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galileo-spacetime's Introduction

Galileo Spacetime: A High Throughput NoSQL Distributed Storage System for Multidimensional Spatiotemporal Data

Galileo Spacetime is a high-throughput distributed file system for spatio-temporal multidimensional data, developed at the Colorado State University Computer Science Department. This project is a fork of the original system developed by Mathew Malensek for geospatial datasets. Key features of this implementation include

  • Creation and Deletion of Filesystems
  • Dynamic Network Organization
  • Customizable Spatio-Temporal Partitioning Scheme
  • Query Parallelism
  • Result Grouping


  • Java Runtime Version 1.7.0 or greater

Setup on Network File System

Download the distribution and unzip it

$ pwd
$ wget
$ unzip 
$ mv galileo-spacetime-master galileo-spacetime
$ cd galileo-spacetime
$ ant
$ rm config/network/*.group
$ cd bin/util
$ vi hostnames
# Add list of hostname one on each line
# 4 is the number of nodes per group in the below command
$ mkgroups hostnames 4 
$ mv *.group ../../config/network/

Setup environment settings in your .bashrc and .profile or .bash_profile and source it.

$ vi .bashrc
export GALILEO_HOME=/s/chopin/l/grad/jcharles/dev/galileo-spacetime
# default network organization is read from this directory
export GALILEO_CONF=/s/chopin/l/grad/jcharles/dev/galileo-spacetime/config
# This is where all the galileo filesystems are stored
export GALILEO_ROOT=/s/$(hostname)/a/tmp/$(whoami)/galileo

$ source .bashrc

Setup on Google Compute Engine (Debian 8 Jessie)

  1. Setup passwordless SSH between the machine you download the project and all other machines in the cluster

     $ pwd
     $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -C [USERNAME]
     $ cat ~/.ssh/
  2. Copy all those contents and go to Cloud Console > Compute Engine > Metadata > SSH Keys

  3. Paste the contents there and save the file.

  4. Check if you're able to ssh into other compute engine instances without password.

  5. Download the distribution

     $ pwd
     $ wget
     $ unzip 
     $ mv galileo-spacetime-master galileo-spacetime
     $ cd galileo-spacetime
     $ ant
     $ rm config/network/*.group
     $ cd bin/util
     $ vi hostnames
     # Add list of hostname one on each line
     # 4 is the number of nodes per group in the below command
     $ mkgroups hostnames 4 
     $ mv *.group ../../config/network/
     $ cp hostnames /home/jkachika/
  6. Setup environment settings in your .bashrc and .profile on the main machine. Note that no process will run on the master yet we can start and stop all the machines from master with this configuration

     $ vi .bashrc
     # setup java home
     export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle
     export GALILEO_HOME=/home/jkachika/galileo-spacetime
     # default network organization is read from this directory
     export GALILEO_CONF=/home/jkachika/galileo-spacetime/config
     # This is where all the galileo filesystems are stored
     export GALILEO_ROOT=/tmp/galileo
     $ vi .profile
     # Add the same settings
  7. Source the new environment settings

     $ source ~/.bashrc
  8. Copy the distribution to all other machines

     $ cd /home/jkachika
     $ galileo-spacetime/bin/ hostnames /home/jkachika/galileo-spacetime /home/jkachika 
     $ galileo-spacetime/bin/ hostnames $JAVA_HOME /home/jkachika/galileo-spacetime 

Operating the cluster

  1. Add galileo-spacetime/bin to PATH

     $ export PATH=$PATH:/home/jkachika/galileo-spacetime/bin
  2. Starting the cluster

     $ galileo-cluster -c start
  3. Status of the cluster

     $ galileo-cluster -c status
  4. Stopping the cluster

     $ galileo-cluster -c stop

Usage - Data Storage

The examples below use features from the NYC Yellow Taxi Data Dictionary for the NYC Yellow Taxi Dataset

  1. Instantiate a Connector to commnunicate with Galileo storage nodes. Unless you're using multiple threads to communicate with Galileo, you should use only one connector for all your communications.

    import galileo.comm.Connector;
    Connector connector = new Connector();
  2. Creating a filesystem

    import galileo.comm.FilesystemAction;
    import galileo.comm.FilesystemRequest;
    import galileo.dataset.SpatialHint;
    import galileo.dataset.feature.FeatureType;
    import galileo.util.Pair;
    List<Pair<String, FeatureType>> featureList = new ArrayList<>();
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("tpep_pickup_datetime", FeatureType.STRING));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("tpep_dropoff_datetime", FeatureType.STRING));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("passenger_count", FeatureType.INT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("trip_distance", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("pickup_longitude", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("pickup_latitude", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("ratecodeid", FeatureType.INT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("dropoff_longitude", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("dropoff_latitude", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("payment_type", FeatureType.INT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("fare_amount", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("extra", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("mta_tax", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("improvement_surcharge", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("tip_amount", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("tolls_amount", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    featureList.add(new Pair<>("total_amount", FeatureType.FLOAT));
    SpatialHint spatialHint = new SpatialHint("pickup_latitude", "pickup_longitude");
    FilesystemRequest fsRequest = new FilesystemRequest(
    "nyc_yellow_taxi", FilesystemAction.CREATE, featureList, spatialHint);
    //Any Galileo storage node hostname and port number
    NetworkDestination storageNode = new NetworkDestination("", 5634);
    connector.publishEvent(storageNode, fsRequest);
  3. Preparing raw data to store as blocks

    import galileo.comm.StorageRequest;
    import galileo.comm.TemporalType;
    import galileo.dataset.Block;
    import galileo.dataset.Coordinates;
    import galileo.dataset.Metadata;
    import galileo.dataset.SpatialProperties;
    import galileo.dataset.TemporalProperties;
    import galileo.dataset.feature.Feature;
    import galileo.dataset.feature.FeatureSet;
    import galileo.dht.hash.TemporalHash;
    import galileo.util.GeoHash;
    String data ="2016-01-01 00:00:00,2016-01-01 00:18:30,2,5.52,-73.980117797851563,40.743049621582031,1,-73.913490295410156,40.763141632080078,2,19,0.5,0.5,0,0,0.3,20.3\n"
      			+ "2016-01-01 00:00:00,2016-01-01 00:26:45,2,7.45,-73.994056701660156,40.719989776611328,1,-73.966361999511719,40.789871215820313,2,26,0.5,0.5,0,0,0.3,27.3\n"
      			+ "2016-01-01 00:00:01,2016-01-01 00:11:55,1,1.20,-73.979423522949219,40.744613647460938,1,-73.992034912109375,40.753944396972656,2,9,0.5,0.5,0,0,0.3,10.3\n"
      			+ "2016-01-01 00:00:02,2016-01-01 00:11:14,1,6.00,-73.947151184082031,40.791046142578125,1,-73.920768737792969,40.865577697753906,2,18,0.5,0.5,0,0,0.3,19.3\n"
      			+ "2016-01-01 00:00:02,2016-01-01 00:11:08,1,3.21,-73.998344421386719,40.723896026611328,1,-73.995849609375,40.688400268554688,2,11.5,0.5,0.5,0,0,0.3,12.8\n"
      			+ "2016-01-01 00:00:03,2016-01-01 00:06:19,1,.79,-74.006149291992188,40.744918823242188,1,-73.993797302246094,40.741439819335938,2,6,0.5,0.5,0,0,0.3,7.3\n"
      			+ "2016-01-01 00:00:03,2016-01-01 00:15:49,6,2.43,-73.969329833984375,40.763538360595703,1,-73.995689392089844,40.744251251220703,1,12,0.5,0.5,3.99,0,0.3,17.29\n"
      			+ "2016-01-01 00:00:03,2016-01-01 00:00:11,4,.01,-73.989021301269531,40.721538543701172,1,-73.988960266113281,40.721698760986328,2,2.5,0.5,0.5,0,0,0.3,3.8\n"
      			+ "2016-01-01 00:00:04,2016-01-01 00:14:32,1,3.70,-74.004302978515625,40.742240905761719,1,-74.007362365722656,40.706935882568359,1,14,0.5,0.5,3.05,0,0.3,18.35\n";
    String[] records = data.split("\\r?\\n");
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
    Map<String, StringBuffer> blockMap = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Float> minimumAmount = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Float> maximumAmount = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Integer> numTrips = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Float> meanAmount = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Long> timestamps = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Coordinates> locations = new HashMap<>();
    for (String record : records) {
        String[] fields = record.split(",");
        String hash = GeoHash.encode(Float.parseFloat(fields[5]), Float.parseFloat(fields[4]), 6);
        String blockKey = String.format("%s-%s", fields[0].split("\\s")[0], hash);
        StringBuffer blockBuffer = blockMap.get(blockKey);
        float totalAmount = Float.parseFloat(fields[16]);
        if (blockBuffer == null) {      
          blockBuffer = new StringBuffer();
          blockMap.put(blockKey, blockBuffer);
          minimumAmount.put(blockKey, totalAmount);
          maximumAmount.put(blockKey, totalAmount);
          meanAmount.put(blockKey, totalAmount);
          timestamps.put(blockKey, sdf.parse(fields[0]).getTime());
          numTrips.put(blockKey, 1);
          locations.put(blockKey, new Coordinates(Float.parseFloat(fields[5]), Float.parseFloat(fields[4])));
        } else {
          if (totalAmount < minimumAmount.get(blockKey))
      	  minimumAmount.put(blockKey, totalAmount);
          if (totalAmount > maximumAmount.get(blockKey))
      	  maximumAmount.put(blockKey, totalAmount);
          meanAmount.put(blockKey, totalAmount + meanAmount.get(blockKey));
          numTrips.put(blockKey, numTrips.get(blockKey) + 1);
  4. Storing the blocks

    for (String blockKey : blockMap.keySet()) {
        StringBuffer blockData = blockMap.get(blockKey);
        TemporalProperties temporalProperties = new TemporalProperties(timestamps.get(blockKey));
        SpatialProperties spatialProperties = new SpatialProperties(locations.get(blockKey));
        FeatureSet attributes = new FeatureSet();
        Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
        attributes.put(new Feature("min_amount", minimumAmount.get(blockKey)));
        attributes.put(new Feature("mean_amount", meanAmount.get(blockKey) / numTrips.get(blockKey)));
        attributes.put(new Feature("max_amount", maximumAmount.get(blockKey)));
        attributes.put(new Feature("num_trips", numTrips.get(blockKey)));
        StorageRequest storageRequest = new StorageRequest(
        new Block("nyc_yellow_taxi", metadata, blockData.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")));
        connector.publishEvent(storageNode, storageRequest);

Usage - Data Retrieval

  1. Obtaining the list of filesystems stored

    JSONObject requestJSON = new JSONObject();
    requestJSON.put("kind", "galileo#filesystem");
    MetadataRequest mr = new MetadataRequest(requestJSON);
    //Any Galileo storage node hostname and port number
    NetworkDestination storageNode = new NetworkDestination("", 5634);
    Event event = connector.sendMessage(storageNode, mr);
    MetadataResponse response = (MetadataResponse)event;
    JSONObject jsonResponse = response.getResponse();
  2. Obtaining the overview of one or more filesystems

    String filesystems = "nyc_yellow_taxi";
    JSONObject requestJSON = new JSONObject();
    requestJSON.put("kind", "galileo#overview");
    requestJSON.put("filesystem", new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(filesystems.split(","))));
    MetadataRequest mr = new MetadataRequest(requestJSON);
    //Any Galileo storage node hostname and port number
    NetworkDestination storageNode = new NetworkDestination("", 5634);
    Event event = connector.sendMessage(storageNode, mr);
    MetadataResponse response = (MetadataResponse)event;
    JSONObject jsonResponse = response.getResponse();
  3. Obtaining the features of one or more filesystems

    String filesystems = "nyc_yellow_taxi";
    JSONObject requestJSON = new JSONObject();
    requestJSON.put("kind", "galileo#features");
    requestJSON.put("filesystem", new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(filesystems.split(","))));
    MetadataRequest mr = new MetadataRequest(requestJSON);
    //Any Galileo storage node hostname and port number
    NetworkDestination storageNode = new NetworkDestination("", 5634);
    Event event = connector.sendMessage(storageNode, mr);
    MetadataResponse response = (MetadataResponse)event;
    JSONObject jsonResponse = response.getResponse();
  4. Obtaining blocks. To retrieve the blocks you need atleast one of the following - spatial area, time, or metadata query

    //Obtaining blocks where mean_amount > $50 in 2016
    Query metadataQuery = new Query(new Operation(new Expression(
    Operator.GREATER, new Feature("mean_amount", 50))));
    QueryRequest qr = new QueryRequest("nyc_yellow_taxi", null, metadataQuery);
    //to set spatial query use the qr.setPolygon()
    //qr.enableDryRun(); //If you want just the block paths on the storage nodes
    //Any Galileo storage node hostname and port number
    NetworkDestination storageNode = new NetworkDestination("", 5634);
    Event event = connector.sendMessage(storageNode, qr);
    QueryResponse response = (QueryResponse)event;
    JSONObject jsonResponse = response.getJSONResults();
    //If you did not enable dry run and want to obtain the contents of the blocks
    while(response.hasBlocks()) {
        Block block = response.getNextBlock();
        byte[] blockData = block.getData();
        //do the processing
        //if you wish to obtain multiple blocks in a single go
        //List<Block> blocks = response.getNextBlocks(5);
  5. Obtaining observations in the blocks matching some criteria

    //Obtaining data from blocks where fare_amount > $50 in 2016
    Query featureQuery = new Query(new Operation(new Expression(
    Operator.GREATER, new Feature("fare_amount", 50))));
    QueryRequest qr = new QueryRequest("nyc_yellow_taxi", featureQuery, null);
    //to set spatial query use the qr.setPolygon()
    //Any Galileo storage node hostname and port number
    NetworkDestination storageNode = new NetworkDestination("", 5634);
    Event event = connector.sendMessage(storageNode, qr);
    QueryResponse response = (QueryResponse)event;
    JSONObject jsonResponse = response.getJSONResults();
    while(response.hasBlocks()) {
        Block block = response.getNextBlock();
        byte[] blockData = block.getData();
        //do the processing
        //if you wish to obtain multiple blocks in a single go
        //List<Block> blocks = response.getNextBlocks(5);

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