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solidity-parser-antlr's Issues

VariableDeclaration ASTNode

Can VariableDeclaration be simplified? Currently, VariableDeclaration contains many redundant information.

For example, isStateVar, visibility, and isDeclaredConst are only used when the variable is a state variable. Can we move the information to StateVariableDeclaration? Besides, StateVariableDeclaration will always have one VariableDeclaration object.

I guess we can refactor VariableDeclaration to:
typeName, name, and storageLocation.

Another question is why eventParameter, functionParameter, and variableDeclaration share the same variableDeclaration object? Can we separate them?

pragma statement parse error when verison doesn't follow A.B.C pattern

pragma solidity 0.4.0;
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
pragma solidity >= 0.4.0;
pragma solidity <= 0.4.0;
pragma solidity < 0.4.0;
pragma solidity > 0.4.0;
pragma solidity != 0.4.0;
pragma solidity >=0.4.0 <0.4.8; // from

pragma solidity 0.4;
pragma solidity ^0.4;
pragma solidity >= 0.4;
pragma solidity <= 0.4;
pragma solidity < 0.5;
pragma solidity > 0.4;
pragma solidity != 0.4;
pragma solidity >=0.4 <=0.4;

pragma solidity 0;
pragma solidity v0;
pragma solidity ^0;
pragma solidity >= 0;
pragma solidity <= 0;
pragma solidity < 1;
pragma solidity > 0;
pragma solidity != 0;
pragma solidity >=0 <=1;

All of the above are syntactically correct pragma statements (feel free to test in remix). But parser only recognises version a.b.c. We need to make the b & c part optional, not mandatory.

Fails when an event parameter is called 'calldata'

A contract like this can be compiled:

contract C {
  event e(bytes calldata);

but the parser fails:

ParserError: extraneous input 'calldata' expecting {',', ')'}

I guess it's related with calldata being a reserved word in other contexts.

The parser seems to work fine when a function parameter is called calldata.

Unable to parse hex literal where 0X is used.

Hi, many contracts are using 0XABC as a hex literal but the grammar only allows for 0xABC, because of this parsing of a lot of contracts is failing. Remix IDE allows 0X, so I guess it should be allowed here as well, right?

NPM Package out of Date


Sorry for the noise, but I'm just wondering if we could we get the latest version of the package that's ES5 transpiled published up to NPM? I'm depending on my fork still in my project and would love to depend on the vanilla NPM package.

Error parsing return statement

Hi Federico. I noticed the parser throws an error when parsing a return statement written like this "return();". Again, I've seen contracts running on Ethereum that use this statement, so I think it's syntactically valid. But again, I'm a newbie in Solidity, so I might be wrong. Would you mind looking into this? Thanks!

`abi.decode(b, (uint256[]))` breaks parser.

a = abi.decode(b, (uint256[])); breaks the parser.

Any array inside the tupple breaks the parser. It is valid solidity code though.

Full sample code

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract hello {
    function world(bytes memory b) public {
        uint256[] memory a;
        a = abi.decode(b, (uint256[]));

Ability to parse NatSpec comments

First of all thanks for creating this fine tool. It's been helping us a lot already!

In our effort to generate documentation from Ethereum NatSpec comments I decided to take a crack at adding the ability to parse those to this tool. I have to admit I am quite new to Antlr and for quite some time it felt like I was just messing around with it. But I got to a state where I am able to successfully parse single line and multiline NatSpec comments and add them to the AST. That didn't come without any caveats though:

  • Quotes (single or double) break the parsing (it just won't pick it up)
  • The regex used to pick up multiline comments is just embarrassingly simple (it will just ignore any comments without an @ in them)
  • Also there definitely must be some room for improvement and/or simplification in both the grammar and the AST builder

These are things I couldn't figure out yet (also sadly due to the sparse JS runtime documentation) and if this is a thing you might want to include I'd highly appreciate a little push in the correct direction.

Here's my attempt so far:

The antlr grammar:

The AST builder:

Allow accessing node parents in visitor function

Since the AST format of this library is customized, I feel exporting the function _isASTNode is generally favored as it guarantees that when the format of output of this library changes, this check will/should always be up-to-date.

@federicobond do you agree?

issue w/ require()


we have a parser error if in the contract there is a require() function

How to reproduce

const parser = require('solidity-parser-antlr');

const input = `
pragma solidity ^0.4.23;

contract Lottery {
  address[] public players;
  address public manager;

  constructor() public {
    manager = msg.sender;

  function enter() public payable {
    require(msg.value > .01 ether); // if you comment or remove this line, the parser works

  function random() private view returns (uint) {
    return uint(keccak256(block.difficulty, now, players));

try {
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof parser.ParserError) {

Differentiate parenthesized expression from tuple expression

The parser doesn't seem to differentiate between the left side of this expression:

(x,) = (1,2);

and this one:

(x) = 1;

In both cases I get an ExpressionStatement whose left side is:

  type: "TupleExpression",
  components: [{ type: "Identifier", name: "x" }],
  isArray: false

Is this expected?

MemberAccess does not return parameters

According to we can call a library method like Set.insert(knownValues, value). We may want to call something like Set.calculate(value1, value2), which would return another value.

The problem is, solidity-parser-antlr is returning this as a MemberAccess, which is correct, but then it does not give the parameters.
It does appear when using FunctionCall, but only under an expression of type MemberAccess.

I could make a workaround but it could also be interesting to get the parameters. Will it be possible?

Same happens with super._transferFrom(from, to, tokenId);

Returning original node from visitor

First of all, thank you for the awesome project!

I suggest enhancing transformAST to return not only the parsed one but also the original one.

Similar to Javaparser project, if we want to support Transform and Generate the solidity code, returning original node is essential.

We could use the changed version to reconstruct specific granularity.

For example,

var source = "contract test { uint a; function c() public { uint f = 3; uint e = 1+4;}}"
var ast = parser.parse(source);
parser.visit(ast, {
  FunctionDefinition: (node) => {
    console.log(node.ctx.getText()); // "functionc()public{uintf=3;uinte=1+4;}"

By the way, I'm still thinking about how to keep whitespace and newlines.
Could you give me some advice? (It may be related to #32)

Building the AST sometimes fails, throwing an exception

I'm afraid I don't know how to fix this issue, so no PR this time :(

Some invalid sources make the parser fail when building the ast, because this method throws.

For example, this code contract { function a() return bool {} } causes that problem.

Here's a stack trace of it failing:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getText' of null
    at ASTBuilder.StateVariableDeclaration (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:628:23)
    at ASTBuilder.visit (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:1133:40)
    at ASTBuilder.ContractPart (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:89:17)
    at ASTBuilder.visit (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:1133:40)
    at ASTBuilder.<anonymous> (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:1121:19)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at ASTBuilder.visit (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:1120:16)
    at ASTBuilder.ContractDefinition (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:76:22)
    at ASTBuilder.visit (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:1133:40)
    at ASTBuilder.<anonymous> (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:1121:19)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at ASTBuilder.visit (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:1120:16)
    at ASTBuilder.SourceUnit (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:33:22)
    at ASTBuilder.visit (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/ASTBuilder.js:1133:40)
    at Object.parse (node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/index.js:65:23)
    at getImports (src/solidity/imports.js:5:22)
    at (test/solidity/imports.js:15:21)

Publish an ES5 version of this package

Hi there!

I'm trying to use this module in a Create React App application. It works fine when I run it in development mode, but when I try to create a production build I get this:

$ react-scripts build
Creating an optimized production build...
Failed to compile.

Failed to minify the code from this file: 


Read more here:

There are 2 main approaches given on that link to fix it.

Option 1: Publish an ES5 version of the module.

I tried to fix the problem myself with Rollup and Babel, but I'm getting a lot of problems with that approach that are deep in Antlr land, which is not my wheelhouse. This is where I'm up to:

It builds a dist/index.js file, but when I try to use that from the browser I keep getting "can't reference _____ of undefined" errors and similar.

So I shelved that approach and went off to the second fix:

Option 2: Include the module in my source code.

So I added this as a submodule. I then get this:

Failed to compile.

  Line 107:  'DFAStatesSet' is not defined  no-undef

Search for the keywords to learn more about each error.

Looking at that file, I don't actually see anywhere that DFAStatesSet is defined, and there are no other mentions of that anywhere in the project that I can find. Where should this be coming from?

I think this is actually an eslint error, which Create React App enforces quite strongly and I can't change the configuration without ejecting. So since it's working when it runs as a node module, I gave adding an // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef a try, but then just hit another file with the same situation.

I decided peppering what looks like a library's source code with eslint comments was probably a road to pain, I tried a more configuration-based approach. I looked if there's a way to disable eslint for that folder, but again, not without ejecting (discussed here: facebook/create-react-app#3886), which I could do, but seriously would like to avoid it.

Something Else I Tried

I've used GatsbyJS a lot in the past, so I threw this module at that build system and couldn't get it to run. I'm not sure why. I think again it's about it being ES6 packaged, but I figured it'd be best to start a discussion here before I go too deep into this.


So that brings me here:

  • If I continue, will you guys accept a PR that uses babel in some form to publish an ES5 version of this package to a dist folder?
  • Is the stuff in the antlr4 directory a library? Can we use an NPM dependency for that rather than packaging it with the source itself?
  • Has anyone been down this road before and has any interesting things to share?

UserDefinedTypeName needs to be address payable

My contract has the following constructor

import "./Negotiator.sol";

constructor(Negotiator _negotiator) public {
        owner = msg.sender;
        negotiator = _negotiator;

function() public payable {
  revert("Cannot send ether");

I'd like to use web3.eth.abi.encodeParameters to encode my constructor parameters.
With solidity-parser-antlr, I'm getting the following result for my contract's constructor parameters however:

[ { type: 'Parameter',
    typeName: { type: 'UserDefinedTypeName', namePath: 'Negotiator' },
    name: '_negotiator',
    storageLocation: null,
    isStateVar: false,
    isIndexed: false } ]

The solidity documentation states that when a fallback function is available on the contract, then the Contract Type should be converted to an address payable.

[Question] automatically generating typing from concrete output or the test cases?

This issue is to discuss the possibility of having the typing for the output of the parser automatically generated. Currently, the typing file at is more or less manually written and is very incomplete. Since the output is very structured, I feel like this is doable. However, I haven't figured out a way yet. Any thoughts?

Error parsing decimal

Hi Federico. I'm trying to parse a solidity file and I'm getting an error at the following line:

minContribution = .1 ether;

From what I could dig, I think this statement violates the DecimalNumber element of the grammar, as it needs to start with a number ([0-9]+):

  : [0-9]+ ( '.' [0-9]* )? ( [eE] [0-9]+ )? ;

This statement is part of the source code of a contract running on Ethereum (, which makes me think that the .X decimal format is valid syntax. However, I'm a total newbie in Solidy, so I could be very wrong.

Thoughts on this? Thanks!

Fix assembly assignments parsing

Solidity accepts both options. This parser fails on first one and only accepts the second one.
I know it's minor nit, but would be still good to accept both.

screen shot 2019-02-20 at 2 48 14 pm

bug: line comment cannot be parsed

Give a very simple example, if I add a // followed by a newline to a correctly written contract, current version gives ParseError with message extraneous input \'/\' expecting {<EOF>, \'pragma\', \'import\', \'contract\', \'interface\', \'library\'} (1:0). This happens regardless where the comment is put.

Errors on parameters with storage or memory location

From aragon-core here

function transitionToVotingState(Vote storage vote) internal {
    vote.state = VoteState.Voting;
    OwnershipApp ownershipApp = getOwnershipApp();
    etc. . .

Error is:

"message": "mismatched input 'storage' expecting {',', ')'}",

Possible fix at this rule, and it's management here?

Federico, I don't want to hound you with PRs of questionable quality over here but as you know, I'm also perfectly happy to submit them. Somewhat curious about how this parser works. Whatever is easiest, though.

Parse fails for 0.4.23 contracts

After upgrading contracts to solc 0.4.23 parsing them fails with:

    throw new ParserError({ errors: listener.getErrors() })
    at new ParserError (/Users/Elena/colonyNetwork/node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/index.js:12:16)
    at Object.parse (/Users/Elena/colonyNetwork/node_modules/solidity-parser-antlr/src/index.js:53:11)
    at /Users/Elena/colonyNetwork/scripts/check-storage.js:23:25
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/Elena/colonyNetwork/scripts/check-storage.js:5:32)
    at Module._compile (module.js:641:30)
    at loader (/Users/Elena/colonyNetwork/node_modules/babel-register/lib/node.js:144:5)
    at Object.require.extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (/Users/Elena/colonyNetwork/node_modules/babel-register/lib/node.js:154:7)
    at Module.load (module.js:560:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:503:12)

Suspecting the culprit is the newly introduced constructor keyword.

Information loss in BinaryOperation when both sides are TupleExpression


contract A {
    function baz(){
        uint foo;
        uint bar;
        (foo,  , ,,  bar,) = (1,2,3,4,5,6);
> const ast = sp.parse(code);
> const expression = ast.children[0].subNodes[0].body.statements[1].expression

In above scenario, accessing the node expression.left gives info about foo & bar as 2 array items.
The problem is that after parsing, we loose the comma info in the tuple and therefore the ability to map the Identifier with its corresponding value.

Is there a work-around for this (I'm trying to avoid using my custom RegExp on the code string)?

(I'm not sure if this is a problem within the scope of a parser to solve, but it just feels like this information should be present).

Should the loop expression of a ForStatement be an ExpressionStatement?

The loop expression of the for statement gest the type ExpressionStatement added:

loopExpression: {
type: 'ExpressionStatement',
expression: this.visit(ctx.expression(1))

This is causing issues in prettier-solidity, where is difficult to know if an ExpressionStatement should have a semicolon or not (see prettier-solidity/prettier-plugin-solidity#46 and prettier-solidity/prettier-plugin-solidity#64 for the details). Since the loop expression of a for doesn't have a semicolon, calling it an ExpressionStatement feels wrong.

My question is if there's a good reason to do this, and if there's a chance of modifying it.


Parse left shift / right shift

Just one more:

uint256 constant FIXED_ONE = uint256(1) << PRECISION;

errors with:


FWIW I ran Zeppelin, Melonport, Chronobank, Bancor, & Gnosis through the parser and issues 5,6,7 are the only things that came up. Looks good!

Typescript type definition

Typescript is getting popular nowadays. In order for projects making use of this project getting benefits from the typing, a type definition is necessary for this library. This issue is to track the progress of such effort. There are already efforts on creating types for this library at . However, after discussion at #47 , we think that having type definition in this repo is more preferable.

CC all authors of the created types at @ type: @LogvinovLeon @albrow @yxliang01


  1. Port latest typing definition from @type : #49
  2. Introduce linting for the typing files
  3. Test cases for the types to make sure the implemented library has interface same as the defined type: #52 and more to happen
  4. Finish the typing for the current master version (some issues tracking in detail: #86 #87)

How to implement this for Vyper?

Hi @federicobond!

I'm interested in replicating this lib for vyper. These are the steps I think that would require, would appreciate if you can point out any big pieces I'm missing, or pitfalls I might not be seeing?

  1. Create a similar g4 file based on the vyper grammar (this is probably the hardest part)
  2. Change the test input to vyper code
  3. Customize much of the parser source to work with vyper.
  4. Update tests for this lib.

Thanks again for maintaining this awesome lib.

Error parsing function modifiers.

Hi Federico.

Thank you for creating this awesome tool! It’s been helping me a lot.

When I tried to parse a contract like the following, the parser parsed the code including an error:

contract Owned is temp {    
    modifier onlyOwner {
        assert(msg.sender == owner);
  "errors": [
      "message": "no viable alternative at input '_}'",
      "line": 5,
      "column": 4

This error is occurred because of underscore (indeed, if we remove the underscore, the parser would not report the error).
The underscore is a part of the source code of a contract running on Ethereum (a function modifier).

Thoughts on this? Thank you!

Issues with assembly function declarations

There seems to be an issue with Assembly Function Declarations. All of the following are valid according to remix, but this parser seems to only successfully parse the first one:

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract JoinSplit {
    function() external payable {
        assembly {
            function validateJoinSplit(y) -> x {

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract JoinSplit {
    function() external payable {
        assembly {
            function validateJoinSplit(y) {

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract JoinSplit {
    function() external payable {
        assembly {
            function validateJoinSplit() -> x {


Array variables not parsed correctly

The next code (version 0.2.12):

var parser = require('solidity-parser-antlr')

var input = `
    contract test {
        uint[] a;

try {
    const ast = parser.parse(input);
    console.log(JSON.stringify(ast, null, 4));
} catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof parser.ParserError) {

generates the output:

    "type": "SourceUnit",
    "children": [
            "type": "ContractDefinition",
            "name": "test",
            "baseContracts": [],
            "subNodes": [
                    "type": "StateVariableDeclaration",
                    "variables": [
                            "type": "VariableDeclaration",
                            "typeName": {
                                "type": "ElementaryTypeName",
                                "name": "uint"
                            "name": "a",
                            "expression": null,
                            "visibility": "default",
                            "isStateVar": true,
                            "isDeclaredConst": false,
                            "isIndexed": false
                    "initialValue": null
            "kind": "contract"

The type of the variable 'a' is 'ElementaryTypeName' instead of 'ArrayTypeName'.

incorrectly parses abstract func whose name is at the end

contract Foo {
    function(address) external returns (address) myFunc;

This code compiles (notice that the function's name is right before semicolon).

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any literature on the exact rules the compiler follows in this situation. Couldn't find anything helpful in the solidity grammar either.

(This pattern is not used very often, so not a big problem IMO)

Returning only contract and params (no func) when calling it in another method

Sorry If I was not clear with the title, I don't know how to explain the problem, TBH.

So, going directly into the problem, this using the code below, returns the result shown in the end. I was looking at the solidity-antlr4 repository and it seems to not be catching that use case and in fact, it's just missed. Am I right?

parser.visit(fLink, {
    FunctionCall: (functionCallNode) => {
        if ( === 'IERC721Receiver') {
{ type: 'FunctionCall',
  expression: { type: 'Identifier', name: 'IERC721Receiver' },
  arguments: [ { type: 'Identifier', name: 'to' } ],
  names: [] }


Problem with condititonExpression ForStatement

When initExpressions and conditionExpression are missing:
for( ; ; i++) {
// some code
The parser treats loopExpression as condititonExpression and loopExpression as null instead of leaving condititonExpression null.

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