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dfcaverns's Issues

Sapling Functions

I'm trying to add support for my bonemeal mod so that df_cavern saplings can be grown quickly, and while some of them are done so far others are a tad more difficult as there is no simple function supplied to grow the sapling e.g.

df_trees:black_cap_sapling has df_trees.spawn_black_cap(pos) as a helper but..

df_primordial_items:fern_sapling does not and instead selects a rotation and gets the fern schematic before placing it, so a helper was required to make this work:

	local function fern_fix(pos)
		minetest.set_node(pos, {name = "air"})
		local rotations = {0, 90, 180, 270}
			df_primordial_items.get_fern_schematic(), rotations[math.random(1,#rotations)])


  • Rework cooking. Current cooking recipes don't make much sense
  • Add Sweet Pod Sugar to "sugar" group
  • Add some uses to Primordial small plants
  • Limit growing Tower Caps, Fungiwoods, Goblin Caps, Spore Trees, Tunnel Tubes and Primordial trees to substrate they are naturally found on (similarly to trees from Ethereal mod)

Tunnel Tube biome spawns unexpected nodes from other mods

I am hosting a Minetest 5.8.0 server using Docker with the dfcaverns mod, the tpad mod and a few others. On our server, the tpad is meant to be rare and difficult to obtain. However, the tpad seems to spawn abundantly in the tunnel tube biome:


How to replicate

  1. Start a MineClone2 game (singleplayer or server) and load the dfcaverns modpack + the tpad mod
  2. Find a tunnel tube biome
  3. Look around, there's a few tpads spawning here and there. If you cannot find them, you can consider trying the seed and coordinates from the screenshots.

Crash on startup when mesecons is in use


ModError: Failed to load and run script from /home/aleri/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_dependencies/init.lua:
.../aleri/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_dependencies/init.lua:19: Found more than one item for dependency set { ["mesecons"] = mesecons:wire_00000000_off,["default"] = default:mese_crystal,} 
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'assert'
	.../aleri/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_dependencies/init.lua:19: in function 'select_required'
	...aleri/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_dependencies/nodes.lua:9: in function 'select_required'
	...aleri/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_dependencies/nodes.lua:57: in main chunk
	[C]: in function 'dofile'
	.../aleri/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_dependencies/init.lua:37: in main chunk
Check debug.txt for details.

Crashes with 5.5.0 before opening

I upgraded to 5.5.0 recently and with this mod it crashes at opening with the following error message

ModError: Failed to load and run script from /home/moi/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/init.lua:
/home/moi/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/level1.lua:297: attempt to call field 'register_layer' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
/home/moi/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/level1.lua:297: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'dofile'
/home/moi/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/init.lua:13: in main chunk

proper tool use

For the case invulnerable_slade = true
I suggest to remove the groups = {cracky=3} for slade nodes.


  • Slade nodes have a strange behavior, because you can dig them even with low level pickaxes very fast, before they are "placed back by the server". Which is confusing, because slade nodes should behave as tough material.
  • This behavior allows for entering through slade if there is a weak connection from the client to the server.

For the case
invulnerable_slade = false
I suggest to treat different slade nodes differently (and tougher than most of the other MTG nodes), like

  • the "df_underworld_items:slade_sand" having groups = {crumbly = 3, level=2}
  • the "df_underworld_items:slade_brick" having groups = {cracky=1, level=2}
  • the "df_underworld_items:slade_block" having groups = {cracky=1, level=3} (or even groups = {cracky=1, level=5})
  • and so on...

df_primordial_items attempt to call global 'S' (a nil value)

2020-07-11 05:51:22: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "S" accessed at ...rad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_primordial_items/doc.lua:5
2020-07-11 05:51:22: ERROR[Main]: ModError: Failed to load and run script from /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_primordial_items/init.lua:
2020-07-11 05:51:22: ERROR[Main]: ...rad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_primordial_items/doc.lua:5: attempt to call global 'S' (a nil value)
2020-07-11 05:51:22: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2020-07-11 05:51:22: ERROR[Main]:       ...rad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_primordial_items/doc.lua:5: in main chunk
2020-07-11 05:51:22: ERROR[Main]:       [C]: in function 'dofile'
2020-07-11 05:51:22: ERROR[Main]: in main chunk

Line 5 of ~/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_primordial_items/doc.lua

df_primordial_items.doc.big_mushroom_desc = S("Compared to the behemoths found elsewhere in the deep places of the world, the giant mushrooms of the primordial jungles are on the smaller side - often overwhelmed by the green plants that grow in the mysterious light below. Still, they can become substantial resources.")

The lines below that in the file look pretty similar.

Line 6 in ~/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_primordial_items/init.lua


Reduce selection boxes for non-fully-grown plants

This could be done either as (current_stage / max_stage), or as a small fraction for all incomplete plants.

Among other things, this would provide a clear distinction between fully-grown and still-growing plants (for those that don't already have a color difference), preventing the latter from accidentally being harvested.

Sometimes it is possible to accidentally place a seed on top of a plant. When you then dig the seed, it falls to the ground and can't be picked up due to the plant's selection box.

(Mostly unrelated, but is there anything to be done about how unified_inventory shuffles the recipes?)

Buggy air bubbles in bottom of flooded caverns.

seed = 10986413373913844750 near (-128, -1411, -40), facing south under the ledge, but I have not attempted to reproduce.

If you try to place something in one, the normal liquid logic starts (flowing, then filling in).

I think the first one was 3x1x1, and there's a separate 1x1 still there.

Use of `string` instead of `tostring`

I encountered a crash while playing Mesecraft.

2023-10-13 22:28:41: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'df_caverns' in callback environment_OnGenerated(): ...esecraft\mods\MODULES\dfcaverns\df_trees/tunnel_tube.lua:444: attempt to call global 'string' (a table value)
2023-10-13 22:28:41: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2023-10-13 22:28:41: ERROR[Main]: 	...esecraft\mods\MODULES\dfcaverns\df_trees/tunnel_tube.lua:444: in function 'spawn_tunnel_tube_vm'
2023-10-13 22:28:41: ERROR[Main]: 	...s\mesecraft\mods\MODULES\dfcaverns\df_caverns/level2.lua:137: in function 'tunnel_tube_cavern_floor'
2023-10-13 22:28:41: ERROR[Main]: 	...s\mesecraft\mods\MODULES\dfcaverns\df_caverns/level2.lua:213: in function 'decorate'
2023-10-13 22:28:41: ERROR[Main]: 	...mes\mesecraft\mods\MODULES\dfcaverns\subterrane\init.lua:589: in function <...mes\mesecraft\mods\MODULES\dfcaverns\subterrane\init.lua:357>
2023-10-13 22:28:41: ERROR[Main]:\minetest-5.7.0-win64\bin\..\builtin\game\register.lua:446: in function <\minetest-5.7.0-win64\bin\..\builtin\game\register.lua:432>
The culprit seems to be a use of string() instead of tostring(), but fixing it won't be enough, we need to know how we got in the condition pattern == nil. I'm investigating.

Darkness prevents to appreciate the landscapes

The underground biomes are gorgeous, but you can't see them; I've worked around this by simply adding a faint light source to some nodes (previews at page bottom):

minetest.override_item("dfcaverns:blood_thorn", {
	light_source = 5,

minetest.override_item("dfcaverns:dirt_with_cave_moss", {
	light_source = 5,

minetest.override_item("dfcaverns:cobble_with_floor_fungus", {
	light_source = 5,

minetest.override_item("dfcaverns:nether_cap", {
	light_source = 5,

minetest.override_item("dfcaverns:black_cap_stem", {
	light_source = 5,

minetest.override_item("dfcaverns:tower_cap", {
	light_source = 5,

minetest.override_item("dfcaverns:spore_tree_hyphae", {
	light_source = 5,

minetest.override_item("dfcaverns:tunnel_tube", {
	light_source = 5,

minetest.override_item("dfcaverns:goblin_cap", {
	light_source = 5,




Add mobs via Mobs Redo

I have had a lot of fun so far with this mod and tenplus1's mobs redo monsters. Sadly, no peaceful mobs spawn due to the low light levels, and the monsters that do spawn are just too rare in the upper layers and too common around the lower caverns where there is little to no light.

I'm hoping you can add a statement that checks for Mobs Redo at startup and adds mobs if detected. I'd love to do it myself but I haven't used Minetest's codebase enough.  However, if you need models and textures, I can help with that as I'm skilled with CAD and have decent experience with modeling as well.

Here are some thoughts I had as to potential mobs.

Dwarves (though this might actually ruin some of the appeal of this mod, strangely)
They could live in small dugouts lined with a unique node where they would both spawn and remain for the night. During the day they would do things such as:
-Kill hostile mobs near their home
-Farm the moss and fungi
-Build structures such as small towers or work on a central castle (Yes, this would be insanely hard)
-Mine for precious minerals that they place in chests
As to their behavior towards you, dwarves would be neutral unless attacked in which case all nearby dwarves (say, within 15 blocks) would become permanently hostile, even mining through the walls of your home to get at you. It also seems like a good idea to incorporate some of tenplus1's trader mod and make the dwarves offer to trade ores for rare materials like real wood, string, cotton, et cetera - basically, the things that can't be obtained in the caves and you'll need to go to the surface for.

Also, how about cap spiders? Think of a traditional Minetest spider and then replace the abdomen with a mushroom cap. Make the legs longer and skinnier, and voila!  These would be hostile if you traveled within 15 or so blocks of them, climbing up walls to reach you. However, they would avoid torchlight if at all possible so it wouldn't be hard to keep them from coming too near to your home.

Furthermore, goblins are an obvious choice for mobs in the second layer. They would be hostile if you go within 5 blocks or so, but otherwise neutral. However, goblins are mischeivous creatures and could occasionaly steal blocks placed by players. Bones, chests and other containers should be off-limits but anything else is fair game, with torches and doors being high priorities.

Regarding peaceful mobs, there is currently no way to obtain string or wool in the caves, if I'm correct. It would be nice to see a six-legged neutral insect that grows fungus on its back which can then be harvested with shears and used as a substitute for wool. This 'fungus bale' could also be craftable into four 'fungus string'.

I'm thinking also of small ant-like creature which could live near tunnel tubes. Again, it would be neutral and not do anything except add some extra life to the caverns.

Another mob it would be fun to see is a spectre. These could spawn on bones near slade, and have no collision box. They would not cause damage or follow you around but haunt the underworld and add an extra degree of creepiness to it.

I do have other ideas but I think this post is long enough. I realize that already what I've described is quite an undertaking and could very well be a mod in and of itself, so thank you in advance for even considering the idea.

many "Invalid boolean setting" errors after mod install

"020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid line in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "[Cavern dimensions]
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid float setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_cavern_threshold (Cavern "hreshold) float 0.5 0.0 1.0
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid float setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_sunless_sea_threshold (Ca"ern threshold for sunless sea) float 0.4 0.0 1.0
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid float setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_tunnel_flooding_threshold"(Tunnel flooding threshold) float 0.25 0.0 1.0
"020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid line in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "[Cavern depth borders]
"020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid line in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "[Lower Levels]
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_enable_oil_sea (Generat" oil sea) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_enable_lava_sea (Genera"e magma sea) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_enable_underworld (Gene"ate underworld) bool true
"020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid line in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "[Underworld feature HUD]
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_underworld_hud_requires"item (Require an item to view waypoints) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_show_pits_in_hud (Show "it locations in HUD) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_show_seals_in_hud (Seal"locations in HUD) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_show_ruins_in_hud (Ruin"locations visible in HUD) bool true
"020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid line in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "[Primordial]
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_enable_primordial (Gene"ate primordial caverns) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_farming/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_light_kills_fungus (Lig"t kills fungus) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_mapitems/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_snareweed_damage (Snar"weed causes damage to player) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_mapitems/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_invulnerable_slade (Sl"de cannot be damaged) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_underworld_items/settingtypes.txt "dfcaverns_invulnerable_s"ade (Slade cannot be damaged) bool true
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/mapgen_helper/settingtypes.txt "mapgen_helper_record_time (Ena"le time-taken logging) bool false
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/mapgen_helper/settingtypes.txt "mapgen_helper_persist_recorded"time (Persist time-taken logging between server sessions) bool false
2020-07-11 05:29:18: ERROR[Main]: Invalid boolean setting in /home/brad/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/subterrane/settingtypes.txt "subterrane_enable_legacy_dripston" (Adds old dripstone node definitions) bool false

Random light errors on the surface

Sometimes I see light errors like this:

When I regenerate the world, the errors do not appear where they previously did (they appear elsewhere.)

I don't know what causes them, but this patch seems prevent them from cropping up:

--- surface_tunnels-old.lua
+++ surface_tunnels-new.lua
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 	local t_start = os.clock()
 	local vm, data, data_param2, area = mapgen_helper.mapgen_vm_data_param2()
+	local data_changed = false
 	local eminp = {x=minp.x, y=area.MinEdge.y, z=minp.z}
 	local emaxp = {x=maxp.x, y=area.MaxEdge.y, z=maxp.z}
@@ -51,9 +52,11 @@
 				local index2d = mapgen_helper.index2d(minp, maxp, x, z)
 				local humidity = humiditymap[index2d]
 				if previous_potential_floor_y <= maxp_y and previous_potential_floor_y >= minp_y then
+					data_changed = true
 					df_caverns.tunnel_floor(minp, maxp, area, previous_potential_floor_vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, humidity > 30)
 				if y <= maxp_y and y >= minp_y then
+					data_changed = true
 					df_caverns.tunnel_ceiling(minp, maxp, area, vi, nvals_cracks, data, data_param2, humidity > 30)
 				previous_potential_floor_vi = nil
@@ -66,16 +69,18 @@
-	--send data back to voxelmanip
-	vm:set_data(data)
-	vm:set_param2_data(data_param2)
-	--calc lighting
-	vm:set_lighting({day = 0, night = 0})
-	vm:calc_lighting()
-	vm:update_liquids()
-	--write it to world
-	vm:write_to_map()
+	if data_changed then
+		--send data back to voxelmanip
+		vm:set_data(data)
+		vm:set_param2_data(data_param2)
+		--calc lighting
+		vm:set_lighting({day = 0, night = 0})
+		vm:calc_lighting()
+		vm:update_liquids()
+		--write it to world
+		vm:write_to_map()
+	end
 	local time_taken = os.clock() - t_start -- how long this chunk took, in seconds
 	mapgen_helper.record_time("df_caverns surface tunnels", time_taken)

My Minetest version is 5.5.0-dev with LuaJIT. My operating system is Ubuntu 21.10. My computer's architecture is x86_64.

just some texture warnings.

Hi! wanted to let you know about the texture warnings.

Also, great job on this mod! I really enjoy it!

2022-11-20 00:13:00: WARNING[Main]: Texture "default_ice.png" of df_mapitems:icicle_1 has transparency, assuming use_texture_alpha = "clip".
2022-11-20 00:13:00: WARNING[Main]: Texture "default_ice.png" of df_mapitems:icicle_2 has transparency, assuming use_texture_alpha = "clip".
2022-11-20 00:13:00: WARNING[Main]: Texture "default_ice.png" of df_mapitems:icicle_3 has transparency, assuming use_texture_alpha = "clip".
2022-11-20 00:13:00: WARNING[Main]: Texture "default_ice.png" of df_mapitems:icicle_4 has transparency, assuming use_texture_alpha = "clip".

ModError: Failed to load and run script

Hello, I have been trying to install that mod, but best case scenario I get this error :
ModError: Failed to load and run script from C:\Users\Lem\Desktop\minetest-5.1.0-win64\bin\..\mods\dfcaverns-master\df_caverns\init.lua: ...win64\bin\..\mods\dfcaverns-master\df_caverns/level1.lua:284: attempt to call field 'register_layer' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...win64\bin\..\mods\dfcaverns-master\df_caverns/level1.lua:284: in main chunk [C]: in function 'dofile' ...0-win64\bin\..\mods\dfcaverns-master\df_caverns\init.lua:11: in main chunk

I am using Minetest 5.1.0 on windows 10, and the MTG.
I have the dependencies (tried with them in the modpack, or in the mod folder).

I have no idea what else I could try. Can you help me?

Regarding low light levels

Hello, I've seen another issue regarding darkness in caves, I'd like to propose a way to preserve both element of exploration and managing navigation and some way to actually enjoy beauty of caves in dfcaverns.

I think that adding a light level of 1 to certain nodes (ground covers, mushrooms and other flora) would allow to actually perceive an overall shape and size of the cavern, while maintaining balance and a need to place light sources.

Plus, dfcaverns are relatively rare and most of the time spent underground by a player is in completely inilluminated "basic" caverns.

I can open a PR (and gather a "showcase" of sorts) if you're not against the idea.

Another question I have: is this mod oriented on replicating DF undergrounds only? I was making a similar mod and I have some assets and biome drafts that I'd like to contribute (again, if you're not against I can start working on a PR with a new layer of biomes).

Jungle grass and Primordial mycelium do not spread

Jungle grass and Primordial mycelium do not spread to adjacent dirt nodes. Seems to be caused by errors in ABM: they use "df_mapitems:dirt_with_jungle_grass" and "df_mapitems:dirt_with_mycelium" instead of correct "df_primordial_items:dirt_with_jungle_grass" and "df_primordial_items:dirt_with_mycelium"

Crash from subterrane.get_cavern_value() returning nil in df_caverns/level3.lua

dfcaverns release = 13917 (latest from contentdb)
minetest 5.6.1-_1

I'm deep underground and the game is constantly crashing.

Maybe caused by invalid biomes as I uninstalled a biome related mod today?

AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'df_ambience' in callback environment_Step(): ...veyrdite/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/level3.lua:50: attempt to compare nil with number
stack traceback:
	...veyrdite/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/level3.lua:50: in function 'val'
	...veyrdite/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/shared.lua:34: in function 'get_biome'
	.../veyrdite/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_ambience/init.lua:57: in function 'get_player_data'
	.../veyrdite/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_ambience/init.lua:81: in function 'get_ambience'
	.../veyrdite/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_ambience/init.lua:105: in function <.../veyrdite/.minetest/mods/dfcaverns/df_ambience/init.lua:91>
	/usr/share/minetest/builtin/game/register.lua:431: in function </usr/share/minetest/builtin/game/register.lua:417>

Minetest Subgame

Very interesting project! Makes me wonder why there's no subgame using this mod, perhaps packed together with those other mods from the readme. I don't really understand Minetest technically, but I wonder-would this work?

Crash with df_farming

Haven't looked into this yet, just now starting to get into this mod, but am posting the relevant bits here for your information:

2019-02-26 12:28:39: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: ServerThread::run Lua: Runtime error from mod 'df_farming' in callback LuaABM::trigger(): ...../games/Glitchtest/mods/dfcaverns/df_farming/plants.lua:210: attempt to compare nil with number
2019-02-26 12:28:39: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2019-02-26 12:28:39: ERROR[Main]:       ...../games/Glitchtest/mods/dfcaverns/df_farming/plants.lua:210: in function <...../games/Glitchtest/mods/dfcaverns/df_farming/plants.lua:205>

Unrelated, but I still have to read through and and make adjustments like, how to remove lava so it doesn't spawn in caverns, if that's possible. For the longest time I had nocaverns on in mgv7_spflags, so I never saw any dfcaverns! Whoops. :D Thanks for this mod, it's very interesting so far.

crash when fake player dig slade

When a fake player, for example a node, dig slade, it return player ~= nil but it is not a current player, the server_diggable_only function tries to check the privs of the node, then this crashes

We can use the built-in check player:is_player() so the node privs are not checked

This crash occurs, for example, in the technic mod when the corium eats the slade

And can occur in any other mod that uses fake players

df_caverns should depend on "oil" and "mine_gas"

2022-10-26 09:23:17: ERROR[Main]: ModError: Failed to load and run script from XX/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/init.lua:
2022-10-26 09:23:17: ERROR[Main]: Unknown node: oil:oil_source
2022-10-26 09:23:17: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2022-10-26 09:23:17: ERROR[Main]: 	[C]: in function '__index'
2022-10-26 09:23:17: ERROR[Main]: 	XX/builtin/common/item_s.lua:201: in function 'get_content_id'

2022-10-26 09:24:59: ERROR[Main]: ModError: Failed to load and run script from XX/mods/dfcaverns/df_caverns/init.lua:
2022-10-26 09:24:59: ERROR[Main]: Unknown node: mine_gas:gas
2022-10-26 09:24:59: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2022-10-26 09:24:59: ERROR[Main]: 	[C]: in function '__index'
2022-10-26 09:24:59: ERROR[Main]: 	XX/builtin/common/item_s.lua:201: in function 'get_content_id'

plump_helmet_grow_time may not be correct

There seems to be a typo in how plump_helmet_grow_time is calculated in this line in plump_helmet.lua:

local plump_helmet_grow_time = df_farming.config.plant_growth_time * df_farming.config.cave_wheat_delay_multiplier / 4

Quick comparison against other plants suggests plump_helmet_delay_multiplier should be there and not cave_wheat_delay_multiplier.

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