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cel-go's Issues

Improve protobuf type support at type-check


The interpreter and type-checker have different notions of which types
are supported. The interpreter is quite good at resolving types from a
protobuf file descriptor, but the type-checker only looks at types that have
been provided to the InMemoryTypeProvider. A unified type provider
would improve support for resolving enums at type-check time while
simplifying the type provision implementation.


// checker setup.
typeProvider := providers.NewTypeProvider(<proto-instances>)
env := checker.NewStandardEnv(common.NewErrors(), typeProvider)
c, errors := checker.Check(<expr>, env, <container>)

// interpreter setup referring to type provider and checked output `c`
i := interpreter.NewStandardInterpreter(typeProvider)
eval := i.NewInterpretable(interpreter.NewCheckedProgram(c, ""))

Alternatives Considered

The type provision could remain separate between the type-checker and
interpreter as they have slightly different use cases. One really cares about
whether a field exists on a type (checker), and another really care about
how to construct a type (interpreter). However, as these concepts are heavily
related, it would be useful to combine them.

Language design philosophy

I am trying to get familiar with cel lang in the context of opa project. Since I can't open issues against the cel-spec, I am filing it here. I am no language designer. From the readme I see that

CEL is a non-Turing complete language designed to be portable and fast. It is best suited to applications where sandboxing a full-fledged language like JavaScript or Lua would be too resource intensive, but side-effect free dynamic computations are strongly desired.

I am curious to understand why the following 2 are desired properties:

  • non-Turing complete language
  • side-effect free dynamic computations


Ensure CEL lexis is compatible with Google SQL

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request
  • If this is a bug, there are a concrete set of repro steps


String literals are supposed in CEL are supposed to align with GoogleSQL. At present,
not all escape sequences are supported properly:


  • \xhh, \Xhh conversion of 2 hex chars to unicode code point.
  • \Uhhhhhhhh conversion of unicode escape with 8 hex chars supported incorrectly as \Uhhhh
  • r|R and b|B prefixes supported, but no support for rb for a raw byte string
  • Missing docs on standardizing all newlines to \n
  • Inconsistent treatment of standard escape patterns

ConvertToNative does not handle proto2 primitives as pointers.

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request
  • If this is a bug, there are a concrete set of repro steps


For proto3 generated structs, primitive values are set by value. For proto2, primitive values
are set by pointer. ConvertToNative needs to handle the change from value to pointer for
primitive values.


if typeDesc.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && typeDesc.Elem().Kind() == reflect.String {
  return &string(s), nil

can't "go get" the repo

$ go get -u
package cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/local/google/home/cbro/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/usr/local/google/home/cbro/src/ (from $GOPATH)
package cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/local/google/home/cbro/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/usr/local/google/home/cbro/src/ (from $GOPATH)
package found packages main (main.go) and server (server.go) in /usr/local/google/home/cbro/src/

Related to #51.

I know Bazel has appeal, but if it's getting in the way of Go developers actually using the package, something is wrong.

Consider having a separate walk of the AST

TODO in interpreter/prune.go: 30
Consider having a separate walk of the AST that finds common subexpressions. This can be called before or after constant folding to find common subexpressions.

Switch from the checked.proto Type to the value.proto TypeValue

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request


The checked.proto has a type value which is used by the checker, but not elsewhere.
In the interest of making the evaluation results serializable between check and runtime,
the checked.proto should be wrapped to ensure that either the checked or runtime proto
value can be produced from some common internal representation.

Proto message construction does not set oneof fields properly.

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request
  • If this is a bug, there are a concrete set of repro steps


When a proto generated struct contains a oneof field, the reflection code under common/types/pb
does not appropriately account for structural gymnastics of wrapping the oneof in the correct


The following example should create an expression with a literal value of true:

   id: 1,
   literal_expr: google.api.expr.v1.Literal{
     bool_value: true}}

However, the output from the interpreter is: no such field "BoolValue"

Type container considered at check-time, but not at interpretation.

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request
  • If this is a bug, there are a concrete set of repro steps


In CEL, type definitions may exist within a specific container as indicated on the
last argument of checker.Check(expr, env, <container>). The container is used to resolve
type and enum definitions. At interpretation time, the container is used to resolve enum
names, but not used in conjunction with resolving type names. This leads the checker
to indicate a program is valid, but the interpreter to fail.


parsed, errors := parser.ParseText("Expr{id: 1}")

provider := types.NewProvider(&expr.Expr{})
env :=  checker.NewStandardEnv(errors, provider)
checked := checker.Check(parsed, env, "google.api.expr.v1")

i := interpreter.NewStandardInterpreter(provider)
eval := i.NewInterpretable(interpreter.NewCheckedProgram(checked, "google.api.expr.v1"))
result, _ := eval.Eval(interpreter.NewActivation(map[string]interface{}{}))
// yields: unknown type 'Expr'
// using fully-qualified names avoids the issue.

Recent versions of protobuf compiler generate extra fields in go structs

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request
  • If this is a bug, there are a concrete set of repro steps


Recent versions of protobuf compiler generate extra fields in go structs. This causes some
tests to break. It is recommended that the new fields which appear to be for tracking internal
protobuf state, be expressly ignored by the code in common/types/pb/ directory as well as
by the object.go and provider.go files.


See an example of the new fields in

To reproduce a test failure, update WORKSPACE to use
version 0.12.0 or later and run all tests with

$ bazel test ...
and you'll see in the logs for common/types/go_default_test

--- FAIL: TestProtoObject_Iterator (0.00s)
        Got [id comprehension_expr XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral XXX_unrecognized XXX_sizecache], 
        wanted [id comprehension_expr]

Alternatives Considered

One option is to rely on the extra fields being prefixed with XXX_ (hooray for in-band signaling!).
This might be simplest, but is fragile, since it seems to be an undocumented convention.

Another option is to eschew Go-level reflection and rely on the reflection in the proto library for
accessing proper fields names in a Message.

Create a type registry

Create a type registry for managing type identifiers and traits for
use with type-checking and interpretation.

CEL supports primitives and message based types. There is a need
for some of these types to be treated in an abstract manner as well
as a need to annotate types as having traits to indicate they have
support operator overloads.

Confusing example - how is common.Errors used and why is it passed around?

The example in the readme...

// Parse the expression and returns the accumulated errors.
p, errors := parser.ParseText("a || b && c.exists(x, x > 2)")
if len(errors.GetErrors()) != 0 {
    return nil, fmt.Error(errors.ToDisplayString()))

// ...
env := checker.NewStandardEnv(packages.DefaultPackage, typeProvider, errors)
// ...
if len(errors.GetErrors()) != 0 {
    return nil, fmt.Error(errors.ToDisplayString()))

This is quite confusing - why is the errors struct being passed around? What's the reason for returning it from the parser and passing it into the environment?

From my reading, the checker env isn't re-usable or goroutine-safe.

As a newcomer to the package, I'd expect a flow like:

  • create environment, provide type information, etc.
  • parse and check the expression against the environment
  • evaluate the expression

The current interface seems to entangle these operations.

Partial evaluation


Support the evaluation of an expression with partial information.


If the expression a + expensive < 10 || c >= 11 receives values for a=11
and c=10, but not expensive the output of the partial evaluation should

11 + expensive < 10 || false

The computed expression can be simplified to: expensive < -1. In order to
support such transformations, the interpreter should generate a stable (error
or non-error) or unknown value with tracking for the state observed for an
expression. The tracked state should be detailed enough to generate a new
expression or minimally detect which inputs were crucial to the computation
of the result.

Alternatives Considered

CEL could only execute expressions in serial with complete information. This
would simplify the CEL implementation and align with the expectations of
many developers.

Ensure interpretation result is proto serializable

CEL evaluation may be distributed across processes, so the output of one
program may be treated as input to another. It is important for this reason
that interpretation results (valued, error, or unknown) are proto serializable.

Support `google.protobuf.Value` types as JSON

CEL supports types based on protocol buffers. These types are treated
as object that support field accesses by name. Protocol buffers also
support JSON-like data via google.protobuf.Value messages. These
messages are intended to be supported as primitives, maps, and lists
so the message field names should be abstracted away by the
type-checker and interpreter.

JSON and well-known types not handled properly during type-resolution

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request
  • If this is a bug, there are a concrete set of repro steps


When a value has a google.protobuf.Value type (or derivative), or a well-known type
such as google.protobuf.Any or google.protobuf.Duration, the type is treated as a
MESSAGE by the checker.go when it should be mapped to the appropriate built-in
or well-known type value.

Create a docgen tool

The docgen tool should generate documentation of the identifiers and functions
supported within an environment (checker/env.go). The tool should probably
generate markdown.

Refactor proto alias

Issue Filing Checklist

  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple
    Pull Request


Refactor proto alias in .go files for cel-go

Tool to stringify ASTs

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple
    Pull Request


Given an AST generate a human-readable string from it.


Translate an AST of the form call('_||_', ident(a), ident(b))
into the human readable string a || b.

The translation step need not honor line-breaks or parentheses
present in the original expression, but must capture the semantic
meaning of the original.

Alternatives Considered

This functionality does not yet exist. An alternative might be to
record the original string from which the AST was generated, but
this would likely be overkill and serving both the string and AST
form of an expression in production is undesirable.

Unify error codes / messages

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request


Error messages are formatted strings which are not uniform. While this was
okay for development, the errors should be consolidated into error codes
with a set of associated details. Further, when multiple errors are encountered
they should be aggregated together rather than simply picking the first one.

Proposed error codes:

Code Details Description
ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND type, attribute Map or object access using an unknown attribute.
DIVIDE_BY_ZERO n/a Division by zero, also reported for modulus operations.
DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE attribute name Map or object construction supplies same key value more than once.
IDENTIFIER_NOT_FOUND identifier name Variable or function name could not be found.
INVALID_ARGUMENT argument value Invalid argument supplied to a function.
OVERLOAD_NOT_FOUND function signature Function defined, but no matching overload found.
TYPE_NOT_FOUND type name Type definition could not be found.


return types.NewError(errors.ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, value.Type(), field)

Introduce non-strict comprehensions

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request
  • If this is a bug, there are a concrete set of repro steps


The termination condition for all comprehensions is <loop-cond> != false in order
to ensure that when the loop-condition does not terminate on comprehensions where
the loop-step is computed from a non-strict operator (&&, ||). This can result in
inefficient computation when the loop-step is strict (literally any other operator).

To account for this difference, the parser macros should expand non-strict
loop-conditions to be a function call to a not_strictly_false(<loop-cond>) function
which returns true when the loop condition value is error, unknown, or true. The new
function will absorb errors / unknowns just like the non-strict accumulators for exists
and all macros.

Remove homogeneous aggregate type restrictions

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request
  • If this is a bug, there are a concrete set of repro steps


CEL is a dynamically typed language. As such there is no way to specify a type-designator
for an aggregate type literal, e.g. list<int>[1, 2, 3]. This means that all aggregate types defined
inline within an expression should be treated as dyn values. Currently, the type-checker asserts
type-agreement between all elements in a list or map unless expressly cast to dyn. This check
should be removed, preferring instead to identify the most general type element in the list.


Currently fails to type-check: [1u, 1] but should succeed as the interpreter handles this
expression just fine.

Use protobuf generated structs directly

The internal type system used within the parser and type-checker
is convenient for formatting debug strings, but using the protobuf
representations directly will simplify the implementation, provide
valuable feedback about the usability of the abstract CEL representation,
and reduce the likelihood of mismatches between the specification
and the implementation.

Update CEL.g4 to better handle arithmetic computations

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple [Pull Request(./


The lexing of negative numbers makes the parsing of arithmetic expressions
less than ideal. Moving the negative number detection to the parser will address
this usability issue.


The expression 4--4 is currently ambiguous without additional spaces. This should
read as call('-', '4', '-4') once the parser is changed.

Support pack / unpack of `google.protobuf.Any` values

Issue Filing Checklist

  • There are no issues that match the desired change
  • The change is large enough it can't be addressed with a simple Pull Request


The CEL language definition indicates that google.protobuf.Any values are automatically
packed / unpacked to their underlying proto message during expression evaluation. At present,
the interpreter does not handle this.


If msg is declared as a message containing a field any of type google.protobuf.Any, the
value of any could be any protobuf message type supported by the types.Provider and
it should be automatically converted to this underlying type

// treat msg.any as a Timestamp when it is a google.protobuf.Timestamp
msg.any < timestamp("2017-01-01T00:00:00Z")

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