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Blank (required) dropdown

Original report by Yuri Shaka (Bitbucket: yshaka, GitHub: yshaka).

With latest icehrm on linux environment, from admin - employees, adding or editing employee SOMETIMES the required dropdown are blank. Refresh the page, add/edit again, still some are blank. If im lucky, the required dropdown are filled.

Employees error

Original report by Anonymous.

DataTables warning (table id = 'grid'): Requested unknown parameter '1' from the data source for row 0

plz any body help me about this error

All my Leaves/Pending Leaves empty

Original report by Anonymous.

Hi, Thilina.
One of my users has sent 3 pending leaves, but his "All my Leaves" and "Pending Leaves" tabs are empty. He can't even see the search box or the leaves list, it's empty. But if he goes to "Leave Calendar" he can see his leaves in the calendar.
No errors found in log files. Only appeared the following in Firefox (F12): getPreventDefault() is disapproved. Use defaultPrevented instead. jquery.js:3257
TypeError: data is null AdapterBase.js:148
The environment is LAMP on Ubuntu.
Thanks in advance

Installation Problem

Original report by Anonymous.

I have installed ICEHRM 4.1 on a windows 2008 R2 Server and windows 7 system (WAMP) but i cannot get it to get past the Test Database Stage. The Install application button is greyed out and no error message is thrown. Can you help please

Error Occured while Time Punch

Original report by Anonymous.

I recently tried to punch in, and unfortunatly the error Error Occured while Time Punch: You are not allowed to punch a future time.

I was wondering if you could help me?

Employment termination

Original report by Anonymous.


Would it be possible to get a new field to set employment/contract termination date?
This could be connected to employment status value to show whom are active or inactive workers.

Many thanks!

google apps mail & leaves not working with ICE HRM

Original report by Anonymous.

I've installed ICE HRM v4.0 locally and have been testing it. A couple of problems I've faced:

1- with e-mail setup, knowing that I use Google apps email. I put in the values needed but with no luck
2- when an employee submits a leaves request, it doesn't give a success message. Yet if you try to submit again, it will tell you leaves are overlapping. The first leave would show in pending state, yet it also won’t show at the employee’s supervisor’s list for subordinates. The system keeps saying “processing” and stays there forever

Kindly help and advise on what to do, knowing that your online instance of the app is functioning fine for point 2.

Blank Reports

Original report by Anonymous.

Hello, my organisation is trying your hosted solution and have started using the same, however we realise that the report generation give empty files to download? Are we missing something? Also do you update the version on the hosted platform?

Email Sending

Original report by Tosin (Bitbucket: TosinG, GitHub: Unknown).

hello there,

I just installed icehrm and I have been working to have the email sending function work with no luck.

The error below was gotten when a leave is applied for or a leave application is being approved.

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method PEAR_Error::send() in /var/www/html/icehrm/classes/EmailSender.php on line 166

I have the PEAR package installed on my linux server. I have also tried email sending on same server (outside of icehrm) and this email was received.

Can anyone please advice.

I also have this error below whenever i attempt a password reset :

[23-May-2014 13:56:08] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method SMTPEmailSender::sendResetPasswordEmail() in /var/www/html/icehrm/service.php on line 215

Kindly assist.

Switch Employee button Problem !

Original report by Anonymous.

congrats for the great work !

i've downloaded the version of the app from the icehrm-opensource overview page ( )

i like very much the new layout. however i have a problem with the ** switch employee button**. it kinda shows up on both the admin session and the users sessions. where it is supposed to be hidden from regular users and only appears when a person logs in as an admin.

i've tried to look at the header.php file and test things around, but unfortunately, i haven't succeeded. can you please help me fix this problem.

i'm not much of a programmer, but i think it has something to do with this part of code. i think it needs some sort of condition so that the switch button only appears at the admin level.

  • Switch Employee
  • i can't use the app unless this problem is solved. i very much appreciate your help. thank you.

    confused in versions.

    Original report by Anonymous.

    Hi. Thilina,

    Just want to know which is the latest version.
    I saw 1 file in download section of your forum says version 4.2 but after installation its show version 4.0 at footer.

    Please update.

    "Company Graph" requires update.

    Original report by Imrani Suppo (Bitbucket: Imrani-suppo, GitHub: Unknown).

    This is a mixture of minor bugs and proposals.
    Currently the Company Graph, whilst a lovely idea, gets very cluttered and confused quickly once a few departments are added.
    The attached 'example1.png' shows many problems. This was taken from an accurate view of our company but with names changed (in fact another two sub-levels of departments are needed).
    Issues identified:

      1. Departments are rendered half out of the graphical area, despite lots of space remaining to the right.
      1. Department names have no margins or padding so mash into each other.
      1. Line connectors are drawn on-top of boxes and do no look nice, they are also drawn on top of text rather than being in the background.
      1. Line connector is drawn through text

    There is also little control to sort the order that the items appear in, and the multicoloured boxes, whilst visually are diverse, also make it complex to about all boxes of the same category being the same colour? E.g. Head office = Red, Regional offices = Orange, Departments = Yellow etc etc

    I would propose to change how the graphs are being drawn, please see 'example2.png',
    I will happily provide the css for this if desired, each connector has padding so will never intersect or cross, supports hover effects and tooltip information and the graph auto-expands itself as new boxes are added. Perhaps you can adapt this easily to use the different colours depending on category as suggested above?

    All Employee Leave Calender

    Original report by Glyn Durban (Bitbucket: gdurban, GitHub: gdurban).

    Two things spring to mind:

    1. Why is the employee leave calender only available in the admin menu. It is usually very useful in most organisations to so when your colleagues are on vacation so that you can plan around them rather having to be forced to do the sensible thing by an administrator.

    2. Why are the 'Holidays' dates displayed in the calendar. I assume the national holidays are taken into account when an employee takes a vacation that includes such a day. But it would be nice to see them in the calender anyway.

    Create multiple workweek

    Original report by Anonymous.


    I have some users who work Saturday. I tried to create another work week but it doesn't works

    I've changed the file 'servers.include' '' 'index.php (admin / leaves)' but nothing works it's still white.
    Apparently when I change the class workday for example by adding an 's' at the end and on such, it does not work either.
    Must name the workday without fault or written.

    How to add a new work week?

    Best regards,

    P.S :Sorry for my english, i'm French

    Timesheet and Attendance display error. Empty tabel and processing.....

    Original report by Glyn Durban (Bitbucket: gdurban, GitHub: gdurban).

    I have recently installed icehrm V4.2. I've setup a few users and projects. When I login as myself I can punch in and out and this is successfully logged and I can see the data in the Monitor Attendance display.

    But when I go into the Time Management area and select either the Attendance or Timesheet menus, and empty table is displayed and the word processing... is display. No timesheets are available.

    When I look at the error log file I see:

    Error creating time sheet : Column 'employee' cannot be null

    This implies some kind of database error, yet everything else seems to be working correctly.

    Is there some other initialisation step I might have missed?

    Employee Information

    Original report by Anonymous.

    Hi There,

    I think IceHRM is great but needs some improvements.

    For now, is there any way to disable employees from editing their information, qualifications, skills, ... , and removing their profiles pictures?


    Installation not redirected to login page

    Original report by Anonymous.

    Hi, i was searching for HRM software and Icehrm caught my eye. After checking the screenshot and online demo, i decided to download and try it out on my local server before i put in to live practice.

    I have downloaded latest 4.2 version.
    extracted file in htdocs folder of my xampp
    created db in mysql ( after few trial and error)
    I got access and connected to db
    When i click install i can see db is filled with 43 tables and few records as well but
    my browser is still on installation page whereas its suppose to redirect to login page as per installation guide.

    I am not sure what went wrong or what i have done wrong.

    Can you help asap please.

    Problem Translate

    Original report by Pancrazio (Bitbucket: Pancrazio, GitHub: Pancrazio).

    Salve ragazzi!

    Avrei necessità di tradurre il software in lingua italiana. Esiste un file di configurazione o una procedura per poter fare questo?

    Grazie a tutti per il supporto!

    Hello guys!

    I need to translate this software in Italian language. Is there a configuration file or a process to do that?

    Thanks to all for your support!

    Immigration details improvement

    Original report by Nazeer Kazmi (Bitbucket: bomnaz, GitHub: bomnaz).

    Hi, thilina,

    thanks for help and such a great icehrm system.

    Can i ask for improvement on following -

    If i login as admin and enters new employee - issue i cant enter employees immigration details, it will be helpful for hr admin to keep track of expiry date of visa or passport.. etc. also document uploading too by admin for employees..

    2ndly reports - can we admin customized the report which can be according to expiry date of immigration documents. for example - print the list of employees with department whose visa expiry is in 150days.

    3rdly dashboard - New department / employees / alert on document expiry / contract expiry etc..

    These enhancement will add another 5start to icehrm..
    looking forward to hear from you.

    Login failed

    Original report by Vishnu Kumar SR (Bitbucket: vishnu_ITF, GitHub: Unknown).

    Hi thilina,

    herewith, I have install hrm soucrce code in my lap.. its successfully installed then am trying to login page as Username: admin / Password: admin.. i have user table with data in my db. but i can't login the page..
    What can i do for this ? this case is works fine in my demo server.. but not in my lap..

    Please guide me..

    thanks advance

    using v4

    Original report by Anonymous.

    I have encounter this in v4.


    Notice: Use of undefined constant MODULE_PATH - assumed 'MODULE_PATH' in C:\xampp\htdocs\icehrm\ on line 9

    Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in C:\xampp\htdocs\icehrm\ on line 11

    Email Problem

    Original report by Vishnu Kumar SR (Bitbucket: vishnu_ITF, GitHub: Unknown).

    Hi thilina,

    We are using ICE HRM app.. its soo nice app.. then i had installed it an server and added some employees details.. it working fine..

    now an employee need to apply leave data is saved success fully but i cant get the emails. for Supervisor and 2. email for employee..

    how can i solve this one ? if i need to change smtp settings in my server..
    please suggest me..

    Thanks Advance,

    Call to undefined function get_called_class()

    Original report by Visual Zhang (Bitbucket: caapm, GitHub: Unknown).

    just want to give icehrm a quick test under a windows php env, but after installed, login.php gave this output "Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_called_class() in D:\PHPnow-1.5.6\htdocs\adodb512\ on line 110"
    issue resolved after update the file

    Supervisor dissappears.

    Original report by Anonymous.

    Supervisor field dissappears when editing basic info or browsing through the Employees list. Maybe this causes the following issue: when listing the Users or Employees there is only a "Processing..." message but nothing happens. (We have created 90 Employees and their correspondent 90 Users. Is there any limitation?).

    Subordinate leaves pagination not working, only 15 results shown

    Original report by Anonymous.

    Hi, Thilina.
    I've got employees with 10+ subordinates and they have all applied for their holidays. When clicking in Leaving -> Leaving management -> Subordinate leaves, IceHRM shows me the first 15 results, but I can't browse to the next page results. The "Previous" and "Next" buttons are disabled and the footer says: "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries".
    If I launch the test in Issue #17 I get the following: {"sEcho":0,"iTotalRecords":"83","iTotalDisplayRecords":"83","aaData":[["1"],["4"],["6"],["7"],["8"],["9"],["10"],["11"],["12"],["13"],["14"],["16"],["17"],["18"],["19"],["20"],["21"],["22"],["23"],["24"],["25"],["27"],["28"],["29"],["30"],["31"],["32"],["33"],["34"],["35"],["36"],["37"],["38"],["39"],["40"],["41"],["42"],["44"],["45"],["46"],["47"],["48"],["49"],["50"],["51"],["52"],["53"],["54"],["55"],["56"],["57"],["58"],["59"],["60"],["61"],["62"],["64"],["65"],["66"],["67"],["68"],["69"],["70"],["71"],["72"],["73"],["74"],["75"],["76"],["77"],["78"],["79"],["80"],["81"],["82"],["83"],["84"],["85"],["86"],["87"],["88"],["89"],["91"]]}
    My environment is: LAMP 3.11.0-15-generic #25-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 30 17:25:07 UTC 2014 i686; IceHRM: 4.0; PHP Version 5.5.3-1ubuntu2.2; Apache/2.4.6; libmysql - 5.5.35
    Not found any errors in icehrm.log, errors.log, access.log
    No erros found in browser (Chrome+F12)
    Could you please help us with this issue?
    Thanks in advance,

    How to Create New Roles in icehrm?

    Original report by Anonymous.


    We have to add new roles for the user like HR, Manager and Lead and we have to assign each modules to each group of users, so that each group has access to particular modules only. How to add this? Please Help in this case.

    Login page doesn't load

    Original report by Cathryn (Bitbucket: cathryn999, GitHub: Unknown).

    Hi there,
    Ive just created a new instance of icehrm at - install appeared to work fine but the login page doesn't load. Error message in log is:
    [08-May-2014 09:02:15 Australia/Brisbane] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function NewADOConnection() in /home/austral1/public_html/ on line 36

    There is a copy of config.php in the app directory. THis is the content of login.php in the app directory:

    User Menu NOT working on mobile devices

    Original report by Anonymous.

    The ICE HR user menu button is not working. the button itself toggles down perfectly, showing the my info and sign out links. but when i click on either of them, nothing happens.
    i've experienced this problem on my nexus 5, nexus 7and iPad.using different browsers.
    on my laptop the user menu works normally as it is supposed to.
    what could be the problem. please help !

    Reports Module

    Original report by Thilina Hasantha (Bitbucket: thilina, GitHub: thilina).

    1. User should be able to generate various reports
    2. Following reports should be supported initially
      • Employee details (Filters: Department, Supervisor, Job Title)
      • Leave information (Filters: Employee)
      • Timesheets (Filters: Employee)
    3. Reports should be downloadable in CSV or Excel format

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