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buzzer's Issues

Errors returned from ebpf apis should be exported for better testing/development practices

Currently in the codebase we do a lot of return fmt.Errorf(...) which is convenient but makes making sure that an error is a certain type a lot harder and creates fragile conditions for testing where we rely a lot on error strings.

Ideally we should have a list of errors somewhere that we export to users that can then go ahead and use those errors for comparisons, assertions, etc.

Run buzzer in the vm and get "Fuzzer run no 0"

Hi, I prepared the environment as the buzzer and syzkaller docs describe, and it goes smoothly.
but when I run buzzer in the vm, it gets "Fuzzer run no 0" as bellows:

root@syzkaller:~# ls
buzzer	sourceFiles  vmlinux
root@syzkaller:~# ./buzzer 
running fuzzing strategy parse_verifier_log
Fuzzer run no 0.

Besides, I can only see "404 page not found" on the webpage http://localhost:8080/.
Is the buzzer running? what should I have seen in this step?
I don't know what happens, could you please give me some advice?

More debug information for the metrics server

Hi there!

I've had buzzer running for 16+ hours and my metrics server shows no coverage for verifier.c
I'm not sure if I'm not giving it the file parameter correctly. It would be good to know where I may need to troubleshoot

Create a wrapper around ebpf helper functions to make it easier to fuzz them

Currently working at creating wrappers around ebpf instructions to make the creation of ebpf programs friendlier. Once this work is landed, we would invoke a helper function (e.g map_lookup_element) like this:

Mov64(R1, ptr_to_map)
Mov64(R2, key)

While doing this I noticed we could also create wrappers around ebpf helper functions, that would set up the registers in the right state, so the above example would turn into:

bpf_map_lookup_elemen(ptr_to_map, key)  

Landing this work would be dependent on the refactoring that I am working on right now, so opening this issue for tracking purposes.

Integrate with syzkaller

syzkaller is a coverage-guided OS kernel fuzzer. It can generate BPF programs of low quality and could benefit from a high-quality BPF generator. It won't be as efficient as Buzzer in stressing BPF subsystem itself, but will uncover bugs in more complex interactions between BPF programs and other kernel subsystems.

I have a prototype for integration, which you can mostly ignore except for the proposed interface between syzkaller and Buzzer:

// This is supposed to be buzzer.Generate.
// progType is the program type (BPF_PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER/KPROBE/...).
// oldInsns is the program for mutation, if empty, generate a new one.
// Returns new/mutated program and number of used map fd's in bpf_attr::fd_array.
func BuzzerGenerate(progType int, rnd *rand.Rand, oldInsns []uint64) (insns []uint64, maps int)

Buzzer and syzkaller has some model mismatch as syzkaller generates and mutates programs offline. So it's not possible to embed actual map fd's into the program (they don't exist yet, and we are not even running on the target machine).
So I restricted it to use of only bpf_attr::fd_array, which syzkaller will fill with requested number of fd's later.
It is possible to use fd's embed in the program, but it will require some for of a-la ELF relocations (buzzer will need to say what offsets in the program should contain fd's and which of these refer to the same/different maps). I decided to left this out for now.

Any other ideas on how to design the interface? Anything I've missed? Do we need attach type here? Or map types? Or anything to make it possible to call C functions from the BPF program?

CC @a-nogikh @tarasmadan

Support MovReg64

The current implementation cannot support the MovReg64 well.

In pkg/ebpf/alu_instructions.go, although there is a function called MovRegImm64, however, the arguments only supports the imm32.

// MovRegImm64 sets re to the specified value
func MovRegImm64(reg *Register, imm int32) *AluImmInstruction {
	return NewAluImmInstruction(AluMov, InsClassAlu64, reg, imm)


For the following simple ebpf program

#include <linux/bpf.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_tracing.h>

typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef int pid_t;
const pid_t pid_filter = 0;

char LICENSE[] SEC("license") = "Dual BSD/GPL";

int handle_tp(void *ctx)
 pid_t pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32;
 if (pid_filter && pid != pid_filter)
  return 0;
 bpf_printk("BPF triggered sys_enter_write from PID %d.\n", pid);
 return 0;

The disassembled result is:

Disassembly of section tp/syscalls/sys_enter_write:

0000000000000000 <handle_tp>:
       0:	85 00 00 00 0e 00 00 00	call 0xe
       1:	b7 01 00 00 64 2e 0a 00	r1 = 0xa2e64
       2:	63 1a f8 ff 00 00 00 00	*(u32 *)(r10 - 0x8) = r1
       3:	18 01 00 00 6f 6d 20 50 00 00 00 00 49 44 20 25	r1 = 0x2520444950206d6f ll
       5:	7b 1a f0 ff 00 00 00 00	*(u64 *)(r10 - 0x10) = r1
       6:	18 01 00 00 77 72 69 74 00 00 00 00 65 20 66 72	r1 = 0x7266206574697277 ll
       8:	7b 1a e8 ff 00 00 00 00	*(u64 *)(r10 - 0x18) = r1
       9:	18 01 00 00 73 5f 65 6e 00 00 00 00 74 65 72 5f	r1 = 0x5f7265746e655f73 ll
      11:	7b 1a e0 ff 00 00 00 00	*(u64 *)(r10 - 0x20) = r1
      12:	18 01 00 00 67 65 72 65 00 00 00 00 64 20 73 79	r1 = 0x7973206465726567 ll
      14:	7b 1a d8 ff 00 00 00 00	*(u64 *)(r10 - 0x28) = r1
      15:	18 01 00 00 42 50 46 20 00 00 00 00 74 72 69 67	r1 = 0x6769727420465042 ll
      17:	7b 1a d0 ff 00 00 00 00	*(u64 *)(r10 - 0x30) = r1
      18:	77 00 00 00 20 00 00 00	r0 >>= 0x20
      19:	bf a1 00 00 00 00 00 00	r1 = r10
      20:	07 01 00 00 d0 ff ff ff	r1 += -0x30
      21:	b7 02 00 00 2c 00 00 00	r2 = 0x2c
      22:	bf 03 00 00 00 00 00 00	r3 = r0
      23:	85 00 00 00 06 00 00 00	call 0x6
      24:	b7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	r0 = 0x0
      25:	95 00 00 00 00 00 00 00	exit

There are instructions that load imm64 to the register, however in the code, it only supports imm64.

run with coverage enabled but failed


uname: 5.19.17

root@syzkaller:~# cat /etc/os-release 
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="12 (bookworm)"
qemu-system-x86_64 \
  -m 8G \
  -smp 4 -cpu host \
  -kernel /home/g0dA/kernel/linux-5.19.17/arch/x86/boot/bzImage \
  -append "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/sda earlyprintk=serial net.ifnames=0" \
  -drive file=/home/g0dA/kernel/debian/debian.img,format=raw \
  -net user,host=,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp: \
  -net nic,model=e1000 \
  -enable-kvm \
  -nographic \


root@syzkaller:~# ls
buzzer	sourceFiles  vmlinux
root@syzkaller:~# ./buzzer
2023/05/03 02:09:54 failed to init control unit: Run program did not succee

and have output like this:

program flaked1974.                               
Writing verifier log to "/tmp/verifier-log-302911802".
Writing eBPF binary to "/tmp/ebpf-binary-3260864109".
"strconv.Atoi: parsing \"?\": invalid syntax"

Make complaints....Compiling is really cumbersome and requires gcc 12+

How to set up the environment

Hello, I'm curious to know how you configure the IDE while developing. Although I am able to run the project from the command line and fuzzing, I am having trouble reading the code and jumping to see the function definitions and references.

I don't know much about bazel, and I tried to set up the dev environment for several days. What's worse.. There is no tutorials about develop go program with bazel.

Hope to get a reply

buzzer always raises error "Bad address"

It is an excellent work. But I came accross some trouble when using Buzzer.
I successfully compiled and installed Buzzer according to the REAME.
However, it kept rasing error "Bad address" when executing eBPF prog.

My environment: OS 20.04, gcc-10

I configured Buzzer with the default settings and made sure that the BPF syscall is accessible as BCC worked fine.

Do you have any idea?

`bazel build :buzzer` fails on M1 Macs


36 $ bazel build :buzzer

INFO: Analyzed target //:buzzer (12 packages loaded, 42 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
ERROR: /Users/piotrostr/buzzer/ebpf_ffi/BUILD:21:11: Compiling ebpf_ffi/ failed: (Exit 1): failed: error executing command (from target //ebpf_ffi:ebpf_ffi) external/local_config_cc/ -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -fstack-protector -Wall -Wthread-safety -Wself-assign -Wunused-but-set-parameter -Wno-free-nonheap-object -fcolor-diagnostics ... (remaining 41 arguments skipped)

Use --sandbox_debug to see verbose messages from the sandbox and retain the sandbox build root for debugging
In file included from ebpf_ffi/
./ebpf_ffi/ffi.h:22:10: fatal error: 'linux/bpf.h' file not found
#include <linux/bpf.h>
1 error generated.
Target //:buzzer failed to build
Use --verbose_failures to see the command lines of failed build steps.
INFO: Elapsed time: 2.488s, Critical Path: 0.97s
INFO: 14 processes: 8 internal, 6 darwin-sandbox.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully


  • bazel 6.2.0, installed with bazelisk
  • go version go1.20.3 darwin/arm64

Clarification on PointerArithmetic Strategy's Boundary Check


I have been reviewing the PointerArithmetic strategy in the buzzer project and I have some questions regarding the logic used to determine if a boundary write has occurred. Specifically, I am confused about the comparison of the contents at key 0 and key 1 in the map to determine if a boundary write has occurred.

Code in Question:

// Footer part of the GenerateProgram method
footer, err := InstructionSequence(
    // Select a random register and store its value in R8.
    Mov64(R8, RandomRegister()),

    // Load a fd to the map.
    LdMapByFd(R9, pa.mapFd),

    // Begin by writing a value to the map without ptr arithmetic.
    StW(R10, 0, -4),
    Mov64(R2, R10),
    Add64(R2, -4),
    Mov64(R1, R9),
    JmpNE(R0, 0, 1),
    StDW(R0, 0xCAFE, 0),

    // Now repeat the operation but doing pointer arithmetic.
    StW(R10, 1, -4),
    Mov64(R2, R10),
    Add64(R2, -4),
    Mov64(R1, R9),
    JmpNE(R0, 0, 1),

    // Do math with the random register selected at the start.
    Add64(R0, R8),
    StDW(R0, 0xCAFE, 0),

    // Exit
    Mov64(R0, 0),


The strategy compares the contents at key 0 and key 1 in the map to determine if a boundary write has occurred:

func (pa *PointerArithmetic) OnExecuteDone(ffi *units.FFI, executionResult *fpb.ExecutionResult) bool {
    mapElements, err := ffi.GetMapElements(pa.mapFd, 2)
    if err != nil {
        return true

    return mapElements.Elements[0] == mapElements.Elements[1]

However, if R8 is not zero, the pointer arithmetic will cause the value to be written to an offset location, which means the contents at key 0 and key 1 will inherently be different. This makes the comparison unreliable for detecting boundary writes.


  1. Is the intention to detect boundary writes by comparing the contents at key 0 and key 1?
  2. If so, how does this logic account for the offset introduced by R8?

I appreciate any clarification or guidance you can provide on this matter.

Thank you!

404 page not found on my metrics server webpage

I've had buzzer running for 10+ hours and my metrics server shows no information (i.e., 404 page not found).
I compiled my kernel with kcov and kasan as the syzkaller instructions, and built the bullseye image,
and replace the PATH_TO_DEBIAN_IMAGE and PATH_TO_KERNEL_REPO with absolute path like /home/xxx/workspace/image/ and /home/xxx/workspace/kernel/, and my kernel build .config includes:

I'm not sure where the problem is. It might be similar to issue/37, but I haven't understood the solution. Please provide some assistance. Thank you.

OOM-killer when RAM is set to 20G or 40G

Hi, I ran buzzer with 20G RAM and OOM-killer problem occurred as mentioned in #58. When I increased the RAM to 40G, the problem still exists as below. I think there might be a memory leak in buzzer. Could you help me with this?

In addition, I used the -strategy=pointer_arithmetic which is tagged deprecated, and I didn't find any bugs. May I know which -strategy is more likely to find bugs?

from 262 to 264: R0=map_value(ks=4,vs=8) R6=scalar() R7=0xffffffff80000000 R8=0x372b167a R9=map_ptr(ks=4,vs=8) R10=fp0 fp-8=mmmm????
264: R0=map_value(ks=4,vs=8) R6=scalar() R7=0xffffffff80000000 R8=0x372b167a R9=map_ptr(ks=4,vs=8) R10=fp0 fp-8=mmmm????
264: (0f) r0 += r8
mark_precise: frame0: last_idx 264 first_idx 262 subseq_idx -1 
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 262: (55) if r0 != 0x0 goto pc+1
mark_precise: frame0: parent state regs=r8 stack=:  R0_rw=map_value_or_null(id=2,ks=4,vs=8) R6=scalar() R7=0xffffffff80000000 R8_r=P0x372b167a R9=map_ptr(ks=4,vs=8) R10=fp0 f?
mark_precise: frame0: last_idx 261 first_idx 254 subseq_idx 262 
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 261: (85) call bpf_map_lookup_elem#1
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 260: (bf) r1 = r9
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 259: (07) r2 += -4
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 258: (bf) r2 = r10
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 257: (62) *(u32 *)(r10 -4) = 1
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 256: (7a) *(u64 *)(r0 +0) = 51966
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 254: (55) if r0 != 0x0 goto pc+1
mark_precise: frame0: parent state regs=r8 stack=:  R0_rw=map_value_or_null(id=1,ks=4,vs=8) R6_w=scalar() R7=0xffffffff80000000 R8_rw=P0x372b167a R9_rw=map_ptr(ks=4,vs=8) R10?
mark_precise: frame0: last_idx 253 first_idx 237 subseq_idx 254 
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 253: (85) call bpf_map_lookup_elem#1
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 252: (bf) r1 = r9
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 251: (07) r2 += -4
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 250: (bf) r2 = r10
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 249: (62) *(u32 *)(r10 -4) = 0
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 247: (18) r9 = 0xffff888119f4fc00
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r8 stack= before 246: (bf) r8 = r1
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r1 stack= before 245: (37) r6 /= -1198429702
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r1 stack= before 244: (87) r2 = -r2
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r1 stack= before 243: (4c) w6 |= w1
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r1 stack= before 242: (47) r9 |= -1347492013
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r1 stack= before 241: (54) w5 &= 1831304382
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r1 stack= before 240: (af) r9 ^= r0
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r1 stack= before 239: (1d) if r7 == r1 goto pc+5
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r1,r7 stack= before 238: (b7) r3 = -73889241
mark_precise: frame0: regs=r1,r7 stack= before 237: (1c) w9 -= w3
mark_precise: frame0: parent state regs= stack=:  R0_r=0xffffffffc4ff83eb R1_rw=P0x372b167a R2_r=1 R3_r=0xffffffff9f1e1499 R4_w=scalar(smin=0,smax=umax=0xffffffff,var_off=(0x0
math between map_value pointer and 925570682 is not allowed
processed 47 insns (limit 1000000) max_states_per_insn 0 total_states 4 peak_states 4 mark_read 2

[155991.590243] buzzer invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x2dc2(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_HIGHMEM|__GFP_NOWARN|__GFP_ZERO), order=0, oom_score_adj=0
[155991.590687] CPU: 0 PID: 219 Comm: buzzer Not tainted 6.10.0-rc1-00027-g4a4be1ad3a6e #2
[155991.590924] Hardware name: QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996), BIOS 1.15.0-1 04/01/2014
[155991.591172] Call Trace:
[155991.591260]  <TASK>
[155991.591331]  dump_stack_lvl+0xab/0xe0
[155991.591455]  dump_header+0x102/0xc20
[155991.591573]  ? _raw_spin_lock+0x80/0xe0
[155991.591695]  ? ___ratelimit+0x99/0x460
[155991.591817]  oom_kill_process+0x846/0xe20
[155991.591946]  ? task_will_free_mem+0xac/0x650
[155991.592082]  ? oom_badness+0x522/0x670
[155991.592204]  out_of_memory+0x2cb/0x1af0
[155991.592328]  ? __pfx_out_of_memory+0x10/0x10
[155991.592464]  ? __pfx_mutex_trylock+0x10/0x10
[155991.592600]  ? zone_reclaimable_pages+0x74f/0x8e0
[155991.592749]  __alloc_pages_noprof+0x1884/0x1ec0
[155991.592894]  ? update_load_avg+0x124/0x1fd0
[155991.593028]  ? sysvec_call_function_single+0x18/0xc0
[155991.593182]  ? __pfx___alloc_pages_noprof+0x10/0x10
[155991.593335]  ? sysvec_call_function_single+0x18/0xc0
[155991.593489]  ? sysvec_call_function_single+0x18/0xc0
[155991.593643]  ? sysvec_apic_timer_interrupt+0xf/0x80
[155991.593795]  ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_switch+0x54/0x90
[155991.593954]  ? policy_nodemask+0xeb/0x4b0
[155991.594083]  alloc_pages_mpol_noprof+0xf2/0x330
[155991.594228]  ? __pfx_alloc_pages_mpol_noprof+0x10/0x10
[155991.594389]  ? alloc_pages_noprof+0x139/0x150
[155991.594529]  ? __sanitizer_cov_trace_pc+0x17/0x60
[155991.594678]  __vmalloc_node_range_noprof+0xa87/0x1310
[155991.594838]  ? kcov_ioctl+0x4f/0x6a0
[155991.594955]  ? __pfx___vmalloc_node_range_noprof+0x10/0x10
[155991.595125]  ? __pfx_do_sys_openat2+0x10/0x10
[155991.595267]  ? kcov_ioctl+0x4f/0x6a0
[155991.595383]  vmalloc_user_noprof+0x9e/0xe0
[155991.595514]  ? kcov_ioctl+0x4f/0x6a0
[155991.595629]  kcov_ioctl+0x4f/0x6a0
[155991.595741]  ? __pfx_kcov_ioctl+0x10/0x10
[155991.595871]  __x64_sys_ioctl+0x1a1/0x210
[155991.596003]  do_syscall_64+0xa6/0x1a0
[155991.596121]  entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe+0x77/0x7f
[155991.596279] RIP: 0033:0xaddb7f
[155991.596399] Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at 0xaddb55.
[155991.596570] RSP: 002b:00007fadae1cdde0 EFLAGS: 00000246 ORIG_RAX: 0000000000000010
[155991.596796] RAX: ffffffffffffffda RBX: 000000c000052d08 RCX: 0000000000addb7f
[155991.597009] RDX: 0000000004000000 RSI: 0000000080086301 RDI: 0000000000000007
[155991.597222] RBP: 00007fadae1cde60 R08: 0000000000000000 R09: 0000000000000000
[155991.597434] R10: 0000000000000000 R11: 0000000000000246 R12: ffffffffffffffff
[155991.597647] R13: 0000000000000008 R14: 000000c0000061a0 R15: 0000000000000020
[155991.597860]  </TASK>
[155991.597941] Mem-Info:
[155991.598016] active_anon:27 inactive_anon:8402365 isolated_anon:0
[155991.598016]  active_file:0 inactive_file:2 isolated_file:0
[155991.598016]  unevictable:0 dirty:0 writeback:0
[155991.598016]  slab_reclaimable:9131 slab_unreclaimable:296105
[155991.598016]  mapped:6483 shmem:10296 pagetables:16815
[155991.598016]  sec_pagetables:0 bounce:0
[155991.598016]  kernel_misc_reclaimable:0
[155991.598016]  free:47811 free_pcp:29085 free_cma:0
[155991.599280] Node 0 active_anon:108kB inactive_anon:33609460kB active_file:0kB inactive_file:156kB unevictable:0kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB mapped:25932kB dirs
[155991.600386] Node 0 DMA free:14968kB boost:0kB min:8kB low:20kB high:32kB reserved_highatomic:0KB active_anon:0kB inactive_anon:0kB active_file:0kB inactive_file:0kB uneviB
[155991.601526] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 2891 34893 0
[155991.601809] Node 0 DMA32 free:129084kB boost:0kB min:1980kB low:4940kB high:7900kB reserved_highatomic:0KB active_anon:0kB inactive_anon:2780836kB active_file:56kB inactiB
[155991.603028] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 32001 0
[155991.603202] Node 0 Normal free:47192kB boost:61440kB min:83360kB low:116128kB high:148896kB reserved_highatomic:0KB active_anon:108kB inactive_anon:30828624kB active_fileB
[155991.604266] lowmem_reserve[]: 0 0 0 0
[155991.604403] Node 0 DMA: 2*4kB (M) 1*8kB (M) 1*16kB (M) 3*32kB (M) 0*64kB 4*128kB (M) 4*256kB (M) 4*512kB (M) 5*1024kB (UM) 3*2048kB (M) 0*4096kB = 14976kB
[155991.604962] Node 0 DMA32: 889*4kB (M) 279*8kB (UM) 154*16kB (UM) 121*32kB (M) 56*64kB (M) 72*128kB (M) 55*256kB (UM) 51*512kB (M) 40*1024kB (UM) 11*2048kB (UM) 0*4096kB =B
[155991.605531] Node 0 Normal: 824*4kB (ME) 1028*8kB (UME) 669*16kB (UME) 552*32kB (UME) 113*64kB (UM) 0*128kB 0*256kB 0*512kB 0*1024kB 0*2048kB 0*4096kB = 47120kB
[155991.606047] Node 0 hugepages_total=0 hugepages_free=0 hugepages_surp=0 hugepages_size=2048kB
[155991.606371] 10602 total pagecache pages
[155991.606501] 0 pages in swap cache
[155991.606664] Free swap  = 0kB
[155991.606759] Total swap = 0kB
[155991.606914] 10485630 pages RAM
[155991.607017] 0 pages HighMem/MovableOnly
[155991.607192] 1546389 pages reserved
[155991.607302] Tasks state (memory values in pages):
[155991.607506] [  pid  ]   uid  tgid total_vm      rss rss_anon rss_file rss_shmem pgtables_bytes swapents oom_score_adj name
[155991.607904] [     87]     0    87    21301    11108      192      131     10785   212992        0          -250 systemd-journal
[155991.608311] [    102]     0   102     8952     2570     2570        0         0   102400        0         -1000 systemd-udevd
[155991.608712] [    127]     0   127     1409      105       64       41         0    57344        0             0 cron
[155991.609098] [    146]     0   146    55233      476      340      136         0    77824        0             0 rsyslogd
[155991.609490] [    167]     0   167    24971      344      311       33         0    77824        0             0 dhclient
[155991.609885] [    193]     0   193     3338      274      224       50         0    65536        0         -1000 sshd
[155991.610267] [    194]     0   194      718       78       32       46         0    49152        0             0 agetty
[155991.610674] [    195]     0   195      718       39        0       39         0    45056        0             0 agetty
[155991.611090] [    196]     0   196      718       58       32       26         0    40960        0             0 agetty
[155991.611489] [    197]     0   197      718       64       32       32         0    45056        0             0 agetty
[155991.611890] [    198]     0   198      718       46        0       46         0    40960        0             0 agetty
[155991.612285] [    199]     0   199      718       33        0       33         0    53248        0             0 agetty
[155991.612683] [    200]     0   200     2085      143      128       15         0    57344        0             0 login
[155991.613075] [    207]     0   207     1513      147       96       51         0    57344        0             0 bash
[155991.613462] [    216]     0   216  8669850  8385063  8385006       57         0 67465216        0             0 buzzer
[155991.613861] oom-kill:constraint=CONSTRAINT_NONE,nodemask=(null),cpuset=/,mems_allowed=0,task=buzzer,pid=216,uid=0
[155991.614184] Out of memory: Killed process 216 (buzzer) total-vm:34679400kB, anon-rss:33540024kB, file-rss:228kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:0 pgtables:65884kB oom_score_adj:0
[155991.614868] buzzer (221) used greatest stack depth: 23896 bytes left
[155995.732880] oom_reaper: reaped process 216 (buzzer), now anon-rss:16kB, file-rss:228kB, shmem-rss:0kB

Bit Shift operations generate a high ratio of invalid program failures

While manually testing the fuzzer I noticed that bit shift operations generate a lot of invalid programs due to an invalid shift amount (e.g negativa values or values over 32/64).

The solution is simple: whenever we generate a bit shift operation, make sure the shift amount is always between [1, 31] or [1,63] depending on the instruction class.

Make eBPF program writing easier

Currently, this pattern gets repeated often to write an ebpf program:

var root, ptr, next ebpf.EBPFOperation
root := ALUIMMOperation(...)
ptr = root

next := ...
ptr = next 


Ideally, programs should be built in a more readable and easier to write way, for example:

MOV64(R0, 0),
MOV64(R1, R0),
MUL64(R1, 10),

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