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cirrious.fluentlayout's Issues

Inline UIWebView


I really like this implementation of a layouting framework.

However, I have have a problem to show a UIWebView inline with other controls. Is there a recommended way to go when I have a UIWebView that should be viewed inline with some Labels?


Question - Working with iPhone X and iOS 11

Is there a way to use the new View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide with FluentLayout?

I poked around last night trying to make View.SafeAreaLayoutGuide fit into FluentLayout, but didn't have much luck. Everything else works great in iOS 11 and the iPhone X, except if I do something like:


When I rotate the phone the notch will eat my scrollView.

Return `fluent constraint wrappers` from AddConstraints

This has been on my "todo" list for soooo long and I havent gotten around to it...

One key problem (IMHO) with FluentLayout is that AddConstraints doesn't return anything.

I would love AddConstraints to return something.

At a simple level, it could return IEnumerable<NSLayoutConstraint> just like ToLayoutConstraints currently does....

At a more advanced level, both AddConstraints and ToLayoutConstraints could instead return some new fluent wrapper of the created constraint. If we did this, then it could then be easier for users to remove the created constraints or to adjust/animate them (there's lots of info out there on animating constraints - e.g.

I've not thought (let alone worked) this through fully, but if the returned "constraint wrapper" shared an interface with the original "constraint creator" (or maybe they are even the same class?) then some of the extension methods could be shared between them...

Back to SQL here...

Better AddConstraints method

Could you add this method ?

It extends the existing method to accept both FuentLayout and IEnumerable<FluentLayout>






        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> WidthEqualHeight(this UIView view, UIView previous=null)
            yield return view.Width().EqualTo().HeightOf(previous ?? view);


        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="view"></param>
        /// <param name="fluentLayouts">Either FluentLayout or IEnumerable&lt;FluentLayout&gt;</param>
        public static void AddConstraints(this UIView view, params object[] fluentLayouts)
                .Where(fluent => fluent != null)
                .SelectMany(fluent => fluent.ToLayoutConstraints())
                    .SelectMany(fluent => fluent.SelectMany(fluent2 => fluent2.ToLayoutConstraints()))

Other examples:

        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> WithSameRectOf(this UIView view, UIView parent, nfloat? margin = null)
                view.FullWidthOf(parent, margin)
                    .Concat(view.FullHeightOf(parent, margin))
                    .Concat(view.AtTopLeftOf(parent, margin));

        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> AtTopLeftOf(this UIView view, UIView parentView, nfloat? margin = null)
            var marg = margin.GetValueOrDefault(DefaultMargin);
            yield return view.Top().EqualTo().TopOf(parentView).Plus(marg);
            yield return view.Left().EqualTo().LeftOf(parentView).Plus(marg);

        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> AtTopRightOf(this UIView view, UIView parentView, nfloat? margin = null)
            var marg = margin.GetValueOrDefault(DefaultMargin);
            yield return view.Top().EqualTo().TopOf(parentView).Plus(marg);
            yield return view.Right().EqualTo().RightOf(parentView).Minus(marg);

        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> AtLeftRightOf(this UIView view, UIView parentView, nfloat? margin = null)
            var marg = margin.GetValueOrDefault(DefaultMargin);
            yield return view.Left().EqualTo().LeftOf(parentView).Plus(marg);
            yield return view.Right().EqualTo().RightOf(parentView).Minus(marg);

        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> AtTopLeftRightOf(this UIView view, UIView parentView, nfloat? margin = null)
            var marg = margin.GetValueOrDefault(DefaultMargin);
            yield return view.Top().EqualTo().TopOf(parentView).Plus(marg);
            yield return view.Left().EqualTo().LeftOf(parentView).Plus(marg);
            yield return view.Right().EqualTo().RightOf(parentView).Minus(marg);

        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> BelowAtLeftRightOf(this UIView view, UIView belowView, UIView parentView, nfloat? belowMargin = null, nfloat? margin = null)
            var marg = margin.GetValueOrDefault(DefaultMargin);
            yield return view.Top().EqualTo().BottomOf(belowView).Plus(belowMargin.GetValueOrDefault(DefaultMargin));
            yield return view.Left().EqualTo().LeftOf(parentView).Plus(marg);
            yield return view.Right().EqualTo().RightOf(parentView).Minus(marg);

        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> EqualRectOf(this UIView view, UIView parentView, nfloat? margin = null)
            var marg = margin.GetValueOrDefault(DefaultMargin);
            yield return view.Top().EqualTo().TopOf(parentView).Plus(marg);
            yield return view.Left().EqualTo().LeftOf(parentView).Plus(marg);
            yield return view.Right().EqualTo().RightOf(parentView).Minus(marg);
            yield return view.Bottom().EqualTo().BottomOf(parentView).Minus(marg);

        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> WithSameCenter(this UIView view, UIView previous)
            yield return view.WithSameCenterX(previous);
            yield return view.WithSameCenterY(previous);

.NET support

"All code must be recompiled to support .NET 6. Existing assemblies (such as NuGets built for the old TargetFrameworkIdentifier xamarinios10) won’t work and won’t be supported. Non-xamarin specific assets for net4.x, netstandard, netcoreapp, net5.0+, etc. will work fine however." - Link

Remove parentView is UIScrollView from VerticalStackPanelConstraints

I have had some issues recently with AutoLayout of cells with variable height in Tables. The issues are outlined in this SO question,

One of my key takeaways from this was ensuring that i gave AutoLayout enough information to do its job of saying how tall each cell should be. The info that I was forgetting was telling the bottom row of UI to hug or "dock" to the BottomOf the container. You can see the changes made by SharpMobileCode to my GitHub Repro

I am currently working with a custom control that vertically stacks a variable number of Labels based on binding to a List of strings. If use FluentLayout's VerticalStackPanelConstraints the labels layout (initially) but overflow into subsequent rows and after scrolling are then clipped.

If I remove the check that the container view is a UIScrollView causing the last item in the "stack" to be constrained to the bottom, always, it works.

I have updated by TableReSizeIssue repro to demonstrate the issue. Check out Lines 90-92,

LayoutManually(), is just me laying out myself
LayoutWithFluent(), is a copy of the code from GitHub but I have edited it to remove the UIScrollView check

There is also a version that just uses VerticalStackPanelConstraints to show what happens as is


Is it possible to setup following constraint in terms of fluent layout:

View.AddConstraint(NSLayoutConstraint.Create(table, NSLayoutAttribute.Top, NSLayoutRelation.Equal, TopLayoutGuide, NSLayoutAttribute.Bottom, 1f, 0f))

TopLayoutGuide is of type IUILayoutSupport.

Deprecation of ToLayoutConstraints()

I use ToLayoutConstraints() in the following manner:

FluentLayout heightFluentLayout = view.Height().EqualTo(100);
NSLayoutConstraint heightConstraint = heightFluentLayout.ToLayoutConstraints().First();

(where view is some UIView), and then add this constraint to the parent view. I can now use heightConstraint to change the height of the view, e.g. as follows:

heightConstraint.Constant = 130;

Now that ToLayoutConstraints() is destined for obsoletion, is there another way to achieve the above?


v 2.0.0 failing to install via NuGet

With error

Could not install package 'Cirrious.FluentLayout 2.0.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'MonoTouch,Version=v1.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework.

My project is not targeting the Unified API (yet) - could that be the reason for the error? If so, what earlier version can I install?


Active flag is not applied when creating constraints

It appears the Active flag doesn't get set inside the CreateConstraint() method inside FluentLayout.

This means, if you create 2 or more competing constraints, set the one you want to active, then call UIView.AddConstraints they will all get set to Active = true and you'll get a bunch of errors about constraints not being satisfied.

You then need to set Active flags after setting UIView.AddConstraints.

Ideally, CreateConstraint() should set the active flag so we can add them in UIVew.AddConstraints and not get any issues or have the state reset.

Width equal to height

Hi, how can we make a square constraint? In other words, a control's or view's width equal to its own height. I don't find any code to make it in the source code.

WithMultiplier(0.667f) works but WithMultiplier((float)(4/6)) does not work

this code is working fine:
but if I change the float to some expression like the following, it will not work:
it crashes at runtime with exception:

Received unhandled ObjectiveC exception: NSInvalidArgumentException NSLayoutConstraint for <UIButton: 0x17264840; frame = (0 0; 0 0); opaque = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x17264660>>: A multiplier of 0 or a nil second item together with a location for the first attribute creates an illegal constraint of a location equal to a constant. Location attributes must be specified in pairs.

AddConstraints with scale factor

For ipad resolutions It would be very practical to be able to specify an scale factor when adding constraints. ie:

View.AddConstraints(2, // <- scale
    view1.AtTopOf(View, 30),
    view1.AtRightOf(View, 30)

That way, 30 would be 30 * 2 = 60
This factor would be applied to all margins.

The use case:
I found myself doing this on every screen:

about.AtTopOf(aboutBackground, 15 * Multiplier),
about.AtBottomOf(aboutBackground, 15 * Multiplier),
about.AtLeftOf(aboutBackground, 15 * Multiplier),
about.AtRightOf(aboutBackground, 15 * Multiplier),

info.AtBottomOf(View, 10 * Multiplier),
info.Height().EqualTo(15 * Multiplier),

And that´s not very pretty

Constraints do not work for subview

hi, i am meeting a constraints issue.

			var cyan = new UIView { BackgroundColor = UIColor.Cyan };
			var red = new UIView { BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red };

			View.AddSubviews(cyan, red);

			View.AddConstraints(cyan.FullSizeOf(View, 20));
			View.AddConstraints(red.FullSizeOf(cyan, new Margins(10, 30)));

above code is working.

for my ios project, i want to set the red view as a subview for cyan view.
so i changed the code to

			var cyan = new UIView { BackgroundColor = UIColor.Cyan };
			var red = new UIView { BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red };



			View.AddConstraints(cyan.FullSizeOf(View, 20));
                        cyan.AddConstraints(red.FullSizeOf(cyan, new Margins(10, 30)));

The constraints are not woking. then i do not see the red view.

Is something wrong for me? Please check this. Thanks!

Nuget package is out of date

I added the Nuget package (2.5.0) to my iOS project , but noticed that it hasn't been updated to include ToLeftMargin, ToRightMargin, etc.

UIScrollView containing UITextView.

Any chance you could add a sample that specifically addresses the use of a UIScrollView that contains a UITextView and how to allow scrolling when the keyboard appears? This would be really helpful. Thanks.

Should Plus and Minus (and others) take optional parameters?

Inspired by Softlion's latest pull - #16 - I've been thinking about optional parameters.

Part of me doesn't really like optional parameters as they don't feel very Fluent....

However, they do help reduce the code size down....

With this in mind, I'm wondering... should Plus and Minus take optional parameters?

If they did then we could have:

    public FluentLayout Plus(nfloat? constant)
        if (constant.HasValue)
            Constant += constant.Value;
        return this;


and this would then mean that "advanced" methods could just pass optionals straight through - e.g.:

    public static FluentLayout AtTopOf(this UIView view, UIView parentView, nfloat? margin = null)
        return view.Top().EqualTo().TopOf(parentView).Plus(margin.GetValueOrDefault(DefaultMargin));

would become:

    public static FluentLayout AtTopOf(this UIView view, UIView parentView, nfloat? margin = null)
        return view.Top().EqualTo().TopOf(parentView).Plus(margin);


Is there any chance of getting a nuget package for this?

Not possible to relate width to height?

Usually if I want a square which is as high as it is wide I do something like this:

AddConstraint (NSLayoutConstraint.Create (view, NSLayoutAttribute.Height, 
    NSLayoutRelation.Equal, view, NSLayoutAttribute.Width, 1, 0));

However, I can't seem to see a way to do exactly this with FluentLayout.

I only see methods to replicate another views bounds, with the methods prefixed with WithSame or WithRelative. Or you can position the view at top, bottom, left or right of a view. However, there are no expressions to add the constraint above?

Usage of ToLayoutConstraints

This version of AddConstraints permits the use of both simple and advanced constraints in the same call. If you remove ToLayoutConstraints it will not work anymore.

Advanced constraints methods use more than one Constraint object to achieve the result.

        public static void AddConstraints(this UIView view, params object[] fluentLayouts)
                .Where(fluent => fluent != null)
                .SelectMany(fluent => fluent.ToLayoutConstraints())
                    .SelectMany(fluent => fluent.SelectMany(fluent2 => fluent2.ToLayoutConstraints()))

        public static IEnumerable<FluentLayout> WithSameRectOf(this UIView view, UIView parent, nfloat? margin = null)
                view.FullWidthOf(parent, margin)
                    .Concat(view.FullHeightOf(parent, margin))
                    .Concat(view.AtTopLeftOf(parent, margin));

Sample usage:

                title.AtLeftOf(ContentView, 2.5f),
                title.AtTopOf(ContentView, ItemSize.Width + 2.5f),

Without this extension methods, WithSameRectOf can not be used.

how to create a tableview with a variable height tablecell?

Hi, i am very happy to use this framework to write an ios project. But there is a block for me. I am not clear that how to create a tableview with a variable height tablecell?

Is it possbile that we have a demo code for that? Many thanks!

Implement macOS

This is a magnificent project and I'd like to make the macOS implementation of it.

I've seen #49 and I'd like to ask you that if you want I could implement this as a multi target project and add the macOS part. Not sure if @rogerwcpt has already started implementing it but if not I could do it.

Also I can make some previous PRs to update the Mvx packages if you want and nobody else is working on it 😄

Portrait and Landscape Layouts

Hi, this isn't an issue, more a query and thought this might be the best place to ask.

I'm not really referring to Adaptive layouts, but if adaptive layouts are possible with FluentLayout then is there an example somewhere?

I'm more thinking, is it possible to setup a bunch of contraints for Landscape and a bunch for Portrait and switch between the two on orientation changes? Or is there another way to handle different layout setups for Landscape and Portrait using FluentLayout?

If I have to go the route of AdaptiveLayouts in a xib then fair enough, just trying to avoid and do everything in code with FluentLayout!

ToLayoutConstraints is obsolete

Just noticed that FluentLayout.ToLayoutConstraints() is obsolete now.
I often use it like this:

        var c = _title.AtBottomOf(_view).ToLayoutConstraints().First();
        c.Active = false;
        //something happened and I need update constrains
        c.Active = true;

Propose to and "Active" property to FluentLayout if you want make resulting constraint private.
So I will be able to keep reference to FluentLayout instead of NSConstraint and update Active value when needed.
That is common technique I use to implement collapse/expand cases, or hide single view inside large hierarchy if there is nothing to display in this view (making couple of constraints active/inactive is good alternative for removing all and reacreating whole set of constraints again).

QuickLayout.Touch sample : Everything is grayed out on main screen

I downloaded and built the sample just to experience the following result on an iPhone6 device:


What is going on here?

=== Visual Studio Community 2019 for Mac (Preview) ===

Version 8.5 Preview (8.5 build 3152)
Installation UUID: a0a93683-c1fc-4d6c-ba00-0c39219f47dd
GTK+ 2.24.23 (Raleigh theme)
Xamarin.Mac (d16-5 / 30e8706b4)

Package version: 608000121

=== Mono Framework MDK ===

Mono (2019-10/fb4d8f5eb1c) (64-bit)
Package version: 608000121

=== Roslyn (Language Service) ===


=== NuGet ===


=== .NET Core SDK ===

SDK: /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/3.1.102/Sdks
SDK Versions:
MSBuild SDKs: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.8.0/lib/mono/msbuild/Current/bin/Sdks

=== .NET Core Runtime ===

Runtime: /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet
Runtime Versions:

=== Xamarin.Profiler ===

Location: /Applications/Xamarin Profiler

=== Updater ===

Version: 11

=== Apple Developer Tools ===

Xcode 11.3 (15710)
Build 11C24b
=== Xamarin.iOS ===

Version: (Visual Studio Community)
Hash: 30e8706b4
Branch: d16-5
Build date: 2020-02-20 16:41:48-0500

=== Xamarin Designer ===

Hash: 35aa4889d
Branch: remotes/origin/d16-5
Build date: 2020-02-25 01:52:08 UTC
=== Xamarin Inspector ===

Version: 1.4.3
Hash: db27525
Branch: 1.4-release
Build date: Mon, 09 Jul 2018 21:20:18 GMT
Client compatibility: 1

=== Build Information ===

Release ID: 805003152
Git revision: 6d4e2cce7b323bc2a7b4990b7bae09aa0d3a23b8
Build date: 2020-03-06 06:28:27-05
Build branch: release-8.5
Xamarin extensions: 6d4e2cce7b323bc2a7b4990b7bae09aa0d3a23b8

=== Operating System ===

Mac OS X 10.15.4
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Tue Mar 3 02:26:52 PST 2020
root:xnu-6153.101.6~8/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

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