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roam-highlighter's Introduction


FYI: As of Feb 20, 2023, I am no longer actively maintaining this project. It should continue to work fine and will always stay open source, but I am no longer actively developing it. At some point I hope to find the time to make some long overdue updates and improvements, but for now I am focusing on other projects. Thanks for your understanding!

This Highlighter extension is meant for use with the Roam Research note taking application (but can be used for other purposes as well) to help "clip" web pages by highlighting all the areas you want to save in Roam and then easily copying/pasting into Roam in a Roam friendly format. You also are able to Double Bracket words / phrases with the extension so that they create Page/Link references when pasted into Roam. See below for details on how to use it!

Install the Roam-highlighter Extension from the Chrome Web Store (Release Notes and Change Log).

For Firefox, see the Getting Started section below...

For any Issues, Questions, Ideas, or Requests please use the GitHub Issue tracker: Submit an Issue.

How to Use the Highlighter

First and foremost, here are three YouTube walkthroughs / Demos of how to use the Roam-highlighter:

Note: I am a Windows guy but have tried my best to test on Macs as well. The shortcuts should be compatible with both Windows and Mac, as well as Chrome and Firefox. If by chance there is an issue, you can modify the shortcuts to whatever you prefer in both Firefox and Chrome in their respective Extension settings pages. (see Demo 9 - Customizing Shortcuts)

  • Press the Highlighter icon (or Alt + X) in the Extensions toolbar to activate it (only applies to the Tab you click it on)
  • Show/Hide Side Window: Alt + X to Open and Close the side window view and Settings.
  • Make Highlights: Select text from any webpage and press Ctrl + X ("cut" command) to highlight.
    • Updates and changes automatically copy to the clipboard.
    • With the new Side Window you will see changes reflected Real Time to see what it will look like in Roam.
    • Demo 1
  • Copy Page Title & URL: For a quick way to grab a Link to a page in the [ Page title ] (URL) format for Roam without any highlights, simply use Ctrl + X without any Selection/Highlights and it will copy [ Page title ] (URL) to the clipboard.
    • Additionally, when you first activate the Highlighter with Alt + X or by Clicking the Extension Icon, by default the [ Page title ] (URL) will be saved to your clipboard for quick/easy pasting into Roam.
  • Headers, Bullets, and nesting
    • Demo 6 - Headers and Bulleted/Numbered Lists auto nest/indent.
    • Demo 7 - Manually add "header" by selecting a highlight and pressing Alt + A which nests bullets after it.
  • Removing Highlights
    • Single Highlight: To remove a highlight use Ctrl + Click (Windows) or Alt + Click (MAC or Windows). This will remove all "parts" (links, bullets, line breaks, etc.) of a section you Highlighted.
    • Part of a Highlight: If you just want to remove a "part" of a Highlight (e.g., single bullet in a list), you can select the text of that "part" and press Ctrl + X ("cut" command) to remove it, while preserving the rest of the Highlight.
    • ALL Highlights: Pressing Alt + Q will ask for confirmation to remove all Highlights from the current page. Or use the button from the Settings window.
    • Demo 2
  • Adding [[Double Brackets]] for Page Linking/References in Roam
    • For text that is already highlighted in Yellow, you can have [[Double Brackets]] added for Page Linking in Roam.
    • Anything you choose to have [[Double Brackets]] added to will be highlighted in Blue. See the following:
      • Single Word: Double-Click a single word to add to Roam like: [[DoubleClickedWord]]
      • Multiple Words: Select multiple words from previously highlighted (Yellow) text and press Alt + Z to add to Roam like: [[Multiple Words]]
      • Removing Linked References: Ctrl + Click (Windows) or Alt + Click (MAC or Windows) any of the Blue highlights (page references) to turn it back to Yellow. [[Double Brackets]] will no longer be added.
    • Demo 4
  • Change Settings: Open the Side Window with Alt + X and click the Settings button.
    • Demo 5
    • Highlighter Link #Tag: #[[Roam-Highlights]] is the Default which is added to the Parent Block as [ Page title ] (URL) #[[Roam-Highlights]]
    • Page Title for Alias Link: The Browser Page Title is the Default which is used in the Parent Block as [ Page Title ] (URL)
    • How to handle Line Breaks within each Highlight: Demo 3
      • Options for handling Line Breaks (e.g., paragraphs, bullets, new line characters, etc.) within a single Highlight (see Demo #3 below)
      • If you don't like the way Line Breaks are handled by default, here are the options you can switch between:
        1. New bullets same level: This is the DEFAULT Setting. Line breaks will create new bullets at the same hierarchy/level.
        2. Nest under first Line Break: Line breaks will create new bullets, but nested underneath the first Line of each Highlight.
        3. Ctrl + Shift + V same bullet: Line breaks within a Highlight will stay in the same block/bullet but preserve each Line Break as if you added a soft line break with Ctrl + Enter like how pasting with Ctrl + Shift + V works in Chrome.
        4. Replace with single space: Line breaks are replaced with a single space (i.e., " ") for concatenation into a single block/bullet.
        5. Remove line breaks: Line breaks are completely removed and NOT replaced with any characters which concatenates the Highlight into a single block/bullet. Note: If there isn't already other "white space", this could cause the last word from the first line to be merged with the first word of the second line.
  • Kindle Notes & Highlights Extraction: Demo 8

If you have any issues, questions or feedback for improving the instructions, please Open a GitHub Issue and post your thoughts. Thanks and enjoy!

Demo 1 - Activate the Highlighter Extension and perform a simple Highlight

Demo 2 - Removing highlights

Demo 3 (Need to Record) - Options for handling Line Breaks in a Highlight

Demo 4 - Selecting words from a highlight for Roam "page linking"

Demo 5 - "Side Window" Settings

Demo 6 - Auto indents bulleted lists and Headers

Demo 7 - Manually add "Header" to nest under

Demo 8 - Extract highlights and notes from Kindle

Demo 9 - Customize shortcut keys in Chrome and Firefox

Release Notes


Not many new features but a ton of optimization and fixes for some minor formatting issues that folks have been sending me. I think we are very close to having something that should be pretty darn accurate even with weird websites / HTML!!

  • Added logic to double bracket link each author from Kindle books if there are multiple authors, but all still tied to the author:: attribute
  • Changed the default settings dropdown to apply "onChange" so you no longer have to use the RESET/SET box.
  • The Save button in Settings is greyed out when nothing to save, but whenever you change a setting and it needs to be saved the Save button turns blue and is clickable.
  • BIG improvements on annoying line break issues with messy HTML / webpages. I think it should be very accurate going forward.
  • Added link to YouTube DEMO / instructions to the side window startup.
  • Fixed some HTML / CSS / Visual issues with the side window / settings window on some websites with weird HTML / CSS rules.
  • Fixed some complex bullet/header nesting issues.
  • Fixed some issues when triple clicking to select an entire paragraph. It would sometimes overflow and catch/highlight part of the next paragraph.
  • Fixed issues with <a> links back to back which was causing to move the second to the next line/bullet.
  • Fixed some minor other random stuff.


  • Fixed issue when triple clicking paragraph to select entire paragraph to highlight (now works nicely)
  • Added dropdown selection for how to handle page links/refs "Case" (lower, upper, capitalize all words, capitalize first word, as is on page)
  • Fixed window size positioning that was cutting off the side window on smaller screens
  • Fixed handling of outlook webmail bullets


  • Obsidian settings added (see forum)
  • double brackets around author for kindle highlights.
  • Checkbox next to page title in case you only want highlights and don’t want/need the title/URL link at top.
  • truncate option to put character(s) in textbox to shorten page title to location of first occurrence (e.g., “- “ to remove stuff after)
  • clear out formatting boxes like bold, italics, etc. and uncheck Headers to just bring in text results without any formatting (nesting/indents for headers still applies).
  • For Kindle extraction un-checking the page title checkbox will remove the first bullet nesting under the title of the book and just start with the attributes in root of page/bullets
  • When activating highlighter the page/URL is auto added to clipboard to use for quick grab of “bookmark” without any highlights.
  • Fixed some other random issues identified by folks.


  • Implemented auto indenting/nesting for Bullets/Lists
  • Kindle highlights/notes extraction
  • Customizable shortcut keys now through Chrome and Firefox native settings - DEMO 9
  • Fixed a few issues with wikipedia / wikiquotes
  • Side window view now shows tabs/headers/nested etc. so you know exactly what your paste into Roam will look like

v1.9 released to the Chrome Store. I thought I would tell you what all was updated! I pretty much implemented everyone's requests/features/fixes from the past week, so If I missed any, please let me know. Hopefully you guys will really like the new stuff!

  • Changes to settings will now save from Tab to Tab and Session to Session!
  • Instructions/shortcuts in side window on startup
  • Links in Settings page for resources/instructions/DEMOs (Github)
  • Only show "Plaintext" and hide HTML clipboard data (checkbox available to see both)
  • Command + S for MACs now works for show/hide of side window
  • Change width/height of the Side Window
  • If you Hide the side window, it will say hidden at startup until you choose to show it again
  • Button add in Settings to remove all highlights on page
  • Added line break setting #5 to replace line breaks with blank "" (similar to Option 4 with " " spaces)
  • If there is a "Header" (e.g., <H1>) element in your Highlight, the highlights after it will auto nest under it until the next Header
  • You can add your own "headers" to indent under but selecting a highlight and doing Alt + Right-Click (text will turn red). Then bullets after will indent under it until the next <H1>, <H2>, etc. header on page OR until you select another section to Alt + Right-Click as a new header to indent under.
  • Fixed removal of [[Page Reference]] blue highlights so it doesn't remove the entire highlight
  • Fixed handling of Footnotes (e.g., on Wikipedia)
  • Updated some of the Side Window formatting
  • Remove [ ] brackets when in Links as they mess/ruine the format in Roam
  • Tweaked/fixed some additional other obscure HTML element issues discovered by users.

Getting Started

There are both Chrome and Firefox Extensions of the Roam-highlighter. For the time being, Firefox has to be installed "manually" (see below for details).

  • Chrome Web Store: Roam-highlighter Extension
  • Firefox won't let us upload a public Extension until Roam is open Beta, so I created a private Extension you have to download directly:
    • Here is the link to find the newest Firefox Extension: Firefox Extension Newest Version
    • Click the "Firefox Extension Newest Version" link
    • Download the .xpi file
    • Choose to "Open" and choose "Firefox" as the program to open with
    • This process works for Windows (and I assume Macs as well)





This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details

roam-highlighter's People


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roam-highlighter's Issues

Differentiating a # from a [[]] type link? Or creating an attribute:: type

From: John PB


Wondered if there was a way of simplifying the create new link function? Instead of one option for a single word link and one for a multi-word link could they be combined into a single command? Also any way of differentiating a # from a [[]] type link? Or even creating an attribute:: type link. I know - it could get quite complex! Thanks, great work.

Simplify basic instructions

It's even simpler than that. It's a matter of actual experience starting from the extension page. For example: "To use the highlighter all you need to do is click on the icon, select text to highlight, pres Ctr+X, then next and when you are done, just paste in Roam. But if you want specific behaviour, the Highlighter is highly customisable and rich of features". Currently, the feeling is that RH cares only about the power user and one has the feeling that without watching a video and reading tutorials, one can't start using it just like that. Is it more clear now?

Shacrw request for formatting of page title and meta data

Hey Murf I had a feature request. basically, a way to paste highlights so that the article title is Page Title and highlights are pasted below. all the details in this thread


shacrw I’m a little confused. You know there are two Roam highlighters (I know confusing) and this one you are showing in screenshot is not the one I created right?


Im aware of that. but it applies to both extensions. Right now the Title+URL are pasted in above format(This Is the Current Output image), what I want is in the next tweet.

Attaching the screenshot from 2nd tweet here. here, the article title is the page title and it's not a hyperlink. then all other content is in the bullet points in the body below. this is what I want. Is it clear now?



Ok yeah it makes sense. But obviously my extension can’t create a new page in Roam for you... until we get an API ofcourse ;)

So then are you saying you just want the highlights at “root” level instead of indenting under the Page Title / URL? And then have an attribute called URL:: and add the URL with that as the first bullet? Author isn’t something you can consistently parse out so I wouldn’t be able to do that from your screenshot.

Lastly for the URL:: atrribute do you just want the raw URL? Or do you want that in Page Title format?


Basically, what I want is the Page Title in the Title and URL format can be anything ( raw or Markdown). similarly, highlights could be under Source Highlights section . The main thing was that Page Title should have the website title (as I had described in the tweet below) and rest of the stuff in the body below (their formatting not a concern as Metadata layout is always changing). In order to jump from Title to main body, "Ctrl+Enter" needs to be triggered so would require some JS trigger b/w the Title and the URL I guess.

leave it for now because there's additional metadata in the body too, I am trying to combine metadata template with the Page Title+URL together, so that they can be pasted in one go and also I am constantly changing what fits my workflow so it's better that I first experiment with it myself first.

For now, I'll just use the highlighter extension for highlights. On my end, I am fiddling with a local version of the "copy as markdown" extension for trying out different stuff.
sorry for the late reply, had seen your comment on phone, then forgot to reply later when switched to the laptop.(should've used Quick Capture on phone to remind me of this😅).

btw, one thing I would suggest is offering a way to define own template like in the other Roam-highlighter, this is something which would be useful to all as it also saves time copying empty Metadata template and populating a New page with it ( a practice which is shown in many roam tutorials). So, that the URL, title and highlights get pasted in their respective fields and others remain empty which can then be filled up in the Roam page by the user. Like this:


Settings side window with wrong width


First of all, thank you for this great tool!

I am only using for a day. Yesterday I didn't find anything wrong. However, today I noticed this bug in the side window:

Peek 28-05-2020 11-42

After recording it, I reinstalled the extension: same problem. I also tried in Chromium: no luck.

This is a minor thing, but I think you should know.

Thanks again and let me know if there is any info you need from here.

Settings aren't saved

Roam-highlighter v.
Tested in Firefox v. 76 and Chrome v. 85

  1. In a tab, Roam-highlighter panel expanded
  2. Settings set to Obsidian
  3. Hit save
  4. Close browser
  5. Reboot and go back to the same tab
  6. Roam-highlighter has gone back to Roam as its default setting

Allow for hiding side window to start

From Ivo V: I used it a few times so far and I'm happy with it. The only annoying thing is that clicking on the icon started to bring a pop-up with options. It was nicer without it. I understand that in some cases it's useful, but for me it just takes part of the screen and I have to click "hide" every time. It would be better if it's optional and configured in the extension settings. I would certainly use the highlighter more.

Copy list of all open tabs


Another [[Feature request]]: I use this extension to copy a Markdown formatted list of all the open tabs I have into Roam. Could this feature also be integrated in Roam Highlighter? Not super urgent, since I can always just use this existing extension as needed.


Oh I LOVE that! So you mean it would basically list all the tabs in page title format? So basically create “bookmark” links of all tabs open? And then would you like them nested under a parent bullet named like “[[Roam-Highlighter]] All Tabs” or something like that? Then I would still have option to uncheck the box so no parent bullet and you could change the [[roam-highlights]] tag as well or have it blank. Thoughts?

One thing I’ll probably do is have it only do the tabs in that current window so that you can group them and know this chunk of tabs is my “tabs I was researching Roam on” and then could do it in another window of tabs and say it is “random browsing tabs”. Make sense?

Wikiquote issue

From: Ivo


I have reported one serious issue with Wikipedia in the channel. Here's a smaller one with Wikiquote:

Louis Pasteur - Wikiquote #[[Roam-Highlights]]
• Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés.
In the fields of observation chance favours only the prepared mind.

• Lecture, University of Lille (7 December 1854) 👈 the issue is with this line - it stays the same level while it shouldn't

• Variant translations of this or similar statements include:
Chance favors the prepared mind.
Fortune favors the prepared mind.
In the field of observation, chance favors the prepared mind.
Where observation is concerned, chance favors only the prepared mind.

Get URLs from <a> elements

Steve Poindexter(opens in new tab) @Murf This is incredible, thank you! Huge boost to what I've been trying to do. Very much appreciated! If you could figure out a way to preserve a URL link in what is highlighted, I would VERY seriously consider naming that fifth child I'm never going to have Murf.

Feature request: save settings

Settings like the added tag or how to handle line breaks could be saved across tabs & sessions, so you don't have to re-input them for every new webpage.

Btw, great ideas in this plugin.

Multiple formatting/highlight parsing options to choose between

Maybe have a “simple mode” which keeps all highlights together on same line if see things like last “element/part” ended with a “ “ or “(“ etc. or current element/part starts with a “ “ space or punctuation like period or exclamation point etc. or “)”.

Then user can see what that looks like and then choose another pre configured option from a drop down that maybe does today’s current mixed logic.

Create several options user can quickly flip between and see what text will look like and choose which setting/mode they like best.


Hi, I have RH installed in Chromium for use with Obsidian. I did something stupid: I clicked on the black button "clear all highlights".

I tried to undo with CTRL+Z but nothing happened. I am afraid you'll tell me they're lost forever, but I am hoping there is a way to recover them. Is there?

Include highlighter.js in the chrome extension folder so plug n play

From: theunis

@ Murf not sure if this has been mentioned before but i suggest you have the "chrome extension" folder be ready to go from the download, instead of having to copy the highlighter.js file in there, that workflow is quite strange ( / unexpected). the chrome extension folder is effectively a distribution, so I'd recommend just having a copy of everything in there for now.

Image highlighting

Gary Basin from slack

feature request: image highlighting so they can be embedded along with notes!

Add option to insert notes even if the web page is refreshed

Hello again!

I am not sure if I framed this request right. Please, look:

Peek 02-06-2020 09-14


When I replace the page that I am reading its highlights go away. Nothing unexpected--the address changes.

This is a very unusual use case, I guess. Ideally, I would want to insert notes regardless of the change of address, but I am afraid that is counterintuitive.

Another almost equal website is this.

Nevertheless, this doesn't affect me much right now. For me, a simple workaround is to send to roam right away. I just think you should know, even if it is to maybe give you insights on other features.



Start with this.

Here is a bulleted list:

  • One
  • Two
    • Two-one
      • Two-one-one
        • Two-one-one-one
      • Two-one-two
    • Two-two
  • Three

No More bullets

Add default copy [page title](URL) when losing extension from button click

From Ivo:

Wish: There is just one thing I would really love to have and it's the one I would surely use the most: the current "Copy Page Title & URL" feature to work directly, without clicking on the extension icon first. I can't overstate how useful this would be. 95% I just need the URL in and 5% - highlights. I guess this is the case with most people but I might be wrong.

Option to remove external links


Is there any way to add an option to remove external links? Sometimes they're not meaningful, and removing them takes some manual work...


Firefox version


Loved the idea! I'm a Firefox user, is there any chance this gets published as a Firefox extension?

Thanks for your work!

Twitter thread copying


[[Feature request]] Twitter thread markdown export: If I’m on a Twitter thread, can the highlighter do a threadreaderapp style unroll of the thread (with just OP tweets, no other replies)? Not sure how difficult this is. Pasting original tweet URL is not searchable and not thread friendly. Believe Readwise has this feature, but given highlighter handles Kindle highlights, adding Twitter thread extract/export would mean I don’t really need Readwise at all.

Even imagining thread of threads where you get the underlying threads indented. Like (without the viz)


Awesome idea and twitter is on my list since I know so important to many of you. I personally don’t use twitter much so reason hasn’t been a priority but I’ll bump it up on the list. I’m already past due on an update in general ;-p

Do you mind doing like a GIF or video showing me manually what you want? I’m pretty twitter illiterate and the way everything gets threaded and comments of comments confuses me sometimes haha so I need a mock-up of what you would like. Start with basic example of 80% of what you’d want... and then maybe another example of perfect world with threading comments/replies etc. You think you could mock something up for me like that?

Essentially could just be video of you going to a tweet, copying manually what you want and pasting into roam... then going back to twitter and copying whatever else you’d like from a typical twitter “thread” and pasting into roam manually and then showing in roam the formatting/nesting you’d prefer setup. That would help a lot!!


Oh snap as I was looking through I found which does a one-click thread unroll in nice format.


nice, I could definitely add something like that (similar to my kindle extraction).... just wont be as "pretty" as that tool haha

but would still be helpful if you can give me an example tweet/thread and what you'd expect to see and in what "format". Cuz then we can customize my extension based on all your wish list items 😉


Her’s a GIF of how I would do it currently! What’s missing here is pasting in the link to the original Tweet and maybe some info about the original tweet (Account, Timestamp) - stuff that Roam Highlighter should be able to extract.


Murf I Linked you to the Treeverse branch that has created a really good implementation of this. I don’t think you should invest too much time in this feature.

MathJAX highlighting

It would be amazing if roam-highlighter could handle MathJAX highlighting appropriately. Right now, the output is a little bit of a mess. See for example, if I highlight the abstract,


this is the output:

We present the first results of searches for axions and axion-like-particles with the XENON100 experiment. The axion-electron coupling constant,





etc. Hopefully there's a way to detect MathJAX, and put in some $ signs? Thanks!

Tool isn't working appropriately on many popular websites


Thanks a lot for making this. I am not sure what's the right place to post the popular websites where the tools isn't working as expected. But here are a couple of sites that I go to regularly:

As can be seen on these sites, the tool makes each line as a new bullet. Looking at chrome inspector, I do understand that the pages are structured in a weird way which is breaking the tool and maybe you are already working on fixing these outliers.

Apologies if this isn't the right place to post this issue.

Allow for Page Linking (blue HL) by double-clicking a single word that is already highlighted

Mat McGann: Brilliant! Only thought is that I'd be more likely to want to double click a word to link-highlight it than I would want to un-do the first highlight. So maybe Esc or right-click could undo the paste and double-click could select the whole word. But not sure, I'll download it and try it out.

Slack link:

My thoughts on this:

@ Mat McGann good point/idea. Although that is assuming you just want a "one word" page link for Roam. I have tons of pages/tags that are multiple words. I will put it on my list to look at options like this but probably wont be done for a few days as long as the feature is working "as is" with the current selection of text you want added with a page link. Below is my preliminary thought on it (but don't know exactly if this will work until i test it):

  • Problem with double-click is that I already use "Single click" to remove a highlight so it may fire that event first before I can get the double click in.
  • That being said, I may reverse it where double click removes a highlight (which is probably better anyways)
    • and then Single click would add/remove a page/link (highighted blue) if present
    • because then it won't interfere with the double click as long as if I try to remove a highlight with double-click I select the yellow part and not the blue page/link part.
  • Then if you want multi-word page link, I will keep the current feature where if you select something in a already yellow highlighted text, then it will create page link for that too so you can have multi-word page links.
  • I'll have to look into keystrokes like ESC etc. for potential other options

Settings are not visible on IE Edge browser

I'm using the extension in Microsoft Edge (Chromium) and can't open respectively can't the settings. If I try to open them the content is moved to the left but no settings are display as you can see from the following screenshot.


Nothing happens on select in Firefox

I'm on a page, I hit Alt-X (or click on the icon) to show the Roam Highlighter window. I select any text on the page. The text is not highlighted yellow like in the demos. Nothing shows up in the Roam Highlighter pane.

I copy the text. Still nothing. Is there more to this than I'm not aware of?

Send highlights directly to Roam when API comes out

From Ivo V: In terms of features, I hope that one day I'd be able, once a log in thought the extension, to send highlights to Roam directly from the web page, the way I one does with Evernote clipper. (Now, as I'm slowly leaving Evernote, the web clipper is one of the main things I miss)

Option to Hide links

Your plugin is amazing!! Thank you sir/Madam

I've been using it a lot. however one thing that troubles me is that when I am using it to selectively read of Wikipedia, I end up lifting links that I do not want. And so I end up editing the copy pasted page to remove links.
If only there was a way to turn off this feature!

Auto start option for extension so don’t have to click button

To your second point that one is a bit more sensitive. Since I’m messing with the clipboard and binding to a key like ctrl+X I don’t want to auto start the extension on every tab because I can hear it now “my ctrl+x is broken on websites after installing extension when I didn’t want to run it. How do I turn it off?” So that one is more dangerous.

I’ll dig around and see if there is a good way to give the user an option to auto start or not without me needing to change the overall code/structure too much. Fair enough?

Mouse Click Highlight not working

Just installed latest Chrome Extension
Can only highlight using Crtl-X,
Mouse/cursor does not highlight ie no yellow and no copy to sidebar.
Have tried on Chrome and Edge latest versions.

Ability to turn off links

Hey man! Lovely plugin. Been using it with Obsidian for a while Now.

I use it to take notes off Wikipedia articles. It would be helpful if you could add the feature to turn off links. I would prefer not to have links in my note that arent added by me - I usually take notes off webpages and I will have to manually delete links from extracts - this takes a lot of time.

Thanks and regards!

Remove formatting tags?

I opened this link in GetPocket. When I highlighted, this is what I got in the sidebar. It would be great to remove the HTML formatting tags otherwise it's impossible to use the extension. Thanks!

Here's what it looks like -

  • [Pocket - A Message from Co-Founder and CEO Brian Chesky]( #[[Roam-Highlights]]
    • __would have to go further when we faced two hard truths:__
    • __We don’t know exactly when travel will return.__
    • __When travel does return, it will look different.__
    • __While we know Airbnb’s business will fully recover, the changes it will undergo are not temporary or short-lived. Because of this, we need to make more [[[[[[fundamental]]]]]] changes to Airbnb by reducing the size of our workforce around a more focused business strategy.__

Make RH compatible with other MD platforms

You could probably rebrand the Highlighter for all MD tools, including Obsidian, Notion, Bear, Slite etc (there are dozens). For most, it would probably work as it is and for some, it would require additional work but this way it could read a much bigger population.

Firefox extension manual install

Firefox extension/add-on is ready to go but just got this from Mozilla... they won't approve my highlighter extension until Roam is public or Open Beta! Lame!


Since Firefox won't let us upload a public add-on until Roam is open Beta, I created a private add-on you have to download directly. Here is the link.

Go to that GitHub page, click "Download" and then choose to "Open" and choose "Firefox" as the program to open with (this is at least from a Windows perspective). It should install the Add-on for you. Let me know if you have any issues.

Kindle notes extraction truncated

From slack DM from Paul Loeffler:

hi Murf i have been using the highlighter esp for Kindle to Roam. I have long highlights and notes and it cuts them off. Can you allow for longer highlights and notes? They are in the HTML export ... Thank you for the very cool ext. cheers

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