollectionItem' +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateConfig rootConfig { templateFormats: [ 'liquid',   'ejs', 'md',       'hbs', 'mustache', 'haml', 'pug',      'njk', 'html',     '11ty.js' ], pathPrefix: '/', markdownTemplateEngine: 'liquid', htmlTemplateEngine: 'liquid', dataTemplateEngine: false, htmlOutputSuffix: '-o', jsDataFileSuffix: '.11tydata', keys: { package: 'pkg', layout: 'layout', permalink: 'permalink', permalinkRoot: 'permalinkBypassOutputDir', engineOverride: 'templateEngineOverride', computed: 'eleventyComputed' }, dir: { input: '.', includes: '_includes', data: '_data', output: '_site' }, handlebarsHelpers: {}, nunjucksFilters: {} } +0ms
  Eleventy Setting process.env.ELEVENTY_ROOT: '<...>' +0ms
  Dev:Eleventy:TemplateConfig Merging via getConfig (first time) +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateConfig Merging config with <...>/.eleventy.js +3ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding anonymous plugin +879ms
  Eleventy:UserConfig Adding universal shortcode 'load' +1ms
  Eleventy:TemplateConfig localConfig: { dir: { input: 'src' }, templateFormats: undefined, transforms: { 'eleventy-load': [Function (anonymous)] }, linters: {}, globalData: {}, layoutAliases: {}, passthroughCopies: {}, liquidOptions: {}, liquidTags: {}, liquidFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, liquidShortcodes: { load: [Function (anonymous)] }, liquidPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksEnvironmentOptions: {}, nunjucksFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, nunjucksAsyncFilters: {}, nunjucksTags: {}, nunjucksGlobals: {}, nunjucksAsyncShortcodes: {}, nunjucksShortcodes: { load: [Function (anonymous)] }, nunjucksAsyncPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksPairedShortcodes: {}, handlebarsHelpers: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, handlebarsShortcodes: { load: [Function (anonymous)] }, handlebarsPairedShortcodes: {}, javascriptFunctions: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], load: [Function (anonymous)] }, pugOptions: {}, ejsOptions: {}, markdownHighlighter: null, libraryOverrides: {}, dynamicPermalinks: true, useGitIgnore: true, ignores: Set(1) { 'node_modules/**' }, dataDeepMerge: true, watchJavaScriptDependencies: true, additionalWatchTargets: [], browserSyncConfig: {}, chokidarConfig: {}, watchThrottleWaitTime: 0, frontMatterParsingOptions: undefined, dataExtensions: Map(0) {}, extensionMap: Set(0) {}, quietMode: false, events: AsyncEventEmitter { _events: [Object: null prototype] { beforeWatch: [Function (anonymous)] }, _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: undefined, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, plugins: [ { plugin: [Function (anonymous)], options: [Object], pluginNamespace: '' } ], useTemplateCache: true, precompiledCollections: {}, dataFilterSelectors: Set(0) {} } +879ms
  Eleventy:TemplateConfig overrides: {} +4ms
  Eleventy:TemplateConfig Current configuration: { templateFormats: [ 'liquid',   'ejs', 'md',       'hbs', 'mustache', 'haml', 'pug',      'njk', 'html',     '11ty.js' ], pathPrefix: '/', markdownTemplateEngine: 'liquid', htmlTemplateEngine: 'liquid', dataTemplateEngine: false, htmlOutputSuffix: '-o', jsDataFileSuffix: '.11tydata', keys: { package: 'pkg', layout: 'layout', permalink: 'permalink', permalinkRoot: 'permalinkBypassOutputDir', engineOverride: 'templateEngineOverride', computed: 'eleventyComputed' }, dir: { input: 'src', includes: '_includes', data: '_data', output: '_site' }, handlebarsHelpers: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, nunjucksFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, transforms: { 'eleventy-load': [Function (anonymous)] }, linters: {}, globalData: {}, layoutAliases: {}, passthroughCopies: {}, liquidOptions: {}, liquidTags: {}, liquidFilters: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)] }, liquidShortcodes: { load: [Function (anonymous)] }, liquidPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksEnvironmentOptions: {}, nunjucksAsyncFilters: {}, nunjucksTags: {}, nunjucksGlobals: {}, nunjucksAsyncShortcodes: {}, nunjucksShortcodes: { load: [Function (anonymous)] }, nunjucksAsyncPairedShortcodes: {}, nunjucksPairedShortcodes: {}, handlebarsShortcodes: { load: [Function (anonymous)] }, handlebarsPairedShortcodes: {}, javascriptFunctions: { slug: [Function (anonymous)], slugify: [Function (anonymous)], url: [Function (anonymous)], log: [Function (anonymous)], serverlessUrl: [Function (anonymous)], getCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getPreviousCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], getNextCollectionItem: [Function (anonymous)], load: [Function (anonymous)] }, pugOptions: {}, ejsOptions: {}, markdownHighlighter: null, libraryOverrides: {}, dynamicPermalinks: true, useGitIgnore: true, ignores: Set(1) { 'node_modules/**' }, dataDeepMerge: true, watchJavaScriptDependencies: true, additionalWatchTargets: [], browserSyncConfig: {}, chokidarConfig: {}, watchThrottleWaitTime: 0, frontMatterParsingOptions: undefined, dataExtensions: Map(0) {}, extensionMap: Set(0) {}, quietMode: false, events: AsyncEventEmitter { _events: [Object: null prototype] { beforeWatch: [Function (anonymous)] }, _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: undefined, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, plugins: [ { plugin: [Function (anonymous)], options: [Object], pluginNamespace: '' } ], useTemplateCache: true, precompiledCollections: {}, dataFilterSelectors: Set(0) {} } +2ms    
  Eleventy Eleventy warm up time (in ms) 1265.1933999955654 +890ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager Resetting counts to 0 +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./_site +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./_tmp +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./.DS_Store +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./.history/** +1ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./node_modules/** +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./.vscode +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./_site +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./*git +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./package-lock.json +1ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .gitignore ignoring: ./.env +0ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./node_modules/** +1ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles .eleventyignore,src/.eleventyignore ignoring: ./ +0ms
  Eleventy Directories:
  Eleventy Input (Dir): src
  Eleventy Input (File): undefined
  Eleventy Data: src/_data
  Eleventy Includes: src/_includes
  Eleventy Layouts: undefined
  Eleventy Output: _site
  Eleventy Template Formats: liquid,ejs,md,hbs,mustache,haml,pug,njk,html,11ty.js
  Eleventy Verbose Output: false +11ms
  Eleventy:EleventyFiles Searching for: [ './src/**/*.liquid', './src/**/*.ejs', './src/**/*.md', './src/**/*.hbs', './src/**/*.mustache', './src/**/*.haml', './src/**/*.pug', './src/**/*.njk', './src/**/*.html', './src/**/*.11ty.js', './src/**/*.11ty.cjs' ] +11ms
  Eleventy:TemplateWriter Found: [ './src/index.html' ] +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copy started. +29ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager `addPassthroughCopy` config API paths: {} +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager `addPassthroughCopy` config API normalized paths: [] +0ms
  Dev:Eleventy:Template new Template('./src/index.html') +0ms
  Dev:Eleventy:Template './src/index.html' getMapped() +1ms
  Dev:Eleventy:Template './src/index.html' getData() +1ms
  Dev:Eleventy:TemplateData getLocalDataPaths('./src/index.html') +0ms
  Dev:Eleventy:TemplateData parsed.dir: './src' +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateData Using '.11tydata' to find data files. +0ms
  Dev:Eleventy:TemplateData allDirs: [ './src' ] +1ms
  Dev:Eleventy:TemplateData dirStr: './src'; inputDir: './src' +1ms
  Eleventy:TemplateData getLocalDataPaths('./src/index.html'): [ './src/index.11tydata.js', './src/index.11tydata.cjs', './src/index.11tydata.json', './src/index.json', './src/src.11tydata.js', './src/src.11tydata.cjs', './src/src.11tydata.json', './src/src.json' ] +1ms
  Eleventy:TemplateWriter ./src/index.html begun adding to map. +6ms
  Eleventy:TemplatePassthroughManager TemplatePassthrough copy finished. Current count: 0 +6ms
  Dev:Eleventy:Template './src/index.html' getData() getTemplateDirectoryData and getGlobalData +3ms
  Eleventy:Template Template date: using file’s 'birthtimeMs' for './src/index.html' of 2022-02-11T00:02:09.761Z (from 1644537729761.5479) +0ms
  Dev:Eleventy:Template './src/index.html' getData() mergedData +4ms
  Eleventy:TemplateMap Caching collections objects. +0ms
  Eleventy:TemplateMap Collection: collections.all size: 1 +2ms
  Eleventy:TemplateMap Collection: collections.all size: 1 +0ms
  Eleventy:Template Second round of computed data for './src/index.html' +4ms
  Eleventy:ComputedData Computed data order of execution: [] +0ms
  Dev:Eleventy:Template './src/index.html' render() +5ms
  Dev:Eleventy:Template Template.render renderContent for './src/index.html' +0ms
  Dev:Eleventy:TemplateContent './src/index.html' compile() using engine: 'html' +0ms
  Dev:Eleventy:TemplateContent './src/index.html' getCompiledTemplate function created +3ms
  Dev:Eleventy:TemplateContent './src/index.html' getCompiledTemplate called, rendered content created +1ms      
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      1ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) Template Read +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      3ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) Template Compile +1ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      3ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Template Compile > ./src/index.html +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      1ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) Render +0ms
  Eleventy:Benchmark Benchmark      1ms   0%     1× (Aggregate) > Render > ./src/index.html +0ms
[11ty] Wrote 0 files in 4.90 seconds (v1.0.0)
  Eleventy Finished writing templates. +5s
  Eleventy       Getting frustrated? Have a suggestion/feature request/feedback?
  Eleventy       I want to hear it! Open an issue: +0ms
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

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