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veritrans-android's Introduction

Veritrans Android SDK


Veritrans SDK is an android library that simplifies the process of making transactions on Veritrans Payment gateway.

Payment types Supported

  1. Credit/Debit - Support for making payments via credit cards and or debit cards using our one-click or two-clicks feature
  2. Mandiri ClickPay -
  3. CIMB Clicks -
  4. ePay BRI -
  5. BBM Money -
  6. Indosat Dompetku -
  7. Mandiri e-Cash -
  8. Bank Transfer - Support payment using Permata Virtual Account.
  9. Mandiri Bill Payment
  10. Indomaret - Payment via convineience Stores

Other features

  1. Offers - supports offers like BIN Promos, Discounts , Installments etc.
  2. Register Card : Securely store the credit card tokens with the merchants for seamless payment experience

Supported Modes

  1. UI flow (Recommended) : We provide the drop in User interface for making transactions on all the payment types supported by Veritrans. Watch the video for the default UI flow example.
  2. Core flow : We provide an API only implementation for all payment types, This allows users to Bring your own UI to the mobile App.


  1. Please familiarize yourself with our documentation
  2. Create a merchant account in MAP
  3. Setup your merchant accounts settings, in particular Notification URL.
  4. Checkout the Veritrans SDK Demo App and walk through the implementation.
  5. Checkout the Veritrans Merchant server Reference Implementation, and walk through the API's that you may need to implement on your backend server

Security Aspects

  • We use CLIENT_KEY and SERVER_KEY (available on MAP) for the making requests to the Veritrans API. The CLIENT_KEY can only be used from the Device, the SERVER_KEY is not used on the Device, all API requests that use the SERVER_KEY need to be made from the Merchant Backend.
  • We use strong encryption for making connections to your backend server, please make sure you use a Valid Https Certificate.
  • Please be careful logging payment related information to the Logs(especialy when using Core flow)

Following are configurable parameters of sdk that can be used while performing transaction -

  1. Merchant erver Endpoint- url of server to which transaction data will be sent. This will also be referred to as a merchant server
  2. Transaction details - contains payment information like amount, order Id, payment method etc.
  3. Veritrans Client Key - token that specified by merchant server to enable the transaction using credit card. Available on the MAP

Setting up Android SDK

We publish our SDK to bintray repository. Please add bintray in your repository list(as below)

  1. Add the following into your build.gradle
dependencies {
    // For using the Veritrans Sandbox
    compile ''
    // For using the Veritrans Production
    compile ''

Following bintray repository needs to be added to your repository section in build.gradle

repositories {
        maven { url "" } // Add the midtrans repository into the list of repositories
  1. Add the Merchant server URL and the Veritrans client Key in the configuration into your build.gradle file (Note: We have different CLIENT_KEY values for sandbox and production)
productFlavors {
        development {
            buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", <MERCHANT_BASE_URL_SANDBOX>
            buildConfigField "String", "CLIENT_KEY", <MERCHANT_CLIENT_KEY_SANDBOX>
        production {
            buildConfigField "String", "BASE_URL", <MERCHANT_BASE_URL_PRODUCTION>
            buildConfigField "String", "CLIENT_KEY", <MERCHANT_CLIENT_KEY_PRODUCTION>
  1. Modify the AndroidManifest.xml file to allow network access

These permissions are required to allow the application to send events.

  android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

  android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
  1. Setup Proguard Rules

IDE Setup


Note - To add this library project in eclipse follow the instructions given on following link

Android Studio


Initializing the SDK

Instantiate sdk after application finishes launching processes. This can be done on Application class or your Main Activity class then call it at onCreate method.

// SDK initialization process
VeritransBuilder veritransBuilder = new VeritransBuilder(context, VT_CLIENT_KEY, BASE_URL_MERCHANT);
veritransBuilder.enableLog(true);   // enable logs for debugging purpose.

context - application context.

Instance of Veritrans SDK is singleton.

The SDK instance is accessible via


In order to perform transactions set appropriate details to it using various setter methods, invoke payment method to perform transaction. You can perform only one transaction at a time.

Making Payments

UI Flow

To perform transaction using this, follow the steps given below: I) Set transaction request information to sdk. II) Register a Broadcast Receiver to handle payment response. III) Specify which transaction method that is supported by merchant. IV) Call the startPaymentUiFlow().

2 Payment Flow

2.1 Types of Payment Flow

Veritrans SDK has 2 types of payment flows first is using default ui proived by sdk and second is using core flow. It also has default UI for registering card.

  1. Payment flow using default UI

    In this flow sdk provides an UI to take required information from user to execute transaction. To perform transaction using this, follow the steps given below:

    1. Set transaction request information to sdk.
    2. Register a Broadcast Receiver to handle payment response.
    3. Specify which transaction method that is supported by merchant.
    4. Call the startPaymentUiFlow().


To set the color theme by using this code.

VeritransBuilder builder = new VeritransBuilder...

Also you can set the color primary in your theme in styles.xml.

<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>


To apply a Custom font

VeritransSDK veritransSDK = VeritransSDK.getVeritransSDK();

Note: open_sans_regular.ttf, open_sans_semibold.ttf, open_sans_bold.ttf is path of the custom font on the assets directory.

Selecting Payment types

To specify which payment method that is supported by merchant. For example, this code add Bank Transfer payment support on SDK.

                // Set Payment Model using Permata VA/Bank Transfer
                ArrayList<PaymentMethodsModel> models = new ArrayList<>();
                PaymentMethodsModel model = new PaymentMethodsModel(getString(R.string.bank_transfer),, Constants.PAYMENT_METHOD_NOT_SELECTED);
                selectedPaymentMethods = models;

Note don't call any payment specific method in this flow, Sdk provides an UI to user with all available methods.

here in this flow just set transaction request information to sdk and start payment flow using following code-

    if (transactionRequest != null && mVeritransSDK != null) {

                    // create transaction request information as shown above.
                    //set transaction information to sdk

                    // start ui flow using activity instance


This will start Payment flow if all information is valid.

Adding external card scanner (Using library)

We provide a plugin to integrate for allowing customers to read the credit card/debit card information using the mobile phone camera.

You can add external card scanner using ScanCardLibrary implementation by following these steps.

Setup ScanCardLibrary in build.gradle.

Add this code block into your build.gradle.

compile ''
Add ExternalScanner into your SDK initialization.

Add this code block into your build.gradle.

VeritransBuilder builder = new VeritransBuilder...
builder.setExternalScanner(new ScanCard());

Note: The external scanner button will only be shown on Credit Card form if you set the external scanner. It is also only available in the UI flow mode.

  1. Registering card using UI Flow

To use default UI of Registering Card, you can call startRegisterCardUIFlow using current activity instance.

// start ui flow using activity instance

Payment flow using core structure

This flow assumes that the App Developer implements the User inteface necessary for receiving user inputs to and library only provides the payments infrastructure.

To perform transaction using core, follow the steps given below:

  1. Set transaction request information to sdk.
  2. Implement TransactionCallback to handle payment response.
  3. Call the implemented method of the desired payment mode.

Note don't call mVeritransSDK.startPaymentUiFlow(); for core flow.

Differences between core flow and the ui flow.

The main difference between the core and ui flow is that

  • Get payment response -

    • In Core Flow - Use TransactionCallback.
    • In UI Flow - Use Broadcast Receiver.
  • Payment Selection Method -

    • In Core Flow - Call paymentUsingXXX().
    • In UI Flow - Call startPaymentUiFlow() to see all specified payment methods.

2.3.1 Card Type details -

There are 3 types of flow for card payments.

  1. One click: Allows merchants to securely tokenize the credit card, and use it for transactions later, without users entering the card details again.
  2. Two click : Allows merchants to securely tokenize the credit card and use it for the later transactions, with the user entering the CVV.
  3. Normal : This is the simple case where user enters his credit card information every time a transaction is needed to be done.
  • for 1 and 2) some API must be implemented on the Merchant server backend.
  • These features are available on special MID's from Banks and may not be available to all merchants.

We will go in detail about these flows ahead.

  • For normal flow we can do secure and Insecure way.

      Secure : With 3d secure validation.
      Insecure : Without 3d secure validation.
  • One click and two click can only be done in secure flow only(ie. 3DS validation)

To enable secure transacion

transactionRequest.setCardPaymentInfo(CARD_CLRDICK_TYPE, isSecure);

where -
CARD_CARDICK_TYPE -  type of card use these resource strings:
        R.string.card_click_type_one_click - for one click
        R.string.card_click_type_two_click - for two click
        R.string.card_click_type_none  - for normal transaction

isSecure - set it to true for secure transaction.

2.3.2 Get token

    veritransSDK.getToken(cardTokenRequest, tokenCallBack);

CardTokenRequest class contains card details required for getting token.

TokenBusCallBack Interface

It contains two methods onSuccess and onFailure.

public void onEvent(GetTokenSuccess event) {
   // Success Event
   TokenDetailsResponse response = event.getResponse();

public void onEvent(GetSuccessFailedEvent event) {
    // Failed Event
    String errorMessage = event.getMessage();

On success of get token api call, it will return token id and other parameters in TokenDetailsResponse in event.getResponse().

If secure flow is available then it will return redirect_url which will take user to web page for 3d secure validation.

After successful validation do charge api call.

3.3 Setup Event Bus

2.3.1 Using Event Bus

This SDK using Event Bus implementation which don't require activity as a parameter. Instead, you need to register your subscribed class using Event Bus.

For default implementation of the core flow please add this code blocks into onCreate and onDestroy method on your Activity/Fragment that needs to implement this SDK. This to ensure only one event bus registered for each shown activity.

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if(!VeritransBusProvider.getInstance().isRegistered(this)) {

public void onDestroy() {
    if(VeritransBusProvider.getInstance().isRegistered(this)) {

Each API usage has its own onEvent interface to capture finished API access. Please implement one of this Event interface on Activity or Fragment that accessing the SDK.

  • TokenBusCallback
  • GetCardBusCallback
  • SaveCardBusCallback
  • DeleteCardBusCallback
  • GetOfferBusCallback
  • TransactionBusCallback
  • CardRegistrationBusCallback
  • GetAuthenticationBusCallback

This interface will implement 2 general error handler, success event and failed event.

For example, TransactionBusCallback will implement these methods.

// Need to attach @Subscribe annotation to enable Event Bus registration
public void onEvent(NetworkUnavailableEvent event) {
    //Network unavailable event implementation

public void onEvent(GeneralErrorEvent event) {
    //Generic error event implementation

public void onEvent(TransactionSuccessEvent event) {
    //Success event implementation

public void onEvent(TransactionFailedEvent event) {
    //Failed event implementation

Note: Need to add @Subscribe annotation on implemented methods above.

4 Important Informations

4.1 Common request information

Customer details , item details , billing and shipping address these are common paramteres which requires in every type of transaction.

  1. Set customer details -

CustomerDetails class holds information about customer. To set information about customer in TransactionRequest use following code -

CustomerDetails customer = new CustomerDetails(String firstName, String lastName, String email, String phone);
  1. Set Item details

ItemDetails class holds information about item purchased by user. TransactionRequest takes an array list of item details. To set this in TransactionRequest use following code -

ItemDetails itemDetails1 = new CustomerDetailsItemDetails(String id, double price, double quantity, String name);
ItemDetails itemDetails2 = new CustomerDetailsItemDetails(String id, double price, double quantity, String name);
//todo create array list and add above item details in it and then set it to transaction request.

  1. Set Billing Address - BillingAddress class holds information about billing. TransactionRequest takes an array list of billing details. To set this in TransactionRequest use following code -

BillingAddress billingAddress1 = new BillingAddress(String firstName, String lastName, String address, String city, String postalCode, String phone, String countryCode);

BillingAddress billingAddress2 =new BillingAddress(String firstName, String lastName, String address, String city, String postalCode, String phone, String countryCode);
//todo create array list and add above billing details in it and then set it to transaction request.


  1. Set Shipping Address - ShippingAddress class holds information about billing. TransactionRequest takes an array list of shipping details. To set this in TransactionRequest use following code -

ShippingAddress shippingAddress1 = new ShippingAddress(String firstName, String lastName, String address, String city, String postalCode, String phone, String countryCode);

ShippingAddress shippingAddress2 =new ShippingAddress(String firstName, String lastName, String address, String city, String postalCode, String phone, String countryCode);
//todo create array list and add above shipping details in it and then set it to transaction request.


Setting Transaction Details

Set required transaction information to sdk instance. TransactionRequest contains following information -

  • Order Id - unique order id to identify this transaction.
  • Amount - amount to charge.
  • Customer details - holds an information about customer like name , email and phone.
  • Item details - _ holds an information about purchased item, like item id, price etc_.
  • Billing Address - holds an address information like city , country, zip code etc.
  • Shipping Address - holds an address information like city , country, zip code etc.
  • Bill information - _contains custom details in key-value that you want to display on bill print.

All of the above parameters are not nesseccessary to set, It depends on which type of payment method you want to execute. To get more information about required paramter see . Sdk will throw error message in case you missed some information right before starting an payment flow.

Create instance of TransactionRequest class.

TransactionRequest transactionRequest =
                new TransactionRequest(order id, amount);

where -
order id - unique order id for this transaction.
amount - amount to charge.

4.2 Registering Credit Cards

There are two steps for registering credit card.

  1. Need to get saved_token_id from Veritrans Payment API.
  2. Save saved_token_id into merchant server storage. _

You can get saved_token_id -- that will be used at a later time -- by using the method cardRegistration below on the VeritransSDK object.

    String cardNumber,
    int cardCVV,
    int cardExpMonth,
    int cardExpYear

Don't forget to register your Activity/Fragment to Event Bus provider and subscribe to implemented methods from CardRegistrationBusCallback and SaveCardBusCallback.

This implementation example will receive saved_token_id then save it to merchant token.

public void onEvent(CardRegistrationSuccessEvent event) {
    // Create save card request using saved_token_id and masked_card from response body_
    SaveCardRequest cardRequest = new SaveCardRequest();

    // Save the card

public void onEvent(CardRegistrationFailedEvent event) {
    // Handle when failed get saved_token_id from Veritrans Payment API

public void onEvent(SaveCardSuccessEvent event) {
    // Handle when success saving saved_token_id into merchant server

public void onEvent(SaveCardFailedEvent event) {
    // Handle when failed saving saved_token_id into merchant server

The saved_token_id may then be used for a getToken() request similar to a two click token. After that, you can use the token for charging.

    CardTokenRequest cardTokenRequest = new CardTokenRequest();

Offers for credit cards

Offers allows merchants to provide special discounts and offers to the consumers for using cards from a specific bank(also called BIN Promos) This is available only for Credit/Debit Cards.


  • Register Activity/Fragment into VeritransBus See: Setup Event Bus.
  • Call function getOffersList from VeritransSDK class.
  • Implement GetOfferBusCallback interface.
    public void onEvent(GetOfferSuccessEvent event) {
        //Success implementation
        GetOffersResponseModel response = event.getResponse();

    public void onEvent(GetOfferFailedEvent event) {
        //Failed implementation
        String errorMessage = event.getMessage();

    //There are two more onEvent methods which handles generic error and unavailable network error.
  • Like credit card flow get saved cards using veritransSDK.getSavedCard().

There can be 2 types of offers.

  • Normal offers: eg. offering a 10% discount if the Credit card is from BCA
  • Installments: Provide Installment schemes if the card is mastercard

Merchants can implement the callback with the response similar to the following JSON

    "message": "success",
    "offers": {
        "binpromo": [
                "offer name": "Get 10% cashback",
                "bins": [
        "installments": [
                "offer name": "MasterCard promo",
                "duration": [
                "bins": [
  • We can validate offers with comparing bin numbers with first characters of credit card.
  • If card number matches then offer valid for given card number.
  • When we are applying the offer for normal flow make function call getToken from VeritransSdk class as same as credit card flow.
  • Pass cardTokenRequest params to function.
  • Implement GetCardBusCallbackinterface.
     public void onEvent(GetCardsSuccessEvent event){
        //Success implementation
        CardResponse response = event.getResponse();

     public void onEvent(GetCardFailedEvent event) {
        //Failed implementation
        String errorMessage = event.getMessage();

     //There are two more onEvent methods which handles generic error and unavailable network error.
  • After successful call do charge api call with bins string array as new param.
  • Here is code for setting the bins value.

5 Payment Types

For each API call in payment function, you need to do this first before calling any API functions.

  • Register Activity/Fragment into VeritransBus See: Setup Event Bus.
  • Implement TransactionBusCallback interface in Activity/Fragment.
    public void onEvent(TransactionSuccessEvent event) {
        //Success implementation
        TransactionResponse response = event.getResponse();

    public void onEvent(TransactionFailedEvent event) {
        //Failed implementation
        String message = event.getMessage();

    //There are two more onEvent methods which handles generic error and unavailable network error.

5.1 Charge using Credit/Debit card -

For doing charge api call we have to call this function.


In above code we have to supply ** CardTransfer ** class object.

After successful transaction card information will be get saved if user permits. In TransactionResponse we get saved_token_id which is used in future transaction.

5.2 Bank Transfer

To perform transaction using bank transfer method follow the steps given below:
  • Create the instance of veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.

  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields like item details, shipping address etc.

  • Then add Transaction details in previously created veritrans object using


  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back.


5.3 Mandiri bill payment

To perform transaction using mandiri bill payment method follow the steps given below:
  • Create the instance of veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.
  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields like item details, shipping address etc.
  • Then add Transaction details in previously created veritrans object using
  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back

5.4 Indosat Dompetku

To perform transaction using indosat dompetku payment method follow the steps given below:
  • Create the instance of veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.
  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields like item details, shipping address etc. This payment method requires MSISDN number which is registered mobile number of user.
  • Then add Transaction details in previously created veritrans object using
  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back
where - msisdn  is registered user mobile number, must be less than 12. for debug you can use 08123456789

5.5 Indomaret

To perform transaction using indomaret payment method follow the steps given below:
  • Create the instance of veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.
  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields like item details, shipping address etc. This payment method requires Cstore details.
  • Then add Transaction details in previously created veritrans object using
// add cstore deatils
IndomaretRequestModel.CstoreEntity cstoreEntity = new IndomaretRequestModel.CstoreEntity();


  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back

5.6 Mandiri ClickPay

To perform transaction using mandiri click pay payment method follow the steps given below:
  • Create the instance of veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.
  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields like item details, shipping address etc. This payment method also requires details about Mandiri click pay.
  • Then add Transaction details in previously created veritrans object using


// add Mandiri ClickPay Model deatils
MandiriClickPayModel mandiriClickPayModel = new MandiriClickPayModel();

CardNumber String Required -    Mandiri debit Card number.
INPUT1 -    Last 10 digit of card_number.
INPUT2 -    Transaction gross_amount.
INPUT3 -    5-digits random number which will be given to the customer.
CHALLENGE_TOKEN -   Number received by customer's physical token after input1, input2, and input3 are entered.

  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back.

  • Take appropriate action in onFailure() or onSuccess() of TransactionCallback.

5.7 ePay BRI

To perform transaction using ePay BRI payment method follow the steps given below:
  • Create the instance of veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.
  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields like item details, shipping address etc.
  • Then add Transaction details in previously created veritrans object using
  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back. In success event implementation you will get redirect url from server, start webview to handle the redirect url.
    public void onEvent(TransactionSuccessEvent event) {
        //Success implementation
        TransactionResponse response = event.getResponse();
        if (response != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(response.getRedirectUrl())) {
            // create Web Activity  to handle redirect url. start web activity for result

    //Call paymentUsingEpayBri

    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK && data!=null ) {
        // get data from intent.
            String responseStr = data.getStringExtra(getString(R.string.payment_response));
             Gson gson = new Gson();
            TransactionResponse transactionResponse = gson.fromJson(responseStr, TransactionResponse.class);
            // handle response here
  • Create Web View Activity to handle redirect url and set following setting to webView
    • Enable java script.
    • setLoadWithOverviewMode() to true
    • add javaScript interface to intercept the request, to get the status of transaction. e.g -
private void initwebview() {
        webView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient());
        webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());

       // java script interface to intercept the request and get paymet status data from server.
        webView.addJavascriptInterface(new JsInterface(), getString(R.string.payment_response));

       // don't change the second paramter. It is constant used in sdk to find response status.

    public void webviewBackPressed() {
        if (webView.canGoBack()) {

    private class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
        public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {
            return true;

        public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
            super.onPageFinished(view, url);
            if (url.contains(BuildConfig.CALLBACK_STRING)) {
                Intent returnIntent = new Intent();
                getActivity().setResult(getActivity().RESULT_OK, returnIntent);

        public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon) {
            super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon);

Use this interface in your web view to get response back.
    public class JsInterface {

         * java script code written on merchant server (redirect url)
         * doctype html
         title= title
         function paymentStatus(data) {

         body(onload="paymentStatus('" + paymentStatus + "')")
         h1 Success.
         * @param data
        public void paymentResponse(String data) {
            // finish activity and return payment response.
            Intent intent = new Intent();
            intent.putExtra(getString(R.string.payment_response), data);
            getActivity().setResult(getActivity().RESULT_OK, intent);


    }//end of WebviewActivity class

5.8 CIMB Clicks

To perform transaction using CIMB Clicks payment method follow the steps given below:
  • Create the instance of veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.
  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields like item details, shipping address etc. This payment method requires Description Model.
  • Then add Transaction details in previously created veritrans object using
  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back. In success evdent implementation you will get redirect url from server, start webview to handle the redirect url.
  • Handle the further process and response same as performed in ePay BRI.
        //add Description for transaction
        DescriptionModel cimbDescription = new DescriptionModel("Any Description");

        public void onEvent(TransactionSuccessEvent event) {
            //Success implementation
            TransactionResponse response = event.getResponse();
            if (response != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(response.getRedirectUrl())) {
                // create Web Activity  to handle redirect url. start web activity for result

        //Call paymentUsingCIMBClickPay method

5.9 BBM money -

To perform transaction using BBM money app follow the steps given below:
  • Check Whether BBM moeny app is installed or not on device using following code : -
    SdkUtil.isBBMMoneyInstalled(activity)- it will return true if app is installed on device.

  • Create the instance of veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.
  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields like item details, shipping address etc. This requires BBM callback url call bas
  • Then add Transaction details in previously created veritrans object using
    BBMCallBackUrl bbmCallBackUrl = new BBMCallBackUrl(Constants.CHECK_STATUS,
        Constants.BEFORE_PAYMENT_ERROR, Constants.USER_CANCEL);
    //start transaction
  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back. In success implementation you will get Permata Virtual Account number (Payment code).
  • Handle the further process and response same as performed in ePay BRI.
        //add Description for transaction
        DescriptionModel description = new DescriptionModel("Any Description");

        //Handle success implementation
        public void onEvent(TransactionSuccessEvent event) {
            //Success implementation
            TransactionResponse response = event.getResponse();
            String PERMATA_VA = response.getPermataVANumber();

        //Call paymentUsingBBMMoney

  • Create encode Url using Permata virtual account number and callback url in the following format - URL- bbmmoney://api/payment/imp?data=URL encoded JSON data

Now created encoded url using following json format-

  "reference":"8744000000000091", // permata_va_number

  "callback_url": {

You can use following static method from sdk to create encoded string -

SdkUtil.createEncodedUrl(String permataVA, String checkStatus, String
            beforePaymentError, String userCancel);
  • Now start bbm money app using following code :
String  BBM_PREFIX_URL = "bbmmoney://api/payment/imp?data=";

String  encodedUrl = SdkUtil.createEncodedUrl(PERMATA_VA,

                String feedUrl = BBM_PREFIX_URL + encodedUrl;

                if (SdkUtil.isBBMMoneyInstalled(BBMMoneyActivity.this)) {
                    startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(feedUrl)));

5.10 Mandiri e-Cash -

To perform transaction using Mandiri e-Cash payment method follow the steps given below:
  • Create the instance of veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.
  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields like item details, shipping address etc. This payment method requires Description Model.
  • Then add Transaction details in previously created veritrans object using
  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back. In success implementation you will get redirect url from server, start webview to handle the redirect url.
  • Handle the further process and response same as performed in ePay BRI.
        //add Description for transaction
        DescriptionModel mandiriECashDescription = new DescriptionModel("Any Description");

        //Handle success implementation
        public void onEvent(TransactionSuccessEvent event) {
            //Success implementation
            TransactionResponse response = event.getResponse();
            if (response != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(response.getRedirectUrl())) {
                // create Web Activity  to handle redirect url. start web activity for result

        //Call function paymentUsingMandiriECash

5.11 Payment using BCA KlikPay

To perform transaction using BCA KlikPay payment method follow the steps given below:

  • Create the instance of Veritrans library using VeritransBuilder class.
  • Create instance of TransactionRequest and add required fields.
  • Then add Transaction details in previously created VeritransSDK instance
  • Then execute Transaction using following method to get response back. In success implementation you will get redirect url from server, start webview to handle the redirect url.
  • Handle the further process and response same as performed in ePay BRI.
        //add Description for transaction
        BCAKlikPayDescriptionModel descriptionModel = new BCAKlikPayDescriptionModel("Any description");

        //Handle success implementation
        public void onEvent(TransactionSuccessEvent event) {
            //Success implementation
            TransactionResponse response = event.getResponse();
            if (response != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(response.getRedirectUrl())) {
                // create Web Activity  to handle redirect url. start web activity for result

        //Call function paymentUsingBCAKlikPay

5.12 Payment using Installments Flow

  • Make api call for get token with 2 new params
  'installment' : true,
  'installment_term' : 12,
  • In cardTokenRequest object set this 2 param
 //for installment flow
  • When we are doing charge api call we have to set 2 param
 'installment_term' : 12,
 'bins' : ["mandiri","48111111", "3111", "5"]
  • You can find this code in payUsingCard function on OffersActivity in VeritransSDK.
  • If offer is valid then payment will take place else respective error is given.

Please keep in mind that VTAndroidLib a different library than the current Veritrans SDK, and is not considered depricated and we provide no backward compatibility.

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