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replit-bot's Introduction

copied from replapi-it from PikachB2005 since this is just the python implmentation (changed examples)

At the moment, you cannot do repl interactions with this

Replit's API is constantly changing, which means this will as well. I will try to keep it easy to use but be aware that your project may stop working at any point.


pip install replit-bot


Main API

import os
from replit_bot import Bot, Param

bot = Bot(os.environ["TOKEN"]) # add secret TOKEN

# your code here


import os
from replit_bot import Bot, Param

bot = Bot()

# your code here["TOKEN"]) # add secret TOKEN

If you don't know how to find your connect.sid cookie, look here


Logs the number of followers a user has

import os
from replit_bot import Client

client = Client(os.environ["TOKEN"])

def func(*args, **kwargs):
    user = client.users.fetch("bigminiboss")

client.on("ready", func)


  • <Client>.user: a CurrentUser object of the logged in user
  • <Client>.repl: a Repl object of the current repl, if any
  • <Client>.users: a UserManager object
  • <Client>.repls: a ReplManager object
  • <Client>.posts: a PostManager object
  • <Client>.comments: a CommentManager object
  • <Client>.on('notification', callback): notifications event listener * callback: a callback function


  • Bot is a super set of client able to preform all functions. Any application with Client class could replace it with the Bot class and have it function the same


  • <User>.repls: a ReplManager object
  • <User>.followers: a FollowerManager object
  • <User>.follows: a FollowingManager object
  • <User>.posts: a PostManager object
  • <User>.id: the user's id
  • <User>.username: the user's username
  • <User>.firstName: the user's first name
  • <User>.lastName: the user's last name
  • <User>.locale: the user's language
  • <User>.isVerified: if the user is verified or not
  • <User>.displayName: the user's display name
  • <User>.fullName: the user's full name
  • <User>.url: the url to the user's profile
  • <User>.bio: the user's bio
  • <User>.socials: the user's social media urls
  • <User>.roles: the user's roles
  • <User>.isFollowedByCurrentUser: if you are following the user
  • <User>.isFollowingCurrentUser: if you're following the user
  • <User>.isBlockedByCurrentUser: if you've blocked the user
  • <User>.isBlockingCurrentUser: if the user blocked you
  • <User>.isLoggedIn: if the user is logged in (<User>.isOnline is recommended)
  • <User>.isSubscribed: no clue
  • <User>.followerCount: how many followers the user has
  • <User>.followCount: how many people the user is following
  • <User>.isHacker: if the user has Hacker plan
  • <User>.image: the url to the user's profile picture
  • <User>.coverImage: the url and offset to the user's profile banner image
  • <User>.timeCreated: when the user's account was created
  • <User>.lastSeen: when the user was last online
  • <User>.isOnline: if the user is online
  • <User>.setFollowing(boolean): follow or unfollow the user
  • <User>.setBlocking(boolean): block or unblock the user


Also contains most User properties and methods, excluding follow / block values

  • <CurrentUser>.notifications: a NotificationManager object
  • <CurrentUser>.email: the user's email
  • <CurrentUser>.emailNotifications: if the user should be emailed notifications
  • <CurrentUser>.hasRepl: if the user has any repls
  • <CurrentUser>.hasPrivacyRole: no clue
  • <CurrentUser>.warnings: any warnings the user has recieved
  • <CurrentUser>.isBannedFromBoards: if the user is banned from boards
  • <CurrentUser>.canUpdateEmail: if the user can change their email
  • <CurrentUser>.canUpdateUsername: if the user can change their username
  • <CurrentUser>.device: if the user is using a mobile or mac device
  • <CurrentUser>.sidebarClosed: if the user's sidebar is closed
  • <CurrentUser>.hasProfileImage: if the user has a profile image
  • <CurrentUser>.socialSignup: no clue
  • <CurrentUser>.githubInfo: the user's github info
  • <CurrentUser>.usernameRepl: the user's repl whose title matches their username
  • <CurrentUser>.daysSinceSignup: how many days since the user signed up
  • <CurrentUser>.storage: the user's storage limit and usage
  • <CurrentUser>.editorPreferences: the user's editor preferences
  • <CurrentUser>.countryCode: the user's country code
  • <CurrentUser>.auth: google / github / facebook auth
  • <CurrentUser>.change(options): updates the current user's settings
    • options:
      • image: a path to an image file to set your profile picture
      • firstName: changes your first name
      • lastName: changes your last name
      • bio: changes your bio
      • emailNotifications: if you should recieve email notifications


  • <Repl>.threads: a list of Thread objects
  • <Repl>.multiplayers: a MultiplayerManager object
  • <Repl>.comments: a CommentManager object
  • <Repl>.id: the repl's id
  • <Repl>.isProject: no clue
  • <Repl>.isPrivate: if the repl is private
  • <Repl>.isStarred: if the repl is starred
  • <Repl>.title: the repl's title
  • <Repl>.slug: the repl's title slug
  • <Repl>.imageUrl: the url to the repl's image
  • <Repl>.folderId: the folder the repl is in
  • <Repl>.isRenamed: if the repl is renamed
  • <Repl>.commentCount: how many comments the user has
  • <Repl>.likeCount: how many likes the repl has
  • <Repl>.currentUserDidLike: if you liked the repl
  • <Repl>.templateCategory: the category of the template used to create the repl
  • <Repl>.wasPosted: if the repl was posted
  • <Repl>.wasPublished: if the repl was published
  • <Repl>.language: the id of the repl's language (you're probably looking for <Repl>.templateInfo.label)
  • <Repl>.lang: the repls language (you're probably looking for <Repl>.templateInfo.label)
  • <Repl>.iconUrl: the url of the repl's icon
  • <Repl>.templateLabel: label of the repl's template repl
  • <Repl>.url: the repl's url
  • <Repl>.inviteUrl: the url to invite users to the repl
  • <Repl>.multiplayerInvites: invites to the repl
  • <Repl>.historyUrl: the repl's history url
  • <Repl>.analyticsUrl: the repl's analytics url
  • <Repl>.rootOriginReplUrl: the url to the repl's origin repl
  • <Repl>.isOwner: if you are the owner of the repl
  • <Repl>.config: the repl's config data
  • <Repl>.pinnedToProfile: if the repl is pinned to your profile
  • <Repl>.sizeMB: the repl's size, in megabytes.
  • <Repl>.hostedUrl: the repl's hosted url, used for iframes
  • <Repl>.terminalUrl: the repl's terminal url
  • <Repl>.database: data about the repl's database
  • <Repl>.template: the repl's template
  • <Repl>.isProjectFork: if the repl is a fork
  • <Repl>.publicForkCount: how many public forks the repl has
  • <Repl>.runCount: how many times the repl has been run
  • <Repl>.isAlwaysOn: if the repl is always on
  • <Repl>.isBoosted: if the repl is boosted
  • <Repl>.tags: the repl's tags
  • <Repl>.lastPublishedAt: when the repl was last published
  • <Repl>.multiplayers: a <Collection> of User objects of people invited to the repl
  • <Repl>.nixedLanguage: if the repl was nixed
  • <Repl>.publishedAs: no clue
  • <Repl>.attachments: no clue
  • <Repl>.description: the repl's description
  • <Repl>.markdownDescription: the repl's description, with markdown
  • <Repl>.hasExplainCode: if the repl has explain code
  • <Repl>.hasGenerateCode: if the repl has generate code
  • <Repl>.templateInfo: info about the repl's template
  • <Repl>.domains: no clue
  • <Repl>.apexProxy: the ip of the repl's apex proxy
  • <Repl>.replViewSettings: the repl's view settings
  • <Repl>.powerUpCosts: the repl's power up costs
  • <Repl>.isTutorial:if the repl is a tutorial
  • <Repl>.owner: a User object of the repl's owner
  • <Repl>.timeCreated: when the repl was created
  • <Repl>.timeUpdated: when the repl was updated
  • <Repl>.currentUserPermissions: your permissions for the repl
  • <Repl>.fetchThreads(options): returns the repls'd threads
  • <Repl>.database: A Repl Database object
  • <Repl>.fork(options): forks the repl
    • options:
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
      • title: the repl's title
      • description: the repl's description
      • isPrivate: if the repl should be private
  • <Repl>.delete(): deletes the repl
  • <Repl>.change(options): updates the repl
    • options:
      • title: the repl's title
      • description: the repl's description
      • isPrivate: if the repl should be private
  • <Repl>.comment(body): comments on the repl
  • <Repl>.connect(): Connect to the repl The following require you to be connected to the repl:
  • <Repl>.env: the repl's environmental variables (secrets)
  • <Repl>.files: a FileManager object
  • <Repl>.console: a Console object
  • <Repl>.disconnect(): disconnects from the repl


  • <Usermanager>.cache: a Collection of User objects
  • <Usermanager>.fetch(userResolvable, options): a Promise of a User object
    • userResolvable: A username, id, or User
    • options:
      • force: doesn't check the cache. default: false
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
  • <Usermanager>.search(query, options): a Collection of User objects
    • query: what to search
    • options:
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
    • limit: the maximum number of results. default: 10


  • <Replmanager>.cache: a Collection of Repl objects
  • <Client>.<Replmanager>.fetch(replResolvable, options): a User object
    • replResolvable: A url, id, or Repl
    • options:
      • force: doesn't check the cache. default: false
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
  • <Replmanager>.generateTitle(): a randomly generated repl title
  • <Client>.<ReplManager>.create(options): creates a new repl
    • options:
      • title: the repl's title
    • description: the repl's description
    • language: the repl's language
      • isPrivate: if the repl is private


A Map object with extra methods. Meant to be like discord.js's Collection


  • <PostManager>.cache a Collection
  • <PostManager>.trending(options): a Collection of trending posts
    • options:
      • force: doesn't check the cache. default: false
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
      • limit: the maximum number of results
      • tags: tags included in the results


  • <Client>.<CommentManager>.fetch(commentResolvable, options): returns a Comment object
    • commentResolvable: a comment id
    • options:
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
  • <Repl>.<CommentManager>.fetch(options): returns a Collection of Comment objects
    • options:
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
      • limit: the maximum number of results
  • <User>.<CommentManager>.fetch(options): returns a Collection of Comment objects
    • options:
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
      • limit: the maximum number of results


  • <Post>.id: the post's id
  • <Post>.title: the post's title
  • <Post>.commentCount: how many replies the post has
  • <Post>.body: the body of the post
  • <Post>.user: a User object
  • <Post>.repl: a Repl object
  • <Post>.comment: a Comment object
  • <Post>.timeCreated: when the post was created
  • <Post>.timeUpdated: when the post was last updated


  • <Comment>.comments: an array of Comment objects
  • <Comment>.id: the comment's id
  • <Comment>.body: the comment's body
  • <Comment>.bodyNoMarkdown: the comment's body without markdown
  • <Comment>.curretUserPermissions: your current permissions for the comment
  • <Comment>.timeCreated: when the comment was created
  • <Comment>.timeUpdated: when the comment was last updated
  • <Comment>.user: a User object
  • <Comment>.repl: a Repl object
  • <Comment>.reply(body): reply to the comment


  • <FollowerManager>.fetch(options): a Collection of User objects
    • options:
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
      • limit: the maximum number of results


  • <FollowingManager>.fetch(options): a Collection of User objects
    • options:
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
      • limit: the maximum number of results
  • <FollowingManager>.events: a UserEventManager


  • <MultiplayerManager>.cache: a Collection of User objects
  • <MultiplayerManager>.invite(userResolvable): invite a user to the repl
  • <MultiplayerManager>.remove(userResolvable): remove a user from the repl


  • <FileManager>.persisting: if the manager is currently persisting
  • <FileManager>.read(path): returns the contents of a file
  • <FileManager>.write(path, content): writes to a file
  • <FileManager>.mkdir(path): makes a directory
  • <FileManager>.remove(path): removes a file / directory
  • <FileManager>.move(oldPath, newPath): moves a file/directory
  • <FileManager>.readdir(path): get an array of files in a directory
  • <FileManager>.recursedir(path): get an array of recursed files in a directory
  • <FileManager>.presist(): makes the files update when edited
  • <FileManager>.snapshot(): updates the files to what they are currently


  • <Console>.send(input): sends something to the console
  • <Console>.run(): runs the repl
  • <Console>.stop(): stops the repl


  • <UserEventManager>.cache: a Collection of UserEvent objects
  • <UserEventManager>.fetch(options): a Collection of UserEvent objects
    • options:
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
      • limit: the maximum number of results


  • <UserEvent>.id: the id of the event
  • <UserEvent>.eventType: the type of the event
  • <UserEvent>.post: a Post object
  • <UserEvent>.timeUpdated: when the event was last updated
  • <UserEvent>.user: a User object
  • <UserEvent>.repl: a Repl object
  • <UserEvent>.comment: a Comment object


  • <NotificationManager>.cache: a Collection of Notification objects
  • <NotificationManager>.fetch(options): a Collection of Notification objects
    • options:
      • cache: cache the result(s). default: true
      • limit: the maximum number of results
      • seen: if the notifications have been seen or not. default: false
  • <NotificationManager>.markAsRead(): marks your notifications as read
  • <NotificationManager>.startEvents(): starts sending notification events for new notifications
  • <NotificationManager>.stopEvents(): stops the sending of notification events

replit-bot's People


bigminiboss avatar f1repup650 avatar thatrandomperson5 avatar

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