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bocadocumentation's Introduction


This repository contains the documentation for installing and configuring a system with BOCA Online Contest Administrator, database replication for PostgreSQL, and Animeitor Configuration.

What was used?

At least two Machines/VMs running Ubuntu. One is for the main BOCA and the second one works for the replication of the PostgreSQL database.

The operating system that has been tested was Ubuntu 20.04. Currently, Ubuntu 22.04 is supported too.

In our tests, we had three environments. The first one was locally virtualized, with two machines. The second one was on Microsoft Azure, using two machines too. Finally, the last one was used for "Animeitor" and had one server that was located on Microsoft Azure.

After the competition, we verified that the resources of the machines in the local environment were oversized. The number of vCPUs and RAM memory needed to run the systems may be less than what was used.

Local environment for BOCA

Machine Name Operating System vCPUs RAM Memory Storage
Primary Ubuntu Server 20.04.4 LTS 8 9.5 GB 191 GB
Secondary Ubuntu Server 20.04.4 LTS 8 9.5 GB 191 GB

Cloud environment for BOCA

Machine Name Operating System vCPUs RAM Memory Storage Region
PrimaryBOCA Ubuntu Server 20.04.6 LTS 2 7.8 GB 29 GB East US
SecondaryBOCA Ubuntu Server 20.04.6 LTS 2 7.8 GB 29 GB West US 3

Cloud environment for Animeitor

Machine Name Operating System vCPUs RAM Memory Storage Region
AnimeitorMachine Ubuntu Server 20.04.6 LTS 2 7.8 GB 29 GB East US


The BOCA package should be installed on both machines.

sudo apt-get update # Updating packages
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:icpc-latam/maratona-linux # Adding the official package of BOCA
sudo apt-get update # Updating packages, again
sudo apt-get install boca -y # Installing BOCA

In this process, you should be prompted to locate the database location. By default, The database is placed on the same machine as the BOCA web. After this, you should be prompted for database password creation. Don't forget this password because you'll need it for future steps. After this, you should be prompted again to put the database password. The installation asks you to create a fake initial contest if this database password is correct.

After this, the installation will be completed and BOCA can be accessed at http://localhost/boca.

Removing /boca on the URL

To remove the /boca on the URL, you need to configure a file from Apache, that redirects to the BOCA system. The file is located on /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-boca.conf. Edit this file with your preferred text editor. Inside this file, you must locate a line that contains DocumentRoot /var/www/boca/. Add src at the end of this line. The final result should be like this

DocumentRoot /var/www/boca/src
systemctl stop apache2
systemctl start apache2

Database configuration

If you want, you can install BOCA on other machines and use them as autojudges. For this, you need to configure a PostgreSQL file, that is located at /etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf. Search on this file for listen_addresses. On this line, you must set this listen_addresses to allow connection from all locations. The final result should be this: listen_addresses = '*'. Save this file and close.

Allowing multi-login for the BOCA users

On BOCA, there has a bug that denies access from multiple IP addresses, for the users. To fix this bug, you need to replace the flog.php file located at /var/www/boca/src/. Overwrite this file by the file placed on this repository, named flog.php.

Installing Auto Judges

There are two possibilities to run an auto-judge system. One of them is the local installation, on the same machine that runs BOCA's database. Another one is to install an auto-judge system on another machine.

Local Auto Judges

For automatically judging exercises, you'll need to install the autojudge. This tool is a robot that will connect to the database and waits for newer runs, that have been sent by the competitors. To install this, you'll need to run the following commands:

boca-createjail # This installation process can be time-consuming
apt-cache show maratona-linguagens
apt-get install maratona-linguagens

After this, you can run autojudge by typing sudo boca-autojudge. If you prefer, this tool can be run in the background. To make this, nohup can be used. To use this, you can run sudo nohup boca-autojudge & on the terminal and hit the enter key.

External Auto Judges

With this type of setup, you could run a self-judging system using another machine, which could be dedicated to judging contest exercises.

To run it, you will install BOCA on this machine (Follow previous steps). After the installation is completed, you will have to configure a single file, which points the self-trial connection to the main machine. The machine running the dedicated self-trial need not be the second machine in the replication steps.

Firstly, you will need to run the following commands as a superuser.

  1. Locate the conf.php file. By default, it can be found at /var/www/boca/src/private.

    sudo su
    cd /var/www/boca/src/private
  2. Open the file using your preferred text editor.

    nano conf.php
  3. Locate the line containing $conf["dbhost"]=. Replace the contents of this line (under localhost) with the IP address of the machine running the BOCA database. Insert this IP address under double quotes

  4. Verify that the port the database is on, on the main machine, is the default (port 5432). Otherwise, overwrite this information in the file with the current port.

  5. Insert the credentials that will be used to connect to this database. Locate the line that contains $conf["dbpass"]= and insert the password of the primary database, to connect to him. Insert this password under double quotes.

  6. Insert the credentials that will be used to connect to this database, with privileged permissions. Locate the line that contains $conf["dbsuperpass"]= and insert the password of the primary database, to connect to him. Insert this password under double quotes.

  7. By default, BOCA creates a user named bocauser and the password for him is the password that you set on the BOCA installation process. If you don't want to use this user, change this on conf.php (Locate the line that contains $conf["dbhost"]="bocauser" and the line that contains $conf["dbsuperuser"]="bocauser" and change this user to the user that you define).

  8. After these previous steps, the file should have the pieces of information that you've inserted, and look like this:

    $conf["dbname"]="bocadb"; // name of the boca database
    $conf["dbuser"]="bocauser"; // unprivileged boca user
    $conf["dbsuperuser"]="bocauser"; // privileged boca user
  9. Save this file. After this, the connection of auto-judge will be on the main BOCA database.

Killing autojudge

To kill autojudge that is running in the background, you can get the PID value and terminate this process.

ps -aux | grep autoj # Get the information from the process
kill -9 PID_VALUE

Database replication using PostgreSQL

To replicate the database, you must have two machines. The first one will be the primary and the second will be the secondary. The configuration files are located at /etc/postgresql/12/main/

Configuration of the primary machine

Creating database replication user

First of all, you need to connect to the database, using psql. To this, run the following commands on the terminal:

sudo su postgres

After this, you'll need to create a database replication user and a database for this user. In our tests, we create a superuser for this. Run the following commands on psql:

CREATE USER <replicationUser> WITH LOGIN SUPERUSER PASSWORD '<passwordUser>'; --Remember this password
CREATE DATABASE <replicationUser>;

Editing PostgreSQL configuration files

To this step, you'll need to change two files from PostgreSQL.

pg_hba.conf file

This file works like a host-based authentication. With this, we can allow connection from other machines, based on users, IP addresses, and the database. For the replication process, you'll need to add the following line at the end of the pg_hba.conf file.

host replication  <replicationUser>  <IPSecondaryMachine>/32  md5

host tells that a connection using TCP/IP will be allowed. replication tells that a user can be connected for replication. replicationUser will be the user that has been created earlier. IPSecondaryMachine is the IP address from the secondary machine. Finally, md5 perform an md5 authentication to verify the user's password. More settings can be accessed on PostgreSQL documentation.

postgresql.conf file

This is the main configuration file and the primary source of configuration parameter settings. In this file, you'll set some parameters. Search for these parameters and overwrite the lines with these configurations.

wal_level = replica
wal_keep_segments = 64
max_wal_senders = 10

Applying changes

After these configuration steps, you'll need to restart the database process. To this, run the following commands:

systemctl stop postgresql
systemctl start postgresql

Configuration of the secondary machine

After the configuration of the primary machine, you'll need to configure the secondary machine. After this configuration process, BOCA will still work, but the database will be in read-only mode. In future steps, we show how to revert this.

Editing PostgreSQL configuration files

To this step, you'll need to change two files from PostgreSQL.

postgresql.conf file

First of all, you'll need to change the postgresql.conf file. Search for the following parameters and overwrite the lines that contain them.

wal_keep_segments = 64
wal_level = replica
hot_standby = on
max_wal_senders = 10

pg_hba.conf file

Configure the pg_hba.conf file to allow the connection from the primary machine

host replication  <replicationUser>  <IPPrimaryMachine>/32  md5

Starting replication process

To start the replication process, the database, located on the primary machine should be copied to the secondary. To this, the database located on the secondary must be erased or reallocated. The following commands should be typed on the terminal, as superuser:

systemctl stop postgresql

Stops the database process.

rm -rfv /var/lib/postgresql/12/main/*

Removes the database content. To reallocate this database, run mv /var/lib/postgresql/12/main/ /var/lib/postgresql/12/main-backup/, or something like this, on the terminal.

pg_basebackup -h <ipMaster> -D /var/lib/postgresql/12/main/ -P -U usuarioReplicacao -R 

Copy the primary database. Should be prompted for the primary database connection password.

chown postgres:postgres -R /var/lib/postgresql/12/main 

Changes the owner of the new database content. If this command is not executed, the database initialization process may generate errors

systemctl start postgresql

Starts the database process.

Showing initialization logs

To show the init logs, you must type the following command on bash:

/usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/postgres -d 3 -D /var/lib/postgresql/12/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/12/main/postgresql.conf

Checking replication status

If the previous steps are followed correctly, the replication process should be started. To show if is working as well, run this on the terminal, on the primary machine:

sudo su postgres
SELECT client_addr, state FROM pg_stat_replication;

After this, the IP of the secondary machine should be shown.

Database Restore

One of the most important processes is the restoration of the replicated database, in case of failure on the primary machine. To execute this, you should connect to the secondary machine and follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the database.

    sudo su postgres
  2. Check if the database is in recovery mode (read-only).

    SELECT current_setting('transaction_read_only');

    If true was returned, this means that the database is in read-only mode.

  3. Promote the database to be the new primary database and stops replication. Run this on the psql:

    SELECT pg_promote();
  4. Check again if the database is in recovery mode. If returns false, this means that the database is in write mode and the restoring database worked as well.

    SELECT current_setting('transaction_read_only');


The "Animeitor" is a tool, developed in Rust, that shows a customized scoreboard, that can be followed during the competition. With this tool, you can have another one called "Reveleitor". The "Reveleitor" tool shows the scoreboard between the freeze time and the end of the contest. Here, we have two parts. The first one, you'll configure the server that runs BOCA web. The second one you'll configure the machine that will run "Animeitor".

Configuring the BOCA web server

The "Animeitor" will access BOCA through the BOCA web. To allow this, you'll have to configure a file, that allows this connection between the machine that runs animeitor and the one that runs BOCA web, without needing to authenticate as an administrator.

  1. You have to create a file called webcast.sep, inside /var/www/boca/src/private directory. On this file, you must set the webcast code which is like a "credential" to access the webcast file, and the range of users that belongs to this webcast code. Here is a sample:

    allUsers 1/1000/9000

    allUsers is the webcast code; 1 is the site that belongs to the current activated contest; 1000 is the first user ID; 9000 is the last user ID.

  2. After this, you can test if the configuration is working well. To this, access BOCA web and make a request to the webcast file. This file is a compacted one.

    wget https://IPBOCAWeb/admin/report/webcast.php?webcastcode=allUsers -O

    Inside this downloaded file, you should have 5 other files: contest, icpc, runs, time, and version. If these files are in, the configuration is ok.

  3. If you have more than one competition in BOCA's database, you must set up another file that points this webcast to the desired competition.

    1. For that, you must open the webcast.php file, which is in /var/www/boca/src/admin/report/.

      nano /var/www/boca/src/admin/report/webcast.php
    2. Locate the line containing $contest. The result should look something like this: $contest = 42; //$_SESSION["usertable"]["contestnumber"];

    3. Change this contest value to the current contest, which can be located after logging in to BOCA web as admin, on the "Contest" tab, with the label "Contest number:".

    4. Save this file.

  4. After you load the insert-user file, you have to check if inside the /var/www/boca/src/private directory, does not contains a file named and/or a folder named webcast.allUsers. If exists, remove them.

    rm webcast.allUsers/ -r

Installing Animeitor

The "Animeitor" is stored at a public GitHub repository. To install him, you have to install Rust and Cargo (package manager), on the terminal.

  1. First of all, install rust:
    curl -sSf | sh
  2. Secondly, you have to install some dependencies that can be used on "Animeitor"
    sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev pkg-config
  3. In this step, you have to clone the repository. In our tests, the current version of the repository does not work correctly. With that, you must change the repository version to a version older than the current one.
    1. Clone the repository
      git clone
    2. Changing to an older version
      git checkout ca7ed53
    3. Change to the cloned directory
      cd maratona-animeitor-rust
  4. Here, you have to install a package manager called Cargo and a tool, called wasm-pack. To this, run:
    sudo apt install cargo -y
    cargo install wasm-pack
  5. Finally, you can run "Animeitor" on the terminal and access the tool on a Browser, following the links that the tool provides.
    cargo run --release --bin simples -- http://IPBOCAWeb/admin/report/webcast.php?webcastcode=allUsers
  6. In some cases, on the browser, an error occurs that tells that package.js was not located. If this occurs, copy the /client/pkg directory and put it in the root folder, with the same folder structure.

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