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CryptoCompare JavaScript API


npm install --save cryptocompare


Note: cryptocompare depends on fetch() being defined globally.

  • If you are using this in electron, it should work without any configuration.

  • If you are using this in Node.js, you will need to use node-fetch.

  • The package works without an API key but the IP limits will slowly be reduced over time, to create an API key just go to and make sure you give it the "Read All Price Streaming and Polling Endpoints" permission


    global.fetch = require('node-fetch')
    const cc = require('cryptocompare')



Get the current list of all cryptocurrencies and the following information about each coin.


  • No parameters
  • Returns (Object)...
    • BaseImageUrl (String) The base url for all the images from the ImageUrl field (,
    • BaseLinkUrl The base url for all the links from the Url field (
    • Data (Object) Contains the following infomration about each coin.
      • Id (String)
      • Url (String) Url to the CryptoCompare page for the coin. (Ex: /coins/eth/overview) Url must be appended to
      • ImageUrl (String) Url to get the coin logo image. (Ex: /media/351001/404.png). Url must be appended to
      • Name (String) Ticker name of the given cryptocurrency.
      • Symbol (String) Ticker symbol of the given cryptocurrency (usually the same as the name).
      • CoinName (String) Name of the given cryptocurrency.
      • FullName (String) Name of the given cryptocurrency concatenated with the symbol (Ex: Ethereum (ETH)).
      • Algorithm (String) Name cryptographic algorithm for that coin.
      • ProofType (String) The proof type of the cryptocurrency.
      • ProofType (String) The proof type of the cryptocurrency.
      • FullyPremined (String) Returns "1" if the coin was premined, if not it returns "0".
      • TotalCoinSupply (String) Total supply of the cryptocurrency.
      • PreMinedValue (String) Value of premined coins.
      • TotalCoinsFreeFloat (String)
      • SortOrder (String) The order CryptoCompare ranks the coin inside their internal system.
      • Sponsored (Boolean) Is true when the coin is sponsored by CryptoCompare, is false otherwise.
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Usage:
.then(coinList => {
  // ->
  // {
  //   BTC: {
  //    Id: "1182",
  //    Url: "/coins/btc/overview",
  //    ImageUrl: "/media/19633/btc.png",
  //    Name: "BTC",
  //    Symbol: "BTC",
  //    CoinName: "Bitcoin",
  //    FullName: "Bitcoin (BTC)",
  //    Algorithm: "SHA256",
  //    ProofType: "PoW",
  //    FullyPremined: "0",
  //    TotalCoinSupply: "21000000",
  //    PreMinedValue: "N/A",
  //    TotalCoinsFreeFloat: "N/A",
  //    SortOrder: "1",
  //    Sponsored: false
  // },
  //   ETH: {...},
  // }


Returns all the exchanges that CryptoCompare has integrated with.


  • No parameters
  • Returns (Object)
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Usage:
.then(exchangeList => {
  // {
  //   "Cryptsy":
  //   {
  //     "42":["BTC","XRP"],
  //     "EMC2":["BTC","XRP"],
  //     "POINTS":["BTC"],
  //     "VTC":["BTC","LTC","XRP"]
  //     ...
  //   }
  //   ...
  // }


Get the current price of any cryptocurrency in any other currency.

price(fsym, tsyms[, options])

  • fsym (String) From Symbol
  • tsyms (Array of Strings | String) To Symbol(s)
  • options (Object)
    • tryConversion (Boolean) By default, if the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Set tryConversion to false to disable using BTC for conversion.
    • exchanges (Array of Strings | Array) Exchanges to get price data from. By default, average data is used. (You can get a list of top exchanges for a given pair with topExchanges().)
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Basic Usage:
cc.price('BTC', ['USD', 'EUR'])
.then(prices => {
  // -> { USD: 1100.24, EUR: 1039.63 }

// Passing a single pair of currencies:
cc.price('BTC', 'USD')
.then(prices => {
  // -> { USD: 1100.24 }


Works like price(), except it allows you to specify a matrix of From Symbols.

priceMulti(fsyms, tsyms[, options])

  • fsyms (Array of Strings | String) From Symbol(s)
  • tsyms (Array of Strings | String) To Symbol(s)
  • options (Object)
    • tryConversion (Boolean) By default, if the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Set tryConversion to false to disable using BTC for conversion.
    • exchanges (Array of Strings | Array) Exchanges to get price data from. By default, average data is used. (You can get a list of top exchanges for a given pair with topExchanges().)
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Basic Usage:
cc.priceMulti(['BTC', 'ETH'], ['USD', 'EUR'])
.then(prices => {
  // -> { BTC: { USD: 1114.63, EUR: 1055.82 },
  //      ETH: { USD: 12.74, EUR: 12.06 } }

// Passing a single pair of currencies:
cc.priceMulti('BTC', 'USD')
.then(prices => {
  // -> { BTC: { USD: 1114.63 } }


Get all the current trading info (price, vol, open, high, low, etc.) of any list of cryptocurrencies in any other currency.

priceFull(fsyms, tsyms[, options])

  • fsyms (Array of Strings | String) From Symbol(s)
  • tsyms (Array of Strings | String) To Symbol(s)
  • options (Object)
    • tryConversion (Boolean) By default, if the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Set tryConversion to false to disable using BTC for conversion.
    • exchanges (Array of Strings | Array) Exchanges to get price data from. By default, average data is used. (You can get a list of top exchanges for a given pair with topExchanges().)
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

cc.priceFull(['BTC', 'ETH'], ['USD', 'EUR'])
.then(prices => {
  // {
  //   BTC: {
  //     USD: {
  //       TYPE: '5',
  //       MARKET: 'CCCAGG',
  //       FROMSYMBOL: 'BTC',
  //       TOSYMBOL: 'USD',
  //       FLAGS: '4',
  //       PRICE: 1152.42,
  //       LASTUPDATE: 1487865689,
  //       LASTVOLUME: 0.21,
  //       LASTVOLUMETO: 242.20349999999996,
  //       LASTTRADEID: 1224703,
  //       VOLUME24HOUR: 53435.45299122338,
  //       VOLUME24HOURTO: 60671593.843186244,
  //       OPEN24HOUR: 1119.31,
  //       HIGH24HOUR: 1170,
  //       LOW24HOUR: 1086.641,
  //       LASTMARKET: 'itBit',
  //       CHANGE24HOUR: 33.11000000000013,
  //       CHANGEPCT24HOUR: 2.958072383879366,
  //       SUPPLY: 16177825,
  //       MKTCAP: 18643649086.5
  //     },
  //     EUR: ...
  //   },
  //   ETH: ...
  // }


Get the price of any cryptocurrency in any other currency at a given timestamp. The price comes from the daily info - so it would be the price at the end of the day GMT based on the requested timestamp.

priceHistorical(fsym, tsyms, time[, options])

  • fsym (String) From Symbol
  • tsyms (Array of Strings | String) To Symbol(s)
  • time (Date) Date in history that you want price data for
  • options (Object)
    • tryConversion (Boolean) By default, if the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Set tryConversion to false to disable using BTC for conversion.
    • exchanges (Array of Strings | Array) Exchanges to get price data from. By default, average data is used. (You can get a list of top exchanges for a given pair with topExchanges().)
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Basic Usage:
cc.priceHistorical('BTC', ['USD', 'EUR'], new Date('2017-01-01'))
.then(prices => {
  // -> { BTC: { USD: 997, EUR: 948.17 } }


Compute the current trading info (price, vol, open, high, low etc) of the requested pair as a volume weighted average based on the markets requested.

generateAvg(fsym, tsym, markets[, tryConversion])

  • fsym (String) From Symbol
  • tsym (String) To Symbol
  • markets (Array) Array of markets to base the average on. (You can get a list of top exchanges for a given pair with topExchanges().)
  • tryConversion (Boolean) By default, if the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Set tryConversion to false to disable using BTC for conversion.
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Basic Usage:
cc.generateAvg('BTC', 'USD', ['Coinbase', 'Kraken', 'Bitstamp', 'Bitfinex'])
.then(data => {
  // -> { MARKET: 'CUSTOMAGG',
  //      FROMSYMBOL: 'BTC',
  //      TOSYMBOL: 'USD',
  //      FLAGS: '2',
  //      PRICE: 1155.61,
  //      LASTUPDATE: 1488059738,
  //      LASTVOLUME: 0.25546663,
  //      LASTVOLUMETO: 294.93622433499996,
  //      LASTTRADEID: 26533969,
  //      VOLUME24HOUR: 27318.892083369985,
  //      VOLUME24HOURTO: 31652183.38370657,
  //      OPEN24HOUR: 1177.16,
  //      HIGH24HOUR: 1189.9,
  //      LOW24HOUR: 1110,
  //      LASTMARKET: 'Bitfinex',
  //      CHANGE24HOUR: -21.550000000000182,
  //      CHANGEPCT24HOUR: -1.830677223147251 }


Get top pairs by volume for a currency.

topPairs(fsym[, limit])

  • fsym (String) From Symbol
  • limit (Number) Limit the number of pairs you receive (default 5).
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

cc.topPairs('BTC', 2)
.then(pairs => {
  // -> [ { exchange: 'CCCAGG',
  //        fromSymbol: 'BTC',
  //        toSymbol: 'JPY',
  //        volume24h: 235602.43493487104,
  //        volume24hTo: 31888554862.766888 },
  //      { exchange: 'CCCAGG',
  //        fromSymbol: 'BTC',
  //        toSymbol: 'USD',
  //        volume24h: 124504.4477389583,
  //        volume24hTo: 145514032.93780443 } ]


Get top exchanges by volume for a currency pair.

topExchanges(fsym, tsym[, limit])

  • fsym (String) From Symbol
  • tsym (String) To Symbol
  • limit (Number) Limit the number of exchanges you receive (default 5).
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

cc.topExchanges('BTC', 'USD', 2)
.then(exchanges => {
  // -> [ { exchange: 'Bitfinex',
  //        fromSymbol: 'BTC',
  //        toSymbol: 'USD',
  //        volume24h: 35239.36701090003,
  //        volume24hTo: 41472258.85534388 },
  //      { exchange: 'Bitstamp',
  //        fromSymbol: 'BTC',
  //        toSymbol: 'USD',
  //        volume24h: 19658.748675010014,
  //        volume24hTo: 23047071.74260772 } ]


Get full data on top exchanges by volume for a currency pair.

topExchangesFull(fsym, tsym[, limit])

  • fsym (String) From Symbol
  • tsym (String) To Symbol
  • limit (Number) Limit the number of exchanges you receive (default 5).


Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto from the daily historical data. The values are based on 00:00 GMT time.

histoDay(fsym, tsym[, options])

  • fsym (String) From Symbol
  • tsym (String) To Symbol
  • options (Object)
    • aggregate (Number) Number of data points to aggregate.
    • aggregatePredictableTimePeriods (Boolean) Generate predictable time periods.
    • allData (Boolean) Returns all data.
    • toTs (Number) Last unix timestamp to return data for.
    • limit (Number | 'none') Limit the number of days to lookup. Default is 30. If you set it to the string 'none', you will get all available data.
    • tryConversion (Boolean) By default, if the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Set tryConversion to false to disable using BTC for conversion.
    • timestamp (Date) By default, histoDay() gets historical data for the past several days. Use the timestamp option to set a historical start point.
    • exchange (String) Exchange to get history data from. By default, average data is used. (You can get a list of top exchanges for a given pair with topExchanges().)
cc.histoDay('BTC', 'USD')
.then(data => {
  // -> [ { time: 1485388800,
  //        close: 915.65,
  //        high: 917.71,
  //        low: 893.81,
  //        open: 893.97,
  //        volumefrom: 35494.93,
  //        volumeto: 32333344.2 },
  //        ... ]


Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto from the hourly historical data.

histoHour(fsym, tsym[, options])

  • fsym (String) From Symbol
  • tsym (String) To Symbol
  • options (Object)
    • aggregate (Number) Number of data points to aggregate.
    • aggregatePredictableTimePeriods (Boolean) Generate predictable time periods.
    • toTs (Number) Last unix timestamp to return data for
    • limit (Number) Limit the number of hours to lookup. Default is 168.
    • tryConversion (Boolean) By default, if the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Set tryConversion to false to disable using BTC for conversion.
    • timestamp (Date) By default, histoHour() gets historical data for the past several hours. Use the timestamp option to set a historical start point.
    • exchange (String) Exchange to get history data from. By default, average data is used. (You can get a list of top exchanges for a given pair with topExchanges().)
cc.histoHour('BTC', 'USD')
.then(data => {
  // -> [ { time: 1487448000,
  //        close: 1060.34,
  //        high: 1061.44,
  //        low: 1058.85,
  //        open: 1059.24,
  //        volumefrom: 739.6,
  //        volumeto: 790019.22 },
  //        ... ]


Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto from the minute-by-minute historical data.

histoMinute(fsym, tsym[, options])

  • fsym (String) From Symbol
  • tsym (String) To Symbol
  • options (Object)
    • aggregate (Number) Number of data points to aggregate.
    • aggregatePredictableTimePeriods (Boolean) Generate predictable time periods.
    • toTs (Number) Last unix timestamp to return data for
    • limit (Number) Limit the number of minutes to lookup. Default is 1440.
    • tryConversion (Boolean) By default, if the crypto does not trade directly into the toSymbol requested, BTC will be used for conversion. Set tryConversion to false to disable using BTC for conversion.
    • timestamp (Date) By default, histoMinute() gets historical data for the past several minutes. Use the timestamp option to set a historical start point.
    • exchange (String) Exchange to get history data from. By default, average data is used. (You can get a list of top exchanges for a given pair with topExchanges().)
cc.histoMinute('BTC', 'USD')
.then(data => {
  // -> [ { time: 1487970960,
  //        close: 1171.97,
  //        high: 1172.72,
  //        low: 1171.97,
  //        open: 1172.37,
  //        volumefrom: 25.06,
  //        volumeto: 29324.12 },
  //        ... ]


Returns news articles from the providers that CryptoCompare has integrated with.

newsList(lang[, options])

  • lang (String) Preferred language - English (EN) or Portuguese (PT)
  • options (Object)
    • feeds (Array of Strings | Array) Specific news feeds to retrieve news from, if empty, defaults to all of them. (You can get a list of news feeds with newsFeedsAndCategories().Feeds..)
    • categories (Array of Strings | Array) Category of news articles to return, if empty, defaults to all of them. (You can get a list of news categories with newsFeedsAndCategories().Categories..)
    • excludeCategories (Array of Strings | Array) News article categories to exclude from results, if empty, defaults to none. (You can get a list of news categories with newsFeedsAndCategories().Categories..)
    • lTs (Date) Returns news before that timestamp
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Basic Usage:
.then(newsList => {
  //  {
  //    id:  "708235"
  //    guid: ""
  //    published_on: 1542886256
  //    imageurl: ""
  //    title: "China: Cryptocurrency Mining Machines Reportedly Being Sold According to Their Weight"
  //    url: ""
  //    source:  "cryptoglobe"
  //    body: "Cryptocurrency mining machines are reportedly being sold in China according to their weight as miners who haven’t been able to make a profit are seemingly getting rid of their old models to get some of their investment back."
  //    tags:  ""
  //    categories:  "Mining|Asia|Business"
  //    upvotes:  "0"
  //    downvotes:  "0"
  //    lang:  "EN"
  //    source_info: {
  //      name:  "CryptoGlobe"
  //      lang:  "EN"
  //      img: ""
  //    }
  //  }
  //  ....


Returns all the news feeds (providers) that CryptoCompare has integrated with and the full list of categories.


  • No parameters
  • Returns (Object)
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Usage:
.then(newsFeedsAndCategories => {
  // {
  //   "Categories":
  //   [
  //      {
  //        categoryName:  "BTC"
  //        wordsAssociatedWithCategory: ["BTC","BITCOIN", "SATOSHI"]
  //      }
  //     ...
  //   ]
  //  "Feeds":
  //  [
  //    {
  //      key:  "cryptocompare"
  //      name:  "CryptoCompare"
  //      lang:  "EN"
  //      img: ""
  //    }
  //    ...
  //  ]
  // }


Returns all the constituent exchanges in the request instrument.


  • options (Object)
    • instrument (String) The type of average instrument.
  • Returns (Object)
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Usage:
.then(exchanges => {
  // {
  //   "ABCC": {
  //     "includeAll": false,
  //     "onlyPairs": {
  //       "CNN~BTC": true,
  //       "TNS~BTC": true,
  //       "TTU~USDT": true,
  //       "XMX~BTC": true,
  //       "GUSD~USDT": true
  //     }
  //   },
  //   "ACX": {
  //     "includeAll": true,
  //     "onlyPairs": {}
  //   },
  //   ...
  // }


Returns latest social stats data for the coin requested.

Note: Requires a valid API key.


  • options (Object)
    • coinId (Number) The id of the coin.
  • Returns (Object)
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Usage:
.then(social => {
  // {
  //   "General": {
  //     "Points": 7431355,
  //     "Name": "BTC",
  //     "CoinName": "Bitcoin",
  //     "Type": "Webpagecoinp"
  //   },
  //   "CryptoCompare": {
  //     ...
  //   },
  //   "Twitter": {
  //     ...
  //   },
  //   "Reddit": {
  //     ...
  //   },
  //   "Facebook": {
  //     ...
  //   },
  //   "CodeRepository": {
  //     ...
  //   }
  // }


Returns social stats data for the coin requested.

Note: Requires a valid API key.

histoSocial(timePeriod[, options])

  • timePeriod (String) Time period - 'day' or 'hour'
  • options (Object)
    • coinId (Number) The id of the coin.
    • aggregate (Number) Time period to aggregate the data over.
    • aggregatePredictableTimePeriods (Boolean) Only used if aggregate param included. If false, then it will create time slots based on when the call is made.
    • limit (Number) Number of data points to return.
    • toTs (Number) Last unix timestamp to return data for
  • Returns (Array of Objects)
const cc = require('cryptocompare')

// Usage:
.then(socialStats => {
  // [
  //   {
  //     "time": 1548640800,
  //     "comments": 229133,
  //     "posts": 89997,
  //     "followers": 64128,
  //     "points": 6144455,
  //     "overview_page_views": 22335644,
  //     "analysis_page_views": 955496,
  //     "markets_page_views": 1402190,
  //     "charts_page_views": 7527086,
  //     "trades_page_views": 673204,
  //     "forum_page_views": 6585840,
  //     "influence_page_views": 55903,
  //     "total_page_views": 39535363,
  //     "fb_likes": 40054,
  //     "fb_talking_about": 92,
  //     "twitter_followers": 844049,
  //     "twitter_following": 165,
  //     "twitter_lists": 6631,
  //     "twitter_favourites": 1000,
  //     "twitter_statuses": 20316,
  //     "reddit_subscribers": 1013891,
  //     "reddit_active_users": 4365,
  //     "reddit_posts_per_hour": 3.77,
  //     "reddit_posts_per_day": 90.46,
  //     "reddit_comments_per_hour": 68.39,
  //     "reddit_comments_per_day": 1641.34,
  //     "code_repo_stars": 44353,
  //     "code_repo_forks": 25367,
  //     "code_repo_subscribers": 4179,
  //     "code_repo_open_pull_issues": 330,
  //     "code_repo_closed_pull_issues": 11847,
  //     "code_repo_open_issues": 903,
  //     "code_repo_closed_issues": 5187
  //   }
  // ]



cryptocompare's People


davebeckman avatar jprichardson avatar kenchandev avatar mikunimaru avatar ourarash avatar owencraston avatar pc-vmora avatar ryanzim avatar vcealicu avatar


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cryptocompare's Issues

iOS 9.x = Unexpected keyword 'const'. Const declarations are not supported in strict mode.

I am wondering if this library support < iOS 10 system? Safari on iOS 9.3 throws the error "Unexpected keyword 'const'. Const declarations are not supported in strict mode.".

I didn't realise that many people still use iOS 9.3, hence I am being asked to sort this issue out -- we happen to use your library for one of our products.

I can fork, fix, and use the module but I prefer if it's sorted out here -- so it's less of cost of ownership for everyone :-)

Thank you

Question: How to query via ES6 / React JS

Hi, First of all, thank you for sharing this library.

I would like to know how to import it and use it in a React JS / ES6 project?

So far I have tried via:

import {CryptoCompare} from 'cryptocompare';
CryptoCompare.coinList();  // It returns undefined

Thank you!

Example of data parsed to csv

Thank you for sharing your code. Works great and looks clean, tidy, optimal. Very nice work, well done.

Would it be possible to show an example of return data being outputted to csv file instead of console.log ?
e.g. working from ...
cc.histoDay('BTC', 'USD', { limit: 'none' } ).then(data => { "output data to csv file" })

Standard csv format ...
Row 1 field headers ...
time, close, high, low, open, volumefrom, volumeto
Row 2 onwards ...
1485388800, 915.65, 917.71, 893.81, 893.97, 35494.93, 32333344.2
and so on

Hope that's clear, thank you for your consideration, Mark


I was wondering if you plan on writing the social queries?

I have them written out if that would be a helpful contribution?

Let me know!

List of FIAT currencies

I can't find anywhere in CryptoCompares documentation about what FIAT currencies they support for price conversions?

If you have any idea that would be great..

Example on calling an optional parameter

Could I kindly ask someone to please share an example of calling one of the APIs with an example optional value using ES6 notation? I'm having a total mind block trying - for example with the histoDay API and limiting the results to 3? Thank you in advance!

npm run build fails to minify

Hello, trying to deploy a small app to Heroku include this wonderful library (thank you) and is is failing to minify the code at ./node_modules/cryptocompare/index.js:8 and pointing me toward here

How to handle SBD* (Steem Dollars) and SCR* (Scorum)


I'm trying to do the following:

cc.priceMulti(['STEEM', 'SBD*', 'GOLOS', 'GBG', 'SCR*', 'VIT'], ['USD', 'BTC']).then(prices => {
} ).catch(console.error)

But because the SBD contains the star symbol javascript drops out with error:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token .

When I'm trying to add quotes like ' and ", or use backslash to protect the star like SBD*, it doesen't help either.

When I am trying to navigate inside the array like prices[0][1].USD; javascript drops out with error SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list.

Is there any ways of using data about SBD and SCR cryptos?



2 functions are missing


Get data for a currency pair. It returns general block explorer information, aggregated data and individual data for each exchange available

Get the general, subs (used to connect to the streamer and to figure out what exchanges we have data for and what are the exact coin pairs of the coin) and the aggregated prices for all pairs available.

Thanks for adding them in advance

No option for fiat currency amount to btc value

Before i begin, what am about to say is not a bug or an issue, Am requesting if it could be possible to provide an option where we can parse a fiat currency amount and get the equivalent value in a crypto currency value, I think it would be pretty much helpful to us, a typical example of what am talking about is google crypto converter. "bitcoin to usd" <= making this GET request to google will tell better.

Request throttling

I was faced with a problem where, with a many RPC, I exceeded the established limit. Can be added a lib for throttling request?

ReferenceError: fetch is not defined

Attempting to run this via CLI and I get this: ReferenceError: fetch is not defined.

I see that you closed an issue similar to this but did the package not get updated? I'm having to patch it now with:

'use strict'
/* global fetch */
global.fetch = require('isomorphic-fetch')

const baseUrl = ''

But that will break any builds that don't include my node_modules directory. Am I missing something?

having trouble retrieving IOTA data

when i run

cryptocompare.priceFull(["IOTA"], ["USD"], { tryConversion: true })

the result i get makes little sense

   { USD:
      { TYPE: '5',
        MARKET: 'CCCAGG',
        TOSYMBOL: 'USD',
        FLAGS: '4',
        PRICE: '0.6356',
        LASTUPDATE: 1518458610,
        LASTVOLUME: 0,
        LASTVOLUMETO: 0,
        LASTTRADEID: 0,
        VOLUMEDAY: 0,
        VOLUMEDAYTO: 0,
        VOLUME24HOUR: 0,
        VOLUME24HOURTO: 0,
        OPENDAY: '0.6356',
        HIGHDAY: '0.6356',
        LOWDAY: '0.6356',
        OPEN24HOUR: '0.6356',
        HIGH24HOUR: '0.6356',
        LOW24HOUR: '0.6356',
        LASTMARKET: 'Binance',
        CHANGE24HOUR: 0,
        CHANGEPCT24HOUR: 0,
        CHANGEDAY: 0,
        CHANGEPCTDAY: 0,
        SUPPLY: 0,
        MKTCAP: 0,
        TOTALVOLUME24H: 2393110.8526999997,
        TOTALVOLUME24HTO: 1521061.2579761199 } } }

i guess im doing something wrong...
but help would be nice

Fetching from '/coinsnapshotfullbyid/?id={id}' route fails with CORS error

Probably it might be unrelated to cryptocompare package, as this route isn't included in this package, but fetching data from from "{id}" fails for me with this error:

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8080' is therefore not allowed access.

I did set a 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' header for the request, but it still fails for me.

Does this route requires extra parameters that are not mentioned in docs?


// {
// id: "708235"
// guid: ""
// published_on: 1542886256
// imageurl: ""
// title: "China: Cryptocurrency Mining Machines Reportedly Being Sold According to Their Weight"
// url: ""
// source: "cryptoglobe"
// body: "Cryptocurrency mining machines are reportedly being sold in China according to their weight as miners who haven’t been able to make a profit are seemingly getting rid of their old models to get some of their investment back."
// tags: ""
// categories: "Mining|Asia|Business"
// upvotes: "0"
// downvotes: "0"
// lang: "EN"
// source_info: {
// name: "CryptoGlobe"
// lang: "EN"
// img: ""
// }
// }
// ....

node-fetch should be a dependency

npm install does not work, since node-fetch is listed in dev-dependencies. Using Windows 👎 , so unless I give the dev flag it won't work. Suggest keeping it in dependencies.

es6 -> commonjs

Would you be willing to simplify the code for npm install (production)

Uglify.js does not like your code for obvious reasons.

Typescript bindings

It would be lovely to get typescript bindings for this library - has anyone done that already?

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