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fastify-autoload's Introduction


CI NPM version js-standard-style

Convenience plugin for Fastify that loads all plugins found in a directory and automatically configures routes matching the folder structure.


npm i @fastify/autoload


Fastify server that automatically loads in all plugins from the plugins directory:

const fastify = require('fastify')
const autoload = require('@fastify/autoload')

const app = fastify()

app.register(autoload, {
  dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins')

app.listen({ port: 3000 })

or with ESM syntax:

import autoLoad from '@fastify/autoload'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { dirname, join } from 'path'
import fastify from 'fastify'

const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)
const __dirname = dirname(__filename)

const app = fastify()

app.register(autoLoad, {
  dir: join(__dirname, 'plugins')

app.listen({ port: 3000 })

Folder structure:

├── plugins
│   ├── hooked-plugin
│   │   ├── autohooks.mjs
│   │   ├── routes.js
│   │   └── children
│   │       ├── commonjs.cjs
│   │       ├── module.mjs
│   │       └── typescript.ts
│   ├── single-plugin
│   │   ├── index.js
│   │   └── utils.js
│   ├── more-plugins
│   │   ├── commonjs.cjs
│   │   ├── module.mjs
│   │   └── typescript.ts
│   └── another-plugin.js
├── package.json
└── app.js

Global Configuration

Autoload can be customised using the following options:

  • dir (required) - Base directory containing plugins to be loaded

    Each script file within a directory is treated as a plugin unless the directory contains an index file (e.g. index.js). In that case only the index file (and the potential sub-directories) will be loaded.

    The following script types are supported:

    • .js (CommonJS or ES modules depending on type field of parent package.json)
    • .cjs (CommonJS)
    • .mjs (ES modules)
    • .ts (TypeScript)
  • dirNameRoutePrefix (optional) - Default: true. Determines whether routes will be automatically prefixed with the subdirectory name in an autoloaded directory. It can be a sync function that must return a string that will be used as prefix, or it must return false to skip the prefix for the directory.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'routes'),
      dirNameRoutePrefix: false // lack of prefix will mean no prefix, instead of directory name
    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'routes'),
      dirNameRoutePrefix: function rewrite (folderParent, folderName) {
        if (folderName === 'YELLOW') {
          return 'yellow-submarine'
        if (folderName === 'FoOoO-BaAaR') {
          return false
        return folderName
  • matchFilter (optional) - Filter matching any path that should be loaded. Can be a RegExp, a string or a function returning a boolean.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      matchFilter: (path) => path.split("/").at(-2) === "handlers"
  • ignoreFilter (optional) - Filter matching any path that should not be loaded. Can be a RegExp, a string or a function returning a boolean.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      ignoreFilter: (path) => path.endsWith('.spec.js')
  • ignorePattern (optional) - RegExp matching any file or folder that should not be loaded.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      ignorePattern: /^.*(?:test|spec).js$/
  • scriptPattern (optional) - Regex to override the script files accepted by default. You should only use this option with a customization hooks provider, such as ts-node. Otherwise, widening the acceptance extension here will result in error.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      scriptPattern: /(?<!\.d)\.(ts|tsx)$/

- `indexPattern` (optional) - Regex to override the `index.js` naming convention

  fastify.register(autoLoad, {
    dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
    indexPattern: /^.*routes(?:\.ts|\.js|\.cjs|\.mjs)$/
  • maxDepth (optional) - Limits the depth at which nested plugins are loaded

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      maxDepth: 2 // files in `opts.dir` nested more than 2 directories deep will be ignored.
  • forceESM (optional) - If set to 'true' it always use await import to load plugins or hooks.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      forceESM: true
  • encapsulate (optional) - Defaults to 'true', if set to 'false' each plugin loaded is wrapped with fastify-plugin. This allows you to share contexts between plugins and the parent context if needed. For example, if you need to share decorators. Read this for more details.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      encapsulate: false
  • options (optional) - Global options object used for all registered plugins

    Any option specified here will override plugin.autoConfig options specified in the plugin itself.

    When setting both options.prefix and plugin.autoPrefix they will be concatenated.

    // index.js
    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      options: { prefix: '/defaultPrefix' }
    // /plugins/something.js
    module.exports = function (fastify, opts, next) {
      // your plugin
    module.exports.autoPrefix = '/something'
    // /plugins/something.mjs
    export default function (f, opts, next) {
      f.get('/', (request, reply) => {
        reply.send({ something: 'else' })
    export const autoPrefix = '/prefixed'
    // routes can now be added to /defaultPrefix/something
  • autoHooks (optional) - Apply hooks from autohooks.js file(s) to plugins found in folder

    Automatic hooks from autohooks files will be encapsulated with plugins. If false, all autohooks.js files will be ignored.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      autoHooks: true // apply hooks to routes in this level

    If autoHooks is set, all plugins in the folder will be encapsulated and decorated values will not be exported outside the folder.

  • autoHooksPattern (optional) - Regex to override the autohooks naming convention

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      autoHooks: true,
      autoHooksPattern: /^[_.]?auto_?hooks(?:\.js|\.cjs|\.mjs)$/i
  • cascadeHooks (optional) - If using autoHooks, cascade hooks to all children. Ignored if autoHooks is false.

    Default behaviour of autoHooks is to apply hooks only to the level on which the autohooks.js file is found. Setting cascadeHooks: true will continue applying the hooks to any children.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      autoHooks: true, // apply hooks to routes in this level,
      cascadeHooks: true // continue applying hooks to children, starting at this level
  • overwriteHooks (optional) - If using cascadeHooks, cascade will be reset when a new autohooks.js file is encountered. Ignored if autoHooks is false.

    Default behaviour of cascadeHooks is to accumulate hooks as new autohooks.js files are discovered and cascade to children. Setting overwriteHooks: true will start a new hook cascade when new autohooks.js files are encountered.

    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      autoHooks: true, // apply hooks to routes in this level,
      cascadeHooks: true, // continue applying hooks to children, starting at this level,
      overwriteHooks: true // re-start hook cascade when a new `autohooks.js` file is found
  • routeParams (optional) - Folders prefixed with _ will be turned into route parameters.

    If you want to use mixed route parameters use a double underscore __.

    ├── routes
    ├── __country-__language
    │   │  └── actions.js
    │   └── users
    │       ├── _id
    │       │   └── actions.js
    │       ├── __country-__language
    │       │   └── actions.js
    │       └── index.js
    └── app.js
    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'routes'),
      routeParams: true
      // routes/users/_id/actions.js will be loaded with prefix /users/:id
      // routes/__country-__language/actions.js will be loaded with prefix /:country-:language
    // curl http://localhost:3000/users/index
    // { userIndex: [ { id: 7, username: 'example' } ] }
    // curl http://localhost:3000/users/7/details
    // { user: { id: 7, username: 'example' } }
    // curl http://localhost:3000/be-nl
    // { country: 'be', language: 'nl' }

Override TypeScript detection using an environment variable

It is possible to override the automatic detection of a TypeScript-capable runtime using the FASTIFY_AUTOLOAD_TYPESCRIPT environment variable. If set to a truthy value Autoload will load .ts files, expecting that node has a TypeScript-capable loader.

This is useful for cases where you want to use Autoload for loading TypeScript files but detecting the TypeScript loader fails because, for example, you are using a custom loader.

It can be used like this:

FASTIFY_AUTOLOAD_TYPESCRIPT=1 node --loader=my-custom-loader index.ts

Plugin Configuration

Each plugin can be individually configured using the following module properties:

  • plugin.autoConfig - Specifies the options to be used as the opts parameter.

    module.exports = function (fastify, opts, next) {
      console.log( // 'bar'
    module.exports.autoConfig = { foo: 'bar' }

    Or with ESM syntax:

    import plugin from '../lib-plugin.js'
    export default async function myPlugin (app, options) {
      app.get('/', async (request, reply) => {
        return { hello: }
    export const autoConfig = { name: 'y' }

    You can also use a callback function if you need to access the parent instance:

    export const autoConfig = (fastify) => {
      return { name: 'y ' + fastify.rootName }

    However, note that the prefix option should be set directly on autoConfig for autoloading to work as expected:

    export const autoConfig = (fastify) => {
      return { name: 'y ' + fastify.rootName }
    autoConfig.prefix = '/hello'
  • plugin.autoPrefix - Set routing prefix for plugin

    module.exports = function (fastify, opts, next) {
      fastify.get('/', (request, reply) => {
        reply.send({ hello: 'world' })
    module.exports.autoPrefix = '/something'
    // when loaded with autoload, this will be exposed as /something

    Or with ESM syntax:

    export default async function (app, opts) {
      app.get('/', (request, reply) => {
        return { something: 'else' }
    export const autoPrefix = '/prefixed'
  • plugin.prefixOverride - Override all other prefix options

    // index.js
    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      options: { prefix: '/defaultPrefix' }
    // /foo/something.js
    module.exports = function (fastify, opts, next) {
      // your plugin
    module.exports.prefixOverride = '/overriddenPrefix'
    // this will be exposed as /overriddenPrefix

    Or with ESM syntax:

    export default async function (app, opts) {
      // your plugin
    export const prefixOverride = '/overriddenPrefix'

    If you have a plugin in the folder you do not want any prefix applied to, you can set prefixOverride = '':

    // index.js
    fastify.register(autoLoad, {
      dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
      options: { prefix: '/defaultPrefix' }
    // /foo/something.js
    module.exports = function (fastify, opts, next) {
      // your plugin
    // optional
    module.exports.prefixOverride = ''
    // routes can now be added without a prefix
  • plugin.autoload - Toggle whether the plugin should be loaded


    module.exports = function (fastify, opts, next) {
      // your plugin
    // optional
    module.exports.autoload = false
  • - Set name of plugin so that it can be referenced as a dependency

  • opts.dependencies - Set plugin dependencies to ensure correct load order


    // plugins/plugin-a.js
    const fp = require('fastify-plugin')
    function plugin (fastify, opts, next) {
      // plugin a
    module.exports = fp(plugin, {
      name: 'plugin-a',
      dependencies: ['plugin-b']
    // plugins/plugin-b.js
    function plugin (fastify, opts, next) {
      // plugin b
    module.exports = fp(plugin, {
      name: 'plugin-b'


    The autohooks functionality provides several options for automatically embedding hooks, decorators, etc. to your routes. CJS and ESM autohook formats are supported.

    The default behaviour of autoHooks: true is to encapsulate the autohooks.js plugin with the contents of the folder containing the file. The cascadeHooks: true option encapsulates the hooks with the current folder contents and all subsequent children, with any additional autohooks.js files being applied cumulatively. The overwriteHooks: true option will re-start the cascade any time an autohooks.js file is encountered.

    Plugins and hooks are encapsulated together by folder and registered on the fastify instance which loaded the @fastify/autoload plugin. For more information on how encapsulation works in Fastify, see:


    ├── plugins
    │   ├── hooked-plugin
    │   │   ├── autohooks.js // req.hookOne = 'yes' # CJS syntax
    │   │   ├── routes.js
    │   │   └── children
    │   │       ├── old-routes.js
    │   │       ├── new-routes.js
    │   │       └── grandchildren
    │   │           ├── autohooks.mjs // req.hookTwo = 'yes' # ESM syntax
    │   │           └── routes.mjs
    │   └── standard-plugin
    │       └── routes.js
    └── app.js
    // hooked-plugin/autohooks.js
    module.exports = async function (app, opts) {
      app.addHook('onRequest', async (req, reply) => {
        req.hookOne = yes;
    // hooked-plugin/children/grandchildren/autohooks.mjs
    export default async function (app, opts) {
      app.addHook('onRequest', async (req, reply) => {
        req.hookTwo = yes
    # app.js { autoHooks: true }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/standard-plugin/
    {} # no hooks in this folder, so behaviour is unchanged
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/
    { hookOne: 'yes' }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/children/old
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/children/new
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/children/grandchildren/
    { hookTwo: 'yes' }
    # app.js { autoHooks: true, cascadeHooks: true }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/
    { hookOne: 'yes' }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/children/old
    { hookOne: 'yes' }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/children/new
    { hookOne: 'yes' }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/children/grandchildren/
    { hookOne: 'yes', hookTwo: 'yes' } # hooks are accumulated and applied in ascending order
    # app.js { autoHooks: true, cascadeHooks: true, overwriteHooks: true }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/
    { hookOne: 'yes' }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/children/old
    { hookOne: 'yes' }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/children/new
    { hookOne: 'yes' }
    $ curl http://localhost:3000/hooked-plugin/children/grandchildren/
    { hookTwo: 'yes' } # new autohooks.js takes over



fastify-autoload's People


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fastify-autoload's Issues

An in-range update of standard is breaking the build 🚨

Version 12.0.1 of standard was just published.

Branch Build failing 🚨
Dependency standard
Current Version 12.0.0
Type devDependency

This version is covered by your current version range and after updating it in your project the build failed.

standard is a devDependency of this project. It might not break your production code or affect downstream projects, but probably breaks your build or test tools, which may prevent deploying or publishing.

Status Details
  • continuous-integration/travis-ci/push: The Travis CI build could not complete due to an error (Details).


The new version differs by 8 commits.

See the full diff

FAQ and help

There is a collection of frequently asked questions. If those don’t help, you can always ask the humans behind Greenkeeper.

Your Greenkeeper Bot 🌴

Load subfolders

🚀 Feature Proposal

Given the tree:

  • folder
    • file a
    • folder lv 1
      • file b
      • folder lv 2
        • file c

Only the file a is loaded and the other directories are ignored

In this example, I would register every folder and put all the files in the same context.


This lets the user organize the application in a more flexible structure where the URLs (except some prefix-override) is mapped to the project tree


fastify.register(require('fastify-autoload'), {
  dir: x,
  recursive: true // as rm -rf 😅

An in-range update of @types/node is breaking the build 🚨

The devDependency @types/node was updated from 12.7.0 to 12.7.1.

🚨 View failing branch.

This version is covered by your current version range and after updating it in your project the build failed.

@types/node is a devDependency of this project. It might not break your production code or affect downstream projects, but probably breaks your build or test tools, which may prevent deploying or publishing.

Status Details
  • continuous-integration/travis-ci/push: The Travis CI build could not complete due to an error (Details).

FAQ and help

There is a collection of frequently asked questions. If those don’t help, you can always ask the humans behind Greenkeeper.

Your Greenkeeper Bot 🌴

An in-range update of @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin is breaking the build 🚨

The devDependency @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin was updated from 2.19.0 to 2.19.1.

🚨 View failing branch.

This version is covered by your current version range and after updating it in your project the build failed.

@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin is a devDependency of this project. It might not break your production code or affect downstream projects, but probably breaks your build or test tools, which may prevent deploying or publishing.

Status Details
  • continuous-integration/travis-ci/push: The Travis CI build could not complete due to an error (Details).

Release Notes for v2.19.1

2.19.1 (2020-02-10)

Bug Fixes

  • eslint-plugin: [unbound-method] blacklist a few unbound natives (#1562) (4670aab)
  • typescript-estree: ts returning wrong file with project references (#1575) (4c12dac)

The new version differs by 5 commits.

  • 1c8f0df chore: publish v2.19.1
  • 4c12dac fix(typescript-estree): ts returning wrong file with project references (#1575)
  • e9cf734 docs(eslint-plugin): fix typo in readme
  • 10d86b1 docs(eslint-plugin): [no-dupe-class-members] fix typo (#1566)
  • 4670aab fix(eslint-plugin): [unbound-method] blacklist a few unbound natives (#1562)

See the full diff

FAQ and help

There is a collection of frequently asked questions. If those don’t help, you can always ask the humans behind Greenkeeper.

Your Greenkeeper Bot 🌴

Support route parameters in folder names

🚀 Feature Proposal

We should support automatic routes for route params, as example /user/:userId/cart

├── routes
│   ├── user
│   │   ├── _userId
│   │       └── cart.js
├── package.json
└── app.js

I would recommend we convert _ to : on loading.

fastify-cli, fastify-autoload Duplicate plugin: anonymous

You have already researched for similiar issues?

Yes. It doesn't seem to have been reported

What are you trying to achieve or the steps to reproduce?

Create a new project using fastify-cli and add a new plugin under the plugins directory.

fastify generate new-project
npm test
npm start

Duplicate plugins/support.js and name it as new_support.js. Change the decorated function name to someOtherSupport.

What was the result you received?

npm test fails with error "Duplicate plugin: anonymous". However, npm start does not cause any error.

When running tests, it seems like the plugin name is 'anonymous', but when running the app it takes the name of the file.

What did you expect?

Tests should behave same way as application start.


  • node version: v13.12.0
  • fastify version: 1.5.0
  • os: Mac
  • any other relevant information:

autoload don't support the es6 module

typescript module:
import fp from 'fastify-plugin'
import IFastifyInstance from '@airpay-sz/admin-common/dist/ts/types/IFastifyInstance'

export default fp(
(fastify: IFastifyInstance) => {
fastify.decorate('timestamp', function() {
name: 'fastify-timestamp'
tsc to js code
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fastify_plugin_1 = __importDefault(require("fastify-plugin"));
exports = fastify_plugin_1.default((fastify) => {
fastify.decorate('timestamp', function () {
}, {
fastify: '>=2.x',
name: 'fastify-timestamp'
the js code can't be load by fastify-plugin, because the plugin is an object
Boot.prototype.use = function (plugin, opts) {
if (typeof plugin === 'function') { // the plugin is an object
this._addPlugin(plugin, opts, false)
} else {
throw new Error('plugin must be a function')

return this

so fastify-autoload module need to update
if (plugin.autoload !== false) {
// need to check the plugin whether or not the function
fastify.register(plugin, pluginOptions)

feature: load plugins in order based on dependencies

Say we have plugin-a & plugin-b in ./plugins directory. And plugin-b is added as a dependencies in plugin-a.

With this an error is thrown, because plugin-a is getting loaded before the plugin-b. This happens due to the plugin files being read in the alphabetic order.

It would be good if fastify-autoload is smart enough to load the plugins in order they're being used.

why files other index.js don't work?

why files other index.js don't work?

I have a list-item.js file and there is a route in the file that has autoload register,
but the route cannot be accessed by the browser and autoload

Need some clarification on the way direcotries with index.js are handled

From the doc:

Each script file within a directory is treated as a plugin unless the directory contains an index file (e.g. index.js). In that case only the index file will be loaded.

In practice this is true only when the directory containing the index.js doesn't include other sub-directories. In this case the others plugins in the parent-directory and in the sub-directories are also loaded.

I don't know if its a bug or if the documentation isn't up-to-date. IMO adding a sub-directory shouldn't change the way the others plugins in the parent directory are handled.


Confusing example, auto prefixing

💬 Questions and Help

In the README there is the following example:

// index.js
fastify.register(AutoLoad, {
  dir: path.join(__dirname, 'services'),
  options: {}

// /services/items/get.js
module.exports = function (f, opts, next) {
  f.get('/:id', (request, reply) => {
    reply.send({ answer: 42 })


// /services/items/list.js
module.exports = function (f, opts, next) {
  f.get('/', (request, reply) => {
    reply.send([0, 1, 2])


My test:

server.register(AutoLoad, {
	dir: path.join(__dirname, 'modules/routes/v1'),
	options: { prefix: '/v1' },
	includeTypeScript: true


module.exports = (server, opts, next) => {
		url: "/:url",
		logLevel: "warn",
		method: ["GET"],
		schema: {
			params: {
				id: { type: 'string', maxLength: 2 },
			response: {}
		handler: async (request, reply) => {
			return reply.send({ url:, works: true });

Generated route:
GET /v1/:url

Looking at the README, I was under the impression that this would load routes using the directories path. Am I doing something wrong or I interpreted that the wrong way?

I removed the fastify-plugin route and converted it to a more standard one, but it didn't change anything it seems.

Import all plugins in parallel


for (const { file, type, prefix } of plugins) {
try {
const plugin = await loadPlugin(file, type, prefix, opts)
if (plugin) {
pluginsMeta[] = plugin
} catch (err) {
throw enrichError(err)
, the plugins are loaded one at a time.

Given import() is async, it's possible to parallelize it so they would load faster.

Feature Request: Some method to resolve all routes/plugins/options for bundling

🚀 Feature Proposal

Especially when using typescript, some end up running fastify through a bundler and treeshaking etc. It would be nice if some method was exposed to resolve everything immediately so that it can also be run through the bundler too.


Currently, using a bundler with fastify-autoload results in either not bundling the autoloaded routes or having to do a bunch of otherwise unnecessary internal virtual module resolution.


import autoLoad from 'fastify-autoload'
export default const resolved = autoLoad.resolve(options)

Version 10 of node.js has been released

Version 10 of Node.js (code name Dubnium) has been released! 🎊

To see what happens to your code in Node.js 10, Greenkeeper has created a branch with the following changes:

  • Added the new Node.js version to your .travis.yml

If you’re interested in upgrading this repo to Node.js 10, you can open a PR with these changes. Please note that this issue is just intended as a friendly reminder and the PR as a possible starting point for getting your code running on Node.js 10.

More information on this issue

Greenkeeper has checked the engines key in any package.json file, the .nvmrc file, and the .travis.yml file, if present.

  • engines was only updated if it defined a single version, not a range.
  • .nvmrc was updated to Node.js 10
  • .travis.yml was only changed if there was a root-level node_js that didn’t already include Node.js 10, such as node or lts/*. In this case, the new version was appended to the list. We didn’t touch job or matrix configurations because these tend to be quite specific and complex, and it’s difficult to infer what the intentions were.

For many simpler .travis.yml configurations, this PR should suffice as-is, but depending on what you’re doing it may require additional work or may not be applicable at all. We’re also aware that you may have good reasons to not update to Node.js 10, which is why this was sent as an issue and not a pull request. Feel free to delete it without comment, I’m a humble robot and won’t feel rejected 🤖

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Presence of `package.json` causes autoload to throw `Error: fastify-autoload cannot import plugin`.


  • I have written a descriptive issue title
  • I have searched existing issues to ensure it has not already been reported

Fastify version


Plugin version


Node.js version


Operating system


Operating system version (i.e. 20.04, 11.3, 10)



There seems to be a logic bug here that assumes indexDirent doesn't exist just because a package.json is present.


Lines 138 to 162 in ce2a45e

// Contains index file?
const indexDirent = list.find((dirent) => indexPattern.test(
if (indexDirent) {
const file = path.join(dir,
const type = getScriptType(file, options.packageType)
if (type === 'typescript' && !typescriptSupport) {
throw new Error(`fastify-autoload cannot import hooks plugin at '${file}'. To fix this error compile TypeScript to JavaScript or use 'ts-node' to run your app.`)
if (type === 'module' && !moduleSupport) {
throw new Error(`fastify-autoload cannot import hooks plugin at '${file}'. Your version of node does not support ES modules. To fix this error upgrade to Node 14 or use CommonJS syntax.`)
hookedAccumulator[prefix || '/'].plugins.push({ file, type, prefix })
const hasDirectory = list.find((dirent) => dirent.isDirectory())
if (!hasDirectory) {
return hookedAccumulator
// Contains package.json but no index.js file?
const packageDirent = list.find((dirent) => === 'package.json')
if (packageDirent) {
throw new Error(`fastify-autoload cannot import plugin at '${dir}'. To fix this error rename the main entry file to 'index.js' (or .cjs, .mjs, .ts).`)

I'm working in a TypeScript monorepo and am trying to minimize directory nesting. Loading __dirname seemed to work, but when I started to use workspaces and added a package.json to my api/, the autoloader stopped working.

If I understand the intent behind the code, I think it should be this, seeing as we may not have returned on line 154.

  // Contains package.json but no index.js file?
  const packageDirent = list.find((dirent) => === 'package.json')
  if (packageDirent && !indexDirent) {
    throw new Error(`fastify-autoload cannot import plugin at '${dir}'. To fix this error rename the main entry file to 'index.js' (or .cjs, .mjs, .ts).`)

Steps to Reproduce

  • create a package.json in a directory
  • create an index.(j|t)s in that directory
  • try to autoload the directory

If you remove the package.json it works again.

Expected Behavior

The autoloader should not throw if there is an index file and a package file.

Given these files.

├── auth
│   └── sign-in.ts
├── create-api.ts # export const autoload = false
├── index.ts      # export const autoload = false
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json
└── typings
    └── fastify
        └── index.d.ts
  /* api/create-api.ts */
  await api.register(fastifyAutoload, {
    dir: __dirname

100% code coverage

As titled, only a few lines are missing

File      |  % Stmts | % Branch |  % Funcs |  % Lines | Uncovered Line #s |
All files |    97.96 |    95.45 |      100 |    97.89 |                   |
 index.js |    97.96 |    95.45 |      100 |    97.89 |            96,149 |

"404 Not Found" with more than one routeParams


  • I have written a descriptive issue title
  • I have searched existing issues to ensure it has not already been reported

Fastify version


Plugin version


Node.js version


Operating system


Operating system version (i.e. 20.04, 11.3, 10)



Using a second+ param with routeParams option does not work, while using a second+ param inside a file work.

Example: route: /abc/_id1/def/_id2:

(temporary?) Solution:
It works correctly if instead of creating a _id2 directory I use :id2 in my file in my def folder.

fastify.get('/:id2', async function (request, reply) {
  return reply.code(200);

Steps to Reproduce

  • create a Fastify project using fastify-autoload
  • set routeParams to true
  • create a route with many params

Expected Behavior

Expecting the second+ _ folder is a param.

Example with plugin from node_modules

Hi there,

I use predefined template generated by fastify-cli, and I want to add fastify-cors via fastify-autoload situated in plugins folder, but have no idea how to do it in right way :(.

Can you share the example how to do it?

TypeScript clarification

Tl;DR: Can't get the autoPrefix thing to work with TS files & ts-node.

I've tried to use autoPrefix two ways with TypeScript files, and I cannot seem to find a way to it to work as expected.

Things I've tried

First Attempt

I tried to add the options.prefix to the Autoload call, like so

// server.ts
import * as Fastify from 'fastify';
import * as Autload from 'autoload';
import { join } from 'path';

const fastify = Fastify();
fastify.register(Autoload, {
  dir: join(process.cwd(), 'services'),
  includeTypeScript: true,
  options: {
    prefix: '/api'

fastify.listen(3000, '', (err, address)=> {
  if(err) {
  console.log(`Listening on ${address}`);
// services/user.ts
module.exports = (fastify, opts, next)=>{
  fastify.get('/user', (req, reply)=> { reply.send('hi'); });

This only adds in the /user route, and not /api/user

Second Attempt

Basically the same server.ts setup, minus the options object.

// services/user.ts
module.exports = (fastify, opts, next) => {
  fastify.get('/user', (r, reply)=>{reply.send('hi'); })

module.exports.autoPrefix = '/api';

In both cases /api/user is not found, but /user is.

Any tips on how to fix this? I'd be happy to submit a pull request for the documentation once I have a solution.

error with esm on windows

I was following @mcollina tutorial for Fastify, and I faced with an error related to fastify-autoload plugin:

Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ESM_URL_SCHEME]: Only file and data URLs are supported by the default ESM loader
    at Loader.defaultResolve [as _resolve] (internal/modules/esm/resolve.js:781:11)
    at Loader.resolve (internal/modules/esm/loader.js:85:40)
    at Loader.getModuleJob (internal/modules/esm/loader.js:229:28)
    at Loader.import (internal/modules/esm/loader.js:164:28)
    at importModuleDynamically (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1199:27)
    at exports.importModuleDynamicallyCallback (internal/process/esm_loader.js:30:14)
    at loadPlugin (C:\Users\amis\Desktop\fastify3-test\node_modules\fastify-autoload\index.js:117:5)
    at C:\Users\amis\Desktop\fastify3-test\node_modules\fastify-autoload\index.js:27:12
    at (<anonymous>)
    at fastifyAutoload (C:\Users\amis\Desktop\fastify3-test\node_modules\fastify-autoload\index.js:26:29) {

I'm running Node v14.7.0 on Windows 10.
This is how the app looks like:

import fastify from 'fastify'
import autoload from 'fastify-autoload'
import { join } from 'desm'

export default function (opts) {
    const app = fastify(opts)

    app.register(autoload, {
        dir: join(import.meta.url, 'routes')

    return app
export default async function (app) {
    app.get('/', async function (req, rep) {
        return { hello: 'world' }

[q]Autoload with dependencies

Fastify plugin module support dependencies section. If some plugins wrapped with fastify-plugin registered through autoload, then it checks only plugins, that are loaded through autoload. However it ignores plugins that are previously loaded with fastify.register.

Is that correct behaviour? Or it should check Symbol(registered-plugin) in fastify instance as well?

Type definition files should not attempt to be loaded

🐛 Bug Report

When using includeTypeScript: true, fastify-autload will attempt to load type definition files (.d.ts), causing syntax errors, such as Cannot use import statement outside a module.

This happens when Node is started into a directory built from TypeScript sources into a set of .js & .d.ts files.

To Reproduce

Reproduction repository available here:

Expected behavior

Since Node.js cannot understand type definition files, and they contain no runtime code, I believe the extension .d.ts should be ignored, even when includeTypeScript is true.

Your Environment

  • node version: 13.7.0
  • fastify version: 2.11.0
  • fastify-autoload version: 1.2.0
  • os: macOS

Extra "/" is appended to route url when load file from subfolder with depth >= 2

Directory Structure

  • projects
    • abc
      • xyz
        • index.js

index.js File

This file contains the routes.

module.exports = function (app, options, done) {
  app.get('/users', (request, reply) => {
    reply.send({ data: 'users' })


Autoload Config

app.register(autoload, {
  dir: path.join(__dirname, 'projects'),
  dirNameRoutePrefix: false,
  options: {
    prefix: '/projects/:id'

Route's URL Generated


There are two // before users.

This is happening because the index.js file is in subfolder xyz. I have tested it by creating one more subfolder inside xyz and put index.js file inside it. The url i get then /projects/:id///users. This time three /.

If I set dirNameRoutePrefix: true then I do not get extra / but then it add the folder name in url that i do not want.

Expected Route's URL


make folder-name based prefixes optional

🚀 Feature Proposal

Allow an option dirNameRoutePrefixing

Default to true as per current behaviour. When set to false any index.js files in folders registering routes will not auto prefix routes registration with directory name.


The reason is migration from fastify v2. People will not be expecting routes registered in subfolders to change.


  fastify.register(AutoLoad, {
    dir: path.join(__dirname, 'routes'),
    dirNameRoutePrefixing: false,
    options: Object.assign({}, opts)

Route auto-prefixing docs still relevant?

According to the docs routes in folders will be prefixed with the folder name automatically. I can't confirm this behavior with fastify 2.7.1 and fastify-autoload 1.0.0

unable to import fastify autoload

🐛 Bug Report

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
unable to run fastify server when importing fastify-autoload

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:
npm install --save fastify-autoload
const autoload = require('fastify-autoload')

const fastify = require('fastify')
const path = require('path')
const autoload = require('fastify-autoload')
const app= fastify({ logger: true })

  const startFastify = async () => {
    try {
      await app.listen(3333);`server listening on ${app.server.address().port}`);
    } catch (err) {

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
server should start

// Paste the expected results here

Your Environment

  • node version: 8.10.0
  • fastify version: >=3.8.0
  • os: Linux
  • any other relevant information

Automatically wrap route files

🚀 Feature Proposal

We're migrating an API to fastify and somehow the boilerplate

module.exports = function (fastify, opts, next) {
    method: 'GET',
    url: '/',

feels a bit clunky. I'd like to propose just the route content in a file:

module.exports = {
  method: 'GET',
  url: '/',

For most cases this is totally sufficient. If additional config/options are required, a regular plugin/route function can be exported.


As mentioned above, the plugin structure feels a bit clunky in each and every file.


The default type is a function and the new proposal would be an object (method is always required anyway), so I'm thinking somewhere along the lines of (

const content = require(file)
let plugin

if (content && typeof content === 'object' && content.method) {
  plugin = function (fastify, opts, next) {
} else {
  plugin = content

This is non-breaking, but to be safe it could also be flagged with an new option "wrapRoutes" or something like that.

I'm testing this locally, but I'm currently getting an error when running npm test?

test/error.js ......................................... 1/2
  not ok should match pattern provided
    found: >-
      Unexpected token '}' at
    pattern: '/Unexpected token \} at .*\/test\/error\/lib\/a.js:6/'
      line: 14
      column: 5
      file: test/error.js
    stack: |
      Object._encapsulateThreeParam (node_modules/avvio/boot.js:408:13)
      Boot.callWithCbOrNextTick (node_modules/avvio/boot.js:339:5)
      release (node_modules/fastq/queue.js:127:16)
      Object.resume (node_modules/fastq/queue.js:61:7)
      done (node_modules/avvio/plugin.js:136:5)
      check (node_modules/avvio/plugin.js:147:7)
    source: |
      t.match(err.message, /Unexpected token \} at .*\/test\/error\/lib\/a.js:6/)

mjs compatibility in Node 12

Node 12 has landed EcmaScript Modules support in a shape that would resemble the final result. IMHO it’s time to test this module and make sure that we can load native .mjs files.

We might need to refactor certain parts, but I think it’s worthwhile - we can also use this to open issue against Node core and provide feedbacks on modules themselves.

Can i set the create decorator child from folder?

So this plugin are creating a decorators name based on folders but. what if I want the nested decorators?
are there any options?

  fastify.register(AutoLoad, {
    dir: path.join(__dirname, 'models'),
    options: Object.assign({}, opts)


├── pets/
│   ├── index.js
├── users/
│   ├── index.js

and can access it with. fastify.models.pets ? can I do that ? Or i just create the decorator and then

fastify.decorate('conf', {
  users:  theServiceUsers,
  pets: theServicePets,

fastify-plugin option

🚀 Feature Proposal

An option in the plugin for wrapping the export in a fastify-plugin.


It'd make all my plugins cleaner by just having an option to specific if it needs to be wrapped or not.
requiring fastify-plugin in each plugin file is annoying and tedious, this would clean lots of code up a bit and wouldn't affect existing code.


module.exports = async function (app, options) {

module.exports.wrap = true

plugin.autoConfig not working with TypeScript compiled code

🐛 Bug Report

A valid plugin declaration is not working since fastify-autoload only checks if plugin.autoConfig is defined, but export default plugin compiles to exports.default = in JS.
Checking the code there are already places where fastify-autoload searches for plugin.default property (L169).

To Reproduce

Declare a new fastify plugin written like this in TS:

import { FastifyInstance, FastifyError } from 'fastify'
import fp from 'fastify-plugin'
import nano, { ServerScope, Configuration } from 'nano'

function couchDB(
  fastify: FastifyInstance,
  options: Configuration,
  next: (err?: FastifyError | undefined) => void,
) {
  const couch = nano(options)
  fastify.decorate('couch', couch)

couchDB.autoConfig = {
  url: 'http://localhost:5984',

export default fp(couchDB)

declare module 'fastify' {
  interface FastifyInstance {
    couch: ServerScope

This compiles to:

"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const fastify_plugin_1 = __importDefault(require("fastify-plugin"));
const nano_1 = __importDefault(require("nano"));
function couchDB(fastify, options, next) {
    const couch = nano_1.default(options);
    fastify.decorate('couch', couch);
couchDB.autoConfig = {
    url: 'http://localhost:5984',
exports.default = fastify_plugin_1.default(couchDB);

As you can see the module lacks of module.exports and just have exports.default.

An alternative method to fix this bug could be using the "legacy" export = syntax in TS.

import { FastifyInstance, FastifyError } from 'fastify'
import fp from 'fastify-plugin'
import nano, { ServerScope, Configuration } from 'nano'

function couchDB(
  fastify: FastifyInstance,
  options: Configuration,
  next: (err?: FastifyError | undefined) => void,
) {
  const couch = nano(options)
  fastify.decorate('couch', couch)

couchDB.autoConfig = {
  url: 'http://localhost:5984',

export = fp(couchDB)

declare module 'fastify' {
  interface FastifyInstance {
    couch: ServerScope

that compiles to:

"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
    return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
const fastify_plugin_1 = __importDefault(require("fastify-plugin"));
const nano_1 = __importDefault(require("nano"));
function couchDB(fastify, options, next) {
    const couch = nano_1.default(options);
    fastify.decorate('couch', couch);
couchDB.autoConfig = {
    url: 'http://localhost:5984',
module.exports = fastify_plugin_1.default(couchDB);

However many developers don't even know this syntax exists or, even worse, what it does. In addition to that, if it remains like this, fastify-autoload will force developers to use two different export methods, depending if or not the plugin will be autoloaded by fastify-autoload.

Expected behavior

The plugin.autoConfig, when declared on plugin.default.autoConfig is added to the options and passed to the plugin.

Your Environment

  • node version: v12.14.0
  • fastify version: 2.11.0
  • fastify-autoload version: 1.2.0
  • os: macOS

Wired url when register from root dir

🐛 Bug Report

when using fastify-autoload with router in the root directory with no path fastify.get('/') and prefix option

To Reproduce


server.register(autoload, {
	dir: path.join(__dirname, 'dir'),
	options: { prefix: 'v1/' }


module.exports = async (server, opts) => {
	server.get('/', async (req, reply) => {
		reply.send({ works: true })

Expected behavior

register only
/v1 /v1/

Actual behavior

it register
/v1/ /v1//

Your Environment

  • node version:12
  • fastify version: >=tested on both 3.0.0 and 2.15
  • os: Windows

Only load top-level directories

🚀 Feature Proposal

Before the support for subdirectory loading, we only loaded top-level directory index.js files,
since v3 we have the ability to load automatically from subdirectories.

I saw a PR that would add a recursive option to configure loading subdirectories or not (#72).
Loading of subdirectories was actually fixed in #76, but I could not find a similar option implemented.


The motivation is for upgrading the autoloader with an existing file structure that was not built for loading plugins recursively.
All our modules are defined at the top-level and we have other (non-fastify) code in there.


Example directory structure:

├── auth
│   ├── controller.js
│   ├── handlers.js
│   ├── index.js
│   └── schemas
│       ├── index.js
│       ├── login
│       └── register
└── root.js

This issue here is that it will try to load schemas/index.js as a Fastify plugin.

I believe the initial proposal of having a recursive option when setting up the autoloader was a good idea.

fastify.register(AutoLoad, {
  dir: path.join(__dirname, 'modules'),
  recursive: false

Right now we're solving this by having a really big ignorePattern RegEx but that won't scale very well. 🙂

ts-jest detection broken with npm 7

🐛 Bug Report

In npm 7, environment variables like npm_package_devDependencies* environment variables are no longer present, and so this check that fastify-autoload performs to determine whether ts-jest is present is no longer working.

Would it be possible to expose typescriptSupport as a configuration option, so that there's an escape hatch in circumstances where detection does not work?

To Reproduce

  1. Install npm 7
  2. Run npm run typescript:jest in this package

Expected behavior

The tests should pass, but instead, the same error described in this issue occurs.

Your Environment

  • node version: 115
  • fastify version: 3.5.2
  • os: macOS

Syntax errors are not reported correctly

        SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
            ResultsHolder.release (node_modules/fastparallel/parallel.js:185:9)
            SingleCaller.release (node_modules/fastparallel/parallel.js:157:17)
            fs.stat (node_modules/fastify-autoload/index.js:23:9)

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning when a folder is loaded without entrypoint

fastify.register(AutoLoad, {
  dir: path.join(__dirname, 'foo')

if "foo" contains .js files but not index.js nor package.json to define an entry point, the following error is thrown:

(node:4277) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Cannot find module '/api/services/orders'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:582:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:508:25)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:637:17)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:22:18)
    at (/api/node_modules/fastify-autoload/index.js:77:26)
    at ResultsHolder.release (/api/node_modules/fastparallel/parallel.js:185:9)
    at SingleCaller.release (/api/node_modules/fastparallel/parallel.js:157:17)
    at fs.readdir (/api/node_modules/fastify-autoload/index.js:47:13)
    at FSReqWrap.args [as oncomplete] (fs.js:140:20)

#33 addresses this issue by loading .js files within a folder.

Plugin can not be used in SWC but has to be executed in ts-node


  • I have written a descriptive issue title
  • I have searched existing issues to ensure the bug has not already been reported

Fastify version


Plugin version


Node.js version


Operating system


Operating system version (i.e. 20.04, 11.3, 10)



Hey, I want to use this plugin in TypeScript without ts-node. Instead, I'm piping the project via @swc/register to NodeJS. But when the project starts, it shows:

Error: fastify-autoload cannot import plugin at 'xxx/xx.ts'. To fix this error compile TypeScript to JavaScript or use 'ts-node' to run your app.

I can apply a hacky workaround with this

      Object.assign(process, { [Symbol.for('ts-node.register.instance')]: undefined });

Do we really need this plugin to check if it runs in TypeScript anyway? Seems a bit redundant...

Steps to Reproduce

  • Use @swc/register to transpile the project by running
    node -r tsconfig-paths/register -r @swc/register server/index.ts

Expected Behavior

No response

Validation Errors Not Attached in plugins From autoloaded routes

🐛 Bug Report

I'm using this plugin to load plugins from 2 different directories. Plugins and routes. One of the plugins calls setErrorHandler. the routes set attachValidation: true, but the error handler is never passed back an validation information

I can tell that is is a validation error based on the message, but the actual validation errors are never attached

    Error: account is required!
        at Object.$main (eval at build (/home/esatterwhite/dev/logdna/accounts-service/node_modules/fast-json-stringify/index.js:149:20), <anonymous>:133:15)
        at serialize (/home/esatterwhite/dev/logdna/accounts-service/node_modules/fastify/lib/validation.js:132:41)
        at preserializeHookEnd (/home/esatterwhite/dev/logdna/accounts-service/node_modules/fastify/lib/reply.js:306:15)
        at preserializeHook (/home/esatterwhite/dev/logdna/accounts-service/node_modules/fastify/lib/reply.js:293:5)
        at _Reply.Reply.send (/home/esatterwhite/dev/logdna/accounts-service/node_modules/fastify/lib/reply.js:146:7)
        at /home/esatterwhite/dev/logdna/accounts-service/node_modules/fastify/lib/wrapThenable.js:27:15
        at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)

To Reproduce

├── plugins
│   ├── health-check.js
│   ├── http-404.js
│   ├── http-error.js
│   ├── load-fastify-schema.js
│   ├── route-map.js
│   └── swagger.js
├── routes
│   └── v1
│       └── account
│           └── post-account.js
├── index.js


const path = require('path')
const fastify = require('fastify')
const Autoload = require('fastify-autoload')
const server = fastify({logger: log})

server.register(AutoLoad, {
  dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins')

server.register(AutoLoad, {
  dir: path.join(__dirname, 'routes', 'v1')
, options: {prefix: 'v1/'}

module.exports = server

if (require.main === module) {
  process.once('SIGTERM', onSignal)
  process.once('SIGINT', onSignal)

    .catch(/* istanbul ignore next */(err) => {
      server.log.error(err, 'server failed to start')
      process.nextTick(() => {
        throw err

async function startup() {
  await server.ready()
  await server.listen(3000)
async function onSignal(signal) {`system signal received ${signal}`)
  try {
    await server.close()
  } catch (err) {
    /* istanbul ignore next */
    server.log.error(err, {err})


const fluent = require('fluent-schema')

module.exports = {
  path: '/'
, method: 'POST'
, attachValidation: true
, schema: {
    body: fluent
      .prop('status', fluent.string().enum(['trial'])).valueOf()
, handler: async (req, res) => {
    return {foo: 'bar'}

Error Plugin

'use strict'

const {STATUS_CODES} = require('http')
const plugin = require('fastify-plugin')


module.exports = plugin(httpError, {
  name: '@answerbook/fastify-http-error'
, fastify: '>=2.0.0'

function httpError(fastify, opts, next) {
  fastify.setErrorHandler((err, req, res) => {
    consol.log('validation', req.validationError)
    const log = req.log
    const {statusCode = 500} = err
    const fn = statusCode >= 500
      ? log.error.bind(log)
      : log.warn.bind(log)

        message: STATUS_CODES[statusCode]
      , code: err.code || EINTERNAL
      , status: statusCode

  fastify.log.debug('[plugin]: http-error loaded')

Expected behavior

Validation errors should be attached to the error or request

Your Environment

  • node version: 12
  • fastify version: >=2.0.0
  • os: Linux

Plugins in sub-directories ignoring parent plugins as dependencies

🐛 Bug Report

Plugins in sub-directories are not respecting dependency chains.

To Reproduce

Given the following code/directory tree myPluginFoo throws an error stating that myPluginBar has not been registered:

await server.register(autoLoad, {
  dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
  maxDepth: 1,
  ignorePattern: /__tests__/,
├── plugins
│   ├── myPluginFoo // has a dep on myPluginBar
│   │   └── index.js
|   └── myPluginBar.js

Given the following code with a bit of a shim, dependencies work as expected (note we're disabling maxDepth):

await server.register(autoLoad, {
  dir: path.join(__dirname, 'plugins'),
  maxDepth: 0,
  ignorePattern: /__tests__/,
// myFooShim.js
export { default } from './myPluginFoo
├── plugins
│   ├── myPluginFoo // has a dep on myPluginBar
│   |   └── index.js
|   └── myFooShim.js
|   └── myPluginBar.js

Expected behavior

This regression was highlighted during an upgrade from fastify-autoload 3.3 -> 3.5.0

Your Environment

  • node version: 12
  • fastify version: >=2.0.0
  • fastify-autoload version: 3.5.0

Add register priority based on plugin type

🚀 Feature Proposal

Add the ability to customize the order in which fastify-autoload registers plugins, plugins
can export an additional property called priority.

module.exports = async function () {}
module.exports.priority = 'plugin'

autoload will then sort all the plugins based on their priority and register them, the plugins should be sorted like:

  1. plugin
  2. decorator
  3. hook
  4. service

similar to how fastify docs recommends how to order the register calls to load your plugins.


This would make fastify-autoload more developer friendly.


For example we have the following few plugins:


const fp = require('fastify-plugin')

async function constants () {
   // .....

module.exports = fp(constants)
module.exports.priority = 'decorator'


const fp = require('fastify-plugin')

async function authHooks () {
  // ....

module.exports = fp(authHook)
module.exports.priority = 'hook'


const path = require('path')
const Fastify = require('fastify')
const autoload = require('autoload')

const app = Fastify({ logger: false })

app.register(autoload, { dir: path.join(__dirname, 'shared') })

Here autoload will always register the decorator plugin before the hooks plugin.

pluginMetadata is empty in v1.2.2

const pluginMeta = plugin[Symbol.for('plugin-meta')] || {}

Hello, dependencies loading are not respected because it seems that plugin[Symbol.for('plugin-meta')] is always undefined.

To create my plugins I'm using [email protected].

For instance when I print plugin in some of my code I get:

  default: [Function: connectDynamoDB] {
    [Symbol(skip-override)]: true,
    [Symbol(fastify.display-name)]: 'dynamodb-connector',
    [Symbol(plugin-meta)]: {
      name: 'dynamodb-connector',
      fastify: '2.x',
      decorators: [Object],
      dependencies: [Array]

Therefore I believe we should change to const pluginMeta = plugin.default[Symbol.for('plugin-meta')] || {}.

Does it make sense to fix this and publish a v1.2.3?
Although, I'm not sure it is still possible (cc. @mcollina).

Test fails at plugin pattern

🐛 Bug Report

I can't commit changes since tests are failing on master.

To Reproduce

HEAD is now at fee5f88 update package (#53)
Sites/fastify-autoload [master] » npm run test

> [email protected] test /Users/patrick/Sites/fastify-autoload
> standard | snazzy && tap test/*.js && npm run typescript

test/basic.js ....................................... 47/47
test/dependency.js .................................. 22/22
test/error.js ......................................... 1/2
  not ok should match pattern provided
    found: >-
      Unexpected token '}' at
    pattern: '/Unexpected token \} at .*\/test\/error\/lib\/a.js:6/'
      line: 14
      column: 5
      file: test/error.js
    stack: |
      Object._encapsulateThreeParam (node_modules/avvio/boot.js:408:13)
      Boot.callWithCbOrNextTick (node_modules/avvio/boot.js:339:5)
      release (node_modules/fastq/queue.js:127:16)
      Object.resume (node_modules/fastq/queue.js:61:7)
      done (node_modules/avvio/plugin.js:136:5)
      check (node_modules/avvio/plugin.js:147:7)
    source: |
      t.match(err.message, /Unexpected token \} at .*\/test\/error\/lib\/a.js:6/)

total ............................................... 70/71

  70 passing (2s)
  1 failing

Expected behavior

Tests should pass.

Your Environment

  • node version: 12
  • fastify version: >=1.0.0
  • os: MacOS

Autoload ignore/include pattern

I like to keep my tests in the same folder as the original files.


Is it possible to ignore *.test.js files from autoloading?

Object Syntax

🚀 Feature Proposal

A way to define plugins as objects.


Less code to write for simple plugins, smaller, compact format when it makes sense.


export default {
  decorate: {
    helper () {
  decorateRequest: {
    $placeholder: null
  async onRequest (req) {
    req.$placeholder = 'something'

With fastify-plugin:

export default {
  encapsulate: true,
  decorate: {
    helper () {
  decorateRequest: {
    $placeholder: null
  async onRequest (req) {
    req.$placeholder = 'something'

Jest -> ts-jest + Typescript does not appear to be working

🐛 Bug Report

In Fastify-Autoload 1.x jest tests + typescript worked with fastify-autoload with seemingly no issue as long as the includeTypescript: true configuration was passed. With the new version it appears that has been removed in favor of automatically supporting ts-node. I don't 100% know everything about ts-jest but I do not believe it uses ts-node and yet it worked before. It seems like this should still work.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

clone this repo -

run npm install
run npm run test

see that fasitify-autoload is working correctly in

In the same repo - upgrade fastify-swagger, fastify, fastify-plugin, and fastify-autoload all to the latest version by switching to the branch in progress(the 3.0 migration for fastify + typescript).
git checkout fastify-upgrade
npm install
npm run test

Notice fastify-autoload will no longer load any plugins.

fastify-autoload cannot import plugin at '/Users/johnwolfe/Desktop/repositories/fastify-typescript-starter/src/plugins/globalErrorHandler.ts'. To fix this error compile TypeScript to JavaScript or use 'ts-node' to run your app.

      at findPlugins (node_modules/fastify-autoload/index.js:87:15)
      at fastifyAutoload (node_modules/fastify-autoload/index.js:19:19)

Additionally if I hardcode this line:

It mostly works, but doesn't load an index.ts file in the services folder from: EDIT: it works fine - I did not correctly understand the new behavior of how autoload plugin handles nested folders
I am waiting for fastify.ready() but it seems like it's firing before the second call to the autoload plugin has finished resolving or something. EDIT: It loads all modules correctly according to how Autoload uses nested folders as pathnames now.

Any help is appreciated :)

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