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compiledaemon's Issues

Beep on build error option

CompileDaemon is great. Thank you.

It could use an additional feature to beep if a build breaks. I'm using it while building a web app. I usually have it running on some terminal in the background and I never get to know if there is an error. I reload the web pages but go through the user steps, discover that the code has had no effect, and only then maybe check if the build had failed or not. So much time lost.
It would really help to have a configurable beep to alert me when the build fails.

Docker - File Changes not being Acknowledged

Hey! - I'm making a little simple API And I've been trying to get CompuleDaemon to see any file changes and rebuild with docker. Any changes I make doesn't get reflected on my endpoints. Could I have some help/pointers?

File Structure:

- api
-- go.mod
-- go.sum
-- main.go 
-- controllers
--- users-controller.go 


# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1

FROM golang:latest
RUN apt-get install git
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY /api .
RUN go mod download -x
RUN ["go", "install", ""]
ENTRYPOINT CompileDaemon -build="go build main.go" -command="./main -my-options"

Flush logging buffer before printing CompileDaemon output

Since the logger buffer isn't flushed until another newline is found it's possible that the output that CompileDaemon generates can be affected by ANSII escape sequences that haven't been terminated due to no newline being printed.

For example, a program that writes output with color, writes a newline, then immediately writes the color reset escape sequence. Because the output is buffered the reset escape sequence won't be written until a newline is outputted. However, if the program is terminated and restarted it will never write the reset escape sequence and the output from CompileDaemon (eg "Running build command!") will be affected by the previous escape sequence.

Obviously this could be fixed by outputting the reset sequence before writing a newline, but it seems like the 'correct' solution would be for this software to flush the buffer when a program is recompiled.

CompileDaemon does not work with Docker on Vagrant.


Please help, I don't know where is the issue but after changing file CompileDaemon does not re-compile go application.
Currently, I'm using Windows, I don't want to use docker desktop for Windows so I install docker on Vagrant.
Here is my Dockerfile-local

FROM golang:alpine

# Set necessary environmet variables needed for our image
    GOOS=linux \

WORKDIR /build
COPY go.mod .
COPY go.sum .
RUN go mod download
COPY . .

RUN apk add git
RUN go get
ENTRYPOINT CompileDaemon --build="go build -o bin cmd/apiserver/server.go" --command="./bin/server"

And this is docker-compose file

version: '3'
      context: ./
      dockerfile: Dockerfile-${ENV}
    image: api_server:tag
    container_name: api-server
    hostname: api-server
    restart: always
      - ./:/build
      - 8080:8080

I missed something, didn't I? Or It's a Vagrant problem (Vagrant does not forward file changing event to docker).

Thank you very much for any help and sorry for my English.

Command fails space in arguments

In the command and I think the build although haven't tested
If you have a space in the option it will fail to run.

CompileDaemon --build="go build -o program main.go " --command="./program --option=\"1 2\""

Seems to split on spaces which is not always correct.

Use CompileDaemon with go generate?

I'm trying to use CompileDaemon with go generate, but have not been successful. I am running two instances of CompileDaemon to try accomplishing this. One instances watches the source files, which are .sql, and runs go generate when they change. The other watches all .go source files and runs go build. I believe my flags are set up so that the two are watching mutually exclusive files:


CompileDaemon -build="go generate ./..."
  -pattern=".+\.sql$" &
CompileDaemon -build="go build -o /opt/bin/service"
  -pattern=".+\.go$" &

However, when I run this script, CompileDaemon gets stuck in an infinite loop. Is CompileDaemon incompatible with go generate?

Seems to break Atom?

I've managed to start up the CompileDaemon with minimal effort. It seems to work great!

If I make a change in Atom and then hit save, the CompileDaemon does it thing and rebuild/restart. The problem is, Atom immediately freezes as soon as this happens. Is this something you've observed?

CompileDaemon not found

I get the error "CompileDaemon: not found" and I don't understand why I'm getting such error

Restart the program if it fails

Sometimes a running program fails because of the panic. Because CompileDaemon keeps running it is hard to notice that (except for the panic stack trace). I think it would be best if CompileDaemon would just restart the program, with some message (like, "program terminated, restarting"). Probably as opt-in CLI flag.

package math/bits: unrecognized import path "math/bits" (import path does not begin with hostname)

Error comes up on newer versions of go like; 1.7<

The below dependency file contains math/bits which is causing related issue;;l=10?q=math%2Fbits&sq=&ss=go%2Fx%2Fsys (download) (download) (download) (download)
Parsing meta tags from (status code 200)
get "": found meta tag main.metaImport{Prefix:"", VCS:"git", RepoRoot:""} at
get "": verifying non-authoritative meta tag
Parsing meta tags from (status code 200) (download)
package math/bits: unrecognized import path "math/bits" (import path does not begin with hostname) (download) (download)

Restarting app that runs continously

Hi, this is a cool project.

I have written a simple web server, and Im using this to monitor for code changes. Im using it like so:

./CompileDaemon -directory=/linked -command=./linked

It starts up fine, however when I change the code, it doesn't re build. I suspect its because /linked/linked is a web server and never stops, but when I read your documentation, it mentions that CompileDaemon will kill the app and restart it. Any ideas?

macos firewall issues

When I run CompileDaemon -exclude-dir=./container_data -exclude-dir=./.git -exclude-dir=./docker -exclude-dir=./migrations, my go app (local webserver) doesn't seem to work.

When I run go run . I get a macos firewall allow dialog. Once I click "allow", it works.


How can I get CompileDaemon to display the firewall dialog?

Terminate the program if a build fails

Currently the program is left running, so if the build fails, you have an old version of the program running. It happened to me multiple times that I tried to use the HTTP app and it looked like working, but then there was no expected change in its behavior. Only then I realized that the new code didn't compile. It would be better if the program would be terminated always (after the build, if it is successful a new version is stared, otherwise nothing is started) so that I would see errors when browser tries to connect to a new version.

At least provide a flag to enable this behavior.

Install info in is missing install part for quick start:

go get

Even, if it's pretty much obvious. For go-lang newcomers, like me, it takes a bit of time to figure this out.


Not really an issue, but I'm curious - what is this licensed under?


multiple build commands

It would be great if multiple build commands could be run when file changes are detected:

1. docker build -t
2. docker-compose down
3. docker-compose up

Got error when go get

Hi, somehow I got this error when try to get this package:

../../../ undefined: readInt
../../../ undefined: readInt
../../../ undefined: readInt
../../../ undefined: sysctlmib
../../../ undefined: anyToSockaddr
../../../ undefined: anyToSockaddr
../../../ undefined: UtimesNanoAt
../../../ undefined: NsecToTimespec
../../../ undefined: TimevalToNsec
../../../ undefined: NsecToTimespec
../../../ too many errors

Reload not working on OSX

I'm setting up a project in Go following this guide , on Linux it works fine. Using it from mac when I change a file from my editor, the file into the container change but CompileDaemon doesn't recognise the change and doesn't rebuild.
If I enter the container and save the changed file, CompileDaemon rebuild.


FROM golang:latest

WORKDIR /go/src


version: '3'
      context: .
      - ".:/go/"
    container_name: golang_app
    command: bash -c "go get && CompileDaemon -command="./app""
      - "8080:8080"
    tty: true
      - db


OSX Catalina 10.15.2
Docker version 19.03.5 ( Using Docker Desktop application)

fsnotify dependency resolves to empty fsnofity repo on github

As of two hours ago there's now an empty fsnotify repo on github that compile daemon resolves to as its dependency. ->

This smells of a package injection attack but it seems to not have materialized.

At the very least, this has broken CompileDaemon because it resolves to the wrong dependency.

The maintainers of will probably figure it out, but we thought we'd let you know :)

Goal of project

I was attempting to make this fit an existing project that currently used reflex to watch for changes and Makefile targets after using this on some personal projects and loving the simplicity, and I realized that I wanted to perform different actions if different sets of files changed.

*.tmpl - go generate path/views/templates which executes go-bindata for those templates
*.scss - go generate path/views/styles which executes sass->css compilation, then go-bindata for the CSS

Is it a goal of the project to support this type of conditional targeting? Reading the README, I'd lean towards no, but wanted to check.

Additional arguments in build don't work

I'm using CompileDeamon in my Dockerfile.
I was using this command to only rebuild my app after changes:
CMD swag init -d src && CompileDaemon --build="go build src/main.go" --command="./main" --color

but I wanted to add also hot reloading with swagger recompile like:
CMD swag init -d src && CompileDaemon --build="swag init -d src && go build src/main.go" --command="./main" --color

and it not working correctly. When I run my docker-compose then this container starts rebuilding every second without any change in files. I discovered that the problem is with an additional flag added to swag init.

When I remove -d src then CompileDeamon is not rebuilding the app without a change in code (correct behavior), so I think it's something wrong with interpreting command arguments.

It's problematic for me because of the project structure and I have to specify a directory for swag to compile it correctly :)

PS. Thanks for your work, CompileDeamon is great :D

golang:latest error

Good day,

I followed the Tut at great work... Thanks.

I kept getting this build error:
step 6/7
go build module requires Go 1.12
ERROR: Service 'go-docker-image' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c go get' returned a non-zero code: 1

I changed the Dockerfile from golang:latest to golang:1.2 and it did the trick.
(maybe you could correct this in your repo for others)

Any idea on Golang 1.14 support?
(Seems to be the issue for me anyways)

Thanks again in advance.

CompileDaemon is not installing on LinuxMint Machines

u@u-pc:~/Documents/Proyectos/GoApps$ go get

cd /home/u/go/src/; git pull --ff-only

fatal: unable to open .git/objects/pack/tmp_pack_3iLUeQ: No such file or directory
fatal: index-pack failed
package exit status 1

Build errors not shown on cmd line

When there are build errors, it only shows an overall status that there was an error. To actually find out what the errors are, I'm having to run the go build separately.

Security Best Practice

I think this tool is very useful during development and testing, but there might be severe consequences if used in production.
In fact, if attackers would be able to upload arbitrary files, this would trigger re-building and running the malicious code just uploaded, leading to RCE (Remote Code Execution).
In practice, this would bring the same vulnerabilities affecting interpreted languages in go.

I suggest to place a banner in the file, warning developers to be careful and don't use this tool in production environment.

Command to run and test at the same time

First: Thank you.

After reading documentation and options, I can't run and test at the same time.
I think that could be possible with this package since most of the time we (devs) need it.


CompileDaemon \
    -directory=. \
    -recursive=true \
    -build="go build -o server" \
    -command="./server -port=4000 -host=localhost" \

What I'm looking:

CompileDaemon \
    -directory=. \
    -recursive=true \
    -build="go build -o server" \
    -command="./server -port=4000 -host=localhost && go test ./... " \

Sorry If I missed something from docs.
Thank you for your time.

filepath.Walk():bad file descriptor

I successfully ran CompileDaemon a month ago when I downloaded it, but now whenever I try to run it I get:

filepath.Walk():bad file descriptor

I've tried deleting the src and bin files for CompileDaemon and running go get "", but it didn't change anything.

I'm on a 2017 Macbook Pro.

Hard stop not working on Windows


while using CompileDaemon on Windows 10 Pro I encountered a strange problem. When I run it as follows

CompileDaemon.exe -command="hello.exe"

I get the following output

2017/07/21 06:24:36 Running build command!
2017/07/21 06:24:37 Build ok.
2017/07/21 06:24:37 Restarting the given command.
2017/07/21 06:24:37 stdout: RUNNING6
2017/07/21 06:24:44 Running build command!
2017/07/21 06:24:45 Build ok.
2017/07/21 06:24:45 Hard stopping the current process..
2017/07/21 06:24:45 Could not kill child process. Aborting due to danger of infinite forks.

For debugging purposes I compiled CompileDaemon myself and added a print statement under the kill statement of the process. There I get the following error message :

TerminateProcess: Access denied

Obviously it isn't possible to kill a process on Windows which was created by exec.Command. Do you have an idea what can be done to fix this problem?


go get doesn't not pull master branch with polling changes

Hi there,

For ages I was trying to work out why the -polling option was causing this to crash out in docker.

I was using this docker file:

FROM golang:latest

WORKDIR /usr/src/app/go-api

COPY . /usr/src/app/go-api

RUN go mod download

RUN go get
# RUN CompileDaemon
ENTRYPOINT CompileDaemon -build="go build main.go" -directory="." -polling -command=./main 

To which it ouputted the full list of options - not including -polling

" flag provided but not defined: -polling"

To fix this, I added @master to the go get command :

FROM golang:latest

WORKDIR /usr/src/app/go-api

COPY . /usr/src/app/go-api

RUN go mod download

RUN go get
# RUN CompileDaemon
ENTRYPOINT CompileDaemon -build="go build main.go" -directory="." -polling -command=./main 

This now works!

This is an amazing project and I am very grateful for it - I just thought that this may come up for someone else!

I'm not sure why go get is behaving like this, but I assume it is a bug.

Full code example:


package main

import (


func main() {
	e := echo.New()
	e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello, dude!")
	e.GET("/2", func(c echo.Context) error {
		return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Hello, my friend, again!")



FROM golang:latest

WORKDIR /usr/src/app/go-api

COPY . /usr/src/app/go-api

RUN go mod download

RUN go get
RUN GO111MODULE=on # not sure if needed
ENTRYPOINT CompileDaemon -build="go build main.go" -directory="." -polling -command=./main 


      context: .
      - "8081:80"
    container_name: go-api
    tty: true
      - ./:/usr/src/app/go-api

Clear screen before build

It's really annoying to search the console for the current output after multiple rebuilds, the console simply becomes a mess. It would be great to clear the console before approaching a new build, neither -build="reset && gb build all" nor multiple -build="reset" -build="gb build all" work though.

Any idea how to fix this?

Allow option to NOT build

This is great to just have go run . re-run on a file change. It's perfect with the combination of a templating engine which rebuilds go files once the html files are updated.

However, CompileDaemon always compiles the binary when many times I only want to have go run executed with -command.

Is there any chance of providing an option to not build?

Add a tag for the most recent version

It would be great to have a newer tag than 1.1.0 in the repo, so that go get does also download the newer version.

This would enable people to use -run-dir=/foo/bar/baz

Docker + Go 1.18 = /bin/sh: CompileDaemon: not found

It seems that it stopped working since the update of Go 1.18, the error is /bin/sh: CompileDaemon: not found
It works when I get Go image 1.17.

Here is my Dockerfile:

FROM golang:alpine


COPY ./ /app

RUN go mod download

RUN go get


POINT CompileDaemon --build="go build -o /app/.bin/api-admin ./cmd/admin" --command=./.bin/api-admin


include multiple directories

The project I'm working on has important files two folders back from where the main.go file is, so it would be nice to have something like -include-dir="../../core" to be able to monitor any changes on these files as well, since we work with them a lot.

CompileDeamon not found golang 1.18


Cannot run CompileDeamon as Entrypoint of dockerfile with golang 1.18
Working on golang:1.17.8-alpine3.15 with same ENTRYPOINT

tested with go get

Cannot seem to kill the process properly

I'm obviously missing something, but I can't seem to catch the SIGTERM signal and gracefully terminate the running server.

package main

import (


func main() {
	log.Println("Starting HTTP server on port", os.Getenv("PORT"))

	httpServerExitDone := &sync.WaitGroup{}

	srv := startHTTPServer(httpServerExitDone)

	c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)

	go func() {
		fmt.Println("\r- SIG sent to terminate")
		if err := srv.Shutdown(context.TODO()); err != nil {

	log.Printf("main: done. exiting")

func startHTTPServer(wg *sync.WaitGroup) *http.Server {
	r := mux.NewRouter()
	srv := &http.Server{Addr: ":" + os.Getenv("PORT"), Handler: r}

	r.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./public")))

	go func() {
		defer wg.Done()

		if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); err != http.ErrServerClosed {
			log.Fatalf("ListenAndServe(): %v", err)

	return srv

Results in:

2021/06/30 23:04:08 Gracefully stopping the current process..
2021/06/30 23:04:08 Restarting the given command.
2021/06/30 23:04:08 stderr: 2021/06/30 23:04:08 Starting HTTP server on port 3000
2021/06/30 23:04:08 stderr: 2021/06/30 23:04:08 ListenAndServe(): listen tcp :3000: bind: address already in use
2021/06/30 23:04:08 stderr: exit status 1

Install for go 1.18+

Go dropped go get for cmd-tools.

executing go install does not work.

Console not showing, echo server not restarting

The following code displays "test" on the terminal when running my go module without CompileDaemon:
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "test")

When using CompileDaemon using the following command, there is not output on the terminal:
${my_go_path}/CompileDaemon -directory={directory_to_track_changes_on} -command="go run {path_to_main_file}" -color=true

Additionally, part of the code that runs starts an echo server on a local port. When I make changes, although live reloading happens, the server isn't restarted.

Question: Live Reload & Delve debugging

I am using VSCode and Docker. I want to live reload a go api and use the delve debugger in the same container instance.

Here's what I have so far:

In the docker-compose.yml file you will see two services api and debug api. One uses CompileDaemon, the other uses Delve. Both containers are based off the same "dev" build stage in a multi-stage scenario.

Whenever I tried combining both approaches within one container I had issues. Ideally I want to have both features in one container.

Change events not triggered in Docker after a while

I have a local docker-compose setup with 10+ services, where each of them is built and run by CompileDaemon. Each service's local go folder is mounted as a volume to allow the developers at my company to make changes and CompileDaemon takes care of restarting the go server when any source file is changed.

Expected Behavior

All the services should restart after a file has changed


After several restarts with 10+ services, restarts with CompileDaemon stops working without any errors and I have to manually restart the container or restart the docker daemon for the notify events to work again.


MacOS Catalina 10.15.2 (19C57)
Docker Desktop (42716)
Engine Version 19.03.5
Compose Version 1.25.4

Example Dockerfile Entrypoint

ENTRYPOINT CompileDaemon \
    --build="go build -o my_service" \
    -exclude-dir=.git -exclude=".#*" \

Example Folder Mounting in Docker Compose

      context: .
      dockerfile: ./my_service.Dockerfile
      - $GOPATH/src/

Suggested Solution

If, after a thorough research we find that the problem is deeper then a few config files, maybe we can write a polling mechanism and watch for changes ourselves and ditch the inotify features. It is not the best solution but it will be a nice workaround if people just want things to work.

Fix skipping build command

When run with -build='', the following error occurs:

2021/01/10 16:51:52 Running build command!
2021/01/10 16:51:52 Error while building:

The following code in the build() function seems to be for conditionally skipping the build command:


Lines 151 to 158 in 39b144a

func build() bool {
log.Println(okColor("Running build command!"))
args := strings.Split(*flagBuild, " ")
if len(args) == 0 {
// If the user has specified and empty then we are done.
return true

However, the return value of strings.Split will never have length 0 because the provided separator is not empty. If provided an empty string, it will still return a slice containing a single empty string:

If s does not contain sep and sep is not empty, Split returns a slice of length 1 whose only element is s.

If sep is empty, Split splits after each UTF-8 sequence. If both s and sep are empty, Split returns an empty slice.

Maybe the condition could be replaced with if *flagBuild == "" and checked before the call to strings.Split:

 	if *flagBuild == "" { 
 		// If the value of flagBuild is empty then we are done. 
 		return true 
 	args := strings.Split(*flagBuild, " ") 

Issuing a `touch` on a file rebuilds the binary 2 times in a row

I have something like:

CompileDaemon -build="go build -o bin/darwin-amd64/x x/x.go" -command="./bin/darwin-amd64/x" -pattern=".+\.go$"

If I do a simple touch x.go the binary gets compiled twice...

EDIT: Actually, starting it simply like this does the same problem:

CompileDaemon --exclude-dir=vendor

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