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meta-efi-secure-boot's Introduction

EFI secure boot feature

This feature consists of two widely used secure boot technologies: UEFI Secure Boot and MOK Secure Boot.

  • UEFI Secure Boot is the industry standard defined in the UEFI spec, allowing the images loaded by UEFI BIOS to be verified with the certificates corresponding to the trusted keys.
  • MOK (Machine Owner Key) Secure Boot is based on UEFI Secure Boot, adding the shim bootloader to chainloader the next stage bootloader with the integrity check using the shim-managed certificates corresponding to another set of trusted keys which may be different than the trusted keys used by UEFI Secure Boot.

In addition, this feature introduces the SELoader as the second-stage bootloader and eventually chainliader to the third-stage bootloader "grub". With the extension provided by SELoader, grub configuration files, kernel (even without EFI stub support) and initrd can be authenticated. This capability is not available in the shim bootloader.

Grub bootloader is enhanced to support lockdown mode. In this mode, the edit, rescue and command line are protected in order to prevent from tampering the kernel commandline or loading an unsigned boot component. Hence, this lockdown protection can effectively defeat the attempts to disable the kernel security mechanisms. The flexibility is also provided if the user authentication is enabled. The user authenticated by a password check can enter into edit and command line.

Therefore, using UEFI Secure Boot, SELoader, and grub lockdown together, the boot process is completely trustworthy.

A complete boot flow with this feature is:

  • UEFI BIOS boot manager (UEFI Secure Boot enabled) ->
    • shim (verified by a DB certificate) ->
      • SELoader (verified by a shim-managed certificate) ->
        • grub (verified by a shim-managed certificate) ->
          • grub.cfg (verified by a shim-managed certificate)
          • kernel (verified by a shim-managed certificate)
          • initramfs (verified by a shim-managed certificate)

Quick start for the first boot

  • Deploy the rootfs

  • Boot up the target board

  • Enter to BIOS setup and remove the enrolled certificates

    • It is recommended to still turn on UEFI Secure Boot option if allowed.
  • Exit BIOS setup and automatically reboot

  • Manually launch a reboot via ctrl + alt + del again

    • Otherwise, a misleading error message about the verification failure will be displayed.
  • Automatically boot to the boot option "Automatic Certificate Provision" in grub boot menu.

  • (Optional) Enter into BIOS setup to turn on UEFI Secure Boot option

  • Boot to the system with the protection provided by UEFI and MOK Secure Boot

Key Management

Refer to meta-signing-key/ for the initial cognition about key management for UEFI Secure Boot.

Note that the sample key and user key are the concepts in the key signing model according to the ownership and secrecy. In UEFI Secure Boot, a policy object such as PK, KEK, DB and DBX is mapped to a key managed by the key signing model.

Sample Keys

This feature, by default, use the sample keys to sign and verify images for the purpose of development and demonstration. Please ensure you know what your risk is to use the sample keys in your product, because they are completely public.

The sample keys used for UEFI Secure Boot are centrally placed under meta-signing-key/files/uefi_sb_keys/.

  • PK.pem
    The X509 certificate enrolled to UEFI BIOS, used to update/delete PK/KEK.

  • PK.key
    The private key corresponding to PK.pem, used to sign the EFI signature list for PK/KEK enrollment.

  • KEK.pem
    The X509 certificate enrolled to UEFI BIOS, used to update/delete DB/DBX.

  • KEK.key
    The private key corresponding to KEK.pem, used to sign the EFI signature list for DB/DBX enrollment.

  • DB.pem
    The X509 certificate enrolled to UEFI BIOS, used to verify the images directly loaded by UEFI BIOS.

  • DB.key
    The private key corresponding to DB.pem, used to sign the images directly loaded by UEFI BIOS.

  • DBX
    This directory contains any number of X509 certificate enrolled to UEFI BIOS, used to blacklist the revoked certificates. The revoked certificates must be PEM-formatted.

The sample keys used for MOK Secure Boot are centrally placed under meta-signing-key/files/mok_sb_keys/.

  • shim_cert.pem
    The X509 certificate embedded in shim, used to verify the images either directly or indirectly loaded by shim.

  • shim_cert.key
    The private key corresponding to shim_cert.pem, used to sign the images either directly or indirectly loaded by shim.

  • vendor_cert.pem
    Used in the same way as shim_cert.pem. In addition, vendor certificate is the switch to enable shim verification protocol, which facilitates the verification for the SELoader.

  • vendor_cert.key
    The private key corresponding to vendor_cert.pem, Same fuction as shim_cert.key.

User Keys

Refer to meta-signing-key/ for the details about how to generate/use the keys owned by the end user.

Automatic Certificate Provision

The certificate provision is required to enable UEFI Secure Boot. By default, the target may be provisioned with the default certificates enrolled during the manufacture.

In order to use the bootloader and kernel signed by the sample or self-owned key to boot up the system, this feature provides a process of autmatic certificate provison for the convenience. Refer to the instructions listed in the section "Work Flow For The First Boot". The detailed descriptions are given below.

Remove the enrolled certificates in BIOS setup

The LockDown.efi application is used to run the provision. However, LockDown.efi cannot be launched if UEFI Secure Boot is already enabled. In addition, the enrolled certificates may be not the ones the user hopes to use.

The provisioned certificates can be removed in BIOS setup. The detailed steps may vary between the boards. Refer to BIOS manual for the details.

Launch the automatic provision

Lockdown.efi will automatically provision UEFI Secure Boot after removing the the provisioned certificates in BIOS setup. More specifically, the PK, KEK, DB and DBX (if any) will be enrolled and begin to take affect after a reboot.

Turn on UEFI Secure Boot option

If UEFI Secure Boot option is turned off, the user has to enter into BIOS setup after provision to manually turn on the option.

If the option is already enabled when removing the enrolled certificates in BIOS setup, this step can be ignored.

Re-trigger automatic provision

By default, the "Automatic Certificate Provision" option is hidden in boot menu for the first boot. If the user would like to clear the certificates provisioned by the "Automatic Certificate Provision" option in BIOS setup, this hidden boot option will be shown in boot menu, allowing to re-trigger it when necessary.


By default, the build system uses DB.key to sign shim, and uses vendor_cert.key to sign SELoader, grub, grub configuration file, kernel and initramfs image during the build.


UEFI Secure Boot Verification

UEFI BIOS will validate the integrity of shim bootloader with a certificate in DB before running it.

Bootloader Verification

When the shim loads SELoader and SELoader loads grub, if both UEFI Secure Boot and MOK Secure Boot are already enabled, the upper bootloader uses a list of certificate to check the integrity of lower bootloader.

  • Blacklist check If the lower bootloader is signed with a key corresponding to a certificate within any of a policy object below, the boot failure will occur.

    • Vendor DBX
    • DBX
    • MokListX (MOK certificate blacklist)
  • Whitelist check If the lower bootloader is signed with a key corresponding to a certificate within any of a policy object below, the boot success will occur.

    • DB
    • MokList (MOK certificate whitelist)
    • Shim certificate (only for PE image)
    • Vendor certificate

If the lower bootloader is not signed or signed by a key not corresponding to any policy objects mentioned above, the boot failure will occur.

The benefit of these behaviors allow the end user to regulate the secure boot even without the ownership of DB on Microsoft certificated hardware.

SELoader Verification

The SELoader is designed to authenticate the non-PE files, such as grub.cfg, kernel (without EFI stub support) and initrd, which cannot be verified by the verification protocol registered by the shim loader.

In order to conveniently authenticate the PE file with gBS->LoadImage() and gBS->StartImage(), the SELoader hooks EFI Security2 Architectural Protocol and employs verification protocol provided by the shim loader to verify the PE file. If only UEFI Secure Boot is enabled, the SELoader just simplily calls gBS->LoadImage() and gBS->StartImage() to allow UEFI BIOS to verify the PE file.

The SELoader publishes MOK2 verification protocol which provides a flexible interface to allow the bootloader to verify the file, file buffer or memory buffer without knowing the file format.

In order to establish the chain of trust, the SELoader is required to be signed by a private key corresponding to a DB certificate, the shim certificate, the vendor certificate or a MOK certificate. The specific key is determined by the secure boot scheme you will use.

See more details about the SELoader in its README file.

Grub Configuration File Verification

Grub can call the MOK2 verification protocol registered by the SELoader to validate the integrity of grub configuration file before parsing it.

This protection prevents from tampering the grub configuration file from disabling certains kernel security mechanism such as selinux, IMA and so on.

Kernel Verification

When SELoader loads the kernel image with the linux command, if both UEFI Secure Boot and MOK Secure Boot are already enabled, grub will call the verification protocol installed by SELoader to validate the kernel image.

Alternately, if grub loads the kernel image with the chainloader command, if both UEFI Secure Boot and MOK Secure Boot are already enabled, grub will call the verification protocol installed by shim to validate the kernel image.

By default, the kernel image is signed by vendor certificate and then signed again to generate the .p7b signature file.

Initramfs Verification

When SELoader loads the kernel image with the initrd command, if both UEFI Secure Boot and MOK Secure Boot are already enabled, grub will call the verification protocol installed by SELoader to validate the initramfs image.

Verification Failure

Either situation will cause a failure of verification.

  • A boot component is not signed.
  • A boot component is signed by a key which doesn't correspond to any certificate in whitelists such as DB and shim-managed certificates.
  • A boot component is signed by a key which corresponds to a certificate in blacklist such as DBX and shim-managed certificates in MOKX.

Each boot component may have different verification failure phenomenon.

  • If SELoader fails signature check, UEFI BIOS boot manager will print an error message about the image authentication failure.
  • If grub fails signature check, an image authentication failure message is printed and the system hangs.
  • If a grub configuration file fails the signature check, an authentication failure message is printed and grub hangs.
  • If kernel image fails signature check, grub returns back to the boot menu.
  • If initrd fails signature check, grub returns back to the boot menu.

MOK Secure Boot and the shim bootloader

MOK (Machine Owner Key) Secure Boot is based on UEFI Secure Boot, adding the shim bootloader to chainloader the second-stage bootloader "SELoader" and eventually chainliader to the third-stage bootloader "grub".

[ Quoting: ] shim is a trivial EFI application that, when run, attempts to open and execute another application. It will initially attempt to do this via the standard EFI LoadImage() and StartImage() calls. If these fail (because secure boot is enabled and the binary is not signed with an appropriate key, for instance) it will then validate the binary against a built-in certificate. If this succeeds and if the binary or signing key are not blacklisted then shim will relocate and execute the binary.

shim will also install a protocol which permits the second-stage bootloader to perform similar binary validation. This protocol has a GUID as described in the shim.h header file and provides a single entry point. On 64-bit systems this entry point expects to be called with SysV ABI rather than MSABI, and so calls to it should not be wrapped. [ End of Quote ]

In most cases, the hardware coming out of the factory is already provisioned with a default certificate used to verify the bootloader and issued by Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011. This kind of hardware is so-called Microsoft certificated hardware.

Obviously, this requirement needs a bootloader loaded by BIOS must be signed by Microsoft. Microsoft provides the signing service (not free), but only accept shim bootloader for Linux world. Refer to Microsoft's signing policy.

It is allowed to remove all default certificates and use the self-owned keys to provision UEFI Secure Boot, but this is not practical for ODM/OEM devices during the manufacture phrase. See the section "Out-of-box Experience".

For a good user experience, shim + SELoader + grub is an excellent combination to handle Microsoft certificated hardware. With this model, SELoader and grub are signed by a shim-managed certificate without being subject to the limit from Microsoft's signing policy, and the manual provision is thus unnecessary.

mokutil and MOK Manager

mokutil is a tool to import or delete the machines owner keys stored in the database of shim. mokutil creates the requests and MOK manager will be automatically launched by shim as long as it detects the pending requests. The physical present user will be prompted to run the operations corresponding to the requests. Note the operation is required to be authenticated by MOK management password set by mokutil.

Refer to mokutil man page for the detailed usages.

MOK Management Password

MOK management password is the authentication information to allow MOK manager to grant the request regarding of MOK management. To set the password, run mokutil with the option --password. In addition, there are 4 input methods to provide the password. By default, mokutil prompts the user to input the password and then wraps the password to sha256 password hash. For other 3 methods, refer to the uses of option --hash-file, --root-pw and --simple-hash.

Enroll the MOK certificate

Here is an example showing how to enroll a DER formatted X509 certificate to the database of shim.

# mokutil --import <cert.cer>

where <cert.cer> is the MOK certificate corresponding to the private key used to sign either grub or kernel.

To convert a PEM, for exmaple, the shim_cert.pem, to a DER formatted X509 certificate, type the command:

$ openssl x509 -in shim_cert.pem -inform PEM -out shim_cert.cer -outform DER
List the enrollment requests

The several enrollment requests can be submitted before system reboot. Run the following command to check all enrollment requests.

# mokutil --list-new
Revoke the enrollment requests

Note the revocation operation will remove all enrollment requests.

# mokutil --revoke-import
Test the MOK certificate

If you cannot confirm whether a certificate has been enrolled or not, type the following command for a check:

# mokutil --test-key <cert.cer>
Delete the MOK certificate

Removing an useless MOK certificate is also supported.

# mokutil --delete <cert.cer>

Refer to the options --list-delete and --revoke-delete to list and revoke the MOKs.

Reset MOK certificates

This request will clear all enrolled MOK certificates.

# mokutil --reset
Disable/Enable MOK Secure Boot

MOK Secure Boot can be enabled or disabled regardless of the setting of UEFI Secure Boot.

# mokutil --disable-validation  // disable MOK Secure Boot
# mokutil --enable-validation   // enable MOK Secure Boot

Note that MOK Secure Boot is based on UEFI Secure Boot. If UEFI Secure Boot is disabled, MOK Secure Boot will be automatically inactive. Type the following command to check the status of UEFI Secure Boot.

# mokutil --sb-state
Other options

Refer to the options --import-hash and --delete-hash to manage hash-based signature. The options --pk, --kek, --db and --dbx are useful to check the content of the policy objects used in UEFI Secure Boot.

Manage blacklist

All above mentioned are talking MOK which is acting as whitelist to authenticate the verified image to launch. Actually, there is a contrary policy object called MOKX, acting as blacklist to deny the untrusted image to launch. Also, MOKX as blacklist is handled by shim prior to MOK as whitelist.

For the management of blacklist, add the option --mokx with the following options to change the operation target from MOK to the following options.

--list-enrolled --test-key --list-new --list-delete --import --delete --import-hash --delete-hash --reset --revoke-import --revoke-delete

Handle MOK Secure Boot Failure with MOK Manager

If either grub or SELoader is not signed or signed with an unauthorized certificate, the shim will prompt the end user a UI called MOK manager to guide the user to enroll the certificate or hash of the image.

The policy of the selection between digest and certificate for next step is decided by whether the unauthorized grub or SELoader is signed or not.

If the grub or SELoader is not signed at all, you have to always select the calculation of the digest based on the file. Note that once grub or SELoader is updated and its digest is changed, you have to relaunch the MOK manager to enroll the new digests.

If the grub or SELoader is signed by an unauthorized certificate, enrolling the signing certificate is the preferred way. Copy the certificate to the boot drive and then select the certificate in MOK manager. Note that the certificate for the selection must be DER formatted.

If doing so, the unauthorized grub or SELoader will be verified successfully after exiting MOK Manager.

Grub Lockdown

In order to prevent from tampering the kernel command line or loading an unsigned boot component, grub is locked if UEFI Secure Boot is enabled. In this situation, the end user cannot enter into command or edit line via pressing 'c' and 'e'.

If the user authentication is enabled, the access to command or edit line is protected by a password. In this situation, grub is unlockable.

Rescue mode is always disabled as long as UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.

Work Flow For The First Boot

  • Build a project with this template

  • Deploy the rootfs

  • Boot up the target board

  • Enter to BIOS setup and remove the enrolled certificates

    • It is recommended to still turn on UEFI Secure Boot option if allowed.
  • Launch a reboot via ctrl + alt + del

    • Otherwise, a misleading error message about the verification failure will be displayed.
  • Automatically boot to "Automatic Certificate Provision"

  • (Optional) Enter into BIOS setup to turn on UEFI Secure Boot option

  • Boot to the system with the protection provided by UEFI Secure Boot

Known Issues

  • The 32-bit MOK Secure Boot is not validated. In other words, loading 32-bit shim, MOK manager, grub and kernel is not supported.


OpenEmbedded layer for EFI secure boot features

meta-efi-secure-boot's People


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