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headereditor's Issues

Bugs with new layout

  1. After rule is saved, you can't edit Match type or Rule type, it is all whited out.

  2. If you edit a rule and then save it you cannot see changes you made to that rule on the page. You have to refresh the page to see the changes to the rule.

  3. If you import a certain group's rules (example, 3rd group) only the first rule of that group is imported into it while the rest of the rules are imported to another group (example, 2nd group).

  4. Pink buttons (batch operation + add rule) are a little too big. They can block the ^ icon of the group when scrolling. Maybe it's better idea to have them as tabs in the top blue bar (with Rules List + Export/Import).

  5. Adding hover tooltips to the buttons will be helpful as it can be confusing what each button does.

Add header option so it works with site changes

Currently it looks as though if you add an header the header you add is the only value that is set and the server/webpage set headers won't be added. That is the usual use-case scenario, but is it possible to create something like a tickbox option that allows someone to add/modify header but also allows the website you're on to add on to the header that the user specified?

I add cookie=myaddedcookie=abc
then site can also add on to my header too like







1 通配符模式,对于某些特别简单的匹配,用regex太啰嗦了
2 其他模式增加和redirect一样的下方快速test(返回truefalse

Firefox nightly 20170929100122 版启动后扩展卡住,不能加载网页

名称 Firefox
版本 58.0a1
版本 ID 20170929100122
更新通道 nightly

前几天使用一直正常,昨天更新 firefox 后启动后不能加载网页,似乎是卡在启动扩展了
尝试点击 Header Editor 2.3.2 扩展图标或者其他扩展(Tampermonkey,xStyle)无响应

禁用 Header Editor 2.3.2,重新启动,故障消失

看一下 规则转换 Error .js

name: "userscripts转Mirror",
from: /^https?://(|)|(?:www.|),
to: "$2",
regex: true
name: "魂+转北+",
from: /^http://(.{4})?((soul|north|south).plus|imoutolove).\w+(.
to: "$4",
regex: true
name: "Firefox FTP",
from: /^(http|ftp)://ftp.(,
to: "http://archive.$2",
regex: true
name: "火狐范重定向",
from: /^http://(www.)?firefoxfan\.(net|com|cc)(.*)/i,
to: "$3",
regex: true //网站好像挂了
name: "琉璃神社重定向",
from: /^https?://www.hacg.(?!fi)\w{2,3}(/.
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "QQ音乐专辑封面大图",
from: /^(,
to: "$1500x500$2",
regex: true
name: "网易云专辑歌单封面大图",
from: /^(|2).0.)/i,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "虾米专辑歌单封面大图",
from: /^(,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "iTunes专辑封面大图",
from: /^(https?://
to: "$11200x1200.jpg",
regex: true
name: "ebay封面原始大图",
from: /^(https?://\w+/|))(images/g/\w+/s-l)(?!1600)\d+.(\w+)/i,
to: "$1$21600.$3",
regex: true
name: "哔哩哔哩视频封面大图",
from: /^(https?://
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "tradingfloor原始大图",
from: /^https?://,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "500px原始大图",
from: /^https?://
to: "$1/$2/2048.jpg",
regex: true
name: "百度百科原始大图",
from: /^https?://(\w.+/sign=.(/\w+.jpg)/i,
to: "https://$1pic/item$2",
regex: true
name: "酷安原始大图",
from: /(^|apk_image)/.
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "Lofter原始大图",
from: /(^https?://imglf.?
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "Tumblr原始大图",
from: /(^https?://\\w+_)(?!1280)\d+(.\w+)./i,
to: "$11280$2",
regex: true
name: "Pinterest原始大图",
from: /(^https?://(?:s-|)\d+x(.
to: "$1originals$2",
regex: true
name: "果壳原始大图",
from: /(^https?://\
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "Pixiv原始大图",
from: /(^https?://
to: "$1img-original$2$3",
regex: true,
state: false //已禁用,网速太慢大图加载不出来,对网速自信的可以删除本行以启用规则

name: "哔哩哔哩转https",
from: /^http://(\w+.bilibili.\w{2,3}/.)/i,
to: "https://$1",
regex: true
name: "优酷转https",
from: /^http://(\$|sprite.gif$))/i,
to: "https://$1",
regex: true,
name: "微博转https",
from: /^http://((www.)?(weibo|sinaimg).(com|cn)/(?!.topnav|?|ajaxlogin|logout).+)/i,
to: "https://$1",
regex: true,
name: "imgur外链转http",
from: /^https://(
to: "http://$1",
regex: true
name: "mozest转http",
from: /https://([a-z],
to: "http://$1",
regex: true
name: "天涯论坛手机版跳转",
from: /^(
to: "$1$2",
regex: true
name: "百度百科手机版跳转",
from: /^(http://)wap(,
to: "$1$2",
regex: true
name: "萌娘百科手机版跳转",
from: /^https?://m.(
to: "https://zh.$1/zh$2",
regex: true
name: "百度搜索手机版跳转",
from: /^https?://m(|&)(.)/i,
to: "https://www$1s?$3",
regex: true
name: "acfun手机版跳转",
from: /^https?://m(
to: "http://www$1ac$2",
regex: true
name: "bilibili手机版跳转",
from: /^(https?://,
to: "$1$2",
regex: true
name: "dilidili手机版跳转",
from: /^http://m(.dilidili.\w+/.
to: "http://www$1",
regex: true
name: "新浪微博手机版跳转",
from: /^(https?://)(m.)?,
to: "$$3",
regex: true
name: "微博文章手机版跳转",
from: /^https?://\d+)./i,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "V2EX手机版跳转",
from: /^(https?://
to: "$1$2",
regex: true
name: "推特手机版跳转",
from: /^(https?://)mobile.(,
to: "$1$2",
regex: true
name: "酷狗手机版跳转",
from: /^(https?://)m.(
to: "$1www.$2yy/special/single/$3.html",
regex: true
name: "贴吧链接去跳转",
from: /^https?://jump2?,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "豆瓣链接去跳转",
from: /^https?://
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "知乎链接去跳转",
from: /^https?://(link|www)|question/.)(http.)/i,
to: "$3",
regex: true
name: "好搜结果去跳转",
from: /^https?://,
to: "$1",
regex: true,
decode: true
name: "WordPress博客去跳转",
from: /^https?://.
to: "$2",
regex: true
name: "Pixiv去跳转",
from: /^https?://
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "Deviantart去跳转",
from: /^https?://,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "AMO链接去跳转",
from: /^https?://
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "GreasyFork转简中",
from: /^(https?://!zh-CN).{2,5}($|/.
to: "$1zh-CN$2",
regex: true
name: "维基中文转简中",
from: /^https?:(//{5}(/.)/i,
to: 'https:$1wiki$2',
regex: true
name: "火狐附加组件简中",
from: /^(!zh-CN)).{2,5}(/.
to: "$1zh-CN$2",
regex: true
name: "ajax/fonts >> 科大博客",
from: /^https?://(ajax|fonts),
to: "https://$$2",
regex: true
name: "fonts >> 科大博客",
from: /^https?://(fonts.gstatic).com/(.
to: "https://$$2",
regex: true,
state: false
name: "themes >> 科大博客",
from: /^https?://(themes).(google),
to: "https://$2-$$3",
regex: true
name: "gerrit >> 科大博客",
from: /^(https?://gerrit).(googlesource).com/(.
to: "$1-$$3",
regex: true
name: "推特谷歌社交插件CDN",
from: /^https?://(||api|plusone).js(.)/i,
to: "$2.js$3",
regex: true,
state: false //CDN的JS文件版本过旧
name: "google链接加密",
from: /^http://(([^\.]+.)?google..+)/i,
exclude: /,
to: "https://$1",
regex: true
name: "google搜索去多余参数",
from: /^(https?://{2,6}/search?).
to: function(r) {
var a = r[0].match(/&hl=[^&]+/), b = r[0].match(/&start=\d+/), c = r[0].match(/&tbm=[^&]+/), d = r[0].match(/&tbs=[^&]+/);
return r[1] + (r[2] ? r[2] : r[3]) + (a ? a : "") + (b ? b : "") + (c ? c : "") + (d ? d : "");
regex: true,
name: "google搜索结果禁止跳转",
from: /^https?://{2,6}/url?.url=([^&]).
to: "$1",
regex: true,
decode: true
name: "google图片搜索结果禁止跳转",
from: /^https?://{2,6}/imgres?.imgurl=([^&])./i,
to: "$1",
regex: true,
decode: true
name: "ssl google搜索禁止跳转",
from: /^https?://{2,6}/url?.url=([^&]).
to: "$1",
regex: true,
decode: true
name: "gmail邮箱链接跳转",
from: /^https?://{2,6}/url.(?q|&q)=(http[^&]+)./i,
to: "$2",
regex: true,
//decode: true
name: "google搜索首页跳转",
from: /^(https?://{2,6})/webhp.+/i,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "google图片搜索首页跳转",
from: /^(https?://{2,6}/)(|imghp(?!.sbi=1)).+/i,
to: "$1$2",
regex: true
name: "谷歌香港转简中结果",
from: /^(https?://,
to: "$1/search?$2&hl=zh-CN",
regex: true
name: "关闭谷歌安全搜索",
from: /^(https?://!.
to: "$1&safe=off",
regex: true
name: "谷歌搜索危险结果",
from: /^https?://{2,6}/interstitial.url=(.
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "谷歌镜像访问",
from: /^https?://{2,6}(/.)/i,
to: "$1",
regex: true,
state: false //找不到可用镜像站
name: "谷歌搜索转https",
from: /^http://({2,6}/.
to: "https://$1",
regex: true
name: "谷歌快照转https",
from: /^http://(,
to: "https://$1",
regex: true
name: "谷歌图书转com",
from: /^(https?://
to: "$1com$2",
regex: true
name: "谷歌翻译转cn",
from: /^https?://(!cn).{2,6}(/.)/i,
to: "https://$1cn$2",
regex: true
name: "百度搜索去多余参数",
from: /^https?://(|baidu)?.
to: "https://$1s?$3&ie=utf-8",
regex: true
name: "百度随身听(音质改320)",
from: /^[&?])rate=[^3]\d+(.)/i,
to: "$1rate=320$2",
regex: true
name: "贴吧图片大图",
from: /^(\w+.jpg)/i,
to: "$1pic/item$2",
regex: true
name: "贴吧域名重定向",
from: /^http://([a-z].tieba|xingqu)(||f.ct|,
to: "http://tieba$2$3$4",
regex: true
name: "贴吧蓝字转百科",
from: /^https?://([\u4e00-\u9fa5]+)/?$/i,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "手机贴吧列表页转电脑版",
from: /^http://.
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "手机贴吧内容页转电脑版",
from: /^http://.
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "百度网盘转https",
from: /^http://(pan|yun)|s|share)/(.)/i,
to: '$2/$3',
regex: true
name: "百度盘wap/link >> share/link",
from: /^https?://(pan|yun)|shareview?&)(.
to: '$3',
regex: true
name: "百度盘wap/album/file >> pcloud/album/file",
from: /^https?://(pan|yun),
to: '$2',
regex: true
name: "百度盘wap/share/home >> share/home",
from: /^https?://(pan|yun)|)(.
to: '$3',
regex: true
name: "网易云播放页重定向",
from: /^(https?://|?id=)(\d+).+/i,
exclude: /?id=\d+$/i,
to: "$1?id=$3",
regex: true
name: "进入微博主页热门转全部",
from: /^(https?://[\w%]+|u/[0-9]+|n/[\w%]+))($|?.refer_flag=.+?$|?from=feed.$|?topnav.$)/i,
exclude: /is_hot=1$/,
to: "$1?is_all=1#_0",
regex: true
name: "sourceforge直接下载",
from: /\w.)/files/(.)/download/i,
to: "$1/$2",
regex: true
name: "反Google搜索人机验证",
from: /^https?://|)?continue=https?.?((q=.)&q=.|(tbs=.))/i,
to: "$2$3",
regex: true,
decode: true
name: "天使动漫直接打工",
from: /^(http://www.tsdm.{3})/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=321479/i,
to: "$1/plugin.php?id=np_cliworkdz:work",
regex: true
name: "哔哩哔哩番剧播放器宽屏",
from: /(,
exclude: /as_wide/,
to: "$1&as_wide=1",
regex: true
name: "风之动漫钓鱼跳转",
from: /^
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "Stylish查找当前网站样式链接修改",
from: /^,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "样式站预览图转原图",
from: /^(
to: "$1$2",
regex: true
name: "Discuz!X2转完整版",
from: /^(https?://./)archiver/?tid-(.).html./i,
to: "$1forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=$2",
regex: true
name: "Discuz!X3转完整版",
from: /^(https?://.
to: "$1thread-$2-1-1.html",
regex: true
name: "脚本链接二级转用户页,三级转项目页",
from: /^https?://raw.(github)usercontent(.com/\w+)(/?|/\w+/?)$/i,
to: "https://$1$2$3",
regex: true
name: "图站图片短链接",
from: /^https?://(files.(|sample)/\w+/).+|(|sample)/\w+)/.+)..(.)/i,
to: "https://$2$4.$6",
regex: true
name: "优酷网页去后缀",
from: /^(https?://\|from)=./i,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "今日头条去后缀",
from: /^(https?://|i)(\d+)/)?./i,
to: "$1",
regex: true
name: "汤不热改子域名",
from: /(^https?://)(41|65|67)(
to: "$168$3",
regex: true
name: "知乎首页注册转登陆",
from: /(^https?://$/i,
to: "$1#signin",
regex: true

Thanks... and blocking ETags :)

Hi, I just want to say thank you for this extension 💋 I'm part of a group of people who for the last three years have been building a privacy, anti-tracking, anti-fingerprinting etc user.js for Firefox (obviously there is more outside the browser level that can be done, but that is the project's scope).

For a while it has really bothered me that Firefox no longer fully clears the cache edit, FF does clear the cache, the test site was a little flawed - end edit.. It used to be that you could go Ctrl-Shift-Del and clear Cache and it would eliminate any ETags - you will find lots of older forum discussions and articles where this was proposed. The other way was to disable both disk and memory cache. I have always had disk cache off, but left RAM being used. This still retained the ETag (edit, the test site was flawed: but removing etags allows caching and no etag tracking but may make you a very small subset of users that do this re fingerprinting).

Thanks to your extension and this rule, everything is as peachy as we can get it 👍 There is still a risk of Last-Modified being used as a tracking mechanism for now.

The above link contains test sites for those interested



  • 导出的 json 不具有可读性,难以维护。


  • 导入规则时不检测是否是重复规则。


  • 在管理页面删除规则会导致排序颠倒。

  • 不能对特定规则禁用。

  • 需要增加测试链接,否则时间长了不知道规则是干什么的。

  • 建议添加在线规则订阅功能。





A extension which you can modify the request header (for Firefox)

A extension which can modify the request headers and response headers.


Related: #14

  • 导出信息不包含分组设置。导入当然也就没有了。

  • 不能批量移动规则到指定分组。

  • 目前删除分组是将组内规则改回到未分组中,其实是单纯删除组标签。但很需要 只删除组内全部规则/删除组标签及组内规则 的选项。毕竟现在全选是跨组别的。

Small bugs

  1. Clicking 'X' of the Group entity doesn't do anything. Also since this is deleting a whole group of rules it should have a 'Are you sure?' dialog/popup.

  2. When importing rules all the rules are placed in 'Ungrouped'. They should be exported with their relevant group names and placed in their respectively named groups when imported.

Can't disable rules and execute type is always set to normal

When I disable a rule it is still enabled. When I edit a disabled rule it is enabled after saving.

When I edit a rule with a custom function, the execute type is always set back to "normal".

The bugs exists in FF extension 3.0.1 and Chrome extension 3.0.0




Header Editor 扩展修改i1296.photobucket.com域名的Accept*/*后,浏览器访问图片网址可以正常获得图片了。但是使用右键另存为,下载下来的还是重定向的网页。
Fidder测试发现 Header Editor 的修改似乎对下载程序无效,下载程序的http请求仍然是network.http.accept.default的值。


我就想知道, Header Editor 扩展的规则能否影响到下载程序。


火狐55.0.3 64位Win,新建配置,在选项中取消勾选接受来自站点的Cookie(即network.cookie.cookieBehavior的值设为2)。
安装扩展1.1.0版本后工具栏按钮无反应,从附加组件管理器中该扩展选项可以进入管理界面,但是点击添加规则保存后浏览器控制台提示Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist.

Rearrange groups and rules

I would like to be able to rearrange groups and rules
Also, when you group all rules, the default group "Ungrouped" stay visible and can't be deleted

Rules disappear in private browsing

When you use a private browsing window all the rules disappear. Also it's not possible to import rules as after you choose your backup file nothing happens.

Using Firefox latest stable.

P.S. Probably unrelated to the above but from time to time all my rules (even in normal browsing window) disappear. I have no idea how to reproduce this issue but it has happened to me 3-4 times so far so the problem looks like it is persistent and not a one-off.

Feature Request: Case insensitive RegEx

The regular expressions in the match rules are case sensitive. Can you please add an option to make them case insensitive (or make them case insensitive by default).

Remove request/response headers

Thanks for the WebExtension! Look forward to using it more

Currently, it looks like it is only possible to modify request/response headers but can you add an option to remove request/response headers?

Thanks for this little gem.


I found your addon while I was browsing Github to see if somebody had made new addons for Firefox.

Strangely I was looking also for something to replace the old Stylish addon that will no longr work after Firefox 56 and I found that your addon was injecting UserStyle with the webext API so it will work after Firefox 56.

Moreover your addon seem a lot better than Stylish and Stylus, with the help of Google Translate I've translated and read to know a little more about it.

If you need translation in French I can translate it in my free time since my native language is french.

I will test it tomorrow importing my styles from Stylish with Firefox 56 and will ask if you agree to Ghack to make a review of your beautiful addon.

A small hint: Another Very good addon for Firefox/Chrome I use to edit CSS live maybe you could add colors swatch "color picker widget" to your editor if it is not already done like here:

The code for the color widget is here and it is very easy to integrate with the codemirror editor:

Best Regards :octocat:

The HeaderEditor doesn't work on the Basilisk browser

Basilisk is a new Firefox fork released a couple of weeks ago which supports XUL (legacy) extensions. In response to an article on I installed your extension this evening, but unfortunately it isn't possible to save any rules. The toolbar button doesn't work and using the Add-ons Manager/Options menu to open the menu allows a rule to be created, but nothing happens when clicking the Save button.

I tried using an older version but that didn't help either.

If possible, please fix the problem.

Latest version sometimes rules not taking effect

In the latest version some of my rules are not taking effect. Not sure if it's reproducible reliably.

Went back to 2.3.3 and it works as intended so I'm assuming something might have broke in the latest update.




环境: win10家庭中文版16299.64
浏览器: Firefox 57.0 64bit
附加组件版本: Mozilla Add-ons上下的2.3.5




能否在请求头部加上 Upgrade-Insecure-Requests ?

功能来自:UpgradeMixedContent 扩展



main_frame 为 https 但页内有 http 资源时,浏览器会默认禁止主动性资源如 JS,目前还会放行被动型资源如 image,这一行为由浏览器完成,扩展基本不能干预。
UpgradeMixedContent 扩展提供了目前仅见的干预思路:给所有的 http 资源插入一个 upgrade-insecure-requests ,这样浏览器就会尝试用 https 来访问本会被 MCB 的资源。
UpgradeMixedContent 扩展是默认全局使用的,于是部分资源,主要是图片就会被破坏,如 好奇心日报

Chrome 有了黑名单版的专用扩展:
目前 Firefox 上尚无可用实现。

use .toLowerCase when comparing header names

from this comment

The code doesn't use .toLowerCase to compare headers but I think existing headers are now always lowercase, meaning you need use lowercase when you want to remove (=use an empty value for it) a certain header. BUT if you want to add one you should probably use the correct casing, fe. if you always want to add a Referer Header, name it 'Referer' not 'referer' or you might make yourself pretty unique because nobody else sends a lowercase referer header!


页面已经有的请求头名称如Referer和User-Agent, HE可以更改它的内容

如果页面不存的头名称如Save-Data, 我用HE来设置, 没有生效, 是不是因为不支持新增头名称呢?

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