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apalis's Issues

Redis cancel running task: worker_id?

It looks like to cancel a running task (using Redis as the queue) you need the worker_id and job_id, that latter of which can be obtained via when the task is initiated. However it's not clear how to obtain the worker_id associated with a running job_id.

Lock-free Postgres implementation

Hey - what's the timeline for Lock-free Postgres implementation?

Feel free to outline the rough problem which needs to be solved and we (Bundlr) might be able to solve, depending on time commitment

Poll multiple job types on the same PostgreSQL connection

Currently, each instance of PostgresStorage grabs a connection to LISTEN for new jobs. This means that if you have 10 workers, you constantly consume 10 connections to listen on the exact same topic.

Connections can be notably expensive with Postgres, so it would be nice if multiple PostgresStorage could share the same notification stream (maybe through a tokio::sync::watch channel or similar?) instead of each grabbing a connection for each worker.

Update to sqlx 0.6

Currently apalis-sql is using version 0.5 of sqlx this make using it a bit harder than necessary to use in an application using sqlx 0.6.

I'm unable to use the PostgresStorage::new method do to the differing sqlx versions.


Pass a connection string to PostgresStorage::connect.

Examples for deleting, rescheduling and updating a scheduled job

I searched all the examples in this repo but could not find any sample code to kill, reschedule and update_by_id.

My use case is that I want to schedule a job and then edit the time it needs to run later (I think this should be reschedule?). I would also like to know how to change the information parameter sent to a scheduled job (I think it's the update_by_id method). Finally, another method to completely kill a scheduled job.

apalis-core crash from any error.

Change email-service:

pub async fn send_email(job: Email, _ctx: JobContext) -> Result<JobResult, JobError> {
    log::info!("Attempting to send email to {}",;
2022-12-22T05:57:53.733964Z  INFO job{job_id="b1ad3d63-0fc1-4c65-8c38-e071b9f51344" current_attempt=1}: email_service: Attempting to send email to 1    
2022-12-22T05:57:53.734014Z ERROR job{job_id="b1ad3d63-0fc1-4c65-8c38-e071b9f51344" current_attempt=1}: apalis_core::layers::tracing::on_failure: Job Failed: Attempted to communicate with a crashed background worker done_in=0 ms

async fn handle(&mut self, job: JobRequestWrapper<T>) -> Self::Result {
        match job.0 {
            Ok(Some(job)) => {
                self.handle_job(job).await.unwrap(); << THIS LINE 
            Ok(None) => {
                // on drain
            Err(_e) => {

thread 'tokio-runtime-worker' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Failed(WorkerCrashed)', /home/dan/tests/apalis/packages/apalis-core/src/worker/

Add documentation and examples of how workers process jobs

Currently it only shows one worker send_email. Would be good to showcase more types of jobs being consumed.

        .register_with_count(5, move |_| {

Update `sqlx`

Hello, this project depends on sqlx = "^0.6". But the latest version is 0.7. This is introducing errors in the dependency graph. Would it be possible to update the dependency?

Extension does not work?

I cant find any apalis examples with using extensions for shared data.

Only a wrong example in docs:

/// Extension data for jobs.
/// forked from [axum::Extensions]
/// # In Context
/// This is commonly used to share state across jobs.
/// ```rust,ignore
/// use apalis::{
///     Extension,
///     WorkerBuilder,
///     JobContext
/// };
/// use std::sync::Arc;
/// // Some shared state used throughout our application
/// struct State {
///     // ...
/// }
/// async fn email_service(email: Email, ctx: JobContext) {
///     let state: &Arc<State> = ctx.data_opt().unwrap();
/// }
/// let state = Arc::new(State { /* ... */ });
/// let worker = WorkerBuilder::new(storage)
///     .layer(Extension(state))
///     .build_fn(email_service);
/// ```

Where even

use apalis::{

is throwing error apalis does not have Extension.

Please make a working example with Shared state.

Ability to easily pipeline.

The concept would be something like:

.build_pipeline(Pipeline::new(start_here).then_daily((do_this, and_this_too)).until(complete))

This would be a sort of persistent job that is running for a long period of time.

Add example with async_graphql

It would be really helpful if an example with async graphql was present. I am using axum and async graphql and I can not access the storage in the gql_ctx. I can not figure out how to push a new job.

v0.4 Milestone

  • Push job need to return id.
  • Add functionality to push multiple jobs.
  • Add documentation on job function structure.

Is there a way to send dependencies to jobfunction

Hi Thanks for sharing this excellent library to the community.

Currently the job function accepts two arguments: one is Request type and JobContext

I want to share database pool connection to my job function, is there a way I can do it ?


#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Youtubelink(String);

impl Job for Youtubelink {
    const NAME: &'static str = "youtube-transcript";

async fn transcript(
    job: impl Into<Youtubelink>,
    ctx: JobContext,
    // pgpool: &PgPool
) -> Result<YoutubeContent, Serror> {
    let data = Youtube::link(&job.into().0).content().await?;
    // do something with pgpool and data

I'm looking something like this where dbpool is created and registered. Later used in handlers

Can I use this with the sqlx feature `runtime-tokio-native-tls`?

Hi, firstly thanks for the great library - it looks great and I'd love to use it.

I have a project in mind that I'd like to use it on, but the project is using the sqlx feature runtime-tokio-native-tls and this seems to conflict with apalis with the error:

only one of ['runtime-actix-native-tls', 'runtime-async-std-native-tls', 'runtime-tokio-native-tls', 'runtime-actix-rustls', 'runtime-async-std-rustls', 'runtime-tokio-rustls'] can be enabled

I don't think I can easily get round this requirement of using sqlx with the feature runtime-tokio-native-tls enabled in this particular project.

I'm fairly new to rust so sorry if I'm missing something obvious, but is it possible to use this library in a manner compatible with the sqlx feature runtime-tokio-native-tls?

osv-scanner results finds a lot of security issues in the dependencies.
Would be a good idea to bump a lot of the deps to prevent these.

osv-scanner --lockfile Cargo.lock
Scanned /home/jayvdb/rust/apalis/Cargo.lock file and found 418 packages
│ OSV URL (ID IN BOLD)                │ ECOSYSTEM │ PACKAGE         │ VERSION │ SOURCE     │
│   │ │ atty            │ 0.2.14  │ Cargo.lock │
│ │ │ crossbeam-utils │ 0.7.2   │ Cargo.lock │
│   │           │                 │         │            │
│   │ │ dotenv          │ 0.15.0  │ Cargo.lock │
│ │ │ libsqlite3-sys  │ 0.24.2  │ Cargo.lock │
│   │           │                 │         │            │
│ │ │ lock_api        │ 0.3.4   │ Cargo.lock │
│ │           │                 │         │            │
│ │           │                 │         │            │
│ │           │                 │         │            │
│ │           │                 │         │            │
│   │           │                 │         │            │
│   │ │ net2            │ 0.2.38  │ Cargo.lock │
│ │ │ tokio           │ 0.1.22  │ Cargo.lock │
│   │           │                 │         │            │

Consider allocating a static worker id.

The current implementation allocates a random worker-id from uuid. This works well but may produce undefined behaviour which doesn't affect the processing of jobs but may show invalid data when queried the number of workers.
See #41

Cron jobs and timezone handling

I have a docker container which inherits from scratch. I have an apalis cron job which is supposed to execute at 0000 hrs and 1200 hrs everyday. It does execute but at exactly 0530 hrs for me (I live in Asia/Kolkata timezone which has that offset). How can I configure apalis so that it executes at 0000 hrs of my timezone?

Setting the TZ env variable does not work, probably due to the scratch docker environment.

I'm not really sure if this problem even belongs to this repository, but would love any pointers you'd have on debugging this issue.

No Done jobs


I test apalis (mysql backend) with 2 workers and consistently add new jobs.

Tens of jobs is done but in database jobs table is 2 jobs only.
Their id is changing - but no one job saved as done.


Axum application stuck after SIGINT and needs to be killed with SIGTERM

When trying to terminate the application with Ctrl + C (or by sending SIGINT directly) the monitor shuts down, but the application is stuck until it receives a SIGTERM signal.

$ cargo run --package axum-example
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.18s
     Running `target/debug/axum-example`
2022-10-07T13:33:36.526309Z DEBUG axum_example: listening on
2022-10-07T13:33:36.526681Z DEBUG apalis_core::worker::monitor: Listening shut down command (ctrl + c)
2022-10-07T13:33:46.759826Z DEBUG apalis_core::worker::monitor: Workers shutdown complete

I tested this with the axum example and my own app, both have the same result.

The actix-web example does properly exit, so maybe axum needs some special handling for signals.

$ cargo run --package actix-web-example
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.19s
     Running `target/debug/actix-web-example`
[2022-10-07T13:40:11Z INFO  actix_server::builder] Starting 4 workers
[2022-10-07T13:40:11Z INFO  actix_server::server] Actix runtime found; starting in Actix runtime
[2022-10-07T13:40:11Z DEBUG apalis_core::worker::monitor] Listening shut down command (ctrl + c)
[2022-10-07T13:40:13Z INFO  actix_server::server] SIGINT received; starting forced shutdown
[2022-10-07T13:40:13Z INFO  actix_server::worker] Shutting down idle worker
[2022-10-07T13:40:13Z DEBUG actix_server::accept] Paused accepting connections on
[2022-10-07T13:40:13Z INFO  actix_server::worker] Shutting down idle worker
[2022-10-07T13:40:13Z INFO  actix_server::accept] Accept thread stopped
[2022-10-07T13:40:13Z INFO  actix_server::worker] Shutting down idle worker
[2022-10-07T13:40:13Z INFO  actix_server::worker] Shutting down idle worker
[2022-10-07T13:40:13Z DEBUG apalis_core::worker::monitor] Workers shutdown complete

Improve docs on Fn structure

Currently we have docs showing the main way of building worker job functions:

async fn do_job(job: Job, ctx: JobContext) -> Result<JobResult, JobError> {

Nonetheless, apalis can accept more than that, eg:

async fn do_job(job: Job, ctx: JobContext) {

We should be able to support anyhow::Result too.

Integration tests for each backend

Currently integrations tests are running on CI only for MySQL backend.

Let's add integration tests for the following backends

Let's strive to have different pull requests for each storage. This will help in collaboration.
Also before starting on any backend, please add a comment and assigned.

Usage of sqlx migration with postgres

It is currently not possible to use apalis on the same postgres database as the main application.

This is do to the sqlx Migrator currently not support multiple applications using the same database. As the postgres migrations are already using a separate schema, it would be quite nice to be able to setup apalis in the same database as the main application it self.

I currently see two options:

  1. Users have to copy our migrations into there sqlx migration folder.
  2. We don't use the sqlx migrator for postgres until sqlx supports mutliple applications in the same database.

This isn't a problem for sqlite or mysql as either of these support postgresql like schemas.

See: launchbadge/sqlx#1698

Standardize the process of building new workers

In the example below, there are two ways of building workers, one involving ServiceBuilder and the other involving WorkerBuilder. It should be fixed so that there is only one approach.

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let storage = RedisStorage::new(redis).await?;

    let schedule = Schedule::from_str("@daily").unwrap();
    let service = ServiceBuilder::new()

    let cron_worker = CronWorker::new(schedule, service);
        .register_with_count(2, move || {

Autopublish crates to

Right now I do it manually. It would be nice if it was automatic.
Steps needed:

  1. PR to master
  2. Running CI to master, must pass.
  3. PR merge to master
  4. Create new release
  5. Publish crates to

how to set many Workers?

I want to build multiple async function works. How can I do this? The following cannot be achieved

    .register_with_count(6, move |_| {

Controlled Polling

Currently polling happens continuously within a specific interval.


A busy worker should not spend resources competing for jobs with other workers who might be idle.


  1. Add a method to WorkerContext that checks if worker is busy.
  2. Pass WorkerContext instead of WorkerId into consume_jobs(&ctx)
  3. Use the is_idle/is_busy method in the polling logic.

Executor defined Sleeper

apalis uses sleepers when polling. The current sleeper implementation uses cfg and is not optimal.
In the next version, it might be good to have these together with Executor.

trait Executor {
   fn spawn(&self, future: F);
   fn sleep(&self) -> SleepFuture;

I want to buy you a coffee!

I might be blind but it would be cool to add a tip/"buy a coffee" etc thing in your README. I'd definitely contribute!

Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

This repository currently has no open or pending branches.

Detected dependencies

  • document-features 0.2
  • tokio 1
  • async-std 1
  • tower 0.4
  • tracing-futures 0.2.5
  • sentry-core 0.34.0
  • metrics 0.23.0
  • metrics-exporter-prometheus 0.15
  • thiserror 1.0.59
  • futures 0.3.30
  • pin-project-lite 0.2.14
  • uuid 1.8
  • ulid 1
  • serde 1.0
  • tracing 0.1.40
  • criterion 0.5.1
  • pprof 0.13
  • paste 1.0.14
  • serde 1
  • tokio 1
  • redis 0.25.3
  • sqlx 0.7.4
  • serde 1.0
  • futures 0.3.30
  • tower 0.4
  • pin-project-lite 0.2.14
  • async-oneshot 0.5.9
  • thiserror 1.0.59
  • ulid 1.1.2
  • futures-timer 3.0.3
  • serde_json 1
  • document-features 0.2
  • tokio 1.37.0
  • tokio-stream 0.1.15
  • cron 0.12.1
  • futures 0.3.30
  • tower 0.4
  • chrono 0.4.38
  • async-stream 0.3.5
  • async-std 1.12.0
  • tokio 1
  • serde 1.0
  • redis 0.25.3
  • serde 1
  • log 0.4.21
  • chrono 0.4.38
  • async-stream 0.3.5
  • futures 0.3.30
  • tokio 1
  • async-std 1.12.0
  • async-trait 0.1.80
  • tokio 1
  • sqlx 0.7.4
  • serde 1
  • serde_json 1
  • log 0.4.21
  • futures 0.3.30
  • async-stream 0.3.5
  • tokio 1
  • futures-lite 2.3.0
  • async-std 1.12.0
  • tokio 1
  • once_cell 1.19.0
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • boa-dev/criterion-compare-action v3
  • postgres 16
  • mysql 8
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • actions-rs/cargo v1
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • mysql 8
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • postgres 16
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1
  • actions/checkout v4@692973e3d937129bcbf40652eb9f2f61becf3332
  • actions-rs/toolchain v1

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

Worker stop handle jobs if redis is disconnected

Hello in some case as follow a worker may stop listening for new tasks, this happens when the connection between the worker & redis is interrupted.

Start a worker :

pub async fn send_email(job: Email, _ctx: JobContext) -> impl IntoJobResponse {
    let dur = time::Duration::from_millis(5_000);
    println!("job number {}", job.text);

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let storage = RedisStorage::connect("redis://").await.expect("");

Then with a client send 20 tasks for example.

Once some job are processed, restart redis, under macOS: brew service restart redis.
If the worker was already processing a job (eg in our example sleeping ...)
then the worker will finish this task and will NOT handle the rest of 20 initial tasks.

But you can start another worker in parallel and it will handle the reste of the task without any issue.

If this issue can be fixed this will allow enable the Try Reconnect feature in the middle of application and also at startup (celery style)

New features


First of all thanks for your amazing work !!
Here are some features that could be really amazing

  • Composition / Pipeline like in Dramatiq, or may be add a way to send a task B within a task A
  • Handle sigterm signal and do a warm shutdown eg stop listening for more jobs and wait for active job to finish
  • Add priority to message handling
  • Is there a way to do some unit testing with mocking or a stub (eg without running a Redis for example)

Few questions btw, does a worker run in a dedicated thread ?
Is it possible to run multiple instance of worker app ?

Rerunning dead jobs in Mysql is not implemented

The storage api for mysql doesnt support this feature.

    // Worker not seen in 5 minutes yet has running jobs
    StorageWorkerPulse::RenqueueOrpharned { count: _ } => {

The goal is to rewrite the query at to be Mysql compatible and uncomment it.

Remove actor paradigm and go the layers way.

Currently, version 0.3 is designed with the actor model in mind. This works ok but has several problems like in #42 and #41.
The next version will lose the following:

  • Actors
  • Broker
  • Pubsub

Rethinking these issues, we can see that a better approach is to use tower layers.
We can change these to optional layers eg:

  • StorageActionLayer
  • RedisPubsubLayer
  • PostgresPubsubLayer

Bug with SQLite storage

The only example with multiple jobs is the examples/rest-api, but it uses a different storage type for each job. I have a requirement wherein my application has multiple jobs but I want to use the same database for each job. This does not seem possible for now, since when I do this, new jobs are often not deployed.

Right now I am creating a new in-memory database for each job I have but I would like to store them on an actual sqlite database. How can I do this?

Fails to run, if there's a migrations folder in the project root

I have my own migrations folder in the root of the project. Apalis fails to run workers on database migration error.

    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.13s
     Running `target/debug/controller`
Error: Database("migration 20230420060200 was previously applied but is missing in the resolved migrations")

Note 20230420060200 is my project's migration file.

creating jobs from within job - pipelining

Hi, i really like the crate,

i'm looking for a way to create a pipeline, where i can post jobs from another job.
i can pass it as an Extension, but is there another way?

Jobs scheduled using `RedisStorage::schedule` are not running at all

I started exploring this crate and attempted the following:

use std::ops::Add;

use apalis::{layers::Extension, prelude::*, redis::RedisStorage};
use chrono::{Duration, Utc};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Event {
    id: u64,

impl Job for Event {
    const NAME: &'static str = "test::Event";

async fn produce_jobs(mut storage: RedisStorage<Event>) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    for index in 0..5 {
        tracing::info!("Scheduling event: {}", index);
        let time = Utc::now().add(Duration::seconds((2 * (index + 1)) as i64));
        storage.schedule(Event { id: index }, time).await?

async fn handle_event(job: Event, _ctx: JobContext) -> Result<JobResult, JobError> {
    tracing::info!("Handling event: {:?}", job);

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {

    let storage = RedisStorage::connect("redis://").await?;

    let storage_clone = storage.clone();
    let _ = tokio::spawn(async move {


The events queued after the app is started do not get handled at all. Restarting the application does handle them retroactively though. I was expecting that after 3 seconds one queued event would be handled every 2 seconds. Is there something I am missing here?

Workers not acknowledging after upgrate to v0.4

    "job": null,
    "context": {
        "id": "JID-01H1F31FYEDKGH94XQEDX4ZSYA",
        "status": "Pending",
        "run_at": "2023-05-27T17:10:33.166137782Z",
        "attempts": 0,
        "max_attempts": 25,
        "last_error": null,
        "lock_at": null,
        "lock_by": null,
        "done_at": null

{"v":0,"name":"majinn","msg":"Sending email: EmailApalis","level":30,"hostname":"samuel","pid":87291,"time":"2023-05-27T17:10:32.792390087Z","line":23}

I'm getting this from redis and the trace respectively. Any hints on what could be?

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