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The student site for GCI 2016 Students.


Thoroughly read our contributing guide before sending in your Pull Requests. Happy Contributing!


Follow the Installation wiki to get the site running on your local environment.

Adding a mentor

To add a mentor open the file mentors.yml in _data folder and please maintain the following format EXACTLY (replacing values where indicated):

- name: Mentor's name
  github: Mentor's github username
  image: mentor's_image
  twitter: Mentor's twitter id
  facebook: Mentor's facebook id
  lat: Mentor's latitude
  lng: Mentor's longitude


  • All images must be optimized before uploaded to the repo via commit or PR. You may use any image optimizer of your choice.
  • The images should be 240 x 240 pixels.
  • Adding Facebook, Twitter, Github, etc. is not obliged. But if you do not want to include social media accounts, please do not provide empty fields like facebook:. Ask the mentors if you do not know their accounts.
  • If you do not know the mentors' location, ask them to go to the official FOSSASIA geolocation website and give you their latitude and longitude.
  • Avoid using contractions such as can't, don't, etc. If there is no choice (e.g. the name has single quote mark) put double quotes (") around that part.
  • Try to use abbreviations in your name wherever possible, i.e. restrict it to 13 letters (including spaces), otherwise it might be truncated automatically. However, the name will be displayed completely when you hover on it on the website.

Adding yourselves to student section

To add yourself to student section you need to open the file students.yml in _data folder and please maintain the following format EXACTLY (replacing values where indicated):

- name: Your name
  github: Your github username
  image: your_image
  twitter: Your twitter id
  facebook: Your facebook id
  bio: Some bio about yourself
  lat: Your latitude
  lng: Your longitude


  • All images must be optimized before uploaded to the repo via commit or PR. You may use any image optimizer of your choice.
  • The images should be 240 x 240 pixels.
  • Adding Facebook, Twitter, Github, etc. is not obliged. But if you do not want to include your social media accounts, please do not provide empty fields like facebook:.
  • To find your lattitude and longitude go to the official FOSSASIA geolocation website
  • Avoid changing the whole file just to add yourself. Line endings should not change.
  • Avoid using contractions such as can't, don't, etc. If there is no choice (e.g. your name has single quote mark) put double quotes (") around that part.
  • Try to use abbreviations in your name wherever possible, i.e. restrict your name in 13 letters (including spaces), otherwise your name might be truncated automatically. However, your name will be displayed completely when you hover on it on the website.

Blog Post

To add your blog post, you need to open the file blogs.yml in _data folder. Maintain the following format EXACTLY (replacing values where indicated) to enter your blog in this website.

- name: Your name
  blog_img: your_image
  article: Article title


  • The image should be placed inside images/blogs folder, and your_image should be the file's name, for example mypost.png. Make sure that the images are in 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • If you do not provide a blog image, a default image will be displayed.
  • Adding article and article_link is optional, unless your task requires it.

Adding Logos

To add your logos, you need to open the file logos.yml in the _data folder and please maintain the following format EXACTLY (replacing values where indicated) to enter your logo in this website:

- author: Your name
  img: your_image

and place your logo in /images/logos folder and your_image should be the name of your file.


  • Please resize your image to 400px x 400px (w x h) OR in relative proportion before uploading. We don't want logos that have high dimensions or large size.
  • The students uploading the images of dimensions below those mentioned above, would not be accepted as they would disturb the UX of the site. Please make the logo in the proportion to the dimensions mentioned above, crop/resize by any softwares or online tools, upload, and create a pull request.

Adding a slide

The website shows an ism slider which has slides, to input another slide please go to slides.yml in the _data folder and maintain the following format EXACTLY (replacing values where indicated) to enter a new slide.

- caption: main_heading
  img: image_of_the_slide
  exp-1: First sentence explanation
  exp-2: Second sentence explanation
  exp-3: Third sentence explanation


  • Put the images in the /images/ folder. All images must be optimized before uploaded to the repo via commit or PR, you may use any image optimizer of your choice.
  • Adding action and actionURL is not obliged. If you do not add, please do not provide empty fields like action:. If you do, please provide both action and actionURL.
  • Try to equalize the length of exp-1, exp-2, and exp-3 in combination with action.

Finding Support

Probably the easiest way to seek help is to comment on your Task instance. Please understand that it is not easy for mentors to stay available 24/7 to reply to every comment.

You can instead participate in various chatrooms where you can ask both students and mentors for help. Here are few links to chatrooms that you could join for support:

  1. Slack
  2. Visit here to get invitation to join the chatrooms of FOSSASIA in slack.
  3. Once you get the invitations in your mail, sign into the slack and join the #gci chatroom.
  4. And now you can share your queries with all the mentors and students of FOSSASIA
  5. Gitter
  6. Visit here and sign in with your GitHub account.
  7. After thats it simply joining the chatrooms by clicking on Join Room
  8. Here are some links to some of project's chatroom:
  9. Google Groups
  10. Visit here and join the mailing list.

You can find more information about different mailing lists and chatrooms for different projects here's People


abhijeetmanohar avatar abishekvashok avatar animeshsinghweb avatar ankitrgadiya avatar bohjieqi avatar daminisatya avatar dodecane avatar elgayar avatar hemantjadon avatar hoangvanthien avatar hpdang avatar idealadarsh avatar jigyasa-grover avatar kartikhsr avatar kshitijsingla avatar m1guelpf avatar myfrom avatar niccokunzmann avatar oanarosca avatar pipix51 avatar polbaladas avatar prabhdeep29 avatar princu7 avatar rhemon avatar robbyoconnor avatar shubham-padia avatar srijanjha avatar sudo-panda avatar vickyjjj avatar yukiisbored avatar


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Add scrolling effect to site

Just thought that it would be nice to have a scrolling effect on the page. Like when you click on the student section, it should scroll from the current position to the student section instead of directly jumping to that location. It should look good this way.

@jig08 @daminisatya @hemantjadon @niccokunzmann Please give your opinions and suggestions regarding it.

We need to add the blog section

Students who are finishing the blog task are unable to add their post and link to the website since we have no section for it. We need to build that feautre.

Unnecessary stylesheets

Since the website is currently pretty styled up with the css we've written, the original css files are no longer used (there was no change I could see while trying to remove the links to them one by one), and I suggest that we remove them completely, so that they don't affect the page load speed.

What would you like on the website?

There is so much we can put on the website. Let us discuss it here: What would you like to see on the website for GCI16? It is your site, what are your ideas?

Highlight the corresponding section in the navbar

Currently, the navbar doesn't highlight the section on which we are present. It would be nice if it could highlight the corresponding section. Like if we are in the mentor section on the page, mentor should be highlighted on the navbar. Similarly, if we are on the students section, student should be highlighted on the navbar.

@jig08 @niccokunzmann @hemantjadon @daminisatya What do you guys think about this? Any student interested in taking this up?

Which LICENSE to choose?

This website does not have a license.
It should have a license to make collaboration legal^^

But which license to choose?

I have tree suggestions:

  • GPL - so derivates need to be published and we can be sure about the license of new code.
  • AGPL - if we serve the code from a server, we may want to get access to the source code.
  • Creative Commons Share Alike - This is for creative work.

Which license (also not mentioned above) should be the license for the project? Students: You are welcome to read about the licenses and discuss - after all you wrote the code.

move figcaption of MBDyn logos up

In its current state, the website is unable to properly show the name of the authors of the MBDyn logos.

This is likely cause by the height (3.5em) of the currently used effect-gcihover / figcaption tag in the stylesheets/main.css file.

It could be changed (unless the figcaption is used somewhere else which would mean it is better to create another figcaption specifically for MBDyn logos...)

screenshot from 2016-12-04 19-20-31
screenshot from 2016-12-04 19-20-39


Open Pull-Requests Piling up :(

We have a lot of pull-requests piling up. For me as mentor it is hard to keep the overview.
Also I do not know what should be done with them?

You as contributors know best what you would like to be done with them and how you feel.
What is your preferred strategy to deal with the open pull-requests?

Put sections in header

The website has several sections. I would like to skip to them by clicking on some menu in the header.


The page doesn't currently have a footer, and I'd like to work on adding one which would contain other helpful links to other Fossasia projects, blog, etc., some info about the organization and other similar things.

Speed up travis build

Travis can cache certain directories and has cache defaults for several languages.
It may be, we can speed up the testing process.

Hints: The result could be about 5 lines long but the question is how to find the right lines.

Remove some space errors

We delay PRs because someone has a space at the end of a line - which is hard to understand and find and harmless.

Please remove the following errors:

  • No newline at EOF
  • Trailing whitespaces

Test Issue

Testing for the new "issues" section to be added to the website

Add good squashing tutorials to

There are some good squashing tutorials out there and I know some of the students have used them.
Can you add links to those tutorials to the contributing file, so we can help beginner much easier and consistently?

Require travis fix

Need to fix the failing build. For some reason this is creating a lot of confusion

Include brief biography in students section

The student section currently features photos and social media/Github links of GCI students. It would be nice if the section displayed brief bios that most students write when uploading their information to students.yml.

Suggestion: Make the UI more consistent

I noticed a bit of inconsistency in the UI of the website. The students and blog post sections were very different in design compared to the mentors and contributors section. First of all, the students section, doesn't have the separate box that sticks out to show the title. Secondly, the contributor and mentor sections have a material design card look, while the students section doesn't. The cards on the student section have the names on top of the pictures causing the text to be less visible to the user. The padding is also a lot different on the students section, there is nearly no padding on the very left, very right and on the very bottom. The animations for the social media links is significantly different from the one used in the mentors section and the box around the social media links is offset whenever the name of a student exceeds more than a line. The text that says student is not all uppercase and also has a shadow unlike the top two sections. For the students section, I highly suggest reusing the mentors section with the student profile pictures, names and social media links. The blog post section has different padding from the other sections and also doesn't retain the material design card style. The font, once again, is not all uppercase and the divs that have the blog posts in them don't seem to be scaling properly with blog post titles that have lots of characters.

  • Students section consistent with the design of the other sections

  • Latest Issue section title needs to be part of the actual box.

  • MBDyn logo section consistent with the design of the other sections

  • Blog Post section consistent with the design of the other sections

These are all the things that I noticed on the version that is up on the Fossasia website.

Find image quality and scale images.

Some student images are very big. This means a slow loading of the website.

  • find a good image size
  • scale existing images
  • Find a way to make new images scaled to the right size:
    • document somewhere where new images are added that there should be a certain size
    • ...?

Multiple logos for MBDYN

@jig08 @hemantjadon As of now, we have three PRs with the same goal: the logo. Is this a problem? If yes, How can we solve this? #221 #202 #200 The students can collaborate but best if all was merged. Are formalities blocking our ability to collaborate? Maybe we should create discussion issues for tasks. What are your thoughts?

Travis fails

Some how I get this error although I only changed an md file:

Executing section yaml...
Executing section css...
Executing section js...
The command "docker run --volume=$(pwd):/app --workdir=/app coala/base coala -C" exited with 5.

I would like to remove it but I am missing feedback on what exactly is wrong with the code. I fear, others may get the same error.
Who can help?

Separating images

I think it would be a good idea to put the images into separate folders (student images, mentor images, project images, and other pictures used on the website), in order to keep a nice, organized folder structure. If the mentors agree with this, I would like to work on it (I will also edit the html file so that it will correspond to the new structure and not cause any problems). ๐Ÿ˜Š

Who could be a maintainer?

I believe that students can be very good maintainers of this site.

What maintainers do: comment on pull-requests, merge pull-requests. Close pull-requests according to

What are the rules to be come a maintainer, what are rules to be removed as a maintainer?

Social Media part needs improvement

If you notice in the end each of social media component are of different size, I think it would look better if we have them of equal size. And either we make them small and fit in one row, or we can make them big but have better alignment.

Test for image size

Create a travis script that checks for image sizes and fails if images are too big.
This allows us to identify the big images and keep the site loading fast.

Increased code

The code on index.html is huge and can be optimised a lot. The slider can be loaded via Jekyll as well as the logos of MBDyn can be loaded dynamically via Jekyll.

It will definitely improve code quality and reduce quantity, making it easier for debugging.

It can be implemented easily by making changes in the index.html file.

Mentors of every culture in Asia

The layout of makes it hard to find mentors or students.

It would be great if FOSSASIA GCI 2016 employed a map interface for showing mentors, where the reader can find the mentors/project/tasks being mentored by someone from their own region who speaks their own language.

Then the goal would be to have at least one mentor from each culture, country and/or language in Asia ;-)

Likewise it would be great if the students self-disclosed their country of origin/residence, and language, so they can also be mapped.

Very slow page speed

The website is very slow, see the Google page insights their rating on speed is zero. We need to work on this guys a lot.

Page insights for mobile:

Page insights for Desktop:

I would be more than happy to work on this, however anyone else can also work on this too.

Test Issue

I am creating this issue for test purposes for the Google Code In contest.

Students.yml not updated?

I just made a pull request #162 for the GCI task to add my image and profile to the students section, and it passed all the tests, yet my image and profile have not been uploaded to the student's section.

Pls check.

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