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React Desktop

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React UI Components for macOS High Sierra and Windows 10.

npm install react-desktop --save


Help wanted!

I am looking for developers to help me develop this project. Please submit some ideas in the issues section or some PRs to get this project going. If you are interested, you can become a collaborator on the project. Thanks.


This library has been created to bring a native desktop experience to the web. It works extremely well with tools such as node-webkit or Electron.js!

Everyone is welcome to contribute and add more components/documentation whilst following the contributing guidelines.


Guides on installation, components and advanced usage are found in the documentation.


react-desktop's People


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react-desktop's Issues

Documentation : For some of the links there is no text, only header and some redirect to '404'

Element to Render Window Component to for Styling entire Application

In going through the samples, it is unclear what element I should render the window component to in order to style the entire application window. Currently my BrowserWindow is:

  mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(
      width: 800 ,
      height: 600 ,
      //center: false ,
      //title: CONFIG.Title ,
      frame: false,  // causes no title bar on OSX
      //icon: /** see --> The window icon. On Windows it is recommended to use ICO icons to get best visual effects, you can also leave it undefined so the executable's icon will be used. **/ "",
      //backgroundColor: /** String - Window's background color as Hexadecimal value, like #66CD00 or #FFF or #80FFFFFF (alpha is supported). Default is #FFF (white). **/ "#FFF",
      //transparent: false

And my Window class is:

class WindowFrame extends React.Component<any, void> {
    static defaultProps = {
        color: '#cc7f29',
        theme: 'light'

    render() {
        return (
                <TitleBar title="This is EDH Title #1" controls/>
                <Text color={this.props.theme === 'dark' ? 'white' : '#333'}>HELLO WORLD</Text>

When using this code and rendering to the body tag, I yield:


My entire codebase is here

Windows TextInput onChange triggers dupe action

Every time a user types a character in the TextInput the onChange callback fires twice and the input loses focus. If I use the TextInput from 'react-desktop/macOs' instead everything works fine. My code:

      onChange={e => setServerField(} />

This is not native

Am I correct that this is not a native application? Where's the bridge code?

Demo doesn't work

After click "Forms" in Windows view:

  • Warning: React.createElement: type should not be null, undefined, boolean, or number. It should be a string (for DOM elements) or a ReactClass (for composite components). Check the render method of t.

  • Uncaught Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. Check the render method of t.

  • Uncaught Invariant Violation: findComponentRoot(..., .1.$win.0.$/=11.$//=10/=1$/=010.$////=11///=1$///=011//=1$///=011//=01$//=0011/=11=2$///=011//=01$//=0011/=01$//=0011/=001$/=00011.0.$/=11.0.$=1$/=01$=001$=0001$=00001$=000001$=00000013.$=1$=01$=001$=0001$=000013.$/=10.$/=10): Unable to find element. This probably means the DOM was unexpectedly mutated (e.g., by the browser), usually due to forgetting a when using tables, nesting tags like


    , or , or using non-SVG elements in an parent. Try inspecting the child nodes of the element with React ID ``.

Windows Input lost focus with onChange

Hello there, I'm using react-desktop on electron with react-redux boilerplate...
I got a problem when using TextInput with windows theme, the onChange method always update the wrapper "data-reactdeskropid". It make the form lost focus. the onChange using redux action.
I tried using the basic html input, and it works fine.
Is this a bug? Or are there ways to stop update the wrapper?

Documentation Status

What is the current status of the documentation? I would really love to use this project in a electron app but I am new to electron and react and would really appreciate at least some kind of installation guide and a kitchen sink.

I assume that this is available somewhere but I can't find it now. Is this still coming or can someone point me to it?

Classic Windows look


Is there any interest in having react-desktop support the classic Windows look, known from Win32, Windows Forms and WPF?

If so, I am interested in contributing, as it wouldn't make sense for me to roll my own, when this project is perfect for it.

NavMenu does not work with TypeScript

I separated the two issues. Reference: Issue #61

Also, I started writing typings for react-desktop thinking it was the reason I couldn't get my NavMenu working, but it still didn't (called setstate() on an unmounted component) work (and my definitions are neither done nor guaranteed perfect).

Did you get it to work? Your example converted to ES6 works fine

Padding prop not having an impact on the W10 NavPaneItem

When working with NavPane and NavPaneItems, I noticed that the icons were offset from the hamburger button by quite a bit. In DevTools, it appears that the parent for the NavPaneItem had padding of 16px on the left and the right.

In the documentation, I noticed that the padding prop, I was unable to use this to reduce the padding issue above.

My current hack to get things to line up involves tagging your render function for the windows 10 NavPaneItem with a className and adding the following css.

/* Hack to fix weird nav-icon alignment */
/* Tacked on className on /keypunch-electron/node_modules/react-desktop/src/navPane/windows/pane/item/item.js*/
span.navItem {
  padding-left: 5px !important;

This results in my icons lining up

defaultIsPaneExpanded not working when false

"react": "15.4.1",
"react-dom": "15.4.1",
"react-desktop": "0.2.14"

Here's the code I used:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { NavPane, NavPaneItem, Text } from 'react-desktop/windows';

export default class extends Component {
  static defaultProps = {
	color: '#cc7f29',
	theme: 'dark',
	defaultIsPaneExpanded: false

  constructor() {
	this.state = {
	  selected: 'Item 1'

  render() {
	return (
	  <NavPane openLength={200} push color={this.props.color} theme={this.props.theme} defaultIsPaneExpanded={this.props.defaultIsPaneExpanded}>
		{this.renderItem('Item 1', 'Content 1')}
		{this.renderItem('Item 2', 'Content 2')}
		{this.renderItem('Item 3', 'Content 3')}

  renderItem(title, content) {
	return (
		selected={this.state.selected === title}
		onSelect={() => this.setState({ selected: title })}
		padding="10px 20px"

  renderIcon(name) {
	const fill = this.props.theme === 'dark' ? '#ffffff' : '#000000';
	switch(name) {
		case 'Item 1':
		  return (
			<svg x="0px" y="0px" width="16px" height="14.9px" viewBox="0 0 16 14.9">
			  <polygon fill={fill} points="16,5.6 10.6,4.7 8,0 5.4,4.7 0,5.7 3.8,9.6 3.1,14.9 8,12.6 13,14.8 12.3,9.5 "/>
		case 'Item 2':
		  return (
			<svg x="0px" y="0px" width="16px" height="13.5px" viewBox="0 0 16 13.5">
		case 'Item 3':
		  return (
			<svg x="0px" y="0px" width="16px" height="15.6px" viewBox="0 0 16 15.6">

Integrate with electron-react-boilerplate style problem

I'm trying to integrate react desktop components into a boilerplate by electron-react-boilerplate.
Already set the frame option to false, tweak the margin to zero, I got the overflow scrollbar:

If I set the body style to overflow: hidden, the border of main window won't be able to display (due to overflow). In the snip below, right border is not showing.


Since the stylesheet of the boilerplate is pretty simple, I'm not really sure whether I miss any option. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

IE Support

Hi, is there any way to get react-desktop working in IE ?

Error in Windows Title Bar docs

Example code includes


This should be updated to match the API:


Unable to style label generated by TextInput

Firstly, thanks so much for you work on this! I'm quite enthused to have such an easy experience building a Windows 10 themed Electron app.

My issue is that when my app is using the the dark theme, I can't style the labels associated with the components. Based on your code examples, I was expecting the default behavior of these labels to be that they dynamically determine the color based on the theme, similar to what you suggest for the components. My app is currently pulling UI settings from redux, and I'd like to be able to let the user toggle between light and dark themes (with the text reacting to the props appropriately). I'm likely going to strip out the labels and replace them with components as a workaround, but if I'm missing something.


Electron Usage

I noticed is still empty. Would someone mind linking me to a sample project that uses Electron with react-desktop?

Issue when use TextInput inside Window


my render function look like this

  render() {
    return (
          <TitleBar title="My Windows Application" controls/>
            label="My Input"
            placeholder="My Input"
          label="My Input"
          placeholder="My Input"

When enter value to both TextInput and swap to another tap (in my case using Chrome just hit F12 for developer tools). The input under Window will change to blank while the input outside Window still has its value.

Typings / `d.ts` for typescript

A request to be sure, and a much a appreciated and sought after one by myself at least. Probably others using typescript as well.

Great work, and I greatly appreciate it.

Cross browser compatibility


I've noticed the demo does not work well on Firefox, it's maybe due to the use of -webkit prefixes.


[Windows] Checkbox, defaultChecked issue?

Hi, I have successfully integrated other components into my electron app and it's working great, Thank you.

I think there is some issue with defaultChecked property of checkbox in Windows. Is it of type string ? as mentioned in docs

I checked the source, it checks if value and type is strictly boolean.

I'm totally new to react and electron development, if you could help me with issue it'd be great. Here is my full code: (Do read the comment below console.log(autostartBool);)

import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { Checkbox } from 'react-desktop/windows';
// electron variables
const settings = require('electron-settings');

const PREF_BOOT = 'boot';

// Preferences
var autostartBool = false;

function checkIfPrefsAreInitialized() {
  if(!settings.has(PREF_BOOT)) {
    settings.set(PREF_BOOT, autostartBool);

class Settings extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {

    // ====== PREF =============
    // At start (first time ever) if user will not have these prefs so ..
    // JUST SET IT !!

    autostartBool= settings.get(PREF_BOOT);

    // For some reason it prints "I got checked!" 
    // which is the defaultValue of Checkbox BUT the checkbox is not checked by default


  render() {
    return (
        label="Automatically start Linkcue on boot"
        onChange={(e) => {
        defaultValue="I got checked!"

export default Settings;

How to use refs to access TextInput value


I am having a problem accessing the TextInput value. I have tried to use onChange then from there I set the state but that caused a weird behavior.

Is there a way to use ref with TextInput and be able to use it to access the input value?

        label="My Input"
        placeholder="My Input"

by doing console.log(this.refs.input.value), I get undefined.

I am trying to use the input value based on click event that is coming from a button.

Any suggestions?


Include Alternative Fonts: Arimo, Liberation Sans, Nimbus Sans L and Selawik

This is originally suggested as a workaround for Bug #43, where the devs may use either macOS or Windows styles to make some Linux webapps.
To prevent default Linux font to be used, which may cause metric problems in user interface, I would suggest to include some alternative fonts which are most likely to be available in Linux distros (except Arimo and Selawik, which is available in Google Fonts and Microsoft's GitHub repo respectively).

library agnostic?

are there plans to make react-desktop library agnostic/independent?
It would be great if there was a "web components version" that could be used without any framework or library. A "native" implementation would open it to a much larger market. I could be used with angular, ember, aurelia, polymer, and even vanilla js, all within Electron.

If not does anyone know of any non-framework-specific implementation of the mac and windows ui's? I've already looked into Photon, but that only provides mac ui.

Linux Support

The docs and description only mentions windows 10 and OSX, why doesn't it work on linux? Both the electron and node-webkit work on it btw.

Window background prop broken for Windows components

Looks like the code for the background color has been commented out of this file:

    //if (this.state.background) {
      //componentStyle = { ...componentStyle, backgroundColor: this.state.background };

Docs should be updated or this should be uncommented :)

Conditional Module Loading

I've noticed that the components in this project seem to mirror each other between macOS and windows. I assume that this is to enable developers to write the same code for both platforms? What's the suggested way of conditionally loading the correct component based upon the current platform? I don't think that something like this is supported:

if (process.platform === 'win32') {
    import { Window, TitleBar, Text } from 'react-desktop/windows'
} else {
    import { Window, TitleBar, Text } from 'react-desktop/macOs'

Imports have to be top level statements.

I've also experimented with something like this:

const platform = (process.platform === 'win32') ? 'windows' : 'macOs';

import { Window, TitleBar, Text } from `react-desktop/${platform}`

This doesn't work because import statements don't support string templates (or variables for that matter).

Any other ideas? Do I need to switch to SystemJS or something?

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