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taodao's Introduction



A social hiring and e-commerce platform

Problem: Traditional agency and 'middleman' business models are greedy, outdated and adding less and less value as more people become connected in the age of information (2) Man's skills and energy could be channelled better to help clean the environment and create abundance for all that live on the planet.

Solution: TaoDao is a crowdsourcing platform that aims to redirect the flow of wealth going to traditional agencies and middlemen into a river of financial rewards for people and the planet using swarm intelligence, Bitcoin, and smart contract technology.

Beginning with the Recruitment agency market (which is a circa $400 billion global marketplace), TaoDao will do the core work that a traditional recruitment agent or a freelance marketplace would do by connecting people with (branded) job opportunities based on their desired conditions.

On successful hires, TaoDao will earn a reduced fee in comparison to traditional agency fees; however, TaoDao will share most of this fee back with the successful candidate who gets the job, and with any referrer that helped them. A fixed portion of this fee will be donated to Environmental / Humanitarian / Earth based initiatives of their choice. This enables people to contribute to something bigger, help their fellow man or the planet, while earning extra money.

TaoDao will charge a 7.5% fee to clients, keep 2.5% as revenue and share 5% of the salary or rate on offer with the crowd in our native token; $Tao coins (Which can easily be converted to Fiat / other cryptocurrencies). This 5% stake is shared between the successful candidate, the crowd and Environmental / Humanitarian initiatives of their choice.

An example using a Software Developer role paying a €50K salary;

A: If a candidate applies directly to the job: They earn a 4% bonus (€2K / 3.5btc) + a 1% fund (€500 /.9btc) to donate to an initiative of their choice.

B: If a candidate is referred to the job: They earn a 2% bonus (€1K / 1.8btc) + 2% for the referrer (€1K / 1.8btc) + 1% (€500 / .9btc) to an Initiative of the candidates' choice.

It will be a Peer to Peer, permission and reputation based decentralised marketplace connecting a network of jobseekers, hirer's and referrers (the crowd). The match making will be facilitated by: the DAO itself; the crowd via referrals and ratings; by Tao Recruiters if selected for a higher fee, and by outside recruiters who wish to use TaoDao as a sourcing tool.

User Journeys


Creates an account; Name, email, photo, social network links, profession(s), jobs looking for, availability, conditions desired (pay, location, type of contract), recommendations + ratings (if any), Number of jobs completed to date from this platform – total of donations they have contributed to so far])

Selects; current status (actively looking; passively looking; not looking – just referring; looking for a co-founder / project team; looking for just volunteer work)

Selects; Who can see their profile and contact them (''Make my profile: Public to all the Dao; Public to my connections only - I don't want agents contacting me; Hiring companies only; My network or any agencies with suitable jobs that match my criteria, can see my profile and share jobs with me'')

Add friends to your network by sending email invitation – to let them know you are looking for a job with these specific conditions. If they refer a suitable one that the user takes, they earn a reward

Click search  only jobs that match these desired conditions will show up in the search results – the user can now apply or refer their friends to a job by simply sending it to them or tagging them to a job ad. When a user applies they must validate the referral.

Hiring company

Creates an account; Name, marketing profile, lists open jobs, ratings [of hires made to date from this platform – total of donations they have contributed to so far.

Selects service required; (Advertise for free and generate a pool of applied and referred applicants – then pay 7.5% when a hire is made); The hirer can choose to add a 'TaoRecruiter' or an 'External recruiting partner' to handle screening, CV selection, candidate management, headhunting if needed, for an added fee % (min 2.5%)

Select; a premium advertising position on the platform for a small extra fee (€500 circa pm) if they wish.

Agree terms of TaoDao; The hiring company agrees to pay the 7.5% fee or 10%+ depending on what service they selected if a hire is made – once an offer is made and accepted by a jobseeker, the hiring company sends the payment to TaoDao based on the salary / rate offered and a smart contract is created. TaoDao holds this payment until 1 month after start-date (or less depending on duration of contract), keeps 2.5% as revenue and distributes 5% back to the successful jobseeker and any referrer that was involved.

Job is posted to the platform and open to the crowd to source the talent (the talent can of course source themselves for a reward)

Once a user applies to a job ad, a live status bar is created showing status of application for both sides to see, along with a communication portal for interview organising.

Each placement gets recorded in the Dao so that both users and hirers have a record of deals done and consequential value shared and donations made to worthwhile initiatives.

For contractor jobs, some hiring companies like the 'agency' to payroll the contractor. TaoDao can integrate with Bitwage for easy contractor payroll, or hopefully, provide payroll services ourselves for a smaller added fee.

Token Type and Token Uses

Tao Tokens

  • --To be developed in partnership with technical teammates
  • --Considering a User Token or a Dual Token
  • --Use cases for user tokens;
  1. a)Pay the 5% reward in our native tokens - $Tao coin to users who get a job, users who refer people to jobs and the selected initiatives of the users choice. Users can easily trade $Tao coins for local fiat currencies or other cryptocurrencies.

  2. b)Tokens can be given as a reward for adding new users and adding new clients to the Dao.

  3. c)Want to explore how the coin can be used for ratings + recommendations. For example, if you rate or refer someone who gets a job, you get rewarded with some coins – this would encourage network effects – a user could rate 100 jobseekers and get a small reward on each new contract that each candidate gets

  • This utilises the wisdom of the crowd and taps into the crowds intelligence
  • Benefits the jobseeker to have 100 ratings from on their profile – adds credibility especially as it is all tied into a Reputation system. Every time someone is rated / recommended and doesn't meet the job requirements of a role they were recommended for, then this hurts the referrers reputation / rating as a referrer and maybe even costs them tokens / reduces token earnings in next recommendations or something like this to encourage real recommendations and ratings.
  • Benefits the hiring manager as they can gain confidence from the crowd's intelligence to help make a better hiring decision – they can see if they personally know or are connected with any of the users who rated and recommended the different CV's so it's a lot more credible. This is futurarchy meaning the hirer can pull in crowd data as a specific thing – 100 coders rating a user as a ''top coder'' is a value to the decision maker hiring a coder.
  1. d)Tokens can be earned for dispute resolution on the network, to be developed

Advantages of crowdsourcing with TaoDao to: Businesses, organisations, people, project creators, Dao's..:

  1. Free to Advertise – This is a risk- free solution as only pay for results (i.e. when a hire is made – which is the opposite to paying for a job board listing up front and then praying for good suitable people to apply)
  2. Public Referrals Campaign – New brand engagement stream
  3. Referrals mean higher quality hires and referred candidates stay in the job longer on average
  4. Branded Advertisements – Can give data of employers brand impressions, the number of shares across social media etc. (No secrecy around who the 'client' is!)
  5. 5% - Reduced Cost
  6. 4% or 2% signing bonus – A happier and more engaged new starter + a reduced risk of the new starter leaving
  7. 1% Donation to a Direct Earthkeeping Charity – Positive goodwill PR

TaoDao also aims to facilitate volunteering recruitment and skill-sharing matching free of charge.

Growth Model:

This will open up the recruitment marketplace so that candidates and the crowd can become the recruiters and source people for jobs and earn the fees instead of giving it to profit-driven agency's The financial reward together with the positivity context are elements of this concepts inherent virality. Communicating this via emotional and value based marketing will be important

It would be nice to enable Tao Recruiters to work remotely on the jobs DAPP where they can grow their own network and businesses within the wider network by building relationships with their local talent and local employers.


Someone in Toronto wants to start recruiting Blockchain Developers for their area or anywhere in the world if it's advertised on our website. They can just add the job ads to the platform and work off it (wait for CV's to come in from the crowd). Or else they can just refer people to job openings like everyone else can for a reward in bitcoins.

Financial Projections

Highlighting first the engine that drives the Tranditional reruitment agency business model, and then comparing that with what TaoDao 'Recruiters' model can achieve and the spin-offs it creates.

Average revenue performance and KPI's for a Traditional Recruiter (These are roughly an average Key Performance Indicators globally which are used to measure performance of each recruiter by agencies– extensive research undertaken) ** **

Using a salary on offer of €50,000 x global average agency fee of 15%

| Activity | | Weekly | Monthly | Annually | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Business Dev Calls | | 15 | 60 | 720 | | Jobs On | | 3 | 12 | 144 | | CV Sends | | 15 | 60 | 720 | | Sales | | | 2 | 24 | | Sales x fee size (€7.5K) | | | €15K | €180K |

Target KPI's and revenue performance for each TaoRecruiter

Using a salary on offer of €50,000 x TaoDao fee of 10%

(This 10% is broken down as: 5% social reward – 2.5% Tao revenue – 2.5% Tao recruiter earnings)

Activity Weekly Monthly Annually
BD Calls 30 120 1440
Jobs On 15 60

| | CV Sends | | 75 | 300 | 3600 | | Sales | | 2 | 8 | 96 | | SV:(€2,500) Tao earnsTaoR earns | | | €20K€10K€10K | €240K€120K€120K |

Please Note (1): The TaoDao Recruiters' Job fill ratio will be much higher than 13% -17% due to the loyalty elements and added value on offer. This higher success rate will lead to a larger revenue.

(2): The OMTM – The one metric that matters most is the Jobs On volume. This drives the rest of the process. Personally I predict a higher jobs on rate per BD call to be greater than 50%, due to the multitude of unique benefits this can add to IT companies initially versus all other competing recruitment agencies and job advertising sites.

(3) With Projected Headcount @ 100 Tao Recruiters, this will create €12m revenue annually for Tao. @1,000 Tao recruiters (1/10 size of a top 20 recruitment agency), this will create €120m revenue annually for Tao. @20,000 Tao recruiters, this will create €2.4b.

(4) These projections include only placements generated by the Tao Recruiting team. These projections do not include direct and referred placements that will happen naturally on the platform which will be the biggest contributor of sales and revenue for TaoDao. The projected ratio of social hires to recruited hires = circa 4:1 so circa x4 these numbers is viable and achievable per year as the DAO evolves.

(5) The consequential Referral bonuses and signing bonuses earned by the crowd also need to be calculated based on these projections. A live counter of this data, and the flow of donations being made, will be a highlight of our homepage.

Donation spin-off projections using above TaoDao Recruiters' Target KPI's

**Using (who can plant 1 tree for 1 euro) as a beneficiary of the 1% donation fund **

| 1 Tao Recruiter | | Weekly | Monthly | Annually | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Sales | | 2 | 8 | 96 | | Donations Value @1% per sale (€500) | | €1000 | €4,000 | €48,000 | | No of Trees planted @ €1 | | 1,000 | 4,000 | 48,000 | | X 100 Tao Recruiters | | ** 100,000 ** | ** 400,000** | 4,800,000 |

Using WellsForZoe as a beneficiary of the 1% donation fund (who can construct a well in East Aftrica for €250 to provide water to 100 people for life)

1 NP Recruiter Weekly Monthly Annually
Sales 2 8 96
Donations Value @1% per sale (€500) €1000 €4,000 €48,000
No of wells built @ €250 4 16 192
X 100 people benefited per well ** 400 ** ** 1600**


  • A team of 100 Tao Recruiters could potentially help provide water for life to 40,000 people per week or 1,9200,000 people per month. That's 23 million people potentially per year.
  • @10,000 recruiters (Close to 'Hays Recruitment' Size) = €480,000,000 generated for EBI's annually. Using WellsForZoe model = 192,000,000 people annually would be guaranteed water for life.

TaoDao Goals

Create a flow of money for people, wildlife and environmental efforts that need it, and deliver it efficiently and transparently.

Empower people to become their own agents and take back their own value by recruiting themselves or their friends for a job opening in return for a financial and social reward (their share of the commission + a donation of choice) – Show there is more value this way than going through a middleman.

Develop the network and new synergies by branching into new industries. This business (sharing) model, with adjusted pricing, applies to most traditional agency industries like real-estate, travel, sales, insurance. The middleman's main job of finding the buyer is outsourced to the crowd with TaoDao. It can eventually be a network of buyers and sellers of anything and everything – a social trading platform that is consciously and constantly creating value for people and the environment.


Seeking to grow asap.

Daniel Dunne: 5 years technical recruitment experience as; a top biller for two global recruitment agencies, an in-house technical recruiter with Amazon Web Services, and a freelance recruiter. I have pitched this concept to 50+ companies, IT companies mostly who liked this concept.

Gary Ruane: Advisor


Create a technical whitepaper and product development plan

Add technical talent to the team, and grow a development team to execute the development plan

Decide on jurisdiction to register the organisation, preferably register the on the blockchain via Bitnation notary services. To be determined

Create a landing page, blogs, marketing material and present at crypto conferences and meetups

Launch an ICO proposal on the Platform in March - April 2017 with clear Milestones for release of funds (to attract more trust and reduce risk to the public)

These milestones will look something like:

a) Set the team B) Delivery of a prototype b) Production level application c) Marketing efforts d) Wage Payments and Contractor Payroll in Cryptocurrency e) Grow all teams F) Lightning integration G) Branch into new industries .

taodao's People


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